Sour Patch Kids ICE CREAM?!

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hi this is sour patch kids ice cream which means that they put sour patch kids in an ice cream or they made ice cream with sour patch kids which is a different idea than cereal but don't pay attention to that right now it's it's not important what is important is this this is my tactical shovel I bought this off of Amazon the same place I got that material from weird website you can buy all these things and it seems to know exactly what you want whenever you don't even think that you want it so anyway this is a tactical shovel and if you don't know what a tactical shovel is buckle up because I'm about to learn you all about tactical shovels this is a work of art you think about art now shut up about that think about shovels man has been using shovels to do pretty much anything since the dawn of time and this is my baby this is what should I name my shovel hey this is Becky and Becky is a tremendous tool with a million uses now I will get back to the ice cream real quick don't think that this is a video tricking you it ain't no clickbait this is important to this because I bought this because it has a million in one uses you know what a million in one uses means that means it can do about sixteen different things so it's a shovel thud it's a shovel it can shovel things as in shovel ice cream into my mouth it can also this is a harpoon now when I say a tactical shovel I'm then tactical shovel you can use it for tactics like fishing or hunting or pruning in general and when you take it into harpoon mode it's still a shovel it's still got the shovel part of it it's so cool and this isn't even just a show it's also a blade because it's sharp and it's sharp here too so it's an axe so you can dig as you chop and then cut when you're done digging and then you can cut out the heart and then you spleen and then you can slice it upon your breathing's after you're done hunting I'm not going to discriminate on what you're gonna be hunting with this I said it had a million in one uses I came up with a million you know magic with your brain that you are on the Serengeti plains the plains of Serengeti seringai and you're in the woods of Serengeti and you were being stalked by something flunking its way through the brush you can hear it behind you you can hear it around every corner oh it thinks that you're its prey no you will out right from your crack your tactical shovel and yes it can do anything so not only are you being stalked by this but it's getting cold the nightmares blowing across your nips and you need fire so what do you do I'm not gonna talk to you you [ __ ] you settle it for the night because the whistle blasts obviously terrified the creature but then you pull out this [Music] serve and you pull out your knife because it's dark it's night it's cold you need it you need you need fire this is not a toy I am a professional I knew exactly what I'm doing Oh God I know exactly what I'm doing look at me when I'm talking please okay so you've got your knife you've got your fire you're no longer cold and it's no longer night because you've got light on the fire so now the creature makes its move but you've already chopped down the entire nearby forest creating traps of various sizes and utility around your camp you've put torches around a hundred square meter perimeter around your base nothing can approach without you knowing about it because you've also set trip wires from strands vines that you've cut and sliced with the knife edge and the axe edge and then you've dug a poo hole for which you can poop in without having to go into the woods and worry about being ambushed with your pants down it is the utility shop it is incredible and I don't need to justify why I bought this to anybody I am making this declaration that this is a useful tool to survive in all those survival situations that I find my self in everyday and it is not a waste of money it is very useful and the million and one use of it is to try ice cream this is the sour patch kids ice cream review now as I have said before light light Amy did you know this is a light ice cream no it's not declare it says light and okay so off to a bad start a lot of things start off bad and then they get worse but I'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and say this is starting off bad but could get better because I like frozen yogurt this is neither of those things so that point doesn't really make any sense here but I like that so maybe I'll like this ice cream with candy in it is not my favorite thing but it's combination that is tried and true and I like sour things sour things are my favourite candy I said that it was my favorite candy in the last video and therefore I can't be lying about it in this video my ice cream was completely melted by them but that's fun because I'm really looking for the flavor profile that tastes the texture is it all gonna work together and is it all going to be a great taste sensation that's gonna sweep the nation ah their fears so this is an aesthetically pleasing ice cream I like the look of this it looks good it looks inviting it looks colorful and maybe you'd like this it's kind of got a primary thing going on yeah it's good okay zoom out so I give the look of it to enthusiastic thumbs up but all ice cream comes down to the taste and what's curious here is if the chewiness that is Sour Patch Kids is going to get in the way of chewiness of the ice cream it's gonna be like this gumminess inside of it which I don't typically like so it is gumming but it's not bad that is quite good that's really good that's shockingly good maybe should I clean my shovel all right all right thank you're funny what's amazing about this is it is a light ice cream and it's mixed with sorbet and it's got the chewy chunks of sour patch kids but it's very good it's it's like really