10 Minutes of Useless information about Minecraft

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this video is inspired by austin mcconnell i originally followed him for his advice on filmmaking but then i quickly realized that his channel spans everything and anything and he's definitely worth subscribing to if you're interested in anything and everything all at the same time now seriously he does on his youtube channel is 10 minutes of useless information and i personally absolutely love useless information in fact it's my favorite type of information so i thought i would bring that concept over into minecraft so prepare for these next 10 minutes to be incredibly mildly interesting ghast noises originate from c418's cats which he makes when disturbed while sleeping on planetminecraft.com the 10th most downloaded map of all time is hillside manor world in brackets 1.8 four year anniversary created by inhaze with over 700 000 downloads in minecraft beta 1.14 the open inventory key was changed from being i to being e it takes this long to fall 102 blocks nice there are 15 different types of villager professions regular walking speed in minecraft is 4.3 blocks per second in the original version of the minecraft steve skin steve actually had a bit this was removed in the 0.24 underscore survival underscore test version of minecraft that was released on september the 1st 2009 a melon block will always drop between three and seven slices wow we actually got lucky there a villager's forehead is five pixels high meaning that a villager literally has a five head the minecraft credits roll for an incredibly interesting 27 minutes and 15 seconds minecraft 1.13.2 was released on the 22nd of october 2018. it takes this long to break a gold pickaxe that has been enchanted with efficiency 3. any second now any second now there as of minecraft snapshot 20 w45a the longest item name is waxed lightly weathered cut copper stairs when a puff of fish puffs up it expands to 0.7 blocks by 0.7 blocks giving it a volume of 0.49 blocks huge the dead bush was introduced on may the 25th 2011. on the reddit post what's your least favorite block in minecraft the top voted comment was diorite and that comment was not made by escape the longest minecraft username you can have is 16 characters i've just opened up the minecraft java edition title screen and this is what the little yellow text says if you change your language to pirates then another right shovel becomes blackbeard spade a piston becomes a raised deck and chisel sandstone becomes carved stoner sands this is what the world seed i have very long legs looks like that might take a little while for the world to generate you know this is not something i really thought about the fact that i would have to fill in this space by talking but you know we're getting there 50 70 90 and here it is that's lovely actually if i jump off this 23 block high platform with my head tilted 18 degrees downwards wearing an elytra this is how far i go splendid there are 3 264 pixels on a minecraft skin eight of which are made up by my mustache if i generate a new world with a bonus chest this is what arrives in my bonus chest there it is let's see what we've got huh actually a lot better than i ever imagined you know i've never played with the bonus chest before if the minecraft steve character model was a real person then his biceps would be 39.5 inches around which is ridiculous to put that in perspective arnold had 22-inch biceps in his heyday hang on a minute did i just give you some useless information which wasn't minecraft related that's illegal in the top left-hand corner of the f3 screen you can see a two digit number followed by the letters tx and this means the number of packets that have been sent by your minecraft client this is what a field of view of 104 with speed 1 looks like the music disc cat has a run time of 3 minutes and five seconds and honestly i kind of wish it was longer i absolutely love this song you used to be able to take huge minecraft screenshots that were the equivalent of a 645 megapixel photo which is frankly obscene lady agnes joined mojang on august the 3rd 2016. the world seed that was used for the pack.png image was and it 325-784-038-850-495-3787 discovered by a huge team of people this is what the pac.png seed looks like when generated in minecraft 1.16. if you have 36 apples and you have six meat sticks to fill up then you will be left with 33 apples the 47th item listed in the decoration block segment of the creative menu is the chorus flower a redstone lamp has 30 different segments in total with five segments on every face it takes this long for me to open my minecraft redstone testing world that's actually a lot faster than i was expecting it to be it takes six blocks to craft four stairs so that means that each stair costs 1.5 blocks despite the fact that stairs are 0.75 blocks this is what the clouds currently look like directly above my head i'm going to be honest with you it's incredibly unexciting the title of the third category in the advancements window is husbandry it takes this long to die from drowning when you don't have any protective armor or anything to stop you from