WAS THERE EVER A CURE? | The Last Of Us 2 - Part 6

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Oh huh are you with me yeah yeah I'm good anyway this silent treatment we have to hang our Tommy I forget my own birthday if she didn't remind me when it was you should just apologize to her okay what's going on nothing why I can tell when you're off yeah she's got some stuff on my mind okay I've just had the worst slash best day of my life Kat was finishing another session of my arm and then climbed on top of me and kissed me ooh la la I threw her off of me I yelled at her I thought I infected her I mean I'm infected sort of I don't know how the [ __ ] this [ __ ] transfers what if she turns what would I tell people she's got family I told her I told her we should take a walk my light and said I'd never kissed anyone and that I was just nervous she was actually sweet about my freakout we spent the day walking and talking then she came to my place for a movie she fell asleep I stayed up all night watching her little creepy alley I'm just gonna say it right now looking for signs of infection oh that's nice creepy nevermind the next morning she was fine nothing and I'm not contagious and Kat likes me [ __ ] roller coaster that's the [ __ ] best that is all that's sweet so on patrol today Jesse told me Kat referred to me as her girlfriend she's so open about everything she talks to her mom about us she held my hand when we were out all out by the lake kissed me in front of our friends everyone seems to know except for Joel should I tell him I don't know I don't know how he'd react I'm a cat looks awesome what happened though feel like Deena's avoiding me Kat says she's just jealous about how I'm spending my time they keep trying to invite Dina along which keeps saying she's busy perched on an outcropping you trace constellations in the sky I traced the ink on your skin that covers the scars the burns decorating the darkness like stars it smells like white leaves and firewood out here alright uncle Tommy where are we going something's gonna happen to tommy soon I have a feeling Tommy's also gonna die because you set up a nice scenario with Joel now you're setting up a nice scenario with Tommy and we're just about to go find Tommy in present day so I don't know my anglers how many oh dude nice those are some sick shots you won't give it a whirl oh yeah Tommy are you sure I'm feeling generous I do have one on my back though so I don't know why this is weird all right [Music] try hitting it it's good way to draw him out of wherever they're hot this one got a Meyer leave the bullet room to drop you go all righty sounds attracting them okay these guys are hard to hit Tommy they're all moving got one tell me the one use the to you short we're standing still using more over this way you want to keep shooting okay Tommy I won't miss them all where are they coming from towards like to move through this area in winter they always end up leaving behind a few stragglers they do the same routes every year like a migration or something what's that about well when the barometric pressure reaches a certain temperatures - [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] know check out the shed why look up by the truck there yeah yes they're hungry huh way off way I knew it as soon as I pressed it Tommy I know oh right in the back of the neck looks clear but there's some this way Tommy can we just talk about this for a second I'm like 117 walk them up all right let's go wait what if that migration by the ski lifts yeah oh what you think holy [ __ ] Tommy what's this oh he stopped now he's moving come on well it's embarrassing Tommy there we go damn it I should have had him with one of those oh whoa you're waiting out there hello Joel about this I'm not seeing anymore I was born in either All Right see if Joel's back sure that was really fun I love that that's a scene I want a snipe from distance and her over hey thanks for that it's just what I needed sure ladies first I know lady I'm a zombie killer now tell me the Joel's word about you there's nothing to worry about I'm sure there but if you don't talk to him he's gonna think something's wrong mm-hmm let's talk to him well you have to do more than hi and bye okay I'll try whatever Tommy damn this area is cool I want to walk around one of these areas in the present-day sections Joel's here all our shots nailed up every one of them that was y'all shooting up there right oh just some stragglers never got to try out my scope thanks like it yeah feels good I see you've hadn't gotten around changing the string yet I didn't know I was supposed to yeah we'll give you some new ones where's that music store down there I bet they got guitar stuff I mean that area's long overdue for a sweep anyway I keep watch I say kiddo sure and that's our cue what happened between them though are you sure you don't want to come get on now he's wait I mean I know what you're doing but because the last section we saw the man everything was great but I feel like there's a conversation that we're missing like he told her what happened and exactly all about the cure and whatnot and now she's kind of pissed at him forever why do you guys always volunteer for this Patrol it's got the most comfortable couch and all the lookouts set bonfire put my feet up magic Tommy you are a hoot you are incorrigible Tommy I can't claim that all right I'm gonna search around cause there's [ __ ] everywhere here what's the savage star like doing here pretty sure that's Jose hmm it's not that stuff from the first game isn't there savage starlight stuff back then and I've almost like to go to make a space game next Daniela and Captain Ryan have been thrown into the arena where the hungry eyes that the travelers watch as they are forced to fight to the death will she put aside her feelings for the captain to fight for her own survival I at least a to isn't finished here she has like line work done but it's not shaded yet oh hell yeah this couch feet up next to it this time you said I'm just making sure I have everything yet Tommy I ain't procrastinating or nothin I ain't invited avoiding Joel if dances Jolla saying I'm doing I'm just talking I'm just looking around getting supplies well Joel wants to spend time with me and I want to figure out what's going on with them and I want more Joel time because I miss him I miss him so much Tommy do you miss him yeah wait that's like a make [ __ ] I'll make a Molotov cuz I feel like we're probably gonna run into some boys let's go me kiddo oh is this Ireland so you and Tommy across anything when yous out just a few we saw from the ridge you you know found two runners in a house Jesse tells me