good and what's even more fascinating is I can taste the sour the sour is totally coming through whereas in the cereal it did have a sour taste to it but this the sour is like enhancing the experience and I think it was a smart move going to sorbet and even light ice cream it's kind of like trying to make it not seem absurdly unhealthy which I get but it's candy and ice cream it's not gonna be healthy I always say that ice cream shouldn't try to be healthy because it's not it never will be it is a treat to be enjoyed occasionally and sparingly and therefore it shouldn't try to be something that it's not chalo top is fine but at the end of the day I would just rather have real ice cream but this is great this is really good it's a hundred and eighty calories per serving a serving is two thirds of a cup usually a serving is like half a cup of ice cream which nobody would ever eat there's nine of these in this container which means that this container contains 1620 calories in total which is not bad if I ate all of this I wouldn't even get my daily required amount of calories because I'm a big boy and I need my calories it's really good and I love this hour to it it's got a bit of a tang Oh what I didn't finish my idea sorbet has a bit of tartness to it which is not too far from being a sour you go too far on the tartness you get sour and this enhances that but not in the back way it's really good because out my fear was that sour with milk based ice cream in its entirety would taste just like the milk in the cereal but this does it's got this great sweetness to it it's almost too sweet but I'm not a chopped judge I don't care if something's too sweet does there it's supposed to be in it with how sweet it is like I don't get how some judge can bite into a sugar bomb of a dessert and be like please too sweet Oh whatever it's fine there is literally creme brulee which is burnt sugar and you can't say that's too sweet like I don't get how you get more sweet than this this is great it's a very sweet it's very tart the sour comes through I would eat this regularly because it's great Amy it's really good and it's got like this marbling to it I think I think these red are like rivers of blood or rivers of like the sourness that runs through it because I don't see any red bits so that's really where the TARDIS comes from but it's really aesthetically pleasing to the eye it's not too many calories I mean it's a lot of sugar but you know it's not gonna be healthy if you're getting something ice cream based it's not gonna be good for you however this is not my favorite ice cream I will say that it's very good but it is specific case I I wouldn't say that you know you can bite into an ice cream and be like Oh too sweet but you wouldn't want it all the time to be that sweet you want sweetness on occasion you want to target us on occasion you want to know what the best ice cream is one of the greatest ice creams in the world is made right in my town of Cincinnati graters black raspberry chocolate chip now you wouldn't think that would be a great combination on its service but it is if you if you haven't had this it is phenomenal it's a great ice cream in the black raspberry just works super well and the chocolate chips which I'm not typically a fan of chocolate chips in ice creams in general because usually they get too tough and they they have this crunch to it that's unpleasant I'd rather have chocolate just melt in my mouth but the chocolate in this ice cream is great its soft its chewy for some reason even if it's frozen solid it is a fantastic ice cream my favorite ice cream bar none is butter pecan but that changes in quality depending on which brand you get it from graters black raspberry chip is the only one to get this flavor and you can get it anywhere you can even get it in California you can get it wherever Kroger's has its grubby mitts in there's nothing wrong with Kroger's that I know of and you can always say that about corporations because you never know what's shaping an updo makes are bad kids actually oh no that's just the ice cream Nestle is job in conclusion the sour patch kids ice cream is great it is delicious it would not be my go-to dessert but it is way up there if I saw this available wherever I happen to be and ice cream was raining down in the sky and all I had was my shovel my fire my boat my fence my traps and my show an ice cream was there in various different flavors but sour patch kids ice cream was raining down among them I might so in that hypothetical scenario pretty good so anyways thank you everybody so much for watching I know you all asked for this none of you asked for this but it happened anyway life may throw you a curveball sometimes so you would have to just roll with the punches and the only way you're gonna be able to roll with the punches is if you get yourself a tactical shovel hit that Bell to be notified of whenever I'm up to some shady [ __ ] and maybe subscribe I don't know if those are mutually exclusive I guess you have to do both which is an odd system when you really think about can you ring the bell without being subscribed Amy can you ring the bell without being subscribed no no I don't want to find out yet you just find out cuz I have no idea anyway try that but thank you everybody so much for watching if you haven't seen me eat the cereal yet don't waste your life but I'll put the link in the description anyway so thanks again and as always I will see you in the next video
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,683,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sour patch kids ice cream, markiplier, candy review, ice cream review, american candy, food review, funny review, markiplier review, candy, sour patch kids, ice cream, cereal, tactical shovel
Id: bBRql-LF2vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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