dying a horrible painful death i'm gonna be honest it's a bit of a slow death as well now gradually my breath is running out i can feel myself gasping for air now i'm inhaling water my lungs are filling with fluid i can feel the world closing in around me i'm on death's door and now i'm gone that's a horrible way to go things got a little bit dark there didn't they there are 471 items in seven stacks and 23 items this is a very odd redstone circuit that i recently found in my redstone test as well and i can't work out the life of me what is meant to do the 14th fastest random seed minecraft 1.16 plus speedrun is by julius the tiny dog at 20 minutes and 32 seconds placing 11 pieces of tnt one block apart creates an explosion that looks a little bit like this that is very mildly satisfying isn't it this is what an eight tick redstone clock looks like if i right click this note block 10 times one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and this one six times one two three four five six and play them both at the same time this is what it sounds like awful you cannot put a shulker box inside another shulker box no matter how hard you try setting the random tick speed to 421 makes bamboo grow incredibly quickly i mean look at that if you dig straight down on seed 991 62322 a coordinates x 206 and zed 19. you will not fall into lava if you set the time to 43 690 this is what it looks like before block ids were totally phased out from the game the block id of iron ore was 15. it takes this long to climb 11 blocks on a ladder nice a lilly pad's orientation is location specific so say for example i place a lily pad in this corner here it will always face in this direction no matter what i do even if i place it like this i can do whatever i like nothing is going to be able to change it if you shoot an arrow directly upwards it won't always land on your head but sometimes it does not today there is an unused potion effect called nausea and this is what it looks like i can totally understand why they don't use it because i'll be honest it's making my brain hurt quite a bit already up until minecraft snapshot 17w 43a you could play minecraft in 3d stereoscope the minecraft username hello with seven o's after it is actually available right now although i imagine it won't be for long there are four varieties of horse hurt sounds but there is only one sound for a horse dying and it's horrendous three snow layers is 3 8 of a block tall falling into the void even kills you in creative mode but it does give you a cool view of the underside of the world as it happens you can't see your own legs when playing in first person mode on seat 212 there's a blacksmith with a chest located at x 595 zed 211 and these are all the items that are on the inside of it some flowers in minecraft will always face east you can actually place redstone components on the sides and on the top of pistons but as soon as the piston extends they get broken it takes between five seconds and 45 seconds to catch a fish in minecraft and unfortunately there's no way of knowing if it's going to be five seconds or 45 seconds or anything in between until you cast your rod into the water there is there really is nothing going on right now my bobber is just sitting there waiting waiting i almost missed it but i managed to catch myself with buffer fish contrary to what a lot of people seem to believe you cannot actually push a barrel making use of pistons pumpkin pie has a 100 fill rate when it comes to composters that means every single time you put a pumpkin pie in there it is guaranteed to increase the level of the composter whereas beetroot seeds they only have a 30 chance of increasing the level and wow are we getting unlucky it takes 81 pieces of regular ice to craft just one bit of blue ice if you want to make a tripwire then you can go into the inventory and search tri for tripwire but it will also come up with string because of course tri features in the word string as well and on that note i think that rounds up today's 10 minutes of useless information you've learned nothing congratulations big thank you to austin mcconnell for inspiring this little video it's been a lot of fun and i'll catch you in the next one see ya and i gotta say this may sound ridiculous but you have no idea how long it took for me to find all of the useless information in this video sounds ridiculous right but try and think of useless information right now it's hard there's like an art to it because you don't want it to be totally totally totally totally useless but you also don't want it to be actually useful it's difficult
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,024,671
Rating: 4.905499 out of 5
Keywords: 10 Minutes of Useless Minecraft Information, 10 Minutes, Useless Minecraft, Useless Minecraft Information, Minecraft video, 10 minutes of useless information about Minecraft, useless information about Minecraft, information about Minecraft, useless information, 10 minutes of useless information, mildly interesting, mildly interesting Minecraft, Minecraft trivia, Austin McConnell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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