I Spent $500 On Fiverr For Memes

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Did not expect it but it sounds like a sped-up instrumental of Sara Bareilles - Bottle It Up

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/001Guy001 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
*It's Supposed to be In Pain Noises* I'm going to prison. Welcome back to another Fiverr video. Now this is a very special video. Why? Why you be asking? Let me explain why. After we made the last Fiverr video, I was near certain That Fiverr was probably gonna ban a few accounts. And they did, but they also emailed me saying "we love the video." I ordered PORN on your service and you loved it?! and they were like, "Hey, can you make another one?" and I was like "well, I mean, I'm just gonna make one anyway, but I mean You know, if you're gonna give me some money to fuck around with, I mean, you know..." So I'm not being sponsored by Fiverr, but they have given me credit to spend as you can see they have put $500 [USD] on my account. I don't want to say you're gonna regret this Fiverr, but you're so gonna regret this. So now that we have $500 to spend, we're gonna be splashin out. So I figured what does every good channel need? An animation. That's what we need. "Does your business collect information from field service, tax, customers, and sales staff?" This is PERFECT! YES! You know we need a premium product I feel. Do you reckon they'll just decline me because I'm basically going to be trolling it? They're probably going to decline me, aren't they. What other ones we got? 'Explainer video or sale video.' "Are you a start-up business or a small business owner? Do you need to increase your sales or get people to engage with you more? Do you need to reach your goals and exceed expectations? Do you have company instructions or a marketing plan?" I know what we're doing. Is just a terrible idea? 30 seconds should be fine. And we want it in 4 days. That's fine, That's -- I'm fine with this. £134. How much is that in dollars? Oh God. That's only $200. Well, it's fine. 'Send me a script according to your package or inbox me for price. Please share company detailed logo or web URL.' Let's send them a link to my channel. Let's start the order. I have a feeling *Laughter* They are not going to enjoy what we have given them. 'I will wrap something in a cute anime voice' Now, let's listen to this. [Captioner's note: I'm sorry, I don't know what she's saying] *Connor loses it* Sounds like she's whispering it. I love it. I want to order this. Continue. "Please add the instrumental version of the song and tell me what part I have to rap." *Beep* I bought this I, didn't have a plan God, it's such a fuc*king awful rap. That's why I want to hear you do it. Alright now I have another idea of what I wanted to do. Now if you guys don't know, I love Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. It's over-the-top, It's crazy. If you haven't seen it, don't worry about it. So I have an idea. Why don't we get two voice actors, Tell them absolutely nothing, and see if they can recreate a scene with zero direction. So essentially what I'm doing is: I have this script here. Right, which is the full 20 second part of the episode. And all I've done is separate it So they only get one half like this. And yes, that is so fuc*king evil of me, I know. But that is fine. I want to find someone, Really, really good. And by that I mean really bad. *High pitched voice* Daddy touches my thick *censored* He tells me I'm a pretty -- No! I'm going to get demonetized. That's okay. They can do Joetaro, actually. What I'm going to do is, is I have the script here right? Of this Jojo fight. And I'm gonna just give them it and not explain anything. If they know what Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is, they're gonna 100% Know what I'm trying to do them. I'm so going to fucking hell for this. "Hi, and welcome on my Fiverr gig! My name is katepeach666 --" Oh I'm so sorry. Your audio quality isn't great, and it's perfect for what I want. Hopefully like they somehow don't know what Jojo is. I'm so horrible. Hi Onii-chan. Watashi no omae wa Metsuno desu. Yorushiku onigaishimasu [Why] Oh, ohhhh ohh ohhhhh. Pretty fine. *Monotone male voice* "Hello. I am a CUTE anime girl and I want to voice act your videos, or your wildest dreams perhaps." Hell, yes. I hope they just do it so fuc*king terribly. 'I will say anything as Spiderman.' If you guys aren't sold but it's it's the real Spiderman, let me show you. "Hey guys, it's your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman here." Need I say more. The quality speaks for itself, we're buying it. Fantastic, I'm very happy with this. 'I will as a wizard I will do, or say anything you want me to do' That's -- first of all, can we fix that English? You know, I'm gonna order it just to tell you to fix that. 'I will say anything you want me to say as Plankton from Spongebob.' "I don't really know what to say as Plankton, cause uh, *Plankton laughter* He just wants the Krabby Patty secret formula. *Connor laughing* Yes! 'I will create a mock-up of your brand or logo on a realistic bus shelter display board.' Let's just do it. 'I will edit you and an anime girlfriend for your social media.' I need this. 