you're handling your own quite well on the group Patrol he's even recommending you for paired patrol oh I think you're still a bit young for it I'm a better shot than almost all of them and I have more experience than most of the new recruits do you think you're ready bad trust okay thanks you just do me a favor and start with the shorter routes for now you know see how you handle them all right whoa look at me go come on savage starlight comic book a year into yeah Tommy and I found some when we were moving through that school the other day did you like him oh you know what it's not really my cup of tea but dr. daniela star means you pretty she's a savage well what she does the captain Ryan and that death match yeah I mean he definitely deserved it but it was a nice twist have a such sweet conversations between the two of them oh I love these types of locations it reminds me of playing Alan Wake again Alan Wake was like all in the woods in here you found these trouble stay there Ireland there's a music store yeah I see it these like wooded areas are like giant log cabins sort of things it's [ __ ] gorgeous look around a little less explore everything keeps collapsing what this happened I guess if the the vegetation is taking root and growing more and more it's gonna agitate the ground especially if it's undisturbed and traffic isn't driving over it [ __ ] yo could you kick a door there's block around in circles that's fine Troy what are you doing you need a boost I got it do my knees work better than yours I see a carriage I don't think we can go this way I got the AH stringer I don't know what that means I used to be able to swim across this okay so now what well if you're up for it we can try cutting through that hotel I'm up for it oh now you want to kick down the door 14 years old Mack cents pierre-pierre what a name was abandoned by his parents in the middle of Montaigne noir with a lot of words that I can't pronounce with the help of the benevolent intelligent hawk he made his way to a small lodge where he met him a serious shaman to rigorous training max mastered the ability to enter the mind of hawks raptors and other birds of prey as the off stringer max serves as a thief for hire an intelligence gatherer for the highest bidder all the while striving to discover why he was abandoned in the mountains all those years ago wait through rigorous training max mastered the ability to enter the mind of hawks okay max whatever those are some shaman powers for sure the clear blue sky those things dude I have all of them right now I'm convinced I have even missed one I really hope I haven't missed one I've been so diligent come on get in that door Oh think you can fit in there that's worth a shot if you use those heavers of yours here below yep Joel isn't it crazy how we learn how to crawl on the ground in this game hold on we're definitely gonna have to fight something wouldn't be given out me all these items for nothing looking I'm making mall that sounds right now Joe hold on God make sure that I'm prepared cuz it can't make them in the heat of battle not that easily anyway hello honey impressed nope you just too skinny you need to eat more welcome no Joel she needs it though she needs the reassuring all right let's head on through it's interesting to see the dynamic as well because in the first game it's Joel with Ellie tagging along I know it's Ellie with Joel tagging along hold on I'm busy grabbing everybody's giving me the creeps what's up I see the way through but we got spores but you mask oh don't have to that's just us what if we run into Scylla okay fine damn Joe Boulder shoulders over here there you go Ellie come on through you gotta be smart about this you stopped wearing that mask kiddo and eventually you're gonna sleep up in front of someone you shouldn't I've never slept didn't told nobody do have you but Jesse Dean uh good no he's just looking out for you but yeah I can see that it sounds like he doesn't trust her but I don't think that that's it at all patrol the streets yeah there's a lot of stuff in here you know are you going to a hotel and there's just bullets laying on the table man America's crazy dude mini-fridge we should take this and put some beers in it I'm a fridge mini beer for my recording room every time we're playing I was like crack a cold one open hi y'all what is up like there's these flashback sequences get a little feel for what the first game was like again also we have from played as a B or seen them at all in this entire thing Ruby I'm sorry if your if our patrol overwhelmed you yesterday we don't run into new people too often I understand why you might have been nervous to follow us to Jackson but it really is a nice place we've got electricity good crops it could be something special for you and your family my boys are different people here before Jackson we were so focused on just staying alive I didn't like who they were becoming they started acting like the people we were running away from these days they're just on roofs fixing holes digging trenches powered work they come home every night excited about building up this place they've got community a reason to be accountable used to be a teacher you could have a classroom with kids hungry for knowledge this isn't a fantasy please consider just stopping by let me show you around Tara now that's nice I mean kids growing up they become what they know their environment affects a lot of their growth and development so if they're around horrible [ __ ] they will do horrible [ __ ] that's only people went missing from Jackson them teenagers from last year this was too old teenagers my missing okay you know we're going up this way good man do I hear I hear all I hear [Music] stores are low they didn't hear that Oh eNOS yet oh dude dude dude you dude oh god that was close holy Joe Lee oh hey holy [ __ ] okay Joe cover me of all all towns please stop doing that accent for this [ __ ] video okay how many are there you're a runny and you're a clicky but there's another runny over there I think oh yeah let's try it is I'm gonna shoot her way out if we have to especially with Joel around I'm sure he's going to be very capable thanks ed you know reading my dad but I feel very comfortable calling you that nice over here what if we had died coming down here Tommy would feel very bad can I go upstairs yes I can oh no that's a big piece of board here ever been so mad you beat my mother [ __ ] across the head with a board okay and wait gem which it I just want to do this [ __ ] first what if there's a card here Joel and then I miss it and then I get mad and then everyone hoping it's mad and then it's just a mad fest you're mad lads could have still