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what's up gamers now that I'm 30 I'm officially a Boomer that's why I brought in boomer expert well now it is I exactly know gee feel just taste so much better once he hit 30 mm-hmm stay in your lane October November December oh it's because Christmas starts earlier and earlier it pisses me off yes yes y-yeah Cranky's music in October what oh it's so stupid stinky Instagram influencers I just wants to post about likes and Instagram and they want it for free they want everything for they want everything for free and oh my god they think it's a real job it's weird though I do agree with the whole they want everything they're so entitled my gonna get things for free already angry it just pissed me off when like it's Halloween and I see people post about this Christmas yeah I should be illegal like I would love to send people to jail if they do they just so they know to jail yeah I agree I agree oh this is a good look have you seen that art style of this is amazed I haven't seen it you just know it from the art style yeah it's a problem or a Boomer who made this yeah your pops you should get a Wi-Fi box box I love that because that's like already no one calls it a Wi-Fi box yeah that's that's pretty crazy I already have a Wi-Fi a wife I oh yeah yeah boomers hate their wife more than anything I'm not there yet but I I think in a couple of years mm-hmm you gotta work up that resentment yeah you really had it why for like a couple months yeah I had a wife I for a long time then your wife's box okay do whatever the guy next to you always looks in his pocket before he orders a shot interesting do you want another shot sure another whiskey please a few minutes later it looks like I'll take another shot of whiskey I'm curious why do you look into your pocket before ordering each shot I have a picture of my wife in there and when she starts to look good I go home I hate my wife my wife's bad that's the title I said a nice thing boomers hate their wives where does that come from I feel like it's like old comic yeah yeah yeah second do you remember when every sitcom was like a bar like yeah and oh yeah oh my god what is that one with the owl yeah yeah I know exactly which one that was a call National Society of men against Amazonian masterhood why do I remember that no ma'am it was called do remember that no ma'am he should be the boomer ahead of boomer he hates his wife yeah yeah basically the whole show was based on like him being a macho man and he hated my wife he doesn't like women what does a Boomer one woman then I guess just like just hating mutes and maybe hating your husband yeah if you're a Boomer allowing like just let us know like worry we're inclusive boomers yeah let us know about how much you hate your husband's I think phone bad it's a really like woman thing yeah phone bad computer bad yeah video game band it's election day in Canada it's my Boomer online I have a Boomer on - I love her though okay let's see let's talk more action we can make a difference youth were change people who change we can make a difference making a real difference is this way voting the youth they don't just March it's so true I kind of agree with me but like they do though the people go in those marches will be voting that's true it's like that's true but I think I feel like if you remove the vote and you just change that to be like making a difference yeah more like with like the Facebook posturing and yeah like just by changing my profile picture to this this way the posturing yeah that's what it sumers love to do more than anything oh you like self-worth huh find a real job Circle bet you don't know how to screw screw you just you don't do you know busy looking on your iPad yes change the light bulb oh ha ha cheating where the neighbor okay dead what's difference between confident and confidential hmm you are my son of that I am confident your friend Billy next door is also my son that's confidential how many did you catch Oh like with my funk in there can you afford it why can't you do did phone man it's another example of these is like when Zoomers defend the phone they're like oh my god the phone is an amazing device that can let you look up anything in the world but you can't do that with the dictionary like it's the same thing will I vote for them are cringing yeah but the thing is they're not looking up like important stuff on their phone yeah exactly yeah you just looking at ready [Laughter] humor well-written structured original joke and boomers are like not reacting right when a movie has to joke about teens not knowing what a VHS tape boomer time over time it's so true I mean I can't it was funny the first time okay they take photo of baby they take photo baby they took photo child and he wrote me Mom and Dad he thinks they're self oh oh they're not living in the moment like we did when we were kids do you remember look uh do you remember feeling while you didn't want to be reachable all the time when you like got a cell phone I felt like getting a spell phone kind of sucked in the beginning because it meant like my dad could call me yeah you're right yeah you couldn't that's it yeah this is a Boomer moment here I feel like we're sharing yeah great yeah it's like I don't know because before that you can't like to tell your parents you did like anything you just go yeah everyone yeah you're right and now it's a signal collie at any time and you'd have to be like okay guys shut up and then all your friends but like oh he's freaking a P P yeah I did that in years once we were firing up Rockets uh-huh and then my mom called me and I was like I got an answer and then I'm like I hope they don't like explode the fireworks and she's like are you stupid cellphones boo don't like phone band yeah phone bad boomer good yes and there's so many good things about phones now I know so my parents have do not call me almost a 31 years old so you know you finally figured out we just get old enough guys and it's fine if anyone objects to this union oh my bad already bad just getting married and already bad when are you why are you getting married then exactly damn it mom I told you hundred dad there's no way to pause an online game [Music] ooh more time yeah but you don't know what to do now don't need to pause in the line game if you're not playing in a line game am i right boomer friends I hope