*Wa-pish* Top of the morning to ya ladies, my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to *shitty French accent* Det-rwah, become ooman! last time we went inside Jericho and.... Th-th-that was different story back then because Jericho I thought was a person going inside a person would have been a LOT different than what we did! We went inside a big boat! And Marcus hatched a plan. Now, we're going to move on and see whaaat... Connor's up to..? No, it's my girls! My Alice-Kara combination. My best friendies. Okay, now, o-- Above all else this time!! NO. No no no don't go in there. No, I've seen this movie! Above all else this time, I'm saving the bromance between Connor and Hank. Without prejudice!! I'm not attempting anything else anymore, that's just what I'm doing, I felt too bad last time. But I'm saving Alice above all else. Markus -- I don't know what I'm saying. I'm saving Markus. What if we find out that Alice has been an Android all this time? Now that we know that there's Android babies in it, maybe that's why Alice sometimes just goes ... *creepy girl voice*... h e l l o m o m m y~ First off, this is gorgeous. Secondly, this is the house from Resident Evil 7. You're gonna meet the Bakers and die! Ding-dong! I did the thing to ding-dong ..There we go. Telephone~!! Wait, who told you? Who's Zlatko? I don't know what's happening, but don't trust him I'm not shy, I'm an android. *nasal lying voice* I mean uhhh a hyoo-mahn!! (reading book's binding) History of painting... Huh. Do you know a fella named Carl? Oh, can I just go downstairs -- No, follow Zlatko. I don't wanna! This a scary mans... oh, there's an ostrich right there! And the flower from Beauty and the Beast is right there in the middle. Wait, so do you know I'm an android? Well, I guess if 'm uh-- I'm not going to question it. I'm just gonna go with the flow. *chuckles* Oh, yeah, and they wouldn't even know Wait, do they? Then why didn't anyone use it? I don't trust any of this Okay, but everything I need is around here 'cause I'm gonna go searching He-soos (Jesus), good to see you Wait, so I kinda forget exactly how we left off with Kara 'cause we did the entire last episode without even having a Kara-Alice section So did an Android tell us to find Zlatko? In a house or are we just filling in blanks kind of thing? This is a serial killers house if ever I've been in one Just get a sense for our surroundings before we go anywhere else. Oh, that's cool if I turn around they switch hands that I'm holding That's neat, that's a nice little touch Let me just check the fire and the globe. Maybe the globe'll tell me where I am I think I'm still in Detroit It's a big globe I don't like this house. I don't like this man Never trust a man with a big beard. Oh, shit! *laughs* I'm gonna call you Nellie. Don't ask me why but that's your name Hey big fella That's a very large Android he's like seven feet tall You and me both *Reading off the options* Careful, reassure, comfort, no choice, careful Oh, I thought you were just going to say "I know" Good that's exactly the way I would feel What the hell is this place? This is like a zoo *Nervous chuckling* Guess again What did I get? "Checked on Alice" Oh, okay Some people were pointing out as well that some of the stuff that I'm missing like the lock at the bottom Doesn't mean that there's something else in the environment that I can find It means that another path that I could have taken had something else in it Something like that. I'm not sure So it doesn't always mean that I've missed something. Oh my God scared me "Enter Zlatko's machine" Oh, no Oh, there it is Um, this is like the section in Metal Gear Solid 1 where Ocelot tortures you *In a gruff voice* Now let's get started Actually, this is the exact machine from the Kara trailer Uh oh We're going into the matrix *Realization hits* Oh, no Oh shit Oh balls *Hostilely* Don't you dare hurt my Alice Nooo!!! I knew not to trust this guy! Uh oh UH OH *Quietly* Do I have to sit here and watch this happen? Oh shit Aww! Oh no! This is the second time that Kara's memory's been wiped Wait for me!! Don't you dare hurt Alice! "Find a way to escape" um... "Push L2" Okay, what did that do? That didn't do anything Oh balls "Cause a short circuit" yes, yes do that! How? Push push Oh my god, am I really not able to escape this? Oh my god, we're at 78%! Okay... um.. There's nothing else to do! We're in 83% am I supposed to fail this? Oh crap No no no no, no no no! It said "memory deleted" Meat Luther in the living room. No, Kara... I'm sorry Oh, I just saw somebody in the shadows oh Jesus Oh, she's remembering! Yeah fight back! Her memory's not totally gone! That's the Kara I know and love Euuughhh! You're damn right I'm going to help you. Fuck that guy. Eeeuugh, creepy! *Jack mouths "what the fuck?"