missed one for all they know please hurry about see this I'm a [ __ ] monster I got you John nice to have your face it's no fun I need to remember that this is going bad John Joel I'm hurtin more in fact how many infected Arthur I think you gotta hurry Oh poor Oh baby there is a big spike in my heart rate right now seeing that guy come to me I think we did it I think so holy [ __ ] so what do you say we give up on those strings for today good said it better myself damn that got way more intense than I was expecting it to Jesus Ellie you okay what's happening all right it looks like it might be something following you whenever there's like massive groups of them like that I always get way more scared because it's like oh now I actually have to aim and shoot and it takes a lot of bullets to take these things down and I'll have any of my upgrades that's distracting Joe [Music] holy okay okay good job kick this damn holy Jolie Jesus Christ [ __ ] big Bubba the [ __ ] door each candy bear teddy bear you good you good you good hey I'm out of bullets in that wait so this is a sham we've seen these before then instead of just where we saw them in the main game Jesus sure we [ __ ] did it I need some coffee good than being really old ain't nothing so nicely bone shake off I want to get out of here Joe holy [ __ ] I thought I was dead I was like [ __ ] I thought I had more health than this and that it was just killing me but Joel came in clutch Joel with the one tap and then the two tap and then the three tap and then there's a lot of taps he [ __ ] him up really I took a lot of bullets loader that's kind of felt like ash amber maybe here's a wobbler I know a there's a lot of dinkler's walking around as well could be [ __ ] anything at this point spores are clear huh yeah you're saying that for sure yeas Jesse and Deena are gonna lose their [ __ ] when they hear about this let's do with them to anyway Dane right on and off why Jesse dogs already know Jesse and I are just friends I've got a pretty keen eye for these sort of things and I'm so keen with this one no Joel you're way off base does Joel not know that you're gay Oh does does he ever find out also sick Jim let's work out when we come back here Joel maybe we should be able to punch upload her to death then I guess yeah in the first game none of that actually like crops up between her and Joel right it was in the DLC mainly that we learn more about Ellie man I hope he gets to learn more about you I can see why tensions would be high all the time then use those boulders Joel you think you can squeeze through there Joel's shoulders are called shoulders yeah okay oh damn hey Joel I think it's some teenagers a couple that ran away last year I think you're right Jackson is a wonderful place but we got tired of hearing the stories of people suffering everywhere else we wanted to save lives we had good intentions we didn't make it an hour before running into a horde now we're bitten we've decided we're gonna end our lives instead of turning please tell our family and friends that were sorry with Adam in Sydney I shot her I can't take my own life I'm a [ __ ] coward Adam Jesus only they were immune right it's let's go get Tommy and we can get these bodies back to Jackson after he took me out of the Firefly Hospital you said there were dozens of people like me yeah that's with the to me I've never met another immune person before have you I could be hiding it you do do you believe that he's now really the time for this we traveled across the entire country to bring me to the fireflies I had so many questions for them why did you pull me out of there while I was still unconscious because I let them run their tests and when I saw that they were useless I got a semi how do you know they were useless maybe if you just wanted given them more time they could've figured something out there was no cure there's nothing that could help these people are anybody else I know you wish things were different I wish things were different but they ain't and we need get these kids back to their families is there something less he like to rehash [Music] yeah [Music] that's hard [Music] if you're immune and other people are dying all around you you'd feel pretty guilty about it how Jessi's passed out hey let me do that he's a good guy why didn't you tell him it wasn't the right time they don't that was sweet what about this anything worthwhile actually yeah babby you know this girl Nora her unit was a sign of this hospital they were collecting supplies or something this hospital yeah but you're gonna go now yeah we have a lead like at least just wait for Jesse to rest up she could be gone by then hmm heli we know her location maybe Tommy does too what nothing good can you come help me with the door please and le wrote it from things not gonna help anything but I get it it's not the way you would like it to be he's very troubled character follow route 5 I should take me to the hospital dude yeah get her to tell me where Abby is yeah but also like let's explore and look around and do cool [ __ ] because there was Karen's lying in weird places before even the reflection that hood it as care is amazing one of my favorite worlds that I've ever been in I mean not for the sake of in fact that everything but I just mean this video game world and how pretty it is and man great [ __ ] job Naughty Dog I haven't run into a trip mind if I'm not careful I'm not even looking around for them anymore could be anywhere okay nothing back here look at that and you would you could pass that as a real image to some people at first glance of course through five that away yeah yeah I know well I just like looking around that's what I do anything down here no flies goddamn so atmospheric another reason I like letting the seat and sort of hang and take a bit more time walking around them because we're gonna get to the end of the game eventually there's no point in rushing it we might as well take our time and look around and appreciate everything let the atmosphere really sink in [Applause] we're gonna have a bonus yeah it's gonna come in real handy I gotta get through okay can we know we we cannot where's the best route out here there's something up there I also up there would like nice oh there's a lot of stuff up here that will come in very honey how many bits do I have 62 we should be good to get something now yeah where am I going next with this ah I know it's keeps getting itchy and allergy driven hello well you didn't make that jump Ellie and now we look like a dingus Nathan Drake would be incredibly upset are you [ __ ] nailed at that time didn't we 7-eleven don't be any bad [ __ ] around okay we good we good we good we good