How to Aerial Silk Dance

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She made it look so effortless. Mark made it look... the appropriate amount of effort.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Wolvensong 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] okay so today we are going to learn how to do silk ribbon spinning dancing ignore my hair I just came from a photo shoot in them really all fancy that I don't usually look this good but we're gonna be doing silk ribbon spin dancing I don't have the clothes for it I forgot to get shorts but I think it'll be okay because I'm not gonna be too good at it and I don't think I'm gonna get sweaty unless I get good at it or something like that bump I forget what the person's name is probably like a Susan or something or Jimmy your Jackson hi I'm here to dance on silk ribbons maybe that one that works okay oh thank you what's your name I'm John John thank you so much John that is a cool car my vans better though you know you got it no trying to show off so either way I think that was probably the lady that's gonna teach me the silk ribbon dancing unless I'm being horribly sexist and it's actually John cuz that's entirely a possibility but just going by my personal bias I think it might be that lady okay I'm beginning points I think he's just pointing to the lady being like oh this lady is the one hey let's do this hello everybody my name is markiplier and this is Taylor of the dancing fire is it like your stage name or is it a company name or the company the company name okay today we're gonna be learning aerial silk din ribbon dancing aerial silk dancing there is that the real name aerial silks top off the rest of that aerial silks so Taylor is gonna guide me through a lot of warm-ups and then we're gonna try our best to do some activities so you want to give them that sample I know you just did this fancy not but yeah just review what Taylor expects me to be able to do at the end of today well first I want you to climb to the top I'm gonna have you do what we call double foot locks and splits so I'm gonna make two foot locks here and we're gonna slide out to slits all right you see the the level of complexity from just going up to that I feel like there are a few steps in between I'll get you on there and then the next thing that we'll do is what we call straddle back okay just give me a close oom in on my face because I'm gonna be doing a lot of these and I want you to capture every one I'm gonna be very dead by the end of this okay crewmate so we'll get started with give something for the foot people on you did you know that's a big thing like even on twitch which is a live streaming platform you can't have bare feet while you're live streaming cuz it's just against the rules and they'll be in your channels yeah I was thinking you're saying it's a go weird fetish thing that's the reason why you can't do it it's like it's a because it fuels people's fetish things and so but right now it's just getting weird stop zooming you're left 25 jumping jacks okay okay one two [Music] okay and then last a little bit of the warm-up or new ten jump squats so we're gonna squat down and explode that's one we're doing this nine more times one two nine last one yeah so I'm gonna have you do I'm gonna have you arch chance a nice slot back down perfect and you can pedal out your feet i alternate pointing and flexing here okay this is like a pole dancing move a lot of pedaling dizziness five kicks on each leg doesn't matter which leg you do first we're gonna do both I'll demonstrate here one one nice switch legs five nice jump now what I want you to do is swing one leg out in between your hands here I'm gonna stick my right leg in between my hands first come into a runner's lunge you would your back knee locked out and straight okay it's really important here that your knee does not go past your ankle okay there we go I'm gonna go do some yoga blocks this might help you why the pink oh no I don't think my color yeah so if you can you know walks by your side to help balance and bring your chest up you can do that unless you can do it without the block all I can do now I'm gonna have you stand it on up drag this back foot in about a foot and a half blocks uh-huh stick it underneath at the arch of your friend's butt flexing the toes up toward your face oh you should feel a deep stretch yeah see I never stretched this much for the other ones I feel like that was really good my definite yeah I would have done much better gotta be limber no to yourself everybody you gotta be limber always stretching always stretch this time our knees going on the ground and we're pointing our toe behind us when you're ready you're gonna reach back if you have your right leg forward you're gonna reach back with your right hand to grab your left foot okay Loney action yeah make sure you're breathing go ahead and release and we're gonna push back into an ahall a reverse lunge okay gonna straighten the front and bend the back it's really important that you keep your quad engage in this nice straight as you come in and I'd rather come you come down with a nice flat back right there rather than hunching over that's beautiful right there I can't go any more a little bit I had some good McDonald and sink it down here I stretch last week when I did my Beachbody workout I've stretched I'm just not a very flexible person as a child I was very flexible and then my bones solidified and this is what I am now and I can rock forward and back comfortable slide out okay I think you're you're making a lot of assumptions about my you keep talking about my split how long would it take me to get a real split doing that every day probably like four or five months how can I do it intellect a week I don't want to get your hopes up I tell you a week has anybody ever done it in a week from my place but I can help you if you really want to split let's see how today I'll decide before I changed my career I'm only doing the other way other side now