I Lost $1,007,905 Selling Shirts for Serial Killers - King of Retail - Let's Game It Out

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hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out I am Josh and you know what I used to work retail so why not place some king of retail and enjoy the glory days let's get right into this let's create a manager here my favorite part is when you hold down the button I wish this could be what the character actually looks like they just strobe all the time well I'm learning there's no way to make this person look not scary so I guess let's just go with this white Walker in case you're watching this years later that's a game of Thrones reference by the way is manager ready I don't think anything's gonna make her ready for this resume of white Walker very bad very bad very bad and zero professional experience why does her mugshot look so much better than her actual person it looks like we're doing entrepreneur mode because if there's one thing I know I've already got the skills to pay the bills here we go see this is what I'm talking about stolen [ __ ] why do we have mistletoe on the front can we get rid of that somehow oh yeah of course we can I guess this weird warped shopping cart represents what's happening here where the Nike logo is trying to escape the wrath of the stolen shopping cart okay select location high-population duh city wealth rich duh fashion sense low a beautiful store can I just be like the hell with this just strut away from this forever wit to main menu no damn it and I just go cry into this alleyway wait what is this these are not the drugs you're looking for damn it she's like what am I here for then I feel like I know what this building was for sale I'm pretty sure we're on like a movie lot and none of this is real and this is all some practical joke okay let's go inside hello my new home alright let's go in to the staff room check it out well I'm assuming we use this to interrogate people only what about storage what are we doing here I feel like this should be like the Hangout room why is there so much storage space so we got to buy some inventory here we've got 20 grand to make this happen we got to put a pallet down hey can I just put the pallet down here in the store oh I see you're getting smart with me okay I guess we'll just put you in the corner here tah-dah Han let's also buy us a storage unit with that in the opposite corner let's really poorly make use of the space now we need to order some stuff oh I guess we only sell clothes that's fine cuz if you scroll down here it looks like we've got plenty of murder we're fun and games yeah that's what I'd call that alright we're gonna buy some of these I just killed a man shirt followed by these I just killed an alien shirts and these cops just dusted for fingerprints shirts what hell is going on on this shirt is this like a top-down view of a house and it's telling you where to go to kill a man get that in there wow these aren't even trying these are like severed heads in other words gimme gimme gimme and this one where it looks like you killed Santa Claus gimme and a shirt where you're running from the cops this is perfect we're gonna sell five of each if there's one thing we know it's trends order named Fall collection why not see we need to buy a display what is gonna show our murder we're the best kind of torture devices this thing oh my god I can I place this outside no oh man all right well I guess that's gonna have to do I'm sure the white on concrete slabs look as in but can we change these walls behind it at all oh yeah paint here we go let's see what says kill room well that feels gross and unnatural don't worry floor I haven't forgotten about you oh cool yeah let's just cover the ground in caution tape that's uh God let's have the register be the first thing you see when you come in hi there welcome to my store no I'm not gonna turn to look at you please leave likewise we're all about no privacy here so we're gonna face this desk oh and as always let's put this as close to the door as we can and if ever employees want to sit back here relax and use the computer I'm just gonna stand right here what are you doing really glad you took your break it's the law you know delivery time I am on my way with the articles you ordered see you in a moment wait like you're coming right now Wow I gotta say I'm actually impressed I guess my ship is stolen thanks friend I oh my god wait wait wait come back come back I have so many questions for you are you the hit man where did you come from okay can't get over how much crap he just brought us let's unpack oh god I have to sit here are you like doing like a rowing machine does she like reverse shadowboxing uh yeah there we go put those shirts out that's actually looking like a real shop though is there any way I can like block people from coming in and out okay so we can put this right here and then we can put another one right here creating kind of like a clothing for if you will yeah that's looking real good more of the fantasy headless collection okay perfect I would never shop at the store first and foremost let's look at our staff options of which we don't have any well let's review staff I gotta be honest I don't think we need staff yet but let's go ahead and look at whoa which flattered all of BestBuy get fired how come you're all wearing the signature blue shirts Giles tell me more about weight start job interview I haven't even looked to your resume so yes wow you're already here I would like to pay you know coins an hour you're not a fan okay what about one coin an hour still not a fan okay let's try how about four you failed your salary negotiation you can tell by the thought bubble that shows that the resume itself is upset let's just start the day I don't think we need other people are we open for business well the clocks going where is everybody hey you shadowy figure you want to come buy some shirts are you out of the x-files is anybody else seeing this go inside go inside the store oh I wasn't open yet but now we are you can tell by the neon sign ladies like I want nothing to do with your store maybe I need to be inside the store when they walk in and they see the employee on the other side of the register okay this is BS no one's come in let's access the marketing computer oh yeah that is some extreme marketing hey you might want to turn on the computer to really get the most out of your marketing no computers booting up booted up a shirt oh I get it I'm making like a newsletter what what the hell was that hello can I help you yeah what can I do for you I got to convince the customer all right oh yeah leave you'll be back all right back to marketing mm-hmm yeah this will get the customers I'll put some clipart right there okay so it looks like we're closed and I sold nothing can I sit here just obsessively work on my marketing stuff forever okay listen I don't want it to Oh God okay nope you get forced to go home at a certain point oh my god I'm trying to sell these shirts for $170 so change that geez that's why no one wants these shirts all right hundred dollars across the board for each shirt that's a little bit better what is this little space for this like a way to another dimension all right we did all that marketing I think today is the day oh yeah just about to finish