I Review Canadian "Candy"

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[Applause] make that sound thumpier canada is a magical place full of whimsy and mystery it's like middle earth but up north and if wait uh canada is a country uh about nine million a hundred thousand square miles population about 30 million considerably less than the united states but culturally uh similar but with many distinct properties you guys don't care about any of that so i'm not going to talk about it i'm in canada which means that it's time to review canada's snacks because since i arrived in canada i have now become the best canadian reviewer in the country i would like to apologize for my egregious statements of trying to claim the best um reviewer in the car but this is terrible can we start over again i'm in canada which means that it's time for me to cleanse my palate of my american sins my mouth is full of sin dirty horrible american sins and i'm gonna cleanse that because i'm in canada now which means that it's time to get rid of all the bacteria that have festered in my gut healthy bacteria they're called probiotics learn about them and i'm going to replace them with the wholesome comforting feeling of the bacteria of canadia's candy canada's candy canada i have never had this much trouble starting a video in my life does it look like i have a bowl kind of okay so it's time to get down to brass tacks i don't know what that expression means but it's time to eat which i'm going to do and i'm very hungry what we have in front of us me no us it's just me no one else is here what we have here today are what i assume to be canadian snacks i actually asked my members what canadian snacks were and they couldn't tell me they actually started listing out different snacks from different countries like sweden norway scotland earn brew they mentioned and i i feel like it's kind of an american thing where well it's a canadian thing but it's kind of like an american thing where they assume that just because it's in their country means that they invented it which is very american and canada you can't take that from us we're the opposite in [ __ ] we are ignorant you are better than that but i assume that these are kind of canadian because people said this this said made in canada this has a maple on it which i know they love their maple leaves and bear paws we don't have bears in america if these are not canadian or if they're not like in the essence of being canadian then i'm sorry i did my best i'm an ignorant american i already covered this i'll do the pass so we're going to start and and really we're going to start actually somewhere that with something that they tried to bring to america i remember this kind of was a thing about like 10 years ago or so they they try to make it so it's like they advertise it as like a lighter chocolate the idea being that there are bubbles inside of it they're bubbles that create more surface area for you to get more of the taste sensation of the chocolate and it gives kind of a texture to it i never tried it myself but the idea was that less actual chocolate means less actual calories but you still get the full flavor because surface area is a thing i don't know and also i don't know if this is actually canadian but i've noticed that there's a trend in terms of textures that seem to be like fluffy i'm not flipping you off that seemed to be light light and fluffy as opposed to like more dense pure sugar things all i'm doing is saying words i'm not actually saying anything of substance literally every word that utters from my mouth is just to give you the illusion that i know what i'm talking about but i'm really just filling out time [Music] chocolate i don't expect this to be that different oh it's crumbly because of the textures you can see the tech you can see the textures right you you can see the textures is that focused bubbles okay that's just chocolate it's interesting with the way the bubbles it gives it more of a crumbly texture when you first bite into it but once it starts melting it's like all there i don't know about the whole surface area thing but texturally once it gets melted it's just chocolate and it's good again i don't know if it's canadian but i'll tell you what is canadian what i know for a fact is this ketchup chips so there was a lot of people that were talking a lot about this and i like ketchup i really do i do not mind ketchup i put ketchup on a lot of things fish sticks taters fish this is not a joke i'm trying to remember what the hell i put ketchup on not pickles i don't sometime i have in the past when i was a kid the sandwich of choice that we would make would be white bread bologna pickles and ketchup got ya you thought i was lying pickles and ketchup hell yeah brother hell yeah okay that smells strongly of ketchup it smells very strongly of ketchup that doesn't look red enough to suggest ketchup that looks purple and i know there are purple potatoes out there but honestly it smells like ketchup i like ketchup i feel like it would be better if i just dipped it's not better okay so in the element of replicating the flavor of ketchup on a potato chip they've done a good job here this does taste like ketchup the thing is i don't like to dip my potato chips and ketchup which is weird considering french fries in ketchup baked but baked potatoes no ketchup i don't do baked potatoes in ketchup i don't do hash browns in ketchup some people do that i don't do that potato chips are in that valley it's weird because ketchup is