Rare Insults is a Treassure! /r/rareinsults top all #51 [REDDIT REVIEW]

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Unfortunately 9 year olds don’t vote.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/smart-username 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is PewDiePie Yang gang?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Protaterdik 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

That’s a big assumption, you don’t know that Pewdiepie knew about self driving trucks from AY. He’s probably just noticed and extrapolated

That being said he’s basically friends with Elon Musk so it’s possible he’s knows about yang but don’t go hoping for an endorsement or anything

Also also if we can take anything away from this it would be that the obvious problems are obvious even to a 9 year old like pewds

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cowboy-from-space 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
held up the grocery line because the card reader couldn't read my Apple watch elderly man behind me exhales let's move this along future move along future boy welcome everyone my name is today we're reviewing rare insult subreddit also boners meme it's my birthday cheers gamers oh man I just found it subreddit that's so funny - the youtuber who put an ad in there rain sounds for sleepy video please eat a rat poison sandwich damn it's like these ASMR videos that put mid rolls on them great you ruined the whole purpose of your existence congratulations hey I need a favor from your parents I want to have a handsome baby how can my parents help you in that can you ask them which precision they freaked in so I can avoid it my fiance gets back from deployment in two days how do I get rid of these make loads and loads of makeup preferably white cover the face area as well to match the neck get yourself a red nose to finish the cover-up that way you can look like a clown since your relationship is a joke wait Mariah Carey okay this should be good Mariah Carey beginning with I don't want a lot for Christmas and then revealing she wants you it's such good good this brings whole new meaning to the Sun Wow I'll actually enjoy it now Mark Zuckerberg always looked like a guy in a zombie movie who's been bitten but he's trying to keep it a secret from everyone it's funny because it's so accurate my god whole new meaning to my exact Oberg fan I'm so sad that we scared Mark Zuckerberg out of the internet' that was such a beautiful time when he was part of the internet you know I want him back suck please come back you can be part of me and review alright his Facebook stock will go right up please suck you got my number just call me any time it'll be the most beautiful redemption of all time I often they dream about winning the Powerball and buying the licensing rights to friends to edit out the life tracks then releasing it back to the public for free so everyone can finally understand how unfunny that show actually is I don't even watch friends I don't even care yeah I said it I don't even watch friends there's so many better shows to watch I agree please don't take babies into movie theaters I did not pay 30 bucks to listen to your week pull out game brah yeah and don't take them to planes either don't take your babies anywhere I just thought I don't want to see your student ki child bro you pay 30 bucks to go to the cinema day him shout out to my cousin got his barber license in jail and up was his own barber shop when he got out out that's a $30 over from his eyebrows grated so yet people say my forehead is big nah nah I mean I don't mean to dis abut nah unnatural hair colors in woman are a warning signal to stay away it's an example at put semitism yes the phenomenom of poisonous animals in nature advertising their toxicity and lethality Epis emmett ism is there to warn off predators not sexual partners if you're repelled by it it's working now I think the problem really here is that people with gross with colored hair are generally not epic right my professor is really something I never wore my seatbelt while driving to school because I wanted to die before making it to this class oh wow what is that website rate my professor we're talking about this yesterday about these these type of professors that failed in what they wanted to do so they just pick on you I'm a man there's so many bad professors Macy Williams it's so true she'll be a very cute grandma though she'll peek at an old age I think that's cool who the F is osseous porn this is why I love post Malone for shining light on unknown artists Ozzy Osbourne was snorting lines of ants with motley crue before your father was having wet dreams or by your mother burl oh my god these Zoomers they don't know who are the Osborne it you realize this is like a Boomer post right back in my day we listen to real music like ariana grande oh so sorry for truck drivers they make their living setting on they're too lazy to have a real job the next time you go to a store to buy old you need I think you need to remember how old I