FINAL Guess The Elo? (GTE 44)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the greatest piece of entertainment in all of recorded human history guess the elo today's episode is a really unique one because i think i was wrong on every single one of these guesses by a record margin which means that the games were exhilarating catastrophic uh although could be educational as well before we jump into the games today and i might never record another episode again because of how bad this one was i'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video fabulous folks it is no secret chess can be a pretty stressful game i mean look at me after my las vegas tournament look at me after my st louis tournament look at me basically anytime i'm streaming but did you know that april is stress awareness month and if there's ever been a time to be stressed it's over the past two years and it's not because of this board game we all enjoy so i wanted to collaborate with fabulous who i've worked with in the past to help you all cope with your stress and learn to live a healthy and more positive life let fabulous be your digital coach think about it like a happiness trainer this happiness trainer will use insights from behavioral science to lead you on small steps to learn to deal with your stress you can try to use habits at your own pace or take a more dedicated approach like journeys or you can take a seven day challenge and if you want to interact with the community on fabulous there is circles for that i highly recommend fabulous for dealing with stress and otherwise dog just this man is stressed out too so i highly recommend fabulous for learning to deal with your stress and many other little things that you want to improve on to join a community of over 30 million people today all you got to do is click the link in my description and the first 100 people to do just that will get 25 off a fabulous premium subscription look we all get stressed we're only human but fabulous can help let's get back to the video here we go d4 e6 c4 there should be seven all right garbage move the garbage moves begin early bishop on e7 is is really something uh that's just so bad okay catalan by white not bad so the reason this setup is really terrible is because white can just take the entire center i mean this is just not good at all but knight f3 okay so it's very clear white is a catalan player okay we take the whole center so this is not really comparable white is playing like smart chess black is playing like i learned chess at a bus stop and this is just kind of where the person told me to move the piece is sort of i think kind of maybe uh h3 okay b5 yeah the most principled move here is e5 to attack in the middle but there's no chance that white does that white probably takes on b5 right okay takes takes now castles oh a3 okay to prevent b4 all right so now i you gotta shove that pawn forward you gotta play e5 here good wow that is castles okay i don't hate h4 you're trying to prevent knight g5 h4 is a very sophisticated move just on this move alone i want to say four digits literally just because the move h4 was played smart enough to realize that knight g5 right now castle okay now you're getting too fancy all right you push one stop pushing every pawn you don't need to push every pawn all right all right we don't need to uh all right fe 95 knight okay cool so cool beautiful f4 so i would play here without even hesitating just add another pawn to the clamp okay just because you're making backwards night moves to reroute to a better part of the board makes me think like 1400 like 92 rerouting the knight bishop h3 oh too much rerouting so you're playing good positional chess like this is a sign of a good positional chess player but i'm shaking out my wrist while i'm trying to explain myself um but you're doing it too much you're not you don't know when to hit the pause button great oh god oh i would just go queen g4 here no hesitation queen g4 i don't hate that move bishop c5 nice now queen g4 or bishop h3 wow bishop h3 okay obviously also a good move uh yeah this is the only problem is that g5 is weak good move by black bishop f5 oh would they find it queen h4 only move okay still very complicated oh my goodness this is an insane game the knight is better than the bishop knight is better than the bishop here rook h7 what is going on okay you gotta take because the king is the only thing defending you have to take and now you have to play something like queen f7 queen g7 uh get closer maybe knight g5 yeah queen f3 is coming oh that's it gg slap him upside the head why back who goes back you have to come forward who goes back oh no oh my goodness oh gg queen f4 game over that's it game over rook g3 okay this can't what what what oh what what what what whoa wow it's mate it's mate oh my bro he survived oh my god he survives oh my god you did it the wrong way you had made in one with rook f6 but the k oh my goodness you forced him to safety oh you can't take the queen it's a pin oh my queen trade unbelievable unbeliev and now black just goes on to win the game right oh my oh white is going to win of course white is going to win oh and white queens with check and white queens with check and if a pawn is one score away from promotion and it's a king and a pawn versus a queen if it's a ear d-pawn it's a win for the queen you have to know that you have to know how to do it and uh that's that's definitely one way to do it is just wow wow that was atrocious okay you couldn't even checkmate well queen d6 is a nice final move if king h4 then this is made ah wow oh god yeah that was a very high level game i mean probably you just got a bit low on time um there was so much control in this game i want to say between 14 and 1500 it was a very nice game it was bad at points and i think there were trivial things overlooked but that's why i think between 14 and 1500 1800 missed made in one in 1800 mismade in one move how much