Building the Best City Ever! - Raft Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm let's welcome back to the raft today's raft as you saw by the thumbnail is going to be fun so how do people call me a hacker like you're a hacker because you you play and you have unlimited resources that's what creative mode is I'm not hacking I'm gonna build a giant city in creative mode today it says unlimited supplies and health that's that's it not hacking like no hacking going on we're gonna build a giant city we're gonna try to we're gonna have some fun with it we're gonna see what we can do no right in the world Hey in the world in the world so we did built the giant city of utopia we're trying to mimic it from that picture the best we could we're gonna try to do something today I want to make it a little more spread out why do you guys are asking me to make like a hotel and other fun stuff like that but I thought maybe you know what let's just build a city with like roads and stuff and I've got roughly an hour and 15 minutes until my livestream so if if I'm gonna I'm gonna do the best I can and an hour's worth of time so here we go let's do it I'm gonna make a big platform to begin with we're gonna make some little houses some little sheds maybe a little fishing village a little fishing shack ooh a fishing village might be fun we're gonna have different anchors and stuff on here I like I like the the possibilities they're really endless of what we can do you know what else I'm gonna do because I usually need it is I'm gonna start up some water just because water is kind of annoying so we're just gonna make like four of these and put them down and then we're gonna just start water production right away just in case we need it in the future okay you know I didn't need to do that all right we're gonna start a house and you know what we're gonna do it maybe four where do you five five five Oh a little bit hard and I'm trying to go quick cuz it can be kind of boring there we go 4x4 looks good it's gonna be a little bit bigger than I thought we'll close that up we'll put in a door on there no one let's put in some windows to put out some windows to look over this see oh it kind of bothers me it bothers me that that plank doesn't line up all the way across oh well hey we'll remove those wooden windows here too we need to put a roof on so I'm just gonna go kind of up I'm gonna do like grass roofs on here go up there we go and nope go that way oh right and we'll do that and then let's do a grass roof there that's beautiful hey there it is and we'll do one more up so it's even right that's why I didn't go 500 and then we'll have to jump down there it is up across how's that look it looks alright I like it rip Oh God very nice ok we'll go in now we're gonna build up the walls on that and tada alright we have our first fishing shack open for business I don't know what I'm gonna put in here what should we put in here you know what let's build things and then we'll add things in so one thing I did want to do too is make the paintbrush we're gonna make like a road around like that maybe maybe I'll just clear these so I make a road I need to expand that over we'll make another little house back here I'll do 2 wide there and let's do 3 by 4 on this one 1 2 3 oh that looks kind of good I like that and we'll have to paint up paint black plaint back and let's go to this one as the doorway remove that glue pop in and we'll pop in a door right here yeah that's pretty good throwing the windows nice we'll put the roof on again so you got to go for wide unless we make it too wide just so we can match up the roof and then the roof is on there alright we've got our first two houses done I'm wondering we could probably paint the sides of those can we paint the room the that part uh no it did get painted but what's different with it I guess it's just the wood that got painted it kind of looks nice though doesn't it a little bit nicer than the brown let's see how that looks on the outside you can't even tell the difference how about if I paint these two maybe not I don't know I don't know if I like that I'll bring this next house a little bit of part of the road or five let's go six spy I don't know how much oh there was six by six house on this side I like that we have a nice even uh period so we've got to begin with the four by four a 3 by 4 and a 6 by 6 head looks again I'm going to add maybe one more to that side not sure what I'm gonna add though that was gonna be so let's get all the oh hey could we do I wonder our roof look going this way it is square okay that does not fit I don't think not were to remove those Oh get up there oh come on don't do this to me there we go remove them it looks pretty good in this sunset doesn't it I wonder if I remove these and put in another close check another window up that's not too bad I like that little switch that oerstadt okay we'll do the same thing over here right that looks pretty good I'll take it I will take it indeed so I want to make a little garden area next I'll do a garden outside of this house and I want to do the the wooden fence planks because I like these I think they look good for a garden do a decently sized oopsies I problem is I don't know how to make a gate is there a gate hmm maybe you know what I could do we're gonna do that and then we could like put these here kind of looks like a gate doesn't it decently yeah we'll go with that I'll have to make some tree farms oh we could put trees next to the road oh we could do some trees in here hey hey I'm having fun I'm having so much fun with the crop plots there we go put some trees in on the boulevard oh that's beautiful beautiful I say one more yeah buddy we'll have some nice trees in there they won't grow on that side though we could we could put one here right right there oh yeah that's great let's get the palms made up good thing I made the water Harry started it up up up up up up up up up up up up and up up up got it we got twenty orders no that should be enough for 20 plants or if I ever get thirsty but I can't because evidently I'm hacking kidding not hacking I'm playing in survival for creative mode alright next thing I want to do we're gonna move that to here we are gonna move some of these in there's a shark we should