REVENGE | The Last Of Us 2 - Part 3

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okay now that they are dealt with we can explore this area just a little bit more dina are you okay dina you need me to give you a hand there's one right there you can have it for yourself if you want don't forget to pay your parking all right let's see if there's any items lying around here no just don't have that happen again i don't need a hint i haven't even started exploring yet calm down game keep your britches on damn these reflections are really damn impressive some of the best i've ever seen all right how are we even getting tina out of here shoot some stuff and blow it up because that's kind of what i'm thinking oh yeah this is where we're getting the fuel please please please please please we got gasoline our luck's changing don't you jinx us that's all you needed the [ __ ] federicate is calling to us it sure is how do we get out of here oh i don't know my feet are cold it should work ah good old chain like last of us won come on dina let's try scooching classic classic hidden loading screen okay let go good job babe thanks babe oh cute you guys okay um have i done all of the all of the stuff so far because i really don't i feel like we're about to leave this area maybe i'll go we're going through the [ __ ] federer gate to get to that wlf so maybe i should go bottom left cherry street and james street just to check i don't know how much i can actually get down there though it was right next to the bank ruston coffee i'm telling you unless there's a top of the morning coffee logo somewhere i don't care onward ireland come on back there getting homesick a little bit you uh same i'm just having a roof over my head you know i've always dreamed of fixing up a farm just outside of jackson why wouldn't you stay in town i don't know i like the idea of real space sounds lonely only if you're doing it alone okay that's true gonna like raise sheep and milk cows are you making fun of me no yes it actually sounds kind of nice really yeah really oh we're marking something i really like the the facial animations in these scenes like the in-betweeny bits because a lot of games have really great facial animation during the cut scenes but it's in the gameplay elements that it all kind of falls apart like the lip syncing is way off and characters don't they don't really emote with their faces um okay i mean this looked important but not like crazy important do i have to go out through this i don't need a brick i'm ellie i almost messed that up ellie nathan brake would be happy made it damn lots of supplies lots and lots and lots hell yeah dude there's so much hello more collectible cards hell yeah dr oakman oh my god it's neil druckmann he actually put himself in the game this is the guy who uh wrote the game and directed the game uh same at last was one uncharted four uncharted two um i'm a huge fan of him as well and he followed me on twitter and i dm'd him a little bit about the game and he's just he's he was very very nice um dr oakman his name is neil druckmann so it's dr oakman affiliation the new dogs once a well-respected researcher dr oakman's questionable experiments in the realm of pushing human limits saw him ostracized from the scientific community even the morally compromised laurent focal i have no idea to pronounce that name so of spark laboratories found his work dubious undeterred oakman continued his work in secret creating super ai to do his bidding and protect his research while he and the new dogs naughty dog stage high-tech heists to fund it all constantly moving his lab locations so no one can find him he longs for the day where his subjects will be treated as equals where's that yeah yes dina can down um there's a lot to unpack in there and he it's interesting that you put yourself more on the villain side neil is that how you see yourself also dina how did i hear you from all the way up here oh you hungry yeah me too could really go for a bit of steak okay i think that's waiting here jesus christ man i'm sorry i know i keep repeating myself and i haven't uploaded any of these episodes yet i know the comments gonna be like jack just stop talking and play the game but you're here to watch me play the game and experience it so i'm going to give you my honest thoughts and i every time i like look up stuff just looks as impressive every time it looks so realistic because the thing about photo realism is that most games are going for a movie look because real life is boring looking a real life has boring lighting because light just hits things and it kind of just bounces around a little bit but it's not stylized and a lot of movies have stylized lighting because they they place lights in specific places it has lens flares it has pop and this game has some of that but if you want things to actually look real it has to be this kind of like just white light hitting everything and kind of wrapping around the buildings and stuff and that's what this does really well and a lot of games don't do that because it just doesn't look nice a lot of times because it can end up looking bland but this really works i'm going this way anyway but i forgot that i can't actually go through any of that i'm not taking my horse because i like running around in it it's so cool it's like we have an open world last of this game now almost also that building looks like a playstation 3. the fat playstation 3 the original ph fat wow that was an adventure sure was i haven't found any of them yet hey it's a big city yeah we barely started looking yeah i know just thought we'd see one of them by now it's so cool uh we need our horsey come on ireland sorry my irish kicks in there for a sec we can't actually move until dina gets on so i can't like walk closer to her or anything god nature nature really was like [ __ ] y'all buildings i'm gonna take this [ __ ] over hey all right it's been ages since i was here where was the thing here that's awesome though really breaks up the pacing and kind of gives you a break and you can really get back into the story if you want to or you can take your time which i imagine a lot of people would and go just explore the place here we go seravina in the background all right i got it you put in the code right the these old generators are pretty finicky might take you a few tries oh sorry go on nothing we get it you're better than us at this the game makes me do inputs okay i don't have ai i don't have intelligence uh we need the gate codes um wait am i at the north gate 1382 let's just try it i'm confident i'm a confident man uh not that confident where even am i oh eastgate whoops uh what was the east gate then me and my damn hubris east is 53.45 or they're just waiting for us this kind of reminds me of in half-life alex when you're getting to the north star hotel it's like follow the north star you kind of have it in the distance yeah i really feel like someone would be ready to snipe here especially hearing horse hooves and i instinctively slowed down my horse just in case damn what a [ __ ] stronghold wolf wlf i get it that's what i was saying yeah that makes sense [ __ ] those guys they killed joel we're not allowing this we're not taking too kindly to their kind around here and by their kind i mean murderers well i'm a bit of a murderer as well pot kettle black all of that i am on a revenge story so who am i to talk seraphina hotel what a nice plaque what a nice shine that's coming off of that i think there's anything here to get whoa whoa hello wait can i jump over that fence i thought it was one of theirs whoops my bad well everyone's going to know we're here now get him dina get him dina it's okay i have a machete this is way faster nice all right okay that's that i think that worked pretty well um they'll never know that we're here now did you guys drop anything no i kind of is it weird that i want to like hit one of the zombies with my machete and watch like their arm fall off guys i think i might be [ __ ] up i think video games might have made me violent the [ __ ] news was right i thought i legitimately thought that that was one of the wlf and he was injured and he was like coming back that's why he sprinted at him i wanted to get information out of him but honestly that works out better for me rather than having to stealth through here and i like that that's kind of an option that you can do both whoa first game also had a hotel section i'm beginning