Try not to MIND BLOWN challenge! /r/im14andthisisdeep top all #50 [REDDIT REVIEW]

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Yuki_69 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/captainrex50153 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
who's really in control Oh your phone is freaking Oh your phone a free damn what's up everyone my name is Pippa and my son is being scorched ah go away I'm trying to record what is this did I say my son is being squished that's what I meant yes today we're reviewing I'm 14 and this is Dee one of my favorite subreddits actually because that everyone can shamefully admit that they've been this person at least once in their life oh god no not the cartoons boomers favorites question how much did it all cost answer never forget the sacrifice of those brave Americans who are ground up and made into hotdogs I'm 14 and this is deep really makes you think we live in a society Mickey Mouse oh my god has so many friend requests but the real mouse has no friends what does that even mean well if you were 14 and deep you would understand mr. Jamal poor rats can't even get followings haha gets motivated by a quote upload C's subreddit R I'm 14 and this is deep this photographer removes phones from his images and the results are a disturbing reality check I too think it would be different if we were staring into our empty palms and not an incredibly complex device which gives us access to almost all the information in the world and can be used to communicate with other people do you think that's what they're doing in this picture I'm 14 and this is not deep enough oh my god this should be the new face of this subreddit Billy a leash she's broken the song title is so clever what it probably would have taken me three years fourth when he likes though I love how the title says she's broken says he's okay what I didn't even notice that oh the son must be giving me extra powers kids getting annoying go away it's right in my eyes why did I say to sit down for once no matter how good the person you are you're evil in someone's story oh my god I want to make it their joke but I am banned from making those and that says a lot about society I have an even smaller wireless device that gives me access to thousands of books and movies it's a library card Oh God there needs to be a Boomer subreddit dedicated to these cartoons boomers loved cartoons more than anything if you see a cartoon in this style you know it's gonna be something about how kids are dumb do you think that your attitude towards smart phones might be an extension of your fears that you along with your items and the leaves of yesteryear will become obsolete that rather than simply embracing both can change and age your avoidance and decrying of advancing technology will mask your slowly depleting dude Oh get ready doom boomers sumer bloomer that was Dave that was second date I broke my light now all right son took over son it's my new line that is deep that's just a lot of by society boomer comics I kind of want to see that's a thing I love these music short chain has changed a lot like how well for starters singers would actually stink well oh I see what did I mean they're criticizing like heavy metal what this is rapping back in my day they would go the road the wind so other guy I agree that's Liping think those are broken web site no matter how many times you click the pictures nothing happens it's so cringe kids are so dumb they don't know what the book is ah yes the classic weird looked at so when printed out the bunch of tweets and then they added extra characters to all the words all right I call it book they says all day to be fair though I think I read somewhere that statistics for reading is lower it is decreasing so it's like they're not wrong and it's the exact same thing I said I think I saw something about like Zoomers can't use power tools or something knight-like that millennial diets apparently have terrible DIY skills and half of them don't I own a step ladder or a cordless drill that fixed the light apparently 50% of millennial dads don't own a cordless drill that's deep that's pathetic all right I want to call this drill yes stepladder Frick yeah I do say the screwdrivers of course why are you gonna ask someone else to do it for you [ __ ] I've actually never changed a car wheel but they never broken either so reset a trip circuit breaker what do they do I need help flicking this lever is that what it is this became a whole tangent but man that's hilarious hey can you help me press this button for me I wonder why that is because now we have informations to do all these things you could just google and figure it out yourself right if anything Millennials should be more equipped to do anything than anyone jumpstart a dead car Barry I've done this you literally just look up the tutorial unblock a toilet or sink open this stuck pickle jar you think oh is this satire I can't tell Millennials soy dad's moving on all right I guess we're not moving on cuz this is what the subreddit is this is something that died out around 2021 because too many people were getting offended by it I'm starting to realize I'm a more of a boomer okay I'm hey is he wrong oh god I'm agreeing with this subreddit is centering this is not epic I get that it's not funny oh god I'm going through a weird self-reflecting trip here and I don't know what I feel about it could you not be posted for five minutes Joker 2019 book that is having more than two friends equals bad the no you don't understand it's about the meaningfulness of your friends it doesn't matter how many friends you have maybe they're just not visiting that day phone to make wife die this is so sad the phone killed his wife can't believe it okay so they're not I get it now my Boomer brain understands this summary it clearly ain't sunder gonna change right I haven't changed other people change I don't change they're not criticizing the message they're just criticizing the poorly execution right uh why can't you be normal why could you be interesting oh I wish I was quirky and love skulls and had blue dyed hair that would be so interesting girls with blonde hair can never be interesting everyone knows this there's Jaden again random person I don't know who you are Jaden me either whoa this is so deep Berenice young read more books and older generation research find what that is not the statistics I've heard