* Oh, creepy Okay, okay, okay, time to find Alice *Uneasy* Yup, this is messed up Hi Euuughhhh! I don't like it I know they're my brothers and sisters. Well, you know what, I mean, but they're creepy Even though that guy looked really cool. He was very cyberpunk Remember yourself Yeah, remember!!!! Remember Alice!! We can't let that shiitake mushroom do anything to her I have to go upstairs yet? No. Join Luther in the living room - do I have to?? Luther we can fight back!! No!! Why don't you take it up to him -- oh my god you're so big. Is this it? (mockingly) Masters dinner's ready!! Muffins, a sandwich, crisps, cookies~ Yes Kara, yes!! Her memory's supposed to be wiped but she's remembering everything... That's good!! Okay, I don't think I can trigger anything else from these areas but ... ... it's good Kara. Keep remembering!!! Let's not forget Alice! I said I'd not -- I wouldn't let anything happen to her and immediately something's happening to her. He said he locked her up though. I swear to god if he lays a hand on that small girl. She's already had it bad enough with Todd, the human walking shit emoji. Immediately just walk out of the room. Aw, crap That is cool though that the game blocks you off and normally in a game That's kind of annoying is like, oh, I don't have free choice But in a game like this, it makes perfect sense because that's like the Android's coding That's stopping you from doing it God So messed up dude Here's your dinner you fat piece of shit! *Quietly* Remember!! "Bring the carcass next door" or how about we take a screwdriver and stab him? Oh, that's intimidating Ten minutes. Oh don't give me a timer. Ah, there's one walking across the ground *Pshhhhh* This game is messed up "Who's the little girl?" Remember, yes!! That says RA9 The hell does RA9 mean? Maybe we'll find out that RA9 is like another Android? I didn't even mean to click that Is that red ice? It's everywhere- everywhere there's like deviants and everywhere there's messed up shit. There's red ice Well, they did say that the right ice follows the- the trends "My name is Kar+" no, it's Kara Remember yourself hi, Luther He's asleep. No he's not Are you really? Alice? Oh game stop freaking out on me Don't like it, don't like it, don't like it, "read book". Oh, I don't have time to read a book now though Do I actually only have ten minutes? There's an aircraft carrier "Arctic tensions escalate", so same as stuff as before That's a me model, I'm an AX 400 "My name is Cara" yeah!! "Find Alice" hell yeah, let's do it Open the freaking door *Triumphantly* Huh-huh! Fight back Whoa Why was I able to do that? Let's see... Oh I do, I only have six minutes Oh, no. Okay, I don't wanna watch TV, I don't wanna watch TV, I hate it go away! *Phbbt* I hate that it's actually timing me, I hate being timed Yeah, Alice!! *High-pitched* Yay! Okay, the sisterhood is back "Hide" He keeps calling Alice "it", I don't know if it's because he's dehumanized everything or he knows she's an Android Is he the room? Oh yeah. Oh, yeah Oh, big man whoa big boy *High-pitched* Oohhh, it's so tense! *Panicked* D-oh no! No, no, no! No, no, no! *Panicked* Uh oh, I thought he was gone! Here we go, here we go. Corridor to bedroom. To bedroom That was a terrible idea *Surprised* Fuck! Sweet Jesus!! Yeah, now get out, get out, get out, get out, get out! *Rushed* Go go go! Go go go! Go go go!!! Yeah!! Luther you're better than this! Oh god, I hate motion controls Oh god, too many buttons! Oh, please, oh, please oh, please, don't get shot. Neither of you get shot, please! "Open the front door" get out of here! No! Okay, okay back door back door it is okay. Just fucking run please okay good, okay good, we're outside, we're outside, we're safe Come on! Yes Luther!! *Triumphantly* Ha ha ha! Ooohhhh, creepy... Okay, Luther you are the man! Yay!! *Relieved* Me too! That was intense 'Cau I'm pretty sure he would have just shot me and killed me, Oh my god the amount of different options Okay, the monsters ambush Zlatko, so I guess if you just didn't release them they wouldn't do anything Oh, I wonder if you could actually- I'm pretty sure you probably would have been