I MISS THESE MOMENTS | The Last Of Us 2 - Part 4

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ellie ellie oh jesus thank god you're fine what happened okay moving on is it time for us to feel her love this stuff huh who is this lady and why should i feel her love okay i am i'm geared up man i have so much stuff is it the same either side oh no there's a trippity trap right there but there also could be a card out the other side oh dina you're on the bad side of town oh dana oh dana do you see that thing right there we walk over that cosplammo both dead so come with me this way i don't think there's anything there oh oh there's one right there how do we get past these dina i have a bottle what if i do this okay cover your ears smart that works yeah i've seen joel do this oh uh dina i could actually just go under the truck over here it's fine [Laughter] there's a tv station well now i just wasted my bottle but i got a brick instead oh or a bottle team brick versus team bottle doesn't really uh matter much in this one where'd my battle go either why my voice got this high he blew up all the bottles around okay we got more bricks now it begs the question is that is there more stuff over here possibly possibly oh man it's this type of area that i'm going to miss out in really cool superhero cards dana watch out i've got a brick dina did you see that just pretend like you didn't that's very very embarrassing i'm okay it's just my tinnitus and my eardrums also i took a little bit of damage that was stupid hello can i get stuff out of you i guess not dina we're heading up yike stay down there these stairs are wired up can you detonate them not here just climb you could get get up on the railing and climb up there but if you slip you're probably dead ah there is another way nice okay can i throw my med kit at it what if i just detonate this one hey i got both we are not being subtle right now a twofer maybe leah will come to us yeah but he might be waiting to ambush us subtleties from molds and i mean molds under the ground not that that makes it any better because it's the stupid analogy but shut up that's why there it is stay low oh that's so cool looking the tv station feels empty dina you seeing this i don't buy it it looks so real not yet window go through the window alrighty annie cards lying around it's kind of what i'm really into right now this place is all abandoned ooh do i want to swap no um wait can i make a med kit now yeah free up some supplies yeah oh stuff right here don't mind if i yes right i know yeah yeah yeah what do you think i am some sort of stupid gamer no i'm smart i've never seen this tv station in seattle though is it real there's a bunch of ways we could climb up on this thing i want to go this way though because it's the first one i saw and it looks cool parkour oh i can't dana we can't do that on the truck ow parkour do you wanna parkour with me it's really great it's hard in the joints but it's good on the heart oh now we're here well now we doing it yes could i have actually jumped that over there i don't know wherever the music does that like i'm like okay what's happening what did i do whoa where's the convention center wonder why they pick seattle [ __ ] it's brutal tommy do this let's get inside maybe i don't know i'm drinking coffee because we're in seattle i feel the last time i was playing this it was just non-stop coffee everywhere a man has a hankering okay oh arrow yes are we getting our bow and arrow soon that's ellie's bread and butter why doesn't she have it already oh rope okay everything seems cleared out here so far channel channel news channel tv station what i needed some things look at this that doesn't damage my thing stop yelling at me deena always judging me it's like oh ellie don't break this don't kill that guy whatever [ __ ] oh an axe oh it only has four swings though my one is technically better but can you get better than a tiny hatchet throw it at someone you could carry two carry it in your hand as well as on your side that would be cool i don't trust any of this hold on dina let me see with my ears dean i see you with my ears okay we good no don't jump scare me again you did that a lot in the previous episode i don't like it okay that's a lot more supplements can i get yes oh i only have four left over okay i need 50 now for that one all right now oh no that wasn't a movement speed for listen mode it was just uh stuff was more clear can i actually break these windows no that's a negative on that one dina i know you were thinking it as well holy [ __ ] that's messed up oh my god this is definitely not tommy hey let us i would hope that that's not tommy's style i don't know but it's a message [Music] maybe they did it to their own i hope not keep your eyes open wait how do you know this just happened that's the lady symbol and it says feel her love that symbol was on her chest i think is that graffiti again who are these guys scares someone else the wlf [ __ ] with only seemed [ __ ] deranged you [ __ ] said it dina uh this is what my recording room looks like see all the padding and everything yeah i have all this stuff in my recording room it's no big deal just a big time youtuber god live streaming would be cool with stuff like this though i remember when we went to pax one time oh no i was in boston i was gonna say in seattle actually but in boston there was a fortnight tournament going on and we got to go backstage and see the setup that they had to switch between like 100 players at once it was it was something like that and they had a hundred monitors all on a wall with different players on them and they could just switch between them it was nuts so cool to look at though can i cut these poor people down no one should have to hang there like that for everyone to see or anybody who would come in here to see you know i was going to get up here and do like a jokey sort of newscaster response as soon as i saw the desk and then i saw the people you know it just doesn't feel right to do that right now i wouldn't feel comfortable doing that doing a bit in front of that oh i'm like really able to sprint in here ellie you're sprinting like the devils after you what's going on i was because i have the bottle out she won't put it away uh okay i came from there i really want to explore this area and make sure that i have everything god that's messed up man oh god i love how that light spills into this room everywhere we go there's i mean not nobody but the wlf have like cleared all out of seattle wait i've max bullets in this really follow you tina i hardly know you um wait i want to go through the crack over here [Music] there's gonna be supplies here dina and also probably a card and i really want that i really i feel like i've been good about scavenging so far and finding things and i really hope that by the end of the game i've actually found all of the cards i probably missed some really sneaky ones somewhere health come on there has to be something else in here uh all right something's gonna happen in here because you girls are like on edge the music is kicking up you also said that this just happened and the people might still be here poor people wonder if they were part of their group all right a lot of area to explore but i didn't really get anything out of it oh we're