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ah why but I have never I have played a cumulative like five minutes of this game this is called raft if you don't know what this is biffle's gonna explain it there's a shark oh there's a short wait I can pick a palm leaf okay okay you guys need to get in here and teach me how to dougie okay Chad here's the deal okay where's the truck where's okay guys if you don't know anything so I just picked up a bunch of loot uh-huh big Miffy okay so here's the deal renessa don't know that are new around here I have an irrational fear of deep oceans it's kind of like philosophy or something like that yeah it's Jurassic both phobia yeah yeah just a raffle phobia oh dude I'm catching a bumper bumper all the debris that us humans to put into our oceans right right and then you're gonna want to press tab you see I'm a huge tab menu we're minecrafters all right oh dude I just got it we out here boys okay hold on can ya what do I do now is down okay yeah so here's a deal yeah here's the deal boys guys if you want us to do a series on this right if you want like a miniseries hit the like button if we have this kids a crap ton of likes we'll do another series also also we're doing um if you guys don't watch this entire video right this game Oh ray just watch this you don't watch this whole video we're not gonna do another series k get out of here yeah answer watch it what why are you guys so much stronger than me I think you broke your that you should what are you trying to throw it give me this barrel oh I missed the barrel okay so biffle you you are the teacher of this series what do we do that it's a bad thing I know it's a terrible idea you don't know how terrifying this is for me let me get this jug of milk yeah oh yeah I get that check the barrels are the best thing you could get cuz it has a on the stuff on the inside the barrel way up planks we're gonna need to extend our wrap Oh bottom left we need to drink water and eat food yeah sometimes barrels have potatoes okay I don't know coach apparel here cuz bro all right so what before this barrel gets here what are we doing Biffle alright so what we need to do is we need to extend the raft cuz if the shark eats our wrap we're dead weight the shark in here a raft yeah it's a raft and us okay okay so what do we need to do we okay hold tab well building him er see the building hammer oh I need rope how do i may quote so if you hover over it it's the leaves you need to find oh wait I just crafted a hammer so then you pull that out hold on everybody well you know how do you make a hook then so it's the same thing since right underneath it it's plank in plastic thank you all one I can make you one I'll give you my broken one I'm so poor why you did you get the barrel okay oh you extend it with this I want the hammer yeah yeah so if you hold right click with it you can actually build other things like pillars and dabs I don't have a DAB Oh give me that plastic I need to make another thing oh there's so many barrels right next is voice okay I'm extending it do what you mean stabbing it that is so sick okay okay if I want to extend I need planks in plastic wait can we go to this island we can so we need an anchor so if you hold tab look up what do we need for an acre wait why are there why are there car parts on here why is there a bump around here give me those because humans are bad people that's true okay so we need an anchor how do you make an anchor all right we need rope stones and planks how do we get stones so I have one stone from a barrel can we steer this boat better place no look at me fishing dude this is sick for compliment how do we punch it punch it in the throat punch it in the jugular oh geez I just built that and he ate it and I don't think you are the worst type of people I have ever met we need to focus getting a spear or he will eat our entire wait wait so if we want to stop at this island we need an ain't short we did ain't short but it's starting to look like that's not gonna be a big boys this I love I mean oh oh oh you can grab more things than one yeah oh I don't I didn't know that dude that's still deadly okay let me let me finish upgrade that give me this last night we need more space He wills to look at this raft we're building it jet all right so what else do we need right now we're dying we're not eating we have no food oh my food yeah how do we drink water we obviously can't drink the ocean water because that's full of farts okay biffle piffle since you are the veteran of this game what is your plan for this video all right all right by the end of this video we will kill a shark uh yeah what come before you boy what we're gonna we're gonna cut out your spleen yeah no do they probably don't let us know in the comments if sharks have spleens just say spleen in the comments if it is gonna get flagged for weird stuff dude I have 18 leaves right now teacher of this raft family what give me I'm gonna give you things I can't take that what say all of these leaf and these plaque and make like a simple powerful fire what did you hear parachute para for the water the first time ever a water purifier purifier what's wrong with you Pierre pliers can pure a plier one cup of salt water to fresh water hmm yeah we're gonna need it boys oh oh you can put them all look at me pointing dude look what it like don't play it towards the edge look Jules turn around turn around turn around huh around look at his weak knees why would I put this right there I got somewhere don't put towards the edge or the think oh it can okay make a cup make a copy in your cup empty cup quick I need plastic for plastic for plastic I need to make of the ocean clean the ocean clean I think you think about it we're heroes yeah let me get let me get this fender let me get this car fender oh there's a boat Cup I just gotta come what I do with a cup already with a cup so grab water