able to just hide and escape Yayyy Connor!! We're back in Amanda's area It's raining now though so is this what he does when he uploads something to CyberLife? Or when he makes a report to CyberLife. Oh, I have to follow this path This place is so cool. I wanna go touch the blue thing again, can I do that? It seemed important and I don't know what it did last time I can Can I touch it again? I didn't just like turn it off or something, now, did I? No, I can't touch it again. Is that like...? Saving Connor's memories or something? Oh, she's in the middle, I don't know It said "some of you is forgotten" or maybe that's him uploading to- something to CyberLife Oh, no, she's not the middle she's all the way over there This is a cool little pond area though Imagine having this in your backyard. Wow. I would like that Go out there with my coffee, write a book, meditate I probably wouldn't I'm too busy making YouTube videos But the idea is nice Not at all I have this convenient umbrella It's so cozy "Explain, hesitated, excuse" -explained- Not as good as I wanted to, I messed it up! *Reading options* "Connor's death" *Pensively* I see... That's why you shouldn't die as Connor, because your relationship with Hank'll get messed up Okay Connor and Hank rolling out together again the dream team So I'm trying to- I'm always trying to figure out in my head where their stories are going and I guess it's always the case of like the whole arc of the whole game is humanity versus Androids and how human Androids can become Are those self-driving taxis? Oh my god Imagine having a taxi that you didn't have to talk to Oh, the uber wouldn't ask you for five stars or where you're from or- a whole bunch of other nonsense Okay, I shouldn't look in the windows, I should knock politely first *3 in-game knocks* Hank-y spank it's me your friend Connor *Reading option* "Find a way inside" *Jack laughing happily as he presses the doorbell in-game* Just sit here ringing the bell all day *Imitates doorbell noise* Hank! *Imitates doorbell noise* Now can I look in the window? Oh, it's his dog, it's Sumo I don't see Hank though Sumo's adorable... big slobberpuss Oh look at him cute Oh shit "Break" Oh, he's going to be mad! He's going to be so mad! *Jack chuckling at Connor's entrance* Aw, cute! *Jack chuckling* You guys are gonna get along- also nailed the landing dude Hank, you gotta wake up. You're drunk. Oh my god. He has a gun next to him Can I pet the dog, oh, let me pet the dog. Oh, please oh Sumo, you're so good You're still alive, right? "traces of alcohol" Fucking Magnum that'll mess you up anyway Okay his heart's beating Oh, thank god. Hank, what would I do without you? Black Lamb scotch whiskey *Jack laughing* *Tsh tsh tsh (mimicking the slapping noise)* *Jack bursts into laughter* *Jack still laughing* I failed you once before Hank, I'll never fail you again This must have been fun to act. *Reading options* "Take Hank to the bathroom"- with pleasure Don't a- don't attack, Sumo, I'm lovely *Does an impression of Connor* My name is Connor, I'm here to help. Hank, I can't let you live like this. This is what bros do, bros help out bros This is the first- Really human thing I've ever done for you. This is the most human Connor has ever been Oh, oh, he's not gonna like this *Jack laughing* *Jack laughing* Oh, I love this, you guys are my favorite! That's not true We just solved two cases where people did that. *reading options* "Rational, aggressive, solution, pragmatic Rational You're okay, you're okay "Tease" oh, I'm so gonna tease them I understand *Jack laughing* *Jack claps happily while laughing* Oh Hank. You're too easy. *Jack laughing* I love these guys! I want a whole show based around Conor and Hank also his note says "I'm not grumpy" Something I didn't see it properly on the way in Anything else I can do? You weren't gonna kill yourself, were you dude? 