going around oh lord oh lord it's not that high up but exposed we have to search all of it i want to finally uh just be careful you too let's be careful together i do feel safer sneaking jesus [ __ ] christ i meant to switch guns and i forgot i had to hold the button i jumped scared myself okay this gun is better to have out because there's ammo for it everywhere also it has a silencer on it dude there's nothing in any of this i'm full on ammo for everything this kind of reminds me of portal too actually this vegetation covering stuff yes i knew it kimby mella kaimamela uh 80 and 60. after her family lost their house to greedy developers young scientist kimimela green's public protest fell on deaf ears frustrated she turned her research in animal behavior into a means of political action many late nights at the lab culminated in a device that allows her to telepathically communicate with animals that would be so cool now as a member of the society of champions kimamela brings her animal allies to places around the world where civil strife and avarice threaten to force people from their homes and when evil doers don't listen to her she lets her animals do the talking ah you're cool you also got a septic guy i want to telepathically talk to animals i want to talk to bibi he would just be like food question mark you got food all right we searched everything right yeah okay through the door young dina this music feels really tense what is that oh i think i have to go out that way there's a lot of arrows in people there yeah what was that sound are we gonna run into the the new infected zoom uh rue a little bird bird told me those scars you brought in from the coast talked i heard isaac is quite impressed with you i know you've been having doubts but you've got to power through it right now show him what happened at the coast show him that what happened at the coast wasn't a one-off and you'll be set for life think about how few people get this chance i'm proud of you dad okay nothing on the old ears bringing a canteen like that seems very useful though i'm full on revolver ammo as well damn i need to start shooting [ __ ] apparently there's ammo everywhere i'm full on bombs i'm falling stones let me start [ __ ] [ __ ] up oh it's radio leah that's her leah you sure yes i guess the universe really wanted her dead huh ellie's hand is shaking there's nothing on here it's all of them wow that's new jackson look at their [ __ ] smiles that's her that's the one killed him three down right [Music] three down six this is two do you copy support unit india in route to the tv station repeat support unit india am i gonna have to fight a bunch of people i don't like fighting it's not my style she's dead how do you feel in case we couldn't talk to her yeah but she didn't hurt joel it would have been pretty [ __ ] up to make her talk she traveled hundreds of miles to torture him i don't care whether she held the club or not [ __ ] all right this is where we were earlier okay yep scours still could have scars in the building watch each other how are we getting out of here someone get to the radio and call this in now oh man i could have oh if only i got closer i could have thrown a monotop and got them all at once okay okay okay okay okay this building now suddenly makes sense okay i can see you all clearly with my ears now ooh hold on guys there might be a card in here all right it's just revolver ammo it's stupid god god oh dina sorry [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] luckily the ai never gets caught oh crap don't turn around though oh if i could get you grab you uh silence shot that other person in the head oh or i'll just do this or i'll just do this i'm cam i'm so cam so very very careful [Music] get a visual i'll check it out oh oh oh oh okay you're gonna see him dead [ __ ] god my heart's actually beating hard someone's out there sweep this place go oh god i hear lots of footsteps but i don't know where they are are you gonna come up the stairs [Music] i don't know who's spotting me the you through here yeah yeah okay two down god [ __ ] sounds okay somebody went this way i want to find them again i lost eyes on them unless they went down they might have gone down yeah they did 23. oh wait no there's another one over there oh god oh that was sick got anything this area is clear shannon drew is it clear do you guys think so cause one of your friends is dead right there someone got drew we need to stop this now okay i kind of want to go to the table next to you but i'm worried there you go all right let's get [ __ ] let's get clinical [Music] oh thank god you didn't see me i had my eyes off you for a second oh god oh god oh god okay two left seems like i only have three shots with the suppressor [ __ ] i need to go around to get down to them uh okay do i have a regular bottle i could lure some of them you go dina you hold in there okay there you go there you go one left they're going up the stairs he said [ __ ] i think it's one left oh dude i nailed you tina get out of the way jesus [ __ ] hell oh i'm going that way huh oh [ __ ] there's another one oh [ __ ] thanks dina you know you kind of got my way a second ago but appreciate it okay you're coming down the stairs now [ __ ] okay [ __ ] why the both of you have to come this direction dina you are in my way there's no one else right i don't think so this feels like metal gear solid at this point even the music kind of sounds like it okay okay okay easy does it now [ __ ] that person's coming back he's running too fast okay dina go get him and he's still standing i don't think so oh dean actually got him oh [ __ ] dina you're a legend this way come on wait can i make a silencer yep ah there's ammo upstairs though dina i knew this whole place was completely empty on the way in i knew something had to be done with it oh [ __ ] dude you were just running along like no one was here oh they're upstairs [ __ ] oh god okay okay we're just running tina we're not doing this oh god no i'm good yep yep yep yep yep i am gone baby we gotta run oh [ __ ] i miss having ireland with us okay okay i remember doing this for the first game with joel don't give them a clear shot [ __ ] oh [ __ ] keep going keep going keep going [Music] nice all right [Music] it'll work for now keep going okay i felt i thought i [ __ ] it up dina let's pour the head masks okay i don't need it oh god gross we gotta keep moving oh we're gonna come up against something in here but there's spores there's infected um okay we're good she's a rusty one i thought they had us i know i hear a clicker or something okay you have a silencer just shoot it in the head won't let me oh [ __ ] whoa is that a flare oh this is so cool looking holy [ __ ] the [ __ ] all right i have a lot of molotovs that i want to get through okay wait let's do this first can i get the [ __ ] clickers to come out and get them there you go oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay that's a lot of [ __ ] clickers those [ __ ] trespassers are here too hey yeah actually we got here first oh jesus i always feel horrible doing that to them i shouldn't but i do [Music] okay this is why i've been saving the molotovs sorry your friends are [ __ ] like double dead no come on you saw me swing i literally swung i went into the animation for it and