75 Game Changing Minecraft Updates

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minecraft has some really interesting features but some of those features are absolute game changes these are the sorts of updates that are introduced into the game some of them big some of them small that made the game a totally different playing experience so in today's video we're going to taking a look at my selection and remember I love redstone so there's a bit of a bias here anyway this video is gonna be chronological and we're gonna start from the beginning survival test this is the update that took minecraft from being a simple block based building game into what it is today a survival experience we have to gather up resources to build the cool things in your world infinite terrain generation originally when the game was first in development the world sizes were finite there was only so far you could go before you hit a world border then in imp dev that was all changed in the infinite terrain generation was introduced giving us these endless Minecraft wells that we have today brick pyramids originally a lot larger than this brick pyramid spawned in with a base of 64 by 64 so they were absolutely enormous and they were the first naturally generating structure in Minecraft now the reason for them was because there was no way to get bricks in Minecraft so that was intended to give you a good supply and sadly they didn't stick around for very long anyway the nether didn't really have too much going on when it was first introduced but it did give us the opportunity to travel quickly between locations because for every block traveled in the nether you travel eight blocks in the overworld multiplayer servers in Minecraft alpha the ability to play online was added so you could play with your friends just about I mean it was a total buggy mess it really wasn't rendus biomes were introduced and I would take for granted the beautiful minecraft scenery and variety that we have bridging that wasn't the case you would generate the world and it would either be a grassy world or it would be a snowy world and it wouldn't change redstone dust and redstone torches I genuinely had no idea was introduced so early a Minecraft development it was added in Minecraft alpha now there wasn't really too much for it to interact with so for the most part people were just creating boolean logic systems and messing about with latches the ability to sneak another one that was introduced in Minecraft alpha and can you imagine playing without it it would be a horrible terrible frustrating experience of just constant falling up next we've got beds introduced in beta 1.2 originally all they did was allow you to pass through the night which call but nothing too groundbreaking but then in beta 1.6 they got the functionality of setting your spawn point meaning that you could join a world go on an exploration find a place to set up camp and stay there game changer smooth lighting this may seem strange to those who haven't played minecraft since the early days but the original lighting engine was pants I mean look at it it's really not pretty when they added smooth lighting it improved the game by about 300% bonemeal so some of you it may seem slightly insignificant but you have to understand that this was the first steps that were taken towards automation and expediting farming in Minecraft is a pretty big deal the server whitelist without this will command right here I don't think servers like the hermit craft server could exist it's an extremely important one it's a really really small and simple one Pistons in Minecraft beta 1.7 these little things were introduced after the community got very excited about a mod that introduced Pistons now this was the first time in vanilla minecraft the redstone components could actually alter the environment around them and these little guys essentially started up the redstone community because suddenly there was a reason to build up complex circuits flint and steel for tnt another brilliant change in beta 1.7 the fact that you needed a flint and steel or redstone power to ignite TNT you could no longer ignite it through punching which is great because before then you couldn't actually remove TNT once it was placed it was going to explode even if you tried to break it it would ignite and blow up I am so glad that that is gone anyway baked a 1.8 food system for anyone who played Minecraft in the early days you'll remember this hot bar for when you were coming into dungeons and things no food stacked and it was only used to replenish your health in 1.8 we then got the food bar and a much more intelligent system sprinting before beta 1.8 this is the speed that we traveled through our minecraft worlds and this is how far we jumped not exactly exciting is it villages strongholds and mineshafts these were the first large-scale naturally generating structures they're introduced into Minecraft and they gave players a really good reason to explore huge update creative mode before it was introduced you either had to mod or mine to do crazy things either way was a bit of a pain backside creative mode is fantastic leaving the beta's behind now we have got the first full release of Minecraft enchanting can you believe that at one point in time this was the pinnacle of minecraft mining speed this is as fast as we could possibly go I can't think of anything worse the ender dragon very controversial upon release because the certain people in the community it gave an ending to a game that charm came from the fact that it didn't have an ending front facing camera up until Minecraft 1.8 official release this is the only third-person camera that we had there was none of this action going on I mean you imagine YouTube videos if they started off like this everyone just do it looks a little bit rude animal breeding the ability to breed two animals together and actually have animal farms in the game was well yeah it was it was a total game changer before this animals would spawn in despawn there was no real way to do anything with them potion brewing even on a massive potion user I can't help but admit that they're a big deal I mean even just for fire resistance alone the fact that you can sit in lava for eight minutes without taking damage is worth something mobs spawn eggs introduced in Minecraft 1.1 I'm honestly not sure what we did before we got the spawn eggs I mean how did we spawn things in what do what do we actually do the superflat world another one from one point one the testing world was born a world free of distractions so that you could just do things with that scent the sandstone version wasn't introduced until minecraft 1.4.6 right here you