interesting i don't like straight up tomatoes i love ketchup i love tomato soup i love roasted baby tomatoes baby tomatoes child tomatoes youngling tomatoes what do they call them cherry tomatoes cherry dimensions i like roasted cherry tomatoes i do not like raw cherry tomatoes this is okay but it's not that good i get it but i don't get it right to each their own but not for me maybe also going from chocolate to ketchup i feel like this is not a weird thing in canada it's a weird thing to me but not in canada ah what's wrong with you guys why would you do that why would canada make this their delicacy why do canadians definitely actually factually dip their chocolate and ketchup that's weird of you guys that's very strange that is not good in the vein of more chips and to further deviate from the world of taste by going from chocolate to chip these are crispers maybe canadian i have no idea but these are all dressed i thought this is ass seasonings these are some other kind of potato chips except maybe not potato chip wheat flour potato flour so not necessarily potato chip probably more like pringles in terms of actual chip smells good all dressed up is like uh vinegar garlic onions probably ketchup kind of like little uh little crackers that's not bad i like that it doesn't have a very strong flavor but it definitely has like a a pleasant flavor right the texture is good i always love a good crunch and that's a decent crunch this wouldn't be like my go-to go-to snack but as far as like just snack ability i could see me munching on these and not even realizing it i would tear through this whole bag of seconds and nobody would ever be able to catch me you know i could devastate a countryside of these ships and no one would stop me i would go through an army of these ships blood spilling into the fields flowing like rivers down the hills and all i hear is the screams of the damned and in pain and death and i go through the field and i just stab over and over no one would stand in my way so it's freaking chip i like that since i'm just going by willy-nilly random here i'm going to go for the whippets also interesting thing about canadian packaging is there's always almost always french english and french on both the sides which i think is fascinating because obviously canada a large portion of the population speaks french that's all i have to say about that just an anecdote i'm here for the food not for the language oh they're like little macaroons that's a nice bit of chocolate i like that it's really hitting me in the nose with like chocolate it's really powering up through there with chocolate and i do appreciate it it's more of a dark chocolate i'm not really like a dark chocolate kind of guy but i also recognize that the darker the chocolate the more close you get to actual chocolate and when you get to the chocolate like this like yes it's very sweet but it's kind of very distant from what real chocolate should be and so you don't get a lot of the benefits of actual chocolate when you get there and with a darker chocolate you always get a richer flavor to it even if it's more bitter it doesn't really matter you get the closer to the god of chocolate wow that was like an experience not lying not exaggerating that was a full experience that bite transformed because it's like a very spongy it's like a very spongy texture inside because it's a marshmallow it's a very soft marshmallow i was thinking it was going to be like more like a macaroon a macron where it was going to be more of a firm marshmallow but i'm actually surprised at just how like look how squishy that is it's sticking to my finger if it would ever focus on this that would be fantastic if it actually focused on this watching i'm just fingering this candy now without it focusing on it but it's sticky right and so i wouldn't expect that kind of like moisture out of a packaged treat but it's very good and when you first bite into it it's not a lot of like flavor there but the flavor really develops after a while it's strange that is very good it's kind of like a s'more right so the flavor really comes because you got your top layer with like the marshmallow and then the bottom layer with a cracker and then everything's covered in chocolate so you have to let the chocolate melt in your mouth but when it does it binds everything together because at first all you're getting is like marshmallow which by itself not that much flavor but as soon as the chocolate starts to melt it really just flows through everything combines everything makes it all connect in your mouth that is delicious mmm i don't know if that's canadian but if it is good on you guys 10 out of 10. 10 out of 10. 10 out of 10. oh my god those are amazing all right tim tams i don't know if it's canadian but tim tam sure sounds canadian you got your timmy horton which i'm going to do a video about i'm going to order everything off the timmy orton menu you are not prepared for what i'm about to bring to you tim horton so expect that but tim tams it sounds like you know canadian hey whatever tim tam sounds like it i don't know i noticed like a lot of god damn you canadians know how to live it's like an oreo that's covered in chocolate and chocolate cream inside it's very chocolatey it's very one note but god the note is good right um i was gonna do a bit where i like keep adding ketchup to things but i'm not gonna do that because this is just too good to ruin i'm not gonna i'm gonna do that very good i wouldn't give this the same quality as the other one because