that [ __ ] interrupts me god damn it that sucks it's [ __ ] [ __ ] have everything go over that way instead [Music] okay let's kind of wait and see what happens this time i ran out the last time and [ __ ] went wild [Applause] okay you guys are going that way got it i'ma hide in here i don't think i've been made yet they're just running around in circles what is this benny hill [ __ ] [Music] no you don't no you don't okay there's another regular bottle behind me see that eyes of a hawk okay they're dead is this you guys just [Music] just running around in [ __ ] circles whatever whatever a lot of times for everybody should we make some more i think we shall oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh thank [ __ ] christ you died and again [ __ ] [Applause] there we go is that all of them nope okay oh there's another like human alive come through come through come on i [ __ ] dare you i kind of want to just sprint at you honestly there we go that [ __ ] works ew stop it oh i know i beat your [ __ ] face open but i don't want to be reminded of it all the time we shouldn't hang out here for too long grab it you can and then let's move i feel like you're hurrying me up but i don't think i actually need to be hurried up it's like this game never lets up there's a constant sense of urgency that we need to keep moving and keep pushing and shit's about to happen to us it's it's exhausting in like a good way it's so draining oh god maybe stuff is going to show up let's just make a bunch of molotovs just in case okay grab your [ __ ] okay that one first apparently nice needed that nothing in there uh let's no let's not swap actually you still have a good bunch of hits left in you follow that see i'm more of a i'm more of a molotov first kind of guy get that [ __ ] out of the way use those and then rely on everything else afterwards okay the sound in the background really makes me feel like i need to keep moving but there's stuff everywhere that's a bright ass flare [Music] all right bear with me it's just a bottle bottles bricks bottles anything in this train car here no okay i think we're going to head out dina because you're right i do not want to be here any longer than i have to be [Music] what is that sound that's just the sound of the earth groaning in disgust oh thank god they're dumb [ __ ] ellie says oof be okay yeah thanks just a few bumps and scrapes i'm really tired uh yeah let's get out of here we have a break oh that deep rumble no i don't trust any of this ah this was blocked maybe through here [Music] jewels jules i hope you made it out and find this the two of us got into a minor dust up with some clickers but we're still in one piece holed up here for the night to lick our wounds the long dead body of a man watched over us a gruesome reminder of why we're doing this this infection it really was a warning better to live off the land than remain in this rotting mess zachary says if we keep heading north we'll hit the sephiroth or the seraphite encampment in the next couple of days he calls it haven and they built it all themselves hearing him talk about it it was hard not to get inspired even optimistic i pray for your safety i hate to think of what isaac will do if his goons catch you i'll be holding my breath waiting for a sign that you're okay gray okay gray did you hear what they kept calling us scars i wonder if that's who made all those murals and gutted all those wolves yeah everyone in this city is a [ __ ] psycho no [ __ ] can i go under there's an opening down here god it's so dark [ __ ] oh this reminds me of the scene in cloverfield oh lord i thought i was walking into just like like 30 of them just all kind of a mass together you know that scene and i am legend where he walks into the room and they're all just kind of there i kind of want a scene like that honestly okay let's check down here first all right nothing are you good dina you holding up okay i hope so the [ __ ] jesus have you ever seen anything like this bloaters have acid spores oh [ __ ] but that didn't sound like a bloater uh here we go folks we're about to see the new one we should let them kill each other agreed this is the one that spits like acid at you spores everywhere that clicker my favorite kind got another ladder across there oh wait okay whoops how do we get to it we do this all right but first let me uh check this door oh workbench yes anything else bits and pieces before i upgrade dina you're not allowed in here this is this is me time i want some me time uh what did i say i was going for stability on that yes but also stability on this i have damage i wanted a scope as well [ __ ] i need 20 more for a scope [ __ ] do i wait i kind of feel like i should wait whoa 65 reload speed see ellie's hand that's the thing from the trailer where she like has to steady her hand and then she can play [ __ ] i might just have to hold out for that guys stability on this is really important too but i really want to be able to pick some dudes off later damn i have so much and i can upgrade so much but still need 20 more that sucks all right dino let's go okay climb climb all right i hold r1 to swing not to climb right i get your game i get you all right dean now your turn is there 20 pieces in here no there's a lot of other stuff that's very useful um dude i'm like maxed on everything i probably should have gone for a slightly higher difficulty then but again i'm here to experience it as i go rather than i'm not like trying to prove anything to myself it's nice to just get a little bit of a kick and then experience the story for what it is it's still super [ __ ] tense though ladder's broken uh damn it [ __ ] well what now guys tina what are you thinking ah oh jesus if i were you i would be silenced pistol shooting him from up here me neither [Music] is that what we're calling them shamblers sounds like a drunk irishman leaving a pub jazz it was in shambles all right this is oh no it's not god do i do i fight that thing do i run from that thing i imagine runs oh god we're in here with it oh god it's like fighting [ __ ] jeff from half-life alex again more than one oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what do i do let's try this let's see what will happen don't think you like that oh you guys are different infected am i dead am i dead i'm dead i'm not dead holy [ __ ] tina you're all right i kind of [ __ ] it up oh i thought i thought that that was more shamblers oh you [ __ ] dope i know you [ __ ] dope no you [ __ ] don't i am not going for any of what you're selling deena you want to turn off your light okay i think the others are dead i kind of want to take this dude down i don't know about you guys i want to [ __ ] him up i mean i probably should just leave he's right there wait hold on let's let's give him a little something i haven't tried these boys out yet ah there jimbo get a nice heaping helping serving of that oh you want more come on bro easy does it no problem is he going that way oh [ __ ] i want to kill him i want to do it this is why i've been hoarding all these supplies i can craft another bomb as well after this dude i'm golden i don't even think you can kill him but i'm trying to prove a point to myself okay so now i can turn on the light because i thought he was seeing it it's like but wait they shouldn't