This video is Mildly Infuriating.. /r/mildlyinfuriating #47 [REDDIT REVIEW]

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Shrek Infuriates

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/unknownGuy27 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

:D ily pewds

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/miyuchn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Your vids cure my depression lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/miyuchn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

K I'm gonna make a sandwich be right back.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Antandcorgis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jonnyjones51 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
our company now has 900 of these pens please use uploaded logo wow that's an amazing ways just like you watching this video welcome everyone to Mile infuriating this is make you Molly infuriated I have a confession to make first of all when I looked up at this subreddit this image shows up the way my grandmother eats pizza I've eaten pizza this way for over 20 years and every time we are out with French and I start eating my pizza it always goes weird and quiet and I'm like what and everyone's just staring to what I'm doing to the pizza it's amazing what you eat pizza with your hands creams bro listen there's a stigma all I ask is that you try it ok it's really epic I don't like the crust and when you're done eating it you have a pizza frame and you can put your face in it and be like hey pizza face it salsa I'll cut you with you try it and then you can see if you like it alright let's move on to more mildly infuriating shin Buster 9000 I'm not sure what I'm looking at it's not a bed frame that sticks out I think that site is supposed to go towards the wall you're you literally that you're using your bed backwards that is making me more infuriated hits then the post itself job expectations minimum 5 years experience in motion design graphic design animation or familiar seniority level entry it's like the meme you need experience to get job but I need job to get experience society seems fair YouTube they monetizes tons of videos with no reason whatsoever also YouTube lies ecology I got this is YouTube summarize this video showed up in my recommendation it has like 80 million views because it has lice Aiko she naked it'd be funny you could use that thumbnail and see if you get the monetize yeah I'm gay I feel like I'm getting mildly but I'm getting mildly to monetize I mean fury ate it happening written questions number two political efficacy is described as what your vote counts answer incorrect answer you are vote counts my disappointment isn't measurable and my Friday is ruined one two three four five seven that's it that is mylène for your reading I don't know it's a I feel like mildly infuriating is worse than just infuriating because if you really gotta amp yourself up to get really infuriated about something mildly infuriating it's like someone poking you with a stick and I hear you annoyed are you annoyed yet that's what it that's like that's like when you try and enjoy your pizza and you start eating it and everyone judges you for the way you eat your pizza that's mildly infuriating okay let me eat my goddamn pizza there I like my goddamn pizza incorrect nineteen forty five point five correct nineteen forty eight point fifty did I say it wrong that would be mildly infuriating if I said it wrong people who do this are just the worst sell chicken what do you mean people there aren't vegans shut up vegans okay no I I get it I do this all the time I wouldn't do it with a frozen food that's come on they have people there they gotta do something I'm joking of course I only do it if I'm really in a hurry okay I actually I don't even do it that anymore I don't do it anymore my new insurance refuses to pay for meds I've been on for years my doc gets free samples and gives them to me this is the packaging for 15 days of pills what there's so many layers of infuriating here the waste of packaging get a tune by be like ah what I can see the carbon I work with an office full of sadists oh the effort that this would have taken as well that's beautiful maybe they try to do like a creeper face and then it didn't work out at least then I would be a well valid justification these baseball fields in my city ah this makes me angry what is it about symmetry that is so beautiful and what is it about asymmetry that is so infuriating what makes it so annoying it's like I want to be God and just be like you know I'm saying make part noises while I just as well God that pisses me off I'm not gonna lie too I'm actually quite pissy peace please do not park like this this is my car on the right I was contemplating having to crawl across the passenger seat when the woman who owned the car on the Left came back I pointed out calmly that she needs to be more aware of the cars around her when parking you were on the side of the how do these people exist it blows my mind she even tweeted it out peace is Christ there's so many delusional people oh my god it's like the other day I drove