Minecraft, But Every Structure Is Super...

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welcome to minecraft but every structure is super in today's video structures are literally going to be raining down from the sky ranging from normal structures to super tiered structures that these buildings are not only op but lead up to the ultimate secret structure at the very end can i be the dragon which structure awaits me in the end stay tuned to find out and a lot of you guys watching are new and not subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in three two one there we go welcome to the team and for today let's go inside this temple to see a likel of 123 likes can we hit it besides that guys enjoy the video a village already in a jungle we don't really see this that often but anyways how's it going guys welcome to minecraft but op structures are gonna be falling from the sky and that's all i really know i don't know when the structures are gonna be falling or what type of structures are gonna be falling so for now we're just gonna wing it try to see what we can get and hopefully nothing bad falls from the sky too because if we get an op bastion i don't know if i can survive that also we have a village right away so i'm just going to take advantage of that right now and oh no warning a category s storm is approaching oh that's a bit what oh okay all right it's my gun guys a storm of structures has started oh my gosh okay i'm getting inside all right never mind we're not getting the village we're getting the temple welcome like i said again structures are gonna be getting better and better literally as time passes and first off we have this desert temple and oh two diamonds already yes i'll probably need it in a water bucket wait is this normal okay these are definitely not your typical desert temples but i don't mind we're gonna be getting into op stuff sooner or later i did already get three diamonds though so i'm gonna take advantage of this real quick we already have a diamond pickaxe and it's probably like one minute into this challenge and we already have a diamond pickaxe i'm not complaining i'm kind of scared of going out there though i feel like there's gonna be a lot of structures okay it's good there and there's a jungle temple there's so many structures oh my gosh okay i guess we're going into the jungle temple now all right so we're inside now um i'm gonna ignore this real quick and this is actually a scam we got a fishing rod and a saddle we did get some strings so not bad at all uh please don't hurt me please don't okay we're good and oh wait a buck sam temples by the narrator original wait okay i don't know what that is we'll read it i guess very soon and some more diamonds not that we can make a diamond sword we have too many water buckets i'm kind of afraid of what we're about to get once we go back but real quick sand temples so this first book says long ago the ancient villagers began to build temples most common are the sand temples but over time they grew that definitely sounds a bit suspicious and i'm feeling like that might be foreshadowing how good these temples are going to be getting another desert temple let's see what we can get literally we're getting barely anything but i can't complain because there's so many of them and we can also get a lot more tnt which um i'm planning on using it against the dragon but i'm definitely gonna take advantage as much of these structures as i can like the structures are on top of structures what the heck i'm not sure when we get the more op temples but right now these temples kind of suck so i'm just gonna take advantage of this time to get some wood if i see a mansion fall from the sky i'm kind of scared of fighting all the mobs inside what if we have to fight that one guy without like the fly things and he goes like you know what i'm talking about right that was probably an awful illustration also i should probably not be buying the spider i only have one life i should probably take care of it okay i'm gonna grab the loot real quick oh enough diamond warning the storm has intensified category c category c what does that mean okay we can make a different helmet i think i'm gonna do this category c does not sound safe but i do have a diamond helmet let's get out of here okay i think we found out what category she is so now we have a literal cold desert temple so i'm guessing this is what they call the cold here so it's literally all made out of coal what the heck oh that could have been bad so what's gonna be in the coal tier okay more gold a smithing table actually do need a spinning table one single arrow and one single apple we're definitely getting better stuff at least now some more diamonds not bad slowly we're gonna get all the diamonds we need and then we can go into the nether and maybe we can beat the dragon in a pretty good pace and we also now have chain armor not bad all right cole is not too bad oh wait and tier c also seems to have monuments interesting okay let's go inside here real quick what is going to be inside this chat two blocks of iron not bad this is getting a lot better we got chain armor if it's getting this good already at cold tier i'm really curious of how good it's gonna get later oh gosh um wait what there's more traps as the tears progress that's interesting oh and another book cold temples by the narrator oh gosh okay smithing table we got the chainmail boots another bow we got the next book so let's go ahead and read this thing over time the villagers realized that their sand temples were weak and not waterproof coal is the way to go holy structures oh my gosh i know i'm getting super sidetracked guys but what the heck i don't think this terrain oh gosh wait there's temples even under here what oh nice a bookshelf that's gonna be good for enchanting i don't know how much time i have left with the cold temples but i haven't gone into the ocean monuments yet but i think this might just be oh nope never mind not normal