to see a pattern here nice nice nice how many of them do i have oh yeah i got more supplements as well um i have 132 oh i didn't go back and upgrade [ __ ] i'm sure i'll get my moment i have 38 of these craft upgrade for your melee weapon restoring it to full durability and great increasing exam yes because i have this machete now and i i don't know about you guys but i kind of want to [ __ ] [ __ ] up with that for a while um i can make one more molotov oh that's how i do it interesting and i'll make a health kit nice i'm not going to heal myself yet because i feel like i'm going to find like a candy bar or something somewhere this is a nice hotel and trust me i literally have a degree in hotel management i know these things no jim this one's fresh and he's got one of those wolf patches sure does guess i didn't make it out with their gas after all that's good right if those [ __ ] who killed joel got taken up by some random infected then they'd still be dead i'm not sure that's justice might as well grab what we can while we're here don't lose yourself to revenge don't lose yourself to hatred there's a very good lesson in full metal alchemist brotherhood with scar he's one of my favorite characters in that because he he goes through this and he learns and he teaches from it you shouldn't i mean you shouldn't wish death upon anybody even those who inflicted the worst sort of hatreds upon you because then you kind of just become what they are maybe that's obviously that's the message that the game is trying to go for and we'll see where it actually goes with it but you shouldn't lose yourself to the revenge [ __ ] happens to you in your life i mean i can't relate to somebody coming in and killing a father figure of mine right in front of me um but [ __ ] happens in your life and you kind of have to just think about it objectively and realize that some things are kind of just out of your control get that pipe [Music] oh should i swap to this i only have three hits left in my machete but it's really damn good it really takes them out quickly they're not here are they that's why the town is so quiet you recognize him no maybe someone else killed these guys the infected just wandered in i i forget already jeez i got so total visioned when i thought joel was going to be hurt for [ __ ] right reasons that i just ran into that building that what happened to dina did she just get held back by the storm because dina wasn't there when all of this was happening god they can still see ellie's face telling them to stop and it was so realistic like her expression ugh i don't like it's gonna make me cry again all right let's take our time too often i plow through these games and then i regret it afterwards hey found their gas well if we need any more we know where to get it yeah this is a lot well if those things are full that is i'm also glad they got rid of the flashlight running out wasn't it the first game with the flashlight run out and you had to shake your controller to turn it back on i'm glad that's gone it's unneeded pulled you out of it it's like just leave the flashlight on it's fine this really reminds me of the hotel from the first game i don't recognize this one either god look at this lighting holy [ __ ] ooh 18 supplements that's great i have 36 now oh so close to the next one oh listen mode upgrade yes that's going to come in real handy i should have probably gotten that first but i kind of want to get the stuff to fix my machete my machette there's so many coffee machines and coffee french prices and stuff all over the place in this game naughty dog y'all [ __ ] love coffee as much as i do you guys want some beans i will literally send you some top of the morning beans since sony sent me the game early which i'm very very thankful for by the way i never said that what do we get know it all trading card okay brains a hundred must be nice uh sheila kim a world famous researcher diagnosed with an early form of dementia sheila kim research or reached out to spark in desperation could they do something to slow her mental decline they agreed to implant an experimental nano ai drive in her brain holy crap allowing her to not only retain her knowledge but accrue new information at a massive rate now she's arguably the smartest person alive and sparks new chief technology officer overseeing their military research arm some argue that she's lost her conscience others wonder whether the ai has taken over her mind neutral villain cool uh naughty dog can we well i was gonna say can we have this game and as much as you guys would make a great superhero game i don't think we need more superhero stuff right now let it let it sit and breathe for a while um but seriously i would absolutely love like a seriously toned gritty sci-fi space time-travelly kind of game from naughty dog i think they would do massive justice to a scenario like that imagine being in space with naughty dogs visual fidelity and their pacing and their their characters and their story and all that whoa [ __ ] are you alive what the [ __ ] happened here tommy did this this oh no way that was definitely him he's one of the ones that killed joel [Music] [ __ ] there's another one over here i don't recognize him [Music] he was using him against each other how [Music] joel told me about this you ask this guy a question but you don't make him say it you make him write it down and then you ask this guy and if the facts match you're telling the truth if not you [ __ ] them up [Music] yeah joel did that in the first game when ellie went missing and they took her east one another gate code looks like it [Music] this just happened though he can't be far off man these transitions from cutscene to game every time come on we can get out this way maybe catch up with tommy yeah damn dummy there's coffee everywhere i mean it is a hotel um but it makes my coffee love and howard happy i thought this was stuff yeah joel did the thing where he like i and i absolutely loved that scene when ellie's gone missing and then you get to see joel as joel without her and realize that he's been holding back all this time and he gets really sadistic well i i don't know if sadistic is the right word but he gets really serious and just focuses up and like sticks the knife in the dude's knee and he's like i'ma pop it off um and you just see how scary joel can be when he's on his own and how ruthless he can be i love that scene because it adds so much depth to his character so it's cool to see that tommy and him are kind of similar in that fashion ooh me want hammer but i also want to fix up this uh let's make some more stun bombs i don't use these for anything else yet okay that's making me nervous hearing that sizzle don't take that out yet blow up in your hand and take your eyebrows i love that wobble before they fall off i know you said tommy had a rough pass but [ __ ] i know are you okay it wasn't pretty i don't want you to think bad at tommy ellie if i had my sister's killers tied to a chair i'd do worse i hear you damn i really like dina i think she's a great character she's a good uh counterpoint to ellie well now it's so much counterpoint but a good like accomplice with ellie they have a great dynamic oh it's definitely seattle it's raining now jesus those clouds came in fast um so your sister's dead oh that's sad she was talking so highly of her sister earlier uh we won't get in the horse checks i'm just gonna have to go over here and get off it again did i say it in the last episode that it would be cool if it started raining here because it would look great because i was thinking it and i don't think i ever actually said it um and now it's raining and i'm happy as much as my irish isms kick in and i complain about rain a lot i actually really like the rain i think it's cozy and it adds a cool atmosphere to the world higher see that dina first try got it and i got this that's nice i like that as well where does this take us i like that the ai character takes the code because that is something that would happen in real life i wouldn't just have to put in the code every single time so it's nice it doesn't bug the game down we're just like hey remember this code shelter me set up camp maybe somewhere high up so we can scope out the area i like that idea great idea okay let's look for an open building preferably with no infected or wlf wolves whatever i still have some of those almond things left if you're hungry not really you should eat