I Have AMAZING News! (GTE 32)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series here on youtube guess the elo now i know what you're thinking levy what the hell was that title did you clickbait me again no there's actually some great news that great news is the fact that lucy and i are going to get married i tweeted about this earlier today and if you want to know the origin story of our relationship i talked about it with sagar shah in our podcast episode on the gotham city youtube channel now you also know i have a podcast and a clips channel all in one and uh before we jump into the games i want to thank the sponsor of today's video babel you probably know me from my chess content but you should know that i love learning new languages it's the first step that you can take to immersing yourself in a certain culture and so lucy and i have actually started learning french together and babble makes learning french and many other languages super fun and easy to do the thing i like the most is the real world conversations in the apps you can simulate talking through being at the grocery store about food you can talk about travel you can talk about relationships there are multiple ways to learn in the app like you could just watch the videos but also there are fun practice games and there's podcasts and the language that you're trying to learn and the lessons are actually the most interesting part because they're short about 10 minutes very interactive and they're made by real language teachers who are taking their classroom experience and putting it on the app there's no ai that's making you simulate donde esta biblioteca like 47 times in a row because it can't program a new sentence so babel has an extraordinary amount of features i highly recommend it to you go click the link in the description you can get 65 off a babble subscription today and pretty soon you're going to be sounding like jadore babel pontissage all right let's get back to the video d4 we're off to a good start knight to f6 that's what i play c4 e6 okay okay little feisty okay okay b5 all right benoni i don't hate it i don't hate now let me let me ask you a question you have an option to move your pawn to d6 and put the bishop like a normal in person on this diagonal and instead you play the snake bononi what are you kevin durant i'm just kidding kevin if you ever watch the stream i'm just i would love to collab with you man like it would be an honor i'm just joking because that's what they used to call you when you i'm really sorry all right please don't attack me um yeah anyway well i don't know why you're playing the snake benoni by the way this is called the snake bononi because the bishop comes around this way and you yeah anyway let's see if you know what you're doing castles okay four very nice rookie eight bishop d3 bishop c7 okay i'm really shook because these players actually know their theory this is terrifying why do these people know what they're doing knight d7 okay bishop g4 so the they're fighting for the dark squares and actually this bishop will come around knight d7 um okay take it wait did did you just send me a game between gm's why do these people actually know what they're doing you've won the battle for the central dark squares now you will create counter play on the queen side or with the move c4 it's actually a very fluid and interesting position 95 bishop a5 okay now white taking everything makes me think white is the lower rated player oh okay well yeah okay well black is awful at chess okay so black fake knowing anything about this opening um yeah i mean this is just i mean like what no no you need to do this you have to do this maybe white was afraid of black was afraid of like f4 i don't know but that's never scary um i mean yeah okay okay so that was a joke that black knew anything about chess um yeah black is probably like 300 just like cheated using the opening book during the game no i'm i'm kidding uh if black is smart now they're going to reroute their knight to d6 wow oh they hung the knight just just like yo i gotta stop knight f5 by hanging my knight in one move yeah that happens yet do happen that do happen that do happen that do happen um but all right you know tunnel vision never hurt anybody oh my god imagine playing g6 to prevent knight f5 and losing your knight in the process only to completely allow knight f5 again okay of course it doesn't happen what are we do what is this what are we doing here oh was black setting a trap is that what black was trying to set up like oh no my pawn but white doesn't even yo this is straight up like having like two broken arms and trying to get into a fist fight with somebody like i don't know what black is doing i mean black literally has two broken arms they got two arms and slings and they're still trying to get into a fist fight with somebody and white just is like yo i don't want to fight the guy who has both arms um in a cast okay the bishop should just be taken the queen cannot protect both things naturally okay now the knight's gonna yeah that's okay all right okay all right oh oh oh oh oh okay what are the chances white doesn't see that oh oh oh oh oh apparently this is a draw that's crazy no way black plays that right oh oh and queen d7 obviously because white's like oh stupid guy and now white's gonna get mated right oh my god what what is what does that even pretend to do what what is f3 i mean i know it's a top engine move but you got to give a check or something what is f3 it's so feeble okay you got to give checks y'all y'all gotta give checks when you're checkmating someone the hardest thing to realize here is is the sequence goes queen then rook then queen and then queen again it's hard to alternate them that's what's hard so you're gonna play gf3 and now blunder a queen trade now you're losing