make a shark pin - that'd be fun now can I put oh I can't put them on there um let's remove the back wall and we'll put regular a wall in the back or the regular half walls I guess these ones because they look a little bit too don't think but this will work a little bit better we can we could put these on the side of it like this that we could do - yes this is gonna be great just for the back wall we don't need anything fancy bag here that's perfect good let's put in some of these along the side one come on four will do four and let's turn it are to turn okay oh that's awesome right there that's great will do maybe one more of these I'll put it right here that looks good that looks good we'll need to get some pineapple seeds and some watermelon seeds in here one two I like to alternate them a bit just so they look different and then we can do that and it will bring it back like this cool and put it there awesome okay and then we'll water them okay those are gonna grow let's throw in ourselves a little scarecrow here turn around scarecrow man you will camp there oh I'd put your face backwards mm-hmm no I did it again no I did it again come on there he is he's ready okay and we need potatoes and beets one one just doing a little bit of difference a lot more than I thought I needed beets I just like the the difference in colors here oh I could have done flowers too Wow anymore okay and then water time okay so I was thinking about trying foam and that green is just so ugly and bright yeah yuck wanting to try this to see what it looked like no no those don't get painted either mm oh boy oh boy let's do a black floor and we'll do the sidewalk over there we go and now maybe I'll do a black floor in here like that I mean that's okay I don't know about that green know what do you guys think about the green but good bad ugly I'm not sure myself that green is just kinda over the top is there any other color that would look better maybe this one that's a little bit less green I'll try it or maybe then neon I don't know I don't know about these colors they're just too bright that doesn't look terrible doesn't look great but it doesn't look terrible okay let's put in a tree over here and just a tree over here to its good spot for a tree that'll look really nice when it grows up oh we should put in oh you know what we could do I wanted to do like a town center of some sort I don't know how to do that though um let's see what should these houses be this one's gonna be a storehouse I think a nice little storehouse we'll put in a bunch of chests and I might throw some shelves in here too let's just see how the shelves the glue Hey I don't I don't mind that looks pretty good let's put in one more shelf over here oh we got the trees outside no lieutenant peckers what are you doing on can't wait for them Hey our food is growing good I mean give me these all right I like that I like that a lot I like the storage chests in here we could also do storage just above the windows Oh dirty my gertie okay we'll do two more of them on the other side here always nice to have a good store house as long as it doesn't show from the backside no that's pretty good you can kind of see it I like that this is a cool little storehouse we need one more here thingy on it oh sure there we go yeah cool star house is good we need to put a shark head on top of it right there storehouse that wasn't the Sharks name that's just telling me what this room is another one up here I don't know what this one's gonna be yet so just keep it we'll keep it there what should we making this house hmm I'm gonna I'm gonna hold off on that I'm thinking about this one is gonna be a bunk house I wanted to see what we could do for hooking up the hammocks on things cuz we can put these from the ceiling but it won't work up here we can't put him on the wall so it'd have to be down on the floor so maybe we should make like a different style house next let's make it out of the green walls for okay and then I'll do let's do a little bit longer like that long that'd be cool I will do it for wide okay so close in the doors oh please mr. piece and then I don't know where I'm gonna put the door right here I guess stupid bird stop what I do you can't eat that there's a thing in here ah kind of make scarecrows everywhere now I guess this gets really dark at night okay he's gonna guard that side hopefully that'll work that gate looks pretty good we got to make that bunk house so we can go to sleep I was wondering here if I do this I think I think I have to have a to wood I don't really like having yourself on the outside you dumb blocks gotta remove them now boot and so if I put this will it fit up here oh it will oh that's cool alright I thought I wouldn't I thought I'd have to have a different thing but it'll work yeah I can't make another one okay let's sleep quick I should have turned it that looks pretty good I don't want to make hmm do we make a second oh I got an idea I got an idea hey this is a good idea maybe I can't guarantee that it's a good idea but I think it's a good idea so that means it might be one might it might be an idea there we go oh I got to get up there let's go up there no that's not how you put it flip it it's like the old boPET you ever play the old boPET thing back because you're a kid wouldn't you like to pop it twist it smash it break it throw it at your sister that that thing that was that was fun really annoying - okay there it is and then huh okay we're here that bird man that bird right here so i lieutenant peckers stop pecking up my thing all right and then here's the question do we do a at her up here I wonder and I could do a ladder like right here I can walk up it I don't know I don't know what do you things here I do want to know if I can place in like this that's what I wanted to know and I could put in like another one up here can I turn you oh not quite well do you like two more in here one right there and one right here how's that look I mean it's not the best but you can still lay down in it and then stand up in it that's alright so interesting if I break it what happened oh just disappeared okay whoa no they want that yes put one on them I gotta turn it let's try that here we go one on the back wall and then turn it just trying to fit like a