Inside Japan's WORST Hotel Room | Feat. @CDawgVA

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Now there's a hotel that truly deserved its 1 star rating.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/metalslug123 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is a top 10 abroad in Japan video. Just so good start to finish

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/muldervinscully 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

So I guess the obvious question...what hotel is the one featured here as the worst in Japan? Cause that was quite something...

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ThePoliticalTeapot 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

I can't stop laughing, did he censor a chicken leg?😂

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Higgz221 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love their chemistry and how much more British they get in each other's presence.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/martha-92 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

LOL at Connor instantly regretting booking that hotel room.

Also that rope bridge surely must have an "Adults Only" sign, as surely they can't just have that bridge open for everyone. The fact that Chris's and Connor's attempt to cross that bridge coincided with a typhoon making the river rapids below even deadlier was just surreal. You could not make this ship up.

PS PSA stay away from Facebook, some of the haters there can be even more toxic than the haters who comment on Chris's videos on YouTube.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/rynnikelddi 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Might be an unpopular opinion, but I wish the videos were a bit less scripted. We obviously know they never intended to stay in that hotel room and they surely had their other room ready from the beginning. last few videos have had a lot of this scripted spontaneity.

That being said, overall it was a good video, hope they do more together.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/JPShiryu 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Funny bideo

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gro-Difference27 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