again oh my god oh my god now you're losing again oh my god now you're losing oh oh oh oh oh oh oh for stalemate [Applause] oh my god yo that's some genius stuff right there oh my goodness that's crazy and and white doesn't even fall for it oh well that's not stalemate that yeah that yeah why is my thing lagging so much you see that my thing was like lagging that was so strange why are you lagging what's wrong with you stop lagging um that was a crazy game um there's no way they're 1200. i'm gonna say between 15 and 1600 no no if you're 1900 and you play g6 now if they're any higher than 15 1600 it was a bullet game or a three minute game um if uh g6 is like the sign of like a panicking 1400 so i want to say 1500 like high 1400 like 50 low 1500 14 14 now i'm gonna say 15 to 1600 they played way too well in the opening to be like low rated let's go take a look let's go take a look i gotta re-crop my screen a little bit it's been a little while all right let's take a look um wait i'm sorry a little delay here cropping on the fly all right here we go yo wait white is rated 2048 and black is rated 1100 wow okay well given here here's me being a detective since wayne has streaming in their name white is probably a streamer i know shocking and probably black was a viewer so when g6 was played when was g6 played when did the blunder of the piece happen probably white was like oh look they blundered g6 so i i i don't want to take that instead i'm going to go here i want to give this or or white as white is just not wow i'm also shocked that black is 1100 how is black 1100 and knows openings that well that doesn't that i don't was black just like looking at an opening course while they were playing that's crazy wow yeah i don't understand anything about this um so congrats i'm very i'm i'm completely baffled i would love to see the debate in the youtube comments over this game um or twitch okay game number two um see yeah guys please keep the rating requirement like the the boundary between two and three hundred points like please i mean please thank you okay so in english oh no no no oh a dutch okay maybe not a dutch maybe just two people moving pawns okay good why why did you play that that doesn't even begin to make sense that move doesn't make any sense i don't know why you would ever play this this is just silly but okay you know more about chess than me um okay you just hung that you just you just hung the pawn listen you can open the h file if you have any hope of creating an attack i'm just now you gotta now let me ask you a question why would you knock down the the wall of your house and like put your like bedroom window there you know what i mean like at least make it your living room and maybe you can go outside and get some fresh air but if you got to sleep there won't it get cold i mean i just i don't know now black should just bring all the pieces that's what yeah okay well i mean this person's barbaric approach to the game makes me think like 900 you know like 900 probably d5 good now does white see this is a question oh this game is going to get crazy oh both sides are going to be losing in this game for sure okay here we go bishop h3 so it's a draw uh it's a draw after queen d8 rook f8 you lose the queen so check here check back because if king to g6 just assume that's bad i don't know yeah actually wait also can't you just block with the knight why does the engine oh cause queen h2 okay computer knows nothing about chess queen g3 rook g6 okay so black just hangs the bishop nice knight decent and oh that is tricky oh my god oh my god that's tricky so now we go here attacking the rook the rook immediately pins us but now white is like i can take the knight to takes uh-huh check because you gotta wow on poisson gotta be played yes very good horrible move by the way queen g3 zeroes because you can force a draw with rook h2 but no i mean you gotta you gotta play on poisson like doesn't matter if it's not possible thank you thank you that's a massive donation youtube can't hear it but um because the tts gets taken out but somebody's just donated a hundred dollars and congratulated lucy and myself because we're going to get married but you you know that because you're subscribed to gotham city right on youtube where the clip of this announcement will get uploaded right okay fantastic queen h4 um you gotta put something here so luckily this somehow doesn't lose a queen because you can go here oh that happened queen e2 um yeah you guys have to you twitch how did you not know this you we've been talking the stream is called celebrating we've talked about it the entire stream and i made a tweet about it like what is y'all y'all silly man all right now just the bishop up end game should be effortless right develop the bishop double up the rooks trade the rooks go win the pawn promote all right all right let's see let's see uh beautiful i love it okay yep is this game just gonna be an effortless conversion or does stupid stuff happen okay nice good oh this is kind of boring i mean this oh oh no no okay this pawn has been stopped okay uh-huh uh-huh almost stalemate but checkmate at the end nice nice okay um wow uh i don't have a lot to work with this game i don't have a lot to work with in this game um sorry that i mr twitch that's all right bok choy boy thank you guys thank you i appreciate you and you can get your courses 33 off until the end of today youtube won't get it because it's november 15th at the time of recording so at the time of this day you have three more hours to use code new york and get 33 off um yeah so the opening was atrocious the blunders were pretty bad but you know white was clutch when they needed to be so i'm going to say like a thousand i got like good vibes about this like a thousand they found enough obvious moves their end game a thousand