I Built a Raft That's a Mile Long and Defies All Physics - Raft

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hey there it's josh welcome back to let's game it out we're checking out raft today where we have to survive on the open water forever and i'm sure we'll have some fun along the way and also this video is sponsored by nvidia geforce now which is their cloud gaming service that lets you play your own pc games without needing a high-powered gaming rig or even installing the game locally and to showcase its capabilities this whole episode has been recorded using geforce now so everything you're seeing is not coming from my own computer it's coming from their computers but i'll talk more about that later in the video for now let's get our raft underway so here we are in the big beautiful world of wrath just you me this fellow as well as this fun hook tool my beautifully manicured fingernails and miles of debris oh and this is our raft so here's basically how this works you have to collect resources as they go by stuff like plastic palm leaves and planks some things like that barrel full of goodies was close enough for us to just pick up and grab kind of like this plank of wood or this bottle but some stuff is just gonna drift on by and that's what this tool is for there we go come to raft daddy so pretty much it's a game of just collecting as much stuff as we can and thank god for the constant state of debris in the ocean now you might be wondering josh what about all that stuff you missed why don't you just go swim out to it i mean we can but i think you know what's gonna happen which is we have a friend down here that wants to speak to us so i think we'll just stay up here in the relative safety of our raft and slowly collect garbage but don't worry though we're not gonna be adrift forever for example i think i see something on the horizon oh that's an island all right hey what's that noise hey let go of that really took a bite out of my raft well i think it's official i know the name of that shark it's definitely grace anyway let's check out this island oh whoops there goes my raft well you know what i'm sure we didn't need it that badly i mean after all we found land wasn't that the point of it all besides if we need another one i'm sure we can just build it right so let's check out what's on this island let's see we got flowers and trees and all of our beloved trash yep i think everything's gonna be okay wait a minute what how come i'm just what happened to the island and where's grace to kill me in fact where's anything well we're still out here haven't seen a soul oh i see we're getting a little weak in the knees huh well we'll try this again on the next go-around so this is what it felt like to be jack at the end of titanic okay round two so i looked it up and i figured out why the island disappears basically the game is auto-generating stuff around your raft and if you get too far away from stuff it just despawns you know like that island or even grace here in other words until we can actually anchor the raft we gotta stick with it by island i'm sure we'll see other ones just like you okay so let's fix up our raft a little bit to do that we're gonna build something called a building hammer which allows us to add to our raft so we're gonna add a bunch now we at least have just a little more breathing room and while we keep pulling resources out of the water we gotta be thinking about the next necessities we're gonna need most notably ways to take care of water and food and for that we're gonna make a simple purifier and grill oh i'm sorry did i disturb your concentration okay grace you know what that's the last one you get because now we're gonna craft a wooden spear no more tasty boat treats for you yeah be scared even though you probably don't know i'm here i like how for placing your guy just aims his finger out like yes right there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa get off that unhand that yeah that'll teach you so much commotion anyway back to food and through our harvesting we at some point found this potato meanwhile let's point to victory and put this thing down there we go that's how we're gonna purify our water we put the salt water in this thing it condenses on that leaf and drops all the clean water in that cup over there while we wait for that let's go ahead and eat our cooked potato looks delicious and that's pretty much how we stay alive we eat literal garbage we've scavenged we drink the delicious fresh water we've made and we just keep amassing resources we can also make a fishing rod which is just adorable let's see we just kinda yes fish come eat another fish looking thing and there we go a raw mackerel on the grill you go okay next order of business see that island in the distance there feel like we're gonna drift right by it so let's see if we can't change our trajectory a little to do that we're gonna need to build a sail okay let's see where should it whoa that's pretty big okay yeah sure that's not in the way at all oh yeah it looks great unfurl my pretty and now face the proper direction what do you want okay stop stop it or my spear could break oh you win this round i guess i should make things a little bit bigger so i can actually see and to make sure we can hang out where the raft doesn't leave without us we're gonna build this thing a one-time use throwable anchor and as soon as we're close enough i'll just lazily dump this overboard now be a good raft and stay put you too grace so it seems like these little islands have a couple of things to offer we got stuff like mango trees we can go ahead and just beat on them for a while and collect a whole bunch of mango and other stuff in fact the same goes for all these trees beat em up take their resources leave nothing