Beating World Records in Minecraft

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this is definitely a sitting idea for a video I was in the gym today thinking about Usain Bolt as you do and I got me thinking I wonder if I could beat him in a race in Minecraft obviously I'm not going to beat him in a race in real life but maybe maybe in Minecraft I might be able to be faster than him and then I also got me thinking I wonder if there's any other world records that I could be in Minecraft you know if I'm gonna knock now the 100-meter sprint I might as well try out the shot put the long jump high jump all that sort of thing as I say very very silly idea for a video anyway let's get the ball rolling with the 100-meter sprint these redstone lamps off to the side represent Usain Bolt with his record winning 9.5 a second 100 meter sprint it's it's crazy how fast that actually is I know it sounds silly but I really got a feel for how ridiculous a is by watching it travel away from me and minecraft I mean I'm still running I'm pathetic look at me I mean fair enough okay Usain Bolt wasn't in three-piece suit so I've got that on him but still yeah I haven't really done well there right let's see if sprint jumping improves the situation I mean to be fair he's not going away quite as quickly but still no what about sprint jumping while wearing a pair of a leech right I have high hopes for this because I'm incredibly experienced with this technique oh my goodness we are sort of keeping up with him no no no I've kind of lost my rhythm I got excited and now you wish the II's pulled away Usain Bolt is pull away fan tie it's not bad I'm gonna give that few more ghosts no matter how hard I try I just I can't quite keep up I think we're just a tiny bit too slow oh it's painful just a small modification being made to my little track area hopefully this should potentially help I'm feeling good I'm feeling good I'm feeling good oh my goodness we are so close we are so close but using Bowie's putting away obviously I lost my voice I'm really losing my voice again I really did hope to do this without the use of illegal substances but occasionally they are necessary I mean he couldn't possibly be us now could he where you see I still have to sprint jump you saline bowl you're a madman how are you this quick right um that knowledge let's try this again oh my goodness he's still beating me how is he still beating me I could lead swiftness to others is some kind of sick joke it's got to be some kind of sick joke I've also tried it without the blue ice and sprint jumping and he is off he's away and if you're wondering why I didn't put blocks above my head all the ice runs I feel like that's a step a little bit too far I might as well just hop in a minecart which I see even that wouldn't be him right the super illegal substances are coming out okay we're going all out here I don't know what to say I actually don't know what to say and also jumping is actually slower with swiftness too so there's not there's nothing new I have a totally new found respect for Usain Bolt let's see how high up in swiftness I actually need to go this is what it feels like to run as fast as Usain Bolt almost but he's still getting away swiftness for is swiftness for we need now we're pulling here we go off we pop Usain Bolt's you are in the background I have absolutely smashed it professional athlete in a three-piece suits another we've confirmed the Usain Bolt did in fact take tons of illegal substances to achieve his world record let's move on to the next one long jump the record currently stands at eight point nine five meters let's have it ah bring on the steroids bring on all the steroids yeah leaping fantastic feet don't fail me now boom oh my goodness I mean we still have to we have to get past that gold block I'm gonna try again I can't believe it we still have another three meters to go is at this point in the video I'm starting to reflect on a house-sitter of an idea this actually is I love it alright I'm now equipped with an Electra so hopefully I should be able to float a little bit as well did I just do it I feel like I managed to pull that off like we went just off the end I know I've kind of slid to a halt here I almost think we need the a a secondary perspective and by the way if you can't tell my voice is disappearing by the second Oh how does a gum buffer that might just be the funniest accident this is the official results from the second observatory angle the record has been beaten I repeat record has been beaten that's how I imagine the officials talk in these sorts of events I'm not entirely certain I apologize twenty officials out there watching this who'd ever need a sound like that let's move swiftly on to the shopper and with the Chomper record being apathetic twenty three point one two meters this should be easy is that two point two point one meters - I've got a bit of a ways to go I said it should be easy I'm improving I feel like it's worth mentioning at this point in time I was of course joking when I said that 23.1 meat is as pathetic for a shopper or let's be honest I do think I could throw further if I really wanted to this redstone contraption might be a little bit more trouble than it's worth virtually worked they didn't I mean we're still miles out but I'm just impressed with that actually functioned is this cheating I don't know