I Ruined All of Humanity Instead of Saving It in HUMANKIND - Ad

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out humankind today this entire video is sponsored by sega who were human kind enough they were human kind enough to pay for this whole video and you can pick up the game right now on steam epic game store stadia and it's already on xbox game pass head on down to the linky below clicky click and have some forex fun humankind is also a turn-based strategy game and a fresh take on the historical strategy genre and it has like a bajillion ways to go about how you want to play but let's get involved and it'll make more sense first things first let's change our avatar this person looks dignified and we can't have that so there's a bunch of presets we can start with it's almost as if the game combines up to 60 historical cultures as you lead the people through the ancient to the modern age as such is represented among all of these lovely people or if that's not enough for us we can always make our own character oh boy which face do i want even though when you're looking at all 32 of these on the same screen i can't tell the difference thankfully as you mouse over these things it reflects on your guy's face as he's completely unconcerned about the wildly flailing jowls oh that'll do we want to make sure they have the perfect brow which of course means no brows oh boy and my favorite i love a good haircut there's a little something for everyone in here and i found mine we can't go without some nice facial hair if you want to be respected by all the other rulers you gotta go pencil thin mustache it's like in the leadership rule book and i know you're very proud of your military attire here let's give it a splash of pink oh yeah okay now that we got our ruler all figured out it's time to actually get into the game since this is my first outing i'm gonna go up against only three other opponents but it looks like you can go as high as 10 total and there's a whole heap of options that we can choose but we're going to leave everything as is behold our starting location in the board game world of humankind this is us for now we're just some random nomadic tribe wandering around in the neolithic era we have a couple of different end conditions here do any of these things in the game is finished no matter what the game ends after 300 turns and then all this other stuff that's probably important and then rendering the world unfit for human life and we have to do that in 300 turns so we got to take our hunting party here and we gotta seek out stuff keeping in mind that even though we can't see them there's three other entities rolling around the map as well where are they well we'll just have to see if we can find them oh but i'm getting ahead of myself we need to find some goods it takes multiple turns because you can only do so many actions as you run around what i mean to say is after four tiles you're all tuckered out and need to end your turn then we run around until oh no it's a mammoth hey did i mention this game is more or less historically accurate what i'm trying to say is if we want to follow in history's real footsteps someone's gotta go extinct time for some combat your sight is weaker overall will you stand and fight of course i will okay so here's how combat works generally you wanna try to take the high ground so i'm gonna back my people up a step here let's see if i just attack it right out i'm sure this will go great yep this is going this is every bit is what i wanted from the situation let's take the higher ground again see look now it's better we're taking the high ground and we did it it's dead that'll teach you to be alive anyway here's the spoils we gained 20 food and 20 influence we'll talk more about those later though for now we need to take our significantly reduced population and we need to head over to that glowy thing let's go ah we've discovered wild berries these things are called curiosities sometimes it gets you food sometimes other stuff as we're running around the maps sometimes these people want to talk to you urgent affairs require your attention oh boy choose your own adventure stuff i love this a world of flame in the distance a thin cord of smoke cuts up into clear blue skies fire and a structure that is so ahead of our nomadic tribe it probably looks like witchcraft let's see blah blah blah you're about to direct your mind to put out the fires with loose soil when you see short shadowed figures running away youths they could become part of your tribe if you give chase now but that would mean losing these secrets of construction we're gonna extinguish because kids are stupid for now we gotta keep running around trying to find more curiosities and by that i mean wild berries beyond finding food you also come across curiosities like this one that little symbol that means knowledge discover curiosities to a crew 10 this will also unlock the neolithic legacy trait so hand them over you know one thing i love by the way obviously board game style our figures are bigger so we can see them but i love looking around the rest of the map and seeing like baby sized deer ah don't let the giants trample you aw crap there's another nomadic tribe that's already reached the ancient era we gotta catch up and by that i mean prepare to become a paleontologist's best friend in like 10 000 years make my life mean something me too i wish this is how vision really worked where the more you see stuff it just rises up around you uh-oh other people that's probably because i'm technically in their borders sounds like a you problem as is the fragility of your skull time to see what happens when foreign cultures get together and decide to murder each other oh narrator you so sassy and oh team orange you're so dead i'm sure there's going to be no consequences to those actions what's this more friends oh we're deep in their territory now well hello there have i stumbled upon your humble civilization shall we destroy