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so i was streaming some chess today  when a guy popped into my chat named   the reverse dash on twitch he goes by ram  and i actually play him later in this video   and he started telling me that i should show  everybody the vampire gambit and i was like   who the heck is this crazy person i live in new  york so if a random person comes up to me and   starts yelling i'm pretty used to it it's new york  city after all but i just ignore them but this guy   caught my attention and i'm going to share this  opening with all of you let's make it popular   but this begins after the move c4 the reason it's  called the vampire is because when black goes e5   you hit them with the vampire fangs obviously  you know a thing or two already about gambits   uh if you haven't watched enough of my videos or  eric rosen's videos or jonathan france or anybody   here on youtube uh people are playing all sorts of  stuff where they're sacrificing material early on   the point of this is that you play knight to f3  and then slowly take control of the center it's   called the vampire it's got a pretty cool name  and the main theory i'm going to show you now and   you can look at the sample games throughout the  video at the end of the video you should stick   around for that um i uh i go a little bit insane  at the end of the video so make sure to do that   now theory lesson so obviously you want to go  here black's best move just like in the king's   gambit is the move g5 now an unsuspecting opponent  will probably never play this they probably won't   the same in the king's gambit but this is what  you're supposed to do supposed to go g3 now if   takes takes you're not unhappy here and basically  anytime they attack you whether they attack you   if they take or just this knight to h4 is the  move so what does that look like if you know   g3 g4 knight h4 if they attack you like this you  bring the knight to f5 i had a blitz game where   the guy played d6 and there you know the point is  that you know you're gonna take this bishop and   then get very quick development on the queen side  knight c3 d4 and so on you're not worrying about   this you're not worrying about it because black is  overextended if black takes they open up your rook   your position's actually not the worst thing in  the world i mean it's not good according to the   engine but it's who cares about the engine you're  not playing engines anyway or maybe you are don't   play against the engine i'll make you hate chess  so it takes takes and i had a guy go bishop d6   now this is my this is this is my favorite line i  didn't play this right during the game you'll see   but i learned afterward that the  best move here is the move queen b3   allowing this and here white is actually okay and  black can lose the game very quickly okay and the   point is that you're just gonna go d4 and once you  go d4 you've got this pawn under attack and then   the queen hits the bishop in a lot of lines like  if they just leave the bishop there you can just   take the full control of the center this line is  totally nuts um now of course people don't all go   g5 some people will just go knight f6 and okay  against those people you know you just play d4   and then go and go go go go as fast as possible i  had a guy at the end of the video play c5 and what   i learned is that here ironically the best thing  to do is to play d4 anyway bring out your queen   run into this move and then take like this and the  point is that here the queen is actually very safe   bishop can't hit it none of the knights can hit  it and you're going to just develop and take full   control of the center bishop d3 and then choose  which way you're going to castle you can castle   king side or even queen side uh and the point is  that if black isn't quick enough with the move d5   black just doesn't get a very pleasant position  so if you clamp down here with knight c3 and e4   pretty difficult position to play with black uh  and that's that's really what you would do against   c5 now if you play c4 and they play f5 for example  uh or they play c you know c5 you can still go for   this but obviously that won't work most likely  you will face this move if knight to f6 you   can try out this gambit g4 or you can try out the  reverse stafford with e4 take and this no promises   that this will lead you to a good position  but uh you know they haven't played e5 yet   but once they do now it's kind of a stafford or  a jalalabad technically this is a jalalabad right   yeah this is a reverse jalalabad and you've  obviously seen the jalalabad video uh but that's   basically it i mean that's all the theory you need  to know in about five minutes um i like this one   because then you can you know potentially  get some insane position where you just   kick the knight around like a million times  something like this uh and if of course if   they play like you know king's indian or something  like g6 well you got to play chess but you can't   really gamble anything against the king's  indian anyway you go h4 h4h5 go crazy anyway   enjoy the video play the game a little bit  longer if that makes sense let's go with c4 okay takes knight f3 okay so he goes  this way again this seems very natural it's kind of a king's gambit kind  of except you you don't play this and i i don't actually know