my sit to the airport and there was these two two trucks literally next to each other taking up both the in spaces we're on a rush to go to the airport and this is like a British road that changes frequently it's not like there's this one road that they've been sitting on for a long time there's no reason for him to try and pass his truck that is clearly driving the same speed as you are and then when I passed him I obviously have to tell him you're an idiot so I hug ppppp you're an idiot and then he hung back at me and I hope you're watching because you're a stinky brainer don't ever hug back to me again you're a fool a stinky fool and I was mildly infuriating the way my dad puts things away in the fridge this is a piece of steak mmm delicious steak for later look I'll have that later thank you a plate wrapping foil no waste of environment straight to the fridge with you you know what is this someone in my office keeps pouring their coffee grounds the toilet and leaving it like this that is very important is more than mild maybe got on the rim of the seat dude I don't want a coffee but no one wants coffee but no one I say it now I there's a stigma against coffee butts my school that started an eco-friendly project by giving out apples to students okay I'm already annoyed did you do this on purpose whatever is wrong with you this feels like Japan in Japan they have super strict recycling rules let me see if I can find it so naturally when me and my sister try and recycle for the first time we were terrified you have to separate everything and if you mess up you get the red level of shame saying you did it wrong and they won't accept your trash and you're like oh that's that's actually really good like everyone has to recycle that's good for the environment that everyone makes an effort to recycle but my god they wrap everything in plastic literally everything is wrapped in plastic you buy candy and like every single piece of candy is wrapped in plastic you buy plastic and that's wrapped in plastic what they need to do alright here's my here's my pitch to save the environment every single product has a designated carton right a recyclable carton that uses minimal amount of wasteful materials if not hundred percent and everything goes in a specific place so they can all be used again at some point right does that make sense am i making sense here it would be easier to recycle there would be no ways PewDiePie for president thank you and if you don't recycle you get thrown in prison and death possible death PewDiePie for president thank you see I'm getting I'm getting worked up I think that's why I'm so aggressive today again what is wrong drop my remote was looking for the battery for new power that is the worst I can relate to this so hard when you drop something on the floor you hear the sound you don't look properly I'm like yeah I can hear what that landed I can hear what that Lander than that where that took off three hours later you still haven't found it oh my god this is literally Mars yeah I claim eyes this computer without telling her because it just hurts me so much cuz my state does pottery so she has so much clay oh my god she borrowed my tripod once it used to be black but now it's white hello blip blop I just want to ask a question why are you using my name as your account name because it's my name this is some genius doesn't know that people with the exact same name exist you win posture why have you taken my name there can only be one Felix Kjellberg there's a website how many of me well you can look up how many other people have your name that doesn't want to work right now so I want you to do it but try it out 20 to genius tech hacks to make you say wow that is a genius Hank Hank I love listening to speak it to your ear these channels thank you five minutes craft is like one of the biggest channels on YouTube it's like the perfect clickbait because the thumbnail is like asking a question right but it's an impossible thing like Oh what happens if I pour Nutella something happens if I pour it in and watermelon oh I can cook egg on like what is it Oh what happens if I pour coke and strawberries in ice cubes packets like no I don't actually care about this but it has bright colors and it's well put I need to learn from this I'm actually just jealous pissed me off clearly me getting like what 13 billion views it's not enough I'm jealous when you come across people like this who have no respect for others time hi there I am at Starbucks sorry I won't be able to make it today a little notice would have been nice okay so they try to sell their their phone that's funny Jesus Christ my god yes preach it preach it it's like when you tried to sell some [ __ ] on eBay it blows my mind you're like selling something that's worth like a hundred bucks but you're like I just want to get rid of it so I sell it for thirty and then they're like twenty bucks okay I'm like no shut the [ __ ] up that's the price Jesus Christ what about 25 shut up you're wasting my time hi sis items still available it's on the site isn't it I don't even need this money I just don't want to waste it and throw it away I'm practically giving