time was on the clock two minutes you mismade it one with two minutes on the clock is in 1800 what what oh my goodness they don't make 1800s like they used to are you insane two minutes on the clock and you missed them you missed rook f6 also what are what is an 1800 doing playing bishop to e7 what what is black doing oh my that's i mean no no this is terrible people are gonna think you can get to 1800 doing whatever you want that's insane that is absolutely insane oh my goodness 1800 i would have never guessed that in a million years 1800 come on wow sicilian okay okay so like this is a very low elo game because you cannot allow e5 in the sicilian well we're going to find out maybe maybe black is playing some nym so it's sicilian prep or something i don't know okay let's let's see okay we have a accelerated dragon okay this is definitely a low elo game folks when you when you you know when you do that you gotta you gotta make progress in the position [Music] okay defending oh oh oh what so knight takes knight takes bishop takes wow so obviously white should give up the rook for the bishop that's just just move the queen okay yeah if black plays d5 here which is stop engine move you just report them for cheating so white is better here because more often than not two pieces for the rook does not like the rook is not happy the two pieces are much more felt because this is coming attacking the rook just in general like so black plays the dragon sicilian right but black has no idea how to play the dragon sicilian which is why i tell nobody below 1500 to play the sicilian because the truth is you get here and then you have no clue what you're doing and then you try to go for a tactic and don't understand that this is the golden piece of the whole opening you cannot lose it no you cannot win this bishop this looks good but the night blocks so one of the knights will block but yeah okay okay so so knight b form okay this should be three d5 nice move by wide great move look at that danger levels and now you can take the rook okay knight g5 is very fancy thank you to thank you ewizzle thank you uh yeah but you could just take the rook it doesn't it's not the same thing rookie eight castles wow great great play here by uh so white wins if white plays one of these moves removing the knight from the defense of d5 okay that doesn't happen and now black consolidates and is fine now black consolidates and not only does black have a rook for two pieces black has three extra pawns which is no joke which that's a lot that is a lot of material rook c8 oh yes of course queen trade you cannot trade queens into a losing endgame you cannot folks this is rook and pawns will beat two pieces when it's an end game and when you're up like three pawns okay unless you're bob yes unless you're bob aka sean who is a god okay this is i mean look at connect oh connect five damn damn get that other pawn wait what about your e pawn boss what about your epon you just the e4 is just hanging hello f3 is hanging hello bring the king beautiful i love this bringing the rooks and the and now what so you know what you got to do here you got to zig and zag and zonk please find it uh oh why are you sacrificing why for what reason okay because you think you're still winning okay of course because you're just you're just you're a genius i mean in this position if you play d2 you win on the spot but okay you're a genius so you're g okay now you lost the pawn but you're getting that pawn so you're winning right you're winning game over gotham sub get in the dub all day every day all day every day wait did you almost make a draw what was that okay gg gg nice okay um that opening was very bad by white and also very bad by black however after that y'all played shockingly well like very well definitely four digits i was gonna say on the opening alone it looked like three digits but yeah you played like four digits so i'm gonna say like between twelve and thirteen hundred because you guys maybe 11 to 1200 but i'm gonna say like i would say like average rating about 12 20. uh there is no way this is a three digit game there's no way there is just no way they played way too well i mean i gotta i gotta okay i mean i really gotta get into these moves um is this 13 or 1400 could it be that high honestly the simplification was pretty sophisticated i'm gonna say like 1400 i'm gonna say like mid 1300 low 1400 let's go see bro 1540 versus 1580 nah this is nonsense this is absolute nonsense i mean i mean i don't even i mean i don't even what what folks what are you what are y'all doing like how are y'all 1500 playing night back to f3 playing i mean i don't okay i can't i'm disappointed i'm just what i've been about 400 points lower than the game that's crazy i'm saying you played very well but your openings were so bad you lost a lot of you lost a lot there you lost a lot on those points all right let's keep it moving gotham sub uh whoa anglin gambit okay 300. okay this is hilarious this is the eric rosen line look at this look at this the eric lo the eric rosen trap if you don't know this england gambit trap okay so white is just up a full pawn let's develop come back castle and go okay so you did not yeah so now you can play knight d4 attacking and defending nice a3 i would have just kicked the knight out okay they just voluntarily kicked themselves out knight b5 okay knight d5 threatens nothing this is definitely a better move but okay yeah you're really weakening your own bishop and pawn here with the move f4 like before f4 you had a much bigger advantage you should have played bishop f4 in fact here you should play knight b5 because you'll end the game with bishop versus knight also in this position you can play this move which is funny you can just get out with two pawns and if they try to trap you you can take because this has to guard this so knight d5 yeah be careful playing yeah you're just too much overextending yeah now i'm worried oh my oh