it's also interesting cuz every door is kind of open to me apart from like a few with codes and [ __ ] but the the first game had you craft SHIVs and then you could use them in fights or to break open doors with and that entire element of this game is gone what are you letting me craft make it yep gonna need those gonna need to stock up on supplies again because I I burned through a lot of stuff last episode and for good measure that was one of the coolest sections of the game actually that was the coolest section of the game the cat and mouse turned into like chaos so cool it's probably one of the best things Naughty Dog have put in one of their games any carrots around lads anything at all let me just do sweet I don't think so okay progress I mean you would find a way through it's just cuz it's a video game that it won't let you where am I do I recognize this part of Seattle I also I don't know if it's a hundred percent representation of Seattle yet or if it's just kind of like their interpretation of it oh this is down by the Convention Center I think I think that's the convention center part of it on the Left we said looks maybe not that doesn't look like the bridge connecting who knows I wonder if there's people who were working on the game as well who are from Seattle and they were like that's my house I left there Oh yikes I forgot about these guys Jesse's here this is good he can help protect Deana it felt good having him around to deal with the WLF maybe he can help us find these people more quickly I don't wanna hear anything about turning back feeling her love who the [ __ ] are these people why did they do this okay we read all this yeah these are the the scars again we haven't seen anything else of them way is this optional I think so let's check and there's a yellow ladder though all right oh okay a rope awesome where are we using it though is the question can I cut break break tonight yeah there you go huh no one saw that I've always wanted to do that though just be a complete vandal oh there's no throw this here she'd I gotta get in there what if I okay drop it again hmm I am not sure I mean I could just hang it off the edge but could I wrap it around one of these like if I like that cuz there is a brick there yeah dude I think that worked huh you go hell yeah dude I'm a regular old Lara Croft I know if this is gonna work though oh this does not feel like I am Oh Lord okay let's uh let's go down a bit more get a bit more leverage going on as air Ellie oh yeah this already feels better oh yeah this already feels better probably should've hung it over this huh well you know watch you live and you learn was the door right next to that window yes did I care No shut up and leave me alone all right this time let's actually use our brains like what if I break this one and then the ropes over there so I'm actually like closer to that stuff nailed it good job okay let's over there you go all right now I can drop down break my ankles that's cool do not like that the rope has a noose on the end of it that's kind of [ __ ] I don't know if this is how I was actually supposed to do this I'm feeling pretty confident hey Ellie if you could want a jump yes she can jump there for a second at house broken ammo bits this is all good [ __ ] Anna Karen I knew it the shift Trading Card ah that's cool art with still 60 brains and 60 bronze Gail price at first glance Gail price looks and acts like a typical teenager mood swings and all but those mood swings power her ability to increase the velocity of matter you increase the velocity of matter by getting Moody okay when happy she directs this power outwards increasing the speed of her allies and throwing her enemies off balance when sad she directs this power inward allowing her to outrun her enemies and making the rest of the world feel sluggish though powerful she is an unpredictable Ally and an easy target for the my manipulation tricks of motivator I haven't seen motivator so it's like you being chased by guys it's like we're going to stab you to death so she's like okay get sad get sad get sad oh damn I'm dead because they caught up with me and I can't get sad in time and run away Simon I hope you never read this note I hope you can I can crumple it up burn it when you return for us it's been I don't even know how many hours since you left I went out to look for you and these hooded people spotted me they shouted at me called me a sinner and then started shooting I ran back in and barricaded the door all I can hear is the rain but I'm worried they're still out there should I run should I stay I feel completely paralyzed I'm sorry I got sick I'm sorry I let you go to the hospital by yourself I'm sorry I didn't stay hidden like you told me if anything happens to me I want you to know how much I love you please come back I'm so scared Paige these scare people are pure religious fanatics they believe that people are sinning and what a torture them and scare them and show them the blasphemy that they're doing need bandages painkillers vitamins antacids thermometer pillows I think a bit of heartburn is the least of your worries when it comes to the apocalypse flake yeah everyone's getting infected and almost died once yeah but man this this book an acid reflux is really doing a number on me all right we go break your ankles again yeah that's all of that I do like the rope swinging sections it does feel very Tomb Raider II and a nice kind of upgrade to things like the game please not shoot their game please not massively different from the first game and some people will dislike that because it's just not it hasn't changed enough for them but for me I like it right there's one in there I think they're praying all right now see if we can sneak up on listener easy does it no oh there's a oh no I thought this is open [ __ ] well we're gonna have to make some not make some noise eventually I don't think there's another way in without break and wind is all right well let's break a window and stay back I'll break it down this side so we start at the back of it and work our way up to the rest all righty what can i craft more molotovs bomb some more med kits yes yes yes yes spill out into the streets lads [Applause] oh-oh-oh-oh didn't even realize it okay you waste my mana time you saw them locked down to them but they flew to the site I mean Dana's dead and I'm happy about that but Jesus oh you wouldn't note woods here's a list of the deserters she's so hong andre dominguez Chris Marsh Adam Peters we know some of the supplies they stole contained weapons be careful well it's preferable to capture them alive do not risk your lives and he same danger you have my permission to take them out