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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to dad of boy we're getting back into her boat we're heading off with the main mission again because the last time I did some of the the site press oh my god oh my god I was like wait what's that big shadow it's that it's the world serpent crazy [ __ ] man I want to try another story she may be worse than the last one there was a tail of a frog his pond had dried up so the Frog and his son left to find a new home they found a well the son saw the water and made to jump in but the father stopped him he saw the well was deep and once inside they would not be able to escape with the water dried up again wise they moved on if the son jumped in it would be a storm Randy would be trapped in stand stars while the father watched helplessly oh man good story cray cray and good reaction boy all right moving on we are heading down to the end of this place so don't think we have a cipher enough to be able to read the stuff that's at the end of this but why do and what direction is that good good job boy it is Southwest it's exactly southwest actually from where we are right now it's so good job you did it I'm proud of you daddy loves you alright boy time kick some ass you thought you can get away from me but leg sweep how hate these guys get him boy take that trogir you big smelly ass it would be great if you all don't work just outside my reach I can teach it to you boy because you don't have an axe good teach it to you though I don't know if it's good yeah well worth a shot wait what did you just guess words yeah he's either limnos from the other squad gum yeah worth a shot am i right [ __ ] yo lids okay can't believe I missed that last dose in there all the time was it they seriously miss that the other time through wow it did nothing cuz the frickin door is broken oh no it's none of the hard things again let's go oh my god - one hit kills ok ok we are not doing that one right now holy crap who's intense it was a better fighter I might be able to do it but not right now ok do that oh look the witch's magic is still covering those scoring poles saves us Wow so you need to hit both of these for that thing to show up ok I'll leave that there then the witch's magic it's covering up those scoring poles sorry I don't know why I'm making fun of them ooh we need a crystal for this Oh lookie yes there's a crystal right here was that there the first time am I blind am i a blind out of war I think I am okay how about you hit the only other thing that you're supposed to be hit boy over here boy sir sure wonder who this Steve Steve the Nordic man does it say beware of Seder and those who practice it their sorcery is insidious and ever-changing and so are the souls who master it the more power they summon the less they are themselves cetera they turn into revenants interesting also didn't realize i7k built up this is heading to the store and buy everything that we want you know let's just let's just splash some cash boomerang throw and now I'm poor again nice we can target up to three enemies Coolio I just upgraded all of my axe things so now I have nothing left so I hope you're okay boy I give you your allowance early this week actually I bought you that bowl and upgraded it for you and give you those clothes give me back my money I need food hey he fixes elevator but the elevator was already fixed wasn't it oh I'd recognize it anywhere ask me it's one of our best infused with the echoing screams of 20 frost trolls give or take the wire how did you know her she sought us out in the beginning she was a special woman she wanted to protect people I suppose we thought it was a chance to give power to someone who'd use it for good she even spoke our native tongue she'd say ma thorine Sam Gengar egg and vegan haunts Ken Gore right that's right that's impressive I see a lot of her in your eyes you know thanks Cindy touch me what I didn't I won't I'll come back later what don't touch her he didn't even get near you let's get to it um upgrade wrist armor nope okay I can sell some stuff sell the metal plate bracers yeah yes cuz it oh yeah I got the ones that the Ancients enchantments resurrection stones resort well [ __ ] are you doing round around yeah shut up we're all I see is dead bodies oh there yeah how you like them apples just death you are more focused yeah he's giving him the love and support that he needs kratos you're turning into a good dad there's any light bridges anywhere that I could have gotten I think there's a lot of stuff that I'm missing that I might go back and get later on I just want to keep things moving a lot of stuff that I could get would upgrade my armors and suffered I'm I'm doing okay cuz when I want to go back and do all the do you do you think I could carry here now yes he died I can't do yet I said no okay thank you craters is a fan of that tough love yeah what's up black face black bread face not black face that's bad so who do you think carved the face in the mountain you would know better than I Thanks now watch your step carelessness will only delay us it's certainty to shift and more force Malden now if we see if the witch was right no it's not all like just boy boy boy now it's actually turning into like support and friendship and love damn look at this go let us finish this okay you walk a bit faster maybe it's still all the way up there that's the long walk to go fine whatever I'm enjoying this so glad the engines are here to watch our ascent begone darkness I have the power of positivity and light on my side I've also got the power of boy [Music] okay almost there [Music] making her way to the tippy-top well why didn't you do that earlier where we climb I don't get you cray-cray [Music] why we're doing it boy if I said boy enough in this series I want a whole compilation of how many times I've said boy you know all this said the Giants used to visit the midgard mountains before they disappeared disappeared yeah I guess they just up and left one day no one knows why but apps they return to their home Vietnam maybe I wonder if the face in the mountain was a tribute to some important John hmm yeah it's here as well more black breath Christopher George can't you do your super splooshing magic again just Lumos maxima we're gonna we're gonna visit some Giants I get to talk to some giant boys giant boys there's a chest down there but it's oh wait no this is some cover this thing the chest down there but it's covered up I still can't get into those oh nice aya fury reduces the rage cost of using attacks running Spartan raised by 15% Wow oh so that's one of the treasures that I was trying to get cuz he said it was under a face we're in the mouth right now you ain't got no teeth I don't know buddy gingivitis may be the fail you lost all your teeth this is the black breath I don't remember stories of agile Sudhir head wonder who he is what does it say no you'll bleed no no it's not fearful throat no rooted tree that's no Michael death it's not death what is it boy hit this the floor boy doesn't mean anything please miss I think there's a second light crystal around here oh nothing yeah right in the ankles don't even need to use the boy still don't have whatever it is to get that super it seems like there's a lot of areas that you well unless they work them back into the story somehow it seems like there's a lot of areas that you can come back to which is kind of cool wait is there a Petraeus follow me sir like Kristin around that I'm not seeing maybe was running all the [ __ ] around here because they ain't know like this ah there we go I don't know boys must have been important to the job maybe someone put it up they're testing us like a game developer nice now we put them together you don't really seem that hard if you have the right components like reading it and everything it's not that hard sure that works GUI fries are not dead yes I just saw black breath and Emmas Lake Oh death what you doing summoning an army Wow that's cool so now you just take a regular door there's a crystal that Tortola should I like it nice that helps right guess we