I Review Amazon ADHD Fidget Toys

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I looked away from this video for five seconds and when I look back up he’s waving around a pair of scissors aggressively.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Darcyqueenofdarkness πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you could link the actual toys that would be great. In particular I want to know how to find the magnetic rings for a friend

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Elrigoo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

king of thumbnails

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BurnedOutEternally πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like how he labeled microphone.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MissplacedPotassium πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi my name is Markiplier I am the number one fidget toy reviewer on YouTube why and how do I know that because this is my first fidget toy review on YouTube and therefore I am the best that's a bold claim to make what grounds do I have to make such a bold claim [Music] ah this is awful and this is the worst thing I've ever this is the worst thing I've ever done I'm a sham I'm ashamed I don't know where I am hey how's it going sorry I had a little downward spiral there what grounds do I have to say that I have ADHD and that does not qualify me to say such declarative things I'm also an [Β __Β ] which does give me the grounds to make such claims but given that eye of ADHD that means that I unlike you never [Music] foreign you have a different experience of life than I do I promise at some point I'll talk in depth about ADHD and my experiences with it and I may talk about it throughout this video and therefore when I say I'm I will at some point that might be today but I don't know when but I have ADHD I was diagnosed when I was about 20 years old I've been taking medication for it various therapies they originally put me on Ritalin then I moved over to Adderall and recently I changed over to astorus it's not the ass pills don't mention the ass pills they're not for my ass they're called a stars with a z did spelled like that there's no ass in there don't ask but I like this newest medication because it helps out the most but you know what else helps besides medication and therapies and different things you can do in your day-to-day life to try to optimize uh the flow and structure of what you do number one toy review channel in America that's right I've got a I've got a bucket full of toys here and a pocket full of dreams and I'm ready to show you the unbiased review of these fidget toys and to tell you which one is going to provide you with the best sensory experience of your life Amazon and eBay's best toy review ever by Markiplier the number one fidget toy reviewer in America and YouTube and the world am I rolling oh God I hope so freaking Amazon Basics XLR cable I don't know the quality of this um but I do know the quality of these toys or at least I will know in a few minutes because I can see into the future and know that I will know the answer at some point but I can't see Into the Now oh my God cut that out I'm gonna I'm gonna actually do chapters in this I've never done chapters in any video ever but I'll do chapters in this one if you care about it I don't even know if they're gonna be I've never done it before but I'll do it this time I'm gonna go ahead and get to it okay I hate videos that like Ramble On for minutes and long at a time about what they're going to do in the video and then they never actually get to the point of what is happening in the video and they keep talking about like in this video I'm going to do this thing and I'm this is going to happen and you're going to love it is like if you would have just stopped talking at any given moment you could have gotten to the point where the things are actually happening and we could see it happening in real time and say you talking about what's going to happen then they have to skip forward because they can see the Peaks and valleys in the videos and this definitely ain't one of them so no one's even gonna see this one because the peanut Valley is over there not here laughs anyway let's get to the First toy all right [Music] Zoom this is a pin art oh God did I record this in 4k holy crap I don't think so all right it's fine um this is a uh you've probably seen these there's a clip of a kid getting scared by this right here but also a little blurred because it'll get copyright claimed um but this is the thing where it's a bunch of needles and you stick your hand and or face in them and then it makes that thing I will have a metric of scoring these that will be based on its uh alleviations of certain symptoms of ADHD and general satisfaction because that is kind of also what this what this is about it's about being satisfying as opposed to just being to cure or anything a little big I like the color color's good color's good good color what's with this oh my God what's with the paper in the background sure what that's about just like instructions they're supposed to be there well enough okay I'm gonna put this right here come up with this right here okay you're about to see the magic happen can you even see that there's a reflection