Rip Ohio /r/softwaregore #48 [REDDIT REVIEW]

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Pewds cmon why arent you doing any more funny satirical commentaries? Now its just 5 days of minecraft and reddit review and then a day of meme review and lwiay.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/MajorTom65 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

the comments are.. weird

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/hugoreturns 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Whats going on with the comments?

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Jumixxx 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

I just discovered r/softwaregore an hour before the video was posted

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/sumozuno 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

No! Not my home state!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/DankNerd97 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

What happend at the end? Can the really ISP block you in Japan when you're looking at "nasty stuff" or am I not getting the joke?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Spuka 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

what the fuck is going on in the comment section lol

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Manduv 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Pewds should review r/PewdiepieSubmissions next

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wish pewds would only review reddit on lwiay or make another series for it. I'm really enjoying the gameplay content and amnesia was very fun to watch as well but Im not the biggest fan of the reddit readings.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/runekid64 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
Chrome PDF viewer crashed while printing a document oh wow what a great use of ink don't that barely costs anything anyway hello everyone my name is PewDiePie subscribe if you haven't already we're reviewing software software Gordon you everything computers gonna take over the planet well this video might make you reconsider let's just watch more failed to print document printing is not supported on this printer Wow what does the printer dude this printer cannot print but you can make phone calls error could not copy files because now there's one possible way to reply to this okay that's a great reason to anything could not do it why no why did you not clean your room feeling no okay that's good I'll try that one hey Google guide me to the hospital is that the right direction oh it's Hospital thanks Google only 34 hours away I love these what if you went all the way to hospital and there's no actual hospital they're not CERN as well is like is did I get it right it's the sir destination the most screen time the last seven days settings hundred and seven hours incredible job that reminds me actually when when you were a kid and he would get a new phone and there wasn't that much to do on phones back in the day so you were just trying find like every little thing about the phone like going through the settings is this relatable because I used to do this that's why this person had 107 hours in settings Oh have you been playing games no set things I just love the settings I got a coupon code for 30% of Bluetooth headphones that ended up being ninety-eight percent off when I enter the code Wow ninety-eight percent free that said almost a great price but down we go oh my god cringe this is Apple software everyone knows Apple users are for dingy stinky brainers oh my god is it going down I mean to be fair oh yeah why would anyone do this stop this is literally me when my girlfriend can't decide and I just like leave my wife I have wife we are sorry your driver license was not the probe dang it but why reason for not being approved your license was a problem yeah what I don't understand it there's something funny about the absolute thumb freakery about this law my bank just called me because you can give your accounts nicknames to remember which saving account is which okay that makes sense I put an emoji in one of them and apparently somehow broke their entire Bank existed so I guess don't do that excuse me sir can you stop putting emojis I do this a lot actually it's really funny to see especially when there's text-to-speech and see what they're gonna say when you have the cowboy emoji cowboy hat smiling face guy did my dog just discover teleportation dog Oh tracker whistle nutmeg is now at home wait what so this is an app that tracks your dog and it and an app is called whistle and the dog is called nutmeg got it okay whistle nutmeg is now at home whistle nutmeg is now at home whistle heads-up nutmeg is 292 miles from home near 270 over the street one minute later whistle nutmeg is now at home Wow damn no way this is like Toy Story you know when you're not looking they're toys same with dogs when you're not looking they be teleporting what if dogs have like many different owners that they're trying to appease at all time oh my god we don't deserve dogs this is so nice reasons you should keep us around okay this is McAfee the most annoying antivirus software that is useless everyone had it back in the day because there was no other software McAfee maybe you should keep us around here's why Oh God Oh God hmm you convinced me I'll keep my web protection thank you very much McAfee you convinced me with your sound argument as my friends shouldn't leave me here's why give it a thigh let me know what you think I movies expand title reflect oh god I'm a visitor stop