have to go down here ah that's just C too small for Giants why do you laugh oh you're serious I'm always serious I forget interested history Giants are just a race like elves an old your phone it doesn't mean they're big okay in that case general big there's only one well that's confusing so the Giants aren't actually giant they're just regular people but they're called Giants Tiffa but then some of them are also actually giant don't make no got-dang Saints okay we can go through there but we can also go up the steps here you'll stop yes and then you get a boy chest boy [Music] it's oozing am bracers they're not gonna be better a lot of cool down on them though but they're not gonna be better than the rock gauntlets that I have they're made out of the Ancients a new one now as well ooh nice so I just need to sprint out them to do that so that she said something my best buy we can get you guys wow I hate you guys I hate you guys I hate you guys yeah keeping annoying which okay okay better what your Wolf's nice good job boy what an awesome man you're turning into give me a high five my boy okay I'll just take out my aggression on these boxes oh that one it was a hug hmm I hear a bird look at all of the boys that are up there I miss them all luckily I have keen boy senses damn 2066 hack silver I'm hearing an Odin Raven but I don't know where there she be fourteen I just need one morning I got a lot of exp I don't know what you're working towards yet so imma just leave that for now full health boys I can't jump that how do I jump that I want to get their treasures you can't tend to lazing lead titillate some treasures in front of great house and boy man that is very tasty to do that's so much fun I'm just saying here all day but sure air she's called you tray from now on give you like the cool boy nickname like yo what's up tray yo what's up I'm Trey I'm 12 I got a God of War dad and I like to fire arrows you still there not enough boy for that how did you know that was there Kratos all right I know I've played a billion video game sorry I kind of took them out before your wolves could do anything my bad maybe if you summoned them faster oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is probably the way forward right that is the rate for I don't want progress yet I want I want regress for a second and I want to figure out this puzzle Oh will you light up the symbols know what george's have to guess oh you're on that thing dude that lit up that lit up on the or oh it also lit up with the f gu but it didn't lay up in that one and it lit up more on that one is they know I'm supposed to solve this we can't even see it with these I can't I can't see that oh you lit up okay how much more when you light up if I do this you didn't even hit it okay not as much so it's the second one hit you again and then hit you again you should be all Sparkle shine okay and then I'm just going to keep hitting this one until maybe it works did that work [Laughter] I guess some of them are just shinier than others oh yes Oh Oh moe is that a second full bar do I need one more oh who cares I'm a strong dad now oh god I know I asked what you had for dinner but I was like that's not the way to find out what Oh [Applause] [Music] we did it lad all right where am I getting the crystals I didn't see any loose crystals anywhere or today can I smash one off this no huh boy okay another like twist look at that that's how I get the trash trash at Reyes gets me the treasure I can't arrange a bit better in my head than I thought it would or at least started more alliterative it feels so good I was gonna say ancient all right crystal crystal crystal crystal whoo it was a secret boy room in here I bet so too Oh crystal we get a protective barrier I didn't do anything ooh there's a crystal didn't see that I know this is just to read a thing over here but I like this I like the exploring I like it in the lore I get like getting more information on what's going on I just wish she'd be able to run faster with these like you do have a sprint you're great if I could throw them then just sitting here bored all right here we go this is my flashlight new technology boy didn't even say anything December's just go read that yes that's why I click the button when the mountain was cold it was melilla Alvarez who gave hit life wandering Souls from distant lands who had tasted the mead of poetry the meat of poetry also known as vodka and in search of inspiration found each other and in each other found great love to the summit of mid guards great mountain a secret bridge was built here they would make their hearth and fortress to live free of prophecy and no only themselves on each other the mountain became a shelter for the outcasts and artists for yacht nur and new friends made and so the unto this beacon many more Souls made pilgrimage even as now we shelter from the storm that don't forget the beckoning spirit of the mountain that was sounds like the mountain used to be pretty amazing how I'm always did love artists is your mom a hipster I don't know more about this mom clearly there's more to her than they're letting on because being Kratos his son is one thing that gives you like raw God powers but being the son of some lady who clearly had like she was in touch with nature she was in touch with animals and stuff great do you see you treasure see the traps be grateful please stay there I'm gonna do that if I see a spider anymore the spider in general I'm gonna punch through all of life's promises well hey we're on the other side can you read it yes sir oh one of the forest bags in the world tree he's supposed to watch the entrance see or not while the Giants sleep then you stop that's cool dude a fray or a stag at the World Tree who watches the gates of Jotunheim where Giants came from this really is the Giants mountain I'll select the trainer says I do not know - all of these things because he doesn't yes more blue and silver the scenery in this game is gorgeous I love that it hits the other way back that's so cool yeah you can do that all you want but boy man and god boy are here Oh with you'd say this thing so if I manage to get rid of this wall I can go get the other crystal that was stuck in the thing that I just used got it then let's hope we get nice one God you find it way up oh is this a hold for me or him me that's a god hole not a boy hole what I was saying the scenery in this game is gorgeous and I like how consistent it is with itself - like all the areas in one realm all look the same and then you go to some other realm no the request has been more complicated than she could have foreseen hmm he thinks a bit of a hint aru brazley it means terror terror razz Lear who or what would be named terror where do I have a feeling we're gonna get to find out handle tangled up with stringing some sort of animal some kind of lantern no wait though that is of no use to us the Bifrost I hate that he has to climb down these every time you knock the chain down I don't need to go down I know that it just brings me back eyes open something strange in the neighborhood think we're gonna go up against ghosts kind of reminds me of the place that Aragorn Legolas and Gimli went the place where all the dead soldiers where they holler and command them Oh Kratos is the no fun allowed dad he's a good dad he's a Stern dad he just wants you to be better and he wants you to grow up ready for the the crazy world that's out there but in turn he just doesn't let you have any fun with your friends Oh me or my heart love the mountain are we a mine and if this claw reaches the summit our goal is near good question first let me figure out how the hell to destroy those things by full rage by a full rage I am as angry as I can be I'm a well of potential energy right now you alive for nobody you know you know their life this turns red yep that did shite all yeah I know but I'm just searching around for now no I think the Giants not only - Moses actually lived here good for them things like a shitty place to live but a to each their own oh let me destroy all these in one come to me oh oh that is satisfying Oh walk Harib right