what what is what what what what what what's what's what's what's rook e3 why first of all i love how this is just even more winning because you threaten a fork and a free rook yeah of course it doesn't get played all right take the rook now win this end game i want no nonsense take the pawns okay e3 trade the knights push the pawns trade the knights cap get the pawns trade the knights push the pawns trade the knights and push the pawns just push the pawns why are you moving your rook why are you why are you moving your rook it's protected by two pawns it's not under attack while you're moving your rook to e6 just keep the rook on g6 play h6 h7 h8 make a queen this is so easy why are you doing this like that just go pro mode a queen why are you playing rookie six stop it stop it stop it stop it why are you bringing your king if the king gets to the end of the board it doesn't become a queen even though it's 20 22. you can't do that not in chess king d5 rook d6 okay fancy schmancy fancy you know what's crazy i have a feeling you're gonna accidentally throw you are so lucky you are not losing here you are so lucky you're not lost after a3 because if black plays like this i'm not convinced you don't freak out and accidentally you're so lucky this is still winning because your pawns are so far up because you have g7 g8 oh my gosh did you throw it did you end up throwing it or did you get lucky no you didn't throw good job brutal allowing the promotion but upon me okay so i personally think there is no way this game is in the is in the four digits and if you're four digit you are one thousand and two two there is no way let me tell you why england gambit garbage opening playing the rosen trap and then just playing a pawn down game garbage you know and then just just no real sense of urgency from either player like white just playing a pawn like white not playing knight b5 right playing knight d5 and then white playing two random pawn moves and then black just losing a rook so i'm gonna say like 900 and i swear if y'all are like 1200 i'm gonna flip like honestly i'm gonna be really disappointed bro 11.70 how are you 11.70 who gave you this rating look at this dude look at this dude t brad i bet you t brat is a nice guy t brad is nice but yo what tea brat what you doing dude t brad how much did you spend okay it's a blitz game it's a blitz game but why did t brat spend two seconds on rookie three they're playing three two t-brat's time did not move two seconds on this move [Music] and you know what the crazy thing is this is blitz which means they're rapid ratings how good is t brad at how good all right t brat how good is our sub right here at rapid because that was a blitz game bro 1340 rapid bro that's crazy 1340 rapid playing like this man you you losing pieces out here this is crazy stuff this is real bad this is not good this is not okay no i have guessed wrong every game this episode by 200 points at least you y'all disappointed me today this is not i'm not happy i am not a happy no no okay modern course let's see how long it takes for black to okay stupid stuff is beginning early h3 uh-huh c5 okay rook b8 b6 bishop b7 okay so something really funny happened here do you know why black played rook b8 folks do you know why black played the move rook to b8 the idea of rook b8 was to play b5 which black very promptly realized they cannot do so black decided to play b6 and bishop b7 why did you play rook b8 if you cannot play the move b5 could you have played b6 bishop b7 maybe without playing the move rook to b8 yes you could have also you do not play for c5 in this you are playing for this because then you can open up the game for the rest of the pieces or you can play knight h5 and f5 which is how you play the kings indian like this with these pawns when you play rook b1 or rook b8 yes that this is where the song comes from rook b8 rook b8 make a move that makes no sense yeah now why is the rook on b8 so you could put two more pawns and you could put two more pieces in front of it yeah like your pawn is supposed to be on e5 all right okay b5 there it is you can play it now yes yes yes don't take it good yes c4 oh well first you got to make sure you don't lose this pawn nice uh knight h5 b4 something knight h5 beautiful you win the queen you win the queen oh my god this is defended but your knight hits the knight you literally just play that move knight takes f3 please please please removing's a different or removing the defender in every guess the elo episode there's always one game that's just really high level and is not content whatsoever and i think this is going to be that game there's always a person that just doesn't understand the point of guess the elo at all so they submit a game where they just play perfectly they're just like i'm really proud of this game here you go so usually they want me to guess higher because they're like actually like low rated okay so the person who submitted this game is probably low rated but wants me to guess something really high so the only thing that i have something to base something off of here is black playing a really random a6h3 and then you know rook b8 is a very low level move so i'm gonna say i'm gonna say like 1100 and i and i and i think i think the player is actually around that level but i but they played like a 2000 what do you guys think should i guess like 2 000 to make them feel good about themselves or guess what i actually think their rating is and why they submitted a game where they played super well yeah i'm gonna say 1100 that's what i'm going to say that's my guess let's see if i actually got the psychology right okay okay okay yo i have questions yo i have questions please don't hate me yo i got questions how are you 1500 playing rook b8 and second of all why are two people rated 1500 only spending one minute on the first 20 moves of a rapid game guys 20 moves have gone by and you've barely even thought white lost this queen in 15 