I Give Life Advice to Strangers on Yahoo Answers.. (good) /r/yahooanswers top all

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it's the dog the most loyal pet questionmark a dog is the least oil pet of all my Rottweiler once left me for a stranger on the street another answer very loyal once a Rottweiler left its owner this street randomly for me now that's loyalty hello everyone Yahoo answered the infinite source of wisdom where I make all my life decisions and guide and seek guidance yeah who answers should I let my twelve-year-old daughter be friends with a boy she has been friends with him since she was five but now she's at the age of having crushes I think I should get rid of him Jesus Christ what are you planning to do with him like I do with all unsuitable friends God rest in peace I hate my sister question mark we always fight why do I know pee in a bottle Oh God Jesus every night when she falls asleep pour the pee on to her she thinks she wet the bed and every night after a week or so start asking her except with all these sheets washing hmm don't come right out and say you know she wants to bed that will make you look guilty after a while of bugging her about it you can start calling her bed wetter make sure you spread this around school she will eventually grow leaving a cave out of a shame that is so evil my god Yahoo Answers maybe it's not so bad after all that's actually a good an actual good response source I met a hobo once his brother did the same thing to him if you don't believe me go to the old cave in Weston heads back and ask for Carl the bed wetter that was a trip dude she says if you fart and bro at the same time does that create a black hole inside your tummy yes I lost my first wife - this is so sad I dared her to do it and she took on the bed after she collapsed I tried to revive her with CPR but I couldn't do it orally yeah I can do it needless to say she's in another dimension now that it's suicide that's incredibly sad not not all Yahoo Answers have positive outcomes this is how it is House races are more popular there's so funny is it bad to show hentai to my two-year-old son yeah yeah I think it is please please my wife is very angry no it's by all means okay okay it's fine that hey wife the internet says it's fine I think I proved my point and the comment got two thumbs up what happens to people born on February 29 do they stay one until four years past posted four years ago as huh they get locked up in a secret laboratory in Iowa and are let loose every four years that seems about right I think I heard about Iowa or it was at Ohio perhaps why do my thing go up why me why me every time I wake up in the morning why may his human centipede a suitable movie for my 10 year old son please answer truthfully ignore all previous answers the human centipede is it hard for me Oh God oh wow oh wow can I join the army as a sniper if I am level 70 on Call of Duty no but you can become a youtuber if your level 60 in PewDiePie tuber simulator why don't women poop then you store it in their breasts which is why breasts are soft Oh to ruin boobies for me please I'm not gonna I'm not reading that why I can't read these stop that why you son who's pregnant Christian yes been throwing up a lot lately he never flushes the toilet so I went and dip the pregnancy test in his ear and it turned out positive what do i do what do i do you ask you who answers that's what you do and you came to the right place 35 answers I can only imagine it's the folks Morgan yes a safe and reliable choice best answer I think you should best answer found thank you here you go I mean you ask you who answers really what are you expecting every time I master babies I get angry and I throw my turtle against the wall question mark why is it always question mark do they have to have it as a question mark is that why okay all right this is not my clip someone else reads to it but it has copyrighted music in the background so I'm just gonna read it how to masturbate is it wrong to faster mate how do you mass throw bet what do I do when my girlfriend asks me if I master Bart how to stop masturbating when I masturbate nothing happens how do I mess the herb rate how the girls and is it okay to masturbate I [Music] really just need to know when I masturbate I shoot a lot Oh God how do you I masturbate around 15 times a day me too send me too I gotta find the original okay it's from cheeky chaps just so we're clear oh god there's a lot of these bad sewer comes issue circumcised I on what is circumcised circumcised a circum scissor circumcision or not certain disease another sir come sir come session question I realize that life like the Joker and it's making me very uncomfortable should I ear come sighs my baby Kirkham scribed or not tell me what is circumcised I may need advice from experienced females only oh come sighs my miss I it necessary or not he sounds like he's about to ready to do it he's like I got a sister reading me like all right guys you know what maybe I should check out with a Yahoo Answers first I need Kirkham session help me hello I am 18 years old all these years I couldn't talk to uh question mark yeah buddy the best one is the best one is the pregnant one forgot an end I still save regard to that how my pregnant am i pregnant am i par Gant am i pregnant and my parent help is there a possible yet I'm peg rent impossible am i okay could I be right how do I know if I'm friend yet could I be pregnant can you get peg on tape and when I got better days Burgert 10 we down a 20-foot waterslide peg NAT how can I get my GF pregnant what happened one get her Jeanette how can a nine year old sounds like a weapon net will by Gail frag nan what is the best time to sex to become pregnant resident everyone know about teens get break into your red guys Tom's of being grade