WHAT HAVE WE DONE? | The Last Of Us 2 - Part 7

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Hospital hospital hospital today as the hospital is is this way okay H oh no there's more oh hey fellas oh okay I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine we're gonna hide in this grass and we're gonna kick some ass damn I've no arrows my craft honey [ __ ] no bullets in this have no silenced weapon you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me go away none of you see me right now okay calm down there fellas [ __ ] [ __ ] here we go here we go here we go come here buddy come here buddy there you go there you go Shh yeah sleepy sleepy I doubt any of these would ever get grabbed like that and not kick up a ruckus immediately not start yelling and kicking and screaming at you oh right down by the car oh boy that's nasty every time is it just you left what's up what's up what's up yeah whistle whistle all you want there Boyd we shall all you want I'll have those arrows who's puting me wait was that some from you spotting me oh [ __ ] there's another one I didn't even see you before okay okay let's gear up let's gear up buttercup dick nice that was an arrow actually Ellie yeah uh swap for this yes this is a nice piece of metal okay Jesus all right this was intense oh could I've gone under here oh yeah this is the section from the the very first gameplay they ever showed damn I'd be curious to go back and see what this looked like now compared to what the original okay because the original gameplay showcase was like holy crap this game looks good and now I'm playing it I'm like holy crap this game looks good nice alright I need to get some more supplies I am very low on everything I can't make more arrows there are people here no just my sweet glorious love of my life coffee alright alright alright what's down there Oh death cool let's maybe not try that that pipe is good but this the one that I have sorry I sneezed a little too hard on that one I'm assuming if you don't on a higher difficulty there's more dudes so you can like jump across here and scuttle around in this area and avoid enemies for longer cuz this is like a whole playground area over here come on it's the end of the world no one cares about some broken windows least of all me Missy mercy book it's alright can i second octant now I have a silence around the gun Jesus Christ oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's a piglet that's a big lad do you dude someone [ __ ] jacked up Jason saison what the [ __ ] okay okay okay ow bleep me oh [ __ ] oh I got an arrow in me and I tried to pull it out but they couldn't [ __ ] oh god oh god not again okay all right where's your [ __ ] friend who's shooting me full of arrows you [ __ ] and you second [ __ ] let third [ __ ] come in the door my fires waitin bro Jesus Christ I'm not gonna kill him just make sure push it down oh good lord that ramped up real quick ooh a kind of I can't okay yeah yeah they're the [ __ ] size of this thing here they can take over the world with this hammer crack the continent in half okay what can I make with these bolotov oh I can make arrows or should I increase this increase this yes there's no there's no way I put more on this so they put more blades in this thing I think this thing is pretty overpowered as it is I really want to start swinging against somebody oh my god that piques my heart right Jesus oh yes nice damn I was pretty high health as well and he just he just decked me good for him he's big he was working out I'm glad he also went down pretty easily I'm sure in harder modes of course he's gonna be harder but I'm glad that it's realistic enough that it's not it just doesn't get too cartoony or to video game II when you start shooting like big dudes in the head it's like yeah they would go down from molotovs and [ __ ] maybe is more armor on him that the mana table wouldn't kill him but it's not too goofy he didn't just become a bullet sponge all righty man know anything a [ __ ] happen people goes bust out their doors kicked me down crushed my face with a hammer it's a bad day to be le the exits over there so let's go Sam all this [ __ ] first ooh training manual training man well hell yeah explosives all baby I guess this is the last year craft hours an explosive tips craft more oh yes increase the effectiveness of your Molotov spreading fire in a wider radius that's what I wanted we didn't get those last and that's why my Molotov is so [ __ ] and the very first time I use them when I threw them and I thought it would spread to more enemies Krisha efficiency of crafting trapped mines yes yes yes this is the place to be stuff's pretty cheap in this tier as well [ __ ] yeah yeah craft some explosive herbs why not there just press triangle to switch between them yeah okay so I'm on explosive ammo right now I need to remember that I'm going to forget that in the middle of fighting and I'm just gonna start firing an arrow to be like okay sneaky hit him in the head and then as I explode and give away my position guarantee you I'm gonna do that at some point and then laugh at myself for [ __ ] it up big jumps Ellie mad hops Big Ups I've also been kind of going through some friends of mines episodes because they're all starting to play the game now and all of them are getting to that it almost feels weird to spoil it here but I'm like if you're this far into the series they're all I get into that section where Joel dies and I'm just like I want to see your reaction cuz I didn't handle that very well oh wait I would save enough to get better crafting for arrows was the name on its way down here though so it's just interesting to see how people react with some people so maybe we're of the mind that as soon as that happened they hated the game and they wanted to not play it anymore and a lot of people were like damn you [ __ ] ruined the characters why did you do that and let me let me take a little second here to talk about it cuz I I didn't take a chance to talk about it properly when it happened but a lot of people are saying like it ruined the character and in some ways Joel didn't really react how Joel normally does but in my head it was like you've become so comfortable with everything that's happened you have this nice big city you got a little sloppy he's not as aggressive and not as astute as he normally is because he's getting older Ellie's older as well some of that like greediness and grunge enos that he had in the first game is gone because so many years have