oh my gosh  he's he's giving me everything i want so   this guy this guy's not punishing my setup at all   wow like at all at all okay i mean he's just  giving me everything i want this is not good all right reverse dash no no need to  uh tell us you know all your personal   documentation you will receive  a care package in the mail no i understand but like you got to take at  least a little bit of central space like right   now i took all the central space which is the  problem in gambits like if you just give me a   central pawn and then you don't do anything for  example can i just go wild here can i just like   i'm not even gonna castle i'm just  gonna attack right away oh no my bishop um he didn't take it i don't know what to do now   what happens in eric rosen's games  when they don't take his pieces can he still win i guess i can go here and then i can  take but this is this is perfectly good   and this is winning because we just  got the four pieces on the king here oh i see he hangs more pieces okay oh no my queen   no that would actually be bad let's  take clearing out the defense here check um and then we can play check check check check check check and mate correct the lesson here is when you see  checkmate in one play checkmate in six that is usually better in the words of philosopher amman hambalton  famous philosopher from uh kolgari kanada anyway they gotta fight for the  center that's what they gotta do they gotta fight for the center and if  they don't fight for the center you can   just literally run them off the board double  whammy op let's play uh let's play abdul   hit me with your best shot abdul guys i want  you to mix it up don't don't all go jeep don't   don't all do this don't all do this just  because just because eric gotham said that   it was the best thing to do it doesn't always  mean it's the best thing to do look it up duel   look at abdul just firing out engine  lines against me like it's nothing what is even the best move here is is it rook to g1 because that  certainly doesn't look very nice   and i really don't want to play king f2  because then i think knight f6 is very good no abdul definitely did a little bit of  preparation but i'm gonna try to figure it out   i'm gonna try to figure it out here do i go mega meta and play a bomb cloud now obviously this  is terrible i'll analyze this afterward   because obviously this this seems to  be this seems to be the the issue here   but again i've sacrificed two pawns  i've played a a vampire bomb cloud if a vampire smoked a bong what would even happen okay so obviously i need to get  development i'm gonna do that by   defending my center he played queen to  e7 i can take that i can also go here   take goes here i take and he goes here  i do this he kissed this too i have that looks highly dangerous let's do it looks highly dangerous the thing is this move does not create yeah right  that move doesn't create a threat on my knight   luckily for me i can i can just ignore because  of this a very tactical opening and i don't   recommend playing like this we will need to  figure out what to do against bishop to d6   and i do have an analysis board open  with an eric rosen game in this system but um funny you should ask since vampires  have no heartbeat they can't actually   get high from smoking a bong  however if they were to drink   the blood of somebody with thc in  their blood would they get the hit   fascinating questions which you should come  discuss with us over on gotham chess this guy is a smurf this guy's not a smurf i've  played it many times blue marker appreciate the   uh twitch prime so my king's actually looking  pretty nice and cozy behind his wall of pawns   uh i can go win one more pawn he's  gonna go here i think which is do i think this could be in top level chess  games absolutely not no not even close but   that doesn't mean you should let your dreams  be memes or in this case you probably should okay now we will begin operation get the king out  of there that's what we're gonna do right so now   i'm going to walk my king over to b1 i might  even go like a full castle by hand situation correct it is cheating yes i get this question a  lot actually people will be like levy i learned i   learned your openings best when i play the game  and i have my course open and i'm like that's   cheating you are literally using computer-backed  opening preparation to get an advantage they're   like yeah but it helps me memorize no no they're  like oh i didn't know well now you do so don't do   that you got to do it you got to play through it  physically on a digital board of physical but no   a lot of people do that trust me a lot of people  do that very tempting very tempting because you   won't always get you know you cheat a few moves in  the opening it's not but don't do that no that's can you open a book about opening theory no  okay i'm gonna like i said i'm just gonna   get my king out of here this game this  game was weird i gotta i gotta finish   this game off mccrazel thank you  for the tier one i appreciate you   um and then we'll uh we'll figure out  exactly what went wrong here also my   opponent wrote high handsome to me which is  just terribly i mean that's just that's i mean no okay is it's joke i know who he is it's a  joke although don't say that to people especially   if you play female players just just respect  people