Guess The Elo CRASHED?! (GTE 38)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series here on YouTube guess the ELO now I have experienced many emotions as I'm sure you have as well watching all the episodes of this great series but in this episode one game in particular shocked me so much that my entire computer crashed not once during recording but twice that happens toward the end of the video uh but before we get into the games I'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video Babel you probably think that everything in my life revolves around chess well as depressing as that sounds you're kind of right but I also like to learn languages and Babel is an amazing tool that I like to use to do just that I love Babel because the lessons on it are short interactive and very easy to remember they're about 10 minutes long and those lessons are made by real language teachers so they know the most efficient way to learn as opposed to a robotic AI programming you to ask where the bathroom is 500 times Babble also has podcasts in the language that you're looking to learn as well as games and there are many great reasons that you may want to learn a new language so in 2022 why don't you see where Babel takes you oh oh that rhyme that wasn't even in the script but seriously maybe you want to learn a language just to feel closer and understand more about a certain culture or maybe you want to learn a new language to reconnect with relatives or talk to people in your friends and family that you otherwise may not be able to or you want to boost your job opportunities obviously the more languages you speak the larger your job market or maybe you want a trash talk your your opponents on in their native tongue I don't know all of these seem like perfectly reasonable options to get started with Babel today I need you to click the link in my description you will get 65 off your Babel subscription what are you waiting for start babbling today oh my God I am on fire in this ad read let's get back to the video first game of guess the ELO is a Vienna Gambit that is how we know that definitely we are dealing with a Gotham subscriber we have people in chat still sending game links who are not subscribers that is not how you joined guess the ELO but I appreciate your dedication he takes F4 E5 all right you cannot take the Vienna Gambit it's only called the Gambit by name E5 here very strong move sends the Knight back and now you have to play Knight F3 before you play D4 because Queen H4 check is a thing okay beautiful I love this I love this absolutely wonderful stuff D6 uh D4 and queen E2 are both good you can I mean honestly you can play a lot of things it's like it's a very strong Advantage already for white so white is doing very well here let me slide this over so the eval is not cut off Lord knows we will be recording guess the eval as well gonna be a very busy stream today so anyway there you go uh White is very comfortably better here okay Bishop C4 is not a terrible move F6 okay wow so F6 already gives me like 1100 and lower Vibes I mean F6 is just a very bad move um I would expect like a 1400 to maybe play this I also wouldn't expect the 1400 to accept the Gambit so let's see what would your what the player does if if white takes I'll be very mad oh keeping the tension oh however uh this is an issue so if the Queens get traded white almost has no Advantage anymore so the whole point is that white has to play Queen E2 you see this is very nuanced white has to allow black to get this really dumb structure so D4 Queen E7 castles take take take yeah so Knight E5 just wins on the spot it wins on the spot because this can't be taken because rookie won but and it's winning because you just I mean you're threatening like everything just everything is getting threatened but okay rookie one I don't hate Bishop G4 the only move that doesn't lose by the way Bishop G4 because you have to pin the Knight to the queen hopefully the queen moves out of the way Knight D5 is also looks very strong rookie five okay so rookie five there is Queen takes E5 um so Queen E5 Knight E5 Bishop takes and that's exactly what we get interesting and the reason you can't take the Knight first is because I take with check you don't win my queen so we have a little tactical Skirmish and when the dust settles it's actually white who is losing in this position it was better for white to play here and win The Rook that was never going to happen because people are reactionary is that a word okay now why why would you go Bishop like what is that what is that move oh my God develop a piece with check not all checks are the same this check actually wins you time all right Knight F7 and now white is just gonna win a rook oh oh this is a great move deflecting the bishop off the Knight yeah white had white had to go back to B3 because after Bishop D5 there is Knight E7 and you have to give up a rook you have to give up a piece for a rook Bishop back to B3 okay white doesn't realize that white can just very calmly slide back slide back there's nothing you don't need to go forward at all times you can also go backwards uh a reactive I see reactive okay now please go back oh thank you it took you like three moves but finally you decided A5 now you're gonna take the rook and now black is gonna go A4 and hang the bishop in the corner yeah yeah wow that is that is definitely very sad also this looks really dumb all right this is how you know you probably have a low a lower than 1000 game because if you ever end up with two of your pieces on the opponent's opposing ends like