passed and he's kind of just gotten a little lethargic and too complacent with his life so when [ __ ] was happening he kind of trusted ABI away a bit too easily so I didn't feel that of the death itself felt like it happened so quickly and you were just kind of like wait did that happen that it didn't really hang as long but I guess that's how much time you take going around his house but then some people were just like I'm not playing if you've killed Joel so early but as much as I hate that as much as I hate having Joel Dex I absolutely love that character it makes sense and I that was my theory before getting into the game before the game ever came out after that first trailer that's what I was saying that he's going to die and now that's the upset that the game kind of needs because otherwise you're just retreading the same thing so I I've been up the mindset the whole time that yes if you're gonna do a sequel to this game which the first game technically didn't really need one but if you're gonna do it like yeah you really need to change up the story you really need to [ __ ] [ __ ] up so I'm kind of interested to see how that plays out and how different things get even if I don't like it in the end even if some decisions happen that I don't like I'm kind of here for this journey just to see what they did but I fully understand people who are pissed about it people have been pointing out and I take a shot every time Jack says the game is gorgeous I'm sorry that a lot of you are dead right now from alcohol poisoning I don't know man every time we've got two places that people are supposed to be at they haven't been there people gonna pop out in here this feels too open don't trust us because we wanted to get to Leah and they weren't at the TV station now we want to get to know her I highly doubt to go to be here Westen's we're not near the Westin anymore though slide down the ladder Ellie oh oh [ __ ] I haven't missed anything underwater how am i the last time I went underwater I didn't really look around that norm I said it before normally I [ __ ] hate film grain and noisy filters over games cuz I'm like no just show me like good clarity in the game but for this game it really really works it makes the whole image a little more cohesive I think alright that ways to the hospital so we can go in here like these offshoot areas even if sometimes there's nothing in them it feels nice to have more width to the levels yeah cards baby but Mandar but Mandar I don't know how to pronounce that name Neptune really once the solar system's most notorious pirate Neptunian baat Mandar became known for hijacking resupply ships threatening the nation colonies on Europa and Enceladus actually never knew how to pronounce that place Enceladus with starvation pursued by the Future Alliance into the asteroid belt she flew her ship too close to a mysterious wormhole and found herself back in the 21st century though she initially enjoyed her newfound superiority she quickly became frustrated by the limitations of her 21st century technology and sought out spark her offer her knowledge of the future in exchange for a way back to her own time a villain good a through-and-through villain we've had so many heroes neutral heroes neutral villains very few of them have just been straight hero and straight villain the villains are always the interesting ones because the heroes always follow the same sorts of tropes Tom I keep hearing gunfire at odd hours we have no one to protect us from this crazy cult we can't wait for the WLF to find us we have to track to their base and join them I started flashing supplies in the safe heading out heading out to scout the best route we'll be back with the plan ASAP be careful MK also forgot the code is 3855 23 okay I'm hyper vigilant now because that time I went and went onto my workbench in the last episode and somebody just blindsided me that's clever because you certain situations like that in games you always feel like when you see a bench or you get locked into a menu you feel like you're invincible like nothing can get you then and that hit me in my safe space it's a verted what you expected with the gameplay loop that's good I like that keeps you on your toes it's a good jump scare those are the best types of jump scares not not to just start you but to actually get you when you least expect it okay now where's the safe that that code goes to I also really like the the UI design in this game it's very subtle and then when you're playing sections like this the UI completely vanishes it's just you and the game and it really solidifies the immersion let's go wait did the note actually say anything about it started stashing supplies in the safe heading to scout the best route okay so must be in here somewhere right huh maybe in that back room ah here we go wait what was the code 30:55 2338 55:23 hopefully there's a ton of supplements in here 18 supplements yes excellent I'm gonna make Molotov okay max out bombs yeah let's start getting this stuff I feel like the harder the levels are getting the more I'm going to start relying on stone bombs and trap mines and [ __ ] like that although I've barely been using them I kind of rely on my guns and [ __ ] first oh yes workbench I would be a little more interested though seeing a skill tree because this skill tree right now is like you start off at the top and you work your way down and for progression and balance I guess that that's easier but it would be interesting to see a game like this where you can kind of just pick and choose the ones you want first rather than having to follow sort of a set path or not like I wasn't able to get silencers until way way later like actually being able to craft the silencer was into third upgrade tier so I didn't even have that option at the very beginning so I know it'd be cool to see it kind of go more freeform but I get that that's a much harder thing to actually balance [Music] I can't get a whole lot and get fire rate on this but this thing is mainly just let's face it without the suppressor this thing is just like last resort without suppressor this is my go-to cuz this is max damage stability and this would be nice but these two are my stealth weapons right now I would like more stability in this and draw speed shotgun is a last resort as well the nine-millimeter without a surprise sir is my last resort just because I've bulleted it and I can put polish downrange so I think I'm gonna upgrade my bow first especially when I get the ability to craft