I Became Fiverr's WORST Art Seller Ft. @Emirichu & @Daidus

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what is this this is cursed the bottom half doesn't really look that humid i like to imagine you just got unbelievably drunk before working on these orders welcome what day is it hi welcome to another video that's gonna take me far too long and i'm probably gonna regret doing and probably isn't even that funny but welcome i want to become a fiver seller again it was a lot of fun it was just a great time and i made a ton of money but i've already done a five gig where i actually provide something of meaning and value to the customer but i thought why did i do the exact opposite so art we all know that i have amazing artwork as i've displayed multiple times on this channel before so i thought to myself why not combine my amazing artistic abilities with making money this is gonna go horribly wrong but also i'll be having my talented artists and fellow youtubers react to my terrible drawings at the end of this video so if you want to see emily and diadus roast me for charging people money for this you can watch that at the end of the video too so let's just jump into fiverr let's make a gig and wait and see what happens create new gig i will do something i'm really bad at rally better wow really bad at i will draw anything you want but terribly theme suggest other conor theme anatomy beauty food drink you know what all the above search tags anime see dog v8 bad cartoon funny pricing basic i will make it kinda bad price five dollars i will make it very bad commercial rights twenty dollars no fifty dollars no one hundred dollars deluxe package whatever you want i will draw with a picture of me with it twenty dollars at a relevant high quality video that best showcases your gig sure i think i have a video hi there i'm connor the world's number one artist now you're probably wondering what is this fiverr game it's kind of wacky well let me explain if you like quality artwork such as this i know amazing and this and hold on there's more like this too you've landed on the right fiver page because i'm gonna be the artist for you please consider buying my services and you'll receive the worst artwork of your life stay beautiful all right i've done this before so i'm not as excited as i was last time last time i was really nervous i didn't know what was gonna happen but i have a feeling what i know is gonna happen i'm probably not gonna get any orders maybe one or two here and there and then we'll have a big bunch of orders at the end but i guess for now we'll just leave it at that we'll see what happens and uh we'll just we'll just have fun with it we'll have fun with it hi welcome it's been 10 days since i started this project and i have two orders which is uh honestly more than i thought so let's take a look at the first one i'd like you to use your insane artistic skills to draw my favorite anime villain going insane so that's my reference all right no problem i can do this terribly needless to say you're getting a professional product with uh me here i think i've picked this up already good this is so bad already but i guess that's what i said i was gonna do right so i got to draw the nose downwards like this god this looks terrible all right yeah this looks pretty good that looks right this looks more like oo-woo but i think it's pretty good no this looks good this is ready to go here you go your order sir our next order from silent luminary please draw spongebob but as a jojo character sponge with muscles just envision it you'll be fine and then we gotta have a jotaro face right so we gotta have like big long nose realized i probably should have done the outline in a different color but oh well there we go i think that's spongebob as a jojo as you can see he has veiny arms very muscular very limited pen size there's some hair here that's spongebob as a jojo character enjoy my artwork in the meantime i think you know one of the main problems right now is that people just aren't enjoying our ad you know they're not they're not clicking on our page much right let's go to our gigs so about 600 people have seen my order and only 62 have clicked on it so that's quite low so i need to bump up those numbers a bit so i have an idea for how we can maybe do that facebook ad so apparently if i pay 30 pounds a day i'll get between 5 and 15 000 uh people well that's been day 10 of this strange adventure let's just see how many orders we get with our ad and i'll update you guys on how the ad goes and how much money it siphons out of my accounts and if not we'll try some more advertising to see what might work i guess i'll see you guys in a few days with an update bye hello and welcome to day 12 of this project and guess what i have two brand new orders but before we get into those orders let's have a look how our facebook ads have been doing now i told it it could spend 35 of my great british pounds a day to advertise my product and they've spent 45 pence and for 45 pence we got a resounding eight eight eight clicks we got eight eight we got eight clicks for 45 it's not that much so i guess advertising isn't exactly working right now maybe i'll try more advertising platforms later on in this video but for now i'll just keep with facebook and see what happens but let's have a look at the two new orders that we have i want you to draw kermit with a maid outfit he's also holding an assault rifle i wanted to be so kawaii but could kick my ass i have something planned just for this i have an etching sketch that i bought specifically for this and we have a little etch and sketch cam guys isn't that amazing huh no wi-fi needed it says on this one when did they start adding wi-fi capabilities to the etch in sketch that was the least satisfying peel of my life that should be illegal this is odd holy right so that's my interpretation of kermit holding a gun in a maid outfit on the next action sketch money can't buy that i mean twenty dollars can but money you know realistically can't buy that i've got another one hi connor i thoroughly enjoy your videos and streams and also on top of this your art of course it would be very much appreciated if you by any chance could put some of your precious time and simple task of drawing this beautiful picture of akira from devilmancry to be eating she was very scuffed already not gonna lie guys okay it's looking pretty faithful so far oh god it's horrible what have i made they're gonna be very happy about this that's it order four complete day 12 completo hope you guys enjoyed that and i have zero idea when we'll get our next order