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Hey guys! Dan here and welcome back to another video where today it's me vs the ocean! So alright today we're playing a game called Raft. Actually, it's me vs the ocean, again. But this time I think there's less aliens in it. But, um, hey, yeah welcome to Raft. You guys have been telling me to play this like crazy, I know it's about surviving in the ocean. I guess I'm this person here, and let's just go straight into it, new world, normal, easy, creative, or hard, let's just do normal, and let's call it... uh, Dan vs the ocean. Create world. Okay, so the purpose of the game as I understand it is to, uh, build a raft, wait are we like, okay, okay, we-we're definitely on a raft, this is *laugh* this is all I have. And there's a barrel. Hey sir. How are you? That was the worst throw ever. Ah, I see, so I can throw this hook, and I need to grab stuff, but, looks like I've missed the barrel already. Can I swim? I definitely can swim! Ah! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! There's a shark! There's a shark! I need to go, barrel save me! Barrel, save me please! There's a shark? Are you kidding me? Pick up barrel. Hey! Ow! There we go, okay. Mr Shark? I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna have to tell you to leave, please? Bobby? I'm gonna name you Bobby. By the end of this we're gonna be friends. I promise you I'm gonna pick up this leaf. As well. Just in case you come near me. I'm gonna use this leaf to cover your eyes and punch you in the gut. *laugh* Why am I so far away? I'm already close to dying, which isn't good. I've got plastic as well. So we've got ourselves some planks, some leaves, I don't know what that is. And some plastic, and a hook. Okay, this is gonna go well. Well that was terrifying. Can I grab this barrel? Oh, no I missed! I can see this is going to be a challenge. Hey Bobby. Hows it going dude? What happens if I throw the hook at you? You dodge it. Why are you here? What is wrong with you? Why can't you just go and bother someone else? Is it because it's just easy food? Is that what's going on here? Right. I didn't want to do that, give me my hook back. That could've gone badly, wow. Hey! Inventory! Okay, this is more like it! We need to- oh, nope, I need this plank, gimme the plank, there we go. Gimme this pipe! Yes! Pollution is actually helping me right now. I thought I was just in a, um, war vs the ocean but apparently Bobby has other ideas, and oh, actually, hey buddy, how's it going? Where'd you get them scars from, huh? Is that from- from other people clawing you in the face? Gimme this! Okay, simple bed, research table, uh, there's a lot of things that we can craft right now. Throwable anchor, a sail, nice. A shark trophy. What? Can we kill him? We can kill him! Shark head! Where does the rest of the shark go? Oh my goodness we can actually kill Bobby. Bobby you hear that? One day, one day I will put your head, on a- on a spike, on a- on a plank. It will be a memory of our time together. *laugh* Yeah I really need to figure out, what I need to do here. So an empty cup takes plastic, which is good, I need a grill, a purifier, a small crop lot which makes me grow plants, a bed lets me sleep- oh no there's nighttime as well. Oh we need palm leaves, planks, plastic and nails. Used to research new items to craft. And storage. Okay, our priorities should be food and water. Let's make an empty cup. That's gonna be our first little thing. Problem is, I'm terrible at aiming this thing. See? Hey, back off, Bobby leave me alone I'm busy. Hey I got something! Yes, gimme these things, thank you I got plastic and a plank. I think I can craft a, um, ooh there's an island over there. Should we swim to it? Or would that be a bad idea? Wait I can get an empty cup. Yes! Can be filled with some water, but then I need a purifier, which is planks, palm leaves, and plastic, okay let me just grab all those things. I really want these barrels though they have so much stuff in, yes! Hahaha, what did I get? Planks and rope, okay could be worse, could definitely be worse. Oh I need this palm leaf. Grab it! So as long as the hook goes through it, you can grab it. That's good. I fell in! Ah! I fell in! No! Bobby leave me alone! He's so eager to kill me! Why? Are you that hungry buddy? Well, that makes two of us! I don't have any food either! I still need some more plastic. Uh, there's some. Gimme gimme gimme. That looks like part of a slide or something. Um, plastic? I