stop another apple dump free curry software ok I'm telling you guys switch to Android switch to Windows switch to pee pee in my poopoo my ipod does this frickin genius factory thing I remember this I think I you said this when I was a noob Apple a pollutant noob Apple user long ago long barely remember it where it forgets which artwork goes with which album and makes guesses that's awesome because it's pretty sure I won't notice mmm yes you want this you want this picture with this what song is that five nights of Freddy's a remix or something scooter app right before the app crashed behold the writable cyclone I'm pretty certain that's what happened this a tornado just blew and sucked in all the scooters and this was the visual representation before everyone just went down I am this unpopular - - Wow I'm so popular I have - two friends how many friends do you have - five ah damn it what does that mean that you had two friends and you lost them and now you have - two friends that's so sad another apple let me just point out I'm not saying anything else but another Apple SMAP Oh Oh God okay fine here's a Windows one thank you windows very cool that's right the windows stuff is just epic he made the cute little smiley face like elgu I'll never do that again I'm so sorry okay I mean Japan I think it's allowed oh it's another Japan one BBC how to be polite and show respect this is good it's all about the respect in Japan but really it you shouldn't be in the old days of feudal Japan a samurai warrior would shout you are trying to view Flash content but you have no Flash plugin installed oh my god that is so polite Thank You BBC that's very cool I'll try it someone hands me back my change you are trying to be a flash content but you have no Flash plugin installed oh how old are you 21 user already existed damn it better luck next year gamer why do they always want to know my age so relatable right for real why I always put the highest age like I'm hundred and I think I'm YouTube I'm like hundred and twenty years or something I'm pretty sure everyone knows this but I always picked the highest one and and sometimes it's really embarrassing because they'll come back and correct me be like you're not hundred and twenty years old your name isn't flippy flippin Stein come on my raspberry pie sense hat died today what is that I know what a raspberry pie is this is his last message to pay respect my god that's like saying rest in peace to yourself when you die I want to win the first real burial that someone's gonna put an F on you know it's gonna happen you know someone who requested it that's in the chat boys you know I just want the melons right oh this went viral I remember this I think my uber driver is in trouble you get high I'm on my way the texts make it so much funnier I didn't know they had a text it oh my god yes Google that's exactly how bridges work basil areas you know someone had to code that to fix that you never think about so many details like some algorithm that detects the bridges and then doesn't I don't know I don't know it's pretty cool if you think about it I've seen the chat for Ohio guys slash Ohio will be eliminated gone but not forgotten my boy humid stuck on 69 quiz complete final score 99.99 1999 in a night correct answer questions 19 out of 19 would you like to try again maybe you should go for 100% maybe try again try a little harder trying to rotate 90 degrees don't you just type 90 oh my god that's so annoying hundred ninety so what is actually sad your PC reckon where did he go come back please oh god everyone leaves me imagine being such a loser that your computer leaves you F's in the chat okay okay okay okay let's get some locations in the chat gamers I'm so sick of all that quote PewDiePie memes god damn the past four days it just never stops oh wow the download is freaking me that download is freaking me stop I remember this actually happening back in the day a lot when when loading screens were actually really freaking slow oh wait they still are this is so sad my AVG bugged out and I think you're in danger my software became self-aware you're in danger Felix these files they're not good this is a big problem hey Siri what is 68 in German 68 68 Wow Siri thank you so much I gotta try that hey Google what's 68 in German Achtung sexy no I prefer 68 I'm gonna go with serious translation Thank You Google not epic what is this cool cool sign cool sign it's a cool side I don't know what to tell you it's a cool side very cool side the oh gee software Gore wild missingno appeared I know there's a story behind this Pokemon for you for your Zoomer so you wouldn't understand but there was this epic hidden Pokemon that you could find I think it was a glitch it's like a Pokemon that wasn't added to the game but it was super overpowered as well if you can't caught it but he's clearly missing number that didn't register for me as a kid I was like oh my god missing you know I think I'm connected to speedtest Australian service mm-hmm that's funny it's upside down it's also married so that make your no sense remind me to get washing tablets on Mazda what do you want to be reminded remind me to get washing tablets when I'm at a star sorry when do you want to be reminded when I'm at as that sorry I still didn't get that just say what time you want your reminder when I'm at Asda remind me at 6:30 what's the reminder you you will send this reminder at 6:00 there this buddy it's my forehead this entire video that's awesome I'm not so worried about a just yet hate Windows 10 search yes it sucks game DVR no game search and it is right there all the time I search