behind i'm sure these trees have been here for thousands of years until i came along something i also haven't brought up yet is this guide thing right here this is essentially the story component of the game i want to believe i'm not one of these two but this tiny child right here and they just kind of put me on a raft and was like have fun you're a forward scout now there's a bunch of starter rules that we already know but here's the one i want to draw your attention to follow any radio frequencies if it's still broadcasting it's above water a couple of things i actually found on the open water are these blueprints for a receiver and an antenna so i guess this is what they meant we need to build this there's also one other thing we want to do on this island before we shove off which is let's take a little swim if we head on down here we can pick up fun stuff like seaweed and there's a couple other materials we need as well if we bash at these things right here on the wall with our tool ah metal ore and we got something else here ah copper as well as random scrap metal oh and i guess that noise is me drowning so i should probably surface for air you know i don't over grace's she's probably eating the whole boat right now oh well let's keep salvaging and since i'll be doing this for a while let's take a second and talk about our sponsor which is nvidia geforce now so i often get asked josh what kind of computer do you have i want to torment games like you do but i want to make sure my computer can handle it if you use geforce now you can play your games over nvidia's cloud gaming network without having to upgrade your computer at all it does this by streaming the game to you and they're handling all the graphics and processing and stuff on their end so you don't even have to worry about having a beefy pc basically the way it works is you fire up the app and you add your games you already own via digital stores i'll use the game astroneer as an example since i was playing that recently i just have to add it to my library it'll authenticate with my steam account to prove i own it and off i go no local downloading i'm just in and playing a bunch of my other personal favorites are also supported including planet zoo and satisfactory and because cloud saves work from my steam account onto the platform it was only a couple of clicks before i was instantly reliving the glory days of my horrible creations oh it's gonna be okay little guy the library includes hundreds of ready to play titles as well as a bunch of free-to-play games there are two membership options including a free plan which lets you play for unlimited one-hour sessions at a time whereas the founder's plan lets you play an uninterrupted six hours at a time that plan also gives you priority access when you want to reconnect and allows you to turn on nvidia's rtx option for real-time ray tracing and supported games both the free tier and the founders tier allow you to reconnect an unlimited number of times and support 1080p at 60 frames per second and on windows and mac you've also got the geforce now in-game overlay where compatible games allow you to use two features including nvidia highlights that lets you capture your greatest gaming moments and also a feature called freestyle which lets you apply filters to customize a game's look in real time you can really go nuts with these filters too like sure who doesn't love a little depth of field but how about some letterbox yeah now we're talking let's really cinemafy that yeah oh and let's also add this thing called painterly there we go we just turned astroneer into an award-winning short film geforce now is available on windows mac android devices and nvidia shield tv so if this sounds interesting to you and you want to try it for yourself the link you need is down in the description thanks again to nvidia for sponsoring and now back to raft it's my total surprise the raft is still there and i think i see our next target whatever that is off in the distance while we slowly make our way to whatever that is we're running a little low on space so let's go ahead and make a small storage container and there you go lovely let's put a bunch of our garbage in there okay let's see what do we got here i don't have any other anchors so we're gonna need to be quick okay let's see we can't search anything on here except apparently this one crate which i will take oh god come back come back come back ugh jeez and i guess once you take that one crate off it goes and i guess oh so says grace yep that's all i needed to see let's get out of here looks like it had some fun miscellaneous stuff in it including this vine goo as well as this fish stew recipe cool this looks easy to make two fish crying out for help one egg and a bucket full of glue can't wait grace i said stop hitting the boat oh gracie okay there well i guess we'll find out eventually nope she's back welcome back grace okay next order of business first let's extend the raft a little bit and by a little bit i mean a lot there we go isn't that nice in fact besides supplies is there really anything stopping me from just building all the way out here huh apparently not something tells me this is gonna get real interesting in the future see look how useful this already is just aim this plank all the way over at the island anchor it right from here yes surely this is gonna work splendidly oh my god i step away for two seconds and you eat the boat in other news i learned we can build a bed might as well put it right at the end of this plank ah yes truly the most ideal rest as i casually go underwater and get a nice quick view of my ever-present companion oh good yeah that's gonna be perfect shockingly the boat's still holding together through the power of muscle memory anyway we need to