and don't make anybody feel uncomfortable let's go here does reporting on work   um yes the only reason you might not get an  immediate response which is what everybody wants   uh is because they literally get tens  of thousands of reports every day like that's the only reason uh it's you know yes we have a we have el tenedor but he he  can oh well that was a mistake actually he   shouldn't have done that because now i have two  attacks i think he could have played queen e5 earlier anyway so now we're winning although this was a pretty unconvincing game abdul  please resign maybe if i ask nicely he'll listen   let's try it abdul please do me a favor  if you think i'm handsome resign the game do it for the fans abdul he's not listening certainly now he will resign seeing  as he's playing someone who's   nearly double his rating and  has a piece up in an end game he says you aren't though i'm not sure what he's  referring to i said nearly double him in rating so   i am nearly double i'm not double but i'm  nearly unless he was referring to taking   back the previous statement of me being handsome  which would just be rude and unnecessary surely   abdul knows if he goes for my pawns here that i  will just promote another another one of my pawns okay abdul still is not confident that  i will be converting this end game   long lived oh and now he's resigned okay  so before we move on we need to find   something and we need it we need to crush this  we need to crush this thing right off the bat okay so the engine is saying that this is bad this  is definitely bad i just did it for the fans you need to play queen b3 and when they take you go here and then you just develop wow the best move here  for black is h5 which literally nobody will play   so what if black just diff first of all if  black just plays knight f6 you win this pawn   just play here and you're  fine so then knight to c6   d4 now this is under attack if they try  to defend it you go here and you're better because again they can't take so what if they  play f6 oh f6 then d5 is probably very good right   oh then there's this oh my god boom boom boom okay and if they play knight takes  pawn you have check oh my oh my oh my   oh my let the rain fall down  come in clean oh my goodness this   is a nasty opening i've been i've  been convinced lava lamp approves wow okay now hopefully no one's watching the  stream so they won't know what to do against   this i really want someone can you play  bishop d6 against me guy from argentina appreciate all the subs by the way sir  thank you please take thank you please go g5 that doesn't look right he did it  without playing g well don't i just   go here and i don't understand this  what this doesn't look good at all look just shove my setup back a little  bit i did i tilt it does it look good   this guy got really excited to play bishop  d6 but i think he uh he skipped a move um now i go here and take this pawn and i think  i'm just much better now this is just a very op   system i asked him to play bishop d6 but i didn't  ask him to play it there anyway now we take i don't think i have much advantage  here but i'm but i'm learning as i go   you know now i have the full center black  is fine here black is okay let's go uh e4   now we have full center very interesting position  i think white may be slightly better but okay   queen of seven very very strange move because  now simply bishop and castle and okay i mean why   did he go queen e7 ah because he was worried  about the fork but the fork wasn't so scary actually uh let's attack the horse my king is sus how is it suss short castle or even  block the pin and long castle or even just yeah   i mean bishop these that just that bishop d6  doesn't make sense okay i can move my cabalo   oh but there's queen before check oh  my god i can't believe i blundered that   i'll have to play queen d2  and trade my queen or just what's up galo how are you oh he  blundered the queen a different way   i was worried he would blunder it  that way but he just what is going on is this opening so scary my opponents i mean   i promise i didn't pay these guys  to lose i promise i mean i didn't i'm gonna castle oh no my pawn my beautiful  pawn wow he stopped me how disrespectful   let's go bishop b5 protecting this i can  also bring back the horse at this point   it's just simplification i'll take i'll go here   take check take the pawn convert it blue marker  69 with 10 sub gifts thank you sir very kind remember if you got if you got a  sub uh it means that you now can   have access to channels in the discord which  will allow you to join viewer tournaments and   things like that sub tournaments i should say  so next time you won't have any more questions   okay we're just up a piece very very  winning position uh we're trying to   convert it as fast as possible by training  down thanks for the fat 10 gift subs pikachu anyway original black pepper just said uh   wait blue marker followed the  channel 10 minutes 15 minutes ago wait what i'm so confused oh and also  i just looked at blue marker uh you   asked me what song was playing  and honestly i don't even know   um i'm actually i don't i have the mute like  the music is on for the stream right now   but it's off for me i just i i muted my speakers  so the only way to get rid of this rook is going   to be to bring our king up um so thank you black  