I Built a Nightmare Kingdom Where Nobody Is Sane or Safe - Going Medieval

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're playing going medieval today a colony scene where you're just relaxing by the fire and unaware of the horrible things i'm gonna do so medieval we shall get first things first let's choose our settlement name field of screams and it looks like we can randomize our fun little shield here or we can make our own first let's start with a leg great and let's go with two legs oh how about this skull oh and let's give it a crown looking good and finally this custom which allows you to put your own pngs into the game i've already gone ahead and added something a little bit special can't go wrong with googly eyes we start the game with three basic settlers that come with their own skills and perks or whatever but i have a better idea it's called colonist roulette hello random strangers let's have an adventure together ah here we are in our brand new world and it looks like everyone's starting to get a taste for that free will i don't want them to have don't worry we'll fix that soon but before we turn this wonderland into a wasteland it's sponsor time it's raid shadow legends greetings to the melord available on thine holy platforms of ios android and pc and there's a new faction in town it's the bannerlords so i'm supposed to give you some backstory which you can see here but i'm just gonna give you the important parts you ready bannerlords new faction bannerlords from medieval europe bannerlords war against high elves oh and also bannerlords oh hey did someone say bannerlords you mean like this guy and this amazing warrior and this one and also this one oh my goodness my cup runeth over with bannerlords and i know this one looks like a lowly bandit but this one's my favorite because he looks like he's going to cry and my favorite thing about raid you mean besides the banner lords it's definitely swinging by the summoning portal breaking open one of these shards and yanking new champions out of the ether to do my bidding here have some armor now fight for me fight and probably die yes so this month in the roller coaster thrill ride that is raid there's a whole bunch of hot summer events and activities including a fusion event to get a new legendary champion as well as tournaments and the release of five new champions so to get started you can use the link in the description or use that qr code that's been hanging out this whole time new players get this epic hero shinaru and they also get an energy refill an xp boost 200k silver and one ancient shard you'll also find extra rewards in your inbox for the next 30 days in this thing this thing right here so thanks again to raid for sponsoring let's get back to the thingamajig so going medieval is one of those kinds of games where you don't actually control the people directly they just kind of look around and try to find stuff to do that's right that's a tree you can figure this out nope no you can't did you almost trip what happened there we do have a pretty easy way to give these people some purpose though which is this button up here jobs oh my goodness and what fun this looks like pretty much if we want to get someone to do a certain kind of job we just changed the priority to something lower and now they care about that more oh but i'm getting ahead of myself we haven't even given them something to do yet so this is all their worldly possessions when they get hungry they know to eat right from this pile of amazon packages oh i'm sorry i meant delicious packaged meals there you go brent and now back to being confused and that's because we have to give them basic tasks to do for example chopping somebody chop this tree looks like lucas is up to the task and as you can see a productive worker is a happy worker and of course now that that task is done they're all standing around again but we can't have him just idling around not when there's this whole forest to take care of let's see how big is this playing field anyway okay here's one corner here and then if we swing all the way to the right okay it's actually not that big wait can i just grab the whole forest to chop it would appear so every single tree is marked for chopping now that's the spirit chop it all down uh-oh starting to get dark and we don't have enough beds we better make some hay sleeping spots just one step up from sleeping on dirt and let's see where to put the bed ooh what about right there let's put a bed right there and right there and right there oh here comes modeling to build it right oh what are you sad from this okay lucas is coming to finish up the job what are you people doing the hell was that well where's brent is he coming to sleep over here too oh never mind looks like he's decided he's gonna be more comfortable spooning that pile of sticks never mind you deserve all that rest after all that tree chopping you d oh you're up and after a nice strong hearty breakfast and possibly alcohol it's time to build our beautiful beds which don't look at all like shallow graves now i realize they have this daunting task of chopping down all the trees in the forest but we have other things we need to do like meal prep oh boy let's start with a butchering table which i'm gonna put this right up against the sleeping quarters yes the perfect place to craft our meat snacks with a sharp hook right next to your face i love watching this all this chopping of wood all day while brent picks up stuff adds it to the pile contributing to our overall wood of 1548 oh settlers are exhausted are they can't imagine why there is a way we can get them to stop which is by scheduling you can make sure everyone has their own like little schedule thing the purple indicates what hours they're supposed to sleep and gray is just whatever they want now that it's hit 23 hours now they're off to bed up maudlin it looks like you snooze you lose have fun sleeping near the bucket rise and shine it's time for another day that's what i like to see great big sad faces hey sleepyhead get up maudlin oh you like sleeping do ya fine have it your way we're gonna schedule your entire day of sleeping if you like your bed so much why don't you marry it wait will she actually do this i guess now there's only one way to find out well so far it's eight in the morning she's still asleep despite all the rain coming down while having sad dreams isn't gonna help this you should have thought about if you had a passive aggressive god watching you from the sky or not oh hey she's awake oh i see her are you finally up to do some work oh never mind you were just hungry and off she goes right back to sleep we get it you've had a hard day well