this you you know you're dealing with like 1000s probably I mean you're dealing with folks that can kind of play logically but also just miss that pieces can be taken on the opposite side of the board okay Rook takes Knight is a very nice move all right uh G5 is terrible so since black is down material you should do everything in your power to not trade pieces it's actually very easy to win this position okay let's say white is like oh I gotta develop and plays Bishop D2 black plays G6 removing the bishop Bishop comes here Knight G4 Bishop C6 Rook H2 mate I mean it's very easy for black to still win this game when you're down material you need to attack your opponent's king with all the pieces that you have if your opponent's king has no legal moves that should be a sign so that should be a sign that you can actually go and create a checkmating attack um but okay G5 yeah great move by white now you can't really lose G4 G3 is the only remaining threat okay I spoke too soon you obviously can oh my God oh my God okay and now black is winning again okay so black is now completely winning because even though material is equal black is much more active Rook is dominant King is terrible so more Pawn space more bishop and Rook activity rookie two just wins here rookie two and Pac-Man over here oh yes oh completely winning now Bishop it's a good move but G4 oh my God black is playing like a GM F3 oh beautiful stuff okay there must be a win take with check Slide the bishop discover check and win the game still winning oh oh still winning oh oh wait wait black is playing right this is okay easy easy stuff I mean that's it just just move your Bishop anywhere yeah and just okay Rook trade is great push your pawns no no no what are you doing put you have a pawn move the pawn thank you move oh God oh God oh God oh God oh I should have known I should have known white wins by Checkmate before black makes a queen oh white with the sneakiest of mates oh that's so tricky great save realizing you can't push your pawn and just low-key shuffling over to create a mate oh my God yeah folks when your king is on the back rank like this you got to be real careful you gotta avoid eye contact with the king oh my God wow okay so accepting the Gambit you lose a lot of points for that I mean I um the opening was very interesting honestly it was I'ma say like a thousand I think like either High 900 is low a thousand I think so maybe like average rating like now I'm gonna say a thousand I'm gonna say like 10 20. that that late game Shuffle was very impressive it really was let's go see okay here's my profile this is not the person who played the game 11 to 1100 I 1100 really yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay I mean okay did we get 1100 vibes from this game I guess we kind of did but like some of these blunders were so absurd I mean for example just hanging the night like look at this a 10 minute game black spent two seconds on the Move A4 like this is how folks you guys got you guys got to stop playing like this because A4 in two seconds not even where is the bishop gonna move all you have to do is scan the diagonal it is embarrassing to blunder this A4 Bishop G8 I mean it is embarrassing to blunder that oh God and then yeah I mean Knight F like come on Knight F2 in two seconds Knight F2 in two seconds folks in the end game when there are five pieces left on the board this is so not okay to hang that there are two pieces for black that can take anything oh just not okay y'all just you guys are this not okay not okay all right next game not only can't be blunder and stuff like that two seconds guys it's the 30th move of the game and you've spent two of your minutes why are you even playing 10 minute chess just play Blitz Queen's Gambit accepted all right we're gonna get a high level battle or what E3 all right Main Line we're gonna get what E6 A6 C5 what is this some game of GMS no evidently not Knight C6 is not a good move at all um you know white just plays Knight F3 in castles here okay this already gives me so much Insight I mean Bishop B5 is so bad like you just move the bishop a second time for no reason literally you move the bishop a second time and you're just like I'm I'm pinning the Knight okay Bishop D7 okay okay so maybe this was just throwing me off because you played normally after aha so the reason why it is better than the Queen's game but except that is white just has two Center bonds that's really it E4 all right if white played E4 white would have gotten a lot of credit but okay B3 A6 okay so black has completely equalized because black has the bishop controlling the center but there's no chance black plays B5 or B6 here okay Knight E4 trade Knight T2 bring the bishop back to where it was all right so white is trying to reroute the Knight over here I like White's position F6 that's even that's a high level move wow wait okay B5 now is bad because the Knight will live on A5 and pressure the light squares okay all right so we just hung a piece in one move so we move the pawn forgot that this opens this and we're like me want horse me want horse real bad we want to take horse like if you want to just create a one mover just play Queen D5 just threaten mate all right so Bishop B4 hangs a okay so white saw the bishop arrive and was like me attack Bishop me not scared Okay so all right that is still hanging but if you take this you lose the queen so obviously black was like me play E5 if me take me when Queen okay hangs Bishop takes D4 of course you have to follow up on the pawn move right you have to be like well me no get taken