should got there for you truckers are away from friends and families with children for a week sometimes months at a time just so you can buy that cucumber your wife is kind of herself with later well thinking of your neighbor listen I don't mean to rippln truck drivers but if you if you're a truck driver and you are young I'm sorry but you might want to look into another profession it's all gonna be that's like the first job that's gonna get taken over when it's automated that's like the next big line of work I mean that doesn't mean you can't be appreciated of other people's work but also truck drivers they take up to what both lanes and I can pass them stay in your goddamn lane truck drivers who the Frick are any of these people and who the Frick are you c-word I just try to say your name out loud and my furniture started floating oh that was the best part about Charlotte sky Shimokawa I'm notifying all my old boyfriend that I'm getting married and I'm officially off the market I'm sure the pols setting on your showerhead will be devastated oh this summer is great I love this bait oh yes boomer stuff baby boomers did that thing where you leave a single square of toilet paper on the roll and pretend it's not your turn to change it but with the whole society bra that's so true that's that's a lot about society here you go Zoomers god I wish I was a Boomer just live in a bubble a Boomer bubble can you imagine Oh Felix you are a boomer you're 30 now okay sorry oh god I'm actually 30 today Jesus no no I'm not boomer I swore I swear it how do you do fellow kids guess what I'm good at imitating mechanic bro yeah what were you getting at Jesus Christ that Nick what is happening there stop it I don't like it who's making Nick and why is he my new hero mechanic mechanic bruh that's awesome I would Loki want that can i buy that I can do that with my legs nicki manaj blocked me because I said slapping her on the ass was sound like when you closed the micro braids I bet you she actually did that it's so funny hey remember when making Nicki Minaj stop making music I mean either tik-tok looks exactly like a fake social media app the main character of a Disney Channel original movie would get cyber bullied on yeah that's it that's literally it your name sounds like what a deaf lumberjack would shout I love that that's worth enough up oh god this subreddit cracks me up man you think it would be sad for me to record a reddit video on my birthday but I actually like this choose your fighter why does it look like the guy on the right is wearing someone else's face Jesus Christ that looks photoshopped on I'll pick him as my fighter you'll get two characters he has a second face where he takes up his face get it we need to stop giving Sarah killers cool name like the Night Stalker the Green River Killer we should remove the mystique make it sound something less appealing like micropenis maniac Bobbie [ __ ] the super to be fair yeah that's a great point we always glorify this horrible killers all right I actually agree with that that's deep man that says a lot about society man think about it shame it's like the most powerful tool in the world if we just really killed everyone that did something horrible Society would be epic except I get shamed all the time by society for saying bad words so I take it back I think I've seen this I'm not sure I've never been more proud of my country team Olympian overslept lost coat said Frick it on TV and won us first gold of 2018 overslept that sums their work ethic of that generation how many gold medals to you and your cat have Gonet some cat mins Deborah I don't know I'm I'm a little bit of a boomer now so I'm gonna have to go side with Deborah on this one I don't think it was the epoch to remember how many feet there are in a mile you just gotta use five Tomatoes five tomato sounds like five to eight oh and there's five to 800 feet in a mile what that's awesome to remember how many meters that are in the kilometer you just remember thousand because that's the system of measurement if I drink mathematician rolling dice yes official Deutschland official Dutch but we need to get rid of the mile system and feet system and all the other system America I'm sorry this is another thing I will do as president if you vote beauty pie twenty twenty twenty I'll go over to America and I'll fix their system miles pathetic Oh and Yuki as well dammit feet stone it weights about a stone cool yeah there's only one stone in the world that really helps actually lent a girl an umbrella yesterday which takes the total number of girls I made wet this year 2-1 don't do yourself like that man come on well what if it made her wet what if that act made her wet you're zero bruh come on don't be such a down there you're zero bro so my 14 year old brother responded to my snapchat story you look like the 27 year old substitute teacher that doesn't know how to make the class quiet this model looks like she's cosplaying every scooby-doo character at once yep pretty much maybe that was the intention who knows about fashion