'I will create a Danganronpa sprite' See now this is amazing. We still have £200 to spend. So what I'm thinking right is, uh, get a website going. Actually no, a website might require a bit too much hands-on on my part. I will create THE best music video. *music* Oh boy, you're gonna love what I've got for you. All right, so he orders a few more things on Fiverr, you -- you get the point. I know you all waiting to see the results anyway, but first... you won't want to miss this. This is great. I love Fiverr. Spending money is easy. 'I will research your UK / Irish family history.' Oh, I mean I have £56 left. Sure, let's throw it. I don't have anything else to do. Let's just throw him the money and leave it at that. All right. I will see you guys in one week when we hopefully have everything finished. AHHHH! What is up my beautiful weebs, welcome back. It has been exactly one week since we did our orders, and fun things have happened since then. First of all, I've been banned on Twitter They ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine - Oh god Connor. What must you have done? Uh, I'm banned for being a 13 year old. This is not a joke. I am actually banned on Twitter for being Under the age of 13. So hopefully by the time this video comes out that will no longer be the case. So we ordered a lot more stuff than last time and All but 1 delivered this time. Whereas I think last time 3 people didn't deliver. I'm really nervous man I kind of -- I got like, I'm getting jittery like, I want this stuff to be good. 'Create an animated explainer video or sales video.' Now I'm really, REALLY excited for this one. You guys don't even know, man. I paid a $170 for this thing. Female voice: Have you ever felt like something was missing in your life? That's because you're not subscribed to CDawgVA, you idiot. Science has proven that subscribing to CDawgVA can drastically improve overall happiness, Sexual activity, body odor, regret, and the ability to enjoy sword art online unironically. Subscribe to CDawgVA today and Connor will personally come to your house to vaccinate your children *Connor loses his shit* And then leave, never to be seen again. Just like my father. So, what are you waiting for? Subscribe to CDawgVA today and unlock You were true big dicc energy *Connor continues to lose it* Side effects include: Kermit the Frog standing out your window for long periods of time whilst you sleep. Just watching. Never moving. Subscribe to CDawgVA. *Through laughter* Wh- What the fu-- I can't believe it! They actually Fuc*king did it. The absolute mad lads! Like they actually made it word-for-word! It was perfect. I need a minute. Oh my God. That was actually perfect. This was actually amazing. I have never seen something more beautiful in my life That was amazing! Wow. How are we gonna top that? The rest of the video is gonna be so bad in comparison to that. Alright. 'Rap something cute in an anime voice.' I feel like, how do you can follow up on this? I'm so sorry. You've got to come next after that masterpiece. I made them tap the One-piece opening. So, let's see if they can do that no doubt. *Connor laughing* I think I've heard enough. I think it was good?? I'm very satisfied with that. That's very satisfying. 10 out of 10 another you get a five star. Alright, so I paid 4 different voice actors to recreate a fight scene from Jojo. Umm, so here is it now when I put the music and stuff and -- and the audio in the right place. *Porn sounding voice* I told you n-not to move. *Moan* What's the matter didn't you say something about stabbing me? Like this, right? *Moan* My body won't move. *Another moan* Why? What did this finger up there on me? I see you didn't notice. Because your stand was trying to make it's escape. Kakyoin tied the Hierophant's tentacle to its leg and seeing as those tentacles stretch all the way back to Your stand like a string to its kite. You must have been so self-absorbed you didn't even notice. Please. Please I'm begging you. Forgive me. *Connor losing it* Ask for forgiveness from Enyaba. The woman you killed. But as for me. I never had the slightest intention of forgiving you. *Monotole male voice* Dio paid me to cause this madness. You can have it all, take. *Lusty female again* Good grief. Another split in the obvious, but you really are a piece of work, but you owe me Can never be paid back with money. Oraoraoraoraoraoraoraora *Connor laughing* Yoroshi. Go keep the change. That is beautiful, I'm very happy with all those voice -- those voice actors did Perfect. I'm ready to approve it. Approve final delivery. I am ready to review the shit out of this. I'm very satisfied. Alright, so now we have Spiderman will say anything for us as Spiderman. 