from well the ocean water put it in there and then place planks down place plank and now instant fire oh we're cookin clean water I was like with this easy alright so we have to take down this shark guys remember if you want this to be a series you gotta you gotta tell me foot in the comments tell there's a boat hmm yes no I said it oh wait no those things have really good loot chests basically so we need a thingy we needed we need an anchor or or or we need something a paddle panel growing you had one job sigils I have a job yeah well maybe yeah who is plastic give me four plastic what are you making what are you making what are you making panel we need a panel we diddle the boat okay now what now it paddle now go to navigation it's the sail to at the bottom I need three more plus back we need to get to that boat so there's cook get on that boat turn around I just choose to I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going thirsty oh this is so sick dude yeah I'm getting thirsty too okay okay who's gonna who's gonna go to that boat I'll eat myself over don't worry about it give me closer I thought I just got to keep rowing until you get back Russell amplify the amplifier so we can see get in there Biggles what all is in there what's all on there wait it actually sinks what'd you get what did you get Oh check this out checks out I got hinges u-bolts some ropes crap and a rock oh oh I need to drink water I need a drink water and Jake water which I drink this how do I drink it now just drink look look oh look at my water going up okay I gotta keep filling this how do we how do we how do we go to sleep I do not like the dark we can we don't have a table to research oh we are not doing so good are we okay now right away when you start working on getting a grill to cook these potatoes okay it's in session okay today and then we're gonna need a research table which is plates it's scramp which allows us to research while other things like thanks okay so we can sleep drink left mouse button oh that made my water go down because I drink salt water will kill you talk to you that way why is this not lighting no it's already has water in it oh well you guys need a drink do Oh get there get the place you get the blessing I need a confident I'm trying to get plan theory I was like I'll give you the cup take the cup take the cup take up drinking here three keep it'll give the bus it give the place a oh let me get that barrel you get the barrel Carol I'll get this that's a paradise give me this barrel boy I got a raw beat I got a raw beat I'm no drop it don't drop it who needs who needs a cup I have a couple Center might need to grab a cup I'm good I got a cup yeah we all got a cup but we think I need the water yeah we should I make another one of these who are water thingies absolutely but we also need a grill so if anybody got a grill Oleg around we can simple grill should I make a grill and you should probably get girl I think we'll be fine with water all right I made a grill made a girl made a grill um put that I went out it went in there okay here we go I won't give it a that means it's done that means it's time to go right and Grill there all right so now we can make food nice dude okay don't put plates underneath it yeah I want to put a potato on it oh you're cooking okay we need more we need more mature dude this game is just so stressful I'm crapping in my Sunday on days wait I am room I am hungry I'm moving very slow yeah yeah so we take this potato whoops it's done but that's all you do a barrel roll also I found this have you seen this hold on me eat this potato it's an antenna eat this potato oh that didn't fill me up at all it's not good food at all eventually what we're gonna want is fishing rod so we can make bait - bait this bad boy out and kill him oh we're gonna so we can bait the shark and then what and just just go pow wow it's stupid shark I'm gonna put him in no foot okay how do I make a fishing pole I press tab and go to section fishing rod do you need planks I'll hook you up to you door but I got another I got a fishing rod what do I do now okay I am so hungry though yeah don't we need a real bad you've got a real bad place I'm cooking two potatoes right now get that barrel sigils you're missing so many barrel wrapping you missed the barrel you missed two barrel sigils guys we have about a thousand barrels coming at us yeah barrel season okay I got it I got a fish take it fish fish Oh what is it I got a raw saleman Oh question what if this Salman gives us Salman Mennella than we live okay there there's potato here oh we got ya thanks we got I eat it I eat it okay put that there and then cook the fit look at this salmon that I'm holding wait let me see wait no I don't wanna see no no what see no I ate the raw salmon I didn't cook it yeah sorry I mean it's I didn't mean to okay okay we need to make a spear now right yeah yeah so far you guys need to eat actually yeah more importantly we brought ol Apia place to LAPI it's cooking look in the tilapia cooking dude yeah yeah I I will be the cooker and you guys are the footers give it what is this what is this what is this what is what is this I'm told you get what'd you get what'd you get a herring oh you can hear it oh we need we need that don't cook the Harry no do not go there you do not cook there and got it got it got it 3d tougher bait you're a bait got him what is a palm Fett okay so let's so we need a prompt vet or a hearing for bait it's nonstop eating in this game Oh ate the fish to crap I'm trying to put it in there just make an anchored there's an eyelid coming up question yeah we automate all this are there's a shark I didn't know there were sharks in this game get eventually we get solar-powered stuff don't worry about it solar-powered chap your jacket all right here's the deal we will kill this shark this video we need Spears we need a Britney does anybody have Britney