to eleven hundred um you know what if they're 900 that's if they're anything below 900 very impressive very impressive let's see 1100 yeah thanks yeah i know gamer yeah you've been telling me yes thank you very much 1100 yeah look at that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wow yeah not bad not bad all right let's keep it moving i'm having a good time i am having a good time all right all right let's go nope my grandparents messaged our whatsapp group they sent us some forwarded group russian message thank you arch gunner thank you guys all right we have a london knight d2 okay yes good stuff knight c6 is not a good move but if you play bishop d3 it's a blunder now wow good job so why is this a blunder ladies and gentlemen because you take the bishop and then the bishop can the knight cannot be retaken because your bishop would hang and if you take this then boomerang knight oops so that would be a blunder so this is actually kind of an annoying setup by black generally what you do against knight c6 is you have to play e3 and c4 also why you should delay knight d2 the meta strategy of the london is to play e3 here or knight f3 because like something like this you can immediately play c4 it's going to be like one of the top moves or bishop b5 to pin the knight and then play like knight f3 etc but c4 is also good um anyway uh somebody said boomerang or take the rook uh both this is a rare case you can actually take the rook but i was more trying to focus on the tactical pattern anyway yes you can also take the rogue but the thing is if you take the rook the knight will die and then i'm not sure you're going to win that position it's better to just be up a bishop than take a rook but then lose your night in the future okay here come a bunch of exchanges uh-huh that's just a free pawn but okay nobody sees it okay uh oh uh oh okay good that queen is gonna get trapped i feel like oh that thank you thank you shy guy thank you thank you i'd like to take this chance to congratulate oh on busan oh look at that the bishops were going to get butchered but then damn nice bishop h4 you missed bishop h4 pin if bishop takes c3 do you take no you go here because your queen has to guard the bishop and now three things hang and it's even better all right so rook d1 rook d1 bishop h4 nice you spotted it good clean okay that's a terrible move but that's an even worse move what are you doing what are you doing why would you play this move why not just move your king what is the wise why did you do this now by the way obviously black takes because black is like 800 black doesn't actually realize that they can just apply more pressure to the pin piece chess has a saying which would get you thrown in jail anywhere else um it's put pp on the pp it it's put put pressure on the pin piece so pp on the pp um like if you say that in a public park you'll probably go to jail um but put pressure on the pinned piece so if you have a spitting problem you can also you know you got to put pressure on the pin piece so yeah pp on the pv so bishop takes f2 and um yeah of course oh wow that is a savage move look at that move if rook f2 we just promote gangster stuff it loses it just loses a pawn but but instead oh when you oh look at this ending oh my gosh nice wow wow nice find you got like super lucky but oh i mean that's the thing when you're like a thousand you make beauty out of poop it's like this is an amazing thing like something you know you know what i mean you play a game like this as a 1000 you go yo i'm finally starting to get this game that was a live sensor did you like that and then you go to the computer and it's like e7 blunder like you think it's like a genius move because you're like yo if they take i promote oh my god boom boom boom and then stockfish is like yeah e7 is a blunder and you're like ah you know you just like you just you just no um okay so based on the handling of london i would say like a thousand to eleven hundred um then the game was a little bit of a cluster farc uh it was a little bit all over the place but i mean i think a thousand like makes sense i think there was enough i mean rook f2 is like one of the worst moves i've ever seen in my life i think just for rook f2 i lower it down to the 900s yeah i think i'm just gonna just because you played rook f2 you're you're you're between 8 and 900 like you're either 800 or 900. all right let's go check it out um if you play with rook f2 as a 1000 like you you should you should like spend like 24 hours in jail 900 yeah wow look at that literally 900 944 versus 932. i like i said if you're a thousand playing work f2 you need to you need to go to prison that's but uh wow wow yeah 900s that was that was cool that was good yeah i mean that was that was let's see how long this person spent on rook f2 let's see how long does white spend under gift 2 yo all right i'm gonna curse for like the first time in the history of guess the elo you people need to stop doing this okay you play 15 minute games and convince yourselves that you are actually putting in good work it is the 28th move of the game you are still at 14 20. do you have a plane to catch are you playing this before you have to put on airplane mode what is wrong with you for god's sake what is wrong with you how fast do you need to do this play bullet if you're if you're so stressed over time i mean are you out of your goddamn mind are you out like stop faking that you're playing rapid you're not playing rapid you're rapidly playing that's what you're doing you you bozos and then you're like why am i 900 because you're basically playing a chess speed run oh my god and how long did black spend on rookie 8 by the way so black gained 10 seconds which means black spent 13 seconds on that move and blundered made in three fascinating just i hate i hate this i