more arrows and better arrows with less supplies it's gonna become like my my go-to when I enter these arenas as I imagine it will be for many many many people over this yeah also I keep talking about Metal Gear Solid's I think I mentioned it I keep kind of comparing this to Metal Gear Solid a lot for the stealth but the reason I do so it's because Metal Gear Solid 3 is one of my favorite games ever I think I said that and this reminds me a lot of that like hiding in the bushes and camouflaging that's one of my favorite things to do yeah why would he be happy I [ __ ] up vulnerable I [ __ ] up so many of your dudes by now it's not my fault you're all a bunch of dum-dums that just whistle at each other okay well he's just doing what he needs to do even though I don't really agree with this revenge mission but maybe you learn something at the end of it okay hi I feel like I'm making a lot of noise are they doing you watch this stuff on a phone or they have headphones it don't make a [ __ ] sound hands up girl named Nora where is she we're in the hospital they're clearing out the upper floors she's somewhere in there [Music] I know that you've been kind of killing a lot of people like that already that was nasty looking though their place they're playing hotline Miami on a PS Vita oh that's silly I mean it is so nice oh I guess they could throw their own [ __ ] in there even the PS Vita survived the apocalypse no one plays a PS Vita anymore such an underutilized system when I came out everyone absolutely loves the switch now and the PS Vita came out way before that and had touchscreen and all this [ __ ] and it should have been exactly what the switch is right now but Sony didn't support it or give a [ __ ] about it that's such a fine system oh I could pick up that wrench hell no you think I'm gonna get rid of my [ __ ] Mjolnir for that I don't know if you should have put a PS Vita and recognizable song there though because that kind of detracted from the scene and everyone playing it's gonna be like what is that I know that instead of actually paying attention to what was happening kind of undercuts the the stabby stab switch to regular arrows no explosive oohs yet okay there's someone wait tonight oh [ __ ] I didn't actually get them the listen mode range was the next one I really wanted that but I got [ __ ] preoccupied with these damn it okay oh this is a good chance to get you kind of kill them in the grass okay what oh it's you yeah of course you would [ __ ] see me from here what am i doing so you can get that arrow back I highly [ __ ] doubt it though ooh that axe is gonna be very useful [ __ ] can I turn off the light in here this much it's not as much grass around here as I would like wait [ __ ] are there people here okay through there now I could just move on I could just go through the area and avoid all these dudes but I really want to test the limits of what I can do here I want to like go fire go the distance kill all the characters and then explore the whole area undisturbed I should get that person up there [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] okay never a boy again in this good good good any more stuff to craft arrows around here oh that's a big cache as a place there right there was at least two over here so [ __ ] sneaky stealthy cool it's even better than the first game in this regard I had there with the dog [ __ ] dogs gonna be a pain in my ass [Music] [ __ ] oh my god no Ellie just keep going okay you're not on my scent trail yet that's good you have that going for us oh we're the dog go [ __ ] okay I'm going around and then I'm gonna grab you please no one see me please don't see me please don't see me [ __ ] the dogs on my trail the dogs on my trail quick quick lick lick the question oh god [ __ ] stop okay need to get you off my trail well the department just completely breaks the scent [ __ ] who spotted me oh yeah it's [ __ ] open right there Jesus okay so far so good we can do this [ __ ] that is not where I wanted that to go they broke the scent and then they found a body and then followed the scent again okay there's no one over here again this is fun [ __ ] are you gonna make [ __ ] cent again god damn it well go on [ __ ] can I make a suppressor damn it just need another bottle or something you wouldn't find anything okay we got this I'm determined to do this all stealth because I [ __ ] up some of the other sections that Matt versus voice I know he's in the game [ __ ] [ __ ] oh the scent is gone good good good or is it I'm gonna get spotted I'm gonna get spotted I'm gonna get spotted that was close that was really close I don't know you're looking right at me okay thank God the game is a little forgiving with that [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I thought I'd like interrupted it and would have stopped it you know what let's try out this hammer [ __ ] yeah okay I know I don't have any [ __ ] bottles well hide you whoa did I get him I kind of just threw it willy-nilly [ __ ] I didn't get him [ __ ] it might have heard let's check it out I got your back I wish there was a way of doing stealth kills without having to grab them [ __ ] I'm gonna get spotted here again Joey anything [ __ ] how do I do this yeah oh I thought it was a [ __ ] wall here oh I'm doing it again there you go there you go okay okay healing up get up getting out here getting out of here chopping okay so the plan of doing this all completely stealth didn't really work out that's fine because I have other resources [Music] come this way you walk over that die yep that worked already I can shot him in the dick okay this is going off the rails every [ __ ] time the areas are so big okay wanna follow me in I thought you were coming straight this way [Music] they were okay let's switch to explosive arrows I mean right now we are in stealth again so that's good let's make some more bombs okay am I still in stealth oh all right I'll take this okay Ellie can you go a little bit faster Jesus hey I'm stopping to this cuz the big hammer only has one hit left in it wait that's not all of them is it I think it is what I thought I had like three more people out this way I'm going to come back this way by the way that's why I'm rushing past all the items damn god these areas are mad open oh [ __ ] oh I opened up all the back of your head with that one [ __ ] no poor dog oh I really wanted to do that all stealth but there's just so many of them everywhere and it's hard to like get out of line of sight easily I mean luckily