pepper for the 5 000 bits amazing this is just   this is just over black pepper is one  of the biggest supporters of the channel   okay let's give a check now we're going to do something called weave a  mating net preventing the king's escape to h5 ah you're from japan so you  hardly catch streams got it   yeah i i normally stream when it's it's basically  night time i don't stream too much in the evening   eastern time which would be morning there got you  yeah but that's the good thing about watching on   youtube that's checkmate okay this guy i mean guys  you can play however you want to play but if you   want to play like that other guy you you need  to take on f4 then you need to play g5 g3 take   take and then play bishop to d6 okay let's play  another 1500 so far everybody's playing into it i appreciate you giving me this opportunity and  that's the cool thing about testing out these   gambits on stream because i'm testing the map  against people who like you guys know i'm gonna   play it but you've never seen it before so you  have to react on your own and this gives everybody   watching an opportunity like how is a 1500 rated  player you know gonna play this if i play it let's   see take take i mean and your goal with this  if you're playing me on stream shouldn't be   oh let me prepare this while he's playing and then  i'm gonna beat him in front of the audience like   play on your own it's okay if you  lose i mean it's you know it's fine   no one's gonna okay so this is the immediate g4  and he attacks me so i'm gonna play knight five   now does he know the top engine move here wow  nitro tibble with ten gifted subs y'all are   popping off and sorry not  sorry subbed solo thank you d6 is a move it is not the  best move but it is a move   uh you should not give a check because then  after king f8 i don't think you have anything um but i also don't know the move here um let's go  here and then let's go d4 so again i think i want   him to take that's the whole point of the gambit i  mean you want to be down upon but you want to get   a quick lead in development this is not scary it  looks scary but it's not scary uh just knight c3   if he takes like it's completely fine thanks  casper the boy or taboy right now the big   question do i play e4 or do i play like knight d5  um or do i just develop this bishop what do i do let's go here so there's no one  passant just in case anyone's confused   there's none it's okay it's okay if it's not ten  it could be zero just being a good member of the   community you don't have to donate money to get  recognition like don't ever think it's like that that looks really inconvenient  for me i'm not gonna lie go here making up theory as i go is really not serving to  be that good of an experiment let's go here no the   problem is that there's this this so we need to  we need to learn this we need to learn the setup   but also everybody's playing the critical  test lauren's levi gifted four subs amazing   y'all are beasts y'all are beasts i gotta learn  this everyone's out to get me today when i played   the jalalabad nobody was out to get me but  today we're getting the most challenging stuff why is there no one passant in that  position because it wasn't just it   just wasn't the spot where you could play it   the board has to be like looking a certain way i  mean i want to take that seems pretty natural now so he wants to castle long that's what he  wants i would love if that didn't happen   so i am preventing him from castling  queenside very important you play like   this in gambits i mean you just you know  traditional chess knowledge out the window   let's go like this what does he do exactly here jlo sub it two months people just trying to  get this hype train going this is this is   actually already very dangerous for black  so see even though he came fully prepared   with like six or seven moves of prep which  people are not going to come prepared with   now you are oh oh oh oh uh oh couple moves  out of his prep one rook has fallen take   take still tricky i have to say still  a little tricky i can castle queen side oh my opponent says i didn't prepare well it's  easy to say that once you get a position that   looks like this huh no i actually maybe  he didn't actually prepare anyway um okay this is way too dangerous i  totally don't need to play like this   but i'm going to because my fans are  watching and i want to entertain them   so he has a couple of checks he can give me  here but i think all of them are safe if i   just bring my king up that's what i calculated he  did find the most critical one that definitely is   the scariest check and now he can take my rook he  can also take my other rook oh no both of my rooks   oh no literally both my rooks that's not even  cap they are literally both hanging f2 was a   very nice find the problem is he's already  down so much material okay so he's giving   me a check because he's like trying to flex  on me i guess um i go here and then he takes i didn't i got my time very low this game i  probably shouldn't play like that whoa no time oh there was no bonus time  i thought it was a 3-2 oh   okay well i thought it was three two the  gambit worked the brain didn't i'll take the l   i did say to challenge three two but  it's okay he's he snuck it in there all right let's analyze so this is  obviously all winning this is all winning