exactly so left leg comes out in the front back knees locked out and straight we're on that back toe here oh we're doing the whole thing yeah that's me what they say about me it wasn't perfect then you said perfect I don't want you to call him what coddle me on this knee behind the toes yes that's where my main man Sean T always says Beachbody Coach Sean T call me he's a real cool guy probably hates me [Music] I don't see any difference between our forms I haven't think about this if I just stretch 10 minutes every morning I'd probably be so much happier so many things okay and you're gonna rock side to side and we're gonna come up and over onto one side so I'll demonstrate real fast so I'm looking up towards the ceiling my arms reaching above my side reaching over yes now I'm gonna pivot your torso so you're dropping your chest towards your knee and your nose toward your toe same leg though ah I get you I see what you I'm picking up what you're putting down I get you suspended when I'm spilling yeah haven't heard that one but I may use it for you and you're gonna come down with a nice flat back just like we did with those reverse lunges your shoulders yeah I'll get there hang on three two one so you're gonna split the tissues okay there are two shoes oh you come to shoes or fabric or silks what do you called all of it the above so I can we split the tissues your hands are gonna come from the outside to the inside to the outside to the inside one more time and now I'm gonna reach up high okay so what I'm gonna have you do first is go on your tippy toes here and they're gonna pull up put a lot of people like to think it's a pull up however it's just your shoulders they're called shoulder shrugs so if you look it's just my shoulders that are engaging here okay my elbows are not bending I'm just lifting my shoulders I want you to imagine new string coming from your sternum lifting you towards the ceiling okay all right so one more time reach up Oh perfect go onto your tippy toes tippy toes okay and bend your knees when he's perfect and I want you to imagine the string lifting you here yes one you last one ten okay was I supposed to keep my toes off the ground I did do that I do that their shoulders aren't used to that but I think you're strong enough that you can hold yourself up no he'd be real hungry that's so wrong okay well now I'm gonna make you all get off the ground a little bit of exercise is so just like we did before the outside inside outside reach up as high as you can we're gonna tuck your knees toward your chest ten times okay this this is like a test to see if I can even do something you're evaluating my yes cool okay tippy toes bend knees and then and he's the chest yes I'm gonna do one last little bit of thing on the fabric for you get started so of course I like to call this like the hammock hanging so it's just a really nice way to stretch and kinda get used to being upside down and suspended by the fabric so I'm gonna make a knot here in the fabric on this fabric like a backpack I'm gonna find this foot in the tissues put it on like a backpack okay here I'm going to invert so I but it's gonna go over my head I'm gonna shroud on my legs just like we did in that stretch with the wide legs straddle legs lift up they stay on the outside they come in the middle I will fall out right so keep your legs on the outside outside from here you can stretch and then what I'm gonna have you do is cross one leg over both tissues and drop this one behind you can stretch here and switch sides of course so coming out compact that shuttle position hands come up here drop your legs yet it's that easy huh just like that okay like like a backpack I haven't been in school in a long time so just I just go for it go for it wide legs though wide leg wide legs that's what they call me wide leg markiplier do I just jump you can jump and lean back [Laughter] okay so now I want you to cross one leg over both pieces of fabric and drop this leg behind behind yes can you grab that foot oh yeah beautiful awesome and switch sides when you're ready oh I'm ready out oh you're a natural I'm a natural ah my hips squeezing me when you're ready you can go ahead and come back to that straddle position with your legs and drop your legs you can come right out okay how'd that feel being upside down how good a little do you need some water no good okay yeah did you start on climbing I know won't you get too burned out on climbing so just give it a couple shots and then we'll see where we get from there oh okay okay okay so my right leg is gonna come to the outside okay wraps around to the inside back to the I'm flexing my foot here this is really important okay I'm gonna reach up really high my left foot is gonna step right here I'm going to sandwich the fabric in between my feet okay from here I'm going to reach up really high off my feet and climb back up okay didn't see that one so it comes free wrap the feet just a little bit higher okay just like you're going from the outside to the inside to the outside one more time just higher to come down slowly lower your hands down looking a little puzzled do you want to show you oh so it's same foot yes I thought you were switching a wrap around the other foot but I'm gonna have you try it once on your right leg and once on your left leg and see what you like okay alright so it's here I reach up high wait okay so I got a pull more a little bit higher this fabric has a little bit of stretch to it so if you if you're wrapping your foot here when you step you're gonna be on the ground right here flex foot reach up high grab tight I used to do rock climbing all the time yeah two years ago two years ago I'd be so good I'll have you try on your left side when you're ready what happened yeah I was still buff once upon a time I wouldn't climb twice a day oh god four hours McDonald's McDonald's breakfast I'm good alright left side you're good leftie fine there used to be no joke no all serious are you I used to have calluses like my used to