if they wanted to leave we could have worked something out but desertion combined with stealing cannot be tolerated we need to make an example here your survival be long or your death be swift good luck Isaac damn interesting all right you guys drop any supplies damn those were the last time I molotovs man I didn't know there was that money in the building I thought it was just - that was awkward [ __ ] I ran out a 9 millimeter that stinks especially since that's the one that has my suppressor on it you have to go with good old revolver ocelot for a while all right we're alcohol more alcohol for all it is a bulb after all cool can't make any more miles on snow a lot of rags okay it's interesting how the boxes for molotovs are glass bottles but I don't actually use the bottles that I regularly pick up for them no don't like that it makes me uncomfortable I told you every time Oh lots of supplements okay hashtag worth coming in here what am i buying stun bombs create smoke bombs or stability increase let's do stability increase because I feel like a scenario of what I just did is very much worth thinking about right now yeah that's way better so stable now but put away that thing take out this started nope take another molotov molotovs are my best friend in this game wait IKEA I have to craft two at a time I can't just craft okay whatever I think that that was everything in here unless there's a [ __ ] carrot in here that I missed there better not be Sheamus is better what bar is this this is a central light like Coors that's funny Kings gate Brewing Company that's a shitty name for a pulp come up with a better name next time and maybe dead people won't linger in it okay okay nicely does it getting a lot of stuff at least I have my bow now is at second silenced weapon so it's not just all nine-millimeter I feel like this is the Convention Center yeah this looks very familiar I think this is the convention center right there hi very definitely remember coming down here it's weird it's like familiar but it's not okay I stopped to look around cuz look at all this [ __ ] I have such an itchy face during this weather it's so muggy and warm over here that I think ah my beard is itching me my nose is itchy my face is a cheat maybe I'm just a dirty [ __ ] that needs to be clean ooh but slinky hole down here let's see what they got in here I don't trust this this is very very quiet anyone washed their cards okay sweet getting stocked up on the [ __ ] again except for a 9-mil I don't like that is someone here oh that's really handy I feel like there's gonna be people in here or maybe not maybe they haven't spawned in yet okay we'll probably drop in from above trustus everything's way to normal and peaceful maybe if it just start shooting somebody will come out also I feel like a workbench is coming up somewhere oh yeah it is nice I do feel comfy having a lot of those bombs maybe I should use more of them instead of my molotovs first yeah work [ __ ] I knew it maybe I saw it out of the corner of my eye and subconsciously knew me I could smell it really nothing in here all right what can I upgrade stability on the revolver can I do that yet oh wait hey bow yeah a rangefinder stability draw a speed dude I'm sorry did I miss the [ __ ] memo I don't want you to how I would actually be really cool if you just died okay [ __ ] die ah I should have took out my bottle and thrown that I get it that's what you're trying to make the player do enemies are deadly accurate when you're charging towards them now you just [ __ ] insulting me I get that now where are they where are the crazy accurate there you go where you the deadly accurate when you're charging towards you yes [ __ ] you guys we're not going back I know oh you're hurting oh you're hurt and bro you're dead I just got bastards I'm just gonna say it what the [ __ ] people I was just trying to upgrade my [ __ ] I was at my table just tinkering away just doing my thing you guys had to come in and disrupt me I know some of you burned to death mother of God yeah man I thought I could sprint ademir he run out of ammo or something but I guess not stupid all right where were we stability yeah but I'll rangefinder that's what I'm missing on this thing absolutely necessary is that the thing that's gonna give me the arc and show me where it's gonna land I think you'd get that standard on ooh you just had that lying around you're a regular old MacGyver Ellie I think regular Last of Us okay maybe not well aiming at Emmy an additional America will show up exact ranges the enemy on the reticle oh no no no I thought that was a pickup I see triangle I press I'm a dog Jason cares huh well they did warn me I did see the clang clang clang of the bottles careful oh I can't go up well how do we get in here nice no point being [ __ ] quiet now this they heard all those shots twice cuz I died the first time at least I get second chances full really well [ __ ] this is these guys then darling I got everything packed but Federer is already starting to put people on buses and I have no idea where you've disappeared to if I'm gone before you get back I stash a few of my things in the safe maybe an overabundance of caution but Federer has been confiscating things due to quarantine all smells fishy to me combination is still set to our wedding date I mean it's been 30 years but I assume you remember when that was right see you soon love Ellen I don't I thought you guys been married 30 years but when was that it was like a picture or something I can pick up that shows their wedding day yep here health screening whatever evacuate 10:08 13 well that's easy and before it's not what Oh 8 10 13 [ __ ] how's it again okay Oh carrot hold on I need a break first sarah sign is here but he looks like a a 40 year old whatever jangly what's a humble museum curator Zangla was poring over Han Dynasty Scrolls when he found himself transformed by the spirits at the great Chinese emperors now depending on the hour of the day he takes on the elemental power from each sign of the Chinese zodiac terra Kinesis pyrokinesis arco Kinesis and pharaoh Kinesis and arbor Kinesis his Arbor Kinesis the ability to like bend trees he also takes on both the positive and negative personality traits of each sign which could be an advantage or disadvantage depending on the situation best hope you catch him at a good time of day sorry guys mercury is not in equinoxes I'm just useless here it says 1008 13 unless it's like ten twenty thirteen or something Oh October 2013 so it's ten yeah 10 2013 are you really gonna do that to me game make me look dumb instead of just you know doing it the easy way am i [ __ ] off or something Oh 8 2013 what is wrong with