one and i also hear weather skeletons this is definitely not a normal ocean monument and it looks like it has the coal loot so i think i'm just gonna go for the gold blocks real quick hopefully the mobs aren't too difficult in here there's so many things going on right now i am just terrified right now to just not die of like a giant puffer fish oh we found it okay and there's four chests in here what the heck there's so many diamonds let's go okay some more iron some string not bad i just now got acquiring a sharpness two stone sword is that as good as diamond i'm not sure and uh now for the actual best part guys i don't want to run into any mobs i hear so many mobs right now it just got nighttime but the monument is definitely worth it with all eight gold blocks just like that we have a stack and 23 golden gates that is gonna help us a lot because you know what four golden apples real quick and we still definitely need a lot of stuff to actually kill the dragon with that being done though i think i'm gonna get out of here oh my goodness it is a literally nons it's not oh gosh okay weather skeleton nope nope we're not messing with that it definitely looks like the better the structure the harder the structure gets so we got to be a bit careful i think we've gone through all the tier c structures so far though it looks like as we go up in tears also we get more and more structures and holy more diamond oh my gosh we're doing so good right now with diamonds oh no warning the storm is intensified it's a category i oh gosh here we go again guys category i which i'm gonna guess is category iron i already see one it's raining iron blocks and coal blocks right now what the heck i was definitely not wrong guys it is literally an iron temple what the heck oh my gosh okay we definitely don't need iron blocks or gold blocks anytime soon op structures are definitely very goaded i'm genuinely overwhelmed guys there's just so much good stuff right now and this one we have iron items now which i'm not sure what's better sharpness to stone sword or iron sword let me know in the comments down below what you guys think might as well upgrade now to actual iron armor 32 iron blocks i mean if we're in an iron temple what the heck oh and we got the next book iron temples by the narrator all right i'm gonna guess the villagers got smarter maybe they probably made the the big boom iron note to self cold temples are flammable the villagers found out the hard way iron makes golems why can't it be used to make temples oh wait could i get pumpkins it's daytime again so hopefully i don't get hurt by a bunch of mobs all right so we got the iron temples what other structures can we also get iron weight oh my gosh is that an iron monument and it's not an iron man city what the heck oh my gosh okay there's still mobs out here please don't hurt me there's a literally iron tier netherrite monuments i guess we're going in here too why not i'm gonna go in here real quick because i don't wanna stay in here too long but oh my gosh okay wait this is an iron jungle temple too i think it is wait what is this oh what they added a top room to it so i guess with extra layers they add extra rooms i'm really interested to see how far the structures are gonna go right now okay what's in the chest are more iron and anvil that's pretty fitting oh gosh okay the traps get even worse too you don't want to set off that trap i'm just going to open up this and we also got some netherwar oh gosh there's just so many things i don't know where to begin i'm kind of interested in that right there though there are so many structures around us okay gotta get up to this end city let's see what this entity is all about okay no chess yet i'm gonna assume there's probably gonna be a chest up there oh gosh that's parkour all the way up there i'm really happy that there's no shulkers because if there was any shoulders i would legit be struggling right now oh oh okay we did it and on the top floor there's going to be two chests and it looks like they're just like any other chest never mind holy 32 blocks of gold two golden apples i feel like that's a lot better than usual and at the top we can go ahead and look down and holy that is so many structures what the heck i'm gonna assume that the tear after this is either gonna be redstone lapis or diamonds and oh here we go warning the storm is reaching dangerous category d strength oh no it's begun to rain diamond blocks oh my gosh oh holy diamond temple there diamond monument diamond jungle temple diamond in front of me and i might as well fall with it here we go oh gosh that could have been never doing that again don't let me do that again but just like that guys we can already go ahead and get 35 diamonds just like that is that prison ring interesting choice oh gosh this looks a lot more dangerous than usual first chest right there let's uh be a little bit careful about this oh my gosh that is op a stack of iron blocks a stack of diamond blocks which i'm going to be taking honestly you know it's a bit of a flex diamond temple spoke we might as well read that too and oh a power three book and a sharpness three book we only have a one level i should probably kill mobs let's go ahead and read this book all right so the villagers left us ever cut your finger on a rusty nail now imagine if the entire house was made of rusty nails the villagers switched to diamonds shortly after their fourth case of tetanus okay what what knockback 5c pickle okay i gotta grab it then you know if you made it this far in the video comment down below see pickle you already know sea pickles are the best pickles a stack of spectral arrows oh my gosh there's so much glue i don't want to blow up so i'm not gonna touch that we're gonna you know play this a very carefully let's go down oh gosh oh no okay these are getting harder and harder okay oh did did everything just blow up oh no oh we still have the chest nice okay diamond leggings not bad the other chest should be