Millennials find 83% of the under 30s read at least one book a year compared to 79 of their elders brah that's funny water nine kilometer h2o 50 meters this says society such an example this is basically the equivalent of the Jimmy Neutron sodium meme have you seen that actually it's sodium chloride just a little sodium chloride actually dude it's salt no dude you said sodium chloride yes it's the same assault but you could have just said salt instead everyone in this town knows you're a boy genius dude you don't need to say overly large words to sound more intelligent the batteries that nobody cares how smart you are is that thing I want simplistic objects by their scientific name ironically makes you seem less intelligent more pompous I know you're smart enough to be better than this bra there's an even better one of this one let me see if I can mine it oh wow this mean be popping though this is I decide table salt which in addition to sodium chloride contains taking agents and potassium iodate I don't know how to say that in English which is added to prevent iodine deficiency so not only are you being overly pretentious by insisting on using scientific terminology for everyday items you are factually wrong your arrogance if you're down for your annoyingly I save her music I save her photos I save her videos because she saved life important extremely deep work smart not hard what the heck is this I ordered a cube Society I miss you I miss our neurotically posted by my classmate what does this mean he's getting cut mom why do the best people die when you're in the garden which flowers do you pick the most beautiful ones Dave criticizing how addicted we are to social media I'll take the Google Translate pill please or the Google Docs pill I cannot stop making Google sheets someone stop me 1995 2005 2010 2011 2012 2015 1 monitor fa9 monitors you are taking it too far oh god I have too many modern thoughts I will interact with society man I wonder if there's actually a fair point because the elder generation always complains about the the younger generation that's just been a thing that's never gonna change but I wonder if there's a concern that the older generation has had that was actually valid and actually did bad I wonder what's an example of that instapage speed 14 year old so sad when I die I want my heart donated to NASA so they can finally see what a black hole looks like deep I felt that I felt that here go NASA ok so he has an apple tree and he makes it to ask for pear this is so deep if you're truly bass you would understand that all apple trees are bad because apples are sensational pleasures that will all lead to suffering this is truly been deep found this on a fortnight video that's how you know it's gotta be good girl as soon as I can boy will you ever leave me girl no you're a crazy boy do you love me girl yes a lot boy have you ever cheated on me girl no never boy will you ever kiss me girl every chance I can get boy will you ever hit me girl boy can I trust you girl yes boy babe now read it backwards oh babe yes can I trust you definitely not really ever hit me every chance I get oh god will you ever kiss me no never we are achieving yes a lot oh my god girl bad boy girl I knew it I knew it we are truly getting deeper into this sub ready I want the knock yet but society will let me you do realize nah can't make smart boy just buy a Nokia no one cares this should be posted in with a Chinese person someone from Hong Kong I want an iPhone but I'm forced to buy a huawei remember when you point a finger at someone there are three more pointing back at you no flipping way there that's true and then one is pointing to this side what does that mean what is this the D really makes you think remember when you're pointing at someone you're burning calories so it's good to judge people calm the storm that rages inside of me whoa whoa go see it talk that's funny deep oh man I can't believe on the first day yes I made it my first day in class woo the school years over son you missed it oh because he was a snail oh my god let me just tell you something about this final scene i sat through this whole movie thoroughly enjoyed every last a bit of it I even made a running motion when the first two gifts happen what when the movie finished my boyfriend was very very quiet and it looked a little sad I was very confused because it was a fantastic movie he turned to me and asked is that supposed to represent how our education system doesn't make enough for mentally monsters University then I thought I don't know what's Cringer the fact that the boyfriend did this well the fact that the girlfriend posed in this that's beautiful make you cringe babies please more material huge SuperDuper deep stay on the right path even if you have to walk alone that's the left path what I never thought of that day poor people buy watches that are 980 dollars poor rich $6,000 phone well phone is that I mean my boomer since this is tingling again and had all these kids before this huh if they worked for it and made their money I'm like yeah cool good for you old pirate to you but you know they haven't you know is their parents that paid for it I'm not on board with all of these I'm just gonna say it every time I open my eyes I can see what take your age subtract two then add two how does that even work how does he know that if you can't swim and don't swim this is like the book I wrote many many years ago this book loves you shout out I was supposed to be a parody be nice to people maybe one day they'll be rich this is so devious yeah I need I need to make it like a review of my book I have not read that in years I hope you enjoy it but don't try and eat it the lasagna version will be released in the near future this book was co-written by Edgar that's funny I make I make funny haha yeah shout out to the book this book loves to you I still get royalties so thank you guys a glass is called glass because it is made from blacks my mind has truly expanded itself bad basically summarize this entire subreddit ah yes a comic book I'm sending you an article about the importance of bonding with their children cool not now but we're reading about being good parents if only they had books if only they had books about reading about parent I'm 14 and this is deep I want a mouse I want the fish I want the milk I want to change the world my final message goodbye [Music] 2009 2019 that kids this age a day