'Cause I- I can't go on without you Hank we're in this together this bromance can't die "Hippy, stripy, streaky" -Oh look at the streaky one Oh, please don't tell me this is gonna affect my relationship with him. I just want him to look so good I want my boy to go out there. I'm gonna be his wingman I want my boy to go out there and be the best he can be I I don't think I can actually explore the place Poor baby, you want me to hold your hair back? You want more beer? It's good That's it get- get the oopsies out, get the badness out. There you go big boy Ooh, book "Century: Time to Pull the Plug" "A recent study led by Dr. P. Gorganski has linked the amount of time we spend in front of screens with the widespread antidepressant epidemic" "from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed" "We are surrounded by screen based devices of course too much TV Definitely won't make your eyes go square, but it can have other harmful consequences." This is true. This is what I was saying recently Um, I don't know if I said in a video or in a stream But I was talking about how I'd love to see in like 20 30 years from now How much social media is linked with mental health issues Because that- social media being everywhere all the time is not good for you. I- I was lucky that the first 17 years of my life, I didn't have social media in my life at all. Didn't even have the Internet in my life So I can't imagine what it's like to grow up with that now especially going through school with social media around "these include poor sleep, "Strained eyesight and lack of face-to-face interaction, driving emotional under development and depression" this is all very real stuff "Gorganski's study found that two and three people take antidepressants and lack- "and lack of social interaction is the leading cause. Meanwhile the average person spends "82% of their time communicating through a device rather than in person and "Relationships are suffering for it. In response CyberLife has introduced a home "Psychologist add-on for your Android "in a bid to teach us how to communicate again "The upgrade costs one hundred and fifty dollars, but can benefit the whole family with group therapy sessions" That's really cool that's another- like this game is really opening up my eyes to the amount of like the plethora of Different things that Androids would be able to do; good and bad and one of them being that you actually have someone there to help coach you Imagine having an Android there to help you with Interviews and you could just go over and over and over it knowing that no one's there judging you no one's there judging your social awkwardness Or judging you for your anxiety or judging you for like the way you act and your mannerisms so you could like work Towards a better you through the Android "But Gorganski is skeptical, our society is hooked on technology I don't think yet more technology is the answer just go outside and talk to someone" I mean, it's not that easy when the whole world revolves around it "Tainted love: sales of Android intimate partners are exploding Androids capable of satisfying "customers' sexual and emotional needs have been a phenomenal success such that CyberLife has been battling to keep stores stocked "Though the idea seemed far-fetched initially, CyberLife's gamble has paid off "These Androids offer nothing less than a full partner experience for men or women. The advantages are many- "Androids take care of the house, cook to a high standard, "and fulfill any sexual fantasy without ever saying "not tonight honey, I have a headache" " Har-har-har. What is this the 50s? Um. "While CyberLife initially focused on urban singles to buy its models, "This year's record divorce rate seems to show that many men and women today prefer to live with an Android "Than with a human partner "This won't- this won't help the already plummeting birthrate which raises serious questions about the role Androids play in our society" but you've the technology aren't you advanced enough in this world by now to like- Look at my boy!!! What do you think Sumo, does he look good? I think he looks dashing Poor sSumo, hopefully the basketball keeps you company. I think I missed some stuff in his apartment though, by reading all that book Yep Jesus I always manage to read or do the one thing that ends the whole scenario. Or maybe it was just time based We moving on to my boy Markus on the docks? Getting ready to stake out a heist Hey, hey *Quietly* oh god Okay, let me just do a scan first- "follow North" -are we heading north, North? Okay, easy does it now How about nobody gets shot and dies, huh? *Quietly* Okay We can do this We're a powerful group of friends, nothing can stand in our way Okay, thought I had to hide- Thanks North *Gasp* Telepathic communication! I never thought about that either. That's awesome! Iwanna be an Android! Man, I can't wait to see the cosplays of this game where people just show up And like have the LED on the side of their head Oh, can I not climb that? Oh, I can't. But also have just like the jacket or something