hate this you're like why am i not getting better gotham uh maybe because you give yourself 15 minutes on the clock and play a game in two all right anyway gotham sub in this game we have a bird anyway listen guys the secret to guess the elo is i need to go on these passionate rants to keep viewership you understand viewership retention is about 50 to 60 on my youtube channel beyond the average viewer of any viewership of any video so if i can make a guess the ila episode like 28 to 35 minutes and people watch for 17 minutes do you know how much ad revenue that is enough to donate a hundred thousand dollars to charity all right if you don't know about that levy rossmann's scholarship look it up it's on reddit trust.com just kid i'm you know i'm gonna do that i'm gonna build schools i'm gonna you know i'm gonna do a lot of cool stuff with revenue that we make on youtube for example all the money that's made on gotham city channel is gonna be donated to charity um i already split it 50 50 with the road with the guys so it's not it's not a huge amount but you know anyway queen takes f4 so that's pretty cool imagine playing f4 on move one like imagine like actually playing this move and then losing the pawn four moves later you're like a teenager who just got their first car and the first time they drove it outside they drove it into a pole like not drunk just you know because the person would didn't grade them well enough on the road test like you just play f4 and then you lose the pawn all right e3 yep now take the center take the okay oh god oh my god that queen is gonna get oh my god no way white actually plays queen h5 right oh g6 take it does black find queen f7 that's actually a really interesting move because basically you were afraid of this so you're like i'm going to trade queens but you forgot your rook is hanging yeah so you've lost the rook but you're obviously going to win this knight back because you're just going to play bishop g7 not a big deal now this is still dynamically balanced this game is far from why would you why would you why would you okay you already know these are like 600s because like for this configuration to even happen in a chess board like you know that these people are like six five six hundred like you you i mean come on right like if if gm's tried to get to this position they wouldn't be able to do it so king f8 i feel like white is gonna lose both those pieces black must win this game right because this is against the elo game oh my god black is down eight points of material okay there oh that's deceiving that's actually genius okay so we have the option to take the knight and lose the bishop instead we just lose the bishop for free we we're generous we're just gonna lose the bishop for free oh my god i can't wait to see black's come back black has to win this game right oh there it is all right here's my prediction white absolutely freaks out like moves the rook or a pawn and black just goes here and destroys everything like takes on g2 in the almost guys it's gonna it's gonna get so crazy okay that actually is a really good move i'm really confused oh wait where's the comeback how are you going to make a comeback here oh maybe maybe not f6 and blender the rook i could see that yo the king's in the middle bro knight f6 oh my oh my god oh my god it's check i bet you i i yo when we look at this game if we have uh timestamps i guarantee black didn't even see the check i guarantee black was like yo what's happening oh my god this is now okay king d5 oh my roxy yes i knew this was gonna happen and now oh and now the rook and the bishop are gonna destroy everything oh my god oh my god i'm waiting i'm so ready oh that night is dead that night is oh but the bishop's dead oh but but the bishop is dead too wait oh i know what's gonna happen it's gonna be this and this oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh my god white thought that they were really clever they were like gotham always says to me well i don't know white doesn't subscribe to my channel but white is like they always say to make a little fort for your king so i'm making a fort for my king that's just like my favorite youtuber said and then they're like bruh oh my god this is so devastating oh my god yeah guys you gotta you gotta you gotta make a fort where like no pieces can mess with you oh my goodness also i love how this move just makes no sense like at all like what are we even doing what are we doing here you just want the rooks to say hi to each other yo if you see your back rank is about to get clapped like you gotta go back to the back right just go guard the back rank all right um like they're in the 600s or they're in the 500s i mean i i don't even know they're in the six or five hundreds like that they're if this game is in the 700s i i y'all need jesus no no no y'all both 1100 no was this a bullet game please tell me this bullet okay at least it was three minute oh okay at least it was three minute okay okay okay okay i mean but but but bro yeah really eleven hundred valden valden did you drink before this game did you did you like talk to your opponent about being on gaslilo oh wow did white lose this game in time trouble okay let's go see let's go see let's go see how long did how long did black spend on this move oh two seconds never mind i stand corrected you actually knew it was check oh man wow yeah yeah now it makes sense now it makes sense valden i get it i get it i get it i made fun of you because i thought maybe you were low-rated but 30 seconds on the clock will make people do some wild stuff i respect it i respect it very much this was good content i like this game a lot by the way if at any point you feel like you know you've dedicated a lot a lot of your life um to learning chess and we all collectively make fun of your game um you