be able to see oh lordy which way are you going there big guy what if i kill him when i get like a grenade out of it technically i kind of have a grenade in my hand already all right let's take a chat [ __ ] he's loud let's just take a chance to look around at least find some items oh don't mind if i yes they're so cool god you look like you [ __ ] yourself though oh wait that's one of them i killed one if i killed one i can kill two all right this is what we're gonna do i'm gonna put this down here i'm gonna make noise hey over here numbnuts yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right into that baby right into it you're gonna go around the other way aren't you nice nice [ __ ] yeah suck it game just kill two of your hardest enemies [ __ ] these [ __ ] yeah baby they get you maybe i actually was supposed to kill them shamblers is that what they call them how are their new infected yeah where the hell does shamblers come from i don't [ __ ] know but they're disgusting yeah i mean as more time passes you're going to start seeing more infected right like more types of infected because maybe chambers were always a thing that were going to happen we just haven't been that far into the infection yet and now we have been and now we realize oh look at those acid roots shamblers are a thing he doesn't really have any acid burns he's just lying in a delightful fashion nice this is what i wanted lots of stuff i am really glad that i held on to all of those items now like the bombs we came out pretty damn well out of that all right i think i saw everything oh never mind hush thine mouth let's see where this takes us let's go deena okay yeah it had to has to close off the area behind you because it can't let you go back into that area it looks clean because now it's deloaded that entire last section and now the game can run better loading all of this shamblers if the others weren't bad enough i guess that's nature for you yeah nature's an [ __ ] there's nature for you alrighty anybody want to meet my bullets down here because i've got a lot of them and they love meeting people [Music] this is one of the few types of game that i really enjoy scavenging this and like resident evil 2 remake and i guess 3 to an extent but i didn't really like that game as much but that idea of like really looking for items and finding stuff to help you it's really fun i mean a lot of games do that but this seems to like really make it count nope open up the card ellie what are you doing i want to view the card there you go dr daniela starr homeworld earth 100 brains 60 brawn who's the most powerful one we've seen so far the whale uh recruited by spark century 22 out of titan's best science academy brilliant danielle starr was assigned to the ion engine development team under the watchful eye of her colleagues she came up with plans that exceeded everyone's wireless expectations but when she learned her superiors planned to use her technology for energy weapons she scuttled the research and fled to ganymede now under the protection of the future alliance she's on the verge of developing mankind's first faster than light vessel it's not even possible you can't go faster than light it's the universal constant to get to the speed of light not even going faster than it to get to the speed of light requires infinite energy so how are you going to go faster than light if you know it just doesn't make any sense you can't go faster than infinite energy can't get more energy if we could then we could probably go faster than lane we can't even get to the light speed yet anyway i'm poking holes in something that doesn't need hold poked in also coffee oh yeah sweet beans okay that's the exit just pick up a coffee cup a slice of pizza no just a piece of paper a slice of paper hey dewey forget the code again get me a soda and the code is yours what miraculous survival and suburb thought abandoned lower queen anne military forces were surprised yesterday discover a whole community alive and well while surrounding neighborhoods were entirely overrun with victims of the cordyceps infection that's been ravaging the nation these survivors had managed to keep their streets and homes clear all by themselves for the past six months found just days away from running out of food it's a story worthy of calling a miracle the community members unanimously credited their survival to one woman page is torn oh is this the feel her love then just any ordinary prepper she had luckily stalked her bunker for her entire neighborhood when she asked what inspired she answered divine retribution yeah that yeah it really feels like whoever this person is is going to be like a cult or like religious fanatic get me a soda and the code is yours one five two okay enough hints if you can't figure out if you can't figure the rest out i'm with the wrong man what 152 how the hell am i supposed to figure that out let's see uh one five two three four sorry one five two four three okay because it said if you can't figure the rest out but all the buttons had to be pushed in magic so it was like it was either three four or four three and that's why they were like if you can't figure that out well i did cause me even brainiac you guys had any [ __ ] sick cards in here like kind of i kind of want him kind of need him nothing i thought you guys would have something like really big although i did just get uh 18 supplements didn't they yeah i need five more and i can go prone faster all right let's head out dina [ __ ] a doll hey doesn't this look like the lady from the scar graffiti yeah and she's kind of in the pose that the graffiti is drawn in after the [ __ ] we saw today i'm not sure i want to find out i'm assuming because everyone's broken from what's happened so they're all scared but also to be part of the cult they're probably going to have to get like a brand or a scar cut into them on the back okay what's this little nook for flavor no so close i like your optimism look around there dino what do you see what are your elf i see okay yellow pipes are the yellow pipes leading me to something yep smart naughty dog very smart in fact it will not see your flashlight wait really i thought that infected would seem like flashlight even those guys ah [ __ ] how are we dealing with this okay two chambers i need to kill as many as i can with one molotov so okay [ __ ] i'm just doing that this might be death okay okay stuff is still on the verge of seeing me but not yet whoa whoa what hey [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] go okay do this [Applause] there you go there you go there you go oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dean are you okay wait did i kill the other shambler damn he went down thinking i'm quick to molotovs okay about there do you know we're going this way and i'm kind of tired of not having my shotgun out wait no come over they're not as hard here take out as i thought they would be i thought that that would be like [ __ ] certain death going up against one of them that in whoa i knocked the box down nice oh i blew his entire top half off okay i'm ready to get out of here dina are you impressed same i absolutely [ __ ] all of those guys but let me restock because i used a lot of items in the last couple of seconds nice nice nice there's two more mines and