Minecraft 1.15 VS My Computer

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minecraft versus my computer sometimes I think it's good to do a bit of a stress test you know I've got a gnarly computer there's no denying that it's a bit of a beast and minecraft 1.15 is just released and it comes with it a few performance upgrades named italy - tnt which were definitely going to be testing out in today's video so i thought it will be good to do a little bit of a contest MC vs. pc as it were let's get things started with some bass these have just been introduced in minecraft 1.15 and while they're already lacking my computer you joking what again it looks like that was just a one off as they were spawning but that doesn't mean that if we start spawning ridiculous numbers of these which i do plan on doing oh we could we could potentially run into some trouble all right let's start real easy okay we'll go easy on the old computer well they pretty just fall out of these things don't they they don't really take a flight immediately but right now everything seems to be pretty fine we're not really struggling at all I mean my fps seems to be staying fairly stable although it is dropping gradually we're still firmly within the hundred and 50 FPS range so I think we're safe here right we need to go bigger and let's face it watching one dispenser fire is quite boring so let's plays 100 so that means every single time this thing fires 100 bees are going to be launched out into the world and it's going to be happening multiple times per second so I imagine things are going to hot up relatively quickly here oh goodness all right it's still doing semi ok though it's very much slowing down now though ok ok ok ok ok I mean how many entities are we looking at so far that's like three thousand there's a lot of bees here oh that is intense wow it's like a solid block of bees I'm still tempted to do more dispensers I can't help myself you know I really can't help myself it's a problem but I think we can all agree that nearly 1,000 dispensers does look pretty cool though doesn't it and I imagine that when we enter so come on right here it's gonna start looking did you see that the game just kind of stalled oh holy mackerel I mean oh it's difficult to see what's going on here we have a wall of bees and every single time this thing fires another 1,000 bees are brought into the world I thought I would leave this thing running for a little while longer just to see what happened and we're starting to get the early stages of a crash like the screen just went white I've got no responding in the top-left corner but it's it's still kind of just about holding on somehow and after a few more minutes in that world we still managed to hang on somehow it was a frame a minute okay but we were still going so let's take a look at TNT now I'm hoping with the changes that they've made to TNT making it a lot more efficient and less laggy we should actually be able to see a fairly nice sequence here which we definitely did that was a thousand pieces of TNT we managed to see everything flying through the air that was cool okay let's increase sizes a little bit with a 22 by 22 by 22 sized cube they might sound like slightly strange numbers to choose for the dimensions but that gives us approximately 10,000 TNT on the inside of this thing and now I'm starting to think that my computer is definitely going to struggle I mean there's no way that it can't that is a lot of entities to be processing as a big explosion to be processing but you know what it's kind of dumb pretty half decently I mean it's it's Italy lasting a long time but look how smooth this process is should this be what is happening he goes along it's smooth but there's no way that's it this is no way the explosions lasting this long gradually we are mining our way down into the floor okay there yeah is it is finished Wow cool that took like a direct hit that looks nuts alright let's do some more this is such a childish idea for a video by the way this is like 12 year old me playing Minecraft right now I'm just curious here I've replaced all of these dispensers with TNT dispensers so now I want to know is it going to be more laggy if the TNT is dispensed because obviously that is tons upon tons of entities wow that looks nuts okay that's already laggy that's already really laggy there's a lot of falling entities here goodness me we might actually crash the game before even explodes seriously this is causing some issues with my computer right now just the entities themselves might crash my game I want to know what happens when this start exploding we are at 0 frames per second I'm getting the spinny wheel I've got not responding in my top left-hand corner and we haven't even started blowing up the TNT oh it looks like it's primed and ready to go that looks crazy it's so on the edge of crashing it's so on the edge of crashing I've never thought to do it like this before just dispensing the TNT a thousand TNT Oh are we gonna lose it I've got a spinning wheel of death my screens gone pure white but that has got to be the end for my game surely if this starts blowing up that has got to be it or is it going to start performing better because now TNT explosions are actually handled really well it's difficult to know I don't believe it the condition of my game seems to be actually improving Wow whoa Oh some more tea and teas just drop down oh my goodness and now