it's fun and it's interesting to actually fight them all normally as well and use all my resources I feel like I'm doing that more in this game than I did the first one where when [ __ ] goes wrong or I'm fighting people I'm like switching between Oh rifle revolver suppressed weapon bow and arrow bombs Molotov like I'm using I'm using the whole gamut of stuff that I have I think that that's really cool all right do I have listen mode distance yet okay I need six more let's just say for that that would have been really handy just now oh man that was absolutely exhilarating let's check out my shotgun load this bad boy up can I get up there it's kind of what I was hoping to do was to clear out this little section first and then move on but I just kept pushing further in so that should be the thing I take away from that the thing that I learned is to not push too far in too soon so just take out this little section first because I'm still two dudes left out here when I start pushing into that guy and I keep under estimating how many enemies I keep under estimating how many enemies the game is willing to throw it you know there's a lot of them every time oh wait wait wait wait can I actually come back if I go that way I don't know let's do that afterwards I don't know if jumping over there will disable me from coming back into this section maybe not maybe it's all connected yeah it's all connected I don't need a [ __ ] hint I got the dissection eventually oh it's just to here oh okay so it's not that the next section it's just to allow me more freedom to get into this section of the area earlier without going through the main door very cool I kind of wish I knew that I boom rushed in here and my ass handed to me that's such a cool game the gameplay so far is absolutely top tier again not not a whole world different from the first game but the first games gameplay were so good that you can't really change it too much oh listen mode range real handy and then holding my breath to snipe is a good one but for later maybe more molotovs would be great or better molotov because that one that i threw and it missed would have actually killed him that time otherwise I also keep making that same mistake of rushing at enemies I keep thinking that I can close the gap and it's kind of annoying that the enemies just become super aiming like right as you get close they're like the closer you get the faster you're moving suddenly their aim is laser-focused it's kind of annoying it is to get you to use the the bottles and throw them at their heads and stun them and then you can go and finish them off and [ __ ] like that but sometimes you just want to sprint Adelaide and [ __ ] them up all right where is the actual way forward that has four swipes this one is fight I'll stick to this one any items that I missed and he carrots that him is actually more importantly mister collecting hoarder over here are you fitting all those cards le and your backpacks big but you've got 400,000 of them now he brags yeah yeah yeah hint where are you telling me this literally just pointed out you fine we'll go that way please gonna get a [ __ ] hints to go away oops so he's knock ammo behind that [ __ ] hey no that was a thing you could do at least now it's not going every two seconds [Music] that was an intense one I've done very few areas pure stealth oh and it's bugging me I want to take out an entire area just with stealth I mean it is exhilarating to kick it up a notch and start fighting them with guns and explosives and [ __ ] but still feels amazing to be like a predator going through the environment surely there's no people up here cuz they would have all heard the shots and come down huh oh this is spooky this is like full-on horror game supply lists alcohol swabs Muslim badges bandages safety pins if available intravenous fusion kids okay be sure to dig into the corners of the second floor there are still rooms we haven't opened that might have things worth taking don't go near the lower level Sam yeah I feel like it was a door near the start of this episode that I couldn't get into that I was gonna go check and then I didn't check if there was another way around it and I might have missed something oh well we're not gonna get every single little thing that's fine whoa make a [ __ ] spear out of this yeah let me get some tape okay copyrighted song yeah Norah copy anybody is my one focus Tommy okay wait yeah actually how do I get there oh wait Nora okay tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten maro that's Nora stupid you're gonna tell us where she went when Isaac talks to us about this I'm gonna say what I think happened knock yourself out I've got work to do Nora I'm not going down for her man a bee in her cell there you go nice and sneaky she go knife wrench ten points ten supplements if you get that reference see gamers always turn around to always go against the grain when the game is like left to right you go left Oh her what does she done [Music] you remember me yeah you remember me what do you want Abbey was here earlier where'd she go I don't know you shoot me the sound of every soldier come running y'all still be dead tell me where she went and I'll think about letting you go you could have killed you maybe you should have maybe you should have stayed the [ __ ] out of Jackson where's Abby you still hear his screams what I hear them every night yeah yeah that little [ __ ] got what he deserved [ __ ] [ __ ] get back here [ __ ] north huh get her le god I'm so [ __ ] spry her court come on I got there faster i'li just shoot her ow where'd she go okay don't shoot me [ __ ] where she oh [ __ ] huh wonder if I can just shoot her oh god oh god oh god this bad Jesus I was already instinctively smashing square [ __ ] off throw down your weapon No anyway you're nowhere to go [Music] it's music Oh God still again doesn't matter saina trespasser I heard click ease oh yeah Nora what's the matter you mask [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] now I can alert the clickers monikers do your job [Music] I really like that you can put like clickers against AI that's cool this isn't so cool Trevino okay okay there's two okay that's good that's good that's gonna go all [ __ ] hell these red lights are so dope all right is it just that clicker that's left yeah I should have my listen mode upgrade now so I think they got the other person does the bottle throw one tap work on clickers that's what I want to know I think might be just stealth kill it anyway but