I have three herrings should I cook them oh you can cook one of them wheeling me too okay look at me cook indeed this is what's up land now the more important thing about land is we can get seeds planks wood materials at foots weight are we going to land now I think ok look ladies right there this is actually a perfect time to explain something very important all right what's important what's important to my plan you see that you see the ocean is very scary and spooky but see there's a reef usually around every single area of an eyelid those cereals metal iron come on hold on watch me eat this watch me this watch this Wow D that's toxic oh yeah I forgot you don't like fish yeah dad dad what's reflective dad's uh take my materials okay take all my materials I'm a ton of stuff I don't want that and make it anchor make an anchor anchor from way of how navigations the bottom tab throwable anchor made it okay what's really anchor so once we get close enough paddled close to it anchor it down a wicked starting oh I got a paddle I forgot about that yeah okay okay so we're gonna check out the island see what we get yeah and then get materials to kill this shark boys this is where we get real intense real quick is it I don't like tents I'll go get the reef down there yeah yeah so that's what we're gonna get a ton of stuff like iron get in there iron ore yeah we need metal metal and loot no that's got a raw palm fret you're ready it give the Hagar Hagar shaker at one of the corners okay make sure it's rotating the right way it's green got it and then you get it did you eat it I did I did I gotta get rid of that might think someone's good so before we get to the island and go to the reef we have some grab steps with the tape okay okay listening build an axe but I gotta ask you a question oh oh I can make a spear I need more rope uh uh I'll give you oh here take this thing I got a spear that's what I'm talking about buddy look behind you oh yeah all that loot on the ground oh dang dude okay we're at this ocean or at this island what do we do now we have a three-step process that I didn't actually count the stuff before head before saying that oh X okay it's under the tools so it's stone axe crafted it got the axe okay all right Andrew protect the rap I got it storm the island all right come up here up here I'm ever scared at the tree I'm slowly free yep now while in exit please say sorry mr. Reese oh I'm getting mangos yeah but you should be also getting seeds did you get these seeds yeah I got a mango seed mango seed trees that gives us playing stuff on our boat is it time to drop the bait and kill the shark almost almost almost oh do I go back to the boat stop trying to make me freak out oh I just stabbed you I just said I'm out throat what do we have a drip things on that wants us to hurt each other that's amazing yeah I turn that on for a very specific purpose look at all this food we got cookie okay we have our Spears we have our food we do not have our dignity but we will kill this shark all right it's shark killing time yeah look at me in my eyes look at me my eyes I do I do I gotta clean this game down base don't stab each other though okay don't stab each other I got the baby all right so do not throw it on earthing you're at the throne pretty far are not too far by this reef right here wait is it nighttime let's wait till daytime to fight it I guess we'll just sit here and stare at each other than the entire well let's make a bet how do you make a bed but I got to rotate this hold on rotating this rotating okay now it's daytime nice hey shark we will find you we will call you a foot mouth later you will regret today that you ever mess with my foot hi are you guys ready everybody ready all right we're gonna do right here on the left so you guys I'm gonna eat over here oh no no wait no wait okay we got the shark bait in the water yeah wait do not go faced Adam go to his butt go to his bunch of the but if I sit here what if I sit here or on the island oh jeez or I was good to help oh okay I stab him I stab him coming back we poison how are you wait now go go go go get him I stabbed in my step we will take you down shark why don't you kill stay on the water central here he comes gotta bite me boy you better learn this yeah how do you know what he's about to die uh he gets really really ran around on his body I get a lot of Steinmark marks where you stab him in the foot is he gonna get the bait or not we might be breaking him cuz he's because we're on the island uh-huh should we go back to the water Oh get back on the boat get back on the boat oh my gosh I pooped a little Hey okay say jeez you be the fisherman do you fish the rest of us will tank it's done before he's going for it on board yourself Oh Joe yeah I stay out of I stabbed him in the groin let's go dude you're an idiot stab me in the face I stab him in the face nice nice here therefore you need to be careful dude yeah you're gonna want to be here for the next bit why is he about to die I think I think he's getting closer and closer yeah yeah come to me shock [Applause] boys get them stabbed chase boys any low he's getting it when you swim fast in water like whispering once once we get our flippers we can oh I like flippers car okay let me go let me go let me go oh you I'm doing I'm doing I'm doing it Oh miss the meat harvest to me Oh let's go do shark meat yeah sure meats gross yeah doesn't marry you whatever you what therapy why are you holding a shark head guy see the leg point if you want another episode if you don't I understand why this game is terrifying also have to subscribe funny if you're new around here good this next video to watch the next well I know if you guys enjoyed
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,105,155
Rating: 4.9674435 out of 5
Id: KSPh27kWLl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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