I Paid Someone To Breakup With Me On Fiverr

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Ok I found the song, was from the anime Gakkougurashi! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xSKtMIMF9g

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Wet-Pixel 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this coffee looks like super gross Biver no one noticed right let me show you something showing coincidence that fiver it's green just like my boy Kermit down here I know that can't be a coincidence they wanted me to come onto their website I'm a little tired but we cannot get behind you schedule it evidence secretly runs this channel by the way guys I have no input anymore he controls all my finances my food I need every kind of help I can get you know I'm arguably a professional at ordering odd things on Fiverr at this point and I have done further research into the matter and I have indeed found more fantastic and questionable things for us to order and I was so excited to see the results I will you will not believe this break up with your girlfriend or boyfriend for you now I don't have one but I'm sold either way so here's my idea why don't we get them to get on the phone with me and make it as if they're breaking up with me on behalf of someone else let's buy this I will get her to think it's her fault wha you know we're ordering this are you I can't believe this is a thing I hope I get broken up with now has a girl I will wear a cosplay and say anything you want me to say okay I can choose I mean sometimes you don't really need to read anymore the product kind of speaks for itself I'm sold take my money I will draw you your custom-made fanfiction oh this is some spicy material I'm 43 pounds alright we gotta make this spicy I will be your pro dancer to any music you want with your name or your message [Music] I'll be very calm players media can we're gonna be copyrighted let's order it anyway dude what's song hey Evan what what song would you like to see someone dance - no I'm not using that now what if I told you guys what if I told you listen this pitch right I will create a historical portrait of your dog cat or any pet HD you have to be kidding me this is amazing so what I'm gonna do is obviously send them a picture of my pet I don't have a pet but what I do have is my boy cam in order that boy oh I will do voiceover I am really good in it it's foreign but he sees listen his accent English British that's order it what if I pay him to do like an impression of me cuz he says he can do a British accent what if I told you guys you could purchase right now 600 sweet good pictures it's like somebody hacked my brain and specifically found a Fiverr gig that would just make my heart just I'm doing it I'm doing it I will make somebody think and dream of you 24 hours a day this is under the list of Fiverr gigs I never knew that I wanted because it sounds like a load of BS to be honest with you one cave review who is paying for this you can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you might just find you get what you need are these old trolls I am a repeat customer standard professional casting what what are we living in this person has made at least 5,000 dollars from this now you know we've done the whole thumbnail thing before but I really want to go to the max with it okay I want to take this as far as possible so we're gonna make another one all right well there yeah we've ordered nine things on Fiverr I hope this goes well last time pretty much everything went wrong in half the orders got cancelled so I hope this goes a little bit better wish me luck see you guys soon in two seconds hey it's been a week my beautiful weeps and we have the majority of our orders complete you didn't go is wrong it's the last video only one thing didn't come through and that's fine cuz last time everything went wrong so this is good oh yeah we did the whole breakup with your girlfriend or boyfriend oh that was so strange I never want to do that again I sometimes I see a thing and I'm like this is gonna be hilarious and then I do it and I'm like wow I did that to myself I just put myself in that position for a good laugh I will break up with your girlfriend or boyfriend for you now that went pretty well I'd say that he broke up with me pretty ruthlessly what's up hey your girlfriend yeah what about us doesn't want to be in there anymore she says you spend too much time playing games you spend time talking to women and you're always on the phone to your mother and you were like I missed that wait wait wait wait wait first off how how would you know that that does sound like something she would say but why would you know that that seems like a really weird thing that some random person oh yeah I know I get you I guess I was just a bit much again you did cheat on her after all and that's why she thinks every upstart like she cheated on you sorry yeah you have did and seeking to haven't forgiven area so she wants to end or less I mean you know I think that's well it's kind of what the what what why'd she break up with me that's kind of fun know I cheated on me oh yeah I D I know I'm on your side but like I kind of can get what I mean why would you do this this is kind of if you know that she's cheated on me look it's her this haircut she ordered us out under her and you've insulted her in believing in bad boys it's going to me stupid if you cheat on you she's not really wanted anywhere girl yeah you're probably right I mean yeah you could be right I guess I wish you'd get me to break up with you she's really not ordered huh she would just eat eat and learn how to talk to them or how to do stuff with us yeah I guess you're right man I I'm saying later lie down thanks anyway I guess well I guess I just got broken up with one I got to give this guy major props for like actually just doing that like he just picked up the phone it was like yo you girlfriend's breaking up with you you're a loser goodbye bro you need to charge more that is that that is not worth $5 you need a new to pay $20 for that oh my god are you kidding me I cannot comprehend how savage that dude was Jesus you know what I can't even be mad because he did exactly what he said he was going to do and I for some reason was shocked at how efficient he wasn't doing it that is completely my fault I did end up reviewing him and giving him a solid five stars how can I know I never want to do that again why would I do that to myself why did I put myself in that position now here's what I was excited for we're a cosplay and say anything that you want me to say subscribe to be a [Music] what's happening the Ricardo dance that's what I asked him to do did he do the Ricardo dance a weird it is the Ricardo song I completely forgot does that have evil feel when they watch my cosplay videos is that what it feels like is that the kind of like secondhand embarrassment you guys get watching my cosplay videos it's like you can't look away but you really want to listen this deserves all the stars in the world draw your custom-made fanfiction so I told this seller I said hey just do whatever you want cuz I knew they were familiar with my channel so I was like just make something that is beautiful and that Kermit would LA come at XC Dalvi a fanfiction Kermit blows