see technical servers and people building ridiculous things need lots of iron and these guys are normally the ones that provide it villager trading introduced in minecraft 1.3 it was the first time that we'd had anything transactional happening in the game some would argue a fairly big departure over previous versions ender chests I don't know where right out left field Mojang drops this thing a way for you to securely store your items no one else can access them and you can access them wherever you are in the world as long as you have an ender chest with you I mean that is it's a total GameChanger dispensers doing dispensary things you see I'm sure to a lot of you dispensers doing this sort of stuff totally reasonable I mean that that's just what dispensers do but that hasn't always been the case in fact dispensers used to behave like droppers until dispensers became dispensers and then they had to introduced robbers afterwards because people like well hey you know the old dispenser functionality was pretty useful - what if I just wanted to spend out a lava bucket without it going everywhere staying on the redstone front though upside-down slabs having redstone on top of them it may seem fairly on exciting now but at the time this completely revolutionized redstone making a lot of circuits a lot smaller faster and just all-round better being able to place any redstone components on top of a transparent block the ability to cheat before Minecraft 1.3 this still dialogue down here it was non-existent it didn't exist so for example if you wanted to set the time you couldn't you had to get yourself a bed you had to sleep in it and that will help the time to pass there was no way to do simple commands in single-player on to Minecraft 1.4 now and we have beacons I mean these have got to be in the top 10 don't they in terms of Minecraft game changes I mean I remember when they were added and we went out that you could use efficiency 5 in haste to to get into the mine and it was just like the whole community's Minds just collectively blew up the wither and wither skeletons the first minecraft boss was actually a useful reward for going through the struggle of fighting it it was also player respawnables and he gave a motive to nether fortresses which previously were just things that looked pretty and Vil's as cool as enchanting was it was totally luck based there wasn't really too much skill to it whereas anvils meant he had to be strategic yeah and to think things through and it was a huge upgrade pick block how on earth did I survive in Minecraft without this feature I mean goodness me it's probably my most clicked button on my mouse to be honest of you the ability to sneak and place things on containers and stuff and we totally take it for granted now because it seems so simple but this this this didn't used to be a thing it used to be a right ordeal to be able to do that you just have to do this placing some vines and then then you can place your button a nightmare in survival mode the command block I don't actually think I have to say anything on this one I mean really like what did map makers do before the command block existed the game rule and another one that I can't imagine living without is is this one I mean I have a lot of fire in my redstone contraptions I build them a lot out of world they just used to catch fire the Oh sound in Minecraft 1.4 it was replaced with this I mean probably a little bit more realistic you likely wouldn't go oh if you just jumped off a tree you would just hear the sound of your knees being utterly destroyed but still I do think the odd noise is a little bit more charming the hopper moving into one of my favorite updates now minecraft 1.5 the redstone updates the hopper was a total GameChanger I would argue is in the top three biggest game changes in Minecraft because it was the first time that we were able to pick up items in Minecraft and transport them inside a component AFK farming was finally possible anyway next up the redstone block equally exciting because it is the first movable power block that we had in Minecraft nothing else had come before it trapped chests in of themselves not really that exciting but when I realized that you could place him next to regular chests and they wouldn't interact one another they suddenly became very exciting because I could double the size of my storage systems in the same amount of space the inventory overhaul all this smart stuff with being able to hold down the right-click bar and being able to hold down the left click button getting everything back into stacks all of that was introduced in this update beforehand there was a lot of this action going on cause I nightmare redstone goes analog you see minecraft 1.5 the redstone update was a big deal because it was the first time that you had redstone components that could output something other than a 15 signal strength for example comparators came along and they gave variable outputs depending on the input it made things very very interesting without 1.5 technical minecraft would not be where it is today told runes in Minecraft 1.6 the update after the redstone update there was a small upgrade made to cold rinse it was very small in the patch notes in fact it went fairly unnoticed but it was a huge deal cauldrons were able to give comparator outputs and cauldrons a movable by Pistons which means that we have got a block that isn't a power block but can give out power that is movable big big big deal changed a lot of stuff nametags when they were introduced I wasn't really that excited by them until I realized if you've renamed something in your world it will then never despawn that means that players can store up mobs that will stay there forever or even if you catch a rare mob you can rename it and know that it's safe and will never disappear packed ice I mean sure before it was introduced we had regular ice and we could use that for ice water streams to transport items quickly there was one big problem ice melts packed ice doesn't upgrades to fishing fishing minecraft is fairly unexcited I think Mojang knew this and tried to improve it in Minecraft 1.7 by adding rare things that you could catch but instead accidentally created a FK fish farms which have totally changed the game because you can get all the best in chanted books in one night slime blocks wensel on blocks are fast and it they were cool they were interesting you could bounce entities around but they weren't exactly game-changing then the functionality distinct them together was introduced and suddenly we had moveable structures that was a big deal I told what else is a big deal depth Strider I always forget how amazing depth Strider