it away okay so why don't you give it for free then shut up shut up I'm so angry I need to hit something whoever invented cables needs to die I hate cables my house to me is a freaking psychopath that's kind of aesthetically pleasing at least it's symmetric apparently I was taking too long to finish a puzzle so my housemate finished it and then did the biggest power move oh that's funny I like that well I played gamer not one not two not three [Laughter] oh that's beautiful that's a power mode that's the true power mode you know this is America this lunch table clearly someone just assembled it wrong it's not that annoying what is this expert towing your bike oh god I can't watch this no no stop God that pissed me out I'm truly mad truly sickening took me eight years plus a hangover to finally notice what oh my god yeah we have this in our bathroom one of the tiles it's the wrong way it's super annoying that's not too bad though you think you're eight years to notice that then you don't deserve to get annoyed by it I revoke your annoyance privileges it take a certain kind of man to get annoyed properly okay it takes a certain kind of man to understand how incompetent the world is because I am extra big large brain this I would have notice that in two seconds especially since you zoomed in on it it made it easier to spot my school just removed the urinal divider why another great thing about Japan I don't mind showing my peepee let it be no but I also appreciate a little bit of space when I make a pee-pee that's all I'm gonna say about that why are the clone guard sir would you remove that not my pick but damn it pisses me off yeah what do you what do you expect this is the quality of life that people do people go through their whole years of school years of training to then not care about what you do and this is the result I care about quality in my videos this would never happen to me oh my god can be wrapped inside a cake seriously I'm stuck in the middle and you want my leg rub tell them to remove his leg it's not that hard hey excuse me would you mind moving away from my seat it's always like this they take a photo and post it online Vedas Jesus Christ don't complain that pisses me off more to be honest but you've decided to just take a photo of it instead of just telling someone if it's annoying how is the world going to improve if you don't tell people that they're idiots promise me if Sean's being a ding dong tell them and not online tell them let's get real they probably want to know when you have no notifications and this number just won't disappear my god yes what is it I think they do it so you sign up to the account the reddit app is annoying I'm just gonna go ahead and say I'm sorry redditor it is annoying why can't they bookmark where I scrolled okay so I don't have to scroll down every goddamn time keyboards like this I don't understand the issue there's no [ __ ] there's no space either do you mean like when you have a remote and you have to like go left and right is that what's annoying cuz yes that is annoying and is the only reason I hate having PlayStation and Xbox accounts because signing up and entering your address and all that stuff it's the worst all the urinals on campus do this thought I had cancer for a second Jesus that's awesome I would love to pee read tried opening a yogurt how does this even happen yes to suck it out rot in hell suck their bike together with his by accident and the response is rot in hell this is what I mean the mildly infuriating stuff is just this stuff that war get started by whoa no way that's how much paper is left in case you never worked retail they always have that red bit at the end of the receipts you know it's run out oh my god that is so much okay that's very annoying the clear Fagor I appreciate this one that's a good meme I'm stuffed LM out completely demolish these wings they are so destruction rot in hell whoever did this whoever posted this needs to die a painful death of fired wings oh my god Wyatt yes yes my our toilet see still doing this it's 2019 why the toilet seat still you suck so much not in Japan they don't okay well please enlighten me we have amazing strides in our society with Internet technology every time pushing new boundaries but for some reason these sinks exists why why do we still have medieval plumbing I don't need this thing to either be burning hot or freezing cold yes that is a problem for someone who's very privileged but I still annoying why why does it always take so long for the sink to get hot all right I don't want to wait like 30 seconds to just wash my hands in regular temperature water I am an adult and I deserve certain things this whole videos me just seeming like it spoiled brat it is annoying I just don't understand why it's still a thing this has almost five-star rated why would anyone find this oh this one actually you can change what when there what's the point what is this what is wrong with sinks sinks suck so much oh it's traditional their sign no its design it's garbage design that's what it is you see one of these I leave I lick my hands clean instead cuz that's better than this take hot water you take