seconds of thought what is the point of booting up a 10 minute game you could have just played blitz oh god i would have never guessed 1500 because i thought white i thought black played very well with the exception of rook b8 but white played so bad oh my gosh how do you blunder that how do you just how do you make that mistake how do you make that mistake as a 1500 i guessed 1100 because i thought the person submitting the game was rated 1100 but played really well so wanted me to guess higher that's what i thought in actuality i would have never guessed 1500 ever because i thought maybe 12 1300 or something but wow oh god oh my this is this is this is one of this is one of the worst i think this is legit the worst i haven't guessed anywhere close okay let's make it count oh wait i went back to uh no no this is right okay this is the last game of guess the elo i need to guess this one right okay oh wow d3 d3 all right i'm thinking maybe like 200 okay so we have a deferred king's gambit so white is too afraid of playing king's gambit so white doesn't play the king's gambit white plays the booster seat king's gamut white plays the tricycle assistance wheels on the bike king's gambit white plays the step stool to get something on top of the refrigerator king's gambit you know white plays the call your significant other to open up the the pickle jar king's gambit alright white doesn't just play the king's gambit white plays the booster seat king's gambit and it works except black is better because d5 is just very knight c6 okay d6 is a horrible move because you block your bishop if you check the database i would be willing to bet this position has never been reached before in fact i'm going to do that this is how you know the game is low elo all right let's see if this position has ever happened let's see d6 knight f3 bishop e7 g3 knight bd7 yeah no definitely not definitely not and and and maybe online in like three games ever by eleven hundreds definitely not okay who's better here i would say white just by a little bit um because i like the center space it's equal according to the computer computer thinks that structurally white kind of nerf themselves because it's very difficult to move the bishop but i think that i like white center space but white can only get an advantage by hiding the king and pushing in the center and what does white do okay and black completely cuts the queen's development doesn't do that wow this is probably about 700. knight g5 does nothing h6 just kicks the knight out of course black doesn't even ask what the knight is doing there it just lets the knight hang out b3 what okay knight the fact that black even knows that a knight can go backwards makes me think like eight or nine hundred oh my goodness what is going on this game doesn't make any sense a6 wow this game feels like a fever dream like this game doesn't feel real i can't explain any one of these moves like literally i feel like two friends started up a game oh my god this is so scatterbrained not a single move has been played in in follow up with the one behind it like the most logical plan of this entire game has been a4 a5 a6 once white ran out of apon moves white went back to just wow this is so wild okay now white is really out of ideas so just loses a pawn free bishop mate mate um i i i don't know i wow wow i have a feeling i'm gonna be so wrong on this game okay uh the opening let me really get into the brains of the players here maybe if it's in the four digits white just has this thing that they like to play and black didn't know how to react to it but c6 b6 like just random like knight g5 is uh like one move of this entire game that shows me three digit elo is knight g5 because this could have just been the way white plays you know some people with white they don't like to or with black they don't like to learn openings they play the same way every time knight g5 knight g5 was the indicator but white did see tactics at the right moments like white saw you know white saw a couple of like defenses and then white saw like like e5 i think was just a blunder this was a complete accident that they played this move or you're cheating or you looked at stockfish which apparently this is the top engine move yeah i want to say between 8 and 900. the i mean how the how did white like how did white come up with this move this move doesn't even make sense wha like what are you gonna do after this check and then what you're not gonna play the top move which is queen c6 which attacks the bishop and threatens queen takes queen and bishop takes rook this is why this is recommended because there's this this and then this like no one's playing queen d5 bro so how did white accidentally play the best computer move total accident i'mma say mid 800s because the tactics were good white found the tactics when they arrived but yeah it's got to be it's got to be like seven 780 to 840. that's got to be the rating 11 44 versus 11 17. this is the worst episode of guess the elo i have ever recorded the average margin of error has been about 200 to 300 rating points this is this whole episode is garbage this might not even end up on youtube so twitch everything you just wrote to youtube honestly might not i might i might throw this whole episode in the in the absolute garbage like straight up i might i'm not even gonna throw this in the garbage i might just straight up nuke the episode i might nuke the series i might nuke the youtube channel i might nuke my entire social media existence because i saw this game i might never play chess again i might not even think about chess again you will not see me interact with any 8x8 entity ever ever this is it i'm done we're done good night goodbye see you later
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 458,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: hQX0_MoBe9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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