literally can't go in the water at all, otherwise Bobby will destroy me. Here it is.The final piece of plastic. And we've got ourselves a purifier. Craft. Can purify one cup of saltwater into fresh- huh! What are you doing? Oi! Get off! How do I stop him? How do I stop him? Guys, help, I don't know how to attack. Get off me- oh geez. Bobby! Did you- oh! Wait a second. We're moving. Bobby has moved us. No, I need this, I need this, I need this, what is going on? Bobby you're- you're my least favorite thing in the world. And what is this? Oh this is metal. I think I'm breaking it? I'm not quite sure what I'm doing. Oh I got scrap. Okay I've got oxygen as well. Obviously Bobby's gonna come and ruin our life in a sec. We found the island. Let's get outta here- ow! What was I just saying? Oh my raft is so far away. Oh no. Okay. *laugh* This isn't going well. Where's the fin? Where's the fin? The fin of doom? Oh geez, no, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, yes we've got a barrel, I'm gonna pick that up on the way, he's gonna be way faster than me as well. What's that? A raw potato, yes! I'm kinda annoyed, that Bobby can actually attack our raft, how do I create, a sail? I need twenty palm leaves and two planks, okay I better get collecting, there's some things over there that I want. What about weapons? If Bobby comes back? Do I have- ooh axe. Fishing rod. Building hammer. Useful for expanding your raft. Ooh okay. Shark bait. Wooden spear. Oh Bobby! You wanna come at me now buddy, huh? I've got a *laugh* I've got a stabby stick, watch out. Huh! Huh! You wanna come back here? Huh? You wanna come back over here? Cuz I'm gonna stab you square in the fin, buddy. Yeah, you stay back. You stay away from me. No stay away what did I just say? Huh! *laugh* Don't threaten me. Just get away from me. Okay, what else can I build? I was gonna build a sail but I think I just used, yeah, I just used loads of my things, I need planks, and eight more leaves, I think I can get that. I've got three leaves. Sweet. Okay I need to grab these planks as well. Oh no, I think it's, oh, it's turning to nighttime. Yup. And there's the music that tells us. You're- you're gonna die in the nighttime. *laugh* I've got me a barrel. What's inside? Yes, planks and palm leaves. Okay I can actually craft this now, so I'm gonna. Can I place this down? I can. Hey let's go! I've got myself a Yes! Oh no I fell in, I fell in, I fell in, no Bobby no, Bobby no, I can't get back on my raft. It's too big- no! It's running away from me! No! Oh my goodness that was terrifying. I'm kinda going the wrong way. I want to go over to that, um, there was like a, an island, right? Oh no my hook is gonna break. I didn't realize the hook could break. No! Bobby! I have my self a spear now. Get off! Get off! I'll stab you square in the gills! There we go. Do not take my stuff. I need this. And I need this. Bobby let that be a lesson to you! Where's my raft? Where's my raft? Come on, come back, come back, come back, come back! Yes! Oh this is stressful. This is real stressful right now. Oh we can do equipment as well? A paddle. i didn't see a paddle before. I am gonna need a bed though, but how do we get nails? A nail is three scrap. Oh I am going to die of water poisoning. Fill with salt water. What happens if I drink it? Does it not do anything? Oh it makes me thirstier! I'm gonna die! I'm actually gonna die! Um, let's put this down, place plank, uh, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick. How do I light it? How do I light it I'm gonna die. I'm actually gonna die. Oh my goodness no! Yes it's working quick do not die now. Do not die now it's working. Come on. Come on! Come on you're good! Don't! Die! When is it done? When is it done? When is it done? Hopefully it takes my health next. I need this water. I need this water. X, remove. Oh I don't wanna remove it. Did it work? I don't know how to pick it up. Guys, I don't know how to pick it up. Yes! I've got it! Drink! Quick! Oh my goodness! I survived! I have survived! Place these down. Oh and I needed to have the cup equipped for it to work, okay that makes sense. I am going to...yeah I'm going to keep my sail open actually because I have no idea where I'm going, I'm also going to need to eat some food, some point as well, so I need some rope. Oh geez. Rope is palm leaves. Okay, I definitely need a lot more stuff. Fill with fresh water. Yes. Haha! You don't get rid of me that easy world! I wish I had a, um, I wish I had a