something oh my god what i sounded like my mom just now i'll be fine so much dense vegetation going on jesus christ holy [ __ ] ireland get the other don't go now you mother [ __ ] [Music] oh god [ __ ] damn it that scared the [ __ ] out of me this game is gonna give me a heart attack didn't think i'd ever see you again he was there wasn't he how'd you find us asked about a dude with a [ __ ] scar across his face sorry how many came with you hmm just you two you can't stop this jordan he's the guy that i sliced right y'all looking for the other one the [ __ ] is this you know the smuggler that we killed out in jackson this girl was there what they're coming after us that's why nick was [ __ ] up like that we gotta get her to isaac we gotta tell him exactly what's going on yeah well i just got off the radio with isaac and we got a new mandate kill all trespassers oh hold on hold on hold on that doesn't make any sense direct order man no let's talk to her let's figure out what she knows give a [ __ ] what she knows you saw what she did to the others you have no idea how many people she might be with this might be an amber i don't care how many people she's with we will find him we will kill can you just think for yourself for a quick second right now tommy tina [Music] oh god no don't take dina as well don't you [ __ ] do this to me come oh god oh god oh god it's so [ __ ] tense i hate it you can grab it grab it grab it grab it grab it grab it oh [ __ ] oh i am going to end you come on come on come on come on come on oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god oh that's so gross are you okay mostly ellie ellie we should go oh my god i heard the gunshots look she's one of them come on look at that later was there a tv station on that map i don't [ __ ] know come on [ __ ] ellie i mean i know i said that i wanted to to get him but jesus christ that was brutal oh this music is [ __ ] great oh god that's a nasty way to kill someone there you go i'm not wasting bullets they're hard to come by let's go [ __ ] dude how many guys did you see enough we gotta get the hell out of here okay let me look for supplies jesus this game is [ __ ] ruthless i mean obviously the first game is as well but everything just looks so much more real in this one like seeing the facial expressions contort and the muscles like flex and oh this is a [ __ ] shooting corridor for sure he doesn't know where to go thank god they didn't see you dean yeah all right where are you going where are you going huh huh ah god oh [ __ ] ow jesus christ it scared me god my aim of the controller is awful peak peak oh jesus christ okay you need to [ __ ] there we go oh as i shoot her arm off oh god i don't want to be hearing this man hello oh [ __ ] melted oh god oh god oh god damn dina yeah oh there's more are they behind me i don't know where anybody is i'm so confused i'm just [Music] oh god now i apologize for my terrible aim i'm wasting so many bullets oh god the vacant expressions on their faces do you recognize any of these guys no oh this game is brutal yeah i blew their arm off i mean that's what this game is all about it's vicious god to see it's so up close and so in detail is uh it's nasty can i fix this yet [ __ ] i should use stun bombs i keep forgetting that i have them all right i want to explore and get items because i i wasted a lot of bullets just now this game gets tense i i do much better in the stealth scenarios give me a mouse and keyboard and i'll be clicking heads but i guess that's the thrill of it right that you kind of sway and you miss and not everything is perfectly accurate and you're not going to be able to kill people stone dead with every single shot it keeps you on your toes it keeps you moving you guys have bullets though wait i i absolutely [ __ ] this dude up with a single shot they blow his head off oh my god oh no yeah the back of his head is all open ew why did i go to look at that yeah lots of bottles around i need to remember to do that as well i'm still kind of playing it too much like the first game there's a lot of bottles to throw at them and then follow up with a a stab oh grassy grass okay okay okay enemies can spit in the grass as they get closer oh that's fun i'll cover here so remember playing uncharted 4 and the enemies just couldn't see you no matter how close they were to you and it was felt a little silly okay one peeled off in his own to the right oh you are mine you are mine i don't want to see it i don't want to see it being stabbed is one of my biggest phobias and fears because it's just it's one of the most gruesome ways of dealing with someone because you have to get so close and personal and uh whatever i'm not talking about it's gross anytime i see somebody get stabbed in a movie i just i cringe at it because it's okay okay okay okay okay nice and easy that person's over there we're fine we're fine we're fine i'm not fine i'm not fine i'm not fine i'm not fine i'm not gonna be fine for long oh my eyes are watering because i'm [ __ ] sweating this is stupid oh oh oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry where's the other person oh they're way back there jesus oh my god this is gorgeous more of them i don't know okay okay oh boy this is [ __ ] great though oh oh that'd be someone here oh god i'll go see what's up oh [ __ ] i'm so glad that the ai is not able to see me that clearly [ __ ] guy right there oh my god [Music] nice nice i have no bullets in that what's my what's my revolver at one shot as well all right we're gonna have to do some monotones where's the other one [Music] that fire effect is really damn impressive you better start running no you better start are you shutting up oh [ __ ] that's a lot of them i told you no one likes to told you so dina okay dealt with it was a little messy but we did it i'll take messi over dead [ __ ] yeah i should be able to upgrade now oh nice nice that's a lot of items i could have missed oh my my tensions are so high the adrenaline is pumping so fun it's so atmospheric too i love being in rainy situations even in real life and kind of hiding under tree canopies and hearing the rain pitter-patter around you uh okay let's um let's craft another one these are plenty of medkits okay i just need a scissors i guess for that um yes movement speed for listen mode perfect and then otherwise lethal damage will instead leave you at low health giving you an opportunity to escape that's a good one that's really helpful crafting speed stun bombs smoke bomb stun bomb smoke bombs will be good too no don't take that out again you make me paranoid when you do that the combat so much more improved over the first game as well it's so it's very fluid it keeps moving it's very high tension and high speed but when it kicks up i mean have a look here hold on dean get down okay yeah good point yep yep yep were those items i thought that you were going to tell me to like look out over yeah those are items okay i need those oh [ __ ] what oh dude this is cool i'll check over here dude i can hit you in the ankles with a bottle okay surely one of you i can take okay okay get up and get down again oh my god that's so cool that you can prone under these see anything down there there's no one here okay dina it would be great if you stayed prone nope nope nope i don't even know which one of you spotted me okay if i can get one i have a molotov and a bottle for the others no get up get up down oh god so nasty ellie's [ __ ] ruthless okay where are the others out of range of my hearing i can't see with my ears right now also i think the rain might dampen it i'm not sure if that's even a factor wait where the [ __ ] they go did they leave this area oh god not kevin yeah they went back down to that other area i think i'll get my bottle ready just in case [ __ ] these wolves steal their [ __ ] uh yeah uh duh i need it way more than they do uh make sure i'm all reloaded did i get any more for this no okay cool damn that's so awesome that you're able to pronounce these things and i mean it's so obvious now but being right down at their ankle level and seeing them walk around around you why would you not think to look under that um where is my way forward because i might not actually have to fight those guys and waste my bullets i doubt that i can jump down there oh there's one they're back but again if i can just leave without having to fight them save myself some ammo damn you guys have a ton of stuff hoarders stinkies isaac's