on it there's a reflection here we go [Music] is it me is that me you look like me no it does all right let's try that again I can do that better bye that's pretty good all right I'm smiling I was smiling does it come across God no it doesn't one more try [Music] it's me me it's me so there you have it that's the first toy uh it doesn't really get the depth of my face um but at the same time that's pretty uh cool I would not give it a lot in terms of portability one of the biggest things about fidget toys is that they kind of need to be portable because if you can't carry it around with you you can't go around in public doing it so it gets kind of like a one out of ten for portability uh but uh fun is uh nine nine out of ten real good fun uh depending on your face and how fun your face is this is gonna work out real good for you uh continued fun less so especially in covet era because you can't exactly share it with your friends because you're mashing your face in here you could do your hand but also everyone's touching it so Hand also bit of an issue so uh and number one I don't think a lot of people want to share their toys with other people you know unless it's I don't want like one of the singers you're like hey can I wear your glasses and you're like well you don't have my prescription so it's not gonna work for me but also this one uh not covered safe zero out of ten for coveted compliance this is not safer at home uh and uh you guys should be very concerned about this however pretty cool I guess I'll uh I'll put my face in here and auction it off if it if it like accidentally resets in the mail that's your fault you the buyer beware [Music] foreign can you tell what that is all right so that's gonna stay right there all right first uh pretty good that's pretty good pretty good pretty good [Music] this um since this is a fidget blanket hold on okay number one it broke right it broke right away this popped right off this is a zipper if you can't see it it's the zipper this is a baby toy this literally looks like a baby toy and maybe this works for you but I'm talking about my desire to fidget with this thing um which I don't have that extreme a desire to fidget at all you can probably see I'm very well composed and I'm put together pretty nicely this is a baby blanket I'm gonna give this like a zero I would give giving it a one because I'm sure it appeals to somebody but it also broke right away so I'm gonna give this a zero [Music] Henry what is it what is it boy Henry Henry come here come here it's okay good boy come here hey come here come here good boy yo come here come here hop up can you hop up where's your good girl what do you have to say to the people at home pet batter what about all the bodies that we found in your basement they gave terrible pets what do you have to say of all the people that you killed your bones taste like they suck at petting you have any remorse chica out can't believe it no conscience all right so we have something here like food [Music] there's a lot of plastic so uh these are the uh these are little poppables so these are things that you have little bubbles in them and they're supposed to be like little bubbles like packaging bubbles that you pop [Music] foreign I'm sure this appeals to somebody but I really don't get it right I was popping there I was really trying to get into it I thought there was something there but it'd be perfectly honest um again I don't know why it's shaped like a Happy Meal it doesn't really make that much sound it's a very inconvenient thing to hold because it doesn't even hold like a drink this seems like a dog's chew toy as opposed to a toy for this so bubble popping in general or the the kind of like little little punt rubber punch hole things I get that I I think I get it and I thought that I would like this a lot more than I do but I don't like it because the form factor is very strange so on the on the concept on a concept level I'll give it a six out of ten just because I like the concept this one's execution however is probably close to a three like the colors are vibrant and I get that for some people that's like really cool um but the way the rubber kind of bleeds together on the different ones makes me think of this this is like a Nasty Patty or something like that and they're kind of blending together this isn't exactly doing it for me and and frankly I'm not sure who this is doing it for uh because I don't know if you just really like fast food but uh you gotta really love fast food and as a guy that really loves fast food this still doesn't do it for me my ideal fidget toy is something you can hold in one hand and this one ain't exactly it overall if you average the six and the two that gets a four good math congratulations four out of ten this was in the bin I'm assuming this is a toy these are scissors it's honestly not bad I think this was used to open some packages but not bad uh it's got some one-handed potential it's not great good sound though you know what I mean really nice it's got a good snap to it pretty cool I'm not opposed to this one this one's this one ain't bad I mean look look I know that it it scissors and it's not really by Design and you know ha goo funny it's it's scissors in a fidget toy video but honestly as a as a fidget toy it's really not that bad so