so me take okay Queen takes great move we need seven we have four Rook d8 okay so just Rook take C7 here and just go for G7 just slam dunk okay I don't hate that move I like that don't trade pieces I don't hate that move because your position is so trash but wow weakening your king against the bishop that's just a long range sniper um it's basically like if you know there's a sniper on a roof somewhere and you basically just wave a giant flag that you're over there but then you hide inside so now he knows to wait for you to come outside so Queen F3 Rook c7k trading pieces when we're losing good strategy not trading pieces when we're winning because wow trading everything while we're losing Folks by the way just a quick rule of the what are you trying to accomplish are you you don't even have a threat if you win this game with back rank mate I mean your opponent would literally need to give you the firearm and the instructional manual and point where to shoot like I mean like come on and by the way just a quick rule of thumb if you want to avoid getting mated in the totally winning position just quickly look around make sure they can't take anything they can take your Rook so come back Rook C1 is is the best move right now for like anybody 1300 and lower just because seeing this is a little tricky Rook C1 and that was played in the game Rook C1 white was like oh I'm not gonna get mated because white didn't realize that there was no mate as like a 1400 you're like wait there's no mate so you just move your Rook here and you win in a few moves but okay Rook C1 now just play H3 oh oh for simplification that's the easiest way to win this game for simplification just Queen F6 wait that was played wait that got played Queen F6 that's it the game's over White's just gonna win okay nice go Gotham sub you got it you got it Gotham oh my God I hate you oh my God you're such a piece of garbage how did I did you actually no no you are such a scumbag you actually lost you found a way to lose this game no I don't think it was a time scramble I actually just think that Whiteley was like well there's two pawns here I mean two pawns can't beat me so I'm just gonna push my Pawn guys I mean I I mean this is this is just not okay okay so the actual instructional thing here is that like obviously if this Pawn had just walked in this king would have taken it so what the opponent did is actually the opponent utilized all they had the opponent had four broken Limbs and just decided to crawl there on their back and I don't know slap them with their broken wrist like I I don't know I mean the king just marched in couldn't get close but the pawn could and now that it was protected I mean that's just embarrassing okay so if the pawn just ever gets this close just do me a favor like 99 times out of 100 just take it take it take it get rid of it or at least protect it or at least push oh my gosh back rank problems I can't believe you lost this game I hate you I hate you I guarantee white probably had like more than five minutes at the end too wow but the good news is that you are now on guess the ELO so congratulations um so we gotta go through this game this was actually a relatively stable game so I am willing to bet that this is a 1400 who lost in time trouble or like an 11 or 1200 who just played a very solid game by accident and then you know remember they were in 1100 at the end and just because this was too this was too good like white played way too well and then to lose stupidly like that yeah I'm thinking like 11 1200. you guys are saying 700 you guys are absurd 35 move if you're 700 and you're playing like this get out of here um yeah so I'm gonna say if they had more than five minutes on the clock at the end between 11 and 1200 no I'm going to say 1200 definitely 1200 and if they had no time could have been 14 1500. okay or more so I'm gonna say 1200 I feel like that game was like high 1100 so average rating maybe like 1180 maybe like 1190 let's go see God if they're like over 1300 I'm gonna be pissed white is 1180 which is exactly what I just said and black is 750. black is 750. black is 750. oh my God how did you do that okay so it was a Blitz game okay it was a Blitz game and at the end you had more than two minutes you had 90 seconds to notice that you could have just lost the game to one Pawn oh my God you are the worst you are absolutely the worst there was increment I know yeah it's a three it's a bonus it's a yeah oh my God wow wow wow let me know if you guys can hear the radiator by the way it's a little bit loud wow oh you are just awful I mean to lose this game you make me sick but thank you for submitting your content I definitely want to throw up now but it's okay oh my gosh okay I hope you guys are at least learning how to save games listen the whole point of guess the ELO is to laugh but also learn how to not you know how to make those same mistakes everybody has like the biggest fear in life well your biggest fear should be appearing on guess the ELO that should be your biggest fear as random noob all right E5 okay the movie five just makes me think like uh like I don't know 800 what is E5 oh my God E5 that is such a bad move it's just not a good move at all like I mean just d65 so like these two moves are gonna undermine the White Center tremendously E6 E6 E6 I want to turn off the radiator I'm gonna try to get the radiator to be quiet right your radiator here is very loud F4 D6 now okay Knight F3 Knight E7 C4 okay okay radiator shut up what are you I literally set the temperature to lower than it is in the house you shouldn't