another marketing campaign boom oh my god there's a customer there's a customer this customer get up get up hi hi yeah it's a pretty nice shirt isn't it oh I'm good I'm good here hi well what can I do for you I bet you'd like to buy this shirt huh all right huh you know I don't remember this in retail where someone had a question and in my mind's eye I saw like a sliding thing swinging back and forth I there oh yeah I just buy it oh yeah see oh my god my first sale like how do I use this so long sucker look at this dead-eyed reality here is life behind her just passes or by I'm pretty sure the secret to success is just come to work every day immediately start working on my crappy clipart until my reputation is it full and then I'll get more than one customer a day and it's gonna be amazing stop right there we have a customer that's part of the reminder that cops can get your fingerprints collection do I use this thing thanks buddy oh my god it's all coming together did you just air grab that shirt are you a Jedi look at that we sold six shirts today and now we're in the green also gonna extend my store hours I think we're gonna open up at 2:00 a.m. now and close at 10:00 p.m. yeah I think that makes sense well here I am ready at work hi I'm on my way with the shirts no way is that guy coming in the dark oh my god here he comes here he comes okay thanks for the delivery do you want to leave are we like dating now why are you staring at me like that I think he wants to make a suit out of my skin actually who knew there'd be so much foot traffic 2:00 a.m. all right let's unpack all this stuff do our daily air rowing I increase the price of the shirts from 100 to 120 my stellar reputation clearly demanded it every day I'm just coming back and I'm changing the price on these shirts by 20 bucks now it's currently at 160 I mean like at some point people have to stop buying it right my god this guy bought two shirts to the grand total of three hundred and twenty dollars you know let's take the plunge let's go to just 200 for each shirt oh hello didn't see you there at 2:45 a.m. that person just bought six hundred dollars worth of t-shirts so we're clear that's three whole t-shirts oh my god good news day ten and we already got a reputation to the fullest this pretty much defines my store right here his people trying to get into that little spot and just getting stuck forever all right I think it's time we hired some help here we go we've hired everybody here they come each and every person who's coming to work hey friends yep go on in take care of the place suddenly it looks like an MMO in here doesn't it can you imagine being this one do who came in here and sees all these employees did he just ring up nobody did he just steal money from the till oh my god guys what's happening here are you trying to fight a customer I'm just like in here like please God let the madness stop all right I'm not gonna need all of you all right you know we need to do we need to expand that's what's happening here so let's go ahead and let's put another thing there the way God intended a shop to look it looks like that's about all we can afford for now oh good and it's not painted or anything for that now you're leaving the matrix feel let's go ahead and make it a little bit a more festive back here set the amount of money go ahead and take this set it all the way back into this creepy little area back here there you go you're gonna have to really want those shirts and there goes that guy never to be seen again let's take out a bank loan I would like to apply for 30,000 okay cool now I've got three loans out I've got a cool 91 thousand like I don't know about you but when I go shopping this is the experience I'm expecting let's live a little let's expand the break room to swell as the stock room god it's perfect hey just go down this long hallway and there's just some boxes hanging out here for some reason and if you just keep walking you just keep on walking and you keep walking and walked it oh wow I'm really in debt and wonder what happens after I'm in debt for that long well funny story turns out building maintenance is really expensive when you do this to your building so I don't know if there's actually any way I can get out of the negative now and I can't figure out how to reduce the size of my store now so it's pretty much just this maze forever so I guess with what little supplies we have left let's try and have some fun with this gonna take all the clothes all the way at the end like that looking good I'm gonna use these racks here to try and make life hard on customers kind of caddywhompus like that there we go now it looks kind of like an art installation like you had to really want to come here and see this only to find out that I priced them all at 9999 dollars a piece I love it this really does feel like a museum to me now like people just kind of walk up just like what is this and then they get up to it and they're like huh I don't know what I expected yeah what do you think honey think those look like good shirts yeah I'll see you in the car besides the part where I can't buy anything at this point is there any like actual penalty to not having any money like am I just kind of in a vortex where just gets worse and worse but they don't actually have to do anything about it you know normally in these games I like to see how much money I can get but in this case it looks like we're gonna try and see how much money we can lose that is one expensive building five thousand dollars a day well if we're gonna do this we might as well do it right let's hire a bunch of people for as expensive as we can there we go everyone's on shift today so you guys can get the maximum number of hours everybody to your stations I like the bay expanded the break room but I kept the computer near the door still so it's even more uncomfortable looking pretty good so far at a nice negative 45,000 how's it looking back here anyway can you imagine walking down this hall and there's just a bunch of employees just like at odd angles it's like some Blair Witch stuff seriously every time I turn a corner here there's another creepy employee see see Donald what are you doing man and let's keep hiring and every new person that shows up how would you like to make all the money feel like this is some form of intimidation but it's not gonna work you will appreciate that artwork lady oh you too now huh you guys twinsies now that our money is over negative a million I think we can safely say that nothing happens we just live in debt the rest of our lives with our weird art installation we've made pre-plea at our computer forever all right that's gonna do it for this episode and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 2,608,895
Rating: 4.9468455 out of 5
Keywords: king of retail, the king of retail, king of retail game, king of retail gameplay, king of retail game guide, king of retail funny, funny moments, hilarious moments, let's game it out, lets game it out, letsgameitout, lgio, josh, let's game it out josh, lets game it out josh, simulator games, simulators, tycoon games, retail tycoon, king of retail tycoon, retail management tycoon, management tycoon, retail simulator, store simulator
Id: ik9ABYkam2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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