I enjoy it a lot um but moving on the weight on this one's funky no this is not my medication this isn't a SARS this isn't what that is this is apparently is a weirdly weighted pill bottle so it's it's like there's a weight inside that is oblong pill shaped I don't it does open it's like a weird it's a weird weighted pill uh I don't get this one I I don't I don't get this one I don't get this one a lot like it's kind of fun in your hand but it doesn't really twirl and it's more liable to fall out of your hand and just like tumble on the ground and then it's weird because the physics of it is all over the place and it picks up funny it just seems aggravating to me and also like I get that you know some people are divided on medication for ADHD for me it works for other people it may not and some other therapies might be good I recommend even if you are taking medication to still do some of the techniques and tactics for managing ADHD like breaking tasks into a small of a unit as possible like if you need to get an assay done break it up into tasks and write it down in a list of getting like 50 words and break it up into multiple things if you need to go do some errands write every single thing as an individual list and that way you can cross off more and more things and then it's easy if you can break tasks down into something that only take takes a couple minutes or even two minutes or even one minute or even 30 seconds break it down into whatever small piece you can and that helps like that's always helped me with uh with getting things done and getting as many things as possible you can always hope to get in that flow state which is awesome if you can get there but it's it's not always possible so when you need to get things done that are uh like really really important just remember to write them down in as small unit as possible getting the time to actually do those things or getting the time to actually write down those things is the discipline part try to get that done at the same time every day that way it becomes a habit trying to get as many things possible done as a habit is great but the problem is when you have an unpredictable lifestyle that's when things get hard so make your planning the habit and then your lifestyle can be more manageable two three um made in China this is magnetic rings I honestly have no idea about this one I've never I've never heard of this one oh whoa [Music] oh they're oh they're weird [Music] Oh that's oh [Music] I'm not moving them together to move them they just move because of the changes in the magnetic field of where they're positioned that is fun fun very cool okay all right this is cool this is cool as hell oh that's cool you could give oh oh that's cool oh that well I'm not cool because I have them I'm cool because my mom said so thanks Mom I didn't know I didn't expect anything out of this I don't I don't expect anything most of these I've heard of at least I have not heard of this one um and it's just literally three rings that are have magnets in them and they move and roll and then when you put them on your fingers they kind of just move on their own that that I think is like the coolest feature the way they kind of pull on your fingers like this if you're just moving them um I think that I would rather have one that was big enough to put on my thumb and then I could kind of like move it like that uh but there's there's something that detracts us from being a really great thing that I would go to every day number one you have to think about it a lot and number two like the way the fields when they get close it does pull on your fingers so that you have to like change and adapt control and do that really fine motor control and the problem is with fidget toys you want it to eventually be aimless at least this is my mentality about it you want it to be background thing something you don't have to think about too much and this requires just a little bit more brain power than anything else and number three if we are on number three we rumor has it we're not is that it can create noise I don't like noise I don't like making noise I'm a noisy guy Enough by itself you should hear me drinking soup it's very loud and in me in every other aspect aspect of my life is very loud but weirdly enough I am conscious about the noise that I'm making and I don't like making that much noise I don't want to make that much noise and I hate bothering people with my noise things like this that's gonna get real Annoying real fast and I see you dropping these a lot so I'm gonna give this a seven and a half because I really like the potential but I'm trying to save a lot of room for things that are going to be really good and you gotta remember seven and a half is a pretty high rating it may seem low but that's pretty high because there is room for improvement but there's still way above everything else that I rated very cool I would not do it I like it a lot as a quick fun thing but I would not want it to be a fidget toy that I use all the time this is just a ball on a string it's just a string ball on a string four I don't know what this is it's in a thing oh okay so this is cool this is like an Infinity cube right so this thing it basically can go in a lot of different directions not every different direction but it will constantly