Moist Meter | The Last of Us 2

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I laughed when Charlie said Lev was a well written character, but either way the video was pretty alright.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Tikal-the-Whimsicott 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
this episode was brought to you by manscaped initiating moisture welcome to the moist meter today we're taking a look at the last of us to the first last of us is one of my favorite stories in all of gaming and I did not want to see a sequel the first game wrapped itself up absolutely beautifully with an extremely powerful narrative and I did not think Naughty Dog could do anything even close to that level again in the same universe and they didn't and somehow this was even more disappointing than I was expecting now let me just say right now my disappointment with this game doesn't come from the fact that Joel's not the lead I have no problem with Ellie being the lead I have no problem with Ellie being in love with another girl in the game I need to say that because the internet has already come with to come to this conclusion where if you don't like the Last of Us - it's only because you hate women or you're a homophobe or you can't stand the fact that men aren't the leads in the game none of that has anything to do with my disappointment of this game I wouldn't give a [ __ ] if every single character in this game was a woman and you don't even see a man I wouldn't give a [ __ ] if every single character in this game was an anthropomorphic furry Smurf as long as it told an incredible narrative up to the same level of quality you would expect from the Last of Us universe to the same level the Last of Us was able to deliver at least something on par with that that's not the case here the storytelling and narrative in this game is absolute [ __ ] it is I'm sorry to say that it [ __ ] hurts me to say that because of how much I've loved the first/last of us but this is a very big decline in a nutshell the entire story as revenge is bad and they just keep hammering that theme home for the entire 25 hours revenge is bad revenge [ __ ] sucks revenge has all of these far-reaching consequences everyone's getting a hurt around you because a revenge don't fight fire with fire revenge with revenge it's terrible you know you better close your windows at night because you're letting the revenge in hey honey I'm making dinner do you want a nice plate of revenge oh [ __ ] we're gonna need two body bags here it looks like these two people got revenged it's just the same [ __ ] thing beaten to death revenge is bad it's a generic idea a [ __ ] story you've seen a million times and if this game was not called The Last of Us - if this was a standalone IP I don't think it would be nearly as bad you know it be much more forgivable but the fact that it's following up something is unique and beautiful as last of us narrative with a generic revenge plot it's laughable and lazy it seems like a soulless cash grab off the goodwill of the last of us it feels like something that came up with it last minute not something they had planned from the start or even thought about deeply and when you compare this game to the first one which I don't typically like to do but it's hard not to since this is supposed to be the sequel to a beloved narrative the first game it has so much emotion in it that last of us two doesn't even bother to try and capture from the very GetGo of last of us it punches you right in your [ __ ] nutsack you have this man who just loses his daughter in a horrific way the light of his life is taken away from him he becomes jaded he's barely even a [ __ ] human being anymore he's not even whole but then he's given this second chance with Ellie and throughout this entire campaign this long campaign you see these characters growing with one another they become so close inseparable she finally finds a daughter again it finds a reason to live and then at the end of the game you know they traveled across the entire country to try and save the world because she's so special she's immune they can make a Cure out of her only to learn that it would kill her so then he has this tragic decision to make does he lose the one thing that he cares about in the world but what the thing he was just given a second chance with or does he just take her and condemn the world to not having a cure while the cure wasn't guaranteed it's still an extremely tough decision to make that had crazy consequences as a result there was so much emotion in that and in this wet fart of a game there's nothing even close to that because characters will die and you don't even remember their names and I'm not talking about just like throwaway characters I'm talking about some of the main characters they'll just get killed in a pathetic way and you don't even know who they were or what they did and it's hard to talk about this without getting into spoilers but almost every character death is immediately forgotten by the entire cast and it's hard to talk about this without bringing up spoilers so I'm just gonna give you fair warning I'm going to bring in some spoilers right now so if you don't want to be spoiled just skip this part but it's important that I use this to talk about my point so people understand where I'm coming from the characters in this game get introduced and forgotten there's no background there's no development there's nothing they stay the same throughout the entire and you barely see them by the way and I'm talking major characters not throwaways for example Jessie Jessie's a character you meet early on he impregnates Deena Deena is the main love interest of Elly Deena herself has no real character about her other than the fact she makes jokes sometimes but that's about it you don't really get to see too much of Deena and really care for Deena because she just doesn't have much of a role to play and even less for Jessie Jessie impregnates her Jessie's even a hero at one point and but in total Jessie has about six scenes in the entire game and then Jesse gets killed he gets shot by Abby as he comes out of a door and is never mentioned again not by Deena not by anyone he just gets shot and it's like he never existed it's like that bullet [ __ ] erased him from the universe's memory it's the same for every other major character there's a character named Manny who's throughout he's in the in the game for a little bit you know he's