be functioning right now no it's okay it's still squealing at me guys what is this what is this I mean I'm about to go put my mouth on the radiator like what even is this what wow wow this is just I mean guys so rule of thumb if you're fully castled and you're playing against the setup that doesn't make any sense like this Pawn breaks are your best friends F6 A5 especially forcing ones where your opponent can't get out of them yeah A6 is one of the the worst moves I've ever seen in my life Gotham sub but you're probably like 700 so don't stress I mean it's just a such a I mean it's not a bad move it's just just a bad move all right Knight C6 Free Pawn there you go look at that look at that you did it Knight F5 I love this yes of course I mean white is like ooh me take horse okay me take good now you're gonna obviously follow up with Bishop E6 no justifying the former plan you're obviously trying to this is actually a really genius strategic idea so if you'd ever like to win a nice Square for your knight that only won Pawn controls a nice little pawn attack at that pawn and if it pushes or takes Knight comes to D5 and black is strategically winning B5 actually might be the top engine move it is I'm very proud of you very proud of you for finding B5 that that that's a great move and it's a great move because it makes really good progress for your position very proud of you B5 is a great move now of course you're going to follow it up with Knight C6 yes and now you're gonna play 97 Knight D5 and Bishop B7 okay that's basically the same thing Bishop Something's Gonna Go to D5 and now you have to start violently thrusting at the center 97 oh my God okay so it's actually really funny now F6 is bad it's actually better for you not to open the e-file for your opponent right now but okay I don't hate it see now we see why this is clunky because now there is you did it at the wrong moment but it's okay I don't hate you okay Queen takes D4 continuity they forgot about this yes you gonna take the second one too okay I mean queen C5 is the second Pawn fine so opponent here just calmly takes your Bishop removes their most active piece this is um an advanced level kind of thing so I always like to tell uh folks as they kind of move up the intermediate ranks and this is in my intermediate boot camp evaluating exchanges Beyond material value this is not 3-3 uh look at the eval minus 1.38 if white plays Queen E1 with pressure uh this move is minus four because you lose your most powerful piece your position is horribly scattered and I'm just going to March you down so yeah and you immediately hang your Rook with check so the point is that you can't take this because you're in check now bring the queen back check okay your king doesn't have to play Hero you could just play like Queen D5 but fine check oh my God you hung your queen how did you see an attack on a square but not a piece oh my God and there it is there's the guess the ELO content we've been waiting for wow I mean how did you see that the queen could go there and then just I mean that is so disappointing just go here just Queen F6 at Queen D1 Force the queen trade that's a little harder but you know force a quick wow and the worst part is black is not even losing yet black is still okay because uh black is actually up material so the reason you know these pieces are very strong and the king is the hardest piece to get to whenever it's a queen and other pieces you have to look at the pawns as well the pawns can't make any progress rookie two rookie oh this is one of the most complex positions in all of Chess like right now you can create a blockade look at this this is your biggest weakness but if you trade the pawns you have a bit of a fortress here okay okay you hung your C Pawn check okay you're basically just making a bunch of random moves and now there's a past C Pawn on the board okay oh is the king gonna get mated oh I have no clue who's gonna win this game I'm salivating okay why is oh look at this so black is winning because black can make a mating net so black can basically isolate the king with nowhere to go and apparently black is winning now but that's no one's ever doing that that's why the kings are you know the king is everything when there's such a fight okay of course that doesn't happen King F6 for no reason at all Rook 82 oh my God I'm so scared check here Queen goes back and now check okay oh my it's force made it's force made oh it's a poison it's the most that was the most accidental mate of all time oh which is a defense that would not hold up in court by the way but please don't do that that is don't no consent is everything all right in chess there's no consent all right to Checkmate your opponent just go full force all right all right I'm just saying consent is very important in the real world no means no but in chess it go go forth please deliver a Checkmate wow all right so Knight F5 wow that is uh wow wow wow that was a wild game now you don't need to ask permission in chess just go check mate no no no no no no I mean that is wow I feel like this type of humor nowadays is like a little tool on the nose people don't laugh as much as they should anymore I think like you should never forget that if someone cracks a joke big picture their efforts should be appreciated very very dangerous time nowadays to crack any sort of humor um wow uh so yeah the opening was an atrocity it had bright moments um both players were sort of barely figuring out what to do I got like 800 Vibes what do you guys think I think 800 8 to 900 yeah I think eight to nine hundred I'm just