now okay Tara leave nothing up there you read it yes sir what does it say that's funny how so one hand wrote yotan our only and another road and also doors should we add to it no yeah and also God's I mean men were men boy so curious because there's more to at Reyes as well and I'm curious if he actually did get any light latent God powers because I'm trying to remember if Kratos is still a god or if he just once was Hey look at that there's a thing in there I want to get in there cuz he was a god at the end of God of War 1 and then God of War 2 started him off as a god but then he lost his powers cuz the guys didn't like him cuz he was because he didn't like them so I'm wondering if he still is I can't remember if he's still considered a god or if he's like a demigod oh wait no he was a god and then he became the God of War but then you found out that he was Zeus his son so technically he's still a god demigod like Hercules so if he's parent God and then he had a boy then the boys part God hmm I think I see how this works the clause on one side and if we get this unstuck oh no did you just break it no I think the ropes stuck under that rock that was careless yes sir sorry sir a tray tray come on man you're better than this yeah but look these boys came out to play as I'm going all out ultra instinct I see behind me I can't hit that guy that's cool sorry don't want any year of Girl Scout cookies well thanks for opening this place right a 3 997 I want to figure out if I have something in I haven't looked at these properly double tap to break an enemy's block by barehanded hold our one sweep enemies off their feet oh that's nice what barehanded ok this is same as either one or two to form a stun slam hey or one after last I can block to counter-attack with a powerful shield strike Oh Ludum got flying oh I need the previous skill though to have then ah there we go and you there had to be something like that you can block projectiles in the old games you could block projectiles and then you repurpose the power and flung it back at them so here you can do the same thing nice ok I kind of want I can't do these ones it'd be nice to tap into the barehanded combat a bit more at least now I'm able to deflect projectiles because I was coming up against a lot of guys who were able to use projectiles suddenly I hear a dwarf hey dwarf improve the design of the yoghurt wraps have built workarounds to boot or you think they're so devious oh they were money watch out for trash thanks [ __ ] scared me cuz I ain't in a working relationship with that book like her no more I wasn't about to let him use it without me and he likewise only thing to do was put the brand 50/50 down the middle I guess it was the last thing we saw eye-to-eye on what you want a hug hit the road yes please I want all hugs you know put that way sorry hit the wrong button that's the way Joe ooh-oh Dunraven watch this Kobe Mountain mail this yeah I got 2600 xp for that Wow no IDs like can you upgrade anything again but enemies are in certain vulnerable states or when kratos attacks Petraeus will [Music] okay it's only 500 for both of those that's fine I want this after a counterweight what else do I have or bare hand innovating yes printing and then okay that's the same stuff as before it's the same stuff as the ax but it's just for fists but barehanded hold or want to sweep enemies off their feet I'm gonna sweep you off your feet whew Wow nice so we can go huh very very cool hey trace to see how cool I am she'll cool daddy is how do we get in there there's a chest in there I want it more can't go over it must go under it or not you won't fit take it take it you little [ __ ] oh god oh god okay okay you okay of course I am I'm a god I mean I'm your dad I thought you were gonna be a sneaky one like before should we go back further damn I'm strong wait some more over there there's no animals just dad there there we go I used it it didn't mean oh I want to do this one okay let's fling a projectile back at him come on come on train hit me I see looks kind of rock-solid I can move it oh I love how badass he is look at this poor creature it's like something from Star Wars wait what tight over here did you kill something that your arrows my accident your dude well yeah pretty toast you know sometimes you need a bit of a bedside manner I heard yet it's like you think you can move it it looks heavy I can move it my climate where am i moving it to done there guys there's secrets everywhere card still attached I see that there yeah let's go boys let's not go yet I saw this I got a mug cups found man and my god boy journey I'm really glad that I'm searching for modes got it maybe there's a way through that big gate up there oh maybe I could have gone back oh no it doesn't go back on the rails there does it there's so many directions to go I'm so confused you have extra passageways and secrets and exploring this is my jam it's game is like ticking all the right boxes for me it's got good meaty strong feedback combat it's got upgrades it's got boys oh don't fall neither it's got extra passageways that you can go it's got a whole bunch of neat stuff that I very much like one of you is going to come to light that up get him boy yep at Reyes let's just assume that there's always gonna be more drawers nicely see I want to just kick down the chain but he always does the thing where he claims down at first okay I need to come back and fall down that gap that was back there you're the only one Dan that does a lot of damage get him boy a wolf after oh yeah oh stop in his head caught be afraid is not useful leave it alone oh my god it feels like I'm carrying around it five-year-olds but don't touch anything stop putting things in your mouth yes that's a shiny two scaled waist Garrett of focus why are you giving me stuff that's all terrible I can craft way better [ __ ] okay I need to go across the fall down that gap and then come up here and go that way run wait I think these are all just shortcuts anyway but most shortcuts I'm treasurer and you know your boy is all about them secrets fine thank you that way this way can't go that way so this way you're ready boy methinks big batteries broken leave it I can feel it okay they look like a little hanging lamps like the ones that you light a candle under and they float away hell is making that noise whatever horse it is I'm a smart dad does the stay in place or is it timed because I hate things that are too oh it's that thing down there that's making the noise the the red thing that I can't destroy sounds electric wait so what do I do with this here I have to free their rope got it sorry I destroyed your cauldron Bennett fadis not gonna be happy Falcons dive summons oh and you weren't for Trey Trey ah that's cool so does runic and stone where's the other one just did damage and stun yeah why not let's try it out I love destroying [ __ ] so much fun since they do I hear a dwarf up my head but I could I eat I'm right above where he was before that looks heavy oh wait till you see boy you're gonna see dad go to work Kratos the strongest of men look at him go I've been looking make the Rope wheel work that might give us the way to the top oh it sure will stop now we pull god oh god oh god height oh [ __ ] okay got a lot of damage in already that's good okay they didn't even hit him what the hell are you doing oh okay so you're an ice version of the last guy I am looking out don't even worry about boy oh boy worry about me what's gonna save this doesn't even wanna do much damage then is it if he's a frosty boy and a bunch of attorneys who ran the Tate I know but be smelly mattify me oh you should be stunned Louise and Fulton barway sneeze ah [ __ ] my god can you [ __ ] stop I'm walking out you kill some of them please okay watch this [ __ ] boys oh yeah no hitting the other guy I bet even trained to lock onto this one okay they're out of the way the nuisances are gone I will be in a second I've asked to take this heroin all-range mode yes oh yes oh yes I was deceived death animation as last time but to the wheel there's very very few death animations these things in the old games