is it until I don't have destroyed Iran and I remember how slow walking water normally is I would say Dempster and it makes the game about 35% better villagers harvesting crops for the longest time it was impossible for us to fully automate these farms you had to go back you had to replant them every time it was awful until villagers came along harvested everything and automated the whole process n 3 and n introduced in Minecraft 1.9 and barely mentioned anywhere f3 and n allows you to go between creative mode and spectator mode something I use probably about a hundred times a day when working on redstone contraptions especially if they're super compact the elite trap this is another one that I feel like I don't need to talk about I mean clearly this is a complete game changer like totally totally game-changing although where it was first introduced it wasn't as useful as it currently is I'll get onto that do you all wildung can you believe that this was controversial my people kicked off about this when it was announced that it wasn't mine crafty enough I personally think it's the most minecraft II thing ever and it's brilliant but I tell you what they kicked off about more the combat changes you can spam no more and I mean I've said this a bunch of times and I kind of stand by it I actually quite like the change I think it makes sense that there would be some kind of cooldown instead of just being like this but with that being said not PvP guy so don't listen to me they finally fixed boats for the longest time boats were a mess they were totally awful they would break all the time there was just no using them okay you would have to have like an inventory full of them if you're going on an expedition they finally fixed them the mending enchantment there's been a few of these in the video do I do I need to say any of him what the mending and chomp is the single best enchantment in the game if I don't have mending on at all then I feel like I'm doing something wrong minecraft 1.10 I I tried I tried I tried to find a game changer and um nothing minecraft one dollar van choker boxes I think you're safe to say that they made up for Minecraft 110 with the first introduction of Minecraft 1.7 being these little things storing items inside of a storage container that you can pick up and drop and dispense and carry with you nuts observers goodness me this was a good update wasn't it for us redstone people I mean there are so many reasons why the observer is one of the best blocks in the game it's it's in everything and it just gets better firework rockets now I should clarify these one introduced in Minecraft 1.7 but they were given the functionality to propel you when flying with the late trow which is just about the best thing ever onto minecraft 1.12 now and we got concrete now this may not seem like much of a game changer until you realize how different concrete is from the rest of the blocks in Minecraft they are very bright very saturated and their texture is almost completely flat and it saved tool bars to the creative menu and having this might be in my top 10 I mean the ability to just pull up a redstone toolbar and just have it there everything that I need with the press of a button and then say for example I need my colored concrete so I can press other buttons I mean it's just what do we do before this and another one that I can't remember what we did before it the crafting book all I know is it involved going to a lot of Wikipedia pages to look up various crafting recipes this is just it's so much better especially for people who are just starting out bubble elevators this is the first Mojang supported item elevator in Minecraft before this came along all of the previous ones relied on bugs and strange behavior with items getting stuck inside the blocks and things so it was very welcome addition the water logging of blocks not only does it make certain stone contraptions and farms smaller because you don't have to have a block underneath water sources but also it makes building things under water actually look cool in the past they've really didn't complete villager trading overhaul minecraft 1.14 completely changed the way the villages and villagers work and after adjusting to it I really really like it there's so much to think about there's lots of depth to it there's all sorts of different variables that you have to concern yourself with and it leads to a really interesting gameplay experience redstone can be placed on glass ok so calling a game changer might be a little bit far but good grief does it look cool rates this is the first time that we've seen a horde based challenge in Minecraft with levels and incrementing difficulty not necessarily a game changer in itself but I imagine we're going to see more of this in the future crawling I mean come on now how cool is this being able to crawl under things is a feature in Minecraft that I never thought I needed until they introduced it and now I absolutely love it the ability to dry sponges as you may or may not know I'm not the biggest fan of sponges I just find it frustrating that you have to dry them out in a furnace well they fix that in Minecraft 1.15 in the first snapshot you can now draw bungees in the nether mega huh that's wave we're on 74 I thought I listed 75 I must have forgotten one oh I didn't I think I might forgotten one of the most important ones right give me a second believe I forgot this this is a really really important one that's how can I have forgotten bats that's one of the biggest game changes in Minecraft I mean they make noise they fly around there's no way to get rid of them easily they're really loud there's no way to stop them spawning great Oh fantastic so there we go ladies and gentlemen I really do hope that you enjoyed this video of me talking through some my favourite game changing updates in minecraft let me know down in the comments section if there's any game changes you personally think I should have featured I'm sure you will have done that already but anyway hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next video see ya well I've got to say this is gonna be a fun one to win it I mean it was a very fun one to record it was a fun concept to play with I've really enjoyed writing out the ideas my notebook is filled with game changes with crosses through them stars next to them everything like that it was cool editing editing not maybe not so-called hundred and sixty clips are
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,862,319
Rating: 4.9395485 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: GA1EcThfS-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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