mandate oh yeah i didn't read leah's stuff from here on out kill all trespassers we'll send additional units to locate the other woman return to the fob by eod bring all available supplies okay hold on i think they might be able to just walk in here actually can i close the door i can't close the door close it ellie and be rid of them i want to see leah's photograph and read the note though okay the lewd jordan isaac's got us posted up on a two-week uh at the tv station scare spotted in the area here's something to hold you over leah scares all right let's push on not dealing with those people you're not worth me bottles yes i can't upgrade that locked oh maybe i do have to fight them all right what about this never mind dina you're a legend let's get out of here dina who my hands are all sweaty come on inside oh dogs come on all right can i breathe for a second oh man this game like just twists your nipples and keeps them clamped oh what do i have a feeling it's not over though [Music] [Music] oh a little cat tower looks exactly like the one we have for bb nice dude quad monitors even i don't have that i have three monitors and i feel like that that's kind of overkill damn yes scared cardio trading hurt ah the superhero's name is cardio brain 60 brawn 60. pedro rojas was a long distance runner who dreamed of winning but always came up short when spark offered him limitless stamina in exchange for using him as a test subject for their new velocitanium artificial hearts velocitation what a great word uh he immediately accepted the deal and then escaped going into hiding now known as cardio he can run faster and farther than anyone alive pursued by spark they still want him back to finish their experiments they'll just have to catch him first damn these are great i like this it's like a world within a world oh what's this a certificate for i can't zoom in brian scott maybe that's where you have quad monitors maybe you're like a a computer engineer or something okay cool i think dean is like why do you keep going through everyone's drawers what's wrong with you a hoarder fat ps3 against the street nice uh av receiver as well shitty speakers though do you have surround i don't know maybe you have them under your couch like a dumb they're not gonna do anything there where's your subwoofer that you could probably put into your couch refill it as you're watching dang someone's just hiding bullets yes is that enough to upgrade wait oh i need we need four what okay how that works i feel like i'm picking up pieces of blades but it's not letting me fix it fix it felix oh [ __ ] is this forward i don't want to go forward all right coast looks clear yeah i think we're good all right check this out she's one of them i'll [ __ ] her then read the letter jordan isaac's got us posted up on a two-week at the tv station scars spotted in the area here's something to hold you over helea tv station you think she's still there i gotta find out right so let's buy all these tall buildings that way okay let's go get leah this is interesting because i wonder if dina will at some point turn and be like you know what i can't do this anymore this is too much but abby and them wanted to get joel like this and they succeeded but aren't we just kind of doing the same thing now aren't we just as revenge driven who knows maybe something will change later on what's that sound oh that i can just craft something oh oh nice hell yeah [ __ ] yeah that is good wasn't there a thing back here oh it's just a window can i can't jump out through it really looks like you can jump out through it but i don't need to go that way ellie's been drinking oh yeah dina you want some burgers tina she never wants to grill with me are you good yeah i thought it was [ __ ] back there thanks for the save by the way of course yeah that got scary so those are the wolves they're really armed yeah they are do you think there were going to be this many of them tommy said this was a possibility does that change anything for you no keep an eye out for patrols there were a bunch trying to smoke me out around here how many i passed too but i got a feeling there were more and once they realize we're out of the school and that we killed their [ __ ] friends they'll be out in force looking for us yup yup yup yup yup i can't believe they just attacked like that these people are not like us what if we'd been refugees what if we i don't know had intel they needed it doesn't seem like they care about that yeah damn what a grimy pool you want to go in get a venereal disease god look at those reflections jesus dina come on in the waters [ __ ] gross i'm gonna smell like a bag of [ __ ] for weeks do you like that not hot do you still want to kiss me uh oops oh dina oh no i fell in again now i'm all covered in it dinan give me a hug gross goes close ghost ghost ghost gross dina oh she wants to stay away from me dina get in get into the water pool rules yeah it does uh all right i'm i'm assuming i'm going from the capital inn but i just want to make sure that i'm getting everything first building there to go into oh this is back there a little carrot tina hop in i'll pull you around yeah this is what i'm talking about if there's anything left in these buildings there's always something left behind left behind that's the dlc for the first game roll credits yeah kennard esquire reigns 80 braun 40 society of champions a brilliant lawyer with a stringent adherence to the rule of law kinard or georgie to her friends is best known defense lawyer for heroes who are accused of negligence excessive force destruction of property and reckless endangerment her notoriety has brought her a fair share of unwanted attention but between her black belt in aikido and having the entire society of champions on speed dial most are wise enough to let her pursue justice undisturbed i don't know a lawyer being a hero seems unlikely [Music] one part nice take that toaster with you as well wait there has to be coffee here somewhere there's yeah there it is and coffee everywhere else thanks i like collecting these cards probably a bit more than i should but i like the the stories behind them oh outdoor grills is this a communal area with outdoor grills fun i mean you can't do that now but i mean in the real world not in the game the game there's far more dangerous things to be worried about there's an infection and people who want to shoot you on site and blow up your horse yeah they kill my [ __ ] horse i'm gonna miss ireland what are we gonna do without ireland they just killed ireland all of it nice wait i'm full on rags oh let's make a molotov then don't light it ellie i keep feeling like it's just gonna blow up in my hand right some supplements it's basically just drugs dina don't do them i'm ready oh [ __ ] hello i mean i broke my machete i broke my machete in your face got him yeah [ __ ] oh my heart's racing same f's for my machete damn that was not that thing could have thrown a bottle and then stabbed him but does my brain kick in no stupid why would it hell yeah couldn't i upgrade my stuff last time like make a spike baseball bat and [ __ ] if we can do that again are we gonna find a note now from this person saying how scared they were that they got infected they were going to hold out for as long as they could and make me feel all sad about killing them yep here it is i'm bit tina's dead we've been getting drunk on our patrols for a while this is such a [ __ ] post no infected no scares far from everything her brother makes moonshine so we drink and talk went that way for months we were stumbling around the grocery store when these runners surprised us let her brother know i'm sorry i tried to save her tell my mom i love her chevy i'm sorry chevy but you came at me and you're basically already dead now you're wiping your own ass all right let's go dina i think capitoline is where we're supposed to go bugging me why didn't they kill you and tell me when they had the chance i don't know it seems reckless maybe they're dumb maybe what could be that you just weren't who they were looking for so they let you go yeah well they did beat the [ __ ] out of us the one guy jordan kicked my face in yeah but why do you think that they didn't finish it doesn't matter they [ __ ] up they did she has a point though hopefully you actually listen to her at some point when this is getting a little out of control what was the name of the girl in the note the one in the tv stage