meanwhile we got to make some leisure activities or else people are going to get upset not that we care let's see we got backgammon oh and shrines how riveting well who am i to judge i am going to put them side by side though and we'll also put the backgammon tables right in the way hey guys less praying more building backgammon tables that's more like it see look now you can play and pray oh look at this new settler denny's didn't stop looking over his shoulder or is it dennis nad's denny's anyway field of screams is here to invite anyone to join especially those with shackles greetings denny's oh you're already sad you'll fit right in while these two sleepyheads enjoy the rain couldn't help but notice this prompt here that says enemies are coming bless you denny's you're gonna bring us all kinds of new friends so let's take a gander and what we have in the way of warfare so we could build these merlins here but i don't need something to hide behind or we could build these stick traps sharpened stakes are laid ready to skewer unfortunate victims and it takes 20 sticks to build do we have that 1583 yeah i think we have that welp i think we know what we're doing don't we yes we do make sure to build fast we only have 19 hours nine minutes till they arrive yes that's excellent work together just lightly tap that into denny's skull okay nice work you've done it not sure really how they activate it seeing as how our guys can just run right through it but i'm sure we'll cross that thorny bridge when the bad guys get here and now all we can do is play backgammon and pray or if you're modeling obviously sleep stand fast a raid is upon us the swarthy jailers wanted your villager denny's and their grand slam breakfast they had to pay for their crimes or your whole village would pay it's up to you field of screams folk took up arms making ready for battle uh yeah that's what we'll call that oh now you care now that the bad guys are here i see now luckily we can highlight all of our people here select an option called drafting them and now we have actual direct control of them quickly my friends run to the trap execute snake pattern alpha oh my god is this actually gonna work oh my god it actually is quickly lead them to the other side we shall win the battle this day with steadfast tactics oh yeah oh my god this really is working victory yeah yeah that's what we'll call that oh yes this is definitely how history's gonna remember it right the beleaguered settlers came under attack in the spring of 1353 two sworn enemies died during the fight let that be a lesson dummy oh yeah and take the hard way out too that'll teach you i like how this dude's leaving and all four of my guys are like oh no you don't and the whole time he's just like no stop well where were we how kind enough that these bad guys wait why are you all sad don't you like seeing your handiwork oh it turns out the answer is no no they don't like seeing that it looks like they get a negative three to their mood for seeing a dead body wait brent what are you doing over there oh i see you deposited this guy's corpse as part of our stockpile i mean it's not not an item we can use oh boy i have an idea hello butchering table let's add something to the production queue but we only care about one thing well technically two things and that's enemy corpses amount to produce forever oh really sad again why this time oh oh i see you're unhappy about butchering a human and let's not forget seeing a dead body oh and not having the latest fashion hey cry all you want just make with the butchering yep don't mind denny's everybody just getting breakfast ready ah and there it is delicious raw human meat now i also have a pile of red currants here and if given the chance they're gonna eat that instead for some weird reason but obviously we want them to eat the good stuff you know the carcass of their enemies so we're gonna go to manage up here and sure there's all kinds of things we can assign here but we only care about one thing managing food and we're just gonna select cannibal nummy nummy num delicious hey lucas how's it going oh you know just eating people okay bye let's not talk about this to anyone ever they're fine they're not happy about consuming human flesh but it appears it's still helping their tummy tum tum and his mood is joyful so who are we to judge well so far so good the chopping continues the eating of human flesh continues i also couldn't help but notice that people have a weird aura about them now the hell does this even mean rebellious why i guess they really don't like that consuming human flesh thing huh with that 7x multiplier so when your villagers are feeling rebellious that pretty much means that their mood is so low that they won't listen to you anymore but surely after you get all that human meat out of your system you'll just shake it off right oh see they just had to sleep it off and now that rebellious aura is gone quickly let's use their obedience to expand oh yeah much better now all we need to do is get someone to walk through it wait hold that thought influence rising flourishing field of screams grows more influential in the region with each day that passes what the hell what is this screen well there's us you can see by the legs for days and this is our influence spreading like a virus how do we even have 17 influence this is sure to attract more settlers and perhaps garner unwanted attention from other settlements bring it on i've been desperately waiting for this day how did this even happen how did we get 20 region influence how could anyone remotely care about these people and again we do have that innovative play and pray thing be still my heart the day has finally arrived armor glinted and penance fluttered each bearing three white crosses quickly everybody take your position first they prayed then they purged the faithless and what a brutal attack it is quickly they're reaching the end run to the other side this is why they call us the field of screams i will never get tired of doing this just watching as they march through and hurt themselves and by hurt i mean die what cunning and fierce warriors we are victory the beleaguered settlers came under attack in the autumn of 1353. three sworn enemies died during the fight which i would love to say was four except wilfred was somehow able to evade come on stop missing he's right there and off he goes i hope you guys are ashamed of yourselves okay so first things first we gotta bring breakfast over to the stockpile and then i think you know what happens next so this time around we're not going to be so hasty hasty to eat what's tasty and the main reason is we need to save up for winter while also