i'm out of molotov okay got it simple enough didn't miss any other items when i was down here i don't think so can't go that way you know what's crazy i haven't even uploaded any of these episodes yet you guys are watching like the stuff that i'm recording right now hasn't been seen by anybody because i've just been so into it i can't stop playing this game i can't stop thinking about it it's been so fun so far i hope you guys are enjoying it it's a little weird to record entire episodes before people have seen it and there's not like feedback and stuff yet but i didn't want the spoilies i think we're going to head out please don't tell me i missed any cards i really want them can i see daylight again there you go no daily [ __ ] nice smart daylight oh sweet glorious bastion would like to get me out there dean are you still doing okay because you were you were kind of sick last episode and you said that it was because of the smell but i don't trust that things between ellie and dean are going too well i don't want anyone to be like a double crosser or somebody to suddenly be evil or bad or dead just a nice happy ending after this i wonder how long they kept these running past outbreak day here's quite the [ __ ] pileup dina yeah coming see something's going on or maybe there's a dialogue option that she was like sitting around watching jewels again hi jules i'm still holding out hope that you're coming it's unbelievable the amount of infected down here i'm starting to admire zachary he's a solid fighter in close quarters and he can learn anything he can hear anything creeping around in the dark i swear he's like a bat no he can just see with his ears like i can echolocation also he prays for his ailing father every night and he joins me in prayer for the ones i love and miss especially you this phrase zachary keeps saying may she guide you it's what jumps to my mind every time i wonder what's up with you maybe there is something greater someone greater watching over us starting to sound like a religious knot aren't i so may she guide you jules travel fast travel safe grey what the hell happened here thanks sherlock thanks [ __ ] to be back outside let that water wash over you get nice and clean oh she actually reacts to it that's cool wait oh maybe we can get up there hello oh special items nice at least it's not a card that i would have missed ah damn i love enough squeeze out there early you shouldn't have to go prone okay what you got how very uncharted of you thank you dina okay let's rally we're almost out dean is kind of out of breath [Music] i feel like dean has been bitten and she's not telling me she was sick before then she got sick at the the smell and then she said she's really tired and now she's kind of out of breath i'm not liking this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] get off me you ball bastard oh dina's not doing good at all ellie your mask here we could share mine no no no no don't take it off stop ellie stop what no ellie no stop i'm not infected i'm immune i'm not coughing juicy [ __ ] can you run yeah yes let's [ __ ] go go oh my god oh my god that's a lot [ __ ] you dude get out of the way right here don't slow down no no no no no no dina dina you better [ __ ] make it out of here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] thank you this way hurry i'm trying oh my [ __ ] god holy [ __ ] okay okay no time for fighting now it's time for running quite fast now ellie quite fast go go go go go go go go go go go go lord [ __ ] oh thank you thank you thank you [Applause] keep going oh no [Applause] hey i've been here that sounds so [ __ ] good i think i've done a panel in this theater this is right next to the convention center that's cool it's actually seattle almost there god this looks so good dina please don't die i have so many emotions going on here all right we're good come on oh there's a big conversation about to happen ugh you want to tell me what's going on with you what's going on with me helly i just saw you breathe spores i told you i'm immune okay you're immune come on i was bitten a long time ago the [ __ ] are you talking about i was bitten and nothing happened a chemical burn maria and tommy and joel are the only ones who know knew now you know i can't get you infected if that's what you're worried about i can't make you immune either can you say something really i think i'm pregnant what don't worry it's not yours what do we what are we supposed to do now nothing i just need to rest for a second you're [ __ ] kidding how long have you known i was late a few weeks ago a few weeks we could have we could have still turned back i didn't know i wasn't sure okay i didn't want to be a burden well you're a burden now aren't you make sure this place is secured you just rest [ __ ] that's why she was holding her stomach in the middle of the game at one point oh she's asleep already good night dina when we were back in the open area i was like oh you're hungry dina holding your belly me too she wasn't hungry she's [ __ ] pregnant she could be hungry as well but damn also maybe this is somewhere i did a panel maybe this is where i did my live show let's look around a little bit more see what the stage and stuff looks like 54 now yes the game's like hey remember that you have these nice okay how fast do i move i'll prone now oh yeah i'm a slithery little snake tina looks over and you're just crawling across the ground this is how i deal with my emotions dina the ground will never leave me damn prego i wonder how many people die in this play the pinnacle theater maybe i haven't been here i'm just upset dina there was something in here though yeah oh i probably definitely missed the [ __ ] card then if they're hiding in places like this morton finally a bad guy again are you a wait hold on wrong button are you a uh neutral damn i want to see some bad guys mort marquez 16 year old mort lay in a coma for 10 days after a horrible car accident remembering nothing save for revisions of a cloaked skeleton giving him a scythe that would be your friend death upon waking he learns of his ability to make any living thing he touches wither and die when he inadvertently kills the family cat both the society of champions and sparks seek him out the former hoping to keep him away from the general public the latter to use him for bioweapon research mortem is on a path to find answers why was he cursed with these morbid powers that's a very very [ __ ] power to have they just touch people and they die that sucks you never touch anybody you can never embrace anybody what if you wear gloves no this isn't a theater i've been in pregnant [ __ ] pregnant how could you keep something like that ellie pot kettle black come on huh he's really coming down there ellie [ __ ] raining cats and dogs oh that's so god damn gorgeous holy crap it's one of the best games i've ever seen uh hold on i want to check around in here a little bit first before the projector room oh can we watch a movie that'd be great after everything we've gone through a movie would be such a nice relaxing time uh september 13th i don't think they're coming back they're not coming back either got ambushed or they ditched me not my fault i got sick at least the fever's gone but now i'm [ __ ] starving can probably raid the buildings nearby for