Laughing at Ai Generated Stories

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and hello everybody my name is markiplier and for those who don't know that means i am a youtube personality over the years i have had the privilege to work with some awesome youtubers and play some awesome games i do both of these things that's actually pretty good um welcome to what used to be talk to transformer but is now in fact in for kit which i think stands for infernal kit because they summon the powers of hell to be able to uh create these random words if you didn't know uh we played around with this over on unison is way back when you can't find it now don't worry it's gone and also we played around with this back when it was talk to transformer that was back then but on distractible we played around with infrakit and i was like i kind of want to play around with it again to see what it can do so that's why i'm here i don't really have a goal this is pretty open-ended i'm just gonna see what it can do and uh maybe i'll embarrass myself and i stood upon the pressed piece of the cliff contemplating all the terrible decisions that had led me to this very moment or was it audrey [Music] hey the thunderous downpour and followed the incessant cry of the tree frogs stopping to see if i could hear anything else i saw a very large shadow fly over my head and as i turned to see who or what it was i found myself lying on a piece of carpet holding a hairbrush in my hand i looked around and realized i was in some type of large room filled with what seemed to be over a hundred women and possibly one or two men i searched the crowd and noticed that there well it didn't seem like it stopped at the end there's a few settings here that i'm not 100 sure of obviously length generator let's keep that like suit 360. uh you can add keywords interesting you can select the category pause at the end is what i had selected because i thought that it would end where it thinks it should and apparently that's where it thinks it should nucleus sampling top peepee value closer will produce less variety more repetition is that well who would want what's probable controls the randomness of sampling the creativity okay the creativity everybody the the creativity uh values greater than one will increase the chance i'm not gonna worry about that let's try that again my hand was trembling the gun rattling in my grip in front of me stood ronald mcdonald i knew what i had to do i brought my other hand up i let it slowly open okay uh it it went a little racist okay so ai is an interesting thing if you remember when uh microsoft had their ai control their twitter for a bit or maybe they created an account for it um it sampled what was already on twitter and then became horrifyingly racist and uh just started tweeting absolutely inane insane horrifying things turns out that ai in any case could do that and that happens so let's try that again i was so happy filled with sunshine and rainbows all was good in the world and i felt the glorious feeling of love and harmony bursting in my soul what a wonderful place this world was that is until my four-year-old daughter walked into the room and said dad look at those mushrooms i told her that mushrooms don't grow on the earth they're made of the devil she said i don't know mom i don't know mom they're really big they look like they could be i explained to her again that the mushrooms are made of the what i'm gonna increase it to 420 water the mud water the mushrooms made of what are they made of obviously the book is indeed being used to lure children into the dark world of deceit deception and witchcraft that is quite a jump from their goal of improving children's education oh god i don't know how to pronounce those lexian put those into a text-to-speech and play what those pronunciations are referral chimutera and set c moyo had previously contested the allegations of misappropriation of the funds by claiming that in fact they were trying to build a school where boys and girls will learn together i don't know i don't know knock knock who's there knock knock who's there auntie doris aunty doris who auntie doris the evil witch who took your soul auntie doris who's been dead for 600 years and can now walk the earth auntie doris who takes on the form of a man uncle herb entered the room carrying a purple robe uncle herb i just bought this as good will auntie doris who [Laughter] hunted doris the evil witch who took your soul auntie doris who's my dad oh my god for some reason this literally only works properly with uh knock knock jokes um i'm hoping that lexian played in the beginning of this episode uh the knock knock joke that really knocked us on our ass oh my god knock knock who's there keep out you are not wanted here knock knock who's there [ __ ] you stay out let me in who's there step aside i'm married who's there leave me alone i'm getting horny who's there don't touch me if you touch me i'll have to sue you knock knock who's there santa claus you've been very good this year you can listen to that episode in the description below um let me try that again knock knock who's there taco bell taco bell who taco bell who taco bell who taco bell it's me taco bell patriots lineman brian schwanke is a machine and he's even been spotted sleeping in a cafeteria with a backpack full of good okay knock knock who's there pizza pizza pizza who pizza with apples ooh pizza with apples pizza pizza with apples why do you have a pizza with apples sue makes me so makes me give pizza with apples sue smile don't give up smile don't give up smile don't give up what do you have that's red mushrooms mushrooms all right well let's try funny joke funny joke funny joke doc dr glitz what no stop pushing the funny joke stop stop stop stop i said funny joke funny joke peyton still hasn't told his boss he's on maternity leave i finally made the mistake of asking him about it yesterday and i swear his response was i just don't feel right telling him what he's afraid he's gonna get fired anyway he was convinced that he'd keep a secret from now from just about everyone else but i'm a little worried i hope this isn't a mistake today i've hilarious joke guys guys guys i've got the most hilarious and funny joke to tell you oh boy you're gonna laugh [Laughter] i've just been sitting here rehearsing it in my notebook and it's starting to get to the point where it might just come out right i'm just going to tell you how i write jokes so i'm going to write down a couple of things the punch line then a few things after that then i say it i say it and then i say it god uh look out