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back to my channel today we are playing some more rap believe it or not I'm on my own Jory and Josh actually left me and I'm stranded but this beautiful raft actually it's it's not that beautiful it's legitimately just a square with a freaking palm leaf bed on it and my pillow is made out of a bottle great great so today I thought it would be fun if we would check out creative mode now before me and Josh and Jordy we are playing in the survival mode where you have to gather planks and other things and barrels and whatever to survive now in creative mode I can look it build whatever the hell I want to without worrying about anything and I just built myself a little prison here look at that that's fancy now the reason we're in creative mode is because I wanted to try out something fun we run raft here and we're we're stranded in the middle of nowhere but sometimes we actually see an island in the distance what I'm gonna try into you I'm gonna put a couple anchors on my raft I'm gonna connect my raft to an existing Island now I've never seen anyone do this we're going to extend an island with a raft it's going to be awesome it's basically going to be a gigantic pair yes I guess the first thing we got to do is uh find an island so let's set sail all right how do we build a sail so so so that does not look like a sail to me all right start it off great oh here we go craft oh it's free okay so let's get a couple sails going one two three mmm perfect jelly we got to open them up oh darn it we need one of those little flags to know which way we're we got to go a streamer they're called streamers apparently all right so we got a streamer we got to turn this thing around there you go okay now we're gonna go super fast guys all right we're starting off great oh look how fast we're going now see you later planks and palm leaves and barrels all we gotta do is find an island and build the pier that's that's something gonna call it also the shark is still here hey shark how's it going yeah the shark will still come and destroy the the thing de raft but we're good we'll be safe we're gonna add some corner protection just in case the sharks or shark without an S eats my raft there you go corner protection this is my little viewing point it's great looks amazing hello world I am Jenny a pirate on a raft so if you actually miss the multiplayer episodes that majority on Josh record and make sure you go and check them out because we actually finished the game that's right we found her way to humanity kind of we finished the game so make sure you go and check those episodes out that's why we're creative well right now because well there's nothing else to do oh there's a raft there's there's a raft we got to go there come on Oh going the right way I'm such a good sailor I've never sailed in real life guys don't blame me and yeah I need an anchor what about a paddle hello drop come on let's go there's loot in there there's loot in there I need the loop to survive almost almost almost jump the anchor it worked I forgot we're in cruise mode we don't actually need any of that God dang it sorry guys typical jelly thinks I guess let's keep going sails he said the wind is actually blowing that way come on guys we got to find an island now we have to find one just in case we find one I'm actually going to build the endcard I think it's this one okay I guess this is how you're supposed to do it that's the anchor boys maybe we should just build two because technically guys the shark can destroy an anchor and we don't want to sail away from the island once we've found it you know we got to anchor up alright so we've got two beautiful anchors yo actually we can paint them as well let's let's pay them jelly green real quick you can't paint the anchors Wow great great job game great job love you I guess we paint everything around it there you go it's definitely my ship come on I'll it show me where you are so guys just real quick okay please excuse me from all the sweat on my forehead it is actually a million degrees in Holland right now it's absolutely boiling outside and I don't have an a/c let's just quickly draw a smiley face already Wow oh oh Jesus fell in between the anchor holes it's going so slow maybe we need more aerodynamics so much smoother guys so much smoother I wonder if this actually works Oh oh my god guys we found an island all right we got it we got a seal that way come on rotate the sails rotate the sails we have to go towards the island so the island is pretty much exactly right from us and the wind direction is actually going quite well I think we can make it let's paddle our way there all right so I've got my anchors ready this is going to be our island guys we are going to build everything around this thing it's going to be amazing I'm telling you all right all right all right we're almost there you were going a little bit much to the left of it a little bit much to it maybe go a little bit more off come on come on come on three two one that was not intended that was not what I was counting down for Joey Joey okay we're a little bit far off but we made it we dropped the anchors hey Island how's it going let's quickly guys build around the island okay and we're gonna put a couple anchors down just in case anything goes wrong because we still have a shark with us here the shark can still eat anything look at this you guys see what I'm doing imma legitimately building around this thing all right let's get a couple more anchors all right we have a couple anchors drop it drop it we need to make sure that our platform does not move guys we got to make sure of that all right good morning ladies and gentlemen we are back in the beautiful world of raft now that anything changed for you guys cuz with editing it's only a one-second cut all right so we've actually made quite some progress here Wow look at the anchor glitch over here I didn't know that was possible so the wire is like attached over there hmm interesting so what we're gonna do first is we are going to extend our foundation right and we're going to make sure that we're stuck around this island because actually in this game there is no physical way to make your raft stuck to an island you can only anchor up and