there quite a bit and you know and the only thing you know about Manny is he loves his dog and he says pendejo a lot and then Manny gets shot in the face right in front of Abby then Abby just leaves just jumps over some cover and then leaves she never mentions Manny again she doesn't even seem bothered by Manny's death and Manny is totally forgotten all of these new characters they introduced have no [ __ ] development at all or personality or anything about them they're just bland flat characters except for - there's only two characters in this entire game I felt were actually decently written characters that were interesting I'm talking Yara and Lev two kids that come from a cult and it has a lot of [ __ ] going on there and they actually aren't interesting characters that play a pretty big role and I think they were definitely the highlights of the new cast the only ones they seemed to even tried with Abbey I think could have been a good villain and a good character if they had known how to build her she stays this cartoonishly evil mysterious villain for like nine hours of the game and then they give you like twelve hours to spend with her all through like flashbacks you play flashback with flashbacks inside of a flashback it really just feels like the whole game was out of order they didn't have they had decent events like they actually had well written events in their flashbacks I think their flashbacks we're actually the highlights of the game the time you spend with Joel in the flashback Abi's flashbacks I actually think those were well-written and enjoyable to experience but it's like they didn't know where to put them in the game it's like the game was just so rushed that they just randomly edited these things in if they had actually ordered these things in a cohesive manner where you start the game with Ellie and Joel you know spending time together and growing and then you go in to Joel's tragic demise at the hands of a [ __ ] golf club which is a really pathetic death by the way but Joel needed to die I think last of us too he needed to die there needed to be consequences for what he did at the Firefly base so I think that decision was right but executed like absolute [ __ ] diarrhea literal [ __ ] fungal diarrhea it was terribly executed and it just felt so random because for the first two hours of the game Joel's not even there he's just in the background the only time even here Joel talked about her scene is when Ellie's like yeah I [ __ ] hate Joel I'm tired of July hate him and then Joel gets killed and Ellie's like well now I want revenge it's just it just feels out of order if they had taken those flashbacks with Ellie and Joel and put them leading up to his death that would have had so much more of an emotional impact it would have been significantly better and then right after Joel's death if you immediately went into Abbey and her backstory you would humanize her and all the people around her that you're about to go revenge to death and you have real attachment to those characters in that setting but instead you have everything so [ __ ] mish-mashed all over the place it'll have you brutally murder some random person and then six hours later it'll give you a flashback of who that person was and why you should feel guilty for what you did but by that point you've already [ __ ] forgotten about that because that character had no weight at the time it just it just feels so poorly put together I have no other words for it it just feels so goddamn lazy it's like the homework was rushed so they started placing paragraphs all over the place and by the end you have some nonsensical mishmash of [ __ ] garbage and I think it could have been great cuz like I said those flashbacks are the only parts in the game that are well-written outside of that you have some stinky [ __ ] dialogue that doesn't feel natural like the first game did it just it's just not good the narrative everything about the storytelling I didn't like at all I liked a lot of the ideas in a lot of the places I think it wanted to go but it just didn't it didn't do it well it couldn't do it well with the way they had everything set up it just you know no one likes going through a ton of flashbacks all out of order and especially when it's talking about things that happened nine hours before you know there's a [ __ ] talk about a bar fight in a bar scene at the beginning of the game and you don't get to see what that was actually about until 17 hours later and at that point you're like who the [ __ ] cares about those people at the [ __ ] bar we're way past that it's just very frustrating very [ __ ] frustrating and it's hard to believe that this is the story they wanted to tell after the first last of us after that beautiful narrative it's hard to believe this is what they came back with but now that I've gotten all that out of the way there are two areas I think last of us two improves on over the first/last of us the first one's an obvious one visually I think visually this game is probably one of the best I've seen in a long time it is absolutely gorgeous the atmosphere is stunning absolutely beautiful breathtaking it has you going through some incredible environments and I think it is just absolutely gorgeous a hundred percent and I also think the soundtrack of the score to this game wonderful as well really was vibing with the sound in this game I think they absolutely crushed it there as far as gameplay goes it's the exact same gameplay from [ __ ] seven years ago it's the exact same gameplay from the first last of us there's no tweaks there's no improvements it is exactly the goddamn same for the most part with almost nothing new added to it so I mean it's serviceable there's nothing wrong with it over the course of the campaign it gets extremely tedious I'll say but again the gameplay is fine the gameplay is absolutely fine I wish there was a little more innovation I don't think it was necessary since you know it's not broke don't if it's not broke don't fix it but I would have liked to see them explore a couple more ideas here or maybe just anything new when it came to actual combat and they didn't so I was a little letdown there but it's not like a big deal that they kept the exact same formula when it came to combat I understand and that's not really something I can hold against them I also do really like a lot of the sections where you're running away in a panic away from either the infected or some evil people