me why can't I do this why I made the dumbest man alive wait that's our 30th anniversary so there's a 1008 eighty-three 1008 all a big lad that seems so obvious now in retrospect I was like all those Uzi how many of these do I have 32 yeah let's just get these boom oh I move way faster while aiming [ __ ] son alright cool well this was an incredibly eventful building we laughed we cried I got mad I died it's all just sometimes part of the game baby do not block 24-hour access yeah that has to be the Convention Center then nothing's ever open le why do we keep trying makes no [ __ ] sense how about we just approach every door as if it's locked wait there's back of this truck open and new for lease I am sure that your prices are absolutely phenomenal right now okay how are we approaching this climbing up over this sick pretty simple actually no don't say that ever again every time I said pretty simple before they all thought was easy game just makes me look like a dumbass and I hate looking like a dumbass hey this one's open hey bid bid just get it out through there so it's is this on a slant no like how are we gonna keep it open is the question let's look around first over because there's items and I like sums there's a weird eerie stillness everywhere right now and I hate it makes me real uneasy I just like being loud all the time can I climb any of this this looks like I can climb it only licensed personnel to drive the forklift I have license let me in let me drive I don't know why I would want to claim it though is there even a reason to any of that yeah see oh my god am I actually gonna have to drive a forklift because everything is oh I get it we got to give it a bit of momentum that's clever though having stuff like that written in yellow around okay got it got it got it got it get it get it yeah big brain cuz I was like oh the yellow signs mean everything to get the forklift and keep it up but also slippery ramp was written in yellow oh there's stuff up there that lets me know that I actually can do something with that but what hi you know why and how anything here I must be able to do something with the [ __ ] forklift everything's written in yellow all around it the forklift itself is yellow oh [ __ ] I should have used the bin here to get here and slide down and then climb up on that [ __ ] and I can't get the bin back in well gamers I [ __ ] it up oh I know it was right there as well no dumpsters on ramp damn it then we'll never know what was there it was probably just items and like bits of supplies it better not have been a cart if that's gonna be a carrot I'm loving wildly and vehemently upset okay alright open these there's no point to it other than they were locked for a very long time and I just wanted to open it up to the floor all righty how am I at the convention center east entrance wouldn't be there's a hospital [ __ ] I need closer your [ __ ] by the way dude I dunno where I am I think this is it watch for big red sign we are at the conference center nice play Gawain yeh raat pax again everybody come Expo can I do a meet-and-greet down below somewhere do you wanna drop down Shirley I'm allowed oh please sir please let me drop down you yeah recognize any of this though this is cool lots of federer stuff around okie-dokie caught it so pretty also the best reflections in the game I mean I mean in the business like in the game not in this game if you know what I mean meet the [ __ ] blocked off door that I have no idea how to get into I know how to get into yeah I'm a vandal and I don't care who knows it oh just a straight-up Molotov hell yes no no there's gonna be a carrot this one well yeah I knew it arch enemy that's a terrible name are you a bad guy yeah he's more in the villain side Marcus Fordham a former Army sharpshooter in season bowhunter this vigilantes path was forged when his family was caught in the crossfire between the new dogs and society of Champions destroyed by grief he turned to the most dangerous game not human but superhuman Tony high-tech camouflage and claiming the moniker arch enemy he's menacing both sides at the war with his hunter's instinct compound bow an arsenal of high-tech traps is that me am I the arch enemy like Ellie because those are kind of the weapons that she uses can I make a brother nope cool I'm glad I actually came back and check that cuz I didn't even realize I could have missed a car that would have been bad business I guess I kind of have to be in here huh yeah it's probably nerd sweat and lack of deodorant see that all sweat it gets very sweaty at paksas we're all just holding into one room together and you have to like share body heat it's gross it's grimy but we do it cuz we're gamers oh [ __ ] I don't know Ellie and I just don't really already into the whole murder thing and revenge as much as you are I love Joel [ __ ] okay I must have talking now oh that was creepy oh [ __ ] don't do this to me game okay there you go got nothing on the old ears okay easily in the last stall okay damn these reflections are [ __ ] nuts cannot wait to see what a naughty dog do next-gen let's take away from what they're doing right now but you know what I mean where did they go great up there oh god oh god I'm sorry what what is the stalkers ain't no it's talkers our le can you elaborate there please write it in your journal or something okay you look around first and you find carrots okay one of them was just to the right I mean I'm assuming they do exactly what their names say like gods hallway looks like a prolapsed anus oh this is creepy it's a [ __ ] full-on horror game at this point [ __ ] oh well if they don't get mega alerted then let's bust out this bad boy do you realize that that was my [ __ ] suppressor breaking sorry [ __ ] who stalks the stalkers huh so it's like I've mixed between a runner and a clicker [ __ ] slow ass fingers where's the other one where's your friend I hear you over this way can't see [ __ ] through these spores oh holy [ __ ] okay nice come on just come at me bring it these guys are cool I feel like I'm a [ __ ] dead space now okay they don't get alerted and rush at you when you start shooting so that's good you know if the game's gonna give me a shot gun shot I might as well use it you know if the game wants me to come on [ __ ] you're somewhere in front of me say you behind that door oh no you're behind this one Oh creepy okay [ __ ] probably missing some stuff around here whatever not the priority right now I see it come on out or peek again come on try peeking I see you I see you okay let's get should I chance it uh Ellie keep the scope come on come on or not all that for [ __ ] nothing whatever and then you're walking around like you're