fold in a different way if you get the pattern I don't necessarily know the pattern because I don't play with this a lot I guess I never have until I touch this so I wouldn't really know it's kind of cool and I guess once you get it it would be pretty cool the problem with it is that it's not exactly elegant and I don't know if it's just because I'm not skilled enough at it yet which might be the truth it might be that I'm not skilled enough to know exactly the right pattern to go about using this to make it a really fun experience but for me right now it takes a little too much thinking a little too much looking at it and it's really not nearly as delightful as the magnetic Rings were I love magnets magnets are great I know how they work and I won't tell anybody I'll take that secret to my grave but to be honest I won't take this with me to my grave because it just doesn't seem as appealing I think cool but coolness isn't enough to be able to get you far in life trust me I know I'm extremely cool but look how limited my career has been that didn't make any sense because I'm [Β __Β ] awesome and I'm the number one toy cut all this if I got good at this it would probably get higher but I'm not enticed to get gooder at this so I'm Gonna Leave This at a seven that one was a 7.5 there's a seven that's a lot more noise when it falls six and a half seven I'll be seven that'll be fair some of you probably have this as your favorite thing seven for me this is similar one I'm not picking that [Β __Β ] up is this just a bean this might just be a bean come here oh oh they got faces on them okay that's pretty cute okay so it's beans that when you squeeze them they pop up out of there and they go right back okay all right that's pretty cool so that's that's kind of cool I could see this as being just a little toy you have on your backpack and every once in a while you need something it is the action is fairly satisfying the portability is nice the one-handedness is cool and the Delight of seeing these little that little face I guess it's only in the middle the little face pop-up is a nice surprise um do I see myself using this repeatedly all the time no absolutely not I'll give that a seven as well that gets a seven that's nice for someone this will be very special not for me though [Music] did you know that they do that I bet you didn't I bet you didn't know that I bet you didn't know that some people don't know that I knew that or you learned something new if you learned something new you have to subscribe that's the rules uh I'm not even gonna rate that because these are these are straws I have a whole bunch of them though I'm kind of curious what they do together oh I just got mad at Sour Patch I just remembered something about the colors I guess could have been but anyway [Music] all right I give those a not a score because I don't really qualify them as fun toys well I'll give them a two three five ten what's your answer write in the comments below what that one should be now for a classic something you guys probably know very well Hey listen you guys know this one very well it's near and dear to all of our hearts it kind of started this whole Toy Craze you know why because I'm looking at all these fidget toys how can I look at the fidget toys without looking at the OG the Mack Daddy of them all the McDonald's of fidget toys the basic [Β __Β ] the me the fidget spinner let's see and make this really cool in MLG like it's a 2010 uh Call of Duty compilation foreign [Music] [Music] like love it or hate it it is really nice I don't personally like it if you are super individual toys you probably have played with this at some point in your life it was popular for a reason just because it is satisfying it is nice it is cool uh it does have a proclivity to drop and cause a lot of noise which I do not like but that's only if you don't hold on to it it spawns some of my favorite videos online if you don't know anime fidget Spinners by Corridor crew or Corridor Digital you gotta watch that video but after this one because uh Don't Run Away what is it Henry what is it Henry what is it Henry Henry uh we got this which is dope as hell this is a 3D printed um Event Horizon black hole machine if you watched Event Horizon you know about the the the black hole device that basically uh caused all the problems and made the the ship go through hell this is that device um pretty cool I like it it spins nicely it's it's very quiet it's in your hand and honestly like I like this just as much as a fidget spinner maybe even more just because it is one-handed and the fact that it's 3D printed is cool some people don't like the 3D printed look of things but I do in fact I like 3D printers because I just got a 3D printer uh here's me with my new 3d come with me I need to show you something all right so this is my 3D printer here it's currently printing something um Alexian feel free to censor that but it's very satisfying get in there close it's a really nice 3D printer it prints very fast very well the model that is blurred that you can't see is a vase right it's a Vaz it was pre-programmed in this when I got this it's also not necessarily obscene because that is not what that is but YouTube is a little stingy on age restriction these days so we're going to censor it however bamboo lab sent me