Why Can You Buy This Stuff On Fiverr?!

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Hey my hair is at a normal length this time fantastic. Hi, what's up my beautiful weebs? Welcome back to another strange video where I'm gonna do weird things on the internet. So fiver, let's talk about it Nothing bad has ever happened to a youtuber who's made a video about Fiverr, right? I was looking the other night right and I found some weird things on Fiverr. So I kind of want to order them and we'll see what happens. So let's just go on Fiverr and let's make mistakes together and hopefully not get a Community Guidelines strike. I will say anything in an anime wig and a Burger King crown and then orange justice. This person's gonna think 'Who the f*** paid for money for this. Why would someone pay money for me to do this?' Me! I would pay money for you to do this! Conner says s*** for charity. Conner pays money for dumb s***, that's me. That's why I own a 6-foot Snorlax. Okay, anything in my ability? I have no requirement except for like no super special effects. This is some major power that we have here right now. Fantastic! Order started. Let's go, next thing. So here's another thing that I found earlier whilst I was looking at this thing I will create troll anime. And this is a great, great image of the Old memes. I will create a troll face effect by amazy talk software. I'll sent two products for two days. If you like, you will send money to me. I like so I will send money to you. I don't feel like I'm gonna get my money's worth, but we're just gonna send it to him anyway. I have faith in this guy. I will troll you lol. Please Scream, let's just send him money. This is probably a Terrible idea. I will find anime lewds that best fit your needs. Give me DETAILED descriptions of what you would want I will smack you back with hent- I mean anime. This is the closest you'll ever get to having an anime waifu. If you're too shy, I'll just give you some recommendations to start with and we can go from there. Well, if that isn't a sales pitch, I don't know what the f*** is. This sounds like honestly, like I'm.. like I'm winning a lot here. This couldn't possibly go wrong. Hey, I'm a huge fan of Rem. Emilia is trash. If you could find me a wide variety of lewds for Rem, I would be a happy boy. Oh my god. So there was also these uhm.. All of these voice- anime voice things which I find really funny. So we're gonna do that as well, we've gotta find a bunch of voice people. I will record anything in a male anime voice. You know, I know I know exactly what we're gonna do with this guy. Let's listen to his voice. 'Hey fiver, my name is animeboyfriend and I'm here to provide you with the best male anime voiceove-' Oh those like weird inflections There like, 'I'm gonna be really happy! Every sentence starts on a high note!' I don't even know what I'm gonna ask him But I'm just sold. His pitch was fantastic. I've got 75 words, okay. If you choose these wisely Please act as suave as possible, please Do a British accent, sound as close to CDawgVA as possible. Awesome. We nailed it. Let's do more. Let's spend more money. Kawaii. Let's hear her voice. 'Oh, can I please take a hit of your jewel(?), please~? My mom took my jewel away cuz I failed my math quiz. I'll do anything. I'll pay five dollars per hit, please~' Yeah, let's do this. Youtube and Twitch?! Let's see if we can find that that isn't expensive. Doesn't matter if it's English, German, Korean, Russian or Japanese. I'll voice your script! German is my mother tongue. She can sound German?! (?) Oh, that's so cute. 'No, I don't want (?). Hello!' Oh my god. I love German accents so much. Oh, Yes, we're getting this one. I will be your personal HQ kawaii anime voice actress. If that doesn't- if that doesn't sell me, I don't know what will. We're gonna write another script Okay, that's fine. We can do that. It's easy. Please Swipe right? I want to find an amazing anime artist for us because I want to bring to life some of my iconic pictures. I will make a Japanese or manga illustration. Oh, yeah. Hey, could you draw the picture I sent you in an anime style? I kind of want to give a few people the same picture and see what they all do. I f***ing love Fiverr man. This is so funny. I feel like in kid in Christmas. Just spending all my f***ing money on dumb sh*t. I will draw you in a Dragon Ball anime style. Let's get this guy to do something first. How much money have I spent? I want to get someone to do an AMV. Like a really, Really bad one. Short AMV. Your anime and music. Hell yeah, he's from India! F*** yeah! I've ordered 10 things now. We can do more. I want someone to make a thumbnail for this video. I will design 3 attractive YouTube thumbnails in 24 hours, wow. Ok, we can do this. What else can I do? There's gotta be some other things I can do it. I will do anime voice over dub with epic background music. 'Over the past year something miraculous has taken place.' Oh, we're paying this guy Oh, yeah, you know we are. Will my Fiverr account get banned? All right, I think we're done for today All right, so I guess we'll come back in a few days and I'm really excited to see what we get All right. I'll see you guys soon. -Several days later.