hurt are you okay hi bye oh hey geez there's so many of them christ almighty oh those guys are scary make sure I'm gathering supplies as I go cuz I am using some shots here he's walked right into my gun oh [ __ ] is it yeah wait is it I think so oh man they're a cool type of enemy I love that very horror you know how much I love horror games I mean the games already like a horror game but to see it so distilled it's [ __ ] dope ah [ __ ] [ __ ] it up didn't need a medkit okay we're half and I checked yet here it wasn't here I think that's most of it if not all of it okay so gonna actually have to break windows to go through certain sections in areas like that's good that's that's awesome that's super fun really makes it feel real they've used common sense oh do I have to jump this oh oh hold on now I don't know about that Ali hold on now Ellie Ellie oh gods you kind of just went for it didn't you oh I thought up was where I was supposed to go so I just came straight in here [ __ ] is this gonna be bad there's gonna be stalker central again okay I hear one over there might be just a regular clicker oh this is so cool this is way more tense and scary than the first game ever was okay I think that's just a regular ticket oh holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay that scared the bejesus out of me no get out of that I don't wanna be in it yet oh you wanna come through here yeah oh Jesus it's not it changes its mind and [ __ ] me over awesome you use echolocation surely shouldn't that mean you're able to find me at all times hey hey [ __ ] you too of you look you [ __ ] I have no problem murdering several of you I've shown that that's the thing I will clearly do okay great user ammo Ellie fantastic wonderful okay there will be a way out of here don't worry about don't worry your little le head about it hey get everything okay cool that was a big sound those were heavy footsteps what is it this is so [ __ ] dope what if there's another type of new enemy but I just I'm not even aware is gonna be in the game dude looks like a bunch of gamer setups in here okay wait I don't climb this those footsteps are freaking me out where do I get out there oh right here [ __ ] stop that here we go I don't like this yep yep [ __ ] bad Jesus Christ they can't swim can they oh [ __ ] neither can I get off get off get off get off nice nice Oh God Ellie please now [ __ ] oh holy [ __ ] [ __ ] Sierra Seattle's fault god damn that was intense whatever you see tons of them spilling in I know the game is designed to make the timing perfect but God still feels like fierce or tense cool I'm a gamer I know what's up oh I don't like this yeah don't do that Ellie hated everything about it is that the sewer making noise or something in the store making noise that sounded like a deep rumble almost sounded like a roar get me the hell out of here yes please topside oh where the hell did I end up yeah we're the [ __ ] we know wipe the gross this off you let's or how to closed door down there though [ __ ] I didn't go back and check that is that gonna be a place that I could have gone underwater to get you oh man I'm usually so thorough Pioneer Square I think I've been here okay go through the park yeah as I was gonna say yeah take a little bath wash off all the swamp owners it's gonna be another big open area like earlier in Seattle when we're on the horse I'd love a second section like that that was really fun but it might have just been the one it's getting dark oh this park has all kinds of [ __ ] know written all over it oh [ __ ] also who's whistling I won't like that okay maybe it's not that big fellas gonna be stuck in this Park for a while Jesus Christ who's this good to [ __ ] out of me [Music] oh oh oh [ __ ] are they communicating in whistles these guys suck guys I might have to end them [ __ ] you reacted almost the exact same way oh please oh I can't see your [ __ ] head anymore Gary not noggin coming for those toes in a minute as well no no no no no Batman yeah just a little a little sliver is all I need oh [ __ ] one of those leaves I thought was a dude like right next to me those so bizarre the [ __ ] are these guys oh my god a day like completely hidden I'm gonna say it again this is some of my favorite stealth gameplay I've ever played in a video game probably my favorite this is so intense this is somebody peak out with a bow a second ago but there's whistles everywhere oh there you go okay what do i do what do we do what do we do is it just you know there's two three [ __ ] nice and steady nice and easy nope nope nope nope so you're over there somewhere at har oh hey [ __ ] that was way off I absolutely love that I can like lie on my back in the grass like that that's so intense I kinda always also just taking my time with this cuz I I love it there you go wait no seriously where did you go I need that increase to my listen mode range being able to go prone is such a cool addition nice thought I was gonna miss actually really feels like I'm like all of my old and going up against an army wait what are these other guys die I want my arrows back [ __ ] [ __ ] I can't even see their bodies in the grass just make more arrows all right where did that last guy go here he is leaves blocking my view is it just them left I could probably be a bit more risky then dick all right so that's not it that's not all of them oh these must be the scars Hospital [ __ ] yeah damn coming out through there as well because I love the little specular highlights and all the leaves and the the sort of the light bouncing awesome look at this as you come out through it I've never seen a game look this good bits and pieces maybe but this this game is consistently blowing my mind but notice appointment by the fact that I just keep talking about it all the time it's very smart to - hey here's the road to the hospital it's smart to have these like slightly more open areas but have them just be super dense with stuff going on I want more of that I want more of the hiding in the grass gameplay that's phenomenal really keeps me engaged your life oh [ __ ] he's freaking out he's twitching the muscles in him they're not dead Oh hatchet is nice you just draw a dead dude Oh scarce [ __ ] these people stay focused on why you're here alright I'm a swap out for this way more hits and it's incredibly strong downs people in like no time anything in here worth we're doing pretty well on ammo and stuff again now got a bow and arrow gameplay that's good [ __ ] it's cars are burning for a while all right may go through here no I don't trust this alright I hear voices [Music] like crying or something deep nice I was showing up on listen though no one showing up on my ears