them no can't declare war because i don't have enough war support and it can't be done in the neolithic era explore and gather resources oh but i want to exterminate now okay fine here i have another idea we're gonna claim some territory we're gonna do it right here right outside their boundary lines i hope you like having a neighbor and thus we have our first act of not being a team player and just add insult to injury i'm gonna constantly walk through their borders okay so we collected over 10 knowledge stars and behold an aerostar has been unlocked okay now it's time to oh looking good i didn't realize you were dressing the part no no i didn't mean it you look good okay so we had to reach one of these goals to enter a new era we can now take after certain civilizations except it looks like a bunch of these are already taken damn it so this is where the game starts to really open up like right now we're in the ancient era but we go all the way up to the modern age between this era and all the others we have 60 different historical cultures we can choose from each one has its own strengths like the egyptians here appear to focus on industry the nubians look like they're good at dealing with money and so on and so forth i'm gonna go with the nubians cause what can't be solved by money yep looking good not only do we get a bunch of money stuff we also get to build these pyramids which have their own other benefits and stuff new us and we see a fun little movie clip of a society that looks way way way better than ours if you're terrified of wild animals you can grow lentils or catch fish narrator are you sassing me you do come across all of these like choose your own adventure situations or we can just mouse over and see what it gets us now we do have this other growth star we can get by having our population of five and we have four right now that group that group in that group so with that in mind we have another dialogue option here lost souls blah blah blah add people to our tribe and now we have five and the star is ours and the reason we care is we need stars to make it to the next era this time seven of them which we can get by doing all kinds of stuff like more population stuff getting lots of money or lots of influence i know my blood pressure's spiking too from all the possibilities we also need to care about fame which we get in all kinds of ways because whoever has the most fame by the end is the winner pink sure has a lead on us but we'll see what we can do now you might be asking all these adorable tiny buffalo here micro buffalo is there a place in this game where i can research and make scientific breakthroughs you know there is behold research and technology this is the place where we start to build out our society stuff as simple as making calendars which is the beginning of crop management or domestication bringing new means of eating and working or carpentry and so on and so forth by the way this thing probably keeps going way farther than you think as we wander past writing and sailing we find ourselves cruising into the next era and you can see stuff like philosophy rhetoric other stuff and even more stuff i couldn't even hope to list all the different things here because when i see stuff like movable typeface my heart rate goes too high let's be honest though getting to era 6 is what we want the contemporary era where we have stuff like research institutes leading to uranium enrichment do i really need to spell out where i want this to go anyway moving all the way back to the beginning each one of these things to unlock takes science points thankfully at the beginning it's pretty small with all of 35 so we'll start with carpentry and then maybe do some city defense and some masonry i'm sure that's enough for now meanwhile back at the ranch right now this is but an outpost and we need to start a real city now you might find this hard to believe but this is not the most strategic position nor is it the best for resources but it is annoyingly close to someone else's borders so for that reason it's evolving into a city yes yes ah looks like we've evolved into the city of kurma which if you didn't know really was one of the largest archaeological sites in ancient nubia oh amplitude in sega you really nailed those 60 historical cultures that lead people from the ancient to the modern age too bad i'm gonna rename it josh's annoying topia wow that font makes it look so official oh yeah now if we take a closer look at josh's annoying topia we have all these little symbols here and they mean stuff like money science food industry and influence and you see those numbers well there's a corresponding thing up here that tells you how many of those you're generating per turn and we can expand our district with new buildings like these pyramids which gives us more money in industry at the cost of stability and other stuff as well as a farmer's quarter that helps with food and so on and so forth i'm gonna build these pyramids right here you're supposed to look at these numbers and take into consideration what this is gonna be doing i'm sure it's fine it'll be done in 34 turns and while josh's annoying topia is doing that back over here to these folks to just keep on wandering around and do stuff like killing animals and finding curiosities like these beautiful animal remains thanks for the points oh goodness we've discovered something the breathtaking myombo forest wait where is it this this is it is it this consider my breath taken cause after all things like that can only be discovered once you know what else is a big deal though when we open all the cities and outposts and obviously josh's annoying topia is the most important thing on this known earth but we also care about cultural wonders now we don't have enough influence yet to buy one or claim one or whatever but before you know it we're gonna have the opportunity to build an array of oh or all of them could be claimed except for the temple of artemis well joke's