in ten years that's incredible this truly says a lot about our society viruses too deep for you viruses humanity in space society you wanna have something actually since the universe is expanding even if okay let's say we invent AI and we can live forever with AI or whatever we we have some sort of cosmic children right AI that is smarter than humans or likewise so even if we are even if time wise humanity will go on forever since the universe expanding at such a rate that at this point we will never be able to catch up on it you can only travel as fast as the speed of light even if we a have infinite time and B we will invent the light speed travel we will still not be able to explore the entire galaxy there will still be places completely away from us that was a I I just think that's cool if swearing is immature why is it referred as adult language Dave Dave sorry sorry boy I'm deep and this is sodium chloride oh it would seem i h2o has run out I bet you don't know what that means stinky Zoomers this is why there are no Bigfoot sightings if anything this should be the opposite cuz now literally everyone has a camera right everyone in the world carries a camera with them and every single day of their life you'd think if something paranormal happened people would know about it right people would have taken a photo of it by now my friend who dropped out of college posted this oh geez the right position oh god I feel bad imagine dropping out of college Oh God and posting the pencils as well Oh God employing like oh this is a yes this is actually hand drawn I know it looks hyper-realistic but as you can see with the pencils here it is actually a sketch that's the worst part of this may I have a plastic bag already inside I mean again yeah by 2050 the oceans could have more plastic than fish that's alarming to me call me a Boomer but know the difference don't be with someone who hurts you and slaps a bandaid on you on your wound and calls it love be with someone who changes and improves himself to love and protect you I don't understand why they need to be with a cactus what did the balloon have popped after the first pic baddest deep that is deep bruh yeah how do you put band-aids it would have just died right away Oh pump there's a pump gamers there's a pump I saw it I got it I'm deep the pressure society puts on men to be a square yes the age difference cats used to enjoy themselves actually went outside to play now my cat is just sitting on his iPhone texting ashes tears before you tears during you tears after you brah why are you collecting your tears that's how Hector frickin wee bruh went to the moon took five photos went to the bathroom took 105 photos I mean it is kind of like why you need goddamnit I'm getting too old to review the subject if you didn't see my hoodie today it says we live in a society I got it because of the message behind it and how dark society is to this day the double meaning of the meme that's beautiful again I'm on the side of the cartoon school is just trying to make you think a certain way they don't teach you about free thinking if the Sims is only fun with cheap codes what does that say about capitalism yeah what does that say about capitalism Matt please continue yeah right Sims gets old really quick with cheat codes it's more fun to play legit I think it says that sometimes it's fun to cheat that a salary is the bribe they give you to forget your dreams oh no one's stopping you how about this say no to the salary how about that this is Christ I think every prisoner should be able to vote because we all live in a prison called society society there's a lot of society happy to go over here Dave see I told you they would have noticed us because they're all on the bugs I remember when people started criticizing it it was like everyone in the subway now they're just staring down on their phones like yeah because before it was boring no one would talk to each other anyway and you don't have to wait at the time now you can entertain yourself with this amazing device it's like yeah small talk still exists okay yeah it hasn't gone away police why are you here someone I am being a booth I am being a Bose police what's your name someone mother earth police who are you mother earth humans one like equals ten trees to save the earth one like equals ten trees Wow at least 300 trees were saved that is awesome our plan to raid area 51 our plan to save the environment this is a lot about society I mean what is the plan to save the environment like I always hear just people whine about it I think that's why people are so turned off about it it's become the new vegan thing if people actually talked about like veganism not in a way of shaming people and just saying oh actually it's really good for the environment not to eat cow me so many more people would actually be on board instead of how dare you there is a way to save the environment I I realized I recorded this video a while ago but now mr. Bies has released his video with the goal to plant 20 million trees epic and he's asking youtubers for help to collaborate on this I'm happy of course to take part of it I'm gonna make a donation now I'm also gonna make a video promoting it but I felt like it fit for me to mention it at least cuz everyone's asking me about it and I think it's a really cool project so check out the link in description please go donate it's a great cost for the environment ethic less whining more epic action epically okay finish the video Felix yes because it's impossible to be both intelligent and athletic you just can't I mean I realize I'm too much of a boomer for this I'm too old for this subreddit guys I'm sorry well I hope you guys enjoy it anyway it's much like if you deta really appreciate it and as always no not as always oh I remember there's the thing I needed to tell you guys it's kind of deep though so prepare yourself have a great day that's right you thought I was gonna plug my merge no I just say have an awesome day never judge your book by its cover because that is by the March haha tricked you dummy never trust anyone that's deep well you haven't tried to personal a turd since me after 50 million our troops match oh yeah now just now it's still relevant just down a bit
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 12,536,373
Rating: 4.95362 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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