have crazy calluses I was like climbing hell like I I went so bad that my fingerprint scanner on my phone wouldn't read my fingerprint anymore that's how much I climb I got a change I gotta make a change okay after this okay so you're gonna wrap your foot just like you would for that climb little terminology so this is my point in contact with the fabric anything above my point of contact I'm gonna refer to as the live in anything below or you fer to the to as the tail okay not the dead end not the dead so I'm gonna use my free hand my left hand to pull on the live end above my point in contact I don't agree it's luck this right here this is the slack slack I'm gonna drape the slack over the top of my foot six like and underneath I'm gonna create a little boot this is your foot lock I mean don't release your hands or anything but you're locked in inside your feet okay to come out step down kick it off your foot do you show you one more time no I think I got this one this time so same as before this way and then once you do pull some slack wrap this way over the top of your foot first the top figure eight and awesome you got all of your toes out which I like to see okay okay go ahead and reach up high and stand on that Wow now to be really really pretty yeah put your foot moving passe yeah let me forward knee forward oh honey for yes I can you know I got it let me do it passe step down okay and I'm gonna have you take it off your foot okay so no we're gonna kick right here alignment kick her things all comes off yeah that's easier cuz I'm not holding myself up yeah you take this one step further okay my right leg is foot locked okay same with yours an apostate my left leg my left hand is gonna reach up high my right hand is gonna reach out to the side this is our lean out position notice that my inner thigh is pressed against the live-in right here your thigh on live it yes don't release your hands cut your locked in those normal all the toes perfect passe okay passe so left hand reaches up high left hand up high give me your right hand right hand release my left okay double lobster a little bit more challenging because you're gonna be off the ground for one of them okay so put the tissues and you do that foot lock but one on each fabric okay so I'm gonna wrap my leg here but lock just like you did before okay I'm gonna have you do my right leg is foot locked my right arm in French to this fabric against no waste this kind of cinches me in helps me be able to use my right hand freely without having to hold on I'm gonna wrap my left leg just like I went from my left foot lock so it comes from the outside the inside to the outside okay right hands are gonna pull slack drape the slack over the top of your foot and underneath the step on okay come out come into an l-shape oh oh you can kick off the foot locks oh alright so let's go for it alright oh yeah I've already got this yes slack whoops no much cuz you'll be on the ground that's okay that's my go up on up up okay I like to have one hand on each fabric there we go okay okay you're gonna bring your right arm in front in front yes okay okay so out out in out right and to pull that fabric right hand oh no reach up higher with your left hand there we go and now usually right hand to pull that slack hook over I'm not enough I can feel it okay not quite quite okay it's closed cinema okay so take them off and try it how do you try one more time you're right yeah I can touch the ground that's all right I'm dirtying your silks okay kick kick off reach up high with you left bring your right hand in hand in pull there we go the top over and under awesome both hands one on each side one on the outsides again on each side perfect how do you feel you're comfortable here yeah no I could I could do this yeah you're gonna put both hands to one side oh there's no matter what you do you're gonna do both okay and they're gonna slide up to your split with this leg in front on the left sorry Oh hands left or which hands right go ahead and stand up now I want you to bring two fabrics together sit your butt back one two times kick right here so the foot comes off okay and you can use your free leg to kick that off it's like kick how's that how's fun booze bud that's fun I'm getting less existential crisis the more I do before you do it yeah not too bad do that okay so I'm gonna have you do one more thing with the splits before I move on to the straddle back okay okay okay so we're out onto our splits yeah of course okay leading with my pinky my pinky toes coming through the middle and now to our split one more time the more you do the tighter yet so don't go more than twice I'd recommend to come out you just go the opposite way so big toe is leading through the middle and Oh to mentally prepare for what is about to happen to my body I can do this now just adding a step I know what I'm doing and I am strong they're nice and even right a little a little I could I could pull a little more slack okay both hands to one side doesn't matter which side you do inside split you you who you don't need to your flexibility as you want so let's have both hands in front leg um like a baseball bat yes okay so you're gonna rotate this way beautiful thank you can you really sure right hand to be pretty do you want to roll up one more time or do you want to come out I'm gonna roll forward okay I'm gonna do you got it oh not the opposite direction roll backwards and once more okay that grab up come together and the oh hell yeah kick kick him off dick that was great that was really good yeah how are your legs feeling well my legs are fine legs are fine I use using a lot of muscles that I've never used before like in the inner legs in the abdominal area how are the forearms people tend to like forum very cramped yeah rock climbing I'm it's funny I just did horse riding the other week using a lot of muscles that you use for horse riding here yeah the inner thighs squeeze with your legs I'm apparently a natural at that too so how I can do that no