on you guys that's the one i wanted i mean who wants pyramids anyway i mean they all have good perks but i think the temple of artemis is pretty great oh my goodness word of your empire has now reached the mycenaeans is that team orange it's time to establish diplomatic relationships for both of our aspirations you fascinate me what a rip-roaring start anyway these are the myceneans loyal vindictive and a bunch of other stuff that probably matters but i'm more focused on all this hot treaty action so diplomacy is a pretty big part of the game you can initiate trade you can share information we tolerate our ideological proximity all kinds of crap oh would you look at that our settlements are practically in love so i guess it's a good thing we're at peace because that would be really bad to have bad relations that close right i mean it would almost make sense to propose an alliance but you know what makes even more sense if you absolutely must have war so be it yes i have exhausted all options with the person i just met let's see that means we can fight whenever we want whatever let's do it i just hope you love surprises as much as i do nice job guy that ran up on the mountain you really were the mvp that round victory battle at josh's annoying topia anyway while we're going in here where we're waging war and basically just punching down at all times oh wait what happened oh i guess this belongs to me now well that'll teach you i like how despite me swallowing up that whole place the only player that has any stars yet is orange well that felt good and now the real fun begins surrender terms and boy does she seem happy first i'll take your entire land and i would make them a vassal but i don't have enough war stuff for it so just give me the land and some money i guess i must do what is right for my people don't you mean my people the mycenaeans have fallen well this all feels great oh and i can rename this can i rewrite history perfect can we do this to more civilizations oh boy at this point in the game the choose your own adventure options are getting a lot more fun custom city names are just the best whoa pink player has revealed themselves treat me and my people with respect and all will be well good god look at your fame how am i supposed to compete with that you know us existing down here and them existing all the way over here no wonder i haven't found them yet i don't think we can actually get over there they're like an ocean away but that doesn't mean we can't open trade negotiations could you also share with us some maps i'm getting real lazy about this and with access to their maps look there's the other player no wonder i couldn't find them either just think if we were on the same map there's a chance they would have met the same fate as orange over here and that's a fresh take on historical strategy where you can combine up to 60 historical cultures i'm just saying my base looks pretty great kind of wonder if this means we can go the entire game without meeting them in person i'm kind of hoping they come to blows and start fighting and i can just sit over here and not even try that'll work right [Music] hope it finally happened those crazy kids declared war i hope you guys have a lovely war over there so i'm over here just kind of doing my own thing farms and industry and crap and then i'm like i wonder how things are going with the war across the seas and then i noticed that the greeks are over here that's weird well let's see how the fight goes oh looks like it's going really well so despite their presence i'm still growing we're on turn 144 now and we're entering the third era we're gonna switch cultures to become the franks because that flowy cape leads me to believe they're wizards i'm not even gonna check the stats oh so majestic thank goodness you're immortal and can just go through the ages and now back to struggling i've been trying to keep green off my back by sieging their little bases which is kind of working but while i'm doing this here green is apparently pushing back abroad who could have predicted this okay so here we are in turn 200. our civilization is getting more vast looking and our territory grows mighty although we also have some invaders because it turns out over a long enough period of time they're kind of getting along that's not what i want to hear probably because i'm going around just because i want to fight stuff and i'm taking over these little independent civilizations that have deals with pink already and they know likey well surely nothing bad can happen by encroaching upon their land and trying to take some of it back yes there's only one way to find out [Music] we did it everything went according to plan just kidding i'm lying we're on turn 299 out of 300 and as you can see the war is gone swimmingly i mean we did okay but this game is vast and i can see it taking another 300 turns just to get it under control the real question is how did we do on fame are we winners oh wow not even close you win this time random pink ai i didn't even get all the way to the final age which would have been nice because some mutually assured destruction would have been ideal but maybe we'll tackle that another time i want to thank humankind again for sponsoring this video the game is out right now on pc and you can pick it up on steam epic game store stadia and on xbox game pass for pc clicky click the link in the description to learn more so i hope you had fun i know i did and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 3,149,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: humankind, humankind game, humankind sega, humankind gameplay, human kind, human kind game, human kind gameplay, humankind tutorial, humankind funny, humankind josh, let's game it out, let'sgameitout, lets game it out, letsgameitout, let game it out, letgameitout, lgio, lgio josh, lgio gameplay
Id: k6DQI_dxDR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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