you have a lot of boomers watching us I have some old people yeah that's good good it's much like if you're a boomer yes smash like if you're Zoomer so we can know one thing my mom would always do when I was at the computer and had the TV on in the back she was like one has to go oh any parents ever do that no I never understood it because I'm like - because I'm listening to the TV I don't need to watch the TV mom mom our mutual friend who we kinda like met through Anton he was the first guy I saw doing that and I was actually like what are you doing how do you do the same two things at once yeah so you're you were a Boomer before I always a Boomer before it was cool but now it's really beta there's a life beyond Facebook really please share the link to it oh they're always what links music sure has changed a lot like how well for starters singers actually used to sing oh this is for you like you know I feel like my stands you know my videos just like that people can do whatever they want it's like I would tell you look you really photoshopped your thumbnails dude yeah why don't you just take a good picture and we'll just take one photo yeah just like we used I mean that's a Boomer thing I feel like I miss just being able to take one photo mm-hmm you just have to take so many now yeah it's because we're getting uglier - that's true yeah boomer ugly we have to get the right angle yeah weird look that someone printed out a bunch of tweets and then they added extra characters to all the words [Music] without a single degree they built us roads that have lasted an eternity and then the engineers arrived bad modern signs bad oh stop it good that's what I'm saying these roads did not exist in the Roman Empire my god Loki it is kind of impressive how they built at the same time like do you think it always looked like this like this is a drawing and that's a photo yeah well there's roads now that look good too I'm just saying no boomer I mean that is impressive yeah you know I guess it hasn't been used by actual cars though now exactly mm back in my day I didn't have to accept privacy policies mm-hmm I've made it worse 2,000 year old Roman Road two year old modern and hey I'll print this one oh well you haven't shared any boomer coming some Facebook yeah I don't have a Facebook when washer stops remove all your clients Alexandra will cassia Cortez goes to the laundromat she's a liberal she's an idiot oh yeah she's all wrong I got so upset in my video when I found out inherence tax is 40% oh really yeah and it generally pissed me off home dad that's boomer do you have gluten-free treats lady I'm lactose intolerant I can't eat nuts do you have vegan chocolate me organic only have no good allergy gender-neutral can be gender-neutral yeah haha I mean you're gonna have your last one but the rest I'm like yeah come on it's so individualistic now everyone has their own little special thing it gets annoying why are we discussing this I wanna do because we're boomers okay let's discuss okay so she shouldn't have to have all those different types of candy yeah but like lactose intolerant then you can eat like gummies she probably has gummies in there yeah surely and like I can't eat nuts that's yeah how dare you know okay nuts it's not bad annoying to get used to see that's why it's boomer yeah we don't want to change okay you can have another spin but only crusted see Herbert what I have this a lot birthday that's an epic 30 year old grass type of drawing as well it's like Gilbert is yeah so bad I'm sorry I have to let you all go but you're just not freaks anymore haha now everyone is crazy everyone's like this like a lot of girls now with beards girls have beards now people are like what's up with that I'm a Boomer people are big now yeah people people have fat and about it some people have some tattoos now too crazy yes back in my day back in my day no one had a tattoo no one looked different everyone the same clever and original millennial humour I hate my life Quincy and bad boomer humor I hate my Y that is true I hate my life is just as cringy yeah we need a guy equals life my your wife is your life I've been separated from my parents because of Trump's Nazi border policy right no they got caught with plastering straw oh the camera like oh my god she crazy - crazy just like a crazy liberal guy stinky piercings and yeah they don't they don't understand these court don't understand anything all right isn't that plastic straw thing like a bit of an overreaction yeah not more important issues to solve yeah than plastic straws like it's like people saw that one photo but turtle and everyone's like oh my god we have to stop using that yeah it's all fiscal girl thing right one that's all visco girl thing right disco girl oh my god you don't know busy I thought it was the only one who didn't know what a visco girl is what is that it's like one of the news like subcultures it's like the girls that I like wearing they have like the hydro flask and they say and they say and I heard this yeah this goes like in photo editing app it's become like a subculture I've been seeing some words in my comments that I need to ask you all about so like visco girl I don't know that's the SEO girl or disco girl or schist kiss-kiss have no idea what the hell that is and one there's one that says and I hope I got a feeling that somehow knows this is a way inappropriate so you're probably getting a really big food out of this so let me know I don't get it though I still don't understand what's funny about it it's not funny it's just like an actual subculture like I never seen it is this normal white girls I don't get it it is like a white girls that's what I don't understand explain it but I can't explain it man it's too complex I don't get it oh is it like amber Chamberlain is that it I think it's kind of image handling yeah but I guess he did a video about she already done a video yeah no no no nurse I said slip off his testicles spectacles spectacle blonde with big tits dumb yeah you can't be blonde and attractive it and have any brain no this is how that works now that's a Boomer sentiment yeah I swear people tried to make me think that when I was a kid yeah attractive people were automatically suited or really buff people too right yeah yeah this I wonder what boomer values you still have it you don't realize yeah yeah shaped by society I think Burma's forget