- I had pizza for breakfast today So, you know that my day is going well, and yes, it was leftovers. Hi, it is six days later my weebs, I hope you're all doing well. It has been six days for me since I ordered these things, but I realized that it has been 30 seconds for you guys So I should pretend like it's been 30 seconds to me. Hey, what is up guys? Remember that thing really recently like 30 seconds ago because with goldfish We don't remember things very well, that we did on fiverr and we ordered a bunch of things So as you guys can see some people Didn't give me their orders and I'm very angry about that because I was actually really excited for the ones that happen to not Get done so that's fun. So we got some guy who's gonna design three attractive thumbnails in 24 hours. He delivered in 24 hours So thank you. Let's have a look. Okay, that's not that's not bad Okay, you know I can't be mad that's That's not awful. But it is, kind of, a little bit. I mean he -- he delivered exactly what he said he was going to do. Am I going to use this as the thumbnail? Nah, I'm okay. But hey, I mean if I was desperate for a thumbnail, I didn't really know how to make them I would I would pay this guy five pounds. This is -- that's not bad. Rate your experience. Let's just give him a nice one. Thank you Very cool. That's not terrible. Okay, I'm Pretty happy with that. I'm could it could I have made it better myself? No, but I you know, I -- I asked him to make wine out of a rock and He made water. So I guess that's something I will make an AMV for you. Oh, okay Wait, so what do I ask them again? I asked them to make an AMV -- make an AMV using the Renai Circulation remix song Oh my god! The music to the Claude sequence? Really? It just doesn't fit at all, but I love it. Oh my God Okay, that was not bad. I'll give them a nice review They used the same like shake thing every time I got on my nerves, but I other than that, not bad I did like the really happy upbeat music when Sebastian was burning someone alive. That was that was a good touch. I enjoyed it a lot Thank you. I didn't really feel like it was thematic and blending very well Maybe that's my bad for my choice of music and show but yeah, no it was I mean it was okay I'm not offended by it. This one. Now. This is the one I was excited for. So this is I asked them to use the the biggie smalls featuring Thomas the Tank Engine song which if you haven't listened to it Please do it's it's fucking amazing and asked them to use the anime Eromanga Sensei Which if you don't know what that is good. Keep that way Was that in the middle? Does it happen in the actual song? Yeah, like it just randomly like goes quiet like here What was that? What was that? I mean, I think like one or two of the cuts like had the actual show in mind, But the rest of them like especially like after 20 seconds just felt like he was just like cut cut cut cut whatever I don't know. How much was just critiquing this guy. He delivered in 24 hours So I guess I can't be mad at him was it amazing? And was it everything I wanted it to be not bad? Draw you in a Dragon Ball anime style, so I sent him this lovely picture as you guys remember and he's sent me Oh I don't like how good this is. This is kind of weird. Am I going insane or is this really good? I mean, let me give this guy an actual five-star review that that's beautiful. That's just Beyond happy with the final product you truly Deserve to be happy Next time I go to a con guys, you'll be able to buy that as a print that was an expensive order But I'm actually very glad I will draw you Semi-realistic anime in my style. So I sent the seller this wonderful picture of myself I don't think those are the exact dimensions I sent and I paid five pounds for. Oh, yeah, that's a To me. All right, and even draw my hair I love my like hair. Why would you why would you get rid of that? Like what am I some kind of like little baby? Would I go what I want the commercial rights to that? I did another nice review. Anyway, thank you. I like. It's like I want to put it on the fridge kind of good, you know? Okay, make Japanese anime or manga illustration. YOOO! Pretty good, it's pretty good. I'm very pleased with delivery. I have like no neck at it. That's okay Evan, edit out my neck in this entire video. I'm kidding. You can't do that You're not that good at editing Evan. I will be Be your personal HQ. Kawaii anime voice actress now now this sounds excited for hey Here is your order. I made several versions. I hope you like it several versions Attention all girl gamers, please swipe right to CDawgVA on tinder. My man over here has the greatest personality. Um, average looking haircut and Below average self-esteem. I mean pretty much like we all do He can simultaneously whip and nae nae. Choke Sauske, and make your mother proud. Please gamer girls just swipe right just do it! Do it! make your dreams come true! What the fuck!? Do it! Please seriously get him off the market. So if you want to have a guy for smash, If you know what I mean get him swipe right! Do it do it. Do it do it. Hey You can simultaneously whip and nae nae jokes. Choke Saske, and Make your mother proud and if anyone seems like a danger to you, he will break their nico-nico-kneecaps! So yeah, please gamer girls just I didn't add that in! Wait, let me read what I said What did I send her? I swear I did not add in the Nico-nico-kneecaps part. *Laughter* I didn't add that in. What? That is amazing. Oh my god, yes. Yes. You sound like Mercy from Overwatch That is amazing, you guys should