get started on building this stuff and to do that we're gonna unlock the research table so we can learn how to build it which let's see let's go ahead and put it right yeah there we go hanging dangerously off the side like that so the way we do some research is we pretty much just give it an item we hit research and it starts to tell us what kind of stuff we can unlock so i'm just going to feed it all the random stuff i have in my inventory look at all these things we can now learn now i get to see pop-ups forever i did notice the receiver is one thing i haven't unlocked yet because while i've unlocked planks plastic and hinges i haven't researched circuit boards we're just gonna start manufacturing stuff on our raft well sign me up okay so for these circuit boards we've already researched plastic and vine goo but we still need to unlock copper ingots for that we're gonna need a smelter let's see so we could place this thing in like a logical location or we could build something silly let's see first we got this little platform up here and let's see if we add some random support beams here and then we can add another wooden floor right here and another stairway right here okay perfect this definitely won't lead to structural problems okay so let's just go ahead we'll just put one here and one right off the edge like that okay sensational i can't believe this is working oh you know what this could use an amazing filter obviously litter box let's see let's go as horizontal as we can wow that's really horizontal okay maybe not that horizontal okay that's better and let's give it a little tilt shift well this isn't the moment i'm meant to capture but i guess this is your time to shine grace thank you for your blessing and how about a little watercolor ah yeah there we go now it's like we're playing a treasure map thanks g-force now i still can't believe these things work here two giant lumps of copper just smelting away as if this is completely normal and there we go a perfect copper ingot we can finally learn how to make circuit boards and tada a nice handcrafted circuit board just like our ancestors used to make and now we can finally build the antenna and receiver okay let's see where do we want to put this receiver i didn't realize it came with a nice conference table too actually you know what let's take it up here okay getting better let's put a couple more posts up and some more floors up here okay now we're talking we're gonna put it right up there all we need to do is just go up this little spot and then go up this little ramp and there we go held up by those cables alone okay let's see what it has to say well if i'm reading this correctly it means i need to have three antennas connected do you think it matters where i put them also grace can you chill on these platforms wait like how lazy can i be about this can i just mash all three next to each other wow not only are they too close to each other they're at the wrong altitude you need higher altitude you just said the magic words and we'll have it turn and then we'll have it go up this way for a little while yeah so far so good oh my god and i can just put a platform right up here like this i mean this is what they wanted right oh now it's too far i'm not sure what the problem is well what if i go all the way over here you know to my open bed chambers how would we feel about this i mean it runs the wire all the way back sigh also too far i don't get it where do you want these things okay fine what if i just place one right here that was good enough for you just one right there like that like a normal person okay i set them up in totally normal places i'm not happy about it but there they are and i'm not taking this down not when we can almost reach the birds up there are you happy now okay well there we go we found something well let's head to it we'll call it a hunch i think this is probably the place let's see what's the best way to anchor this in you go well all right good enough for me okay you wait right here raft i'll be right back seems like the place is pretty well cleaned out except for the occasional scrap we got a white board here and a note let's see what did that note say people question mark i bet these numbers are coordinates and it looks like we're amassing some tabs here we got first page we got the radio tower and we've got vegetarian that's totally what it said don't rewind the video let's boot this thing up and put it in our new coordinates of 3358 easy peasy float our way to another island squeezy bye radio tower come on grace let's go on another adventure yeah just like that that's what i meant you know what i'm getting real tired of picking up all this trash so while we wait to get to our next destination i have an idea we're gonna build these things called collection nets automatically catches items that float into it that is just what i wanted okay so as a test let's see how this thing goes you trash get in there now oh well that's all i needed to see let's go ahead and build something beautiful [Music] oh yeah look at that that's working splendidly there was another game i played called buoyancy where i built what was effectively a giant wiper blade that just picked up trash and it looks like we were able to do that again because it turns out you can just keep on building so far out that when i get to the end and then i turn around i can barely see my proper raft what i'm trying to say is my days of manually salvaging are long gone hello endless supplies oh and i'm not the only one that's been busy grace has made sure it's harder and harder for me to get some sleep doesn't mean i can't still get over there though after all the best sleep is when your adrenaline is fully pumping wondering if you're gonna get pulled under the waves by a shark and