again I'm gonna talk about the old games you were incentivized at weaken the enemies so that you could do the death animation because doing that gave you more items out of specific enemies like minotaurs would give you more health other things would give you more Souls different things like that other ones will give you more magic it was incentive wise that you would do like the specialized kill for each enemy and each different enemy type had a completely different unique kill set for it so there really like pulled back on that side frozen flame though I can upgrade my axe with that the river of knives I like the sound of that a destructive attack that sends out a line of ice shards oh yeah and it gets rid of Ivaldi Zen ville I like this attack way too much it's way too useful although it only just three damage but five frost hmm eventually am I try and upgrade them all it's just just straight-out damage oh that's a good one too that does three slam attacks it all kind of depends on what you need if I go up against fire boys then obviously this one's better because it is more frost damage but we'll see try and upgrade them all so that we have a versatile tool set to work with all you have to do this thing the game loop and this is pretty good like the repetition of it look like Donkey Kong running ok can I freeze this oh do we just grab it to me no oh maybe you have to push this thing into it do you even go that fer yes okay so now we hop on this looki us and then yeah I don't trust the grip on that we will see soon enough bye-bye caves I'm heading to a mountain do not concern yourself with what might be focus on what is and be vigilant yes sir he knows something there's something he has some power that he's able to he's like magic mind powers wait now it's not broken there's a note but giant spray hmm they're asking their ancestors to watch over them to guide them home boy wait I think I know how it works [Music] you learned that for me [Music] what which is one of the little lamps [Music] yes upon his shoulder what did you write I asked them to watch our mother [Music] do you think I'll watch over us on the way to the top come boy they're just a long way up oh man I love those little moments it's so precious anything around here yep stay back whoa fire Jane then stay back boy I'm punching boxes retal boy oh you get a tunnel I mean this is your test this is the stuff that Kratos has always done this is child's play for him Oh God oh come on that is not helping wait you mean death secrets everywhere boy but all this I know there's enemies fighting you and everything but daddy just could hack silver where these guys ever get hit by that Wow excuse the crap out of me okay I could have blocked that Hey time to turn you off how could they hurt a lot so chest on its head their God man that hurt my face gonna burn my beard off what a soaked my beer pauldrons really woo Logan pauldrons ha ha ha making that joke yeah look out for hanging pots now boy you're the one focused on the mission and I'm over here like ooh secrets do you know how much treasure and money is just hiding around in like barrels boy it was just a second one yep you're gonna have to get off you're too fat it's all the muscles the Kratos has that's weighing us down to the Sun how far do you think we'll be able to see the leg the world serpent our house we will see when we get there until then eyes open yeah instead of all the times you've had your eyes closed all along you know it serves me well and how I keep us alive I guess not a terribly fun way to live them you know you [ __ ] worry a lot what's your deal I think fellas [Music] what's this [ __ ] you know mess him up mess him up throw him off the edge okay yeah yes yes encourage him make him his own boy yes good dad great hosts ah this looks like the bridge of cars are doing from Norland rings seriously I knew this place reminded me in the mines of Moria Oh Lord Oh big boy wears a fur the Eagles Adam watch this yes combat in this game is so much fun I almost did it yeah I get it I should write more also this where we get off no we are stuck this attack - all right throw it like that I realize that that builds up permafrost really fast so I do more damage can you get it free yes I can Oh God I got worried now I'm the one worrying I do not know I think we'll get attacked again definitely yes now be ready that one does a lot of damage I mean that works we stuck again Oh God oh that's a way bigger boy oh crap alright understood to be goods Oh super-weak now but they still have power off okay here we go here we go do it do it hello boys hi / look at me right track nice gym you'd not see a badass we just work I don't need help Oh combat in this game is so much fun to do Oh No what are my green boys okay you guys stayed thank God what are you doing father scatter in mother's ashes red x next for now but we will have much to do you were right earlier on the boat after cutting down the last tree you said it felt but something had changed and it has and our home is no longer safe but it will be again and we must continue your trading ok what's happening we're almost at the summit nothing's gonna stop a jinx Luongo support oh yeah oh [ __ ] you defied the Dragons oh that's it there is Lear terror thing oh my god that's smart I love dragon this is dangerous we stroking him yes dragon just like camping holy [ __ ] yes oh it was electric okay I get it now we gotta kill them and steal his electric you can destroy a world tree sap obstacles by combining shadow crystals with those power electric energy it's like fighting the ancients again don't fighting the dragon am i I can't believe we fired a dragon I was aiming for his eyes but I kept losing my footing do you think this is there huh did they move in after the Giants left me questions boy the air grows thin here no more questions this is surprisingly accurate like father-son talk of course they're talking about dragons and Giants and everything with like the neverending questions the mother dying being a single dad a dad that's not normally there for his son so he's trying to learn how to be [Applause] quite boy can you kill something that big if we can catch it off balance I can distract it syndra no we have to help him break right find an angle wait for my mark the dragon has two mouths what oh you meant right oh okay badass that is can you kill some of that big all petraeus my sweet summer child [Music] you didn't do anything oh now we're talking freezy thick thick down your tongue how does this taste this is God of War holy hell oh yes I love this this is so cool Oh God he's doing [ __ ] Oh Oh tree sap okay open that mouth again nice blast your [ __ ] face off [Music] okay go go go go go nice boy humming choking his head [Music] Oh God Oh God he's bleeding from the head now because of me I need that Oh God ow I block that yes what's up [ __ ] okay okay okay yes scared okay more tree sap got it do it come on again again again now he's not damaging me all that much this is the coolest he's so awesome looking today disco lady that hurt a lot my bones and you know the slammer up tree sap oh gosh keep it in your hands oops I got hit I got hit [ __ ] do it again yes oh he's he looks mad Hey what you doing to lower the crane on my mark I do not care yes we ready [ __ ] yeah he's about to do to him when he gets up into the Hydra and Rotter war one stop it okay okay okay boom baby wait no he's doing all the attacks I missed his head turned [Music] I don't want this boss fight well his face is coming apart good shot my boy yeah bad [Music] oh yeah that was [ __ ] rad but he just walks wheeling and you ah but but but nobody's killed a dragon for hundreds of years not since the grand culling of it was Jesus I'm mistaken you did all that for me you are mistaken the dragon was simply in our power you deny it all you want but you saved me and that deserves compensation these rated mistletoe arrows straighter than Heimdall and perfectly weighted oh thanks oh okay hold on ah not that um have you seen my brother again yeah yeah talent hmm oh and that I'm selfish no I'm sure that I value a weapons look no over