I'm looking for supplies that might be some stuff in there doesn't really look like it but yeah there we go [ __ ] Nora okay that's just it's just random [ __ ] these environments are so awesome to look at it oh my god this is just a person bloated and sport and you was this like that but how'd you guys got here did you do that it might have just been like that I think this is like a huge base of operations for them nice ooh extra don't mind if I yes wait he's writhing in here I mean I just passed ammo but oh it was just a regular ass door there okay it sort of found like a a secret take your time area I think things are ramping up too much for that okay where'd she go she'll be [ __ ] anywhere man she got so much time to run I thought that conversation was going to call a completely different way like do you still hear his screams at night because I do and I regret killing him and then Ellie was going to kill her anyway but and I was like I was waiting to be like oh but the fact she was like yeah that little [ __ ] got what he deserved what did Joel do unto who did he do it - oh yes she ran through spores so she's [ __ ] anyway she had no mask so she's dead one way or another hi this is a backhoe here wait for the [ __ ] that doesn't seem to be anything to collect here but let's take our time anyway cheese is having fun you really want to go through with this where's Abby everything s'mores your Firefly there are no fireflies anymore where's Abbie I'm [ __ ] dead anyway why would I tell you anything because I can make it quick think about what he did how many people are dead because of him last chance I'm not giving up my friend no God oh don't make me do it okay is it just gonna Oh [ __ ] hell this games ruthless it's me [Applause] are you okay Christ is that your blood she's hiding out neither unless aquarium okay come on let's get you cleaned up Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] time's up [Music] whoa ouch [Music] [Music] I made her talk [Music] [Music] there's a lot of these flashback sequences wait is this the hospital that we're at and that at the end of the first game and that's why she hates him Bolton hates that's why she's like despondent to him so it seems like those other people kill Joel because they found out that she was immune and he killed all the fireflies to stop a cure from being developed so they wanted to kill the person who stopped humanity from being able to get back to normal which yeah at the end of the first game you're like damn Joel I don't know if I agree with that and now we're kind of living with the consequences of that and Ellie's going down a really dark path that I'm not sure that I want to follow her down so she's going to find out that there was a cure and she had to die to do it but Joel didn't let her [Music] well if you're in the shop for latex gloves there's plenty of those so you're here on your own no [Music] the growth has clearly mutated let's see if the test results corroborate our theory this is big was the Sun up here see I carried it sure is Ellie uh-oh she got stuck for a second but this time tomorrow we will have altered the course of history yeah the fireplace that's such a cool logo by the way would be such a cool tattoo I kind of like that they're tackling this part of the story though not that the first game needed some sort of extension cuz the the vagueness of the ending like does she know what he did and she's okay with it or does she know what he did and she hates him for it this is kind of adding to that oh [ __ ] [Music] these people have left already I don't know which I'm gonna join I was one of the ones that wanted to go after the smuggler and the girl I said even if we found her by some miracle found someone else that's immune and make no difference cuz the only person who could develop a vaccine is dead by some miracle found someone else that's immune no difference someone else immune early are you thinking put it off in the middle of the night like that you talk to me you don't just leave me a goddamn mouth tell me what happened here if you lie to me one more time I'm gone you will never see me again but if you tell me the truth I'll go back to Jackson no matter what it is just say it Joel making a vaccine would kill you so I stopped them [Music] [Laughter] don't you [ __ ] touch me [Music] I'll go back but we're done [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] those are some [ __ ] wounds and bruises man Jesus well there it is it's a nice green room or dressing room you know Jesse you gotta have to tell Jesse Jesse's got to find out at some point the war the merrier look Joel it's your favorite look at it looks like Nathan Drake Curtis in fiber for so even after because I I can't remember the timeline now of when things were happening cuz in the first episode they were they were a little weird and awkward with each other when he came in and gave her the guitar and everything was that before that I think so right cuz then I said four years later in the beginning so she always kind of suspected and then she went and checked it out and then finally found out so but now like his death still affected her quite a bit and she's going on just massive revenge plot that like understanding what he did and hearing it and everything now is like it has a pretty [ __ ] up thing that he did not that of course that he did not deserve to die for that but it does beg the question like how many people have died since because of that I don't know I guess that's why it's interesting Jessie because it makes you makes you think and it makes you talk and it opens up this line a dialogue between people to be like gee do you think what y'all did was ok ok I'm supposed to go that way I don't know so kind of wrestling with it myself where are those two we could practice but right now I'm not in the mood morning [Music] she rough night yeah I could get her to keep water down you should've woken me up is she pregnant yeah I get why you came out here oh we got to take her back she needs real care and she's not gonna get the final I can't just leave Tommy he's out here because of me maybe you could take her back she's not gonna leave without you screw it let's get down this aquarium that girl told you about Tommy hasn't found a Viet I'll post up there until he does you're good with leaving Dina by herself her orders okay let's go tell her we're leaving then I'll just meet you up front yeah [Music] [Music] hey babe I need you to lock the door for us okay she's having a rough go of