few extras in here don't look good that's alright fives okay that we could put in tables in between let's do that alright table on the wall okay that's perfect that's what we need and then that's okay we'll put the fancy rugs down here beautiful carpet let's give them a kitty cat or 12 here two of those two of the kitty cats we need to put some shoes in okay kitty cat on there and we'll do a ducky over here that's the wrong way for the duck I'll do a ducky over here perfect we'll put the shoes down here wonder sure we'll do lots of shoes up here turn it around there is the lucky cat very nice very nice that's awesome I love it they never get some lanterns in here too how's this look I do one up here that's okay let's close it up though maybe if I close it it'll look a little better hey that's alright that's pretty cool I like that hey turn over turn over and we got to fix up that end I gotta do that from the outside there we go the bunkhouse is completed I wonder if there's anything cool we could stick up on the side maybe the calendar calendar would be alright try the calendar up here no it doesn't fit weird I guess it doesn't go on the ramps oh well okay it's coming along very nicely town is blossoming bustling whatever you want to call it let's use this one as our cooking chambers wondering if we can do like a chimney we might be able to but we need to get the grill and stuff I'm just gonna what we need these we could do like a dining room and cooking the house I'll start in the back corner here right outside the window yeah we'll do that then we'll put in like we did before and we'll put in a little cooler in between them that'll work cooler in and throw these up okay and then this one right here and then the cooler or this thing right there beautiful I need to catch some fish you know what looks good in kitchens is that white and black speckled floor why not right we can do it let's do it that actually looks pretty good oh sorry I tested those blue I like that oh wait hey go away that's better I like that okay let's put it in a half wall around it and we can looks good to half wall and we'll have a little a little entry gate right flip and then entryway right there okay and we'll put in our water purifiers cuz we frankly need them a lot switch them around one and two maybe I should do it on that other wall can I put these on the wall nope three okay well do three that looks good I like that now I could maybe you put the tables on the side but that didn't look right so let's do a little flip I'll do a large table here oh it's hard to connect these up okay this is the city you have to have a nice restaurant or a lot of people can sit on it good I like that let's throw in a buttload of chairs there buttload of chairs has been completed doesn't look as exciting as I thought but it's still nice I wish there's the one thing the one thing that I wish they had in this game was signs like Minecraft where you could like put a sign on the wall and then throw a fish in it you could have like the shark kind of like this but you could use anything there like you could put the scrap mechanic duck on the wall but it doesn't work see it doesn't work like that so we need to do put some lanterns in well put lanterns can I put them on yeah and I wish there was a smaller one on the table too I wish we could put these little bottles on that shelf thing too nope and I wish you could light them like I don't know what these things are for you guys said that we can plant trees as there are plants in the boots but nothing else that looks pretty good I like that one I kind of want to put up chandelier in the middle to say like that in the last house but it doesn't look like it is yeah one's kind of tiny isn't it oh well it still looks good I like that just gives it a little more light and ambiance and give some light on the outside - that's cool man I like that one less there was some lighting in here - maybe ooh right there and I can't put one there well let's just put down a floor lamps maybe cuz I mean it has to look good at night right we have our nice little light oh that's cool in there I like that one I'm wondering on this how it would look if I made walls going up like that kind of looks like like you could store things up there I don't know I don't know what do you guys think of that I need more lights in here I think can I do a light right here no do it oh this is a better place for lights weird can I remove these oh nice that one works very good well then I will do this so that was the one thing that was bothering me about it okay let's put in these right here and right here okay that looks a lot better I really like that house so let's get the walkway over to it maybe okay there it is and we'll bring it over here okay we could put in some more trees over on this side I think what else should I do I need like I wish there was a fountain too but I don't know how to make a phone I can't use anything in there we do you have the paint mill we can make a painting house why not do we need a workshop - this might be too big let's do an outside workshop right here to make it a little bit longer uh-huh we'll make it should we make it as square why not we'll do a bird nest on top I think oh great did I did I really make it even all the way around I did alright so the front side needs to go back one whoopsies oh I just destroyed the floor stop stop being dumb game I didn't want to do that there it is better I'll better know okay so this is gonna be like a blacksmith shop in a way and we'll need to put down lots of smelters I made 20 but there's no way that I'll need 20 so we'll turn these around one two yeah four five six let's spread these out a little bit better there it is that looks good looks real good let's put some stuff in there can I actually get the ore I cannot get the raw resources I can't even get wood I'll have to talk to the developers about that and get it added in put a couple of research tables in on this side one on each side of the pillar just cuz it looks awesome we know what we'll do on the top can we do the ladders no ladders I don't know how to use these the best I can't put it there you put it there let's remove this one I'll put a ladder there that we can climb up we're gonna do our ropes are on the outside