Creating a Battle Royale in Prison Architect

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prison architect is a game that's supposed to be about building a correctional facility receiving felons and penalizing and reforming them that's not what this video is about this video is about war this video is sponsored by paradox i'm supposed to be showing you the new natural disasters dlc but naturally what could be more disastrous than making 1000 people fight for their freedom inspired by my youtuber friend the spiffing brit who did a prison architect battle royale in an earlier video what happens when we throw a thousand prisoners into a massive gang war while all of the new natural disasters dlc just makes everything worse i i get in trouble for that don't i for just shooting that man in the head before we get started on the prison we need to hire a staff that will be able to accommodate all of this 50 100 200 oh my god it's like water and 500. now we're going to need a similar number of work men to get this prison begun and look what's happening to our finances all right i'm willing to be conservative if we have this many people they're going to need to eat aren't they i think that's perfect a single warden in charge of everyone she fought just five of them can we get more no we can't psychologists just to study whatever happens by the end there we go 10 snipers 10 dog handlers farmers not really for any reason just because variety a single janitor a single gardener one orderly one doctor and i'd say that's a good start we've already made such a great investment in our staff let's start buying land they're one two and three and four okay we've expanded making this mistake look far less impressive oh someone found a shovel hand it over hand it over i think that's a good conservative start let's see if we can crash my computer i can barely see the entrance they're sitting on it like it's the berlin wall at the fall and we're going to need several gates because there will probably be a lot of resistance that's a start now it's getting a little bit clearer to see who's no they are in fact still just drifting over the wall inexplicably we need to make some space for our next building this is going to be the holding cell if that's 500 people and i need a thousand will this make a conservative investment of thirty thousand dollars and oh how about just one door will it build and it does build impressive i really didn't think that would work a utility room very far away where it's safe i i think we've made the entrance too small ah that's much better oh finally power why are they all just standing there with the logs menacingly let's put an armory just in the yes just in the middle of the cell couple of staff rooms and there we go they're finally moving around with purpose except for the leashes for these dogs they're so outstandingly long deploy one guard to that maybe two two we'll get a break one toilet in the middle of the floor pooping is shameful that's right we need to discourage it wherever possible and i think we need one bed for this cell in that arrangement exactly let's put the showers behind the guns we also need food a lot of people in here most of them won't ever get to eat any food power's on i think everything's just about ready we still have those 500 guards this is just wild there's no reason for them all to be in here this prison loses 77 000 every day [Music] now then let's commence our adventure bring on the prisoners that should be enough guards to keep it quiet i'm going to use this mod to just begin spawning them in wouldn't it just be wild if we put them all together i enjoy the look of utter insanity on this man's face attempting to socially distance while people just teleport in from nothing look there the guards all go hey hey hey no fighting not yet why is everyone getting naked oh dear god the guards are just dropping like crazy because they're all legendary prisoners we haven't even gotten them all in yet no we have to work faster oh my wrist is very tired and 1000. i should have just downloaded an auto clicker we got a pretty even distribution gang by gang what do you know oh this is terrible we have a riot already and they haven't even gotten into the cell yet i'm going to need to pause and hire more guards we've already lost 66 guards most of them are just lying dead on the floor menacingly here we go automate mouse clicks that's what i need and we'll just set that now that's 1 000 prisoners and 1 000 guards watch how that number drops instantaneously and the game's engine is not even phased at all my god i can't belie that jermaine just teleported oh it's counting by multiple how do we even make how do we even make sense of everything that's going on what is this supply and demand is this the gang leader it looks like he's getting tased what is even happening over here the number of guards is dropping much faster than the number of prisoners is i'm going to pause the action for a moment no this can't be i've been made a prisoner in my own prison [Music] sometimes the extent of my genius and power amazes even me i'm willing to admit that was a mistake and just move on with her lives i've built a new prison that is contained we have a thick perimeter wall on the outskirts ah this works much better and we can just place those solitary confinement cells we had a rat infestation this man looks like a rat infestation now this is a prison that could feature some real gang warfare if we just spawn in prisoners we should get a pretty even distribution between the three gangs red green and blue we have a blue leader a red leader and a green leader and since there's only one central room and meeting area they should fight there rather than all getting cut off at the door but i should have put in more than one door in front of the fight let's spawn in about 40 more prisoners just out in the middle of the floor and if my theory is right the guards take the prisoners off to their cells and good we're starting to get rats from the infestation they're beginning to the electrical cables and good the gangs appear to be relatively evenly distributed and now we just shake them all down to get them annoyed that's right i want a good fair fight and