and now i had mate in four uh six why did i  say four check oh wow i had a faster mate wow   yeah that's kind of brutal okay please challenge   three two i thought i had increment you  have no idea the level of panic when i   when i played a move with 0.8 seconds on the clock  and my time didn't go up that was very scary but   that was interesting and then in the beginning  of the game okay so d6 isn't the most accurate wait white has advantage here the best move  after all this is not d4 d4 is a little bit   too weakening because of f3 apparently i  can just play knight c3 to just go here what and what about this oh  now you go for that and if this and you're just up a pawn wait what if takes check  and the queen is trapped wait the queen is trapped   and if the queen tries to come out  and get untrapped you just go here   and then like bring the queen out  and then play like rook h1 wow sure i'll play you after this um what's  your username reverse dash you   just gotta send me a challenge and i'll play you  i want to play someone like seventeen hundred   yo boaz let's go cause i wanna you know  i wanna play like seventeen hundred two   thousand and such and then then i will  play the guy that inspired this video so got it all right here we go vampire gambit   knight f3 so so again everyone's been playing  g5 guys i would love it if one of you can   play something that you like would just play  just looking at it oh are we gonna get this yes as nice get king to d1 game with everybody  but then we are safe i hope this guy didn't do   some computer prep all right queen b3 and kingdom  this is nuts that chess can be played like this   so i told you guys the best  move here in the beginning   uh he didn't play it is this the  best move now yeah i think it is bishop f4 i can go here also  maybe just go straight at this man boink huh boink is he gonna go back no going back is bad because now  i took i took a lot of the center oh no my knight wait what uh okay that was uh strange i actually think after e3 i'm already  better because again in gambits you need you   need to win tempe yeah i mean here white is  already completely fine e4 was apparently not   the best move but this is just pandemonium this  position rg1 was apparently the best move here   oh cause this bishop is stuck and if this you just  like you win tempe i mean wait that's not even the   best move there knight takes g5 engine needs time  to think of these gambits um it's okay boaz gg all right let's play the guy who inspired  this he's gonna come at me with crazy prep oh wait dude what what is this this isn't what i want is he gonna go f5 that's  meme dude all right well then we gotta play a   different gambit here we go e4 this is  the this is two vampires fighting it out okay i want a super mega center the double vampire  i like this guy he knows how to make content   i like him no i don't that that that that no no  no no way i'm playing knight f3 because   okay well he's not even taking it's fascinating i think you need to get quick development  so i'm completely fine if he takes um if pawn takes i'm gonna get my bishop  out i don't think that's a good move gotta punish it though okay let's go here  very important is to develop with a check   super important when you uh when  you're trying to get an initiative   this bishop g5 move and now knight b5 and  now it all collapses i think doesn't it like this for example ouch   he needs to find a way to guard his  pieces but it's really hard to do that yeah like we got the first step what we got the first step on him and that's the  problem you can't play symmetrical positions with   like with black um and and then and then you know  because again you're a tempo down you need to be   solid and once we got the jump on him like we just  also don't play the vampire against the vampire   that's that's that's just not allowed  you cannot interrupt the stream with uh with the with you  know challenging the vampire okay sir please no stalling wait um here here here was the beautiful checkmate check is it this yes discover check b5  and we take and it's made we had   to prevent the king from getting to b7  nice win knight c7 blocked the bishop anyway let's play a hyper active vic   now again obviously in this game gambit you are  relying on this however if they play f5 like   they go for a dutch defense there's still other  gambits out there okay he's playing again court   now what you can you what you can do  if they play e6 is you can play e4 and when they go d5 see now we've tricked him into a french defense okay that i don't even know what that  is all right now we're just playing chess   i'm i guess i'll just take a four pawn center  oh someone just upgraded to a premium membership   thank you well this isn't the vampire this is  the vampire and his boys all right well i mean   you think i can put every pawn two squares  the door is open right now for that to happen   this is gonna be the vampire and all his friends  no e6 g6 is not great right so he plays this   i'm gonna go d5 because i'm i'm supporting  it but he's not letting me play b4 okay h4 so we've got all the pawns here we go ed5 i'm going to keep the position symmetrical  this is preventing his knight from getting out   oh no he's traded off his dark  squared bishop that is a cardinal sin   in this position and i am going to punish him let's continue to