its purpose that I'm pretentious no I'm tight fussy I know what he thinks but he can't hurt me any I do not have time for this no no no no wait wait wait wait wait I have a better idea what I just need a tooth from that dragon are we gonna get the electric magic oh my god that was that was such a badass boss battle that's the stuff that all old god war games were that crazy over-the-top [ __ ] and the boy saying can you take down something that big is like we took down Chronos we killed Chronos a Titan of course I can take down something this big boy you okay you look like you [ __ ] your pants and then to have it explode and have the mouth come down right across your body and craters just and they're like yeah this is another day at work you got a problem there buddy can I write down the goalie hole claim his lady's mouth oh man oh I don't wanna have to leave the dragon he's so cool looking again that could be just a wall like rendering that is no different than rendering any of these rocks around the place just different textures and shaders but the fact that it's just a dragon head sitting there is so cool no other games do this kind of shape touching that just hold it out now run that along the string of your son's boat ah okay now we get electric arrows which Reyes your bow two passes should do it ah gently now nice shock arrows so now I can destroyed the crystals Wow oh sure and if mistletoe arrow is now as well just never mind I wasn't just explaining the view yeah it's not that hard it's artistry of my craft or anything no just switch between the arrows good boy your sparkles now so what I go to work we go indeed if I can upgrade my accident oh yeah oh yeah if he does a tempura steel longer he's warping the bit work I'm afraid your ball I can I upgrade it again do your bow is gold now nice I could upgrade it this but need 45,000 for a G's upgrade no can I get the new pauldron of the Ancients even though I fight well actually yeah it's still pretty good whoa what is happening am i hitting buttons again is that what's happening am ia being a silly we do here 10 look eight and six but my defense goes down but my look what does look to increases perk activation chance increases XP and hack silver gains oh that might be worth getting then vitality 10 and this doesn't bring down my strength which is most important yeah let me get this what's it's all electric oh no it's this one well this one's lame nice my ex expired as I linked that the actual visuals of the characters change like at Reyes looks completely different than he did at the start so does Kratos his armor and his axe and all that kind of stuff that's fun who can I upgrade my talisman no I need one more dust of realms I think I get that out of the portal things for the big bad witches came out and killed me from cantle great that good upgrade this it's not great a lot but I do get a socket out of it which is very good itself myself we can upgrade it again but I probably thanks man I just don't have enough hack silver for it now what am i Solis Oh when these give you a lot of money shan't mince these I'm not gonna use green ones now I have a lot of Blues okay lots of upgrades going on I like this oh great that again or I could upgrade this again premier wrist break chest I do still what the one of the Ancients though but I don't have enough for it right now I don't have the materials for it let's upgrade this again righteous fury cool I'm going up a lot of levels that's upgraded to max hell yeah Thank You Sindri Oh more skills cuz I have a level 4 ax now quiescent maximum number targets a 5 I don't really use that one but barehanded aim and press or want to instantly recall the Leviathan axe to perform a powerful spinning attack wait does that not count as throwing it then cuz aiming and pressing or one is to throw the axe oh well barehanded oh ok like a second follow-up or one combo and the switch stance switch stance switch stances by pausing momentarily after a Leviathan axe attack once in newsstands press or one oh he throws and it spins around him [Music] switch stance by pause Imam Turley once a new sense press or to to perform a ranged attack now I want this because it continues it longer I get both I didn't get this oh wait I can also upgrade you okay that's a lot of upgrades your inundating me upgrade the shark arrows base damage shark damage can now be chained between multiple enemies all wow greatly increases arrow damage and melee damage okay I have 20 XP left oh my God we're so upgrade pay switch stance that [Music] freakin tasty to come back this is really opening up now we fought dark elves trolls ogres and I feel like we're gonna be anything else we win because we are determined disciplined not because we feel superior there you go Trevor yeah yes I know that's a powerful moment there it feels good to be strong don't you know and the way he answered that you can almost feel how heavy his heart is because Kratos knows all about how good it feels to be strong powerful spinning attack against the single target with a follow-up attack to the slams and enemy into the ground wow that just keeps on going oh it replaces this though it's against a single target in all it does is damage might be fun to try out oh yeah I should have more sockets now yes so reduces rage costs while in rage mode creases reduces damage from tear kills and I'm not really going up against air kills anymore very low perk activation chance to grant a rage burst when damage is taken just to defense increases poison resistance just for vitality okay this one brings up runic and cooldown anyway so that's worth even without the extra bonus stuff and what else do I want Plus for runic defense yeah I want runic uses all damage from Dark Elves skills yes I know there's new skills in there I'm not going in there to check them out and I know I have a new pop you don't need to keep telling me these things I bought them I know what I have wait is this the way I came in yet it's let me do it I'm all turned around confused now okay we got a lot of upgrades just there we're way stronger now than we were like five minutes ago if you can go back and take on the stupid witches I knew they possess them okay watch this hey just keep okay now you got out I was going to say if I keep punching this [ __ ] out of you so typically puts up the [ __ ] out of you I'll be able to just or three you anyway but then that didn't work out you ruined it on me what I didn't do anything stuck there's another crystal around we can use on those roots there oh right okay oh it's still there I shot at once it's going I see no need to keep telling me oh wow that was cool but I recalled it it hit me or the one on the way back on the ark it was awesome yeah nothing I need to use you anymore I love this game this is so much fun to play this is like a perfect video game that's a good story good characters the visuals are phenomenal sound design is good combat feels nice it's just interesting in all fronts oh you're frost boys I can't do anything to you go away ice king no one likes you oh this one turned into a rage stone it was green just a second ago oh it flashes did not realize that it was three different things so it could have been helped rage or XP that's interesting okay can't do anything that yet Kristen's on the other side hey dudes is it going let's do this it's a crystal okay that really doesn't do a whole lot so while you guys might still be ice I can still do a lot of damage yes their user ego things nice my boy I want a dedicated high-five boy button I'll tell you how we get to it the power of magic first destroy that one yeah read this first another this one's called Elia mother tried to tell me this one but I think I was too young Giants coming out of his armpits I think that might be only stabbing it yeah Odin on his big horse I can't remember what the horse's name is but the horse has like six legs I know that from final fantasy 9 this one's confusing Ymir's the first giant and things spring from his body not just other Giants but wintry Sun maggots that turn into dwarves maybe then Odin kills him where did he come from Amir was like