bed. I feel like I've definitely gone the wrong way. There's no items here whatsoever. Now we just wait. Until we die of hunger, I guess. Oh no, I keep falling in. I keep falling in. No! Bobby! You're a savage human being! Basics of survival. I need myself a, um, simple grill. But then I also need extra space to put this thing down. So I need to build a bigger thing! I need a hammer. Which I should actually be able to craft, right? I've got rope that I can craft, and then I can do a hammer, there we go. Yes. So it takes two plastic, and two planks. Oh nice. This is kind of cool I kinda like this. I'm gonna put a foundation down. There we go, that's where my grill is gonna go. What do I need for the grill now? Four planks, three rope, which is six palm leaves, so six palm leaves, and four planks, where the planks at? No I just built this! I just built this! Get off. Get off right now. Quick! Get off. Get off! Geez! Barry! Now I have to heal it up. Man, I had, I think I'm going to die of hunger here. I could just eat the raw onion I guess, I was going over, towards this barrel, cuz the barrels have the good stuff in. Here it is, gimme the good stuff. Oh yes. I got a blue print for an antenna. I don't even know what that means. Yeah I can eat this onion just straight up. Let's see what happens. Okay that works. I definitely need to build this grill though! I just need one more palm leaf. That's all I need. Get away from me. Don't do it. I've got a spear. You've already felt it in your forehead a few times. Please back off. I'm gonna have to eat one of these potatoes. Yeah okay I did it. I just ate two by accident. I didn't mean to do that. What did I say? Stop it! No that's the plank that I need! Oh my goodness this dude. He's just made me lose out on a leaf. as well. What an absolute punk. Come on, come on, have some palm leaves. Have some palm leaves. That's what I'm talking about, right, I now can do simple grill. I just need to do a rope. And then I've got it, right? Yes, craft! Hey! Let's go! So now I put this down, uh, let's put it down here, place a plank, place raw potato, and cook this bad boy! Come on! I wanna have some baked potato! Oh it looks so tasty. I can smell it already. Mm! Let's go. One of my favorite things. If only I had some other stuff to put on it. But I don't. I can' t really be picky. Soon, soon, there will be a shark on this bonfire. You'll see, you'll see. How long does it take to cook a baked potato I mean come on. I'm gonna faint. I'm gonna pass out here. Ooh, let's go that way, There's something in the distance. Why is this taking so long. Ahoy! Let's go and see if we can set up camp there, that would be amazing. Yes! Hoho! How tasty does that look? Let's eat this bad boy. Oh it barely even gave me any, um, any health. Oh dear. What else can we eat? *laugh* Oh no! Fishing rod. I need plank and eight bits of rope? That's 16 palm leaves! At least the music's coming in to make us feel a little bit better. Let's save the game just in case. Oh man. This is kind of somber music don't you think? Please have food in. Raw beets and a raw potato, okay, can we cook beets? We can, okay, perfect. Look! Look what I found! Look what I found! I found another raft! Oh this is fantastic! What is he uh- oh, are you joking me? There's literally, a campfire there. *laugh* I found a campfire. Okay, do not bite me, do not bite me, I see you! Don't bite me! Yes! Oh, it's sinking. Can I grab anything from this? Okay that's definitely sinking I'm- I'm getting off of this. That was terrible! No, no, no, no! Stay away! Stay away! I got him! *laugh* Well that's not fun, is it? It's literally nothing. It sunk! Oh no! Is that another person who's tried and just failed? Oh I need to eat my beetroot real quick. Thank you, place potato, eat beet. Yes. Let's go. I need more stuff! I feel like I need to find one of those islands, because there's nothing good out here. At all. The music feels pretty inspiring, apart from that, I'm not feeling great. I'm not feeling great at all. I feel like I should give a monologue or something with this music. It's day two. And I might just die here. Alone. But who knows? Who knows? One day- Ah! One day, we may prevail. We may just make it out of here alive. I'm not sure where we need to go, but it's gonna have to be cut if I can't. Yes got some more potatoes. And now you're moaning that you're thirsty, okay great. And now my hook is broken. Which is even better. How do I make another hook? I've already got one. Great. Does