that washing machines and dryers were invented during their lifetime because all they cared about was making their own daily lives easier it tries to washing using the very latest technology a combination of solar and wind power she says wasn't their thing we're like the the dishwasher was actually a really important invention for the women to be out of the kitchen yeah and here boomers are like Oh we're just wind oh you can wash your dishes with your hands yeah yeah such backward-thinking yes technology bad is probably the worst boomer value yeah although well we have all these taken howl idea right but like is anyone happier from it I was talking to someone about this the other day have you thought about how much easier it's like sleep around now because of like the apps and stuff compared like only people who were really I don't sleep around Joe I know guys my tinder no but I just thought about that how like that's gotta have made it easier for people want to do that I don't know that's like yeah you can argue it's a broom about you to feel that's not a good thing to be like it's too easy to hook up now yeah I think you had to be like good in like club since oh yeah yeah and now you can find someone on your same page yeah easier yeah this one was born without an umbilical cord it's because he's from the wireless generation the police just pulled me over him and said papers I said scissors I win and drove off I think he wants a rematch he's been my English textbook is terrible I'm hitting a nail I'm hitting it again I'm hitting it a third time things would move much quicker if you didn't tweet every nail feelings if we do it every stroke he's tweeting he's three thing to doing everyone all right okay millennial dad's have terrible DIY skills half of them own don't own a stepladder cordless drill half don't have a cordless drill your dad oh you're right when you were dad probably and you're never set of screwdrivers what bothers me yes again someone to do it I that's what I do was the time yeah so you'll be that millennial dad huh proud millennial dad yeah I feel like it's so embarrassing though when you get someone there and it's literally like two seconds and it's done mm-hmm because you don't know like the basic thing to do so I actually in my old flat I used to actually get a guy in to change the light box so you're not a Boomer at all I'm just old zoomer is like the thing is there was like a light over the stairs oh yeah you don't own a step line but then once it was there once he was there like so where do kids learn to be so violent and that one's real I mean like that's a real comic yeah it's so yeah that's like one of those boomer ideas that just seems too sick for some reason it's like it's been disproved like scientifically so many times it just doesn't seem to stick no yes like violence did not exist before movies yeah balances come down but kids are playing video games so video games bad video game bad like what's he has like a bomb in the house I guess yeah what's yeah I mean if yeah if you let your kid have a bomb in the house or like whatever them I got your rating to answer why is he so ugly yeah the kid looks like an a dog yeah it's got like like this but I feel I gotta say I feel like it's again it's equally cringy when kids be like no but this is car video games at all no I don't think it's asked when you when you've got science on your side but yeah I still think it's cringy like overtly trying oh yeah you do it like really great I think it's just cause buyers at oh you're all scientifically wrong like who cares could you see that like some stores stopped selling like video games after like a shooting and stuff okay yeah that's I think I think it when I read it it was when Trump said something and then everyone on Twitter be like I've played video games my whole life I never thought of doing anything violence that's like yeah it's more like how you say it I guess then yeah that's a good point yeah cuz then you're putting yourself into it and be like I'm so good I'm not bad at all this is so great you're right classical music good modern bed Joe Han you have to come with me to 2018 we have to save the word from each awful electronic dance music box to the fuse [Laughter] is music better back in the day no you listen to the top charge yeah I do yeah what's wrong with come on say yeah what saying say what was awesome ariana grande is shocked Bach was awesome ariana grande and Sun people can't leave without their phone phone bad please do not panic you're only required to turn off your mobile staring the movie is it weird that I always feel like just like turning off my phone didn't know that yeah man did you turn yours off when we saw Joker yeah yeah but you feel anxious about doing it yeah why I don't know I feel like something bad is gonna happen when I'm disconnected you're also one of the people who like really bad things have happened to you I've never had like a moment let's share honey what's the password our anniversary date she did this on purpose what's your anniversary date nineteen Morris think of them as shoes get women buy shoes women buy shoes men buy island goodbye son that's our bus go to die there's no Wi-Fi and there's only ugly wife revolution your generation girls like a guy with a cigarette too like he's so cool oh yeah very well to be fair silver white coloring the tasteful paranoid oh my god it even has embossed surface he's talking about this one that tastes like garbage you're right well this has been insightful I learned a lot about myself I guess I share a lot more with the boomers than I thought I guess it just comes from being 30 are you sure you're 30 I am 31 but not married yet oh yeah I guess that's why I'm more boomerang and I feel like you're closer to retirement yeah maybe you you thought about it you thought about it we time every single day all right well thanks for coming on Joel check out roomie thank you you makes auto-tune bad altitude bad real singing good yeah hey bro ready bro well you haven't tried to pursue me later City after 50 million our troops much I am don't just doubt it's still relevant just a love it
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,131,277
Rating: 4.917027 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: feYE_0-Ts_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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