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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/chickenfisted 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
Oh welcome everyone to Q&A time with PewDiePie for some reason you guys like these thank you god I hate these stories I don't care stop posting them anyway I post them on asking you guys to ask me questions so let's go obviously there are new sources that you don't agree with or like but are there any you actually recommend of course this may be controversial I think there's definitely a couple that are good but I think there's an underlying issue with most of them where it's as if journalists jobs functions the same way as it is for youtubers where they're paid for clicks on their articles so they're highly motivated to get more people to read their article and that leads to a lot of clickbait it leads to a lot of hot takes and it makes me wonder what happened to journalism when it used to be subscription-based so yeah they didn't have to rely on these tactics that being said why did we as an audience care about any of these sides anyway just because they have a new website we give it some sort of voice of authority when in reality most people don't seem to care anyway so I don't know it's that it's like even sometimes when there's a hot take on a website that no one's heard about but you see that it's a news website so you're like oh my god this is so stupid but in reality is like it doesn't matter I guess my point is I'm over it I don't care no that's not true but I hope people will be as well what are your future goals after YouTube implying there's gonna be an after YouTube do you think YouTube will exist let's say I have a career until I'm 60 or 65 do you think YouTube in 30 years is still gonna be the biggest platform for video content it's not impossible but it doesn't seem that likely that YouTube is just gonna be the top website forever and if I keep making videos for that long time I don't I don't think it matters I found on YouTube or not on YouTube I think what matters more is if I still want to make videos at that point which I don't know the answer to where do you see yourself 20 years later okay here's the question I don't know do you do anyone know that I think I just realized who I am as a person and I am very into the things I like to do I right now I still really like to do YouTube but I also think I have a lot more to give which sounds very naive I just feel it myself that I am capable of more things than on what I'm doing and sometimes I'm worried that I'm trapped to make the same daily kind of videos and not working on bigger things and if I'm not sure if that is holding me back or if that's something I should just keep pursuing why are you talking much about politics in the last month I don't think I have have I how do you motivate yourself when you don't want to do something but you have to get it done write down a list that's always the best thing whenever I think I'm stuck and I know I have things to do and I'm procrastinating I always write it down a bullet point list of the things that I need to get done today and that way you can start chipping off the easy bits and then you can get a clear scheduling your head on how you're gonna make that done make a video make a thumbnail prep the video prep tomorrow's video answering emails work out read go home or practice Japanese there you go that's what my day looks like which youtuber was the most fun to collaborate with I think I have the most fun when I record with Jaken and Ken because we are actual genuine friends obviously it's really fun to go outside and collaborate with random people it's the kind of thing where as a youtuber you're benefited to network right you're Bennett it's beneficial to reach out to people that you wouldn't normally engage with just as a way to broaden your scope of Brandon and all that but I find out to be very I don't like networking I think it's dishonest and tri hardy and gross in general what's your actual net worth you've hinted it being higher than Google says and what do you do with that money do you have invested in stocks or bonds could you give us a brief overview what you do with your money right now it's very messy because I'm set up in Sweden and UK so I have like four or five companies I have some invested in stocks and bonds but I think overall I don't really spend it on anything personally because I don't like having things around me I find it very annoying I think media likes to undervalue 8 me now after I became more controversial like in the Forbes top list I know I'm higher than a lot of other youtubers on that list but they always seem to put me lower now and that's why I'm saying like it is bigger but at the same time it doesn't matter who cares it's so unimportant I don't know I don't know what's important to me I don't it's not money it's really not I think money for people is like an inch people want it because they don't know what it's like to experience it and then you have it and you're like actually I feel the same way now when you retire from YouTube would you consider founding a network something so other youtubers can reach their dreams like you well surprise I used to have a network with Disney called rebel blood and that was the idea I realized that there are so many ways that I can create a company or do all these things but I don't care it's boring I have the dream job right making YouTube videos is what I sign up to do because I want to do it for me to go into other businesses would be a lot of time commitment and very boring as I've learned it's extremely boring compared