they'll have you run through these really chaotic environments with so much [ __ ] going on and I always just loved those scenes I think Naughty Dog does a great job of these cinematic set pieces that have you doing some crazy [ __ ] and I also do like a lot of the the battles that they force upon you when it comes to like a scripted encounter with something I think they do a good job of setting all that up but there are two boss battles in this fight and both boss battles have the exact same moveset I mean to like actual boss battles where you know you actually have to fight and it's not just one shot and it's done there's two boss battles where it's basically hand-to-hand combat and they have the exact same move set which I found super lazy like you only have two boss battles you couldn't at least mixed it up they have the same [ __ ] weapon and use the same [ __ ] moves like I would have liked to see at least some kind of difference in how you fight the bosses but I mean it's not a huge deal it's just something that kind of bugged me about it yeah I would never consider this a bad game or like some terrible game and if this wasn't the Last of Us - I think it would have been a fine game I think it would have it would have been much better than it is but I mean this is the Last of Us - there's a certain expectation that you have to deliver on here and I think it very much falls flat on that and that expectation is telling a really powerful and unique thought-provoking story this doesn't do that and it doesn't even feel like it tries to this is a generic revenge bad revenge super bad and revenge still bad plot and with no attempts to make it anything more than that and it doesn't even have the decency to surround itself with characters that they care about the writers care about because these characters like I said have no character development they have nothing about them there's no info about these characters and they're just killed off thrown away forgotten that you know they don't even really seem to serve a purpose they just seem to be here for the sake of cannon fodder like it feels like they're only there to be like hey look revenge made you kill this person you remember this person you killed six hours ago well this person actually was kind of a good person and did you know they were pregnant that's another thing I want to bring that up this [ __ ] game pulls the they're pregnant card three separate times three separate times the she's pregnant or a surprise pregnancy reveals something it's they've done they did it three times it feels like Neil druckmann here just totally forgot how to make up character emotional or have you care about a character so I just went with the shock of Wow you just killed a mother you just killed a baby - can you believe that I bet you can see how bad revenge is now huh I bet you feel like [ __ ] now ha because revenge is bad look what you just did that was a pregnant lady he does it three times three separate pregnancies and the writing again is so [ __ ] dumb there's a character in the game who is pregnant and then she decides she wants to go to the front lines like they told her hey look you should stay inside and she's [ __ ] eight months pregnant she's literally about to give birth he's like no actually I want to go to the front lines so she goes to the front lines gets in three car accidents literally gets into a Molotov cocktail exchange fight you know [ __ ] Molotov cocktail party and then getting shot at shooting at people on diving [ __ ] dolphin diving [ __ ] belly-first all while pregnant it's it's hard to care about characters where it seems like the writers don't even care about I'm making stupid [ __ ] like that decisions like that and then again I can't [ __ ] stop talking about how bad the story in writing is [ __ ] they also make you they also use the animal card a lot again that's another thing I see from developers that don't know how to make anything emotional about a character so then they put an animal in the situation to elicit that emotion because it's it's obviously a lot harder to do something bad to an animal even in a video game so to have that be an element shows like wow look how evil revenge is you just killed an animal or look how good this person is because they just love an animal you just play fetch with a dog that you killed it's it just feels so damn [ __ ] stupid it feels like it was written by actual amateurs like as their first game it feels like in indie games writing where they're just now learning how to make something emotional and trying to figure it out but they had already accomplished this in the first Last of Us they had a ton of good [ __ ] going on in that game you felt attached to the characters in this game you don't even remember their names it's just it's like I can go on and on but this again this game was just extremely disappointing plugging the last of us two into the moist meter I'm giving the last of us to a fifty five percent again it's not a bad game and really the main negative about this is its narrative its narrative is truly [ __ ] terrible and again I got really bored the gameplay I'll admit it I got so [ __ ] bored with the game play every single encounter plays out the exact same by the time you reach in game you're just playing it the exact same way you played in the first [ __ ] stage of the first hour you know there's no development of the gameplay and it just it got so boring for me to keep doing the exact same strategies fighting the exact same way with only a couple of guns to choose from and only a couple ways of approaching a fight or stealth and through it and grabbing it just got tedious it's not a bad game which is why it's not below 50% it's a it's an above average game there is a lot of quality here when it comes to its visuals and a lot of its art direction and obviously it's acting is second to none but it is so incredibly disappointing as a follow-up to the first last of us it truly is manscaped talked about it numerous times now you know I'm a big fan of their male grooming instruments the finest technology my ballsack has ever seen I've also mentioned their weed whacker which is primarily used for ear and 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Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,118,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MfJABAlky1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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