on this side over here oh my gosh there's tnt okay i gotta be careful we're diamonds an engine table nice and anvil too we already have enable so not bad holy ocean wait wait hold up i had to double take there guys i just realized a woodland mansion just appeared in front of me i guess we're going inside guys it got cut in half by a ocean monument you know we're just going to go this way i need to find a chest somewhere i have a little bit of a hunch that i could maybe get totems from here wait i just remembered there's literally a storage room with a bunch of chats in a woodland mansion that might be the perfect thing to go for right now but hopefully the ocean monument did it didn't cut it off oh that's perfect oh my gosh okay never mind about xp 32 bottles of enchanting a diamond chest plate yup i love me some diamond transplants so we're now full diamond not bad and we can also go ahead and enchant we have a stack of bottles when chanting so many arrows and so many chests and we even got an infinity book which we don't need because we have so many arrows oh man and we haven't gone through one of the temples might as well go down here let's see anything good iron pretty lame stuff from the actual desert temple we haven't gotten a diamond sword yet i'm kind of curious now if this is gonna be the last here or if there's even more tears because i'm not gonna lie we are pretty psyched right now i guess the only thing that would be possible after this would be like netherright but there's already so many structures i don't know where we go from here actually i do need blaze rods and ender pearls so i might as well start getting obsidian now oh uh warning another right storm has been seen forming in the nether interesting guys okay that definitely changes everything i think it's a good idea that we're trying to go into the nether right now not the right structures though sounds a bit dangerous and also a bit very overpowered at least i'm full diamond going there i don't have a diamond sword yet though so i got the 12 obsidian but i'm trying to see if i can get some oh gosh i'm trying to see if i can get some high ground in this weird i'm trying to commentate guys go holy oh man this world is trying to kill me right now i'm trying to see if i can get a nice portal spot there are so many structures being created right now i think i'm just going to make it right here the village is definitely gone now but now let's see what's inside this netherlight storm oh gosh okay we're in i already see another fortress wait there's no roof oh no guys i already see it raining neither right i'm bridging with diamond blocks it doesn't feel right but i already do see another fortress down there i think i'm going to go for the blaze rods first wait a second and never i end city oh gosh this is hard getting really op do i want to go into that fortress at all i mean why go into a fortress when you literally have a netherlight in city in front of you all right netherride structures please be good bows is this a scam sharpness 2 knockback 2 power 2 power 2 bunch oh i mean power 2.1 i can't complain about that and not the best loop but we are getting enchanted lou also another another right density what the heck oh my gosh is that another right mansion we have another mansion never right desert temple which you know i'm gonna take advantage of real quick oh gosh we don't have water okay wait how am i gonna do this all right this is gonna be definitely a lot harder all my legs oh finally something netherway netherright boots protection 2 and a power three bow oh that could actually come in handy oh and uh sharpness two diamond sword i can finally ditch the stone store i don't know why i have the stone sword for so long and all right next chest oh eight ender pearls not bad okay we actually do need that for the stronghold sharpness two another right sword yes i like that a lot we just need enchanted pants and then we'll be good we now have a literal netherway ocean monument what the how do i even get inside okay we found the entrance guys first chest and a sharpness 2 book i actually i am going to be using that right now probably sharpness three then sharpness four and might as well let's go power three power four punch one yeah i like that a lot and because we can protection three oh wait what warning the storm strengthens only two stages remain wait what stages would be left alright let's see nether right all right there we go all right cover me in debris and just like that we are full nether right i still gotta get my blaze rods and enchant my leggings but for now we're looking pretty good oh wait there's actually blaze rods in here oh that's gonna be very helpful okay i still gotta get some more ender pearls but it might be faster just by going to the fortress oh another sword another hoe enchanted time leggings which just like that netherride leggings there we go we are now fully enchanted netherlight and a really good shortness for another right sword okay so there should be a hidden chest somewhere around here oh here we go and oh we found the book finally the nether temples or i guess netherride temples so now the villagers say the entire village is now an immense step many have been banished to the nether forever thinking building homes from diamond was a financially safe idea okay we found another chest from real quick oh blaze rod perfect another blaze rod two okay we're actually doing pretty well with the blaze situation right now finding my nether portal is probably gonna be the hardest part about all this all right plan b we're gonna just kill the blazes the old-fashioned way oh we got our first one nice all right so we have eight eyes of under now we just need four more enterproles and two more blaze rods all right just like that we have all the blaze powder we need we still need to get enderpearl somehow and i think before i go anywhere i gotta actually do this real quick warp stem get this done and there we go we actually gotta get a shield