the horseback ride the screams give the legs that'd be weird for me to brag about that move on oh yeah okay with shuttle back I want you to foot lock in the air which is gonna be a lot more challenging so you're gonna climb up and you're going to wrap that leg but you're gonna use your left leg to use as the slot creator to create that foot lock I'll demonstrate once really slowly so I'm gonna climb up once I'm gonna split the fabric okay I'm gonna wrap my right leg just like I would my left leg is going to push this fabric over the top of my foot and underneath to step off here I can bring my right arm in front and it's just like normal it's just hitting that first one you just want to be higher yes you want to be hired cuz we're gonna be upside down oh I see this ladder here you know I just want to point out humans learn to beat gravity a long time ago maybe we could use that grab pull step okay I'll come back and when I come back you challenged I can give you something else to work on so you don't have to foot lock in the air cuz foot logging in the area is not I hate to say it I'm not quitter but I don't think I physically can and it pains me to admit it yes me mark I'm admitting that I can't do something but I will well I've haven't done many things in the past I just haven't admitted it when I come back i'ma be wrong and I'm gonna bring a friend and then he's gonna be worse than me by comparison what's the less challenge on both fabrics what you're a pro at I know bro yeah bro could take my job signal didn't wanna say anything okay you're gonna lead with you meet through the middle of the fabric okay and you'll come right through torso and waist comes through Wow sure with this don't go far enough that you can't pull yourself back up okay so you want to go to the farthest part of your flexibility but still be able to engage your muscles put yourself back up okay okay then you're going to shoot that leg the opposite direction fantastic I'm up I split the tissues shoe fabric and then top straight arms yeah and bring your chest towards me all the way through the middle Oh so to come out bring your fabrics together you know this beautiful lock pick it right off hey how's that great great it was awesome wasn't it yeah now I go do the other foot for symmetry right of course do i I would like you to okay pointed toes beautiful shoot that leg behind you yes magnificent yeah okay so I like to call this candy cane um so you're gonna single foot lock just like you did you can do either side my right legs foot block so I'm gonna hold on to the right side right I'm gonna drop my torso this way and I'm gonna rotate around this fabric so I'm dropping my torso do my free leg my left leg here is gonna come over the top fabric to push this one off my calf Oh off my cap put pressure into that foot to pull up and rolling to it so left leg is gonna push this fabric off my calf if it's a the new calf it's really uncomfortable okay give you some pressure to pull into it and you're in candy cane won't you come out both hands reach in front just like a baseball bat rotate out the opposite direction you came once twice and get your knee out are you right leg your left leg I'll do right and then left I said I learn on my right and I look better on my lap perfect he comes through the middle you come through okay roll up into it keep going okay so you have the fabric right in between your chest here and balance foot in passe remember the folks who you need say the opposite direction you grab step house candy candy canes pretty good the thing that I'm learning is when I was first doing I was squeezing every muscle in my body now I'm squeezing just a few muscle in my body okay they're the ones that I need to actually do it comes through left side all the way through the middle go through kickers we go rest the fabric in your chest I'm gonna give you a little spin there are girls more fun with friends anyways yeah yeah yay okay I'm gonna wait no this is wrong yeah am i it feels wrong do you want to learn one more thing do you want to try the foot lock in the air that's usually where I go next so honestly I don't think I could cuz I don't think I have the upper body strength right now to pull we're building it we're building it's just an excuse to come back that's all it is I'm milking it I'm milking the content for all it's worth I'm just a big scam but thank you I'm a natural just like horse riding well honestly I am gonna come back and I am gonna bring a friend I've got a friend that's a gymnast he's gonna look better at me this than I am but he used to be a gymnast and so you know he can do splits flippy some results he probably ain't natural I mean he did the Rings and oh but he hasn't done in a while saying that won't be baby hopefully wimpy baby and you know what about your double foot locks and splits and don't forget to be pretty with it always always that's a big thing about pole dancing - you always go look good they'll be pretty good alright so thank you where can they find you I teach at a studio called urban aerial fitness it's a fountain vallye huh and I teach there four days a week okay urban aerial fitness found valley they'll be a link in the description thank you so much for helping out I'll let you know when we're back are we gonna be here or that studio up to you whatever whatever looks nice not that this doesn't look nice John well anyway thank you so much rune to check out taylor ultimate aerial fitness ultimate urban area our urban area aerial fitness thank you so much and as always we'll see you in this way bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,305,961
Rating: 4.951076 out of 5
Keywords: aerial silks, how to aerial silks, how to, tutorial, aerial silks tutorial, markiplier, markiplier tries, pole dance, how to pole dance, funny, funny video, dancing, dance, how to dance, markiplier pole dance, markiplier dance, guide
Id: IwHIKlK-4Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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