it let's do it I'm happy for him along the shore should be down this way yeah does anyone stay dry in the city mm-hmm they don't welcome to Seattle baby because this is I'm at the point the story now her I am of the mindset horse like this is going to let Sapphire surely part of you should have kicked in right now where it's like should we be doing this I don't know if I can continue going down this path of ending every water plant and then often I for several eyes is something I'd agree with okay but then again the game would engine we would never easy to play thanks damn I just [ __ ] love this kind of fog and rain and just lighting maybe we should make a thing about every time I say the game is gorgeous do something not take a shot because I know on people getting drunk watching the episodes what did you tell Dee tell her you knew that's what you I wasn't this aquarium a wolf big I don't think so Nora said Abby's hiding out there you get her to tell you why they did it yeah Joel had falling out with some fireflies no former fireflies what kind of falling out he was a smuggler and they disagreed about some goods if I broke out some of them died guess they want payback yeah that changed anything for you nope I need to get clear on something when we find Tommy you're good with going home yeah you'll be leaving some of those [ __ ] a lot Dina should be back in Jackson okay good come on Ellie Jessie's a smart dude don't don't play dumb with them I mean I guess you have to cuz then you open up the can of worms of you saying that you're immune maybe you don't have that conversation right now good golly my eyeballs are having a [ __ ] treat right now so Jesse you like coffee we're in Seattle you got a lot of coffee here and recognize any of these buildings norine over I am holy [ __ ] no dizzy going over here I'm stiff too kid talk on your flashlight wow game really looking 12 13 hours into the game did you know you have a flashlight yes thank you I did find anything Jesse would be nice if they found just like one thing in the environment like to go in and find a bottle and they're like hey you need this and you can go up and grab it from them jammed yeah oh we have to go this way what if I try it okay not happening that's Jam Jessie we're not getting through there don't know if you knew that don't worry they're gonna come back to Jackson after us gang didn't give an answer Oh what do you mean I mean we're going through a lot of their people in their city because of what they did didn't Abby and her friends come to Jackson because of something Joel did this place isn't like Jackson I mean Joel and Tommy helped Abby when she got attacked these people are trying to kill everyone around them I mean they shot you on sight didn't they yeah only a couple days when we first got here she [ __ ] up a bunch of wolves you've been impressed you don't cross that girl yeah now we're getting to that point of like sure they kill a lot of people and everything but does that mean that we should just start killing them all willy-nilly yeah Karen who do we get tormenta ah cool one she's hooking out the brains iris Ocampo what's a kind empathetic teenager tormento was always bullied for being soft but everything changed when a latent genetic mutation emerged allowing her to convert the mental anguish of others into kinetic energy the worse the pain the more powerful the result now her day job as a criminal psychologist allows her to absorb the worst things in people's lives and use it as literal ammo against those who persecuted her man II suspect or mantra feeding off the hurt of those who got in the way of her prior outbursts creating a never-ending cycle of suffering sure I like that hold on there Jessie I guess [ __ ] do ya draw speed 60% stability is good but I'm not sure of stability as been really my issue right now I just miss not because my thing isn't stable but just because I time shots going across draw speed would be handy because for those like those real distance shots it would be nice draw speed has also never really been that much of an issue for me unless people are right on top of me I don't know what you put on is it that a weight all right let's see how stable oh yeah that makes a big difference Jesus all righty what if this game has cheats I would love I would love some cheats in this game play I just love games that have cheats in them like you finish it you've done it you've mastered everything now new game+ allows you to like have infinite ammo or upgrade all of your bow or something like that just miss around we should do bighead mode I miss when games used to do that stuff games are too serious now I'm glad that GTA still has stuff like that I do remember something in the Last of Us one though some sort of extra modes maybe I'm misremembering arrows yeah no these are regular arrows I don't I don't really want more explosive arrows Oh a lot of supplements thirty-eight is not that man are you wanna get more flames hold breath follow steadying your aim yeah this one I'm getting that I just need two more because that has been a thing that as I'm aiming at people I keep instinctively clicking it to to try and setting my aim and it doesn't do anything no we can make some more Oh Jessie I'll give you more than that I'll give you two hands okay they're here I just gotta ask why didn't she tell me about the pregnancy listen I'm sure she'll tell you about it was you alright at least now I have a a friend to help me when I'm just trying to take dudes out on my own all the time maybe he'll take out the second ones I've seen 3 me too oh [ __ ] ok go over there oh wait tickets what him what I didn't know they'd be able to spot Jessie make a grid greet the area [ __ ] Oh God my aim is awful [ __ ] she [ __ ] missed I thought she was just auto aim at them but she didn't okay go again [Music] it's a nice one Jesse nice holy here you cry out in pain like that house borer [ __ ] okay now it [ __ ] works [Music] that'll do it Oh weird they spotted Jessie so trigger-happy they're at war with this [ __ ] up cult to talk about Sarah finds or something Sarah fights scars is all I've heard them called you run into any no you're lucky yeah they're just as [ __ ] up if not more hanging people and saying they're nested with sin and then cooking their bellies open bit less intense then [ __ ] just shooting people in the head it's just a lot this Sitti is [ __ ] Jesse that's the bottom line there's not really a whole lot else to say about it oh hey I just went through the gap