that's the secret to sleeping like a baby oh you know what i think we're here although it's hard to know where here is but thank god i can just walk right up to it whoa or can i oh it's a cruise liner you know as funny as it would be to put down one anchor to hold this whole thing in place i'm thinking we can just use building to do it just kind of hook it around this piece right here okay oh oh oh oh oh easy easy okay i think we did it i feel like this is like the equivalent of the entire raft holding on with just its pinky but hey it seems to be working so let's go check this out quarters great darkness great definitely no people here hello is anyone gonna finish this game of eight ball i call nexties okay so there's actually a whole bunch of stuff you have to do to get up here but the important part is i made it to the bridge and what do we have here another note must we leave lasagna island to go to balboa oh and what's this steering wheel allows you to rotate and what's this engine allows you to go different directions and increase your speed well let's go make some additions shall we okay first things first let's put this wheel down i can think of no spot more suited for this than up here ah yeah that's fantastic hold to rotate smoothly okay we'll see about that huh you know i couldn't place y but i think our raft might be stuck i'll just leave this in the far right position and just go check it out oh you're fine just go ahead and cut it off right here let's get rid of the little hook we made whoa what happened well seems like it's free now i also like all the cabling coming from my let's call it the bridge oh my god what is happening wait is this the speed this thing can turn what does this look like if i'm just in the water it looks like a deranged robot trying to escape that's what wow i didn't realize adding a wheel would do so much i like that grace is over here like ah what's happening okay let's pull this back before i'm motion sick forever and let's go make it worse by installing that motor i don't even know how this is supposed to work can i put it anywhere ooh stellar okay let's see one wheel equals a hundred dollars oh and i gotta put planks in here okay good thing we got a lot of those lying around seems like it's struggling a little bit oh you know what i think that's one wheel handles 100 foundations okay now i know why you're struggling i guess we just need to add a couple more then okay there we go there's five beautiful thingamajigs let's make sure to fill them all up with wood oh yeah that seems better okay so i can't really tell how fast we're going so i guess let's just jump in the water and find out that's really chugging all right well i bet we can all see where this is going hold please this might take a little while okay and there we go engines as far as the eye can see and while i was making some modifications i went ahead and added some other fins to each and every one of the other sides can't have us missing out on some of that trash right so i think a demonstration is in order oh yeah collect all that trash and now this way no trash gets away all for me okay so we're gonna go ahead and attempt to aim ourselves towards the big blue dot okay i think that should be about good let's go start up the engines you're fine oh boy this is gonna take a while and off it goes i have absolutely no idea if it's going fast or not the only thing i know is i'm about to hit my face and lose a bunch of teeth okay it's been a little while but we're almost there or at least i assume you know actually i don't think we're getting any closer and i think i know why oh yeah we've already arrived we're just drilling into this forever well that's okay we'll just turn the wheel a little bit okay and there we go easy easy and now hard left so let's see how do we think we're gonna get up there this seems like an easy solution thank god we've been sucking up so much trash this whole time okay we made it oh well this is very serene hey what's this relay station don't mind if i do bear coming to kill me don't mind if i do he's like i haven't seen anyone in a hundred years i was just coming to say hi mama bear coming to ruin my existence now that i do mind okay i managed to sneak inside this cave she was guarding i'm just gonna take whatever this is a machete all my prayers have been answered and just out of spite let's take all her mushrooms passive aggressively at a distance eat them all behind her and then maybe sneak up on her oh god okay cool story you know i think i'll just take my chances with grace at least i know what to expect this is actually the last story island for now in raft but you know when they drop new content perhaps we'll take a look at what comes next so i hope you had fun i know i did and i'm pretty sure so did grace i'll take that as a yes thanks again to nvidia geforce now for sponsoring this video again my entire raft playthrough here was done using their service overall i really enjoyed my time using it it was really nice to have someone else's computer handle the brunt so if it seemed like something you're interested in the link you need is in the description thanks again and i'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 7,540,957
Rating: 4.9315801 out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft game, raft gameplay, raft let's game it out, raft simulator, raft simulator let's game it out, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out survival, survival let's game it out, raft survival, raft survival game, funny moments, nvidia geforce now, geforce now, I Built a Raft That's a Mile Long and Defies All Physics, i bulit a raft, raft lgio, let's game it out raft
Id: -9kzxE3PfE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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