gonna say that it it was a bit too sophisticated at the end like I feel nobody below 800 finds that Force mate by the way it also could have been a 700 who just decided to boot up stockfish right now like if I'm being honest I I this was the most accidental Checkmate of all time opponent basically just gave a bunch of checks and it turned out to be made literally I think that black played this move and didn't even realize it was a mate I think black played this move just to give another check because you guys know how it works in chess checks feel good you play this move you're like check um check um check whoa look at that I can give another check and it's mate you just play a move and you're like so I think I think 800 to 900 let's go see no way 1240 versus 1286 yeah hella trash y'all super trash 1280 bro you hung your queen in one move oh wait you made it him with 0.5 on the clock damn you're actually 1200. like no cap damn well I'm sorry for selling you short please don't quit chess LOL oh man accidental Checkmate well if um nature freak 2101 is in the chat um you can tell me how you felt when you delivered a mate can you please confess whether or not you saw this that's crazy how much time did you spend on the Move where you hung your queen you spent 26 seconds on this move that is pathetic you should be embarrassed of yourself 26 seconds and hung your queen in one move as a 1280 get out of here no no no no shush shush your face I know he only saw Knight G5 but that's still no excuse Jesus nature freak thank you I am aware he played H6 to prevent the fork why are you coaching me I said that he played it shakes to stop the folk I know God you guys you guys make me sick sometimes but I love you Knight C3 all right this is how we know we're off to a good start okay we have a four nights now folks in the next five moves three moves I would even argue that we are going to know if these players are any good or are like you know beginner boot camp so here the result you know you could play the Italian or the fortnite Spanish or the fortnite scotch Bishop C4 okay this should be four okay castles okay so taking the Knight is not a very good move castling is fine D6 is good don't listen to the engine I wouldn't do this ever and if the engine wouldn't do it I mean if the engine wants to do it don't do it I don't care if this is the best move um you're about to find out why this is bad B takes C3 okay so no no human here will take this Pawn that's just too scary nobody plays like this and then like oh look at me I hold myself together Bishop B5 pins me but I'm gonna Castle nobody nobody plays like this all right watch castles okay so now white is just cleanly two Bishops clean two Bishops now what do you do against the player that has two Bishops what do you do to the center should you be keeping the center open or closed should you play D6 to replace all your dark squared pawns like for example H6 B6 right like this is how you play against the dark Square Bishop when you have no dark squared Bishop but of course white is going to get a fully open Center so this is this is how I know who we're dealing with here yeah I mean we're dealing with a person who gives away the bishop parent opens the center of the board for the opponent who has the pieces that like to operate on open lines rookie one attacks the pawn now white does take again on C3 because white has a fetish and gets their Knight trapped and you know what the most tragic thing about this is this is an accidental trapping White had no choice white literally had no choice but to play Queen D2 and accidentally wins a night I mean the Knight could go to A4 but from there it will die anyway trust me Knight E5 Bishop A3 I mean this is just not ah and then the Bishops are gonna stare down your king so yeah everybody in shelter Gotham you idiot Bishop C3 by engine top engine move no not at this level not at this level it's not okay B5 is not a bad move danger levels this should be three Knight D5 okay so now white will take on E5 good I feel like white is higher rated than black white is playing very well okay so now the Rook has arrived on this square and targets the Knight with the bishop so what do you do you attack The Rook to not only have it take your knight to have it attack your queen and anywhere The Rook moves on the next move you are guaranteed to lose your queen anywhere you move it doesn't matter you're gonna lose your queen because anywhere you put it I'm gonna check you and Win It incredible this is why you don't take on C3 I actually think F6 is legit the worst move you could have played now maybe Queen G5 is the worst move yeah Queen G5 plus 16. F6 is only plus 10. um Queen E8 plus 11. okay so immediate Queen blunder would have been worse so F6 tragic I mean folks I I I have a video called the seven most common chess mistakes one of them is these one movers you just attack a piece and you don't even ask where it's gonna go wow okay oh my Rook D4 Jesus Christ Rook D4 so now um you don't like Bishop b600 okay we're this is like 600s so I don't wanna I'm actually gonna turn this more into a learning moment if you can avoid pinning your own pieces in straightaways when there are straightaway attackers on the other side please do that rookie four just you know but okay I have a feeling black wins this game by the way rookie 4 okay yes now please just H3 and shut up H3 and shut up and parents if you're watching this with your kids sometimes like I see your comments or emails Alyssa and I want a family-friendly Channel don't say words I watch don't say bad words I watch