in the wall no big deal I could have done with that instead of using my second health kit everyone keeps pointing out in the comments as well that anytime anything's happening I'm just like Oh lighting like yeah I like lighting I like good graphics it's adding so much to the atmosphere excuse me for joining it oh yeah this is the convention center I've been here yep yep yep this is all very familiar what's up with all these posters there's a bunch of comics wait what's happening here gathering for people who are really into this stuff like you busy you were born in the wrong time man I mean yeah you're born into a literal apocalypse of course you're born into the wrong time everyone was that's fully loaded this bad boy oh god I thought you were a bad guy I was about to shoot you in the head Jesse do that this doesn't really look like the Convention Center in real life though things feel a little different Jesse you're running at me like a [ __ ] horse don't don't don't don't what were you saying before about Dean you said she'll tell me when once things are wrapped up here I guess at some point it would get pretty hard to hide it you know she's gonna keep it I don't Oh motorbike we haven't seen many of those actually around we keep seeing cars and [ __ ] but you never actually see motorbikes lying around in the apocalypse I guess cuz they're easier to move if they break down I'm just looking at the car the raindrops and everything out of the reflection in the windshields this is for all you people out there I keep like stopping and staring at the environments not only for myself because I love it but anybody out there who's just not able to play the game right now can't afford it to have a Playstation maybe he's trying to like test out the game and look for it and I don't know it's just nice to look at the details I break the rest of this window that's cool oh yeah I forgot the aquarium summary at the waterfront I've been on that ferris wheel look at this mess it's very nice that ferris wheel was hoping Tommy has the same info maybe I don't even know if Tommy's still alive Tommy could be dead for all we know looks like we're swimming the fish Tracy's in the fish get the fish come here fish fish fish fish Wow the fish swim away when you swim near them Oh him breaking the moss or the algae algae algae how do you put in sick Burt here pronounce different ways constantly that's neat though I feel like those small details are what Naughty Dog have always been better at than most other developers okay we're now across the care use that big old brain Jesse you ain't dumb but the infected are a welcome sight half the time no oh stalkers oh and regulars oh what wasted the stalkers don't show up on listen mode pretty cool [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh Oh Jessie hey yo there you go let's let you do all the work from now on I don't hear anything I think so just a few of them wait did I check everything here no I did not Oh easy got one of those bullets back each would aver I got shaving up that's a lot of bones make it a silencer for a revolver do some sort of always even exists is there even a point such a high caliber round it's like a 44 44 Magnum I already think you can silence something like that so much explosive energy what oh nice one Jesse nice [ __ ] came out of nowhere goddamn [ __ ] you alright so we need to get up how the hell are we gonna do that okay now that's it oh wait maybe we're not supposed to this place looks like a dead end yeah I think you're right I was just wondering that myself - whatever sorry [ __ ] finds me compared to keep my hand steady but everyone on base needs to know i got ambushed on my way to relieve misha at the monterey a lookout one of the scares I swear he just looks like our boy gray [ __ ] I'm so lightheaded someone please put a bullet in that [ __ ] snakes face for me and tell me I'm sorry I tried to hustle Jensen then her - yes II alright I can take out my map again right oh nevermind shut up please head back out this is optional geez cool go team Jackson [ __ ] these [ __ ] gonna set it better yep [ __ ] these [ __ ] Jessie wait you walking backwards on your own I can't control her Oh just me on my way to give a high-five top of the mornin Jessie top of the morning [ __ ] sake I thought the game broke Kingston's this way we talked about making his face funny Jess no I missed his splash was it that big ten out of ten splash hope you did me proud Jesse hold on there might be something through here a pipe now pipe is not as good as a giant blade I'm sorry that's just not how it works well multiple ways to go let's meet you did it Jesse fair play to you on or is it think you can get through there let's see I would have come you know if you told me you were leaving I just I didn't think you'd be okay with all this I looked up to Joe what happened to him was messed up I would have done you're a good man Jesse don't like you a lot too you know you just had a crush on you I mean you're handsome and whatever but I'm not into your type yeah that's obviously what I meant Asians wouldn't let me take it doesn't let me take out the cars fine Tanager willow Vega a shy quiet young woman Tanager discovered her ability to hypnotize with her singing voice at an early age but you and me both Tanager my voice Oh voice of an angel can hypnotize anybody into leaving a room but she is only just learning to hone it having run away from an abusive home she is a staunch believer in free will she knows the cost of losing it and often can't bring herself to take it away from others as such she refuses to use her power except as a last resort so many of them do that this is made her a difficulty made for the Society of Champions but her ace up their sleeve usefulness has paid off more than once okay meet as I've been playing this episode the second one has gone up and the second episode is the one where Joel gets killed so I'm very curious to see the reaction for that episode so many people are going to hate it hopefully people are still into the series anyway want to see how it progresses and see what happens you don't really come to the last of us for happy golf fun time anyway and he's I don't I know [ __ ] gets real real isn't how you are made said the Skin Horse it's a thing that happens to you when a child loves you for a long long time not just to play with but really loves you then you become real does it hurt asked the rabbit sometimes said the skin horse for he was always truthful when you were real you don't