we're gonna get all the entities it actually survived it how nuts is this it survived my game is actually to Mojang have done some absolute miracle work with TNT they have seriously done some miracle work with TNT I'm I'm absolutely in shock at how well the game handles TNT explosions now and look how cool this is as well the fact that it's still kind of blowing up and gradually is kind of dismantling yourself but we're still getting TNT falling out well that was a very interesting test that was far more interesting than I expected it to be okay let's try something completely wild then I am going to generate the world of TNT super flat customized preset space to use preset TNT Brock of renter's Town Hall did know about 99% certain that yeah okay okay oh my word that is oh gosh this probably isn't good oh they came crushed it's straight up just crashed it gave up we killed like a few we did it I wasn't expecting that it didn't nothing even happened I think just the thought of destroying a whole world killed the game I really want to see if I can actually join this world or if it's just gonna crash every single time a crash oh my it's gone so I guess we succeeded in the TNT Department that's pretty interesting but there is another department that I think we should visit in Minecraft 1.15 and that is large-scale flying machines and these flying machines are going to be specifically designed to be as laggy as possible you see the thing that causes issues with fly machines at least as far as I can tell is lighting updates so the fact that the lighting updates have to cascade all the way down to the ground and she makes things really really challenging so I'm going to make a massive kind of moving ceiling above this area and we'll start moving it around and of course this has only recently become possible due to the fact that slime blocks were introduced into the game in Minecraft 1.15 and I cannot be doing that because that definitely wouldn't have worked we no problem through in that if if I do try and clone these it seems to activate the observers and they start to fly off I'll be honest I'm really not sure what to expect to this one it could either be incredibly laggy or my computer will barely even notice it's happening let's see what happens here I mean it's it's frame rate II okay it's definitely causing quite a lot of issues given how simple it is we're down to 20 frames per second and that is due to those moving light patches there but it's not causing huge problems however I imagine if we multiplied this quite far okay all the way across the world then we're going to start running into some serious issues I'm also going to double the length of this thing so we're going to add a few more modules out the front of it and we're also going to stretch it across to this has to have some form of effect on my computer surely the more I build these things the more and more I think that this could actually be a bit of an issue for my computer I mean how could it not how could it not cause problems all right in three two one go oh that is that is that is an alarming amount of lag for a redstone contraption oh my goodness I mean there is a lot of piston action going on here yeah we can you imagine building this on a server and just activating it and just leaving it to do its thing I wonder if this is causing I wonder if this causes issues server-side or if it's purely issues client-side but I have a feeling for some reason that lighting stuff is actually a server-side problem I'm not sure I'm not that technical but I do think it's safe to say that we have hit a firm zero frames a second zero frames a second has been solidly smashed cool that looks like something I've Independence Day doesn't it it genuinely looks like we have an alien invasion right now awesome well this video is definitely definitely satisfied my curiosity I am also curious about other techniques that I could use to completely destroy my framerate so let me know down in the comments section anything that comes to mind for you guys anyway I really do hope that you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next video see ya wait did that just do like a warp I think the frame rates just caught up with us this is just crashed into the unloaded chunks and stopped but it managed to move I'm confused it's also totally broken the world but look the world will not generate past the end of this flying machine hilarious now I know I'm a big child but this might just be one of the most fun recording experiences I've had I mean just just imagine that I was tasked with just creating as much lag as possible like creating lag is kind of my forte I'm known for it on the hermit craft server so to do this to get out of my system it was a blast as I say let me know if there's any other like making ideas you have I can't wait to hear them
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,755,610
Rating: 4.9584026 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, Gaming, Game, spotlight, mc, ideas for builds in minecraft, minecraft vs, minecraft vs my computer, minecraft vs my PC, Minecraft 1.15, minecraft tnt trap, Minecraft TNT, Giant Minecraft flying machines, world of TNT, 1 million TNT minecraft, 100000 tnt minecraft, minecraft 1.15 vs my computer, Minecraft lag machine, create lag, minecraft grief
Id: 1CQoow-7Aos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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