but i'll see you guys then hello and welcome today on day 18 of becoming an art fiver connoisseur now i've received two more orders since the last part which was six days ago and uh this one's um it's a little interesting i ask of course do you understand this for a youtube video they say yes i can send to monkeybrain using me for content i don't really know what they want on my very limited desk base as you can see here i'm going to try my best to draw them now i am going for a bit of a more modern take on anime you know i think the way that they've been doing anime now is a little you know a little too consistent over the years do you think it would be a good idea to kind of mix it up a little bit you know damn i know that like this is like a meme and that it's supposed to be like bad and stuff but like i'm actually pretty proud with how this one turned out results speak for themselves right i know you'll be very happy with the work i hope you enjoy it it's not anime but i want you to draw one of my first sonas okay so i think that looks pretty good so that has been day 18 of this fiverr journey so far and i think from now on i'm going to start trying less welcome to day 33 of being a terrible fiber art seller and we have three brand new orders please draw my favorite scene from jojo's like this this is this is a fence this uh how do i how have i drawn a fence so badly okay let me have one guy bent over and then one guy like this that's too narrow to top it off boom so our second order is will you be able to draw tokusaki kurumi from data live in your own art style you're gonna regret saying my own art style because we all know that my own art style is pretty awful now a lot of you might be questioning you know is this stealing is this tracing you know it's like music right you have to sample sometimes to make the best song kanye west you know harder better faster stronger you know you get a bang a song if you sampled so both like this all right let's back boom just holding a book as well so let's draw that to draw this draw the book here put the book here that looks like a book sure i don't know why people say that art is difficult to learn because i've clearly just mastered it you know for the last one i have an idea of what i want to do i don't care what they want i love how this devolved into me just with people and seeing if they'll pay for it so i am actually trying to make it good i you know i even threw in a bit of color there when i wasn't supposed to this is ridiculous this is actually the stupidest thing i've ever done i think we're peaking in the quality of our orders today i guess i'll leave you guys to the next day until we see what we get welcome what day is it so it is day 38 of this regretful project and i have five orders i practically want to send someone a blank page and see if they give me five stars so far no one has given me any less than five stars hi khan could you please draw this cursed meme cat while giving it big jojo bizarre adventure energy i'm just gonna take a selfie i'm just i'm literally gonna send him a selfie of me just doing that draw this scene from jojo but make it more chaotic i have an idea i have an idea of how we can send a white png of how he can justify it do not open around family your order was rather not safe for work many sexual characters doing things so i removed this actual energy i hope you enjoy oh my god get out of here this man gave us a five-star review why am i even making youtube videos i should just be sending white png's people for money i'm done hi god i'm pretty white on i hell welcome back to day 43 right so gentlemen we have five orders today and believe it or not i am late for three of them yeah the recently i went away uh to help film a video with chris broad from abroad in japan so i wasn't able to actually get to the orders charlie dearmio it's for a friend focus on the face what is this why am i drawing a child you know what i wonder what if i just give them the stewie griffin from before now obviously they're going to realize that i didn't draw this right because there's no way to tell i did but watch this boom i would greatly appreciate if you drew syd stat for me and write hish underneath the drawing it's an inside joke this is a deluxe package so i expect the best how dare you the audacity to tell me to do my best pretty accurate actually that looks pretty spot on they said do my best a little cheeky a little cheeky won't mention it though all right that's day 43 and i'm starting to get pretty done i think by day 50 i'm pretty gonna start wrapping this up and getting this all sorted future connor hope you have fun welcome to day 52 of this weird adventure and sadly to say it'll be the final day and don't click off the video because we're still not done yet as we're gonna have emily and dardis's reactions at the end let's do the final orders and like i said i'm going to tweet out but this time we've put the limit to 10 orders because last time when i did 100 i wanted to die here is my tweet all right i've been a fiver seller once again for a video selling beautiful art i will be taking 10 final orders if you wish to get one now is your chance my phone is buzzing like crazy you guys can't hear this what the is going on no what no no no stop stop stop stop ah but this time we've put the limit to 10 orders no i regret my life choices so much now why are we here just to suffer we'll just leave it like that what is this this is cursed i'm gonna write no this is terrible guys i don't think i can draw i think i just realized like i don't think i can draw guys can you draw maury calliope say no more this will be but a simple task that's hands by the way not boobs in case you were wondering stop being horny guys for like two seconds draw hands on them just in case i'm really speedrunning this that looks absolutely nothing like what you've asked for ah it is a poor rendition so technically everything that you asked for all right final one the final goddamn order and then i can rest my rest i mean do a live stream right after this [Music] all right and there we go oh my god i'm exhausted now i just want to take a day or two break from this let my mind just rest and not be fuzzy and then i'll give you guys all my thoughts on all of this fun so did i have i told you what i did i don't remember so you're drawing bad on purpose is that what you're saying honestly i didn't really think about it much i just thought if i draw something it'll probably be bad anyway so they said they wanted me to draw an anime villain going insane i don't remember what i did because i did this like two months