for stuff it doesn't appear it's so annoying the fine pen what's the lovely stroke with a fine pen oof I'm making my computer bleed with every stroke Wow thank you the fine pen is my favorite brush my TV froze so did this internet player come on oh my god giggity giggity goo hey that was a Family Guy reference that I almost didn't want to commit to oh my lord why is it on the genitals [Laughter] [Music] seven deadly sins nice Google well done she says that's awful what's the cost of a train ticket from Sydney to Brisbane the answers 28.8 quadrillion kilometer you his dollars squared wow that's a lot of cash what Siri oh I remember this yeah this is a glitch too everyone was freaking out about like oh god people are gonna do it to me oh no was it on Twitter I don't remember confirm order here your game how does that happen yo gay my internet is faster than yours yeah I'll guarantee it try making videos on a frickin pocket Wi-Fi god this is so hot I'm surprised it's still working it's got lower battery even though it's in charge Jesus it's been charged all night oh my god Wow I want that internet speed that's what I want that's what I deserve come on great your heart rate is zero zero fantastic well done you have achieved meditation Oh Medical watching the office of my computer and every now and then the image glitch is up but this is the most horrifying thing I've ever seen Michael Scott has never seen such BS before this is this like nightmare feel a lot of it this is super creepy you're gonna meet the love of your life at 11:10 65 damn it I was so close there's my meal when I was a kid I was like but after 12 is it 1 or 0 12 is zero Oh who know my brain after 12 is 1 zero Sarah comes after they are what time is zero zero zero I remember this there was a warning in Hawaii it was like a year ago they accidentally set off the alarm for a missile line layer and this was the screen the ballistic missile alert the operator clicked on Packham and he's supposed to click the drill one good good UI your first name doesn't comply with our Community Guidelines we don't take kindly to know James around here if you're named James leave bye-bye this is the same problem we have in Sweden when we're trying to write the end which means solute which means slot obviously you tell someone to stop something slip slip slip that and it just censored in a line it's like Dennis stop up so annoying Swedish problems I yesterday I told Sarah to remind me to die today and her crustash sent me this she did Siri you cold-hearted son of a okay bye please die these files cannot be open your internet security sitting prevented the files from being open closed windows security your inner security safe I can't even open a program to screenshot this everything is good everything is fine this is the computer version of this is fine meme this is fine everything is good good oh my god this video contains content from Verizon Wireless TV who has blocked it on copyright grounds thank you Verizon very cool it was number one I'm trending - this is such a perfect example of why the system is so stupid because it claims first and ask questions later literally the White House a few days ago uploaded a meme of Nickelback and I got copyrighted I don't think my internet likes me anymore I'm trying to just pull up a simple image scientists show it for me please time to learn Japanese Oh bridges that's the hard thing that apparently well done well done very cool flight simulator oh my god it's a weird that I know what this image is my school cafeterias are me what do you identify as male correct answer female try again next time I'm not a robot try again next damn robots has anyone ever failed at one of those hey mom look at me run there it is Pepsi man another amazing copyright system in place here your own song got copyrighted thank you damn this suffering infuriates me which of these numbers is closest to math processing error question mark math processing error or math processing error I'm gonna go with 0.05 I don't know bye you guys oh I remember this what game is this it's like a baseball game the most horrifying moment in video game you say wow how does that happen he's so bad nightmares oh oh that makes me sick Texas enter a valid state please stupid Texas try another state like Ohio you have tried you have tried you have tried you have a tried you haven't tried thank you computer you have tried oh god none of the anime nothing is safe now the anime wife's Oh God ready to actually broke oh god is this a thing oh god it's didn't ready hello this is the most ironic thing I've ever seen are you kidding me I've never seen this glitch up are you kidding me are you joking what from browsing reddit well I'll take your hands Google I understand it's time to end this video if you guys enjoyed feel free to smash like and subscribe subscribe and be a gamer if you want to support the channel I would appreciate it check out represent calm sighs PewDiePie we have some epic March keeps you haven't seen it that's it what you haven't tried to Bruce emulator at citizen e after 50 million out troops by etch down just down it's still relevant just
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 10,568,565
Rating: 4.9549885 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, pewdiepie, pewdie, pdp, reddit review, pewdiepie reddit review, pewdiepie reddit, reddit, minecraft, pewdiepie minecraft, reddit software, software, software engineering, technology, tech review, pc, computers, ohio, comedy, parody
Id: uN-TvWzeEvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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