with a little LED with their name on it Aw, I want to cosplay an Android! I'll have you guys know my boy Markus is incredible at parkour See? Oh Lord, that's one way to get on You couldn't have dressed in like all black or something to blend into the background? You're showing like bare legs, that's very easy to see We are ninjas All I need now is a kunai and a grappling hook And some throwing stars. Maybe a badass outfits smoke bombs, sword Just give me everything; ninja androids Ninjandroids Okay. Be careful Marky... Marky Mark Oh, PRE-construct! *Quiet, almost breathless* Wow... " Would be spotted" Wouldn't be spotted 'cause the thing is rising. That's aces Keep climbing- ooh hoo hoo hoo! "Would be too far" -got it. Um... Okay, can I not do anything else from here? We'll go back one Ahhhh... "Would be too high" Okay, so would I be able to just- from here can I climb? There... *Jack laughs* So Connor reconstructs And Markus preconstructs Told you, he's robot Jesus. Uh oh, uh oh, he's frying us Thanks, North I love the aesthetic of this game *Hwup!* Oh, we're gonna get spotted Uh oh, uh oh Oh no! Grab and hide. Grab and hide! Oh no. "Release, hold, attack" Ah what do I do!? *Relieved sigh* *Relieved sigh* Oh, I'm so paranoid about getting my guys killed *Quietly* Motherfucker... I'mma need a break from this Sitting down recording it for an hour, it's too tense! Oh don't make me do it again Is that this one? Well that's easy Androids... AP700s "Free them" Be the robot Jesus we need you to be That's more people to try an get out of here now though Is that all that it takes? Oh No, I want to bring him I want to save everyone but what if he has a- *Quiet* Uh oh Oh no, oh, what am I doing? *Quietly* Oh, what am I doing? Oh shit Marcus, please don't get killed Okay, okay the dogs know I'm here, the dogs know I'm here. That's not good. Let's have a look-see Okay. So I can't just go straight in *Quick breathing* You got this Marky I want to save my robot kind. I want to save my robo friends "Threaten the guards" "Cause a blackout" *Quietly* Blackout, blackout, blackout Oh, no, no, where are you going? Oh, I don't- wasn't even pressing in that direction. How do I cause the blackout? Are there other options? Alright, what did it say when the menu showed up? *Reading options* "Short circuit, steal a gun", wait maybe I need to get something for this yeahh "Short circuit" I don't want to have to kill people. I already killed his son. I already killed Leo and I feel horrible about that Well, I know I probably wouldn't kill them just threaten them, but- a blackout means that we all escape under the cover of darkness *Muttering quietly* Oh, I hate this... Can I preconstruct where they're gonna go? Get the key, get the key, where is the key? It's right there I'm out. Oh, I'm out Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh! *Panting* My heart's fuckin pounding right now, dude! *Loud exhale* *Weakly* Yeah Oh ho ho ho ho! I'm seriously so fucking anxious right now playing this Though I know the game just does not pull any punches. It's just anything can happen Okay, are they not gonna stop us? Oh 'cause there- most of them are self-driving Hoo hoo hoo hoo! That is the most nerve-wracking that any of this game has been so far *Chanting* Markus! Markus! Markus! Uh oh Woo?! But also, concern question mark? Because um That's like an uprising and that might get people killed Oh, man, there was a lot of stuff! I'm guessing there's somewhere you well, obviously you don't create the blackout, you threaten the guards There's some where you don't avoid the guards, you get caught, and then all these show up There's one where you don't actually even go for the key and still maybe get caught Good idea I went for the key because otherwise, how would we've gotten out? Although we wouldn't have stolen the truck if it didn't get the key Anyway, I don't care because I did it. I'm gonna leave this episode here. Now where this is interesting to me is that, not only, Like doing the stuff with Markus is great, when you're him you feel like yes "save the Androids," "Free the people" may integrate with society and show that we are more than just tin and components. Whatever. That's fantastic. That's great Good for you Markus, but at the same time it conflicts with some of the stuff I'm doing with the other characters like Connor, who's hunting deviants and then in some ways I'm like, okay No, I want to do Connors mission properly because that's what his mission