mind being hurt I know you're upset what if we talk like this for a bit would that help okay don't mean to grab you like that I hope I didn't hurt you even mommies are scared sometimes I'm okay I'm really scared too I get how angry you are I miss him too but you can't scream like that I know I love you very much I won't let anything happen to you I love you too everyone died in pretty messed up putting fungus in the kids section mushrooms didn't exactly carry the same meaning back then yeah I guess Oh more stuff yeah we had that one we didn't have this though what I know their former fireflies from the hospital it makes sense that's what my gut said all along the wlaf took a bunch of them in after they disbanded they traveled to Jackson specifically to kill Joel to torture Joel killing him wasn't enough ABI is hiding out in the aquarium but I don't know why is that be hiding out does it matter or the rest of them today Matt does do they matter if I get a B no first Tommy is he still alive he has to be should I tell Dina and Jesse about this no they can't know that Joel did they can't know what y'all did they won't understand do I understand kids used to think these were cute it is kind of cute do you have a favorite book as a kid yeah battle ghosts it's about these Space Marines who fight off those alien ghosts sounds like something you'd like did you okay what about you smartass my mom only had this one kids book the root child about this boy who turns into a forest to save the village okay to keep things fresh though my mom would improvise different endings Wow this one time the boy just let the whole village died and gave me nightmares it's dark it's really sweet she did that yeah mom's a sweetheart she's gonna go crazy when she hears about this baby she I could see that so swimmingly survivors soon as we get back we get drunk and play some board games oh yeah oh yeah also I don't trust that you saying that gives me hope for what we get back and usually in circumstances like this that means some of us are not gonna make it back yikes Jesus what happened up here these guys really have it in for each other I think it goes back years I wonder how it all started yeah but at this point does that even [ __ ] matter Oh just a full explosive arrow lying around the [ __ ] so can't get it Oh No wow this place is [ __ ] blood still win let's get back to the street yeah these guys are scars I think well mainly because I think I they reuse the same models for the characters as most games do but they these people look familiar in the jackets plus their bellies aren't cut open which is what the scares do so process of elimination not scares or our scars not WLF it's a process of elimination I'm wrong look at you little secret nesting hiding spot what have you got up your sleeves anything in your fridge no some sup ease like that having that now we can upgrade a thing what was i holding out for stun bombs on a whole breath and then craft more hours that's gonna come in really handy because I've been using arrows a lot since I got the ball and it would be nice to be able to get more for less I hear frogs this way jangling we can box around to that Ferris with box around after that that's [ __ ] good job boy I mean that's what they're doing to me as well but mauled to death by a dog's nasty way to go the most efficient way so far to take out the dogs is just by placing those bombs what that alerts everybody that [ __ ] head down [ __ ] I mean I can't run away and then get into cover again oh [ __ ] my light was on yep yep yep seems about right [Music] but what if and hear me out what if you went back that way [Music] or if you all went that way huh that'd be [ __ ] epic [Music] [ __ ] dog go away Oh Jessie are you gonna get caught Oh what to do what to do what to do oh okay okay these dogs [ __ ] sorry to everybody in this video game [ __ ] wouldn't you right are people following me [Music] oh no no okay yeah after I'm girl or that I get the person as well [ __ ] yeah I kill both and one with this spread out to a sweet I love sweets is it a person over there he's just a shine off the window this extra range felt like it would be such a huge upgrade but I already feel like I'm seeing that much further I like sniping there's somebody else down the ways [Music] but don't over they are they're here damn yeah Oh Braden this rifle one of the best decisions I made think that was the last one yeah we appreciate Jackson there me too me three guys I am also here what we got in here ooh 18 supplements that's a lot glad I came up here how many pieces do I have only 15 look at that money eats things anymore [Applause] Kraft borrows a 44 that you got 13 pieces lying around hey me up are we getting closer I thought I could climb that oh maybe you can go under yeah risk speed limit 25 no I am speed wait this is a jump down area am I gonna have to jump down for some reason oh maybe not I thought that was like a thing that I jump out and slide down I mean who knows maybe something that something might go wrong in here there we go workbench dude Oh fifteen that's not enough for anything dude you should be carefully these work benches uh maybe some [ __ ] everywhere one trying to take me out while I was doing this before can't get a single thing I can get fire rate for the revolver but I don't care about fire rate for the revolver hope we go you wanna take a mannequin with us use it as or maybe there's some other reason I don't know you could probably just come through another section of town and get to the aquarium pretty easy Wow oh that parking garage means trouble doesn't it'll be crossing this or we use that ooh boat that's better that's right Jessie I'm kind of thinking like him the way you think we go in a boat we got a boat [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,568,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, the last of us, the last of us 2, the last of us part 2, the last of us part II, the last of us 2 gameplay, the last of us 2 review, the last of us part 2 gameplay, last of us 2, the last of us 2 jacksepticeye, the last of us part 2 jacksepticeye, full game, walkthrough, tlou2, the last of us gameplay, naughty dog, the last of us part 2 review, last of us 2 gameplay, the last of us 2 joel, the last of us 2 ellie, ps4, gameplay, the last of us part ii, jesse
Id: knx75xJpa7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 21sec (6981 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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