the other one really like the experience was great this is just a good cookie this is like a munchie cookie you could just pound through these eight out of ten more in the same crunch vein this is kind of combining the arrow the arrow thing arrow arrow chocolate the air air bubbles um but in a crunch bar i haven't seen this elsewhere so if it's not canadian it's not american it's a lot tougher than i thought it'd be very very tough [Applause] dry too a lot dryer everything else so far has been very moist it looks like a wall insulation on the inside but um it's actually good i do like it it's kind of like it's not honeycomb but it reminds me of something that's like the same colors honeycomb i don't know what it's called it's good it's good right it's good i like it a lot it's kind of like a butter butter finger if the butter finger was a lot staler and more solid in the middle and more concrete but the flavor is very good ah flick up looks like a tasty rock not my ideal choice but the flavor very good all right bear claws i haven't seen these in america and if i did i'm stupid so shut up this is not what i was expecting either whoa they're big oh [ __ ] i thought these are gonna be like little bites like like teddy grahams you know what i mean but no these are actual like big ass bear claws oh they're soft too they're so soft they don't taste good but that's cute that's cute oh tastes bad but cute very bad i don't like those no flavor but cute i like the execution get out of here [ __ ] it's made by the same people the only reason i think it's canadian is because there's a big ass maple leaf on it so i'm probably right i'm usually right about these things these are uh maple cream premium cream filled cookies they're not very sweet but i don't think they're meant to be i think the filling has got to be like maple syrup based because a lot of things in canada are maple syrup based pretty much everything i think they put it in the water to be honest but not bad okay so i'm not looking at this like a cookie like an oreo or anything this is just like kind of like a like a tea kind of cookie with coffee or something like that dip in a few times you know you just snack on you only eat two or three of these ever you never eat a lot but it's still not something i would go for it's okay i'm trying to look at it objectively but it's also i'm never gonna go out of my way to get these if i come back to canada and i see these on a table somewhere i'm not gonna go i'm gonna be like oh i tried those i don't really like them now i need a pallet cleanser wow all right smarties they talk a lot about these in in the u.s smarties are very different smarties are in the small little rolls and they're actually like a dextrose powder candy they're old school they've been around forever i imagine these also been around forever but they seem more like m m's m m type things than other candies [Music] why did i get like a hit of cinnamon why was it spicy it was spicy i don't like that i don't like that i don't like that basic [ __ ] cara milk it's caramel chocolate how bad could this be will this be spicy as well caramel chocolate that's good but about the same bridge mix the original i don't know what other version there is besides the original this is the original bridge mix i don't know what's inside this it's like a chocolate little egg what are you what are you there's a different one there's a light brown and a dark brown what are you what are you oh it's bleedy that's what it was it's a chocolate covered gummy okay and the other one was like i don't know what the other one's covered in bricky [ __ ] it's like some kind of crumbly uh crumbly something else interesting those are peculiar not bad though i did like them i just was not ready for a chocolate covered gummy now that i know that that's what it is that's actually quite good okay so now we've got these similar packaging called oh henry's they just look like a little like peanut cluster chocolate caramel stuff those are very good those are very good crunchy peanuts chewy fudge creamy carable covered in chocolate coating i mean you can't go wrong with that that's very good it's a good snacking thing that'll keep you going oh by the way for those of you who are curious i threw this down because it's popcorn and it's not canadian it's i bought this for myself for groceries and it was anyway omg omg peanut butter clusters okay so this is probably similar to oh henry but this is omg and i imagine this is just going to be an even more deluxe version of that one similar kind of cl cluster thing so yeah um bad no i'm just kidding that's good it's very good uh like i don't like the kind of like genero preserved forever peanut butter that's in these type of things it's kind of the same thing that's in like those square rectangular packages with the square crackers with peanut butter in the middle um that's kind of peanut butter in here but even so peanut butter pretzels chocolate like you can't go wrong it can't go wrong goodies goodies okay in similar to smarties these are goodies in that these are nothing like smarties but much like many things in canada very cute names goodies smarties tim tam cute these are made by twizzlers it even says that up there so i don't know if these are strictly canadian but i don't remember these being in a little u.s of a kind of like a little jelly bean kind of tastes like a jelly bean these are jelly beans these are like licorice jelly beans or candy coated pieces of licorice which is what they are which given twizzlers