behind you scared a deer you'll certainly that deer are pretty spooked by vehicles i've even been known to run over one or two on purpose when i wasn't paying attention was caught out after dark that's when i turned my engine off and the windows down the music up and put on my safety into the hands of the man i know i know it's not legal at least i'm not breaking the law mostly what poopy what big old butt but [Laughter] [Music] uh you know what i guess that's to be expected i don't know i was surprised so this is it i'm dying seems unfair my blood's spilling out out from the gash in my side oh what a world if only i hadn't lived a life full of so many regrets the only good thing to come from the slaughter are the dramatic screams of the mourners who cling to me every single one of them they're trying to break me away from the great machine in my mind but they can't break the pawns that i have made me what i am i can hear a woman scream it's not fair but it doesn't have an effect on me at all i wish she would shut up the clock says midnight and i am just and i am just a cold body with the clock ticking away the blood trickling from my stomach and up through the hole in my neck it's all right just breathe about the other my name's jen i'm a very special being i'm a prisoner of the system and i have many deaths to pay my work goes on no matter what i become this is my legacy you're my very first convert to your lovely service tyler i'm a man in the final one okay um wade and bob decided to take a trip out into the woods that's when things got weird they found what looked like a cave but when they entered it it was nothing like it seemed instead of a cave there was a red door and on the outside of the door was a mossy inscription it read once you have entered the force you will never be the same this is not the woods that you are used to this is not your childhood or your parent's childhood this is not even the kind of force you saw on television tyler and mark started a podcast called go my favorite sports team tyler came to visit we went out to eat lots of fun at least for tyler and me what did anyone else do get ready for the impact coming at you from a young woman who has been married for two months and doesn't need any more sleep my thought processes are like i think most 18 year old thoughts are in the here and now not in a few years i will feel this way i am free from all responsibility i've done it i've solved world hunger here's the plan here's the plan 10 million pounds of chicken 10 million chicken breasts 10 million drums 610 million wings wait what how would i go about gathering 10 million pounds of chicken meat first question is where would i find it next how would i get it for those of you wondering what happened to the half my grandma cooking chicken whole chicken boneless done skinless thingy i know you are what uh let me go to a different category let me just go pure fiction it was dark i was scared it was dark it was weird it wasn't dark when the plane dropped i was scared though the plane went up in the air i was happy i was happy too it was dark when i opened my eyes it was dark and i opened my eyes it wasn't dark but i opened my eyes but i had my eyes open so it wasn't dark but it was dark i went to bed but the lights came on so it was dark it was dark and i went to bed it was dark i went to bed don't don't know don't know i need you we're almost there i can't not for you not for me this is killing me philip [Music] they made love with quick angry thrusts but then it was over what i don't know what to do robin who's robin all right fiction's a bust let's do a news story um there's also another setting here to start at the beginning yeah okay uh florida man caught dead with 17 rain deer uh bolted to giant sleigh and a seven-year-old girl charged with grand theft authorities in coleur county said daniel goolsby was arrested and charged with animal cruelty and grand theft after police found ghouls be in his backyard dead in a pickup truck with a hat full of reindeer in the bed according to nbc 2 goolsby and his daughter had been on the run since christmas night the station said the items had stolen from home i have an idea there's a uh subreddit called offbeat which has like weird news titles i'm just gonna plug a few into these and see where it goes six percent of americans think they could beat a grizzly bear in hand-to-hand combat that's a scary thought however americans are not going to be helping by adding guns to bear proof bear cages conservative official warrants hunters in wyoming and idaho where grizzlies live i started attaching rifles hunting knives night vision goggles and other gear to bear proof crates the purpose of the nets which are designed to keep bears in place while hunters shoot them is to reduce the what is there there's the number of grizzlies killed by hunter city officials of the u.s fish and wildlife service at issue is grizzly hunting which has been banned in the lower 48 states for more than 40 years but the hunts are still legal in montana and wyoming the bans have to do with the animals and danger status and strict protection all right fascinating asteroid the size of 350 giraffes to fly past earth this week what what oh god i think this is just actually news let me let me start this over again here's where to watch an asteroid the size of a giraffe and the fifth largest ever discovered will fly past earth on friday prompting nasa to launch its preliminary defense telescopes to monitor the space rock and offer them last minute safety tips for observers the flyby the asteroid in 2018 la is an opportunity for scientists to test a worldwide asteroid detection tracking network all right here we go semi-trailer crash outside pittsburgh dumps more than seven tons of hot dog filler on what is hot dog filler oh god no oh god no they just oh they just they drive that into just a goddamn truck i'm still gonna eat hot dogs i guess but let's see what uh infrakit thinks of it a semi-trailer crash on the i-279 in pennsylvania dumping hot dog meat onto the road the truck stuck concrete median this is just the exact thing that actually happened give me some nonsense ability here 137 [ __ ] worlds fauxhawks falling against my period damn she's ah go no that's not right that's uh that's a little too the sampling temperature is a little too spicy there let's try uh 125. a flatbed trailer carrying more than seven tons of controversial hotdog filler crashed early friday outside pittsburgh spilling onto the highway and leaving a mess for cleanup crews and police the crash took place at 4 48 am in franken's frankstown