understand that is really the point of guess the elo like i remember i pinned a comment on my youtube channel once that was like you know you get very offended when people say negative things about you but you make fun of people all the time and guess the elo first of all if you ever think i'm actually getting offended about anything you have absolutely no idea how to read a sense of humor which is fine not everybody is you know not everybody can read sarcasm or everybody's allowed to think what they want um but uh on on the other hand like guess the elo is a group therapy okay it's a group therapy that's what it is all of us laugh about this existence that we are subjecting ourselves to on the 64 squares some of us are 100 some of us are 2 900 and all of us are meme lords and all of us are in this together okay that's so some of us volunteers tribute get made fun of and the world keeps on spinning if you feel offended like if you're like i hate chess gotham made fun of me thought it was like 600 points lower than i actually was you knew what you were getting yourself into when you submitted one of the worst games you've ever played like please you know what i mean like like if if you tell me a story of one time you were drunk and you pooped all over your floor instead of the toilet i'm not gonna think you're a weirdo who has a pooping on the floor fetish i'm just you know what i mean like i get it it was one bad it was one bad go-round i don't think you need to be put in diapers or something okay anyway um last game of guess the elo um you know so d6 uh d4 uh sorry knight f3 bishop g4 bishop e2 all right very strategic thank you thank you malzah by the way i'm kind of scared because velda the the last person who valdine we just looked at that game has not written a message in the chat i'm like really scared valden like ran away because they were sad please don't i don't be sad everybody gets made fun of equally including myself in my own recaps um okay queen oh okay this is kind of like a weird pierce it's a weird pierce kind of it should be seven bishop e3 castles d5 okay so black wants to play g6 f5 here's the problem um black doesn't have a light-colored bishop anymore you actually need a light square bishop in these structures a6 okay so yeah black doesn't actually oh my god look at this h6 look at this knight h7 this is galaxy brain type stuff now you know your opponent wants to go here so you should just defend the pawn and then strategically this is a problem for black instead you play h5 and completely justify what black once so that doesn't make any sense what are you doing uh-huh okay wow bishop f5 camera froze did it really oh wow we have everything in this episode of guess the elo why did my camera freeze valdyn hacked my camera okay jesus what a great episode queen eight queenie two wait a second hold up look at all of gotham subs last moves so gotham sub plays a terrible move then proceeds to play top engine move top engine move and here just plays queenie two for like no reason what does this move even do the luckiest top stock fish move of all time or what okay that's not complex just take the pawn yeah okay this should be six queen okay okay okay i'm very scared wow knight d5 good move um okay so as a human this is my instinct no way white actually played wow white actually triples their own pawns wow wow fork [Music] rook f i would have probably played rook f7 even though the engine hates it i would have probably literally seven that's why i was so shocked yeah white is definitely cheating because they took a position from plus seven to plus two um oh another raid shout out to ben getting rated by everybody today i never get raids i always get rates from channels with like 20 viewers who just like stick around and want to get shout outs so guys white is not cheating we're recording our last episode of guess the elo last the game not episode okay how is white gonna break through okay um million dollar question no no i was gonna say is this a winning end game it's not because you don't have your down pawns so queen f6 oh now you can do it the same idea queen f6 here and then take and then push pawn push pawn okay of course white doesn't see instead of white is just going for the goodies oh my god what is happening oh my what is white doing what is what what is white doing what is white doing what is white doing oh thank god thank god okay wait what is okay it it it took a little while but we're getting there i think we're getting there i don't know why it's lagging now it it the computer hates everything white is doing to the point that it's just lagging a lot yeah why is it lagging this is so weird it's never lagged it's like there we go oh no it's lagging again this is like so glitchy okay finally what a weird game what a weird game um what a weird game i have no clue i mean that was just such a strange wow wow what a weird game like 11 to 1200 maybe maybe i don't know this is such a strange game white played like random stockfish moves and then played like a 900. white cheated using the engine the first half yes yes yes that makes makes perfect sense yeah i'm gonna say like wow if i can guess this right i will be shocked because white played a bunch of moves that made no sense and then white played a lot of moves that made a lot of sense like tripling your own pawns yeah i'm saying like 1100 i'm saying like um 11 but that technique was awful yeah i'ma say 1100 let's go check white is 1900 all right i should no no no no no why did no no no no no no no no
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 533,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, guess the elo, gothamchess guess the elo, guess the elo gothamchess
Id: X0xRJRF-g5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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