Unlocking The SURVIVAL BUNKER in Raft

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oh hey there my friends at blitz welcome back to wrapped i've been back at the raft a little bit and during a storm and getting some more food and water and it's time to get back into this gigantic structure of tangora or something that we found in the last video so let's get going oh i'm swimming on top of the water and the loading docks i also forgot helmets that's not good can i get back to the surface now you remember this part where everything's electrocuting yeah me too i'm just gonna run oh yeah and then running running running running running earth that doesn't actually hurt that bad why was i so scared of it last time just gonna shove some potatoes can you just imagine sitting down and eating four baked potatoes and then polishing it off with a couple strawberries yeah i know that would your stomach would be so full oh yes but we made it hot dang it's almost nighttime that's too bad i didn't oh i see you you dirty little monster oh no oh okay that hurts oh no my thingy broke oh great oh really oh this isn't good hey look oh no i gotta hide up here and hide also you guys said this reminds me that i missed the battery generator thing uh the battery powered machine i missed that at the previous island so i'm gonna have to go back there it's supposed to be on top of like a trailer house or something so what do we actually have here kind of excited like i don't even oh great there's another one i did get a key card so we can use that key card on something somewhere in this city i just kind of did the alliteration deal isn't i oh i found a giant door that says exit oh it opens up oh wow look at that oh and it's not too far away good so i can go to sleep for a second okay back to the city let's explore this place should we just go around the outside and i also bought a bow and arrow i didn't buy it i made it because you can't buy anything in the game that would make sense right can i chop down trees oh i can't what kind of a tree are you what kind of a tree do i get in my life today come on give me some sort of seed there's no seed can we live here in this island oh can i go into this building no break down the door seaside barber i gotta get my hair did nope oh use the key card i'm in i found something what do i do here what's that okay this isn't yes elevator music okay we're going to floor four how is there power oh i turned the generator on that makes sense i'm a little bit concerned though now inside of a building wow i'm just gonna stay here like i should just stay here forever is there gonna be a dead body i better not can i borrow the soap i haven't taken a shower in years what happens if people live here i'm just pillaging their place okay i gotta cut this open i found something i found in what's in here a bed with books i don't know how to read there's literally nothing in here why did you want me to come maybe there's a secret doorway there's scrap over there do you see that is there a doorway i can get out can i break the window and get out no oh there's a there's a a safe that i got two bullets out of all right that was exciting oh but in this room there is a place i can get outside look at this oh i can get up another level oh nice where am i going what am i doing this is kind of sketchy is this what people did when they lived here i can't get in that door oh more climbing i'm like a mountain goat yes lots of trash there's been scraps everywhere and plastic everywhere but now i can pick up the scraps yeah what's in here just glass all right you know i could have taken the windows they were also made out of glass if you didn't know that game oh look there's a zip line to that that building i'm gonna try i'm gonna like spiderman my way over there oh it's so sketchy okay i'm making it oh no i can't get over there if i can get over there maybe more stuff i'm definitely spider-man how do i get to that building though can i fall down over there no probably not i hear something inside of here maybe i need to get into another building all right i pretty much explored everything that i can find in that isle or that building here's another robot hey little dude what's going on how'd you like a metal arrow in your face oh nice that's an easy one got him okay i guess they take three shots oh no they take four oh yeah that was easy do i get my arrows back they're expensive give me that card nice huh key card out of order please use elevator in plantation area interesting i didn't know there was water down there but i get into this building nice more trash i found another outside balcony area maybe this could take me to the promised land oh there is a there is a thingy down there that's exciting and by thingy i mean wait do i really want to use a zipline on electrical wires it doesn't sound safe can i make it across there i kind of doubt it but i wonder if i can yolo that jump i'm going to try it you ready wait you hurt hey wait dude that wasn't cool why do you hurt wow why do you hurt worse than the the fall damage there i missed you i missed you again there you go well i just slathered some goop on me um that feels so jamming good jamming to the tunes uh-huh get my dance moves on oh i got a token i don't even know what dad does but i got one oh and another door i can open why is it duct tape shut there's another safe that gives me ooh titanium ore oh and what's that tape oh tape yes tape i needed that for the plantation level i think i only needed one more oh i need three i'm gonna try to make this job oh that was easier than i thought it was gonna be look at this place so cool okay ready ride the zipline and then i have to get down here oh boy no no no no and it just got really dark but this place is gorgeous so i'm gonna try this again ready and oh i nailed it yes i made it what's in the briefcase vine goop junk trash what do i not need in here um got rid of it and i just picked up more scrap i could use this crap though i