Learning 10 Rocket League mechanics from EASY to IMPOSSIBLE again

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[Music] webster's dictionary defines mechanic as a person who prepares and maintains machinery that doesn't seem quite right [Music] i guess webster isn't a gamer huh the mechanics we're talking about today are totally different and i've got 10 on my list ranging from easy to impossible or at least so difficult that i would have considered it impossible to me until today that is i'm going to show you how to quickly learn these skills along with me i like doing these types of videos because it really challenges me to grind out a particular mechanic until i'm able to perform it that's just the first step though mastering moves like these take weeks or months of repetition so we're just taking the first step here hitting it for the first time in training everything on this list i have never done before not ranked not in casual on free play never i told myself these moves were too hard for me or not useful to learn maybe you're thinking the same thing well i was wrong and you are too oh yeah i almost forgot i finally got my monitor giveaway shipped to the winner blake from arkansas congrats to blake and i'd like to do another giveaway but this time i want to do something big that monitor was big but i mean big in a different way i want to give away a gaming pc i've always wanted to do this and i've given away a laptop and a monitor before but never a full system a lot of times it's better to build your own pc but in this case i just want to give away a pre-built pc so you don't have to mess with anything i'm also of course going to throw in 144 hertz monitor and a keyboard and mouse so you'll have everything you need to get started all you got to do of course is subscribe and sign up with my google form below like i said i've always wanted to give away a pc and i'm pretty happy that i'm finally in a place where we can make this happen of course you can be anywhere in the world so anyone can sign up for this giveaway as always good luck guys and uh let's get down to some mechanics shall we the first one is pretty easy which is why it's in the easy category the cuxer pinch now while this is easy in theory because you're just doing a simple wall pinch it's actually pretty difficult to get on target consistently so the accuracy is where the difficulty comes in and it's why i've never cared or practiced it but it's really something you should add to your arsenal because there's a lot of situations where you do need to pinch the ball on the wall to learn how to do this i use jaser's tutorial from all the way back in 2017. so this mechanic is not new it's just new for me because i'm stubborn and haven't learned stuff but that's why we're doing this video pretty self-explanatory you can pretty much watch me do it and just replicate it after just a little bit of practice i was able to get a couple absolute boomers not on target but you know they were powerful but then i was able to hit a couple on target as well highly recommended cucks are pinched done next is the chain dash now this is more just a goofy one that i've seen around i've seen freestylers do it and i've seen random people do it on the wall when they're just goofing around and i always thought that looks probably insane like it's probably something i can't do it's actually really easy i just watched squishy's video on how to do it and basically you just spam jump and hold down it looks hilarious and it's fun and everyone should know how to do this because it's awesome not very useful in the game so i consider this kind of like a little party trick to show off to your friends arguably easier than the cuxer pinch i probably should have this number one but whatever we're not into the difficult stuff yet but we are at number three with the classy flip my friend classy invented this he was actually really humble and modest he didn't want to name it after himself i don't know what to call it so i'm just going to be calling it the backflip shot but everyone else was like yeah you came up with this it's called the classy flip the fun thing about this is you can use it in a flick or you can use it in an aerial like a shot so it looks really easy when you watch it but it's actually a little tricky it takes some practice it looks like a simple backflip but if you just try this without any practice you will probably mess it up the key to this is you got to aerial up spin around like you're doing a reverse aerial make sure your nose is pointed forward when you do the back flip if it's not pointed forward it's like a musty where you won't gain any momentum unless you're past that 180 degree line as long as you're lined up right and you do a back flip your nose will kind of snap and it'll flip the ball forward with quite a bit of power this took about 20 minutes of practice before i could do it pretty consistently and i will definitely be trying to use this in games next up we have the pancake technically i actually did this in a horse game with musty but it was really terrible and i didn't really know what i was doing so now i'm kind of learning it properly basically you squish the ball against the backboard you fall off the ball the ball kind of springs out a little bit then you have a flip reset from when you squish the ball and you score pretty simple you would have to be in the perfect situation to pull this off in a game like a lot of these the real benefit is when you're practicing the aerial mechanics to get into the right spot that's where you're going to be improving your overall skills just by practicing these things that's a big theme here it's not always about the move you learn it's actually about the journey i really mean that anyway i was able to do a couple of these pretty fun and nifty but now we're moving on to a proper flick the 180 degree drift flick i've seen a lot of players like randy do these insane drift flicks and i've never really put in the time pulling off a clean spinning drift flick i do sometimes do like a 45 degree drift but never the full spin i was trying this for actually about 20 minutes or half an hour