is and he should do that But at the same time I also want to fall in love with Hank and be his friend and do all these different things It's fascinating. It's cool how some of the stories kind of... Conflict with each other and make you really think about the decisions you're gonna make. It's definitely not a Well, we're yet to see as well But it's definitely not a like Telltale decision kind of game like some- a lot of the decisions in this game Really feel like there's a lot of outcome to them At least now it does anyway and the fact that there's so many different options to so many of the different choices that I can make Already makes it feel like there's a whole breath more To the choices than like a Life is Strange or a Walking Dead or something like that, which is really good I like that a lot. It really makes you think, it gives people a lot to talk about instead of just being like well, I did- I made a poor choice there, and then in the next episode I'm like well It didn't matter because this thing changed back- it's like no stuff follows along Stuff actually happens like even getting Connor killed at the start was like, oh that actually has an implication it's not just oh you rebooted him and he's back and Deus ex machina, it means nothing. It actually has an impact on the story. That's cool That actually makes your players pay attention and actually think about the decisions they're making I still Like some of the situations like when the guard was coming over obviously that's timed I still don't like where some of the situations have like that amount of time to pick because you're trying to pick BIG decisions in a game with very little information on what your choice is like some of them just having a one-word answer as I said and then having Very very quick time to pick that it's like no I need- like I need time I need to sit in here and think about what my decisions are gonna be. I mean in a way I respect it because decisions in life sometimes have to be quick, but you know what it mean from a videogame standpoint it's getting me into a lot of trouble because my brain is just like "Ah! Do this" and then I'm trying to let's play and commentate and make sure that the video is going well and that everything's like good and everything's running and properly and interacting with you and then at The same time I'm also trying to focus on the game So there's a lot of balls in the air at once and then when you try to make quick snap decisions Shit goes wrong But I'm really really enjoying this game. This is a very very well made game. I like it a lot I like where the story's going. I like the characters. The voice acting is actually really really good Which isn't always the case in a lot of these games especially choice based games because sometimes it feels like the choices don't go together Everything in this flows so naturally the- the sound design the soundtrack is *Mwah* so good the the visuals are outstanding, very very good game I'm having so much fun playing this and I hope you're enjoying watching it as well Even like whatever about the decisions or anything like it's just such a fun experience to be part of we're going on this journey together We're making decisions. We're doing stuff. We're, we're getting there. We're figuring out what our story is and we're getting there to the end It's fun! I'm having a blast playing it um, and there's a lot to talk about in in regards to game design and like pacing and everything by the time we get to the End of it, but I just want to focus on the story for now But also thank you guys so much for watching this episode, if you liked it, Punch that like button in the face! LIKE A BOSS! and high-fives all around *wa-pish* *WA-PISH* and thank you guys, and I will see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!! (Outro song by "Teknoaxe" called "I'm Everywhere"; link is in the description) [Please check out everyone who helped make this possible, including supporting the game and its creators and actors] (Outro song by "Teknoaxe" called "I'm Everywhere"; link is in the description) Ugh, need a drink after that
Jack still doesn't realize the game is still going while he's standing around. You didn't pick up the item that triggered the next scene, you stood around for 5 minutes. Silly Jack. :P
I literally watched two people do the exact same thing, two days in a row.
Well, if I can guess the correct velocity of a car or some shit on a test, then Jack can guess this. Maybe.