with my kids shut up is not a bad word honestly if you don't let your kids say that not good parenting your kid's gonna learn all the words well my mom taught me when I was a kid is you're gonna learn all the bad words you have to learn when to say them and when not to say them don't say them in school don't say them to folks that are older than you respect your elders you want to say it to your friends on the playground you can do that you're going to learn to curse but you have to do it the right way you never thought you would take parenting advice from a bozo YouTuber but here you are H3 and kids respect your parents they're the only thing you have well maybe you have a dog Queen C6 if this game results in a back rank mate I'm going to be so mad D4 okay so I don't know why white is not activating this Rook I mean God gave you a rook you're not uh Queen D5 um Rook D1 can you please play H3 H3 please play H3 wow Rook D1 is a great move I love this move so now there's no back rank so now what you do is you need to find a way activate your pieces control your weaknesses and get some trades so the next move should be rookie one rookie one okay folks um getting your king and Escape Route is good enough the king doesn't actually have to escape the king is fine you don't you need to trade Rooks rookie for rookie one is like a force trade the only reason the engine doesn't love it is because actually no then there's mate so I don't know what you don't like um right so rookie one King H2 I mean rookie one didn't happen King H2 I mean thank you for the cheer oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm not supporting anybody I'm supporting good chess how do you have a queen rook and Bishop and not use them foreign this is like working an entire career having a beautiful Porsche 911 having a yacht and a private jet and you choose to bike on the highway with no helmet I wouldn't know what that other lifestyle is like I have biked on highways in it before San Francisco to Sausalito you know I did this 30 30 mile Loop once um but this is embarrassing you are given three beautiful beautiful things and you choose to ride a bike with no helmet on the side of that oh my God oh my God I mean this is just unbelievably bad guys and by the way yes I know you can get better than a Porsche I want a Porsche that's what I want all right I just want a Porsche I think they're very pretty the old school kind of like I really like them um yeah I mean 700 if these these folks better be between six and seven hundred that's just all I can say no no no no well they had low time I guess I kind of get it all right they kind of had low time 900s okay I guess with low time it kind of makes it okay all right all right we should it kind of makes sense that it's a bullet game now you're sort of excused we should set a rule for the Future No More bullet games or we ban you from twitch and Discord please Blitz bullet uh please Blitz Rapid or daily games preferably Blitzer rapid no more bullet games but wow okay I still hope that was instructional my thoughts on tonight's main event I would be shocked if if Colby Covington doesn't win by decision do I like cars no not really how do I appeal a ban on the Discord don't get banned on the Discord what'd you do all right Fifth and Final Round AKA game in today's uh in today's guess the ELO recording here we go E4 E5 Vienna beautiful Vienna Gambit what the hell is this Knight F3 no oh my God if you had just taken this you just the game the game is over the game is over like Knight G8 Knight D5 I mean black resigns I mean it's just D4 and I D5 I mean okay okay so the problem is that now you not only oh God oh God you're just down you're just down a pawn you're just down a pawn Bishop d8 okay Bishop D6 develop quick develop develop develop develop develop okay trade pieces while you're losing trade pieces while you're losing good development Knight F3 nice nice nice King F2 bring the Rooks G3 don't hate it King G2 okay is like trying to give you a quest of pushing all your pawns it's gonna call it the alphabet Quest okay yes King G2 yes C4 beautiful take D5 what why did Black just move the Knight what is black doing aha Knight D5 aha move the bishop out okay Fork not really okay takes takes of course you're gonna take the Free Pawn what in case anybody missed it there was a cut in our recording because right here wait because right here computer crashed the computer crashed because it wanted to save us the disappointment and I wanted to save YouTube the disappointment of this game white proceeded to very comfortably take the seventh rank win a couple of Pawns consolidate double the Rooks on the seventh and proceed to push Pawns white then hung a rook just cleanly in one move cleanly after a disaster of Vienna Gambit black proceeded to sack into a knight versus rook and pawn end game and white sacked The Rook pushed the pawn as a decoy walked the king in here made a queen and won the game you're telling me I guess that these people were rated mid 1000 it turns out these people are rated 1400 and 16 20. folks I have never in my life seen a 1600 play into the Vienna Gambit have you ever seen this in your life a 1620 losing on move 5 to a Vienna Gambit I mean are you I've never seen this before a 1600 dead lost on move five
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 511,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, guess the elo, gothamchess guess the elo, guess the elo gothamchess
Id: Y2_CN0StX5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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