that's about it all right but I got plenty of anchors so I'm pretty sure we won't move what else do you got anchors for in this game am i right now I realize these anchors don't look very pretty so eventually we're gonna have to cover them up and no one would be nice over there mm-hmm look at this guys look at this you've got the island in the middle we've got the raft moving around it's actually being pulled around yo bit glitchy but it's all good we'll survive I think I just need to make it a little bit more stuck so we're just gonna build some holes put some anchors down I think that should make it more rigid funny thing I think we can sleep on the island now we actually don't need the raft anymore this is going great Oh oh my god oh we've got we've got some turbulence so raft is completed let's actually build our way onto onto the island alright just gotta put a couple of wooden floors down Wow oh it is quite wavy out here today so those are our stairs we made it to the island guys we got to make this thing a little bit prettier okay so we're just gonna we're gonna cover everything up with weight first we got to actually put some foundation armor on the edges so first we're gonna cover up the edges with some foundation oh ma this way the shark would actually eat our raft and we won't die and the circle is completed nice so I think the the shark can still take a bite out of it but it won't actually break straight away so we're good now let's actually build a wall but we can build a factual or a wooden wall with a window it's actually build this one I do like the look of that how does that look from the side yes beautiful jelly beautiful absolutely beautiful two hours later alright now that we've got an entire wall around a raft we don't need to look at the ugly shark anymore I actually tried to cover up some of the anchors as you can see I think it works great actually because the anchors aren't exactly the most prettiest things you want to look at every day but what we got to do now is we actually gotta build some windows real quick so we put a couple windows down we had a bit different view mmm just like that see if you I love the scene I'm totally not seasick definitely not and I think what we should do we should just build an entire floor around this right so we don't have to look at all these ugly anchors and so it kind of looks like it's not even there that'd be awesome all right so what you got to do if you want to build another floor she got to put a lot of wooden pillars down right has a little support there we go we got a bunch of wooden pillars here let's actually get started on that does that work if I do it like this look at that just look at it just look at it we got we got a second floor coming in y'all seeks how is native alright ladies and gentlemen the second floor has been completed as currently another morning man this took some time I can tell you that but I think it looks amazing look at this we're actually quite high up now what I want to do real quick is I want to quickly see what it looks like from a distance oh my god guys doesn't that look amazing let's turn around real quick see what it looks like oh god did that just ruin everything why am I not floating away the game is glitching a little bit already I'm built too much things you didn't know this game is actually super new so there's still a bunch of glitches out there yes whoa yeah it actually looks insane I do realize that you can see the armored foundation there and the nun armored because I have to cut a piece off because I didn't want the ugly anchor to stick out but I actually think that this looks amazing now we're not done here yet all right what I want to do now is decorate it we're gonna build a couple rooms at this on this raft and our farm is going to be on the island it's going to be great it'd take that long it took me like half an hour but look when I filled now the frame drops are saying look you saw that it's actually getting kind of annoying maybe I should put my graphics down so let's quickly get rid of the bed now we're gonna build a room here let's start off with a beautiful with a beautiful terrace alright so if we're starting off with a terrace fence that works we got a bunch of windows around it there you go all right now we actually need a door somewhere let's get a thatch store I do like the the palm leaf things the best they just look so good Wow look at that open Oh a couple chairs is what we need maybe a nice clock somewhere lanterns alright we're gonna put the clock in front of the view so you can see what time it is beautiful oh that actually works so you know when the Sun is going down that's awesome I didn't know that so we're gonna put a table right over there sure why not you can put a sign on the table that looks a bit weird we're gonna put a sign over here this is called zeal Shawn that means the ocean but it's it's a raft language yes zo Shawn alright so we need a couple more tables of course cuz just in case we get some guests you know it needs to it needs to look fancy right like one of people find me here and I'm some kind of creepy guy who hasn't shaved in 10 years and I've been living off water and fish I mean that'd be terrible there you go all right we got some tables can we actually paint these tables I don't think we can yeah we we can't paint these okay what we keep we can paint the floor let's paint the floor the floor is going to be a jelly green we're gonna put a rug over it though so it's gonna look a little bit different but the base of the floor is gonna be jelly green new people need to know that they're stepping in a jelly terrace here put a rug anywhere whoa whoa that's actually cool there we go another one and another one okay it's not exactly centered but its salt it's all good maybe we should just have one rug maybe one rug should be fine just one over there that's that's it we could put shelves down what can we put on these shelves yeah what can we put on these shelves I'm a bit confused what do you what do you do with these shelves holy way you know that's awesome we could also just put it right over here you can make like a tiny little bar area take a bar area this is the bar area if you want a drink you gotta go over here alright okay we can actually put a scrap