Asking an AI for silly redstone ideas, then building them

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/deep_ai 📅︎︎ Mar 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
computers are pretty intelligent things they're incredibly good at doing computational tasks things like maths and repeated processing but where they've been improving recently is actually being creative now i say creative with a pinch of salt you essentially feed it information it then takes that information and searches the internet for all sorts of different relevant information and then runs that through a bunch of algorithms and then it essentially expands upon the information that you fed it so for example i recently watched a video by corridor digital where they fed the ai the original script to avatar and the ai generated a sequel and i was watching a video by tom scott where he took the new gpt-3ai he fed it all of his video titles and then it generated a bunch of new video titles and some of them were pretty good and that is when i came up with a bit of an idea i occasionally get you guys to send me silly redstone ideas that i then build for your entertainment what if i take some of the silly ideas that have actually made it into videos feed it into an ai and see if an ai can start generating me silly redstone ideas and i will then build for your entertainment cue the sci-fi hacking music so here goes nothing i'm using gpt2 for my ai because i don't have access to gbt3 and i'm just going to take these ideas here and i'm going to feed them in so a machine that throws items to another machine which catches them and throws them back i am going to do a little bit of simplifying of some of the ideas just to make it easier for the ai to understand but this right here should be the final one so when we hit submit we should now get some ideas so okay that's maybe not the best of start so it will list what i've put in and then this is the new bit and the new bit isn't that doesn't make any sense i mean whoever the puzzle axes the ai has found you you've been targeted i mean now i'm just incredibly curious i need to look up if we can find the puzzle axe has the puzzle axe been ai generated is there such thing as the puzzle axe [Music] there's never been somebody called the puzzle axe that's kind of weird anyway i'm getting distracted here oh yes yes we actually have things that look like ideas what makes you feel most uncomfortable is that you will find yourself walking through your surroundings a machine that is able to produce you with food but it does not contain you a patina is unable to produce meat without leaving water what a machine that will cause you to vomit in a matter of seconds it seems to be focusing on the machine there's a lot of machines in here a machine that will blow up the sky like you get it from an empty water bowl the machine just spins around for a few yards it doesn't make that much noise when you step on it i like that idea a lot here is a montage of the many different what's i said when i generated all these ideas what on earth what is an automaton what is this brad robot master one by one what oh what that needs to be censored whoa what okay i think that's enough ideas and enough watts for one day so now comes the really interesting bit where i convert those ai generated ideas into actual minecraft builds bacon rises now i wonder if my idea for how this is going to work is actually going to function or if it's totally going to flock okay so the pig goes in here now if i'm in survival mode i mean what happens does the pig get hit by the levitation potion [Laughter] i can't believe that actually worked let's make this a tiny bit more sophisticated by increasing the quantity of bacon so now as soon as one piece of bacon has been risen then another piece of bacon will appear in its place and as you can see this this seems to be working absolutely flawlessly and it's definitely one of the stupidest things i've built in a long time oh ignore the death crazy and creepy inflatables that create massive amounts of energy that can travel through a wall to the outside there is there's an awful lot for us to unpack here this guy was meant to end up looking crazy and creepy but he's ended up looking really really cool so i guess this is i mean the crazy and creepy but actually secretly awesome pool floaty now it just needs to create massive amounts of energy um not sure how it's going to do that maybe through just sheer squeaking alone and how on earth is it going to travel through a wall to the outside i think i've come up with a pretty good idea the only thing is i'm slightly shifting the definition of wall to also including roof so here is our crazy and creepy ball floaty inside of his little dungeon and underneath we're going to have a bunch of flying machines that will launch them out let's see if this whole plan actually comes together it didn't but not backups have been made it goes on crazy creepy inflatable that generates massive amounts of energy before traveling through a wall to the outside there is the massive amount of energy and there is traveling through a wall to the outside it actually did it ah our crazy creepy inflatable is now entering orbit and looking incredibly graceful as it does automatic door mounted doors now how on earth am i meant to do this door mounted doors i mean i guess trap doors trap doors can be moved by pistons and they are the the word door is in it we can mount trap doors to piston doors yeah i mean i've come up with something here it's kind of like a weird 4x4 volt door so if we power these trapdoors here that will close up the central doors then we essentially have we basically have a door within a door the ai's actually come up with a really interesting idea there so this is our first automatic door you can see that the iron trap doors in the center of our piston door open up and then we've got a pulse extender which keeps them open for a certain length of time and they close out of sync which is really annoying yeah i'm gonna quickly fix that but now i also have our outside door in place so if i walk over these pressure plates then that allows me to travel through the first section of the door albeit a little bit slowly now if i want to open up both sets of doors then i can walk over these pressure plates and i can hit this button right here and that opens up the full 4x4 system and it all looks very fancy oh and i'm sure most of you are wondering if i can open up only the big door and not have to worry about opening up the middle door yes i have thought of that and that all works properly as well as far as ai generated ideas go this one's pretty fancy i believe a machine that actually makes a sound would be an invention because they make a sound of something that's in reality just like what a human would make a sound like that is a quote from shrek apparently i'm not going to build anything off the back of this i just find it very funny that the ai assigned a random quote that it generated itself to shrek automatic walking