check her out. I don't know how to pronounce that . Larutschworld? Nailed it Ahhh! I just spilled coffee everywhere! Looks like Connor did a oppsie. So we'll be right back now that I'm not spoiling coffee over myself Let's continue with the other orders record anything in a male anime -- I was also really excited about this one to be fair Hello, the recording is done. Hopefully this is what you were looking for when you asked me to be suave and seductive I don't know if you actually see DawgVA, or maybe you're just a fan but I'm a big fan of your work and if it's you give it the fantastic work. No! You can't be nice to me like that man! What if I make fun of you? Hey, if you're feeling really thirsty tonight, you should subscribe to my favorite YouTube channel. CdawgVA Nothing, and I mean nothing would please your daddy more than subscribing to CDawgVA by the way Did I mention that I love see da VA I will always smash that like button Harder than I will smash you tonight after you subscribe to CdawgVA I'm so sorry anime boyfriend. I didn't mean to do this to you. I That was actually like good in all the wrong ways bro, I'm gonna give you a fantastic customer review. That was very good I'll give him I gotta give him a shout-out for that. He delivered it super quickly if you're interested in his fiverr, There it is. I'm gonna link to all the people down below who I Subdued with my awful requests. I think that's only fair So this was an interesting one find anime ludes that best fit your needs now, I was like, okay Well, you know, I'm a huge fan of REM from Re:Zero. I know I'm basic. Okay, but you know, she's my waifu, okay? Leave me alone. I'm really sorry Connor, but there are things about you that I just can't ever be okay with. The stuff I've seen you do in your videos and the things I've heard you say they're they're pretty weird. What I'm trying to say is that I don't love you because, um, well, I'm in love with Subaru. Well done Rem. Little harsh, but I think we got to point across also, you might not want to be here for this next part. And so then he Yeah, he delivered. This is a lot of porn Well, I ordered this I yeah I a part of me was like, I don't think it's really gonna happen But now I feel just kind of dirty Like I've done something wrong, like have I have I have I done something wrong today. I How do we find this much porn? Who had this -- He saved all these to his PC and then there's a video. Oh, no, that's not that's not I can't show that What wait, why does the **** look normal there, and then here it looks like it's half the size of her body what the f---? I can't fault the guy he did an outstanding job, but It's my fault really. Great work. So the orders that didn't come through we had three of them I believe that didn't come through And so the first film was create troll anime now I didn't expect this one to go through our the say anything in anime wig and Burger King crown And then orange justice, they didn't do that So I think I can just cancel the order now, which is kind of sad cause I was really excited for that And then the do anime voice over dub with epic background music mixing now is really excited for this one arm So what we're gonna do is I'm gonna do it because he did ever play the epic and operatic music Please attention all CDawgVA subscribers. CDawgVA needs your help Please go to Bookwalker and use the coupon code cdawg to buy all the yaoi He needs your help to overthrow the normie manga We need more futures more daddies boyfriends and more men sucking nipples in their sleep We cannot quit we will not rest until the yaoi has been bought using code C -- I spelt bought wrong. Oh my god, that's embarrassing. But yeah, that's the gist of it. So that was me on Fiverr I want to do this again But I want to find some more weird stuff If you have any weird things on Fiverr, you think I should order please send them to me on Twitter? I will gladly Look at them. I don't know where I was going with this, I I should probably like Clean my carpet now. Oh No, it's stained. I can't like sometimes I'm just incapable of thinking about an outtro. And I don't know why Maybe it's just because you're incapable of thinking in general. Hope you guys enjoyed my weird Fiverr adventures some of these fiverrs were amazing some of them not so much I'll link down to the ones that actually delivered that order down below Like I said earlier and if you guys have any weird fiverrs that you know out there, please send them to me on Twitter I'm happy to try and arrange something Because I would like to do this video again in future. Just maybe with more things But anyway, I hope you weebs a great day And yeah, I'm a mess right now because there's coffee all over my leg and I want to go clean it up I'll see you beautiful weebs Soon! Bye! I'm actually insane And, yeah, actually get a cat. You know, like that's what I want. That's what I want in life. Why have I not got a cat? I feel like my life would become some simplistically Wow significantly easier if I just had a cat Soon. Soon.
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,594,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CDawg, CDawgVA, Fiverr, Funny Fiverr Orders, PewDiePie, Funny Fiverr, Weird fiverr, Buy Voice Actors, Voice Actors, anime
Id: O4c0Frx40f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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