mechanic duct down a lucky cats candle bottle I'm not sure what that does oh yeah and this is the barrier so it will have some bottles here oh I will have an old shoe in the corner some guests left the shoe behind we don't know whose it is this is a Statue of Liberty duck there you go Wow guys I am impressed with our beautiful terrace here I mean look at this place isn't this is beautiful don't you just want to sit here drink a cocktail and have a good time all right let's get a couple more bottles going this is in fact the bar area guys there you go those are all the drinks we've got they're all the same it's just salt water only what of course this is gonna be great we need a grill on the bar as well grill for snacks grill for snacks and this is another statue we've got coming in this is your boy Johnny all right we're gonna put Johnny right over here just gonna let everyone know that this is Johnny okay perfect perfect resident bees Johnny all right so now that we've got our beautiful Terrace done we should probably build a bedroom now I'm not sure if we can actually I don't think we can actually put anything on the island can we no way we can't like for example a table you can't put anything on the island this is just going to be our garden okay this is just going to be our garden but we need a beautiful garden entrance to it let's build a beautiful garden and Tong's the garden entrance she'll be right over here yeah yeah go beautiful beautiful that's beautiful pathway we're gonna make this white can we make it white now let's make a green I'm obviously we gotta make sure that people know that this is the garden entrance so this is the garden the garden right there all right ladies and gentlemen I think it's about time we start building a bedroom I think it'd be fun if we actually have a Watchtower bedroom we've got a little Watchtower here that we built before but this is not it's not really proper hello if I do this it'll actually be cool that's a cool little Watchtower sure we'll take it I was like NAT it's not cool enough and then I looked at it I was like I just actually pretty cool all right so we obviously need to make sure that the pathway has a way to go the pathway will go along here perfect perfect jelly and then right over here will be the entrance of the bedroom now we obviously want to sleep in private so we're gonna have to build a private entrance all right we need a door there you go the bedroom it's where the magic happens guys we all know that beautiful wood is stormy out here today Oh oh my god the garden okay Jesus I'm getting dizzy looking at that it's a stormy day in raft today so obviously I kind of need a roof for the bedroom I don't want to sleep out in the wild I am sorry for the heavy storm here today guys but we've got herself a beautiful bed oh what a beautiful view of a bird all right ladies and gentlemen I have been working on the bedroom um I have to skip forward a little bit because the storm ate the game lag so much I mean look what's happening here guys island is actually rotated the garden entrance doesn't really work anymore well you can you can jump but it's it's different it's different but it doesn't really matter all that much the terrace is still standing looking perfect we've got the bedroom over here let me just show you guys around because this ladies and gentlemen is the best bedroom you will ever see open up hmm so we're starting off with a covered up area because you obviously don't his sleep in the rain I was making this during the storm I was like we got to have a covered up area so we have ourselves a beautiful bed that I actually put on a table so it's a little bit up in the air you can't you actually built like a mattress here so I realized it doesn't look all that comfortable we've got a couple bottles next to it some shelves as night tables yeah it looks at me looks cozy sure and I'm actually lonely out here so I don't need a king-sized bed or anything I'm a lonely boy I'll do I'm a lonely boy okay but move it on we've got ourselves a little light that I'll have to remove if you want to go to bed cuz obviously gives out light now we have our own Terrace our bedroom has a terrace it's just a case you're wondering where's the bathroom in the bedrooms lol it's right out there just dump your own stuff from there alright let's close up the terrace door this is my Terrace we've got a little Watchtower over here Meno and we've got ourselves another bed so if you want to sleep here it's possible this is just like a hammock is that what it's called and we've got a little chair over here that you can sit down in and have a good time this is kind of like the changing area you know no one can still see you here because you're the only one in this world and obviously we got a little bit of a roof here you can stand here as well I mean I thought it looked cool okay guys I think I'm gonna leave it there because the game is lagging so much I think I've kind of overdone it I mean look look what this island is doing but it's awesome what you can make in this game I think we've kind of succeeded the extra island build it looks fantastic I'm gonna call it the castle alright cuz this is like the middle part and sometimes in castles the middle part is open and it's got garden there you know like square castle with a garden in the middle that's what this is just not completed but it takes a year to complete and we're only an hour in all right ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it leave a like on it at 10,000 likes I'll do another RAF challenge maybe I'll build the highest tower and raft how about that you want me to built the highest tower and go to space let me know in the comment section I'll catch you next time huzzah thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it click on that subscribe button and also make sure to check out the new exclusive jelly army t-shirts on jelly [Music]
Channel: Jelly
Views: 4,472,915
Rating: 4.8707047 out of 5
Keywords: building, jelly, TOP SECRET ISLAND MANSION!, funny, comedy, raft survival, BIGGEST ISLAND BUILD CHALLENGE, raft, survival game, family friendly, child friendly, kid friendly, island, new
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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