ago so let me see what i said it does it looks more like ooh pouting phase and it's still going insane yeah i didn't really do it well i mean i kind of i could tell it was dio though that's like the bad minimum no that okay that means he didn't do his job right he's dropped bad they asked me to draw spongebob as a jojo character and i drew this why did you use why do you mix black and yellow man i honestly i really regret the choices of kala here this is the ugliest thing to look at how are you better at etch-a-sketch than your own goddamn hands i've been telling you this whole time dude connor's actually pretty good at art if he actually told me so someone asked me to draw their oc and um this is where i started like to get creative with it so what i did was is i just downloaded a bunny outline and just colored it in place you know what it looks like it looks like one of those like meat charts which like which meat to cut i think the next person they asked me to draw them as coco sensei sorry if i if i was presented with this my self-esteem would have tanked this is this is the before and after you say this edible angel they wanted me to draw rimroot empress but top part is slime and bottom part is human the bottom half doesn't really look that humid i like to imagine you just got unbelievably drunk before working on these orders okay so they asked me to draw this and so i decided that how about i just send a picture of me doing it instead they said the talent this man has is unreal i could devote my life to a drawing and i wouldn't even come close so this is me this is the monkey this is gone speedwagon i don't know why i got speedwagon and then this is joey and i don't know why i don't know i really did jokes and then someone asked me to draw sailor moon um in an outfit of my choosing and i chose roblox overall i got zero zero bad reviews all of them were five stars i think you thank should change judging my artwork with me i appreciate it go check out emily's channel amariti and davis indis all right it's been about a week since i've wrapped up this video now and i wanted to give my final thoughts on the whole video and the process of being a fiver seller once again so throughout all of this video i earned a total of 452 dollars all of which will be going to a charity here uh because i stole i plagiarized i traced i copied and i do not deserve any money for this and honestly if i could do a good thing while doing bad things i think that's okay but yeah overall this was fun you know i feel like my issues with fiverr in terms of being a seller standpoint still exists the same as the previous video i think i don't know if they've changed this i'm near certain that fiverr still takes a cut of the tips which i just inherently think is not good so for example katie sarat gave me a five dollar order and then tipped me fifteen dollars now normally fiverr takes twenty percent of the orders so that five dollars would go down to four dollars to me so okay that's not bad and then i would get the 15 tip fantastic so naturally i would end up with a nice 19 or so you'd think because i actually only got 12 which means that fiverr was taking nearly half of the tip what you know five is a business i know they've got to take a cut but why are you gonna touch the tips most people who use fiverr are not on here because they are super big professionals who have tons of money and tons of options so it just feels like a kind of backhand from fiverr being like nope no tips for you little and i know it doesn't matter to me because i'm not actually going to use fiverr and i never intended to make money off fiverr but i don't want you over all the great people on fiverr who work there and who need this money it's finished man i hate it i have a really good relationship with fiverr they've sponsored a video before and i have contacts at fiverr who i've worked with and they're really genuinely nice people and that honestly is like the only major issue i have with fiverr i think the rest of it is pretty good i mean the discoverability is there i think if you're someone who has a talent or you wanna just work on a little bit of a side hustle if i was pretty damn good for that and you know there are a lot more professionals coming on fiverr now but uh yeah in general it's a pretty decent platform i mean you know you don't go there for the best of the best but you go there for someone who gets it done why am i reviewing fiverr like seriously okay back to the mean part of the video this video was fun i enjoyed it but i definitely feel like i've been putting too much on my plate as a person recently so i think i completely underestimated how much this would like dig into my personal time and how much it would kind of be frustrating to manage it and i should have in hindsight put the order uh duration a lot longer i said that i would complete the audio in three days i realistically should have done it in like five to seven because i would get angry messages from people being like it's been three days connor where is it and i wouldn't even be near my pc or equipment so it's like uh well uh i can't make it for the next five days and honestly i just think it was an interesting video and i thought it was really fun and i thought the results we had were really funny and i just enjoyed making myself laugh by being a clown you know when i was done with the last video i had such a bad experience that i thought i was never going to do another fiverr seller video but i'm glad i did this was a lot more fun and a lot more manageable but i want to do another one of these again maybe in future but i'd really have to find an idea that i'm passionate about so let me know in the comments down below if you have an idea of something that i should do or just something i should do on fiverr in general because it seems to just be this magical platform where i can keep making content but anyway my beautiful weebs hope you enjoyed this video please let me know down below what i should do next oh what was your favorite drawing that i did which one was the pierre de resistance that i drew i'm sure there'll be many that you'll be listing i look forward to reading them and a massive thank you to emily and dardis for reviewing the dumb stuffs with me but anyway i've been your beautiful weeb and i'm gonna go home to the other room [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 692,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art, CDawg, Connor, Fiverr, Emily, Daidus, Emirichu
Id: _xnfMjaz_oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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