township trying one more time let's get a little more random here let's go 150. freeway on half very against me several dangers when blowing a roth client's fair biggest risk oh god stop stop stop bringing it reset that i did it i killed it after all that time i finally managed to hunt that monster down there was a special event where food place was at from 24 to 26 daylight the only two non-vampires in the three-part event here are my thoughts and observations after clearing it oh it's a walk through oh okay uh elden ring el din ring roads get traveling to elton doesn't have to be a difficult journey oh my god it's really starting to lose it here we go uh i've got a website called 101 funny clean jokes that'll make you laugh your pants off what do dentists call their x-rays depends on your school dentists have long believed that the dental record is the only clinically important record in dentistry for researchers all right hilarious what did one ocean say to the other ocean what is there in the shape of an island that can't give forth plath of delight till the sound of the wind and waves of whispering love and serenity and peace what has land ever said to sky what is sand ever said to see island and sea are lovers and the hours in love are the hours spent without a thought of sleep let the sea murmur her sadness and be gone let the ocean lift her voice god that what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this just a [ __ ] up coincidence do we even know why this goes again completely against what we learned in kindergarten to not look up to people but maybe it's because i don't give a [ __ ] about you i will see you and i will laugh share this article now one more story from japan read these stories first japanese person to get naked on the u.s wow uh all right knock knock who's there snow white snow white who snow white who snow white who will this guy do the imposter cackled as he stared back at this shifty and terrified vampire and nodded his head up and down once [ __ ] you well it's not very funny [ __ ] and balls when did you become so [ __ ] insulting in fact [ __ ] you two you know oh god i don't know bet you can't make me laugh two boys are best friends one day the friend wants to sell some gold bouillon and the boy hesitates you don't understand gold sells for big bucks and i don't have enough money to buy the bouillon the friend's father says that's true my boy but i don't think he can make me laugh i don't think he can make me laugh so the boy continues to sit on his knees and wait for the laugh okay i got this new anime plot basically there's this high school girl except she's got huge moves i mean some serious hunkers a real sense of badonkers packing some doughbong hankeros i wonder what it's going to do with this [Music] bygone cougars stuff she has such huge boobs and she's so huge and her boobs are so huge and the other girl's boobs are so huge they look like big shrimp lobsters being held at 12 year old girl hulking she's such a slab then they start doing she gets pregnant from having sex with an actual piece of fishing line so big all right she's got huge boobs i mean some serious honkers a real set of badonkas packing some doban hankeros cougars what happens next transfer student shows up with even bigger bonk hanukkah hoogs humongous uncle hung eek how did you lose an over 17 year old in your dorm i suppose just don't tell her the library is you fail me humongous [Music] please sir i think i'm not fit to be your girlfriend you know all the teenage pregnancy and everything i'll punch you in the face if you keep asking what are you asking again they look at each other what the [ __ ] did you say about me you little [ __ ] you think you can get away with saying that [ __ ] to me over the internet think again [ __ ] as we speak i am contacting my secret network of spies across the usa and your ip is being traced right now so you better prepare for this storm that storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life that's word for word i could be anywhere eddie over seven different places oh man the actual the original is 700 ways but seven different ways wow uh i don't know if i can do any better than that big bouncing bong hongo maybe i need a refresh knock knock who's there falco falco who falco who falco yo this is your boy falco i'm gonna bring my team and we're gonna go to the tournament all right let's go see i wasn't all that good the guy at the store uh oh this is so incredibly boring i can't see anything it's so quiet in here it's painful [ __ ] the guys must be having a heart attack in the corner he isn't moving at all it's the oddest thing i've ever seen all right i have no idea what else i can put into this on the last day of the year 12 monkeys entered the store and only one left alive on the first day of the year three monkeys entered the store and only one went left alive on the second day of the year six monkeys entered the store and only one left alive on the third day of the year nine monkeys entered the store and only one left alive on the fourth day of the year fourteen monkeys out of the store and only one left alive on the fifth day of the year sixteen monkeys entered the store and only one left alive on the sixteenth because apparently uh that's all in for kid is which is debunking a bunch of monkeys slamming on a keyboard so thank you everybody so much for watching my vlogs i hope you all enjoy the gifts that i made for you after i make a video you are allowed to ask me a question in a poll on the board please choose from these question do you like it answer will you be a witness you please write your answer in the comments do you like it will you be a witness you really are so pretty why is your hair like that those are the only valid comments that you can make in the comments below and if anyone has made any other comments that are not pertaining to these specific answers for comments please downvote those comments so that only the relevant comments can stay up and remember you have your three options here if you like the video be sure to share it also if you want to visit and see how much fun we have while she is in the hospital anyway and as always i will see you on the other side bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,615,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inferkit, talk to transformer, markiplier, ai, ai generated, ai generated stories, ai text, artificial intelligence, funny, laughing, markiplier laugh, hilarious
Id: O3qVB8MLC-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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