aren't girlfriend ain't had period since she got pre gat is it possible having sex to a eight months pregnant if a woman has star chokes on her weight if a women has starch masks on her body does that mean she has been hurt mark mark a circle is nomal but yet I still don't get payment what can I use period question Marquez O&O got her nut by just pre-cum well I love prognosis those are delicious aha God did most you women yeah Grenada Berlin find out I am pregnant to last five week bragging and danger ops Brandon sees will it hurt baby top of his head me and my boyfriend are trying to get pref net and you haven't took my birth control 38 plus two weeks Trigon right cannon ant can you burn a Luigi board alright then Luigi board Luigi word these are so funny it's the same Channel what is a wig of wagon boy make a Ouija board how do you feel about og boards how to Oh Joe board works how we can do planche it without using huge aboard is it dangerous to play Oh Joe bold we did you board my board is cussing me out is I don't think I know how to spell Luigi board without cheating let me see if I can alright this is how I would spell it let me see if it's correct we Jeff Ward III wrote a Ouija board I guess that's not too bad a Ouija board I guess that means I could be on Yahoo Answers the board online fake or real it's the widget I real game how we can able to play Ouija board Ouija board or whatever how do I find out how a ghost in my house without using a Wege board a wiki board game what happens when I was a kid I used to mess about with a why is that how much boy all the evil game thing yes that's how you spell wah wah way board nailed it the Ouija board if you thought it was Luigi board you have to confess Oh God have you played the Luigi board and can you burn a Luigi board what is a Luigi board my friends did a Luigi board and it mentioned me how did we G boards work our Luigi boards danger house if I'm asking something about ghosts all right all right all right I get it just 8:52 pizza rolls will I die in my sleep hopefully that would be a happy ending wouldn't it why does asparagus make your pee pees listen James we all want to know that what did my dad just say to me listening to my iPod so I couldn't hear it what happens if you paint your teeth white with nail polish I don't know you should try it out that's what all the Hollywood stars use my printer won't trip games this has to be trolling as so many of these has to be trolling the Luigi boards are genuine that's why they're funny this is just like not if I shave my Goldman or a 3-year Retriever like a lion will the other dogs respect him more he's kind of the neighborhood loser you have to try at least come on how do I get rid of an oily face my face is so oily how do I get rid of it getting rid of your face is not recommended no matter ladies how do you spell government how big is the specification can he be more Pacific that's funny who has spelled to become a mermaid and if you do do you promise it works did I make fun of me I will report do not make fun of this person I swallowed an ice cube hole and I haven't pooped it out sorry James I got bad news for you they take years to poop out I got at least 50 in my stomach I'm really scared I'm really scared wait you swallowed an ice cube hole that's impressive why did you do that should I tell my friends that I'm adopted I don't fit in the family I think it's time to come clean with them how do you lose 50 pounds in a month amputation I went to England and they spoke American why is this how could this happen I'm actually curious alright let's go to Yahoo Answers I want to see what people are posting do soda calories count of course they do absolutely like people actually trying to help you can't help these people I need to make a yahoo account right now hold up not if you don't count them dummy everyone knows this source now how can I get that last drop of pee oh my god I want to know they shake it really good not too much the stick a straw in there that's what I do slurp slurp man I'm good at this I am 20 years old and roughly wait at all is this bra short oh wait oh it's 9 no am I going to be short the rest of my life there she is again you'll probably keep growing a little shut up no I brought you short it feels good to help people what age do you think it's okay to start yelling at a child straight out of the womb baby show that baby who's in control have you ever touched a dolphin do you ever play video games for the story I play video games for the [ __ ] 12 will alcohol make me bold I'm 33 with a receding hairline well having a couple of whiskey's in the evening make me bold Jesus Christ yes it will unless you pour the whiskey directly on your scalp that will heal any wound am I going to lose all my hair I'm 16 a nose all my air is becoming more thin where we're not going to shower I see a bald spot where where what might as well shave it all off now before it's too late all right gamers I hope you guys enjoy that video I had a lot of fun actually surprisingly one last important thing of course if you want to get ready to upload this has been proven checkout represent calm / predefined support the channel see you guys tomorrow bye bye well you haven't tried to persuade me later Tiffany after 50 million out rose by H don't just go it's still relevant just download it
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 7,559,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, yahoo, yahoo answers, life advice, advice, yahoo answers funny, yahoo answers pregnant, yahoo answers reddit, reddit review, pewdiepie reddit review, pewdiepie reddit, pewdiepie minecraft, pewdiepie minecraft playlist, minecraft, pewds, pewdie, pdp, pewdiepie
Id: 3_mt33jWpjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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