to YouTube you you have to want to if you want to pursue a business separately and I've already made money so there's no incentive to be honest I feel like a lot of times like a hypocrite because I keep saying I don't like care about money but I'm obviously still generating a lot of money I'm still selling merch I'm still putting mid rolls in my videos I'm still doing sponsors and it's like if I don't care about money why do I do these things in a way it feels like you're validating your work by making money I know that maybe not makes sense at all then again the way you make youtube videos and how successful you're channeling is ties in to how you're making money as well if your video makes a lot of money YouTube is going to recommend that video more as well does that make sense I hope in 2019 I can start living by my own ideals more does that make sense what's something you wish YouTube would change anything you'd like to see come back put me back in Google preferred YouTube that reminds me actually I think that's why I got so caught up with I'm looking I'm looking at myself now but I can understand why I want to make more money because of what happened in 29 at 2017 2017 when the Wall Street Journal article came out my show was canceled I was kicked out of Google preferred getting Brian deals was so much harder you know they didn't want to touch me so I wanted to prove okay well you know I don't need to work with big brands I don't need to be a friendly friendly brand to make it and to still earn the same living so I have to be you know I wanted to show that I could do that and that's why I worked myself into that you know I got to work with a lot of cool opportunities still like clutch is one of those companies that were actually loyal to me even though all that stuff happened and I think that's that's really cool and other brands as well that I'm really happy I can work with oh yeah I think it's gotten to a point where it might feels a bit much isn't it why don't you collaborated videos with markiplier anymore I think our content swayed in different directions people seem to think there's beef between us that's not it at all it's literally just I think we probably have a mutual respect for each other but we don't have that kind of relationship where we have to collaborate to maintain anything I don't know it's like a if you don't interact with someone online that means you hate each other that's how people perceive it online the way the audience perceives relationships and how it is in real life is completely different from reality and I understand that's hard to understand maybe but it'd be great if people aren't blowing all of it up for no reason okay what were the hardest and best moments of your YouTube career and now have you always enjoy the content you make well I'll start with the first one I think both for those things happen this year best moment was obviously the wedding and I got to share that on YouTube but also some of the hard has happened this year as well and it's mainly stuff that I've had to sort of dealt with behind the scenes a lot of things that just it becomes more complicated if you dress it online basically but that can also be very frustrating because my whole the whole way I've dealt with things on this channel has been I talk about it I address it and I get support from my audience when I do it and that's the way for me to deal with a lot of hardship that comes with YouTube and then transfer have I always enjoy the content I make it goes up and down I think in general when I find myself not enjoying what I make that's when I tried different things and based on you guys what you guys think of it I go in different directions and that's the fun of YouTube I think that's why it's always changing for me and I'm not doing the same things all the time how long do you plan on doing YouTube I've been getting this question so much all the time because yeah I said I was gonna go on a break and because things are sort of wrapped up for me almost you know I got married I hit 100 million you know it would be a good time to just end it on the high and it's kind of annoying almost how people keep asking like as if as if I should quit like when are you quitting are you thinking about it maybe you should do it I love YouTube and I think I have more to give I know that's kind of naive to say but I generally think so and I sometimes I question whether you know if it's possible for me to achieve more by the format I'm doing now since I'm uploading every single day and if it has longevity in the sense of I don't really have days off right now this year has just been extremely busy it's been the busy year of my life and I've already had extremely busy years before where I practically broke down so I hope I can find better balance for me to keep doing YouTube if every year was like it was this year then no I would not do it for very long what makes you so interested in Japan culture or Japan in general it's like people think you're a we've just because you like Japan anyway it's like the least thing that interests me about Japan obviously their culture is so rich and it's so different from the West and I think a lot of their values and and way of interacting fits in with me as well it's hard to just point at one thing and say this is what I like when it's a lot a lot a lot of different things do you still have the same passion for making videos as you had 10 years ago had his reduced or increased I would say it's is pretty much the same I think there was more excitement because there was so much more growth in the beginning and you go from from nothing to something