leah leah was she the one uh she the one with the braid no only thing i remember about her was the son of her crying over that sadistic [ __ ] face when i sliced him open so how do you want to handle her find out what she knows find out where the others are go from there you gonna ask her why they did it yeah any of this jogging memories of stuff joel said about his past nothing new what are the chances he did stuff that you don't know about hi he wasn't um he wasn't very big on sharing i wonder what tommy's making of all this you probably know more about all the people joel crossed i feel like tommy probably knows who these people are he probably recognizes some of them uh that door was closed but there's a window right here oh i thought that was a brain [Music] what do you call those things a loofah that's what they're called the things that you wash yourself with yes training care rockefeller oh he'll rockefeller for sure these names are great uh renamed norman striker braun a hundred real estate wait are you a villain neutral hero real estate and construction magnate norman stryker's crowning achievement was that was the spark headquarters both the part visible to the world and the massive subterranean laboratory complex but when he walked in on a secret experiment laurent tried to dispose of him in a quarry explosion when the society of society of champions couldn't pull striker out of the rocks dr stem made their we haven't seen dr simeone have we made the rocks a part of striker now covered head to toe in rock armor rockefeller aims to tear the spark headquarters down brick by brick and he knows the place better than anyone that's so cool that's fun uh i don't know which one well maybe actually over there is where we're going i'm so cautious about not going through a door again that's going to uh disable me from getting more supplies damn this place is boarded up good this looks like a place i'm supposed to go probably but i think it leads out over here anyway huh none of this was useful only those two rooms oh what are you doing with that don't know yet [Music] i'm dragging it over to this because i think we're gonna have time up there oh i thought there was a way out over there i'll be back in a sec i'll keep watch please do don't let any damn [ __ ] come after me wait i'm full on rags again viv we were robbed last night it was jimmy i hope he acted alone if you guys are in a rough spot you can talk to me i care for you and your son now more than ever we need to be looking out for each other there are enough criminals running this city add a little salt and some water to these and it almost tastes like the real thing it's not much but hopefully hopefully it'll help get you to the next drop off at least roll sick room i like it a lot dude look at that bike so get a bike now that ireland's dead i don't think we both fit on it though ooh bombs [ __ ] is this some kind of bomb trap mines [ __ ] yeah they're mouse traps on them nice craftsmanship [Music] nice [ __ ] yeah oh totally make some of these over the other ones deploys in place and detonates on enemy proximity [ __ ] yes [Music] oh yeah here we go melee upgrade yes oh maybe that's what it was it wasn't to repair my thing it was that i couldn't upgrade the machete that makes a lot more sense yeah tape a scissors to a baseball bat that's pretty damn effective and pretty easy to do man i cannot wait to get to an upgrade station again how many supplements do i have 46 yes i can get these increase your efficiency at crafting smoke bombs producing more from the same resources [ __ ] yeah that's that's where i need to be nice getting a lot of good upgrades well i guess it helps that i'm being extra vigilant with my searching that's why it's really important so then i can um i can take dudes out way more efficiently later was it worth it yes pretty good haul let's bring this over here find this is that what you're telling me dina dean a little help tina okay thanks dina i can still kind of see the buildings how you want to go uh let's see i don't know let's just explore around a little see what's going on okay this is too much in that direction there's a building back here that i want to look into this is cool there's some later sections in the first game that are this sort of semi-open and you can look around and but this whole game so far it seemed to be [ __ ] how many two you know how many times i got food poisoning and why do you think i took up pushing i'm getting hungry yeah stop talking about the food yeah okay [ __ ] [ __ ] there we go there we go there we go oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you saw me anyway i got movement look at that ah yes yep ow ow where's he going nice get him dina [ __ ] him up you got him nice one is that all of them [Music] i don't think so oh oh there's one up there [ __ ] oh god i only took half his face off ew i don't think so good [ __ ] yeah i got oh you recognize any of them none no because they they weren't in a cutscene so right it's pretty massive i thought when i pulled this guy out here that the other guy was going right i sure hope not [ __ ] up the whole thing is there's any other things that i missed yeah because if i if i got him stealthily then i could have got the other guy and then everything would have been fine but you know what you win some you lose some i'm holding out my med kits for in case i find like a candy bar then i'll use that to get my health back rather than wasting med kits the med kids oh i want this outfit dina you think i look cool on this i want to suck your blood come on it's cool whatever dinah you never agree with me anything in here just halloween stuff oh igor me looking i'm not a fan why are you guys not a fan this shit's cool i think it's awesome looking i love halloween stuff although yeah maybe if you live in a world where horror is real and everybody's dying all around you constantly and the world's gone to [ __ ] maybe horror stuff is not that cool just saying spaceship naughty dog space game question mark okay i i assume i'm going that way so let's not go that way yet that's part of it as well man so open makes it feel like there's so many different ways to go [Music] i think i got everything back there though i think it was just that centralized point yeah um this feels like there's going to be more dudes up here what's my map say actually oh i can't actually access the map anymore that's interesting let's check this guys here i guess they might have taken all their fuel from here oh deanie you got some change i want to ride the gilmore looks so fun i'm astonished with how many areas in this game [Music] are coffee are just kind of out there like you can completely miss so many of them if you're interested in just the story aspect of things that damaged my [ __ ] bat damn it uh maybe i should [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] can't take all of us i can take you though oh [ __ ] you see anything you all right over there omar oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they're everywhere hey over here [ __ ] god damn it man you just got [ __ ] i don't have a bottle never mind i do shut up okay you're getting the bot for sure oh i i pressed r2 which needs to throw it [Music] nice nice oh there's more dina got in my [ __ ] way dina i love you but come on man [Music] okay keep it up the bottle here help thank you but jesus christ you got in my way see any more no all right so i need to press r2 way quicker you were solid back there never seen you fight like that how many guys did they send looking for you too many yeah i'm a bit of a monster you got to keep up dina if you want to match my body count um yeah i kept pressing r2 but i was in the middle of like getting stunned and [ __ ] so it didn't react quickly i gotta be wary of that in the future going forward yeah candy bar that's what i wanted after i wasted a ton of med kits they have plenty of supplies for more med kits though one okay well at least i have plenty of molotovs maybe i should actually start using them i need a workbench i haven't seen one in ages since that place in the middle of the open area so many like bits and bobs really thought there would be one in here ah i knew it it had to be all right what are we upgrading definitely the damage of this conveniently blocking it cool did you just put something on the front of it that actually didn't go on the front of it did oh we put a bigger barrel on it i think uh oh a