think i need to fall down apologies for the darkness it happens at night time where things get dark i'm gonna go into this one another crate more glass i wonder if i have to jump over to that i can't see anything i'm gonna try it or not all right trying this building out again maybe i can get in one of these doors or not maybe not one of the doors okay we'll go down oh oh i did it yes this is where i wanted to go last time and there's nothing there okay so i guess i get to go oh maybe i can get in here nope i'll be honest i don't even know what i'm supposed to do here except run away from those things what's this say floating fashion huh can i get in there negative oh i can buy cool things with tokens a backpack for five a piano with eight oh and food that's awesome what's this plants and junk nice how do i get more oh pictures that's really cool why can't i just steal them off the wall okay that's blocked from the outside i need to figure out a way to get up onto there is there a zip line there is a zip line right over there huh all right i think i can go up to this big building and then jump across the other one maybe ah nope i need to get up farther how do i get up farther in this place so i think that's the building that requires me to get the duct tape so i need to find more duct tape oh i found like an office now this is weird okay i wasn't expecting you in here big ugly dinosaur rat thing and oh i missed you okay you know what let's use my arrows because that seems a little bit safer oh okay that was easy give me my arrows they're expensive and then i'll eat him to gain his strength yes another tape beautiful i just need one more now and i think yep there's a token right here too that makes three ah more duct tape yes i totally need to get out of this building here how do i do that maybe there's a way out on this floor i must search all of the rooms oh more duct tape that's four of them oh oh no oh did that hit that might not hit ow i'm stuck in a corner ow oh i'm almost gonna drown or dehydrate okay i killed him hey this one's broken i didn't notice that before that's probably whoa it's big sketchy all right i made it out nice how did where do i go now it'd be kind of cool if i went back in somewhere doesn't look like it will but it might be able to fall down there's nowhere to fall can i can i spiderman my way around oh my word okay i'm down a level okay this was a bad idea this was this should be illegal spider blitz spider blitz walking on things that a spider blitz shouldn't walk on yep there's the end of the line okay this isn't this isn't all so bad i can just kind of bunny hop down yeah all right so i got the duct tape and i'm gonna try to undo this one this is three tape nice i heard the elevator goes um okay i thought that would turn off the water but it didn't there's the doors on ouch ah okay okay then i made it all right so i can make it through here real quick oh the elevator i found the elevator what else is in here there's another one oh great that elevator's not on is it no it's not i need two more duct tapes is there any in here ow it's another banana tree yeah it needs three tape i only have two shoot okay it's been a little bit of time but i did manage to find six more tape and eleven of the other things so we can just run through here and not die dying is illegal okay i don't even know what to do right now i'm gonna try to avoid the water as much as possible when it's shocking yeah because it hurts i got that one right so i think i need to go and get this one yeah okay elevator's up i think i need to go in this room real quick chop down the banana tree oh balls i need to eat the banana wait i got a cucumber on me i eat the cucumber they'll eat the banana nice i'll eat the meat because i got meat i'll drink some water too because reasons they don't run ha all right fix the tape that should open another door i wish this app would stop being so electrocuted okay the elevator's still closed but i think if i go that's a long way okay oh yes here we go and got it fix that tape please don't shock anymore be done shocking is it done shocking i think it's done shocking there's a lot of food in here i'll have to come back and steal it the elevator oh nice what else is in this room what are these just plastic why do i want plastic oh the electric purifier wow that was my nickname in high school okay so i just made sure to open that door up so i don't have to go around forever and ever oh there's the elevator nice there's another room full of more trash negative four uh-huh okay eight i'm going all the way up although i think i should probably go to zero i'm actually concerned let's go to zero first i can unlock the door at the base floor i think yeah there we go now if i die i can get back in beautiful i'm hoping this has got cool stuff in it balloons how'd they know i was gonna be here oh that was so nice of them i can go outside have a rooftop party except there's no food out here oh more tokens oh lots of tokens yes oh and there's an upstairs okay uh do we go we go inside we collect all the loot inside please be food please be food yes that's that food hi what's your name he just runs away hey clark ow i'm gonna name you kevin one more one more oh one more one oh that was lucky i had to collect all the arrows because they're expensive i feel bad for whoever's birthday this is i mean it's not mine because today's not my birthday but maybe somebody maybe it's your birthday today happy birthday they made a party for you in the game how's that feel all right time to go upstairs yeah and yeah okay nope going into the next building there's no birthday in here that makes me sad inside there's literally nothing in here there's oh i can go through the window i was gonna say you know if it's 20 20 all over again there's a toilet paper shortage and uh well toilet paper here so we've hit the jackpot now i'm thinking that this thing takes us somewhere else oh that's super scary [Music] oh can i play the piano i want