anyone know the music that starts at 8:10 it sounds amazing

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sato_yuno 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
ready yeah one two three oh my god no no oh no oh we can't do that look at the river this is really sad i don't know what to say have you ever gotten a ferris wheel and then instantly regretted it on a windy day this is so precarious but the saving grace is the amazing view of the akashi kaikyo bridge one of the largest suspension bridges in the entire world the thing that taints the atmosphere somewhat is we are joined unfortunately by hi it's connor and this is wacky weekend lucky weekend [Music] [Applause] [Music] so once a month for one weekend color and i meet up for a wacky weekend somewhere around japan for this month i thought i would complete my ultimate task of visiting all 47 prefectures in japan i've got just two i've yet to visit i'm richard uh takashima and kochi both in shikoku island where we're about to go into and now i do want to celebrate this momentous occasion you've essentially completed japan so i have arranged some special accommodation just the finest accommodation i could find why am i very cynical and why there's nothing to worry about this is good it's literally gonna be something [ __ ] like i don't know it's something that's gonna be an experience the cheapest hotel no no no no no not at all i'm very excited i don't trust you connor but either way i want to get out this down ferris wheel like if you move like you can see the whole thing i don't know why i did that i was very scared before so now that i'm here i don't really feel like it was that difficult to get to is there a reason why you haven't exported because i'm your driver to be honest like that's the thing like shikoku is pretty tough to get to you do need like three or four days in a car and that's why i've never been to tokushima and kochi before they're pretty inaccessible i also think i haven't really heard much about it well they're incredibly rural like tokushima is famous for being pretty much empty great can't wait to see it and one of the places we're going to go to is a great symbol of that but when the first place i want to take you today on this trip is a bridge that looks like it's straight out of indiana jones remember the temple of doom yeah of course the bridge goes over yeah there's that [ __ ] where is it why was it safe it can't be safe i mean in normal weather conditions it'd be great but unfortunately there's a typhoon this week i've had a weather warning for the past three days on my phone warning me about rains in this area but of course no road trip would be complete without the perfect road trip sorry don't do it don't do it what the [ __ ] i don't want to do this wrong with this place no volcano i love it [Music] and so as we head deep into the mountains of tokushima and the incoming storm makes short work of the blue skies connor and i arrive at our first destination a 150 foot rope bridge precariously hanging over a disturbingly ferocious river what is that look at that the bridge we can't cross that that's a set piece in an action movie you know the bridge you cut when the bad guys are chasing you so they all fall down but for the bridge you actually go across in normal everyday life do we have to go on it yes yes you do we can't do that look at it oh my god 13 road bridges once spanned the ear valley but today only three survive one of which is the kazura rope ridge suspended 45 feet over the river and made using five tons of vines which need to be replaced every three years it's as visually striking as it is unsettling i never got a chance to use my engineering degree while i was doing youtube but i feel qualified enough to tell you this is not a material that we made bridges out of i do not feel safe with this this is terrifying these are just twigs they found on the ground what are we doing i don't want to do this i've watched a couple cross it for the last 20 minutes very slowly and methodically struggle their way over it the water below looks absolutely ridiculous like it's the most ferocious water i think i've ever seen you're dead near that you're immediately dead notice how every single person crossing the bridge is clutching onto it for dear life they're so terrified even take one step on the bridge and so with the river below about to break its banks and a violent thunderstorm in the clouds above against my better judgment would begin to cross the bridge and quickly regret it oh it's so slippery oh my god the gaps are massive look at this i can put my whole foot through that's not good that's not good that's a no that's so dangerous how is this a tourist attraction this is a death trap coming i'm not playing this up for the camera this is actually terrifying come on chris what's the problem look at the river i'm like the heaviest person that's ever come on this bridge i am worried it's big mouth isn't it the gaps get bigger it's like it's because i'm holding the umbrella oh [ __ ] off look at that even if it wasn't the rainiest day in 200 years this would have been scary the fact the water looks like that like if you fall in you're dead do you think you could survive that no no no while connor speed runs the bridge like crash bandicoot meanwhile i can't take my eyes off the water transfixed on the alarming river rapids below hurry up we get over the bridge go go go [ __ ] go i'm stuck he's done it he survived the bridge legitimately one of the scariest things i've done in japan oh my god the rain the water the wind how do you feel chris i want to get in the car i want to go home man that's scary there's literally nothing stopping you from falling in with your leg there's there's nothing it's so dangerous i feel alive hey eight out of ten after being spiritually reborn on a treacherous rope bridge connor and i seek shelter deeper into the valley at a rather unique place in fact unique is an understatement because here in chicago's most isolated valley lies the village of nagaro a place where the human population is outnumbered ten to one by eerily lifeline scarecrows 350 of them so we've been driving through some of the worst rain i've ever seen have we turned the corner i'm not happy about this chris i want to go home i thought they were like villagers i thought they were like locals who were just sitting at the side of the road it's the first of the scarecrows there's two in a wheelchair