getting new settlers and also helping bad guys live their best lives anyway with winter approaching we're gonna take a slightly different strategy we're gonna build something called a smoke house a building to hang meat and cure it with smoke from an open fire don't mind if i do and of course when we see what kind of meats we want in there we always know what kind we're talking about you might be wondering why we're doing it this way and it's because food that's smoked human or not can be stored for several months and good thing we got that started because winter has arrived they need to bundle up in warm clothing and heat their chambers to beat the chill warm clothing chambers the hell game do they think we're playing okay look i'll fix this up for you okay i acknowledge that it's a nice brisk nine degrees outside and we have these lovely things right here a clay container filled with glowing wood or charcoal for warmth and it has a heat output of 1800 i don't know if that's a lot or a little and i don't care but it doesn't matter because i have a plan ta-da surely this will keep you perfectly warm right well he seems to like it so that's a good sign right i'll take that as a no although i bet you're really warm well with your legs directly in the fire and all ah jordan's such a trooper doesn't waste any time collecting and preparing those resources oh this feels like a good sign look at that things are melting dennis is rebellious now and now he's eating more human flesh everybody wins again i ask how is this possible region influence 48.9 is this because we eat people and just like that we made it through winter that wasn't so bad was it everyone survived everyone's unhappy and most of the trees are gone now which is just delightful and you know what in celebration of your achievements and by that i mean surviving an entire winter technically outside we're gonna do it we're gonna build you a domicile kinda we're building more columns than walls instead we're gonna use these wooden beams build these straight across that'll do right it's called a pergola and i swear in the very far future it's gonna be all the rage you're welcome brent and actually i'm gonna do you all another solid too since you're always complaining about starving since you made it through the glorious winter of man flesh we're gonna refocus our diets and we're gonna make a field of cabbage i hope you like it because we're making a lot mmm gonna be so tasty i like knowing that by the time they're done with all this harvesting the first things they planted like five days ago is gonna be ready to pick they are literally never gonna be done planting this delicious cabbage although we should probably do something to protect this investment after all it's only a matter of time before all these settlements come wanting a piece so let's experiment with the next great tool in our arsenal and that's mining mark areas of train to be mined so it looks like you can't go to the very edge but i bet we can do all this so let's just try to do this little quadrant see what happens oh very nice just slowly carve each little piece out and before you know it they've carved out the whole thing that didn't take too long let's do some more a lot more let's make a moat all the way around i mean this can't possibly take too long right and that's gonna about do it and boy isn't this a tree nice smooth lines gigantic cliff walls and as far as i can tell there's actually no way in or out of here like if you're on the other side of the cliff wall you're perfectly safe you and all your cabbage and all the other things that life has to offer which might actually just be cabbage now that i see it now that we've got this beautiful moat just so curious what happens if bad guys show up and here's our chance the enemies have started their attack oh yeah is that what we're calling this because all i see is my framerate dying is this really your master plan to mill around while my frame rate dies because i gotta say if that's true it's a pretty effective plan defeat what settlers chose not to engage how is this defeat well whatever at least they left and gave me back my frame rate oh more ruffians want to try their luck huh we'll see about that oh no these ones came to armed with trebuchets no matter how bad could it be i mean they're all the way over there and they're oh huh turns out those catapults are pretty effective you guys are gonna let jordan live though right well that answers that question okay i'm willing to admit that was a defeat now please for the love of god tell me you're able to leave or you're just part of my village now okay that's fine you just stay down there and we'll just be up here doing cabbage stuff you know maybe they'll just die in like the wintertime well to no one's surprise these bandits appear unaffected by the cold but you also might notice there's a whole bunch more of them now that's cause people just keep trying to raid us which to combat this i moved our sleeping quarters to the dead center of the cabbage field so that not even the trebuchets could get us but hey the frame rate's unaffected so it works out although now i'm starting to have one of those questions one of those weird is there are limit questions like how many bandits can we have in here before things start getting weird hold on to your cabbage everybody because there's only one way to find out turns out quite a few it's like the starter npcs and an mmo started breeding and also unaffected by cold unaffected by age is there anything they want anymore oh you know what i have an idea let's do some building first we're gonna build a stairway and then build some nice little columns now we're going to lay down some floor pieces and now we've got a little platform that overlooks the ruffians you might be able to see where this is going now let's go get a volunteer hey denny's come here i have need of thee okay so here's the test i want to run we have our buddy here he's technically right above them so are they going to react at all if i deconstruct these three pieces we're about to find out oh there he goes well so far they seem to be leaving him alone uh you know i think that was a lie yeah he's fine field of screams indeed so i hope you had fun i know i did and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 6,911,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: going medieval, let's game it out, lets game it out, letsgameitout, let'sgameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, colony games, colony games let's game it out, let's game it out foundation
Id: _CYB2vyFpVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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