this it's really amazing I'm not sponsored by them yet please I am so desperate for sponsorships uh a gummy gummy bears who Sour Patch Kids they abandoned me Takis abandoned me they never did any market research obviously because they would know that I am the Takis guy and I'm the sour patch Channel still even after all this time if they wanted to take me back I would put up a big fight but I would go back but they haven't yet so bamboo labs one carbon yeah yeah good in my book give me more uh it prints really fast god damn that looks really good not because of what it is it's just a really quality sorry you couldn't hear me I love this thing can I have like three more what are you gonna print Forever at once it's not that I'm going to print for something at once is that I'm going to we're going to print four different things uh I'll we're gonna print a lot of things I mean how's it going to print yeah we're gonna print a lot of things Amy we're going to this is probably a painful ass to but we're going to print a lot of things I mean you're coming with me okay no arm no foul hi we got more fun video coming at you real soon thanks so much for being here really appreciate you making this part of the video just wanted to tell you means a lot that you've stuck with me over the years been doing these reviews a very long time and glad the people still like them hoping to bring a few more to bring some Joy back in your life thanks for being here anyway so this one originally uh my eyes my hair my right in my eyes it's it's that length where it's just like stabbing me in the face oh anyway uh I have a hat um so this toy in particular it was I was gonna use this and demonstrate it actually Amy got this for me a while ago uh you remember maybe you don't the Unison video where it was like will she spit or will she oh this is that spit or Boop um it is not supposed to be this color after it's been opened has changed into a color that is unrecognizable okay this is not the color that it's supposed to be this is simply what it is okay I don't know why it says and therefore I will not be demonstrating this when it was at its peak I would give it only a five because it's kind of cool but it's kind of gross at the same time where it's just like and then that's it and you do that a few times but uh longevity wise this is not going to last if this is what the puke looks like after a while so not good not not not good not what I would call good I have no idea what this is very heavy extremely heavy this is like whoppingly heavy I have no idea the zipper's broken on it great foreign magnets are cool I like magnets like I said I know the secrets of magnets um but this is just magnets I don't know if that's that great but at the end of the day it's still pretty cool magnets automatically get Five Points just for being magnets these are a cool color kind of nice and shiny good design but at the same time they are just magnets which is very cool don't get me wrong very fun uh but again just magnets this is a screw this is a Thor hammer ah I see this is a this is mjolnir but it's a spinner I think I don't know how that's gonna work so [Music] kind of fun not gonna lie kind of fun I don't like that no one mentioned anything about a hat if you got to the point where you saw the Hat organically do not answer any question about the Hat please disavow any knowledge of the Hat you see a comment asking about what's with the hat say what hat I don't remember there being a hat there's no hat there what are you talking about make them confused okay it's fun for the whole family just like this that's pretty cool I like that not easy to spin clearly not one-handed which is a big detractor for me like it's got to be one hand really like if it's a fidget toy it has to be one-handed these magnets get a bonus point for being one-handed and the fact that they're cool this is a solid seven just for being magnets I mean okay that is pretty cool that's pretty cool it's like a top but not a top Das pretty dope okay that that went almost instantly right up to one of my favorites of all time I'm not gonna lie and I can do it one-handed that's pretty cool that's pretty cool this is the same as that other one it's just that Cube thing this is more magnets does a nine I've never seen a fidget spinner toy that spun that clean that fast while still making that sound that sounds like it's grinding which is friction which usually stops things but I guess this is mjolnir and it just don't matter this is dope foreign this is less dope because when you hit it your fingers hit it and it stops I don't know if there's something I'm missing here that it's not supposed to be like what I'm seeing uh but it it just came apart okay nine seven ah six and a half I actually like just the Rocks better that's a nine that's crazy cool love that this is a 3D printed engine I wouldn't call this a fidget toy this is just kind of cool it's a demonstration of what an engine in 3D printing can do you can make gears and if you put a few screws in here you got yourself a working example of what an engine in is how it works in the piston and the push-pull bang boom suck blow yeah it's the technical terms I went to engineering Engineers that's still that only just now stopping I'm on I I've already gone through a whole different toy that