scope see now i don't know what i should upgrade we fire rating capacity on that that's not as big a deal as stability and recoil stability fire rate maybe capacity of this so we can um cool damn that's awesome holy [ __ ] that's dope that's an actual upgrade uh the damage on this one yeah i think these are some good upgrades are you rifling the barrel so like putting a putting a screw basically in the barrel so that when the bullet comes out it's spinning and twisting so that it goes straighter and farther and faster and all that good stuff i think all right cool good upgrades only have 14 of those okay yes dina yes so more damage now in the rifle which i don't really ever get that much ammo for and i can only hold three shots but also more damage in the revolver that's a big one so i feel like well unless i'm missing i'll just be wasting less ammo now with that instead of taking four shots it'll hopefully take like one or two at times damn why didn't those guys come out when i broke the first uh freezer thing good show dina [ __ ] [ __ ] oh god oh god oh god clicker okay i hate how much sound you make it it keeps making me think that you found me oh god can i grab them from the front i never know [Applause] somebody in here though oh next one [Music] any items i could use one of the new bombs that i have but i feel like that's a waste oh oh this is all gonna go bad [Music] okay okay okay easy easy does it easy does it here okay we're fine we're fine even though it's not that hard it's not that many enemies or anything like that it's still [ __ ] terrifying i don't trust not being able to grab them from the front i think i can but i feel like i tried that before and nothing happened or maybe i just got alerted that time let's just wait we're not in any rush deena oh they suck nice there you go take that popcorn head awesome yeah we got a trading card out of it doctor stan they're there cool hunter brains 40 brawn society of champions upal roy what a name losing both of her parents to cancer at a young age upal roy threw herself into her science studies determined to never let anyone experience the pain and loss she felt as a child now known as dr stem she collaborates with doctors and scientists around the world in life-saving and life-enhancing technologies she also works with the society of champions to shut down spark's more nefarious schemes with technology of her own her tenacity and refusal to accept defeat is both her biggest strength and her greatest source of torment awesome there's another door back there i want to check out oh just leads in here nice these are cool buildings oh yes upgrade manual [ __ ] yeah the camouflage issue these wlf guys went up against the military why are they still so amped yes there can't be that many trespassers that come through here i don't know city still looks like it's filled with supplies i can't see why people would need a fight over it oh yes the stealth branch is absolutely where i need to be [ __ ] yeah and craft silencers now i forgot that that was even a thing in these games coffee so much coffee i just had coffee before starting my recording and i want more already fran it's happening early sunday morning keep your people off the streets but careful what you say if isaac finds out i talked i'm [ __ ] the whole thing should be quick not a lot of fedra left in your neighborhood as we clear neighborhoods we're moving everyone to the base people shouldn't freak it's temporary help us keep track of good guys versus bad guys can't wait to sleep in the same bed with you again no more sneaking notes in that stupid studio rebecca [Music] hey uh dina you want some of those good dirty beans want some dirty earth juice i can get it for you i know how i know how to make it i don't know how those machines work but can't be that hard come on it's apocalypse we've killed a lot of people and crafted med kits and [ __ ] surely we can learn how to work a coffee machine deal what's with all the rainbows see what you can find around here oh whoa that's weird so they don't even know what the pride flag is first of all cool to see one in the game look um [Music] but also yeah they just come from a different world i guess it's us right sorority secrets is helga ready to know the secrets of the coveted sorority strap yourselves in folks it's about to get sexy for helga the most important part of college was pledging to omega theta pot phi whatever just as her mother had 20 years earlier it was going to open every door for her and introduce her to a world of men who could give her the glamorous life of her dreams helga had legs for days and a smile that twinkled and an ass that just wouldn't quit every fraternity man vied to take her out friday nights but none of them could fulfill her needs and she came back to the house still craving fortunately there was her sisterhood at the sorority house helga found not just satisfaction but an education in the hands of her big sister beth but what they were about to do would be illegal between sisters she knew what a woman's body wanted better than any man in the showers cuddled up in a twin bed the women discovered a world of pleasure this is the door helga never knew she needed opened hell yeah come on stay focused you're right is there any more around i want to read more of those that was fun all this stuff has women on it nope wait dudes two dudes dina supplies no dina keep reading the gay erotic fan fiction fan fiction it's not fan fiction keep reading the gay erotic fiction i meant to say fiction and fanfiction just go together carol bonus and his massive penis okay where are we going i feel like i got everything in there right sorry dina good to see you dean you wanna play some hoops i got mad air mad ups how do trespassers even get company same way the deserters get out if you ask me deserters are the worst [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] they don't want to be here then they don't want to be here they're [ __ ] traitors at least with scars you know what you're like getting said i don't give a [ __ ] damn you're ice cold baby oh this is a bad idea i am in a terrible spot right now all right how are we dealing with this oh god i was about to make a move for it i'm doing it i'm going i'm going i don't care oh grass yes [ __ ] stop turning around what are you doing [ __ ] dina you get him that's awesome i love that they actually go and get them can i ammo god damn [ __ ] ruthless not yet we're getting to that point as well where games are starting to look this q is never mind we just need a minute to talk with her are you gonna make her talk i have to we're getting to that point where games are starting to look so good that the violence is starting to kind of change a little bit i mean violence is not bad in and of itself i mean don't take that out of context you know what i mean like if it's if it's contextualized and it's part of a story and it's part to like evoke and everything like it's it's a piece of art it's entertainment product god look at that plastic bag katy perry would be proud but um because like movies and stuff have been so incredibly extremely violent for so long and games have been violent as well but we're starting to get those graphics where it's starting to just look so good that the violence starts to feel a little different but you mean yeah you shouldn't you shouldn't feel good killing the people in the game okay i'm pretty sure that that's the way forward um but yeah it kind of goes with the story being like are we doing the right thing are we following along and killing all these people for a good purpose or are we just as bad as they are now you know i'm full scope out this man can't believe i really wanted to grab them and stealth kill them but i really need more supplies or supplements oh [ __ ] those infected here i wonder if i could lure them to each other let's see [Music] i think they'll fight each other come on can they even get to each other are they blocked off what the [ __ ] did you guys see me ow oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] did they see me oh god oh god oh god and there's people over there okay well good because i feel like i threw the thing you went that way then i went back and suddenly you were all just at the door maybe you didn't see me i just thought you did all right so they can't get to each other which [ __ ] sucks yeah that's so awesome teamwork oh [ __ ] push it who's seeing me oh man you see me from