big in a time but in general I still really like it because I think I'm still pushing myself to do different things I've been doing like this philosophy type of videos and more of a different style that I'm not used to and that's beginning a lot of good feedback so that makes me excited to try out different things so I am how was emergency I doing can you guys please record another try not to cranes challenge together you guys are a couple girls a lot watching you both being in love watching and love love laughing together and bring us all a smile - is doing great I think she did quit YouTube to kind of leave YouTube and she definitely wouldn't mind being in a video but I I don't really want to drag her into that hemisphere and I understand once he left that you don't want to be be back into it that's how I would feel at least if I left youtube I wouldn't want to keep being hey guys why don't you play horror games again pewds I do play if there's a horror game that's out that's interesting I think I played as someone amnesia mod recently and it was like the worst performing video I've done in forever so I know there's some people that want something but in general you look at the bigger picture and it's like I'll do it from time to time if I feel like it but in general it feels like something I've already done once you play enough horror games you understand the premise you understand the whole thing and it becomes a bit redundant I I do it mainly as a way for nostalgia at this point it's kind of like as if I went back to play happy wheels all of a sudden it's just merrily F for the sake of nostalgia and it has no it has no value in itself it's just repetition which kind of bores me a little bit serious question how does constant media coverage both positive and negative affect your well-being I imagine having your friends family stumbling upon one of your the countless articles written about oneself must be taking a toll on anyone's mental half after so many years stay healthy everyone mental well-being I don't think it affects me if it has they would have done in the past it's something in general it's like you cross a line and it's like it doesn't matter you just realize it doesn't matter I think in general they're just digging their own grave at this point and it's just a matter of time where there's gonna be a whole new generation that don't believe in their credibility anymore do you see people taking photos in secret yeah it happens all the time one of Polish youtubers said he took a photo of you when he was in UK because he didn't want to disturb and I wonder if you see people do that and what do you think about it it's extremely cringy it happened actually when I was in Italy now some guy did this and then the flash went off and I'm just like really and then they don't even go oh and the worst part is afterwards they go up I'm like hey can we do four I'm like you just took a photo it's super cringy I hate the fact that people look at me like I'm some sort of attraction I'm a person like everyone else and I want to be treated like a person I don't think that's too much to ask hate the whole culture of I'm so tired of it and that's why I said if you meet me what you have to say is is math related to science because that's how I know if you're a cloud chaser or if you or if you're a genuine 19 year old the way people react what I found in different countries is very different right if you go to countries like Malaysia and Singapore people are very hectic and screamish and crazy and they lose their mind if they see you and they do all these crazy stuff and and then you look at countries like when I go back to Sweden people are more like me more reserved very polite and calm and just and and more I would say a lot nicer about it which I really really appreciate so that makes me think the whole way people react isn't just like a natural reaction of being nervous it's just like a trained reaction of okay so this is I'm so how I'm supposed to act if I see a famous person so me complaining about it isn't like that I'm fed up with it it's more like I want to change it I love meeting fans don't get me wrong but I also want people to just treat me normally as well and I don't like when people scream I don't like when people get freaked out and I understand you get excited that's not what I'm talking against I think there is like a culture to to treat people like they are more than they are and that annoys me but to answer your question take people taking fun in secret yeah that's rude and annoying and it's cringe as hell because I can see it a lot of time happening where do you see YouTube in two years from now will they actually listen to the community anymore or will they turn entirely into an advertiser flavor platform that doesn't care about community I just demonize all borderline content it seems that they are making steps to improve towards edgy content I've seen them do that with with advertisers YouTube does have to face with a lot of reality with the reality of backlash that comes from the media that is inevitably going to affect their advertisers that is a difficult position to be and to sort of look at the bigger picture but then at the same time you have a website that's for creators but the crater's needs advertisers I wonder if YouTube just had the balls to just stand their ground how that would affect it because they are they are essentially a monopoly I will say I think I it's obviously complicated and in a lot of ways I I understand YouTube but at the same time I think they made decisions in the past that are so anti youtuber that I wonder it's gonna take them a lot