was still going foreign okay so this is probably what a lot of people swear by when they think of fidget toys it has a bunch of different surfaces that do a bunch of different things some are clicky some spin some are buttons that button doesn't work I don't like the two of these don't actually click but maybe maybe that's by Design it could be by Design but I don't like it you got a bowl that looks like it's just kind of a rollerball or a press ball no it's pressed it's like a silver press and then you get these crank Wheels I can tell you with 100 certainty this does very little for me um mostly because I am not the type of person that needs something like this to constantly keep fidgeting it is nice but again number one I don't like noise I don't like these clicks I like the tactile feel of them as much as I like the tactile feel of pretty much anything but the problem is I just don't like making noise and this doesn't really give me any therapeutic benefits so I'm going to give this a solid score of the not this particular Cube because I think this one's under par but I'm rating the conceptual idea of a perfect version of this as a seven and a half um just because I for some reason in this video started to give arbitrary numbers and I'm going to stop that immediately until I don't [Music] got a clue what this is [Music] so what this is is basically a spinner right you pick the ring that fits your big meaty claw which I apparently need the biggest size okay you put it on your big meaty claw still doesn't quite fit right but because they didn't anticipate and then you do that maybe I'll put on a different finger it's basically a one-handed fidget spinner that's less satisfying six I am excited I'm excited I am excited I'm very very excited about this one because I haven't seen one of these since I was a kid look at that now this is something in a different category entirely this is a visually satisfying thing you don't need to do anything about it just look at it and you enjoy watching the shapes move and swirl in the liquid this one really appeals to me because it doesn't need me to do anything all I need to do is pay attention to it only when I want to right it's like watching that 3D printer work that 3D printer is beautiful because number one 3D printers in general are beautiful but that one's good because I can watch the video feed from afar so I can watch it build but the most important thing is it combines the visual and sound this one doesn't have sound though but it's that visual component of seeing these things change and move and they're all similar but all unique every single one of them is different even look at that look at what look it was doing it's been that's what happens sometimes when you pee goes off to the side oh it's so me but it's beautiful and it is like an hourglass right it just feels like the inevitability of time is slipping solely away from you and even if the timer stopped for something else say a channel that didn't mean that the timer stopped for you but that doesn't mean that the timer is not going to stop someday and every grain of sand is slowly running out for all of us and eventually you won't even see the end when it comes it'll just be a slow fade or a sudden stop and then foreign anyway that's a fun idea but I love this thing it's super cool 9 out of ten just because I think it's great I love it this one's an elegant one it's not too long I kind of it really iffy on the mood of whether I wanted to go for a very long period of time or very short period of time but this one's great because I kind of love the colors a lot of people try to do ones with different colors I like that the colors are kind of similar there's a purple side and a red side they kind of blend together and move together it's just a very vibrant I like it a lot measuring time very fun this is not a toy this is a portable bike pump I don't think it's a toy but maybe eight now this next thing uh that I'm going to show you is actually this is my favorite fidget toy ever this particular one is not my favorite because I lost my other one and then I bought a new one and it was not quite made right it's a little noisy it's a little imbalanced but still conceptually I think this might be the best it's the epitome of a lot of different factors here again this one is not my favorite because it's not a nice color it's but it like it hasn't let me get the scissors out of here but it is nice I know the blur my hand it's not I'm trying to amp it up the reveal is not ready for it so without further Ado blur it again anytime I see it blur it blur blur blur blur that you can't see it blur blur blur blur this is my favorite I think this is the best version of a fidget toy that I have found and it personally works the best for me because not only can I use it whenever I want it helps me concentrate which is at the end of the day the purpose of a fidget toy and for me a man who has ADHD it helps a lot this is the oh no roller I think it's only made by one brand at this time you could probably find different versions of it for probably cheaper than this because it's a little bit pricey I'd say it's too pricey for what it is but all things considered for me it is worth the price what it is is two simple rods on a on ball bearings rotating around a fixed uh plate on the