I know in some cultures I was gonna give away a spoiler to something I know in some cultures yamir is like The Tree of Life kind of thing is like mother earth why why do you keep telling me this I know I have this wait you know so you mirrors like the the father of creation in some cultures the mother of creation now you're sounding like your dad right where are they urn pots for that chandi got possessed nevermind them to [ __ ] them up anyway I'm look at this go can't block that can you [ __ ] I need another I needed another sprout how convenient is this Thank You tree boy sir ma'am we haven't said boy in like 15 minutes so get it to worry about us cool I'm glad cuz that's the only place I can read it okay put it in okay there we go here fell nurse's of the Vanier slain by Magni and Modi ooh the sons of Thor I used to have a headphone amp and digital-to-analog converter that recall a Magni and a Modi based on the Norse mythology names the you'd never bear witness to the cruelty of this long war neither a seer nor Vanier mayor triumphs it is foreseen what may be left of Midgard before they lay down arms the Giants wanted peace no wonder they killed they liked tears so much no good they killed him so much yeah I remember my hearing about Magni and Modi before the Thor boys stay there I love that it's such an interesting mechanic XP it gives me 28 XP though come probably do with the help whoa Jesus Christ how dare you see that that's my new Pro Rose [ __ ] okay you gave me stuff anyway that's fine did you eat that [ __ ] correct oh wait [ __ ] I needed that actually no I didn't um right if I was a little urn pot boy where would I be probably down lower somewhere oh no that's where I was there it is whoop can we get more eaten apples her blood needs something it Steve one more and I can increase my health even further nice one boy we're doing good we're exploring a lot at rate we must be getting near the top father okay well listen to me boy oh [ __ ] we're here this isn't the end is it York River strap broke when we fought the dragon I can hold it stop snow Brooklyn clever will slow your draw pain we endure faulty weaponry we do not hey this will do for now good good hmm go I love them oh my god the snoring oh look at the way it like kicks up and settles back down again Wow video games it even doesn't run a broad ma'am we've come a long way since I'm charity - charity G was the first game that I saw that had deformative snow in it and I was like what it was the first time I was like man video games have come a long way now to see this stuff but all of that in the background I'm right at the Tomb Raider did this as well jeez this is gorgeous this is phenomenal love it are you gonna ruin my boy trip huh I'm watching they should watch out oh yeah forgot ahead that and sick haha I think one at Reyes claims on them and then I get to like combo with them are you gonna throw something at me nice oh you're going down on top of this mountain I think this is just an area to show off their snow tech so they can show off what it's like when enemies actually come in as well and I'm fighting with it because it looks amazing oh that's cool did he just jump off me my boy well the tessellation that's going on in that snow and we're actually getting snow on our boots Oh getting the graphics boner right now or should I say a graphics boy nah maybe should not makes boy and boner together this is one of the best looking games I've ever played who's there you're a voice we can't do anything here yeah I can't destroy any of this oh right here you hear those voices too right yes be silent the same man who came to our house you said you killed ish must be important of the sons of war Dame de Glace me with our peasants it's like near Maury you two still tripping over yourselves to impress daddy the tattooed man tracks show he now travels with a child where would they go next why would I know that you were the smartest man alive aren't you hey destroy Baker's voice said once to you help me I help you tell me where they are and I'll talk to Odin your father won't let me go balled up and he won't let you kill me it is bald nothing to offer me so take your questions take your friends take these - what loss bank house and press off when no one's looking we'll be back for your other eye don't you forget your other eye tis the hind L we really are so Baldor then would be there uncle bowel tour magne and modi it's Paul Doris Thor's brother and then there's Thor sons yeah a lot like Greek mythology with all day with all the family members that go around ah very topic of conversation attitude man traveling with a child boy took their path like so we're all alone just suddenly do as I say he doesn't know what you are I would keep it that way who are you me I'm the greatest ambassador to thy gods the Giants and all the creatures of the nine realms I know every corner of these lands every language spoken every war waged every deal struck they call me Mamiya mini smartest man alive and I have the answer to your every question why does the son of Odin hunt us okay there are a few gaps in my knowledge Odin's had me imprisoned here for it I'm done I want us I'm a clever lad I can piece it together promise given time nobody there just like I said boy's mother is dead she was just wanted us to spread her ashes on the highest peak in all the realms oh then you've come to the wrong place little brother the highest speaking all atoms is not yet in Midgard it's in your name now mother Giants sure I could not beat what she meant take a look this is the last known bridge to Jotunheim in all the realms see that mountain looks like a giant's finger sweep in the sky that size peak in all the realms no here can we just take that bridge we have a Bifrost when the Giants destroyed all other British to their realm they locked this one up with a secret rudiment if it still exists only a giant would know it and all of them left Midgard a long time ago true but today the winds of fate have picked up a strange vortex of coincidence like this there's only one person alive who can get you and you need to go and luckily for you my schedules wide open I like him good accent - we're going to unite right it's your best and only move from a tactical standpoint it's the one place the man who cannot be killed won't follow you bother what do we do yes first you need to cut off my head well what or didn't made sure that no weapon not even Thor's hammer could free my body for these bonds but fortunately you don't need my body the trick is we need to find someone who can reanimate my head using the old magic oh okay there's a witch of the woods she knows the old ways and she'll help she might do what the chyme but if she fails he will be dead he tortures me you know every day brother Gordon himself sees to it personally and believe me there is no end his creativity every single day yes this isn't living I can't watch this huh brother Casey cam doesn't hate me there's something you need to know boy the longer you wait to tell them it's too nature the more damage you do you will resent you and you may lose him forever there's much about me I would not have him know so you value a privacy more than your son I'm going to cut off your head [Laughter] what so what I'm gonna do if he finds the dudes head is gone inconvenient oh wait look from here you can see where we started that's that's our house is in the middle of that that's the stave that's the yellow circle that was in that was encircling our house and there's all the red trees the witch of the woods and down here you can see the the lake with the world serpent so he was like I wonder what we can see from the summer can we see this our house the world serpent like yeah you can see all of it ah that's disappointing my character is facing right but I'm looking straight at the lake and the lake is over here and this but the stave and everything is in the right place so the map is different than the actual world so if I look over at our house straight ahead it says I'm looking at the lake but my house is like is the left oh well but maybe it's like a map of old because old