cold water and you combine it to a nice temperature don't separate them it ain't that hard who came up with this idea it blows my mind goddamn it pisses me off that's more than mildly infuriating that's nice enough to kill a man I hate sinks I hate them the only thing annoying about this failed lottery ticket it's the fact that you posted a photo so I have to bend mice head over and Ohio isn't real I've said this before god damn it genuinely pissed all of us for quality parking oh yeah that's room qualit leading by your example that's where that's called that's amazing local dairy queen is currently sold out of dairy sorry we can't sell any dairy products would you like something else butcher we're out of meat at the moment would you like something else a knuckle sandwich perhaps the keyboard in my school's computer life some dweeb obviously did this to annoy you it's not that hard to fix them you fell for the trap not annoyed they skipped 69 at the menu why would you do that not epic not epic who the hell makes zipper lubricant that looks like four days zipper lubricant yes keeps my lips nice and shiny thank you super lubricant more people part yeah this thing that was a carb Your Enthusiasm episode about this if you enjoy it no yeah no one enjoys getting my lean fury ate it sorry but if you are part of the mildly infuriated fan club you should definitely watch Curb Your Enthusiasm they did a whole episode about this and that's why that show was so funny because Larry David actually calls these people out it's like that sketch where he a line cutting hey III can't show it but you you should watch it my read David should be the face of this subreddit that's all I'm gonna sing the piece are upside down Wow wowie upside down piece my favorite food I eat them this way through my swatter add a fly don't ask questions because I don't have I mean that's kind of epic okay alright well I guess he worked one in a million looks like I won't be listening to my new vinyl record I've seen this Jesus dude still listen to it come on so I complaining just put it in the Cable Guy installed the cable through our hula hoop I mean that's not too much effort but yeah that's still annoying yeah I guess that's the point it's mile mile infuriating this teacher gives me anxiety reasonable nice Marty eight four six of his pizza and Louise eight five six of his pizza Marty eight more pizza than Lewis how is that possible Marty's pizza is bigger than Lewis pizza that is not possible because five six is greater than four sick so what is a more stinky brain this neighborhood I saw on Google Maps that hurts that physically hurts that is just pain to look at make it stop oh my god it this is what I was talking about why just don't pass and they're free they don't honk back at me when I'm telling you you're an idiot in the honk language of third third third third third don't ever speak back to me I got swatted in order listen just so we're clear if you're driving on a road I understand that some cars have like a limiter on them so they can't go past a certain speed here's your answer don't pass and I understand that some cars it's illegal for them to blink out to let people pass them because that makes them legally viable and I understand that you have a stinky brain goddamn truck drivers piss me off dude yes what is wrong with these erasers wow thanks eraser whoa the owner of this device turn off the dinosaur game well some people just want to see the world burn don't they Jesus Christ that is absolutely horrible hey US government can you fix the roads you taxed me to build so I won't brick up my car you text me annually to drive that I paid for with the income you also tax that I park at my home that is highly taxed Thanks every US citizens all my god if there was no taxes gamers we would be living in a society you want to sell something you want to buy something you want to borrow something you want to win something you want to die I want to slice it hey hey hey did you just die bro I need like 40% of that true is it that high I think I heard that it was 40% the standard inherence tax rate it's 40 [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out shut the [ __ ] up this thing's pisses me off so much why do you need 40% or someone that just died maybe that should go to their family Jesus Christ that is more than my limp URI ating and I think that's enough for me to end this episode thank you guys for watching smash like if you did and before this ends important check out March it's the best way to support the channel I appreciate it see you guys tomorrow well you haven't tried to Bruce emulator at citizen e after 50 million out troops by H don't just doubt it still relevant just download it
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 10,852,772
Rating: 4.9449444 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, Mildly Infuriating, r/, r/mildlyinfuriating, pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie, pdp, reddit review, reddit, pewdiepie reddit, you had one job, pewdiepie minecraft, minecraft
Id: E0asAgpHvaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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