one's standing one's just falling over it's quite creepy because we just passed uh some construction being done and i thought there was just two employees just uh doing some construction but they were just scarecrows it was really creepy literally all the roads are closed we really shouldn't stay a lot we are actually gonna get stuck in the middle of nowhere with these scarecrows as we slowly make our way into nagoro without a single human being in sight we gradually begin to appreciate the sheer scale of the village's scarecrow population what is this craze what is this oh oh my god i don't like this chris you don't like this no i do not yeah oh no i'm not going in there i'm not going in there look at it get in [Music] like if there was like eight i'd be like oh that's kind of cool but there's like 80. i don't like this can we go now the story of nagaro is one that you'll hear across japan that of a dying village on the brink of extinction japan's population is shrinking fast today the population stands at 126 million but in just 30 years time it's forecast to drop below 100 million and it's out here in rural japan where the effects are being felt the most nagara once had 300 residents that called the village home today there's around just 25. 11 years ago residents kimi ayano returned back to the village to look after her father and after he passed away she decided to commemorate him by creating a scarecrow doll in his image and then she never stopped some dolls were actual people that lived in the community others fictional characters and while ayano is upfront about the fact that she makes the scarecrows solely for fun rather than some kind of statement on depopulation it doesn't stop the atmosphere of the village having an almost haunting sadness the realization of what much of japan's countryside towns will soon face particularly when entering the overgrown building across the river that was once the local school no no what takes me back to my time as a teacher the school hall not scarecrows what's creepy is if you don't look at them if you look at the floor or the ceiling and at the corner of your eyes you could delude yourself for their people and then you look and you see 200 figurines looking back at you dressed immaculately wearing costumes they're holding fans and they've got hats they've got glasses mustaches beards the level of detail is incredible it really is like there's nothing tacky about this um the woman that made each of these dolls did an incredible job i think it's pretty damn cool but the guy on the chair is just creeping me out it looks like he fell off the local bridge and smashed his legs in this honestly looks better than a lot of the gymnasiums that i went to school with him yeah it's better than a welsh gymnasium it is that my gym at school did not look this good they have ping pong tables over there for gosh sake those are in mint condition you get a pretty penny for those it's hard to put this atmosphere into words but fortunately we have connor on hand with his eloquently composed insights and unmatched commentary i just feel sad it's like you know the creepiness is worn off now and now i just it's all set it's just you know someone cares this much about making these and wishing the town was once what it was you know i'm sure the person who made these probably experience the town like this right it's just really sad i don't know it's just i'm starting to feel quite sad actually i kind of want to just go home it's really sad take a shot every time connor says the word sad this is so sad i object to this marriage i am the father of the baby i don't know which one they do have red hair dude look like you they look more like you than they did like the husband what can i say and get up to business i don't know i mean i mean i'm british so you know i'm cold i couldn't think of doing this i'd give up after the first you know trying to do someone's foot but i mean i don't understand people have the energy to do it i'm already i'm tired just watching chris walker because she's built like a bag of milk i don't know how to react to that i don't know what that means yeah you know i i don't want to be too harsh you know we've been driving for two hours now and every single town looks the same you know it's very beautiful but it's just really nothing distinctive about any of the towns you come in here you stop the car because you want to know what's going on so fair enough well played you got me to be fair connor this one over here looks like you and your jojo suit this guy no he doesn't he definitely doesn't i want a comparison this one connor here what do you think guys it's the same definitely [Music] leaving connor's scarecrow doppelganger behind we crossed the border over into kochi prefecture the last prefecture i've yet to visit in all of japan and after a quick change out of our drenched clothing we head over to the bustling hiromi market to try the region's local iconic dish [Music] welcome to hirome market the busiest most vibrant market in all of culture now there's one thing in kochi they like to eat and that is tataki like bonito fish barbecue it's really strange it's kind of yeah it's barbecued on the edge but the inside is very sort of juicy and meaty and now we're gonna try it let me have a shot see if it lives up to the height stop talking and give me the fruit chris it's really charred on the outside and then in the middle it's just like a normal fish sushi it's so strange i honestly think if you gave this to someone they didn't know what it was you could probably convince me with steak it does taste like steak it's so strange it's like steak with a fishy undertone too but it's really good like the barbecue flavor the salt they put over it the rock salt one to them that's an eight or nine it's a solid nine i could eat four of them i could eat all of that i got one plate because connor was like i can't do it i can't eat fish it this time in the morning oh gosh but now he's got one still i will have it all now i will take another one we'll have another slide chris i hope you slept amazingly last night because tonight you're not gonna be getting any because sleep can have so much fun where we're staying that you're not going to want to sleep at all let me guess it's a love hotel maybe maybe not connor all you do is go to love hotels these days of course it's a love hotel it's my favorite hobby but it's not a love hotel it's better it's not a hotel much