Connors horn again discovering that anime convention was so tiring there were so many people there I could hardly contain myself but it's not like this Ren cosplay made it any worse well I like how they've got even the room in underwear that I wear right what is this how was your day Kermit Kermit it was great [Music] if you got in bed with me now come in I've told you about this it was a one-time thing and my god was it beauteous so why not do it again I know you like it what is this voice I don't really know I'm kind of tired and I knew it you're [ __ ] explain it's not what you think it's ok I'm here to satisfy your buddy whoa such a lovely brass instrument I'm gonna blow it so loudly you'll Trump it like a symphony band Kermit please be gentle haha mistakes were made today we don't talk about this we move on from this we never mean this come and you're banned from any video after this ever again I'm sorry well that was an experience I don't think anyone could have made anything more questionable yet beautiful next on high boss why I like that he called me boss I made the video as cool as I can I hope you like it so there's this popular channel that does these abysmal cover songs but they're so funny to me I love it so much and I asked him to dance to them so let's see what he got up to waited I'm waiting for it come on [Music] [Music] kind of bad that's kind of bad I didn't give him a son that was tablet advanced too but he didn't seem like he was jiving with the song very well I would have liked more synergy with the lyrics perhaps holding a Minecraft sword while dancing I don't want to ruin this guy's reviews so I give him 5 stars that was slightly underwhelming especially after we had such funny orders I will create a historical portrait of your dog cat or any pet in HD obviously being the lonely person that I am I don't own a pet I wish I did but I do own a Kermit which no I don't know where I threw it but yeah I own a Kermit and so I sent him a picture of my comet from multiple different angles his final order that he sent me was this isn't that just like the best thing you've ever seen I intend to frame this at some point in my life expect to see this framed I'm kind of not sold on Kermit anymore after the fanfiction but I'm sold on this coming looking like he just got rejected from the code geass yes I experienced I just felt that wrong true joy today thank you sir if I had a pet you know I would get him to do every single pet that I owned a hundred percent no questions asked I will give you 600 sweet dogs or 600 sweet cat pictures alright so we have the 600 cat photos and now my life is going to be so much better I'm just opening this one file [Music] [Music] I truly experience what happiness is today I will never have a dark day again I will make somebody think and dream of you 24 hours a day so they asked me for more info like my birthday and my star sign and whatnot and I asked her to make Keanu Reeves think about me because Keanu Reeves is amazing typically my goal when writing something like this is to invite my client in and give them an overview of what was cast not what I could not what it was cast for we both know what not casting was designed for service investing if you want me to tell when Hunter nearby trees and opening up but only fallen branches given to us by the winds rain winds and snow as our past seasons we brought enough back for two purposes to use as a natural mind around the outer edge of the Ovilus circle soft sensational messages and that warns of the stressed whispers of wisdom full living and warm breathe into us wonder at all we know welcome wise winds from wherever you blow bright sparks of courage blaze of desire the passion for change is a wild raging fire kindled by will it burns in our veins welcome with us our hearts and your flames power of water power to feel rising within us ancient and Grille sued into softness or tossed to extremes welcome wild waves from the depths of our dreams mother and waiting child in the womb newly strung threads waiting the night on the loom earth that we came from earth where we go welcome as you welcome as long ago that's what we call cotton eye Joe I added that part of myself what if that this is a template of a few different things and they just put my name in a certain place but yeah you can tell that they're like oh no yours yours well amazingly though you you kidding me yours is perfect are you telling me nine people went into a forest to do a spell for 45 minutes for five pounds that's not worth nine people's time for 45 minutes and even if this was just a hobby you have way too many reviews for this just to be a hobby this is [ __ ] you didn't even mention the word piano once where is he a no how am I gonna be in Kiana's mind this is a load of I just paid like eight dollars for someone to send me a template I would rather pay eight dollars to have someone send me cat photos I'd feel a lot more loved that way I'm still gonna give you five stars cuz you delivered what I ordered but I think it's a load of anyone who would order this knows that they're getting into something stupid you know what is actually life-changing buying a Yowie we've Kermit sucking your deck I will create a professional anime thumbnail for a YouTube video oh I go to hell for this top ten times my hero academia Deku would fist what that's not what I said is it I think in my head a week ago if I had to analyze myself I probably thought top ten times my hero academia's Deku fisted the point was the Deku fists people very satisfied boom boom boom boom it's funny cuz I've seen those thumbnails across YouTube an awful lot and now I know why have they come from sadly do voiceover I am really good in it didn't come through so I suppose I should I should do it myself hey what's up my beautiful weebs let's just jump right into the original content totally not milking fibre for all it's worth please send a notification bail on for my channel seed OVA please subscribe to see dog VA and whilst you're here why not match with him on tinder and he's kind of lonely and commit as getting scared please help me he has a gun to my head where I would have liked it if he had done it alright that's it we're done never find a video in the bag I hope you're beautiful we've had a good time I love doing these 5 videos way too much and I think that's a little obvious but hey it's whatever if you enjoyed this video please do smack that subscribe button turn notification bells on and that's the only way that YouTube will actually let you know that I've uploaded in 2019 and also if you want to support the mess that is my videos you can go up there to my patreon and you can support me there yeah but without further ado I will leave you beautiful weeds to your day and I hope you have an amazing home I'm going to go now I don't know where I put coming I'll find him later it's fine whatever I'm worried about it another time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 805,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fiverr, Fiverr Memes, Fiverr Video, Funny Fiverr video, CDawgVa, Cdawg, Fiver, funny, Memes, Fiver Breakup, I Paid Someone To Breakup With Me On Fiverr, Breakup
Id: AAVvSY02wbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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