food then see if i can raise someone on the radio constant rain means i at least won't die of thirst unfortunately it keeps making the electricity [ __ ] out all the time makes it all kind of hard to use the radio not like anyone's answering anyway the wolf can't have hit all the federal listening posts no way you need to keep trying dreamt they were laughing as i slowly bled out from a gut shot woke up an hour ago still shaking need a cigarette you think there'd be a packer to stash somewhere in a [ __ ] theater but apparently not this one power went out again going to head to the roof and see if i can get it back on oh you're gonna be dead up there aren't you all right so i gotta get this turned on it's out heli it needs some power power going it's always the dang power oh yes hell yeah i need as many of them as i can get oh wait i want to check this place alcohol this would be the place to get it uh september 4th me perez green and adams made it to the listening post two days ago and so far so good wlf haven't come looking here yet the city's lost at the wlf we escaped headquarters out of sheer luck and good timing torres ward and the others are probably dead camping here grateful to be alive for now can't sleep burning up with a fever no medicine looked everywhere we don't have anything except the uniforms on our backs no contact from anyone in the radio tower either uh how many of us made it out still feverish don't have any big cuts so probably not an infection the others are waiting until nightfall then making a run to the hospital to get medicine for me and supplies for wherever we're going next so good guys september 10th shouldn't be taking this long no that dude was here a while back this is kind of cozy i'd imagine in a world like this you kind of have to make as many places feel comfy as possible hey dina what's up still pregnant cool the lobe ah i knew there had to be something down here beyond trading card imani graves after near-death experience that left her in a coma for two weeks these are starting to sound a little familiar after an accident after a run-in with spark the seasoned detective found that she could cross from our world to the spirit world allowing her to communicate with the dead now known as beyond she splits her time between solving murder investigations and serving as a spiritual medium for grieving families seeking closure however her forays into the spirit world are clearly hastening her demise she looks considerably older than her 35 years how much longer does she have oh yeah she looks like she's in her 50s or 60s she's beyond her years thanks guys we're in the theater i have to make jokes all right out into the rain pull up that hood damn how big these buildings i are seattle was the first place in america that i went to where i saw like really big skyscrapers all clumped together because i i had been to boston for pax but boston is a bit more spread out and i didn't really go downtown in boston and then seattle the convention happens like around all of these buildings so it was the first time i was like whoa america is just like the movies i was back in 2015. so young all right let's give it a sh dunk got it nice wait why is the rain cutting out the power all the time damn you have fried that's the dude whose notes we've been reading [Music] that did not end well for him this is cozy in a way i love the rain there's sometimes when it rains here and i'm like let's not do anything today let's just sit in and watch movies ellie doesn't like that ellie looks mad sorry ellie can i kick down this ladder no at least we got power what's this all right don't go beating up the place ellie ah having the power back on is cool looking everything's cool looking everything's amazing this is a wonderful video game there's no doors down here right now [Applause] i'm going to see what the actual theater looks like all right nope i haven't been here i haven't done anything here it just looks familiar it was the paramount theater that i did a thing in not the pinnacle or maybe it's based on it oh joel you love watching a movie in this place sure would damn so much detail wait have i been here i might have been i can't remember man it doesn't [ __ ] matter literally no one cares sick habit with the brick [ __ ] houses damn sick habit setlist settle for less who can say once more onto the breach that's a it's probably not a real band right spooky no way thing is a little ditty there ellie oh wait am i gonna have to get these hands and ready again yep [Music] game i know how to do it now you don't need to keep telling me [Music] [ __ ] i say as i [ __ ] it up but surely he loves myself [Music] no [Music] no are we gonna see joel again [Music] oh my heart won't be able to no oh i suck wow just need to build up your cow that says that's all yeah joel all right come on that's it yeah oh [ __ ] oh my god we're gonna play his young ellie again i'm gonna start guessing do you want to spoil your surprise now i don't know is it a dinosaur stop trying to guess i ain't telling you all right is it an elephant it's a giraffe is it a convertible you're not gonna guess is it a puppy is it a lot of kittens you mean a litter what's a litter a bunch of kittens why wouldn't you call it just a bunch of kittens i don't know what it's called a litter oh joel we miss you mind your step i got it oh what a troll what is wrong with you you should see your face right now what do i drown i gotta drown you gotta work on that confidence kiddo yeah keep laughing old man see what happens this way he's worse these [ __ ] making me feel feelings again remember now don't just flail about the water with your whole arm blah blah blah glad to know i'm getting through hell come here take a look at this is that deer over there just through there look yeah i see it yeah looks like yes how's that feel refreshing yeah it's not nice getting pushed in is it well actually we need to swim through this part anyway i got you back you're angry and upset i am very angry and upset now come on oh what happened between them though something happened that makes them not talk to each other like this again yeah i got this no not him dying before that wow so pretty except for that texture right there that's a little wonk but it don't matter [Music] is it my sixth grade history teacher wanting to apologize for being a massive dick i beg your pardon my friend and i would argue whenever he called the fireflies terrorists we got a lot of detention you know you really need to stop letting people rile you up it's hard when they're dicks still stands going through here get another dive over here how can i dive i have to hold it are we going to get to like a super pretty place is it a new pair of sneakers how many of those do you have not enough give me a hand there joel okay [ __ ] it i'm done guessing well good but like is it a massive comic book collection no wait a new dvd collection yes which one just yes laser discs it is a dinosaur [ __ ] joel we're here oh my god it is a dinosaur there it is joel surprise holy [ __ ] oh it's a [ __ ] dinosaur that's so cool [Music] tyrannosaurus rex king of the tyrant lizards that's a big boy oh there's more jill said he's taking me on a camping trip next week for my birthday he found something he said i love he's acting very proud of himself