'Don't forget to leave a review you sick man'. What? What is wrong with me? I'm fantastic, I'll have you know. Alright, let's see what Spiderman has to say. "Hey, Mr. Stark. I just wanted you to UwU me tonight. It's okay baka-chan. You can OwO me. There if you want Mr. Stark. After all You are my swempi. PS. Evan, your editing sucks. OHHH, YOOO! YES! YES! [Oh shiiittt] What?! He knew! No way! Evan you just got destroyed! What the Fu-- *Connor loses it again* How fucking dare you Spiderman?! I'm the best motherfucking editor around. How dare you say that about me?! Let me guess this fucking asshole put you up to it. In that case. I don't feel so bad about this. Now listen up here bitch boy who says he's from Wales, I've got a bone to pick with you and your mentality that's so frail. Sitting in your bedroom all day, making content that so very very stale. Don't fuck with me bitch boy; I'm the editor I will always prevail. The amount of time you check your hair all day is so very, very, very sad. It's always so fucking ugly. Oh, are you mad? I'm from Belize mother trucker, I've got better ideas then reacting to Tik-Toks. Fuck. I can't think of anything wrong with Tik-Toks, That's where you get the point! That was fantastic. He deserves more than a 5 star. Alright, this one is 'say anything you want me to say as Plankton from Spongebob.' He also said "I salute you for writing the best script I've ever received." So, it's gonna be good. Plankton: Can you feel it now Mr. Krabs? *chuckles* CAN YOU FEEL IT NOW that I've obtained the Krabby Patty secret formula? NOBODY can stop me from OwOing all you to death! *Plankton and Connor laughing* Plankton: I can now watch Sword Art Online without wanting to cry! *evil laughter* THIS! THIS is what the Ultimate Weaboo Power™ feels like, you baka-chan! Okay, that's pretty good. I'm pretty happy with that. 'I will create a mock-up of your brand or logo on a realistic bus shelter display board.' I kind of want to like if this is a oh, wow, that is uh *laughter* 'You better subscribe or you'll go blind.' I think I'd be terrified if I went to the bus and I saw my face like that. That's like nightmare. I don't know what I was expecting if I'm honest. It's just okay. All right. 'Edit you an anime girlfriend for your social media'. This. Now this has gotta be good. *Laughter* What? Yeah, I mean, she's there. I mean she ain't looking thicker than me but... What -- what are the other -- *Laughter* God damn it. It's like so bad that I'm kind of happy. It was kinda hoping that it'd be Rem, but I guess I don't deserve to have Rem after the last video. *Rapid typing* Made me feel like I was anime. 'Create Danganronpa character sprites' now I sent them, Me wearing the Pikachu. I sent them this. And I wanted them to draw me as Danganronpa character. And they sent me this. "Here you go. Not an actual Danganronpa commission though." I'm still very happy with it! So now we have 'I will create the best music video for you.' I'm really excited about this one, I paid $90 for it. Uh, uh, all right, let's just... Let's just see how this goes. I mean, I don't really know what to expect. *Shitty flute version of Do it for Love plays* It's 3 minutes long?! *Connor laughs hysterically* What is this? Um, yeah. 'I will create animated whiteboard explainer video' Female voice: "Hey, do you like manga and supporting your favorite YouTuber CDawgVA? Then get a BOOKWALKER right now and buy that boys love manga You are eyeing up and use coupon code CDawg for 600 coins off. *Connor laughing* It doesn't matter if your parents are ashamed of you. It's a great deal. *Connor laughing* I like it a lot! My parents are very ashamed. Couldn't be happier. *Typing* 'Make most thrilling anime music video AMV.' Alright, let's watch. *laughing* What? Uh, I'm very satisfied though. You can have 5 stars. 'Deep epic voice over DJ, movie trailer, game character funny to sc'- you get the point. "Monday, Monday, Monday, that's when my mother told me I was a mistake." *Connor laughing* "Fuck you mom!" I paid 30 bucks for that. Worth every penny. And then the final one, Which is the 'I will find your ancestry.' This guy Was messaging me a bit asking me a few questions But overall: I gave him my date of birth and where I grew up and then he sent me the final PDF Which I will show you. Essentially, he just sent me Like a family tree. And I send it to my parents, Cause I was like, "Hey, have a look at this" and they found stuff that my parents had no idea existed. They also told me where my second name come from or came from, And it's variations which is interesting and other stuff that I won't share because it's a little personal. But overall, holy sh*it this guy figured out everything, and I'm very happy. Thank you, my dude. You scared me a little bit with the amount of stuff you found out, but overall Great job. Well, that was interesting We had a good little run there, didn't we? I feel like we definitely got $500 worth of uh, stuff there. What is wrong with me? Why do this? If I've learned anything today, It's the Fiverr is fuc*king amazing If you guys want me to do this again, I'm sure I can convince Fiverr to send me more money, To let me do even more absurd things. So if you guys enjoyed this, Please let me know down below and sharing this video or doing any of that stuff. It all helps me out. But anyway, I will see you beautiful weebs soon, but Evan, your editing sucks I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Subscribe to me on YouTube for more dumb stuff.
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,388,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CDawg, CDawgVA, Fiverr, Funny Fiverr Orders, Funny Fiverr, Weird fiverr, Buy Voice Actors, Voice Actors, anime, Memes, Fiverr Memes, jojo's bizarre adventure, Animation, animations meme, animetions, memes, best memes
Id: Ood15jHjQLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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