this is expensive this rope thing okay well make the antennas up here one two three and we'll put this in you know what since it's not actually needing to work we'll just do it like this just to make it look cool here we go let's throw a battery in just for the sake of having a battery in grab doesn't work and then bird nest for days bird nest today's bird nest for days all right yeah we got a bird farm up there can't really see it from the ground but it looks really nice really neat from above I like that now we can run it around here maybe we should move that to a different spot yeah let's move this ladder back here so it's out of the way we can't go into it anyway here put that up right here and right there and then we'll put that ladder up right there good so we can now climb up into this and under a radio tower if we need it I did figure out a way to get wood I did we can get what you're cutting down trees that's probably the best way to do remove that I wanted to move this over just a little bit there we go one and a-two and a couple more that looks good I like that so I need like one more little house or no here let's we need that we need to make this back here to the colors usually oh that's nothing okay then we'll go back this way and then I guess I'll just color this whole floor black and the post black except the other things all the ladders can go black too alright so do I want to paint all of this black I don't know maybe just to make it look the same get it cuz it's a blacksmith shop because I colored it black that's why it's black Smith yep I think that'll work good we'll do a little bit more through here I don't know if I in real life if I'd paint it black because the like it would heat up too much and it'd be a super hot in there we also need some other things down here what should we place in here I don't know there's like nothing else I want those don't get built smelt their research table beds we could put some of these fake things and just to make it look like we're working on something that should be fine maybe a couple chests I could just do like chests in the middle we're gonna do chest I don't know I don't know maybe let's not you just could I hang a chest from the ceiling negative all right that's probably good enough for just a workshop area I'm kind of out of ideas what to do the paint mill would be a cool idea maybe we'll just people just kind of clean it up and paint some more stuff so I really like how the mainland of the island has turned out I would have put a fence all away or on the outside here just a rope fence then I think I'm gonna do because I made it so you could just walk all the way around the outside I thought that was very important to do I was thinking about changing up and making like a bright yellow let's see a good gelo color Oh all these colors are so bright let's do this one instead nope not that one ah orange ik everything's so gross it looks like puke nasty it's so nasty colored oh no oh no hey go away yeah throw on it I don't want to pollute everything okay well dude yellow around it so if you go outside the yellow line you Paul and we don't want to fall oh I didn't I didn't finish the rope there we go the Rope is now finished we have the yellow lines surrounding it that looks good I just wish that I could do some sort of garden in the middle anybody need some sort of centerpiece let's try a centerpiece of some sort so we can do these platforms right one two three four five six I don't know I don't know I just don't want it to be too cluttered yeah maybe it'd be too cluttered if I did something different hmm wonder if I paint the floor a different color Oh blood red nasty brown puke green blue does that look all right not really let's just leave it Brown I don't know I think I like it just Brown better what do you guys think how did our city raft go does it look like a city does it look like a nice little village we have a purpose for all of the buildings I kind of like it this boat this one might be my favorite because it's that white and black on the floor we have some cool walls it's nice and tall we've got a nice little storage chest here I never did finish this one up I'm thinking this would have been our paint room or it would be our paint room a painting we'll do a paint thing quick cuz the paint made things weird let's see where is it so here's the paint mill it has dit let's see where does it open I think I think it's like that so I have to bust the hole in the ground then we put the paint mill right here then it's backwards all right now flip her out what are you doing lieutenant peckers would you stop it you haven't been around for a weeks and now you come back okay we got a paint mill in here that looks kind of cool I've never actually used those things can I make the seeds hi Ken huh we could plant flowers hmm interesting so we have paint mill let's make this thing like a blue just cause that'd be all boy dad never blue all right we got we got a blue house with a blue window blue is the color or something or another little Eiffel 65 I'll throw you back to the 90s late really oh man that's uh uh yeah let's do it put the floor blue too cuz I mean it's paint house we got it we got to make it gross oh yes that's that's amazing okay well put in the boxes over here we'll put in some torches one two three three and four yeah that's totally the painted house I love it I love it our island is the best raft island ever in the game so guys thank you so much for watching today's video I hope you've enjoyed it if there's any suggestions of things to add to this let me know down below in the comments and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 3,523,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft game, raft gameplay, let's play raft, raft download, gameplay, survival, raft survival, raft survival game, Raft Gameplay Part 1, survival games, Raft Shark, Raft Crafting, Raft Building, raft free, stranded deep, the raft, the raft gameplay, raft rescued, raft full game, raft release, raft steam, blitz, raft 2018, rafts02, raft island, raft secret, raft secret island, raft update, raft creative, raft flower, raft flowers
Id: QgdczxoJjug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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