small gold foggy cat sat next to me at movie night our elbows kept touching i think she was doing it on purpose i don't know maybe not probably not dina made me a crown for my birthday uh she went back to the camp and got all this paper it's pretty great tommy and joel wait i want to see this damn those are good drawings ellie farming ration blow or farming rotation blows i don't get why people ask for this assignment note to self talk to maria about how early i can sign up for patrol training dee and i found this cool old campground today she said kids used to go there in the summer for fun we found all these art supplies she cut colored paper and made some crowns for us while it rained outside it was a good day nice and she drew the [ __ ] tyrannosaurus she drew that fast [Music] that's awesome oh there is thank you joel it's awesome oh we get to go to the zoo together this is so heartbreaking wyoming museum of science and history how did you find this place maria she uh she told me about it figured it'd be right up your alley figured right what's this uh it's a book it's a dinosaur book okay all right damn fun fact i only saw dinosaur fossils in real life for the very first time this year i had never seen them in person before we went to the the museum of natural history place in l.a and it was so cool oh man you wanna try it on i do not you're lost indiana ellie any trading cards around here oh look at those talons that is a velociraptor actually it's a pretty sure these are velociraptors yeah i mean at least that's what they call them in this movie i saw um yeah they're not velociraptors they're more like the size of a utahraptor or dinan and acres as they as she said whatever that is um the velociraptors in real life despite what the movie showed you in the movie jurassic park they're more like utah raptors but they call them velociraptors because the name is cooler um real velociraptors are actually like the size of pheasants or slightly bigger they traveled in packs and they hunted together and overwhelmed enemies rather than actually being big and strong and powerful on their own oh hello sorry the dinosaurs are busy right now what are you doing oh wait one of the dinosaurs is here no it's for you that was pretty funny it's [ __ ] hilarious you're old no i get it yeah okay oh man i was saying before this game came out that i didn't need more of this stuff because they did it so much in the first game that i was like i'm fine with just do whatever for the sequel but i do miss it this is this is lovely very bittersweet come signatus compsognathus that's a big name for little guys yeah they swarm you also happened in the movie you saw did you see that in a movie too actually yeah but a different one see there's a sequel yeah it wasn't as good oh [ __ ] as much as i love jeff goldblum it it the movie starts with them surrounding a girl and eating her and the lady comes over and like screams when she sees them and what they've done to her and then it just cuts to jeff goldblum it's like are you screaming at jeff goldblum it's such a weird cut but the older i get the more i like that movie because it's stupid wow looking dinosaurs baby [Music] a stegomaimous [Music] joel look that is a hat on a dinosaur it's called a hattosaur okay all right i wanna wear my hat again though my hat's dope i'll try celedoo is this gonna be a thing please don't let it be a thing come on joel it's hilarious don't you think it's funny looking i want my hat back though it looks cute means three-horned face you would not want to be on the business end of that horn nope whoa this one's brain was the size of a walnut no no way looks like you two have something to go oh good one ah the triceratops his name is winnie um also fun fact about a stegosaurus is that the plates on the back of a stegosaurus never had a name so somebody came up with a dumb name for them i can't even remember what they're called you'll have to look it up but it's like a silly name and then people were just like okay we're gonna roll with that so that's what the plates are called now i think it was a stegosaurus come on you recognize these guys the dimetrodon was an apex predator it's an apex predator the most badass predator pretty short for that wait were you talking about me are we gonna put a hat on him there must be an achievement for putting the hat on all the dinosaurs whatever floats your boat it weirdly suits all of them all day i'm putting that on every dinosaur i don't care except maybe long neck boy because it's probably not going to work a gallimimus gallimimus's name means chicken mimic who names these scientists well they're dumb does it mean chicken mimic i didn't know that it's a gala gal uh yellow mimos it's swarming this way there's a 50 cent word we're flocking this way card bingo the nighthawk oh you're cool these uh superhero carts seems like they were popular i think sarah was into those for a while where's the little creature thing pokemon oh my god troy you're such a dad in this game i'm never going to let him live this down every time i meet him i'm going to be like you're such a dad but he is a dad now when a freshly minted air force recruit found himself caught in a skirmish between spark aerobots and the society of champions his quick thinking ended up saving the day with his arms and legs wounded in the battle dr stem created a set of energy wings for his arms and energy blades for his shoes okay allowing him to cover both land and sky at absurd speeds together with his loyal greyhound ezio auditorium small town kid known as the nighthawks scours the world for evildoers always ready to dive back into action neat all right so good thing i'm looking around because there is stuff that you can get here that's fun joel you like it it's cool right don't i have a cute little face he's gone wow i just like exploring the museum seeing all the dinosaurs a brachiosaurus brachiosaurus ate 600 pounds of plants each day imagine the poops and there's one scene where uh actually one of the guys said that's a big mountain of [ __ ] what is this movie and when can we see it tell you what when we get back to jackson movie night oh you guys also isn't the line there's one big pile of [ __ ] you said it wrong joel actually i could have said it wrong right now and we're both wrong so i guess we're both old men raptor joel this is uh the one you were talking about the velociraptor so small well don't trust the movies i guess yep teeny tiny small boy whoa look at the size of this dude that's a tyrannosaurus head tyrannosauruses also weren't as big in real life they were like 15 feet tall still big maybe 15 feet long they're still massive but not nearly as big as the movie would show you look how thick this one's skull is of looks like tommy i'm telling him you said that please don't catch it in the right light boom tell me the oviraptor oh this one looks like a bird well actually paleontologists believe that birds were descended from dinosaurs well excuse me mr professor i happen to know a thing or two from a movie keep going and i like the light in your face joel joel you like the light in your face you're very pretty oh ankylosaurus put the hat in come on put the hat he's a little detective joel joel he's a little detective he's going to solve dinosaur crimes joel look at him