anyone know the way? To land? Because.... Oh wait a sec, I obviously don't. Oh, it's you again. Bobby. Can outta here. Unless I can eat you please leave, okay? Geez. He thinks it's all about him. It's not. It's really not. It's all about me actually trying to drink and stuff. I feel like I'm getting the hang of it, though. This was quite, uh, the learning curve straight away, but, I feel like we're doing okay. We've got a 4x4 raft. Um, I am worried that this is gonna break, soon, though. Yeah I probably should repair this. There you go. Oh, look you can make stairs and stuff too. That's cool. Ah ha! There's something massive there! Absolutely massive, what is it? Let's go towards it. Can you see it in the distance? It's an island. Yes! How do I get an anchor? An anchor would be good. Throwable anchor requires stone. I don't have any stone. Cuz I don't want my, um, I don't want my raft to just disappear. Oh ho ho! What goodies could this island have? Possibly none, but that's fine. I definitely water though. Otherwise this is going to get real annoying real quick. Oh look receiver. That's like a radio. That's kind of cool. But we need the research table to get it. Come on barrel have something good. We have no food. I got some stone though, that's good. Okay so how do we get, um, how do we get onto this island? It's like, it's out of the water. How is that possible? I can't even get on it. That's so unfair. Well that was terrible. There's something up there as well. I'm gonna have to go on a taller raft. I have to come back when I've got a taller raft. I can actually make a fishing rod now. I should do that, shouldn't I? I need to make, uh, eight rope. That's like all of my palm leaves. But, fishing rod, let's go, how do I fish with this thing? Let's see what happens. That was terrible. Here we go. Yes. See if I can fish myself up a shark. Nothing's happening. Oh! Yes! I got a fish! I actually got a fish! Okay, so, I can cook this now, right? Oh for goodness sake. Where is he? Oh he's right here? Do not break this! Do not break this! I just hit him four times. No my thing broke! Oh you are an absolute punk, I hate you so much! All I wanted to do was cook a fish. There we go. Nice. *laugh* Oh, I'm eating good tonight! That's what I'm talking about! Bobby, you're not gonna kill me today, buddy! You might be able to take out my raft, but you can't take out my spirit, or my fishing rod. Haha! So my research table has to be next, unfortunately I used all my scrap for something I didn't actually need, so that's a problem. Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, I need a weapon as well, I need... Oh no. Ooh, wait a. sec, let's eat this. Oh! Look how much that gives us! Oh that's amazing! I need three ropes, I need one more palm leaf. Just one. There it is. There's the palm leaf. Come here. Come here, it's like, it's like fishing. But for inanimate objects. So I make that, and then, oh I need one more plank as well. There it is. Hey! Haha. Craft! Right I need more planks because otherwise I won't be able to cook any thing. But at least I have my spear now. It's okay. Ow! Bobby! I thought we were getting to know each other. No? You still absolute punk. I can't see any thing, it's so dark. What does it take to get a bed around here? Quite a lot. We've got nails, planks, and palm leafs, we can do that. It also gives you more health, as well, which is quite nice. Well you know what guys? I've actually been playing this way longer than I thought I was, so, I think I'm gonna end it here. I hope you enjoyed it, if you did, please give it a big fat like, I don't know, I'm not gonna commit to this being a series or anything, but it's pretty fun so far, if you guys like it, I might do another video, but, uh, that's all up to you, so yeah, if you guys enjoyed it and would like to see Blalala! If you liked it and would like to see some more, leave a big fat like, that would be greatly appreciated, subscribe if you are brand new to the channel to join team TDM today for daily videos, apart from that guys, have an amazing day, thank you so much for watching and hanging out with me today, and I'll see you soon, good bye!
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 5,554,461
Rating: 4.9294491 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, raft, dantdm raft, raft dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app
Id: F7bda1aG5nA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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