back free Spin spins in your hand it is like uh those metal balls that you spin and oscillate in your hand I forget what the technical term here's the technical term right here that's what they actually are this is like those it gives that kind of like hypnotic motion to it you just do the same Motion in your hand and it's a slight roll and you could do it as fast or slow you can listen there's a slight click in this one in my other one that wasn't present and I can see why because there's a little Gap defect in this one there's a little space there where it clicks into itself every once in a while but even so this is delightful it is really really nice it's weighted it's got feel to it it's got heft when you spin it it rolls smoothly you don't think about it I can be writing I can pick this up I can watch TV I can do this I can do a podcast recording I can do pretty much anything because it's entirely one-handed it's so absent minded no one's thinking about it and and it just you can carry it wherever you want because it fits in your pocket it's not bulby bulbous it's not this thing it's not gonna like take up space it takes up no space and what's even better about it is you can get a mini version if you have a smaller hand or you just want something that's not as heavy they make a junior version of it too rolls exactly the same and this gives you an idea of what it's like when it doesn't have that defect that's just the sound of it rolling against my hand because this one is slightly more textured no clicking no anything smooth roll really easy portable use it wherever you get two different sizes of it no they don't roll together or at least not as far as I'm concerned these are the different sizes for it I am not sponsored by Ono do not think that oh no oh no oh no I'm not sponsored but maybe I will be someday I would gladly take their money for more videos entirely dedicated to this thing if you guys want to pay me if anybody here wants to pay me my rating changes I am so for sale it does it doesn't it's not even funny uh bamboo lab give anybody else I will take so much money I have to this day not been paid once for any of my review videos not once have I ever been actually paid for my services I have done so many reviews and yet no one is paying me I have actually spent so much money just to buy [Β __Β ] for these no one has given me anything please I am begging for it I have no Integrity when it comes to this I will sell out in a moment a heartbeat please anyway that is my video These are the fidget toys they are very nice this one's my favorite check out my other videos this is the end I appreciate everything about you please give me money not you watching the companies that are a part of this that want more services out of me all right goodbye oh how could I forget I'm not I'm not done shut I'm not done every time I do a review video it's time for a little bit of a history lesson and how could any of us forget probably one of the earliest fidget toys the slinky I now know why we've forgotten about it um but there are some people that are incredibly good at Slinky they can do tricks with it they can make it do crazy things you can get them in different colors they look like they will chop your head off and cut your hand to Ribbons that's what I always thought as a kid I still kind of worry about it it's thin metal and you know if it goes fast enough it'll it'll cut but it's very nice there's something very appealing about it it's a little noisy I don't really like the noise but some people are really all about the slinky and sometimes slinky's all you really need except when it gets Tangled and then you can never figure out how to untangle it I don't care how many videos I've looked up I cannot figure it out on dangle this and a curled cord like an old school telephone cord I can't do that I don't know how to do that I don't know how any of that works doesn't make any sense to me I've tried to twist it my brain can't wrap my head around it you give me a map and give me a destination I'll go anywhere on GPS one time I'll be able to go there back and forth every single time without a map ever looking at it but you give me one of these I can't figure out that which way is up or down uh Seven Ten solid ten not joking my favorite that is all the fidget toys that I have I will be auctioning this off maybe I'm not sure it won't stay I probably will have to cast in resin if I figure out a way to cast in resin I will if not then it'll never show up anywhere I've bought a bunch of other review videos and you can check those out uh subscribe for more if you would like um ring the bell I think that still helps I talked to matpat recently and he said he talked to YouTube before they didn't he said it was a really weird idea and they did it anyway so I don't know they must have some data about it so please ring the bell um thank you uh I'm not sponsored but I wish I was don't
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,085,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, amazon, review, fidget toys, top 10 amazon, amazon product, amazon review, amazon haul, amazon shopping, markiplier review, funny review, adhd, adhd toys, toy review
Id: 1QKceimxRf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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