that far away [ __ ] anything in here no all right let's go deal with the infected then come back oh i thought i had to break these all right i'm glad we reset because i i always feel annoyed when i when there's a stealth section and i [ __ ] it up also there's a door right here right there what oh [ __ ] i can't even see you guys on my listen mode all right i'll be ready oh i'll be so ready don't even worry about it bruh no don't do that [Music] [ __ ] you you want to go as well you want to burn to death like your friend wouldn't do that bro oh right in the chest oh [ __ ] [ __ ] god i suck at aiming with a controller man i mean there is that sway as well but i'm just all over the place the infected didn't come after us yet i'm gonna go back still but feels like yep yep he's still alive over there [Music] oh damn [ __ ] them up yeah yeah i mean yeah you're asking ellie cool yeah i'm fine too dina me sean jacksepticeye uh just in case you didn't know i'm okay that was fun i really want to get a scope on this thing next when you zoom in hone in on their faces and then get stability for it because that that scenario really proved why the the rifle is so good but again you need to be you need to be really accurate with it and i'm not the most accurate with my thumbs oh you guys just don't really show up until i come in here oh balls kind of just want to molotov both of you over there in that corner oh oh are you gonna can i let's taco stealth kill stealth kill yeah hi hi hi oh [ __ ] ellie i really wish you would kill some of them quicker can i get an upgrade to kill quicker yeah adida [ __ ] you're a legend this combination of dina and ellie is so much better than joel and ellie gameplay-wise because ellie would like throw bricks every now and then and stun them or something but i don't think she ever really killed people sergeant frost cool 40 and 80 society of champions once an ordinary soldier sergeant edward frost found himself the unwilling subject of a spark experiment as they all are apparently infused with a mix of liquid nitrogen and radioactive material he was left for dead by the scientists but the cold put him in a state of suspended animation allowing him to escape now known to the world the sergeant frost uses his cryogenic powers to aid the society of champions and seek justice against spark [ __ ] yes that's cool i like that dude all right so those okay there's two more need to get me some supplies uh let's swap for this it has more hits in it all right how we doing on stuff two med kits two of these nice nice and then upgrade this okay i still only need three supplements to be able to do this stealth kills are faster and keep a lower profile oh i need it but it's all the way at the end i feel like i should max out this could you imagine listen mode clarity is not that amazing listen mode distance would be better but move faster while prone yes increase the durability of crafted silencers yes stealth kills are faster and keep a lower profile yes all of that is amazing i guess that's why it's the last tier looks like more clarity is not super important i wouldn't think oh [ __ ] if i jump out over this you're gonna hear me i don't know we good we good come here buddy come on but having those stealth kills be faster and keep a lower profile is gonna help me out a lot because i feel like that's what's getting me [ __ ] over a lot of times lately are these like the stage one infected in stage two then are the runners because these guys just don't really seem to know what's going on they'll act up if i alert things but otherwise they kind of just stand there all right i think that's all of them in here you see anything useful dina oops you didn't see that okay it looked goofy i don't know why i'm doing that i can't see supplies with that anywhere nice bullets nice okay cool any supplements though full health all right i think this place is happy now we're gonna have to bounce out and there's so much going on in this little area of the game but where there are bad guys is usually the progress so we'll go there after the bank of meridian dean i don't know if you know this but uh before the breakout and everything i uh pretty big deal i have 163 million dollars in the bank i would take it out but currency is useless now so sorry we're all just people right dina sorry i've been watching lost a lot and hurley and that is worth 163 million dollars because you won the the lottery using the numbers practice hard work focus that is how you make an excellent let's play and staying hydrated y'all staying hydrated these are long episodes you better be relaxing taking care of yourself okay i meant to get the other thing first but yes supplements [ __ ] yeah that is exactly what i need oh there's a fourth boom baby now i need 40. okay can i make one yes only for my nine mil though cool the silencers come in real handy from what i remember but again you need to have good aim for from the first place coffee dirty beans i love the coffee representation that's going on in this game you know coffee the thing no one's ever heard of before oh sorry i'll cover your computer i know how much those cost now what oh yeah this guy's dead we gotta get through this checkpoint wall those buildings are on the other side look around there has to be a way over where did i kill them the body disappear oh that's lame stupid ps4 ps5 i want bodies everywhere forever it's not that important but i want to see if he had any items on him let's get up to the second floor hold on i need to be a hoarder for a second orchards what if these are all places in seattle probably not because you'd need permission to put them in the game or do you i don't know man i'm a let's player not a lawyer coffee everywhere it's amazing well again it is seattle too and seattle is the birthplace of starbucks so it would make a lot of sense have you ever gone to the original starbucks in seattle shit's expensive and it tastes the exact same not like top of the morning coffee which tastes so much better because we pick only the best beans and each one is kissed personally by yours truly and that may be a lie but it doesn't mean it's not true do you know maybe you could like look for supplies as well it's like go grab some stuff that would be nice but i guess that would be kind of he'd end up with more supplies then and it would ruin some of the balance of the game sweeping clear dina hell yeah did i just find a full med kit ooh way more supplements yes this is great this is why it's good to scavenge i got these little workbenches i'm not trying to shoot you guys i just want to look at your lovely pictures those are two very different pictures why would i take off my silencer i guess if you get into uh i don't need a hint because if you get into a major fight you don't want to waste your silencer on enemies that are alerted already that's actually kind of smart let's make sure everything is loaded up well there's so many items and ammo and [ __ ] it's awesome uh let's let's max out our gear i can't make a second one i don't need a hint i'm exploring jeepers you probably turn that off in the options but i didn't see it you think it's through the giant hole in the wall dina because i sure do i think it's this way give me those boulets all right sick a lot of items a lot of good [ __ ] oh yeah through the the turn turnstile okay we got over now what now we go over again hey tina yeah double over give me your hand yes sir ah there it is that round building it looks like the tv station from your map yeah come on god i love all the nature that's just taking over this entire area would i don't think the trees would grow that tall that fast though right um i don't know where i am in seattle right now that building over there on the left the very tippy top one that looks kind of like a nipple that looks familiar seattle also has this really weird upside down building it might be that one right next to where her nose is right now that one her nose is touching and it's look up seattle i don't know what the actual name of it is but look up seattle upside down building it has a point at the bottom and it goes up and out and then it's just a block of a building it's just a big giant cuboid building after that but it's so weird to look at when you stand under you're like it's like a spin top you feel like it's gonna fall over look at you shut up i never would have let you do this by yourself i'm glad i'm here too oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that clicker ran into a trap bob a what explosive traps watch where you're walking dean is having none of that [ __ ] he's like oh [ __ ] how will i see them though are they obvious oh yeah all those tripwires hey over here nice okay good it's a wire i thought it was just gonna be like the ones that i'm finding okay didn't you okay you got all your limbs still intact can i disarm them oh god they're [ __ ] claymores jesus you know don't walk through that don't be like ellie from the first game or should we just run through [ __ ] willy-nilly it would just be like okay dodge under this and then ellie would just be like boom but she doesn't take any damage so it was fine can't kill a 14 year old girl in a video game people would have been mad everybody else though absolutely fine oh my god look at that stain jesus blew its legs off as it would it's an explosive explosivo right let's let's try not walk into any more of them i'll make that a really big priority on my to-do list where's the convention center from here then somewhere in here because that's the western hotel over there i think the convention center is somewhere here in this sort of zone and where my fov is right now i wonder if it's in the game shoot ellie i'm okay [ __ ] i'm okay oh i miss ireland should have gotten this across as easily we would have been so fast but i guess it makes sense because otherwise i don't want to think about that right now one thing bear there right now ooh a tank we should put some of those trip wires up on jackson might be a good way to deal with the hordes yep yeah i'd be smart probably blow up some stragglers they put up signs mourning them they can't read we'll make drawings you know like a foot tripping over a wire and a big fire you guys are so [ __ ] cute tripwire the whole town bill how did people get around it was just him wait he lived alone in an entire hey look oh feel her love uh someone who wants us to feel her love you think she's related to the wolves i don't know it's kind of [ __ ] weird a little bit oh i wanted to hear the rest of the build story though damn oh [ __ ] these were all shot oh horsey this isn't our horse is it look it's tommy's oh well they branded the horses no you okay yeah sorry it's just a smell all right i must have taken off on foot you good to keep going yeah i'm fine please is it though ellie wrote in her journal that dina got sick on the way oh you're not like infected or something are you maybe i'm immune but i'm a carrier um is there anything else i wrote in my journal actually no oh dina please don't die that would that would [ __ ] suck just i know this game is all about misery and the ending to the last game was like vague and bittersweet but boston wasn't like this one austin didn't have a full-blown civil war fireflies never put up this kind of resistance i don't see any wolves no let's not count our chickens though um guys this is really [ __ ] pretty yeah it's that way uphill that you could just take a picture of that without ellie in it on its own and some people probably think it was real at first glance um but i i really hope nothing happens to dina man i don't want like a super sad ending more bodies more shot bodies tommy definitely came this way i bet he went through there probably damn tommy's an animal stop tripwire jesus christ good catch they're all over probably for infected yeah can i disarm them one wrong step yeah let's be careful oh ball zack okay um let's go through here if i hit this is that going to explode that i want to break the window and go through is that is that a thing that's going to happen maybe i could just go through there but let's test it but if i blow up famous last words we're fine everybody we can't discern them oh be careful with that [ __ ] pipe i don't see any more dana you want to learn how to punch punch this guy right in the face these things are hard to punch by the way it's like pure rubber they wobble though and you can slap them real good and it's fun no more excuses kick the air or the air will kick back i think there's a workbench in here yes i don't think i have enough really to get anything though let's check no i only have 31. oh you want stability on this i need 50 and 80 jeez i need 130 just for this thing that's too much uh just a hundred more to go capacity would be nice but it's not imperative right now the shotgun i'm really only saving for clickers like last minute um stability in a shotgun is really not that necessary you're really only using the shotgun when things are up close so why would you need to be that stable and the fire rate maybe yeah capacity and fire rate and this sure but you always try to have to pick your shots so fire rate is kind of annoying with that because you don't want to shoot too quickly stability on this i really need how much do i need for that 50. i need 180 for the things i want but i have been getting a lot of uh pieces in some areas and hopefully i'm not missing [ __ ] i feel like i've gotten most things so far covered feel her with all this there's that silver lining okay can't go that way i can this tall grass is making me nervous yeah same yeah they're getting tricky to see there's a ton of stuff there is that is there a secret in there that i need and that's why it's all guarded off yeah i [ __ ] hate that these things are kind of hidden now maybe we should walk slower with this furniture sale oh i love me a good couch anything in here card yeah bizarro bruh no 80 brains and 100 brawn jeez oh i thought it said 90 there uh young bahar raza once had a promising career in science but her stint as dr oakman's assistant ended in catastrophe during one of oakman's unauthorized experiments she was doused with an early dangerous form of his strength-giving formula causing all of her muscles even the ones in her face to become impossibly swole she had a muscular face she'll beat you up at her face ridiculously strong and a danger to everyone around her she was shunned by society on her own for years seeking revenge she recently found a friend an ally in the aged and frail naledi the youthful proving that opposites attract cool super strong hmm m make sure you take the envelope to the bank before monday am made the combo the last six digits to stacy's phone number figured that'd be easy for you to remember hey i won't do they already so 655501 let's get some supplies [ __ ] jesus are you okay yeah yeah yeah yeah oh it's gonna be worth it though 65 5501 uh yep yup nope okay maybe i'm dumb let me grab this stuff first before i check the note um the last six oh there's numbers missing oh so there's two digits missing one two three one yeah has to be ten numbers so wait how am i supposed to find that then um so 5501 something uh wait whose number stacy's phone number okay maybe stacy's phone number is listed somewhere else ah there it is 550133 as soon as i saw the bathroom i was like oh it's going to be one of those uh wait 550133 it's five oh one 33. nice oh [ __ ] oh already full of medkits though and full of shotgun ammo what that's max my shotgun gets i guess i need to use my shotgun more damn i'm full of so many supplies and these are all maxed i mean again i am playing on uh moderate so things aren't that difficult right now cause moderates like i'm mainly playing this for the story the harder modes of when i go back on my second playthrough on my own in my spare time and really start like finessing my playstyle but here for let's play it's like it's challenging enough to keep the tensions high but it's not impossible that it gets annoying oh [ __ ] go around oh they make me so nervous can probably climb something over here oh climb over the trunk yeah nice huh [Music] so you
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,356,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, the last of us, the last of us 2, the last of us part 2, the last of us part II, the last of us 2 gameplay, the last of us 2 review, the last of us part 2 gameplay, last of us 2, the last of us 2 jacksepticeye, the last of us part 2 jacksepticeye, full game, walkthrough, tlou2, the last of us gameplay, naughty dog, the last of us part 2 review, last of us 2 gameplay, the last of us 2 joel, the last of us 2 ellie, ps4, gameplay, the last of us part ii
Id: UaZMDd4wImU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 55sec (7495 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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