to no it doesn't work hi hi kevin nice of you to stop by again kevin kevin come back here kevin why are you going up the stairs buddy if i had any friends i would name him kevin is that how you get friends oh i lost my arrows they're expensive okay so this is the top floor is there a window that's broken here maybe oh yeah there is all right i'm a little bit oh hey ride the zip line oh we're going into the tower oh no okay oh no no no no no no don't fall okay i made it to the tower i didn't know you could get to the tower i did know that because i watched the ziplines but i didn't know how and i figured it out okay so we got to go up this gigantic ladder of deathly doom and then we're at the top there opens up there i gotta just walk around for science purposes and then when there's nothing around there i'm gonna find the stuff inside okay elevator's going that's a little sketch where do i go now one two or three i'm at one let's go down a level wait what oh a note um okay i think we're in these ones wish we were going keeps asking me we're going carry back to the boat all right uh-huh water cannons okay so things are shooting shoot the wound wait this is the basement oh okay that's a very quick elevator for only going two floors like that wait emergency bridge launch what does this say a note is that a saw oh i can't take it saw sounds fun so this note says tranquil street oh so these are like the barber shop so i have to put in the number of the building outside each one okay that should be easy enough and since that's incredibly boring we're just gonna go four eight one three spoilers oh what'd i do what did i do oh okay i didn't realize there's a large a large storage oh oh i need that in my life wait what did i do i knocked down a bridge wait what i'm outside oh i'm outside i want to jump down on there oh great maybe i didn't want to i'm walking on sunshine whoa i don't even know what that did what did that do hopefully one of these is not open because that would be a very splattifying feeling hey hi sharkey i'm gonna research these things quick yeah oh i don't have what is that titanium isn't it yoink we'll shove that titanium in research it nice large storage and whatever that thing was oh the electric purifier okay so what did i do to this city then like i took down a big bridge or something and because i did forget to show you uh like we are at the hair clipper this is the bizarre street right there clipper number one so that's where you get the 4813 from i just had an idea it might not be an actual bridge it might be like like the control center and if something fell down in the water so i'm guessing this is this is the control center or the bridge that was at the top of the island did i just get a brand new i don't know how i didn't see this before oh okay i'm gonna die i'm not gonna die please don't eat me shark well look at this place look at that i don't even know what it is oh but there is a a rock okay i'm gonna climb up on that as long as sharky bro doesn't bite my tail off i don't even have a tail because i'm a human what is this place what is it okay there's a safe do i have i have inventory space i don't really want to go in here oh i picked up a crate explosive powder yes oh there's a note here nope never mind it's not a note what is this thing there's a note and here's a blueprint water tank nice oh varuna point and more is coming in the third chapter 3595 is the next point so what happened to this place why did we need to explode the bridge off i'm intrigued i am quite intrigued oh here's another note maybe this will tell us something i won't bother with apologies i know you couldn't have done better ten goroa was built on purely purely theoretical basis using engines that had barely been tested staffed by fools that weren't ready for the task ahead those are the robots it was doomed for the moment we set out to see we had to make it to dry land the wrath people whipped themselves into a bubble i thought they were trying to come in but if we had taken them in we wouldn't have lasted three days those riding outside think i was wrong to give order to shoot but they weren't the ones having to make the tough decisions i wish i had made a better choice it's why i had the pets rounded up to stop people from doing anything too desperate when the food ran out they call me a monster if they want they need one now anyway a big old monster trapped in the cockpit with two dozen idiots that used to run the world what did i what i did will help them focus give them strength to leave this place one way or another and when everyone else is out there i will be the last person to leave tangaroa oh so that was the pilot guy i wonder if he's in there let's see if i can get in can i get in open oh don't think so wow so that was an interesting revelation revolution i don't know what's stopping me from just colonizing that using it as my rap because that sounds like a really really good idea just move all my stuff in there take the nice beautiful beds that everyone set up wait i'm stuck in here oh no i'm not here's a ladder anyway guys that'll wrap it up for today's video of raft let me know what you think of this update it's uh definitely intriguing a little bit different than i was expecting but we have some more things we have some more things to build on our own raft and we do have to find that battery charger piece as well so thanks for watching and we'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 546,114
Rating: 4.9361401 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, raft, raft game, let's play raft, raft download, gameplay, survival, raft survival, raft survival game, Raft Gameplay Part 1, survival games, Raft Shark, Raft Crafting, Raft Building, raft free, stranded deep, the raft, the raft gameplay, raft rescued, raft full game, raft update, Raft The First Chapter, raft chapter 2
Id: 7AR_NkL6RCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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