these days Oh YouTube never change this man looks like if the year 2003 was a person bra I don't even know who you are but I'm sorry you can't have that beard come on bland boring Jessica if she was spice she'd be full court room exchange of the day doctor before you perform the autopsy did you check for a pulse witness no attorney did you check for blood pressure no did you check for breathing no so then is it possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy no how can you be sure doctor because his brain was sitting on my desk but could the patient have still been alive nevertheless yes it is possible that he would have been alive and practicing law some of these are golden are you really gonna plug your show like an ad right in the middle of the vid shameless yes I am Kyle because it's my show how the Freak else am I supposed to tell people about it would you rather die painted on walls underneath the tunnel in a secret locations and no one sees it to avoid annoying you in the future Cal I'll advertise my show somewhere you'll never see it like in the arms of a woman who loves you Jesus Christ Luis chill I get it Lois I get it sometimes you just get these dumb comments and you just want to go off it's like when I play a game that just came out and you still get someone saying Wow I'm not hating but someone else played this yesterday I'm like got your hands on the Galaxy s8 show us the first photo you took it was a pee-pee pic that's funny I found my cousin's old school picture why your cousin looked like he about to ask Shrek to do the roar he truly does he truly does not gonna lie oh god it's just the guy that looks like yeah yeah there it is bro looks like Larry the Cucumber from VeggieTales it's so true I considered this a compliment fair enough if your girlfriend cheats on you you need to understand that you like something that made her cheat so instead of leaving her for another girl found out the air in yourself apologize to her and be a better man we lost the wrong stark people actually think this blows in my mind the final buzzer LinkedIn Chadd champion Chad champion with a great alter ego I have I have an alter ego because I whenever I don't want people to recognize my name when I order stuff online it's something similar to Chad champion but I kind of wish I picked I picked such a champion said you look like you could turn water into wee Oh Charlie critical looks like if John wick came up I'm sure they'd kill the dog Ben started a keto diet is it Charlie likes poking out about the keto diet as well bro that makes it sadder I'm sorry Charlie there's no recovery from this YouTube comments are prime I don't think so but Jimmy Fallon laughs like he has trained my taste cooking me spaghetti carbonara because it's my birthday so when I finished this video your mom's so lazy she took nine years to finish the date joke when some random in the internet is more committed to a you mama joke than your dad was to your actual mom Tom looks like Eminem's younger and lesser-known brother skittles Oh Tom you probably had to shave his head for a part or something it's weird I think Tom could actually pull off but no he does it I always thought I should try it you know I always wanted to try it but I won't look good I have a weird relationship with my hair I don't I don't like it that's why I always wanted to shave it do a buzz take the bus pill man for whatever reason does every apartment complex have a dog weight limit of 20 pounds oh my god this I can promise you my 90 pound golden retriever is a hell lot better behaved than Karen's seven pound piece of devil-worshiping chihuahua or child for that matter god it pissed me off me and mine said we want to travel with our dogs but there every company has like a weight limit for your dog oh I'm sorry you can bring your fat ugly annoying child that Yeltsin and annoys everyone while our innocent beautiful little angels oh it weighs one kilo too much they can't come on our airplane so why can't your fastest not be weight and then tables have turned he looks like a down but right all right that's it that's it for this week's no no no it's every week it's every day bro rare insults that was fun I enjoyed the sub rate I hope you guys did as well there's no point in saying happy birthday because it's already happened but if you didn't on my actual birthday I want you to be ashamed of yourself and the only way to redeem yourself it's to smash like on this video and subscribe and check out to the figurine I guess we'll promo that thank you guys see ya bye Mike well you haven't tried to pursue Malaysian citizen e after 50 million our troops fetch down just now it's still relevant just download it
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 14,105,898
Rating: 4.9451094 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, reddit, reddit review, reddit rareinsults, pewdiepie, pewds, pewd, pewdie, pdp, pewdiepie reddit, pewdiepie reddit review
Id: wnvaqGuiLlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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