machine this machine is really nice well i definitely think we can do something about that we just have to remember that the machine has to be nice i have to somehow signify the machine both walking and being nice at the same time i think i have a good idea but first the walking bit so i've got my two little legs which i have to say are looking adorable and if i just move these redstone blocks you can see that they're stomping along now i just have to build up the flying machine which will keep them automatically stomping along and i'm trying my best to do this in a way that is quite small i want this machine to be quite tiny and it's giving me many headaches basically what i'm trying to say is i've stood here staring at this thing for about 20 minutes now i would be absolutely amazed if this works like baffled completely baffled i would hang up my redstone hat because i would have peaked all right that's that's how serious this is and i mean the actual flying machine itself does work it just didn't bring the legs along with it i'm still kind of baffled a little bit but things have gone wrong i think the only issue is it was just slightly too fast the legs actually couldn't keep up with the speed of the waist so i've added a few extra bits and if this one works once again i will be baffled beyond belief well at least the universal balance is in check what on earth has happened here then much stress and confusion later come on i really hope this is the one because this one is symmetrical and that's really cool ah much more stressing later this is like the 14th try i've essentially given up but at this point i don't even have hope but yes it's actually working i can't believe it okay so we actually have we have a little walking machine and it's tiny now the question is does the fact that this is such a nice walking machine like this is this is really nice this is this is probably the best walking machine i've made in terms of its scale i mean look at it it's only four blocks wide automatic walking machine this machine is really nice i would say we've passed that this machine is really nice okay moving on a machine that tells you everything you need to know about the world of ellen now here's the thing all right i don't know much about the world of ellen so i've come up with an idea that i think will give us information about the world of ellen i think you can probably see where this is going so the world of ellen is a terrifying and dark place i'm just gonna get started on this i'm gonna do like one paragraph and then i'll see where the ai takes it why am i thinking about this so much i'm acting as if i'm writing a book here three months later i think the first draft is finally done the world of ellen is a terrifying and dark place covered in sparse vegetation eating a meagre existence out of the harsh environment so battered by strong winds and constant dust storms all but the hardiest of organisms can survive and yet here they were the balboa tribe a nomadic community of hunter-gatherers whose war cry of eye of the tiger can be heard above the screeching winds it was time to hunt and here is our redstone machine that will tell us everything there is to know about the world of ellen now remember we've got the balboa tribe and they're doing their war cries they're just about to go for a hunt so it goes in some ways these men are a little different from the rest of the villagers they're hardy and tough too hunting is a tough high-skilled occupation that requires skill of every human in the community and it is very hazardous to walk across the land this is not this is not a bad start i'm interested but when one of them's buddies shows up okay it's dropped off a little bit at his place to pick him up he does a lot more than let them hurt themselves all right he's there to assist him whether it's getting some of the most beautiful flowers down here getting some of the best out of his family at his farm picking from trees to cleanse cleanse his hair in his mouth or helping him grow some of these things himself i i don't know where this is going and it's all part of a wonderful story of love compassion and the most difficult jobs in the world one of the hardest things about this job is that it takes so little time it just takes an extra extra extra extra time it's what gets the whole group together and what really gets us together and gets us through a few tough days right it's like it doesn't even know what it's saying so what we do is we start with some knowledge go through the forest and check out the trees as well as check some of the weeds make sure they have a little water and clean them up and they will just have some life back home as well as get used to the harsh weather and the cold and the heat and the storms that come with it well i don't know about you but i foresee a 12-part series on everything there is to know about the world of ellen because i must admit i'm more confused about the world of ellen than i was when i started all jokes aside i know we're kind of taking the mick out of this thing a little bit but i am ridiculously impressed i mean there's no denying this is impressive right it's a tiny bit clunky but the fact that a computer has generated original things things that have never existed before it's it is weird and i'm going to be honest with you when it comes to coming up with city redstone ideas the ai is better than most of you i put out the request for city redstone ideas and there's a lot of rubbish that comes in all right the hit rate of the ai was far better than the hit rate of humans you know i put out the tweet requesting silly redstone ideas to my youtube members into twitter i get thousands of responses and i will let it down to 10. all right i did like five generations of ai shitty redstone ideas i ended up with 27 possibilities so you guys need to up your game otherwise the computers really will take over and on that note i'm going to leave you with a message that was generated by the ai when i was looking for silly redstone ideas it says this ai decides the way to do things and has to find you to do it sometimes it will do so much more than you honestly i i don't know what to think about that when it said that i got scared but then it followed up with cockpits not just balls and i realized that we're probably fine
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,218,427
Rating: 4.9716039 out of 5
Keywords: I asked an A.I for Silly Redstone Ideas, then Built Them, Silly Redstone Ideas, I asked an A.I for, asked an A.I, A.I, Computer A.I, Artificial Intelligence, GPT-2, GPT-3, OpenAI, Minecraft redstone video, Minecraft redstone, Minecraft, redstone, I build your silly redstone ideas, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, redstone ideas, Tom Scott, I asked an AI for video ideas, Corridor Digital, Avatar 2, Corridor Digital Avatar 2, I asked an A.I for silly redstone ideas then built them, Mumbo A.I
Id: RJ6ntMAzdWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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