this should help a lot with fighting mobs i'm gonna hope that the netherway end city is gonna give me maybe some ender pearls in the chest please be right and we i was actually right let's go i don't know what the chances of that are but you know what i'm not gonna complain boom 12 eyes of ender that should hopefully be enough i think it's finally time to go to the overworld this place is literally obliterated with structures my portal somehow made it out alive but let's finally go back and see what waits for us there oh gosh i completely forgot how flooded this place was with structures oh and as soon as i come back we get another warning the storm is reaching category n you must evacuate wait what is category n wait this is just the category nether right now in the overworld interesting oh my gosh i was literally about to say i guess we might as well start making our way to the stronghold but um we just got another right stronghold so now we have an entire netherright stronghold to explore which let's see if it has anything cool in it let's see i guess i'll be using gold blocks now new flex there we go oh i'm gonna be breaking that immediately do not want to mess with that a lot of chests too interesting okay more ender pearls and another lucky temple's book what is this gonna want it gonna be about so the villagers finally said that the villagers will probably just go back to sand temples they're just safer i did hear some maniac wanted to make one from magic blocks that wait magic blocks what does that mean if i'm thinking about this correctly guys this might be lucky blocks but i don't have the lucky block mod on so this might be completely new custom lucky blocks which i guess we'll be seeing very soon what exactly this thing is going to be and with all that being done it's time to kill the dragon wish me luck wait okay i was preparing to go in and we got warning the storm is reaching category l and it's off the scale oh gosh i think l is lucky blocks and we're about to see some lucky block structures let's do this we're inside the end okay everything looks normal for now oh my gosh i was about to comment about the end crystals being a weird color but holy that looks so p i don't know where to begin guys because lucky blocks could end my game literally immediately i love lucky blocks so i gotta open a few i gotta be careful really end game got a little bit too late for that what about this you received 64 lucky blocks i'm addicted and i just can't get enough i just can't get enough literally a stack of lucky blocks i think i'm gonna put these away for now though because we have a whole temple oh cows everyone loves bacon okay so so far we got the cows in the pig are there chests inside of here oh gosh oh gosh there goes the piggle no no no no no no no no no no please don't oh my gosh dudes i'm sorry pigs oh we got another second lucky but no okay nevermind nevermind nevermind lucky blocks honestly half the time really want to kill me that's why i'm being very careful right now guys you know me guys i get addicted to the lucky block so i really want to okay maybe that's the hint that i should probably start killing the dragon instead of opening lucky blocks for the rest of the video all right that's one crystal that's true crystal and for every two crystals i'm gonna open up a lucky block all right the dragon's not happy eyes of ender wait what i just got a bunch of access oreos i look good how's it going buddy oh man wait what is this a gift from the gods has appeared what is this a lightning stick oh my gosh wait i gotta try this out on axis oreo accessorial come over here oh and if i right click it it literally just sends out lighting oh wait i can break then crystal's doing this hold up that's one that's two that's three that's four that's five i think that should be all of them all right that was actually really convenient all right anything else that's cool oh wait trader has where's if you have coin okay all right uh lucky trader what do you have for me is it gonna be like a lucky potion or something oh another armor nice for one diamond i do have oh my gosh protection ten this challenge is a roller coaster right now we are full protection ten wait you received the hot pick best pickaxe in the world i even got the hot pickaxe which is officially one thousand fortune three you already know the best spec x in the world and it's also sponsored by basic toasting the best server company in the world okay i got some tnt i think i'm just gonna go ahead and try to explode the dragon in one hit this should do a lot of damage to the dragon i think mr dragon it's time come down here oh it's coming down it's coming down okay okay this is the time guys okay get the tnt ready access story oh no you're gonna die get down next to story all right tnt do your thing come on you got this and it did absolutely barely any damage what was that i mean it did good damage i can't blame it i somehow didn't die of lucky blocks this should be enough no lucky block structure in the middle of the dragon what are the chances of that oh my gosh wait how am i supposed to get the dragon now what all right we're gonna end it off with the bow i guess and with this final bow shot that is gonna be it for minecraft but all the structures pretty much became a very op okay i gotta find the dragon egg now all right we got the dragon egg right there and now with the egg that should be it for the video hope you guys all enjoyed every great one and here's a video just like this one bye guys you
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 3,069,717
Rating: 4.9245949 out of 5
Keywords: Every Mob Is Lucky, Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but structures, minecraft but every structure is super, minecraft structure op, minecraft but super structure, minecraft structures, minecraft but structures spawn every minute
Id: pt3Qop3q6hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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