maps weren't all completely accurate there were just kind of depictions of what was in the world not so much exactly their location between each thing that's neat I like that go away [ __ ] iTunes updater there's that special chest down here where we get over this transit doesn't loose behind we're safer moose belvane ruins missin me do you remember the way to the witch's house yes yes the woods with the blood-red leaves south of the lake I know just where to go I hope she made it back from alpha and can bring the mirror back you seem nice I mean I'm sure he'd be nice after his head gets resurrected resurrect head yeah I can probably just use that to go back right head back to Brock shop I haven't used one of these yet he's at the fast travel doors rock shop this piece that's the first fade they've ever done in the game stay on the path right great I know they said don't fall off the path I can't believe it was Balder that came to our house the ACE agro folder and you fought it so they won yes is it a chair if we can raise the head you can ask him okay that looks like a chair I guess they really did leave Midgard except for the serpent maybe the last was gone maybe are you the last of your kind too is that why you don't like to talk about my kind I mean your family before mother not where you came from now is not the time for that oh you struck a nerve and yes he is the last of his kind in both senses of the word because his land is all completely destroyed because of what he did we may not completely destroy I think mankind was still alive but Rebecca are you eating chicken bran some sort of meat wha-wha-what I'm on a [ __ ] break don't hear me screeching at you whenever you're twiddling your Jordan girls leaving boy oh you already soiled my solitude so you may as well join me not hungry I was sorry brother again congratulations and I'm sure you let him go on Roger my axe Gooden 20 again little Hank I wrote with no proper weight and balance if it were dangling off his shirt eaten well enough I guess good all better that's sweet he asked if his brother was eating well no time so wrapped up in his Locke century has a de sense to super son he does remember good luck getting him to cook your own meat yes I got all the stomach in the family you along with the smarts listen that's fit mister what do you know I just met do you mind trying to concentrate here already on a break from my brain trying to concentrate here okay bye Brock we're heading out we're heading back to the witch's nerves back to the rich first we need to find a boat okay no problem it's my serpent boy back yes he is I love that he's just chillin right there I try ass to me I remember the way back to the witch from here okay well you're pointing me like actually oh what other stories have you actually behind them one more there was a young man who was caught stealing and condemned to die his mother came to visit his prison she was a kind woman who could only give love with her son the thief met her with rage and bit off her ear what because the boy had always been a thief and his mother had talked him only love and nothing of consequences and even taught discipline instead he might have lived longer all right ear that's not right was their son Mike Tyson hey I'm just asking genuine questions okay I just want to know hey we're back this is where we went to her house and then she was like hey you need to get a boat underneath my house oh the dudes head was just sitting there I didn't even realize that oh yeah because the serpent hadn't risen by then so this whole place was under water now we can get all the treasures she seems competent in her current labor and we have nothing to lose if you can't bring it back to life would you bet no but you may feed it to the fish okay Oh maybe or no so this this reminds me a lot of the older games as well because you meant somebody in God of War to that it was a dude tied up by Zeus who was being tortured every day there was crows like pecking his eyes out I need to set him on fire in revenues okay train attackman here we go [Applause] oh crap crap Wow I couldn't get away I'm stuck in an animation I also forgot that now my follow-up attack is actually super powerful nice monitor a train miss okay I'm gonna wait for him to be able to shock her completely I need to be able to do this don't vanish don't vanish don't vanish gimme ain't fightin these riches just so annoying nice yes sir her house was supposed to be here but the turtle is standing up so now I can't see it today I'm gonna go explore more explore a more of Alice nothing hey this is more than decipher those miss Barham rooms it also contains two travel room should we go visit the fire room who the fire room everything was fine until the Fire Nation attacked now I can go explore all the place down here cuz this is where I got the boat cool is a very cleverly designed game wait can I actually go down no I can't well shite I did something too far away since I can aim at it from here whoo but that doesn't help me yeah let me go done down in this sir you know I'm just gonna go up here first this has been open to me all this time oh wait no this is the way forward never mind I don't wanna go there yet I think I'm just gonna end up getting up top and then we go back into the house I don't want to do that yet I want to get the treasures it's fun oh this brings me way too far down dammit I think I just need to go back down the other side where I was sorry boring hey hey hey I'm just wasting everybody's time you don't have any more stories cray-cray oh we go again geez Matt it's so cool everyone's been reacting so well to the series as well I love that I'm so glad everyone's enjoying it as much as I am well I only one episode has gone up so far as of recording this so you know if people are enjoying the series yet but thanks I'm glad people like them the episode at least like a back down here still no oh oh well I have like mustard for brains I need a crystal for that and luckily we have just the thing nice okay we'll do this one first since it's right there now this go shoot it boy hell yeah solids firm fine steel okay I need a last urn wherever Ernie's hanging out I call them urns they're probably not urns at all but I like calling them that what is that this is another one of those green things so I figured I have to do two blue things and have the red thing so I'm assuming later on I figure out how to do green things let's just hold out for a hero Oh also I wanted to change this Cheers revenge is cool sends that thing but I really like the not that one health touch no fury the ice troll yeah that one I like that one a lot that combined with the other one there's a lot of damage where the hell is this one oh it's under the turtle where the leaves are red and the moss is green I buried my treasure where the tour Tice both dream okay so when I go up top before I go back into the witch's place I'm gonna have to search for treasure nicely got one [Applause] sweet please have an easy fight everyone somewhere what a cocky little [ __ ] I I know probably just claim this thing I see it oh so even a way to get up here Chris oh it's a boy go boy and now you should be able to jump from one site to the other do you make that oh wait no I just move it for you now it's fixed this will be fun you bet it will dad and boy oh hold on I know you were almost there as soon as you stepped up yes sir what's the same VFR of not what I just said I think that some rooms actually look like English letters nice murder of crows someone a murder of crows that swarms enemies ah that's a cool one too wait so what's as Falcons I do runic and stone this does damage and stun cooldown is 133 seconds though Jesus okay I have one more pot left to find and then we're good to go I think then we have everything in this area hmm okay whenever I figure out the green thing I can come back and whatever these are there's it still those green things and they're still like roots and [ __ ] that I have to be able to hit all right hot-hot-hot where is the pot or if it's back here somewhere nope Oh pot boy could be [ __ ] anywhere I keep seeing it thinking