better than that and you better be looking forward to it tonight [Music] well it's been a long day chauffeuring his lordship around chicago but now at last i'm in connor's hands as he directs us to our accommodation for the night and my ultimate reward for successfully visiting all of japan's 47 prefectures you actually want to take the next right that comes out not this no this one here this one you're a top navigator listen it's very difficult at night to see where everything is that's why i like bringing joey on journey he can navigate quite well easily okay okay i mean i could see a love hotel side yeah it's it is in it'll be a hotel district all right but it isn't a love hotel we're coming up on an agency it's a campsite what the [ __ ] is this that's not a hotel that looks like tower of terror it's like the twilight zone or something it is a hotel and the reason i chose it chris is the cheapest no no no no no i knew you were gonna say that about me it's the worst rated what do you mean it's got five stars on five-star hotel you mean five stars out of ten five stars that's impossible i've never seen one that low i don't think you have either certainly not in japan to get anything less than like a seven is like no never are you sure it was six years this is supposed to be a celebration a day of acceleration i found some reviews yes there's some good ones mold smoke mold and more mold with smoke this this place was a cesspool of germs smoke and mold the worst hotel i've ever been to after entering my room for less than three minutes i already started to feel sick the unit bath was full of ammonia ammonia what does that mean wait wait why is there ammonia in the bath i feel uncomfortable with the blood on my bedcover did you say the blood the blood on my bed cover all right let's go in let's get this over with you if there's ammonia and blood i'm not i'm not lingering you know there's one thing i'll sleep in the [ __ ] car the viewers are probably wondering why would i do this to myself you know this is my choice right because to me making you suffer is worth more than any discomfort to myself well i hope you have fun getting home tomorrow because i'm the [ __ ] driver come on now let's make another whales joke i dare you oh god's sake i'm cautiously optimistic the woman was nice that's always a good start oh [ __ ] you know no it's like toilet doors [Music] no that's the moldier smell ever that smells really bad all right guys we're in the room and it smells like cigarettes and four kinds of mold and that's really bad there is like a mark on the wall here uh i don't know what that is it's like dark patches over the room like blood on the walls and stuff what is all this that's like look how much [ __ ] there is on this walls oh what what no it's a fold out there oh what is that what what is there it's a mask you can you can have that free complimentary goods at this hotel so much dirt over there oh for [ __ ] so look at that you're the one that [ __ ] booked it you bastard look at this let me get a camera alive on this look how bad it is so dusty [ __ ] hell you're not the one with asthma sound like a jump scare sound effect i'm gonna die in my sleep sorry all this dust [ __ ] help there is mold though that is the one thing that is scaring me is that there is a bit of mold on the walls put the aircon on for god's sake no you don't want that you don't want them at home trust me this is a hair dryer that could maybe blow away your ant or something is that dusty oh god it is [Music] would you blow some dust on me is the bed comfortable have you been on it yet no also i love how i'm directly above some like filth so that when i breathe i can have that fall right into my mouth and kill me quicker while connor found a complimentary used mask under his bed the real question was what would we find under my bed right what's underneath chris ready what's underneath the bed oh boy why is under it what's under it what is it and how bad is it it's it's it's it's impressive no i didn't know you could fit so much [ __ ] under one bed in a hotel room no i'm not even joking oh no all right all right go on get down okay ready yeah one two three oh my god no no there's half the [ __ ] toolboxed underneath there what is that cigarette there's a bag there's a ice cream okay i don't want to look anymore i can't put it down i think you should have this bed no not a chance i already dipped that one that's already mine i already had it yeah i booked the room i got the bed i'm not particularly fussy with hotels i just want it to be clean that's kind of all i want clean wi-fi and a place to charge my phone that's kind of it that's all i really want and uh yeah it didn't really meet most of those expectations apparently the wi-fi is near unusable according to the reviews so it's my nine-year anniversary of doing youtube uh tomorrow august 15th and i'm gonna wake up in this room with this guy with the dirtiest bed in japan what a [ __ ] disaster what color does blood go when it's dried like a brown this one actually does look like blood like that one it like looks take us in for a closer look yeah come on let me grab you oh oh okay you got it i don't get it i want to get too close to it you can sleep next to it in a minute there's just so much dust here there's this is clearly blood i don't know what else this would be other than blood it looks the exact color of blood it's like something out of a sore movie it doesn't feel real i can't remember staying here you want to play a game you want to play in a moldy room kid he's one step too fast come on at least the torch room isn't moldy come on even his was clean jesus this is this is what annoys me right in this city there's about 100 hotels and for half the price of this one you could get a four-star hotel with a nice big bed uh the greatest shower you've ever had a continental breakfast no less but you didn't book that one did you you booked this one i don't understand the pricing system of this hotel who would actively choose to come here apart from someone who wants to commit the act of murder we have to stay here he booked i'm not i am not walking out the door awkwardly trying to find an excuse like oh sorry we've got to go now we've been here 45 minutes i'll check out for us i'll telephone [ __ ] we're sleeping here you have to suffer the consequences of your actions something you're not used to this is great content right guys well sitting on a mouldy bed with a [ __ ] real yeah i'm really glad we're really glad we did this trip color it was definitely worth it do you not feel sick yes i feel really sick i feel very hot and sticky it smells and it's humid and moldy i think when you see this room through a youtube video it won't look bad at all it'll look like oh just a messy room isn't it but the smell the smell is unbearable i think there has never been a hotel quite as dirty quite as mouldy as unclean as this i've ever stayed in i just i just noticed what i'm filming is a dead fly right next to me on the riot even the flies can't stand this [ __ ] room i think it's the idea of something like bed bugs right that can get in your clothes and ruin your clothes and make you itch and yeah oh that's pushing me over the edge a little bit but i can't leave i just feel it'd be so awkward it's that's the only thing that's stopping you from leaving is that there's a woman downstairs that you have to look in the oven well yeah what are you gonna say i'll do it you can you can move the bags i'll tell her i'm leaving what are you gonna say this is [ __ ] it's your hotel you're gonna say that she couldn't speak english corner this is a room rubbish japanese lessons with connor here i mean the biggest thing that makes me not want to stay here is that i genuinely feel sick like you'll see breathing yeah it feels i feel sick but maybe i'm just being a little [ __ ] that could be that could be totally true but yeah otherwise as you're talking i can see a big like stain of mould over your shoulder it's not good is it this isn't good chris we should leave we see you brought me here and how do you want to leave this for the videos for the content we don't have to actually sleep here we could do like a little cut and then we like oh it was so bad wasn't it you know if chris actually wants to sleep here conor exposed i think i've realized today the smell is really really important i actually don't want to breathe in here it's it's really bad even though this might be the most unpleasant room i've ever been in i'm still unconvinced walking out of a hotel just one hour after checking in is a viable option given the sheer awkwardness of the situation and so to convince me to leave connor desperately starts tearing the room apart to look for something incriminating it's not long before he finds something that fits the bill let's check your mattress let's check it out i don't want to see it i want to see what's on your mattress because you think you have bed bugs let's see what's on your mat calm down no did you see that are you serious what's under it you're kidding you're gonna want to leave you're kind of no i'm not right ready no no oh my god what is that it's a massive blood patch you can't stay in here i can't believe that that's so gross but it is under three layers of mattress oh oh yeah it's fine yeah yeah yeah all the all the hepatitis a you can feast on [ __ ] off i think conor might finally have won me over connor's sterilizing his hands it's disgusting it's so disgusting that's that's [ __ ] violent all right we're leaving no i'm going to the car you can have your blood stained hepatitis b hepatitis b you can have that so it's become very clear that uh connor and i just aren't gonna be able to sleep here it's uh it's just gone midnight and uh we're gonna go and tell them that we've gotta rush back to tokyo for business business and then we're gonna sleep in a car a love hotel a tree anything just i don't want a mattress covered in blood and mold and the air the air that's the the thing that's not nice yep yeah we go all right we're back in the car i you didn't really i didn't realize how bad the air was i was telling you the whole time i didn't realize how bad it was until we walked out the front door into the fresh air and experienced what air should smell and taste like i've never seen a hotel owner so unsurprised that someone was checking out we've been in the hotel two hours we got to the desk and went ah check out other guys i did trying to be polite i said oh you know you've got to drive to tokyo now and he's oh yeah tokyo yeah i mean what we're gonna do then the car it's up to you i'm fine with the car but i didn't expect to be that bad it was the worst kind of bat where it wasn't outright pure filth pure feel to the point where you could immediately just walk out right it was just the worst kind of baby like i'm not sure if i can stay here i think i can but but i'm not sure if i should what we got across the video is we're not two whinging [ __ ] just oh gosh it's not clean and pristine like it generally was pretty [ __ ] hot like unpleasant and horrible and uh yeah but the staff are nice 10 out of 10 for the staff probably nicer than some of the staff i've had at a five star hotel to be honest i'd give it a one but the staff brought it up for three there you go three out of ten yeah three out of ten yeah let's get out of here let's just find us we're not sleeping in the car this is like my celebration day nine years doing youtube i don't want to celebrate here in a damp car with an annoying welsh guy [Music] hello good morning chris you sleep alright i slept amazingly thank you very much welcome like a baby honestly i'm so relieved we didn't stay in the other hotel i slept really well in this i did discover last night though if you walk into a japanese hotel after midnight to try and get a room they will be mildly angry they were not happy well guys it's been quite the addition of wacky weekend we've uh we've crossed japan's most dangerous bridge we've seen a town that was more scarecrow than human we've eaten a fish and we've stayed at quite possibly the worst hotel in japan we'll be back next month with a trip with connor i'm gonna go and check out some love hotels in osaka yeah it's gonna be fun well we're off now we're gonna drive to okayama hop on a bullet train back to tokyo and uh just just sterilize my stuff i'm gonna sterilize myself i'm gonna go with a steam bath i'm gonna i'm gonna peel my skin off i'm gonna do everything i need to do oh god all right guys see you later bye for now uh with some reason okay honestly
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 2,013,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan hotel, japanese hotel, tokyo hotel, abroad in japan, cdawgva, trash taste, shikoku, scarecrow village
Id: 9SbuBy562YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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