no scissors this is to be a battle royale good we've already got a massive fight going and we've caused a riot now we of course just need to fire the entire staff especially the uh we can't fire the dead ones how dare you show up to work dead and now what happens oh the blue gang is off to a really good start clearly they used the shower to some effect it looks like this guy got the keys james shopland the blue gang has already got handguns the legendary prisoner but he has a gun a nude guy with a hunting rifle has just taken the armory hostage will no one charge at this man with a handgun uncontrolled riot the government is coming in oh we've only had 73 deaths yes bring in the government bring in the government of course i feel like we got a lot done today oh so we get a second chance after that very good second chance second chances now listen i know that we've had a number of failed inopportune battle royale attempts but they say the third time's the charm if we just level the playing field maybe we can get this one started off on the right foot that's why i'm putting armory lockers everywhere in the main room of our prison so that this can be a good fair fight we'll make that's right we'll make it just like texas folks it's only fair because we all have them how do you think i break up fights between my own kids good morning everyone the old scissors trick a the old pooping yourself trick eh oh how unfortunate the guards seem to be getting the best of them well i don't think that'll happen for long most of the prisoners seem to have gotten naked which is very intimidating to this guard and some of the prisoners have taken to the entrance we're just going to block them in no one can escape except this gentleman is escaping literally running down the block buck naked who would ever guess he'd just come out of prison we're just going to fire most of the guards that way the last few guards won't stand a match against the remaining prisoners the prisoners will take the guard's keys and then whichever gang has the most members left they'll have the best shot at getting the guard lockers open taking the weapons and winning the prison it appears to be a fight of buck naked men fighting over a bunch of pairs of keys hey no being unconscious at work you're fired you'll be hearing from me when you are conscious again no stop running away in the nude all of this nude escape calls for a lockdown this is just a naked man punching a metal fence that's all i have to say i like that now i've unlocked it and he's he's still upset with the fence it has insulted him by blocking his path there they go they're taking off their clothes and getting angry all together at once look there the clothes go just right off of them i still can't quite figure out why that happens oh no that naked guy went into the kitchen he's going to taint the food with his ween unfortunately a lot of them still seem to be using fists i know i could do a better job myself than this i don't have to get naked to why is that that man's hair is tattooed he's so gangster let's find out who's in the lead it seems like yes the green team is in the lead still and here's the natural disasters dlc like i said just making everything generally worse there's a rat in the middle making this violent strip club even dirtier ooh blue gang's coming back but you know i think i could do better well i'm going to give the final one to the blue team because they have the most remaining uh members well building a prison hasn't gone very well unless this was the goal that you had in mind but what about being in it so let's try to spawn in okay the story is i've been arrested for jaywalking i get what i deserve thank you officer i deserve that i've been a bad man breaking the law here i go and how hard could this be let's just walk into the armory and take a shotgun okay shotgun and hunting rifle oh there's also a taser in here no i think i'll go full lethal cards i'm not allowed to do this is this okay uh you're tired yeah i probably wouldn't stop me either i'll just be bringing this into the kitchen and damn it oh no oh i'm not supposed to be out here am i i'll just i'll just brandish my weapon in front of you while i'm being cuffed back to myself there must be some mistake and where should i begin a riot do this and i'll why would you try to fight someone like me have we at least begin to write i don't know why i'm taking out the other prisoners first why is this guard go priorities man oh damn it yes go after the man with his shirt off not me at least i'm being appropriate while i'm murdering oh good okay i'm not on yes quiet down quiet down i really didn't do anything that bad all right they've all given up i guess walking halfway through the prison was too much for them oh no no you don't you won't get me you won't there we are i think i did that secretly enough we'll switch over to the taser no no oh okay i would probably come after me if i were you let's just go up to people's cells and dude you i i get in trouble for that don't i for just shooting that man in the head oh wait no there was a rat over there oh man this doesn't mean solitary does it okay i admit that i was wrong i never even got the riot to start i'm upset now too i didn't even manage to get anyone else involved i just was trying to make some friends oh no please not in here please not solitary with the door open which i can do this for damn it ah okay yep i yeah i deserved that all right i can't even skip time alright i'm just gonna well at least i'm safe inside my mind be thanks to paradox for the sponsor today go check out the disaster dlc with my link and i'll really appreciate it hope you enjoyed and as always i made your thanks to my patrons who are also safe inside my mind i'm ambiguous amphibian until next time
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 723,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prison architect, prison architect gameplay, let's play prison architect, prison architect battle royale, prison architect game, prison architect perfect storm, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian
Id: -ldUihuDxa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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