I seen like little glimmers of blue I mean like that's it and then no I need to find it that was the thing I already got I'm always curious as well if you guys have seen it and I've just missed it oh [ __ ] betrayus follow me might be behind this thing doesn't seem heavy because I'm a big strong man I can't how the hell they just push this off the edge oh I didn't even need to figure that thing out most of all the faces are magic now that's cool Wow look at him it was right there all along I had seen it before I walked right by it twice okay cool nice pretty sure was an apple though that would have got me two full apples you know how much I loved him full apples okay let's climb up we're almost out come boy I can hear the birds chirping already they called me they call to my name they say check back a see guess the guys aren't welcome here yeah it's you gods yes I'm a garden I'm fine Oh cute right hey co-op let's do this crystal first boy read that I'm gonna search for treasure cool cool cool cool cool cool tight tight tight tight tight dope Hale freak generous freak who gave the world her brightest light young bald or gleaming God pride of the Aesir Odin son and heir to Asgard long may she protect him long may he protect us hail Balder the golden hail Frigg beloved of all hail Odin all-father seems like nobody who counted on the Aesir is still around is she Frigg is that who the witches who Frigg is well obviously bald doors mom she Boulder's mother how's it going charlie what is that name that's what he told me it was what it sounded like in my head anywhere Charlie he can read they're like creatures minds it's awesome ok I wasn't actually you know oh damn way inside your house you can come out help if you want nice yeah I forgot I had switch sense oh damn when you build a permafrost you do so much damage oh hi all right it's gonna sit down it's putting the house back down thanks Ernie um mr. Trent read it death to the Raven go Lord of the egg wait what death to the Raven God Lord of the Hang that's Odin isn't it it really doesn't like her very much there's a lot of stuff around here that I didn't do before art has a green thing doesn't say falconhawk and Turtledove summer loft and oceans above what don't know where this treasure is this is treasure I need to find from the map Oh rose ruins on the rock they don't spell anything it's gibberish it's just an R okay maybe it's something got to do with the green thing alright let's climb this chain boy I'm sure we'll find the answer around here somewhere through the murder crows baleia voice Thanks damn we're getting strong we got some nice combo is going to boy green thing Odin Ravan though oh hey he also said you have potential boy he's trusting in you he's being a good dad I love your relationship I wanted to flourish oh the rest of the rooms were hidden over the hill that's vendor went back to the sand bowl back back back to the sand ball bat the bat back back to the sample Paw Paw Paw Paw Paw ball that's my my my crate horse remix okay this place is very pretty hey buddy kind of a [ __ ] life dude you're just sitting around holding on to her house do it draw it sir [Music] more treasure storm of the Elex someone a spectral elk that discharges destructive energy as it walks i can't equip it yet though because it won't let me okay let's just go into her house for now I'll come back out whenever I get a chance to do that to do the treasure thingy wherever it's hidden I don't a bog it down too much oh it's so good to see you again I knew you weren't dead hello oh can you bring a head back to life I'm not sure I understand what wait where did you get those the arrows give them to me now they were a gift do as she says boy these arrows are dangerous wicked you find any more you destroy them understand do you understand say it I understand if I see them I'll destroy them what the hell it's all I ask forgive me please take my arrows in their place I have no need for them anymore we've already got to use them now what's this about ahead do you have any idea who this is did you kill him that is request claimed you could revive him me are you sure you heard him right please take him to the table Pamela it's been a long time since I've practiced the old magic hold him there let's have a look well thankfully his head hasn't decayed much and his brain is still intact nice clean-cut Thanks Kyra's practices head of all people I sure hope you know what you're doing head under the water and don't let go I mean it that's enough it works let me see him Mamere you there yes good Oh how are ya in a long time Freya what I did I did for them as far as I'm concerned death suits you better I'd borrow if I could your majesty forgive me witch in the woods was Freya herself I never would have suggested this Freya the goddess Freyja you didn't know either sorry when word gets out them Amira's free the wrath of Odin won't be far behind you are God leader of the banner once yes but no longer you did not think it's important to tell me are you really going to lecture me about oh damn boy now you're welcome Thanks punch your door in the way out cuz I'm an angry man why did you do that we cannot trust her because she's a god everybody talked you nothing boy but she's helped us a lot she lied some people value the privacy that's not to judge brother when I require your counsel head I will ask enough get me to tears temple in the lake of the nine and I'll get you to your home as promised we know what's there only the last living giant admit God who better to tell us the way the world serpent wait do you know how to talk to him indeed speaks in obscure tongue more ancient even than these mountains none are left in Midgard who speak it except of course for me nice you wouldn't know it to look at him but your man ganda is a sparkling conversationalist nice okay premiers head all back together he's awesome I like him a lot so I'm gonna leave this episode here next episode we move on and we talk to the world serpent we frighten her to get to find out how to get you Jotunheim the realm of the Giants cuz I have to go up to the hand mountain it'll climb the tippy-top and then spread the ashes everywhere alright it's certain to some stuff is still yet to come together now we know who the witch in the woods is we have confirmation that the dude was bald or so that is isn't no that was freak not Freya Oh confusing maybe he was like Henry the eighth and had a billion wives it is Odin after all like Zeus had sex with a lot of people but that shields more light on on her sheds more light machines that she's she's a god that would explain why she's able to do the things that she is Freya is like what is Freya and Nord Nordic mythology can't remember she's she's kind of like a Gaea in ways I think I need to brush up on my Norse mythology I'm so far behind but I'm afraid now if I brush up on it after this that I'll end up spoiling some stuff for myself like I forgot that they were connected and like the mistletoe arrows and everything obviously have a part to play I think think I remember mistletoe being able to kill gods I'm not sure so we burned them maybe she's afraid that she'll step on one and like a leg going kill herself oh thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face awake your boys and I face a road Shh but thank you guys no assail you boys I need to work boy into my outro a bit more for these episodes
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 7,271,933
Rating: 4.943666 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, god of war, PS4, god of war 4, god of war walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay, full game, let's play, reboot, remake, god of war playstation, PS4 exclusive, soundtrack, ost, music, norse, norse mythology, kratos, son, father son, dad of war, playstation 4, god of war jacksepticeye, series, the world serpent, freya, the wicth, witch in the woods, dragon, dragon boss fight, mimir, mimir head
Id: zmoxS85D3oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 40sec (8380 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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