he's so cute hell yeah i am proud of what we are accomplishing here today gamers second hat oh i really thought that it was like a secret thing to give on to joel joel you gotta wear it man we can be we can be buddies with our little hats did you go to museums a lot here yes sir i love him i swear that girl dragged me to every damn museum in texas put the hat in them looks like a giraffe yeah it does doesn't it looks like the scene from the first game hey yes julian legend i see the appeal told you are those meat eating meat sources god bless you are we going to the planet arium a walk through the stairs did you know this was here oh you don't like it um we can head back oh shut up they're so cute ah that's a cool mural of the planets my very educated mother just showed us nine it used to be just showed us nine planets but then pluto was pluto got uh got [ __ ] by scientists scientists didn't like pluto they're like nah so now we need a new mnemonic hey joel can you name all the planets my very educated mother just served us nice pizzas uh did you just have a stroke my mercury very venus mother mars oh okay i get it that's pretty cool i like that he said the one with pluto as well blue is not a planet joel pluto's dead disappeared ruined forever see naughty dog you got to do a space game please you're like a mission to go like out planets going to the moon and [ __ ] and then something happens and a monster attacks hell yeah you know how many times we've been to the moon uh twice six times are you sure yeah i'm sure six make it seven the last of a three in space wow one day that's cool you should have drew you drawn did a dinosaur with a hat on oh sit in it yeah oh [ __ ] yeah where's the steering wheel rovers don't use steering wheels use joysticks huh hang on here's the real one when considering they left the real ones on the moon i don't say no i like that she knows more than him god this is delightful this is a nice break of pace compared to what we went through for the last hour god this is so cool i went to the the area in griffith no we actually can't go out there griffith observatory i looked at all their space stuff it's so awesome i do want to go to a planetarium at some point though i've never been to one i feel like i'm missing out i [ __ ] love space hell are you but now hold on just a minute if you're going into space you're gonna need a helmet oh hell yeah oh right what was i thinking oh which one do we want i want no that one's kind of a winner so gold in the front ah this one yeah it looks like something you'd wear taking a bath yeah i want the gold one i wonder what the statistic is for which helmet people pick playing this game so cool what how does it smell in here like space and dust i go into space joel ain't never coming back bonk watch your head i have a helmet on joel what the heck okay wow as you look at all these buttons oh it's so badass man could you imagine just happy birthday kiddo what is this this is a thing that took a mighty effort to find take it song is on it close your eyes it'll be worth it okay that's so cool two one that's so awesome [Music] [Music] so i do okay are you [ __ ] kidding me [Laughter] you're welcome kiddo what do you say we uh keep looking around huh yeah i guess that was so cool [Music] welcome to earth yeah what a [ __ ] great gift so sad to see this stuff now you know what you're doing game here damn even joel had a hard time with it there's more museum stuff over there yeah i never checked out that building let's go and just how do you plan on getting yourself okay [Music] can't tell me what to do dad get down here no hey whose birthday is it jump you can't keep doing that i want a good splash we've got more exploring to do come on yo geronimo nice damn that was so cool is this the oh there might be stuff over here oh look wanna give me a ride those days are long gone kiddo that's funny jeez look at that that looks so real soak it in let it wash over you listen to it amazing all right joel this door is going to be locked and we're going to have to go up through that window hey who's being there wow i'm shocked i don't know i'll open the door for you come on we can't chicken out now all right man this is this is how the game should have opened so lovely oh maybe not just add that really strong emotional connection oh okay bad news there's [ __ ] blocking the door well see if you can find me another way in i'll i'll walk around the outside okay be safe they're dinosaurs around whoa stay strong buddy that's a lot of wolves coming to eat your face this guy needed a hug is there going to be somebody here okay wait there might be a card lying around [ __ ] knew it sora whoa 8080 xi yi jing noted paleontologists and geneticist xi jing worked in secret with the scientists at spark attempting to splice human and dinosaur genes together using herself as the test subject she succeeded beyond her wildest expectations now when she feels trapped or endangered her body transforms into a hybrid dinosaur she's there the spike tail of the stegosaurus the armor of the ankylosaurus and the speed of a velociraptor formidable opponent by any measure the society of champions is one reliable strategy make her feel calm and safe until danger is afoot ah villain that's [ __ ] dope i like that one headwink thank you the four soldiers at the gate the last one cried oh [ __ ] hell oh the woman we tortured choked on her own blood [ __ ] hell oh god i can actually make stuff uh oh okay something's about to happen oh god that's what i was talking about before the stragglers who snuck into the camp they just wanted food come on [ __ ] the kid who ran into the blast i couldn't stop it the people in the van we blocked them in and doused them with gas [ __ ] hell no i'm sneaking around no one's here yet there's no light we wanted to end suffering we wanted to restore humanity each time we sacrificed part of ourselves our leaders kept saying it'll be worth it now we've disbanded with nothing to show for our sins i thought coming here might reignite something some purpose my parents love bringing me here it's one of my earliest memories from before the outbreak before all of the cruelty and savagery those memories just made me angrier i don't want to be in this world anymore i can't look at the person i've become damn jesus stupid fake animals oh jesus the [ __ ] bore oh [ __ ] oh you're lucky that's all you got away with ellie i'm in here who was it it's just some animal well let's get a move on i want to get a fire going before it gets too dark come on [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,407,394
Rating: 4.9625955 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, the last of us, the last of us 2, the last of us part 2, the last of us part II, the last of us 2 gameplay, the last of us 2 review, the last of us part 2 gameplay, last of us 2, the last of us 2 jacksepticeye, the last of us part 2 jacksepticeye, full game, walkthrough, tlou2, the last of us gameplay, naughty dog, the last of us part 2 review, last of us 2 gameplay, the last of us 2 joel, the last of us 2 ellie, ps4, gameplay, the last of us part ii
Id: _PWeD91a9ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 1sec (7501 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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