and i couldn't quite spin around and i couldn't figure out what i was doing wrong the ball kept popping off or i could flick it and i realized i was making a huge rookie mistake you cannot hold your acceleration while you're drifting you can you just won't spin quite as fast because your wheels are pulling your car forward you got to let go of the accelerator while you're in your spare once i did that i was able to pull off some pretty nifty little 180 degree drift looks i'm a fan of flick so i know i'll be using this next up we're getting into the hard stuff this is a ceiling musty backboard double touch so in our last video i was barely able to pull off just a ceiling musty so now we're going to incorporate using that musty to blast it into the back wall and get a double touch so it's cool seeing my progression here it did take me a lot of practice like most of these it's a common theme it's funny because i hear pros and high level players tell other people all the time well it just takes practice to get to this level but i feel like we kind of tell ourselves well yeah we know it takes practice but it's not until you've tried something for half the day before you really realize how much practice it takes so much repetition so much failure but when you do hit it it's pretty much the best feeling in the world [Music] unfortunately for me it did not get any easier because now we're moving into the flip reset double tap i'm pretty shaky at flip resets not that good at them so this requires a really good controlled powerful flip reset in order to get it into the backboard and read it for a double tap but for this video i practiced a lot of flippery sets and you know even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while because this one actually didn't take me that long um i got this flip reset it actually was almost a double flip reset which is actually foreshadowing but i'm getting ahead of myself to do this you get a flip reset you smack it into the back wall you read it and you score easy right wrong it's hard but now we're moving into the really hard stuff the speed flip this is the one mechanic that i did not enjoy practicing it is not fun to practice basically the speed flip is something that musty found and made a video on over xero also has a tutorial on it there's a couple tutorials actually out there they all make it look really easy you do a diagonal flip you cancel it and it makes your car spin and go really fast sounds easy right it's not it's impossible for whatever reason some players even in low ranks have no trouble pulling this off so i actually totally believe in you guys i think you guys can do this but for me this is one of the most difficult things i've ever done i actually think the 360 degree ceiling shot stall thing that i did in the first video was actually easier this is so hard for me it's hard to tell if you're doing it right eventually i was able to get a few by doing this over and over and over and over in free play but i definitely do not have this perfected it's still a little sloppy for me but it is coming along and i have no doubt i'll be doing perfect speed flips soon the point of this video is to make that first step towards mastery so i think i've done that despite the fact that i still can't do it consistently and also i hate it but ironically it is probably one of the most useful things on here let's just move on the turtle air dribble setup to musty i actually got the idea for this from hankovic from our pokemon freestyle video [Music] the first step is you jump on the ball and then go into a turtle you jump on the ball like this because that gives you a flip reset that you're going to use later for the musty you then turtle into the ball to set up an air dribble then what hankovic did is he musties to the backboard and does a double touch now i know this is called easy to impossible but this literally is impossible for me so i did a modified version of this where i just went into the sidewall after several hundred of these i was finally able to get a nice air dribble into a powerful musty not a backboard double touch but it was a musty which is what i was trying to end with overall this was fun to practice was very difficult and was very rewarding when i finally hit it and last the impossible for me the double flip reset i came into this video being really shaky at flip resets well i have to say i've made quite a bit of progress in that department and it all came together with practicing this shot if you're wondering how to do a double flip reset basically you flip reset and then you flip reset that's it that's literally it my approach to this was basically get the flip reset flip sideways and try to end my flip in a way where i am right under the ball for another flip reset after many many attempts i was finally able to get a double flip reset and just hit the ball on the tail of my car so it's technically a shot kind of weak but hey it's my first double flip reset and i'm proud of it overall all of these except the speedflip were insanely fun to practice and while i can't use all of them in ranked play obviously the main point of learning these mechanics is to become more and more comfortable with controlling your car and that's exactly what happened to me i can already feel my mechanics improving just from a couple of days of grinding these out it's an incredibly rewarding feeling to approach something that you think is impossible but after trying over and over and over and over finally hitting that goal and realizing anything is actually possible in this game if you practice enough it doesn't matter what your rank is you can achieve anything except the speed flip the speedflip can go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] itself [Music] [Applause]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 2,131,597
Rating: 4.9701958 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league tutorial, rocket league guide, rocket league comedy, rocket league funny, sunless, rocket league moments, rocket league pro
Id: 44TEhaVJplA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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