oh it's pigeons some people it's pigeons oh I'm getting scared by pigeons you should be scared of pigeons carry a lot of diseases rats of the Aires people call them yes a courage doppelganger I wonder what your ability is yeah we are weird freaky alien real name unknown sixty and sixty a strange being of unknown origin this alabaster skin humanoid with yellow eyes is capable of assuming the shape of anyone you need him or her to be the only catch the need to make physical contact with the person you wish them to impersonate the resemblance is near-perfect though if you look closely you'll see their eyes give a glint of yellow after the transformation so if you ever see a friend wearing sunglasses at an inappropriate time you'd best be on your guard that's funny that's a cool one I like them who's been your favorite hero character villain card so far I think the whale is still my favorite one ah yeah get on that peloton bike a twosie those are good bookends thank you for my as nice okay I have two shots left in my suppressor I like this game a lot man this is this is just so fun to play full fun and thrilling and engaging I can't stop thinking about it when I'm not playing it it's [ __ ] awesome I'm just so engrossed constantly think the visuals in the sound design are doing a lot for that though where am I going down here yeah the hospital upstairs yes check this bad [ __ ] out nope of course that one's clothes can't go up and kill the pigeons I don't want to kill the pigeons but what if I have to what if there's zombie pigeons infected pigeons in fact the pay agent will be a different type of show wouldn't it if anyone finds this note my wife Paige is waiting for me back in the old conference center at pykon convention right across from the brew pub please take her this medicine she's pregnant and could die without it on no we read pages note before I thought I could make it but I've lost too much blood I was sprinting through the woods heard some whistles and then an arrow pierced my side I ducked into this place I think I'm safe can't get any worse right never say that starting to feel cold stole all this medicine from the hospital should have grabbed some blood - bad joke never mind she'll tell you I'm always making bad jokes if you find Paige tell her I was peacefully or I went peacefully tell her I hope they live happy lives tell her I love her tell her of it if it's a boy don't him too kid after me go with the name we picked Simon Vickers that is so sad [ __ ] scars sorry I need these more than you do yeah there's so much going on I like that I like that they they build out the world so much and you get a sense for what happened to some people before all [ __ ] went sideways can I get anything with these I three more there you get 30 there craft more effective health kits plus 50% healing maybe you should get that oh no listen mode range I need yeah that should be the next don't get I'm already need three more for it anyway it's not everything in here think so unless I can get in there which I don't think I can huh just check down this alleyway you never know what's lurking down in these dark holes like maybe nothing sometimes are just nothing down in the dark hole and you kind of just have to make peace with it we should be close to the hospital by now where's you can Ellie a large a large oh oh [ __ ] what's going on Oh Lord Jesus Oh his entrails came out what is wrong with you people no he's free search for stragglers holy [ __ ] these guys mean [ __ ] business [ __ ] oh [ __ ] here nice nice nice nice okay move move move did we lose him at least you got two of them yeah we're not hot in my trail anymore Oh Fournier I had that listen mode upgrade right now you can get this one you can get this one you can get this one oh yeah right in the [ __ ] head [Music] now whistling is so menacing again we have a couple of uses left in the silencer [ __ ] [ __ ] what's wrong with me Oh God [ __ ] [ __ ] right here oh god oh god jesus [ __ ] christ oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you okay come on there you go there you go suck it [Music] okay how many are there one [ __ ] craft the silencer yes well I can't see you clearly nice good [ __ ] [ __ ] le Oh God these dudes really mean business is there any more of them Oh a sickle SiC here one over there somewhere I killed one here didn't I I guess I can't get the arrow back but I nailed you right in the head okay easy does it easy does it nice [ __ ] are they I'm so cautious long no this area is much bigger than I thought it was or maybe not maybe I can't really go over there oh I hear ya where I hear ya I'm about to see you and where I'm about to see ya I'm about to kill you they're over there something go through that so [ __ ] Derick this is an absolutely phenomenal video game okay okay okay easy does it the [ __ ] to your whistles mean can I get to you oh I can probably get to you from in here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no grass and stuff here the hole who got a [ __ ] moth flew by my face that's scared the crap out of me oh if you keep coming you're in you're in perfect line for a primo shot keep walking keep walking oh nice nice nice nice Ellie nice of this person come over oh let's how did you spot me [ __ ] I'm gonna stay right here Jimbo nice nice nice can I get my [ __ ] I give me damn arrows back right think there's only one left this is so awesome oh hello yes [ __ ] I'm out of arrows though oh yeah baby oh yeah baby how about over there baby haven't even used any molotovs or anything that's what's really fun about this nice where do you have to pick the shots Jesus let me get all of them I hope so too because we are running low on supplies that was so cool that's one of them ah that stealth is [ __ ] phenomenal visuals it's not getting old like seeing it over and over and over again it just keeps wowing me wow wow wow all right you go Delhi and head to the hospital [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,164,118
Rating: 4.9592533 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, the last of us, the last of us 2, the last of us part 2, the last of us part II, the last of us 2 gameplay, the last of us 2 review, the last of us part 2 gameplay, last of us 2, the last of us 2 jacksepticeye, the last of us part 2 jacksepticeye, full game, walkthrough, tlou2, the last of us gameplay, naughty dog, the last of us part 2 review, last of us 2 gameplay, the last of us 2 joel, the last of us 2 ellie, ps4, gameplay, the last of us part ii, jesse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 14sec (7394 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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