i don't know why they're doing this twizzlers doesn't really make real licorice they make twizzlers which i like but everyone knows they're not really licorice yeah so you can see it's like the black licorice on the inside maybe zoom now zoom on me hey how you doing have you liked and subscribed yet maybe hey why don't you give it a thought that's all think about it you don't have to do it it'd be cool if you did but whatever no i'm not going to pressure you guys i'm not that type of youtuber you really have your own free will here the like button is there for your use only indicative of content that you actually enjoy and if you don't use it that's fine that's up to you but choose wisely why oh oh my god okay so with that so ends my adventure in terms of snacking with canadian snacks this was a good one i found some snacks that i liked i found some snacks that maybe you aren't for me but still might be for some canadians and at the end of the day the only thing i really didn't like was the ketchup chips ha got ya you have to like now because i tricked you again you thought it was the end [ __ ] you always wrong ketchup seasoning what the hell is this [ __ ] you want to know why i got this popcorn it was also a lie trick you [ __ ] you gotta subscribe now look at this this is a this is a popcorn seasoning ketchup popcorn seasoning you thought that this was just for me grocery shopping i'm a better actor than you ever thought [ __ ] i tricked you so much like the video you have to i'm exploiting you to do it you have to like the video now it's long whatever i don't care so i'm gonna go microwave this [Music] okay hey welcome to the secret bonus content if you're here it's because you are smart enough to be able to unlock this part of the video congratulations thank you for solving the puzzle um your prize package will be delivered to you via drone and so just yeah really i didn't expect you to actually make it this far but you always beat my expectations you're smarter than you ever look and uh thanks for hitting the like button as well because you're smart enough to do that and subscribing only the smart people can do that so we got popcorn i don't imagine this is gonna be very different from your standard popcorn what is gonna be different is ketchup seasoning i don't know why god allowed this to happen but it happens because why is this any different than just putting ketchup on your popcorn which you could do at any moment i don't understand why you actually need to have seasoning for it but hey don't knock it till you try it so i'm going to try it and then i'm gonna knock the hell out of it i'm gonna knock this [ __ ] in the next century [Music] it smells like ketchup don't know what i was expecting okay i'm not [ __ ] footing either this looks more like cheetos dust than ketchup okay so i have coated this it's not it's not like oh it's so terrible i hate life but what's wrong with just salt i don't get anyone that has to dress up their popcorn look i like caramel popcorn that's fine but at the end of the day i just like basic [ __ ] popcorn with a lot of salt that's what i like but that didn't taste that much like ketchup either let's see what actual ketchup on popcorn tastes like kind of tastes just like ketchup the the popcorn actually just goes away so hence why probably they do the seasoning of it because otherwise you're just gonna have popcorn it's like if i put hot sauce on popcorn oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that's actually delicious then again i i like i like frank's red hot a lot sponsor me by the way or else i will come after you i've made a new discovery that was really very good hi it's me again just wanted to remind you about distractible which is great and awesome and it's a podcast that me and my friends made bob wade and i and uh we talk about a lot of really important things that you should probably know about about the world and the stories that are lurking within the world that we all live in and also lurking in the shadows of our mind and the madness kind of spills out so if that sounds like something you're interested in click the link in the description below and check it out for yourself i think you'll find to be very fun or you can go to spotify or apple podcast and search for distractible and find it yourself but definitely go now it's not going anywhere i'm just trying to put a sense of urgency to this so that you actually feel like there's a need to do it now and not later but if you could do it now that'd be great you have homework try this hot sauce popcorn specifically french red hot i don't know if it'll work with all hot sauces but try that get back to me in the comments tell me what you thought of it tell me if any of these things resonate with you if any of them you don't like let me know watch my other reviews playlist in the description suggest videos over there check them out end card right here thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this get ready for more canadian reviews i've got tim hortons next and then i will be doing an extensive review on all the maple syrups i can find thank you so much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 8,869,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, review, canadian candy, foreign candy, trying candy, markiplier tries, markiplier reviews Canadian candy, funny reviews, best review, markiplier reviews, candy review
Id: nrvQWK4oiZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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