keep his pieces from developing  so his pawns are in the way of the knight   very important pawn break is about to  occur although he is lining this up   that is very hard to see for new  players just get the king out of the way   i'm able to get away with a move like king  f2 because he's just so passive here um h5 here it comes about open h file then we're  going to get in there and it's going to be   where's my where's my money where's my money that's a family guy reference develop  a bishop and then i'll play like this   can you play the jalalabad against the  vampire you can try but no guarantees okay well he's desperate so now  he's sacrificing a piece makes sense what he's thinking about here  bishop takes got to take like this folks are telling me my website is down  but that could just be a cloudflare issue   i don't my website doesn't show like it's  down on my server so this should be five maybe it's just the people want  me to talk about my website and so they're um they're just asking okay reverse dash tell me the origin the origin of this opening did you just one day  decide that you were gonna put a little bit of   of the good stuff in the in the ganja and smoke  it and you were like this is what this is what   you came up with because i'll respect that  if here we have another beautiful checkmate   oh very nice check only move check and  mate and he's got nowhere to go it's a   very very common puzzle rush and the  king is just crisscrossed applesauce and that's it why queen h guys they're the same just one is  more aesthetic because you bring the queen down so all right um who else can we go against i played   razer like in the last one i feel  like this time i should play gm 500. oh no guys don't meme on me i'm i'm tr what is this come on now it's like the drunk vampire gambit i i mean in reality i should be showing  how to absolutely destroy this setup but this is terrible what i'm doing by the  way e6 would have been extremely strong   i'm gonna take i'm i mean around too hard  the movie six there was like winning okay g6   very instructive move because now he has a  very serious problem if he takes this pawn   is pretty difficult to defend and i'm  gonna go try to win it back immediately okay now he can't castle just develop and then try to get at him yeah this guy um let's bring the knight back   g3 bishop g2 short castle go to go to  destroy this king d4 as well i mean   you know what's gonna happen you're gonna  get meme done you're gonna get dreamed on so wow okay um i'm feeling mildly disrespected can't lie uh so the instructive thing here is the  knight is preventing the king from going backwards   which is good and you know  if he uh what let's just mate   it's just mate okay he meme too hard is it not  just mate what is this no it must be just mate it is mate first of all you have  to prevent the king from escaping it was crazy is he actually  not going to get mated here i think he could have actually survived  which irks me he could have went here   and escaped but he missed it  he cannot go this way check where is mate that leads to mate unquestionably  it's gonna be a very nice jack mate yes   it's nice oh and then i have this  too i can also give him that king d6   i'll take the bishop for good  measure just to show him who's boss you know just so he knows take  his bishop and go to work d5   bishop f4 and then very aesthetic  move to finish it all off queen to b1 mate we we deliver a mate not not  not but you know not up close and personal   but from a distance i feel like this move  queen to be wanted it should it shows the   true power the true power of the monarch  because you can you can move it from a   distance you can move it sideways but have  diagonal pressure on the king in the center to find the you know you know these these those kind of tactical patterns with you  know with the queen or all very new anyway um   yeah that was pretty terrible that was kind of a  waste of time um guys play serious please okay no   no one has challenged me rated like 2 000.  so i guess i'll give a game to razer like   we can end we can end with razer like okay i'm already forgetting what  i'm supposed to do here   what is this razor like with big  brain strats i'm scared i feel like okay let's try to be creative what  would gary kasparov want me to do maybe this anyway that that also could be a very  good move against this game let's go d4 anyway you came up with this and you were made fun of  by a chess discord server the most important   thing to remember is that if people are making  fun of you and they're in a chess discord server   it's not really something that you need to worry  about you know they're in a chess discord server let's go here this this is just i mean   there is very limited benefit to  playing the way i'm playing this one um that's okay gm 500 you just demonstrated  that you know you're you are your elo i don't know i mean i i just  don't go here and hang your queen it's a very strange position between  d1 queen d3 very tough to evaluate okay let's go here i don't know gala don't tell them yes i know that  we camera wake up why are you so dim don't tell them we run a chess  discord what was wrong with queen f2   nothing was wrong with it i didn't  even see that that was possible   oh wait wait what am i doing oh what am i doing  what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing not good very bad what's happening right now  this one's proving to be a serious challenge yup oh okay yeah i mean i thought he  just should have swarmed me   okay this is gonna be a boring long game no queens oh wow that move isn't like a serious problem  but it's inconvenient one might say   can i do this i'm just gonna play  faster this th this one was a little bit unsuccessful i would just  say that i'm slightly worse um don't like that let's go here dagestan is proud of me really wow he is really getting up in my face but what  happens if i go here isn't this night trapped am i still going for gm what's gm oh general motors uh chevy cat you know  i'm a big fan of cadillac's very nice cars   but uh probably not i don't want to own a car no right right right no no yeah yeah of course sorry trying to get his night out makes sense oh here oh my god totally missed that actually  you know this position is still kind of   unpleasant for him even with the fact  that i just played that very stupid move   because when this bishop moves i'm gonna take the  pawn and once i get the pawn i can get you know   more stuff nobody owns cars in new york  the massive traffic jams outside of my   house would beg to differ with i  feel like those people own cars i don't think this is very good my man um this is uh this doesn't look very good i don't have a car this is 3-2 right  so i don't flag again okay he's sacking   but i don't think it's gonna help i mean i don't know although having said that i really don't  like how little time i have left but   you know we've been here before again he can't  move his knights and since he can't move his   like he can't move either night now i can also  take by the way now that he's given that to me wait what is wrong with me why didn't i  think he could move one of those nights   i literally just completely  hallucinated it's been a long stream i was just straight up sitting here chanting about  the fact that this guy can't move his knights and he's out here moving his knights  not only is he moving his knights i'm getting kind of destroyed by  these knights i was a night denier and now it's coming back to hurt me okay still maybe a little bit tricky ah oh my  bishop oh no he didn't take my bishop   i'm just totally throwing this game i have  no idea what i'm doing anymore i've never   thrown this hard i'm that's that was just a  free bishop he could take it he's taken it i i'm actually kind of mind blown  at how badly i'm playing right now i just like went totally insane now i don't  even i have nothing to say that was just a   good i don't know i like i i have no clue  i literally just had a mental breakdown   i was like from here i straight up was  sitting here like yo he can't move his knights i like i have no idea i don't know  that that was that was a surreal   my logic was he can't move this  night because this knight is hanging that was crazy now good no that was that  that was well played i'll put that on youtube   i want to edit that out of course because i  want people to also learn what to do against c5 because i didn't it wow so c5 looks to be probably  objectively speaking the most challenging move yeah to just play against the structure huh okay so no i mean it looks like i'm supposed to  go here here and here the computer likes this   ah yeah you know this actually  looks like it makes a lot of sense yeah yeah you know what i thought about  this i don't know why i didn't do this   take both pawns with the queen i'll tell you why  this is important let's say like bishop b4 right   so bishop b4 is not a problem because  you'll go here if they take you can   take with the queen but you can also just take  like this then if knight f6 e4 and then bishop   and the knight and then in a perfect world  you'll get a position that looks like this where you have some pressure although i  suppose there's queen b6 if you're not careful   so maybe like b3 first or something or  even long castles this looks a lot better this looks a lot better than  obviously what happened in the game so wow because what i did just didn't work taking  with the bishop doesn't work and then giving him   all this play like i'm constantly on the back  foot the difference is that when the queen takes   on f4 it can't be a target you get what i'm  saying when the bishop was on f4 and the queen   was here i continuously allowed my queen to be  hit by his pieces the queen on f4 can't be hit wow well that was content um one thing uh yeah  wow that was uh what a disaster of a last game   but it's good it's good to end at least the  youtube video on that note because they know that   i'm beatable and that's why they should come here   and take points from me even  though that game was unrated
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 654,824
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess london, gothamchess gambits, chess gambits, chess gambits for beginners, orthoschnapp gambit, vienna gambit, queens gambit, gothamchess rating climb, gotham chess guide, chess masters, chess gambits and tricks, stafford gambit, stafford eric rosen, jalalabad chess, chess jalalabad, best chess gambits, chess gambit, vampire gambit
Id: AqV-dq64Cg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 30sec (3450 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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