to come back to a better point with the community I think and I think if YouTube wants to have longevity even if they do have monopoly they need to get that back nothing is forever you know that they could easily become another website in the future I don't see that as an impossibility at all you've taken up many many other passions beside YouTube such as making video games what would be another passion you would like to take up I think music could be fun to work with I know that's the really cliche that's like what a lot of youtubers do but I think it could be a fun medium for me to express a lot of ideas and thoughts that it's hard to put into words in a video I think music could be an interesting medium to do that will you make more philosophical videos like that I hate Twitter video yeah I will definitely make more I have some stuff I'm being then I sort of just let it simmer in the back of my mind whenever I feel like thinking about something so I just make it when it comes natural light I try not to force it how do you deal with a lot of hate alone well I think the important bit is to understand that everyone is a [ __ ] [ __ ] no I yeah sorry it's making me laugh because it's it's I'm joking but it's also true but only because you also have to be honest with yourself and see okay if someone says something then it's making me feel a little uncomfortable because maybe there's some truth in it then I think it's important to address that and you said as constructive criticism but I think once you get something that is just purely stupid with no logic behind it or constructive feedback behind it then yeah I treat everyone like they're an idiot we should a lot of people art I swear in the internet it's like the smartest and dumbest thing ever I don't remember if I answered it this way but if you could change something this year what would would you change if anything definitely try and find a better balance between work and time off what do you like so much about Japan that you are moving there is it being able to walk around in public without getting recognized there's a lot of things that I like about Japan it's definitely not only that but that's definitely a plus it's one of the few Asian countries where I can actually move around and get recognized which is very liberating because every time you meet someone they just want something from you they want that picture if I can't draw the distinction if they're a genuine fan and if they're just someone that thinks you're famous that's kind of soul-crushing in a way where are the kids Felix oh boy so for years and years and years people have been pressuring me and Marcy to get married and now we finally did and where are the kids god it's so annoying I wish people didn't ask to be honest because it pressures it should be come from us and it shouldn't come from pray like I don't want to be pressured about it it's like no stop it's like I say the smallest thing like oh we're going I'm taking a break and people like it's gonna make baby or like I don't know if you had the choice between amnesia and minecraft or what would you pick well minecraft obviously do you think your content get better or worse compared to let's say 2017 do you think you try more or less when making a video compared to that time I probably try more because the videos kind of have to be a little longer now so it does make it a little bit more complicated before you can just record like 10 minutes and cut it down to a five-minute video I think the main thing I noticed with all the videos is the voice my voice is so different like how's it gone Brad hey how yeah it's just so cringy to me I hope I finally find a voice that is actually my voice open 21 I look back at now and I don't cringe yeah I don't know why you look depressed for real please tell us why do I look depressed no I'm not dony so weird I think mainly I'm just frustrated I think so much happened this year that I didn't take time to process and that's also part of reason of this break I think how did you overcome video awkwardness and what was your motivation when you started making videos that's funny how you mentioned that cuz yeah it was very awkward to make videos the first time you do it it's like a weird thing to speak into a microphone or a camera it's not normal it takes practice just keep doing it and you'll get over it my motivation was to just create my own path and find something that I liked I felt very trapped doing what something that I didn't enjoy I think I'm extremely fortunate to have broken out of that the fact that I was able to turn YouTube into a question was was my dream it's still is I'm so happy I can do a job that I genuinely enjoy doing I think the only thing like this to summarize this whole video it's like I love making videos but being at the precision I am it's way more than I bargained for I hope things can just simmer down a little bit simmer down and next year I can take some time to fully process a lot of it as well and that's it for this Q&A hope you guys enjoyed listening to me rambling about booooo-whoo my left so hard and that's it bye bye hey [Music] the hour of our spells and poop grades is coming marzia Edgar and buckells need you the timer you will face but crawlers is all about when you are seated on the porcelain throne Bertie is the game to play I'm not supposed to have my opinion about that but the prizes [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 7,887,089
Rating: 4.9672494 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: IcJhmhA8tHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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