if it is cheating I feel like the person who currently holds the world record might have used a similar system to this when they actually broke it they're probably better than me though I do have high hopes however that if I time this right we could be onto a winner Wow we had we just tried it that was that was actually that was pretty cool that was way more satisfying than I was expecting it to be so that's 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 meter shotput not bad but I do have an idea for how to go a little bit further yeah has required a slight redesign of the shotput but you know I feel like he's still in keeping with regulations so if I just a bit of this sand well that that's gone quite far hasn't it I mean where it yeah we're at z34 right now looks like he's actually gone outside a loaded chunks goodness me it really has travel doesn't it so we managed to show up at 200 and 270 yet to 270 meters which is about it's just over 10 times the world record well to be honest review I say just over is it's 50 meters over 10 times world record which is 2 times more than the world record so it's 12 times the world record we I mean I I always thought I was a bit of an athlete I didn't realize I was this much of an athlete but you know I can't I can't sound that surprised okay let's try some high jump action I I would like to take a minute to actually say in all seriousness this is silly why the long jump was stupid but just the thought of someone being able to jump this high two point four five meters from the floor what what sort of shoes are they wearing do they have helium shorts what's going on without me instead in Minecraft it's it's not really that impressive because AAG oh that's embarrassing that's so embarrassing oh my goodness I wish to die in a hole right now just right now just just shut me in it so wait you're telling me I can't actually just jump over this oh that was gonna by idea that's what that's what I was gonna do all right this could be mildly against regulations there are there we go there we go I mean I don't know if you're strictly allowed to just walk across the bar I mean you meant not touchy at all but still you know I count it world record absolutely smashed once again that's what four in one day on better than I thought did you know the world record for the javelin is in 98 point four eight meters which to me personally sounds quite upsetting because that's like so close to 100 meters and 100 meters just sounds a lot further you know I mean it is a massive achievement of course it is but I couldn't help but just that would cross my mind anyway I said let's see if we can get this okay that wasn't the right tape oh that's terrible I feel is worth mentioning that I did in fact release that by accident so clearly a running start is not not quite right for tried instead oh really won't like that so let's go I'm gonna go with 30 degrees make sure I've not got any dodging us going on in terms of I'm pointing it oh that's I mean it's not far off but I see I expect it to be the record there hmm what about from trying 25 degrees how well does that go that seems farther away and 40 degrees seems way too vertical oh but it's I mean it's not far out but it isn't far oh but we're still a decent chunk away one earth could I do now to increase my range I really don't know I am a little bit curious here does that does that riptide technique work with two Trident dude no way oh oh look at this I mean is that cheating I think you know what I feel like it's not let me explain if I okay if I was competing in the javelin right and somebody walks up to to do the thing where they throw the javelins and they're holding two javelins I would think what I've seen that case one overachiever not only are they trying to beat me with one javelin throw that they're going at it with two if anything that's even more impressive I personally think this is the perfect way to get a world record and you know what I think this is the perfect way to end today's video what a silly video has been this is such a stupid idea but great fun I've had a lot of fun let me know down in the comment section if there's any other world records so you think I can be important craft I'm sure are we gonna have some fun with it anyway I hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next video see ya sometimes you know you just have to do videos like this you can sometimes get oh we're bogged down with serious things and and trying to make complicated wrestling champions are impressive minecraft builds or massive structures that everyone things are awesome sometimes sometimes you have to just throw throw things around and do some do some running and stuff you know you know yeah mm-hmm and
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,346,405
Rating: 4.9324193 out of 5
Keywords: creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Beating World Records in Minecraft, Minecraft world records, World records, world records in Minecraft, Minecraft features and functions, Minecraft record breaking, Minecraft world record, 100m world record, professional minecraft players, shot put world record, javelin world record, long jump world record, Professional minecraft players, beat world records, Minecraft records
Id: R2y6ZlUiMXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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