I Survived Hardcore Modded Minecraft For 100 Days using the largest modpack possible

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what is up guys it sucks for one and today I bring you guys a special video this video was inspired by Luke the notable as he did a hundred days in hardcore survival minecraft I decided to take it to the next level difficulty by doing it with every single mod possible if you don't know what I'm talking about I do suggest to watch the video I downloaded every single mod because this is the same mod pack any more mods would make my PC explode this was a very hard video to record because not only did I end up dying several times in general this mod pack is harder than RL crafts before I show you my successful run I've now set up a stream schedule and we will be fighting the modded ender dragon as well as the modded wither today on twitch but don't worry I will now be streaming regularly so don't panic if you can't make it because I'll keep every stream as entertaining as possible here's a quick speedrun of all my desk before we actually get to the successful run did I mention that I had 450 mods installed I crashed more times than I actually died on my first attempt I actually died on the first night I was trying to get the sheep to make a bed but this weird mob was protecting them I thought of a masterful plan where I would hit him through my window are you hunting no one because you're dead boy this did not go as planned on attempt number two I actually found a portal gun in some mysterious chest we just got my twitch followers saw this as a window of opportunity they told me to portal gun to the moon and of course I believe them because this is mod in Minecraft I can't play my reaction because silly me I used copyrighted music but yeah I didn't know what else I was thinking on a 10 number three I actually got all the way today 7 me being me I try to keep my stream exciting by surviving the night in another dimension take a guess on what happened killed by a legendary iron sniper now you guys know what we're getting into if you guys want to see me record for another hundred days this video has to hit a hundred thousand likes it's only a high number because they only took two whole weeks to record here we goes boys this is day one of hardcore modded minecraft haha please minecraft gods be in my favour and that's why we're starting on day 6 because I did nothing but mine for 5 whole days already dying several times I couldn't take any more risks but I was nowhere close to even crafting anything having my house connected to my mine shaft kept everything nice and simple day seven came in I already equipped myself with better armor than diamond feeling proud of myself I decided to take the risk and start expanding my base seeing the daylight for the first time in seven days made me realize actually how many dangers were around me learning from my past experiences I learned a way to get infinite wood food sources and building materials were no longer a problem boom how was that not the most satisfying thing you ever seen in your life the next day passed and this is the day I realized there was no way I was gonna survive 100 days it was only day and I was scared of every single moving object around me Wow oh my god that frog did like a jump scare putting my fear aside I wanted to check out this castle that I thought could be a potential base there was also a lot of enemies in that base so FBI open up get ready to feel whole world of pain mr. Archer man they weren't tough but there were many before I was able to finish them all off the knife fell and I quickly ran home 9 Oh what monsters nearby there was some sort of weird dog outside of my house it wouldn't let me sleep so I had to make a bed way up high on the next day I came back to finish what I started but then I realized there was actually a bigger castle next door to make peace with my neighbors I decided to eliminate them all feel my wrath ahh why are you running why are you going after making peace with all the Minecraft Steve's I decided why not move here instead and then there was a sign from our minecraft gods this is my base this is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life with a whole 10 days passed already I knew I had to get settled in my new base I also planted cactuses all around my castle because I thought it looked really cool I made a quick cobblestone path that allowed me to move back and forth from my old to new base there's made transporting items much easier a new day was here and I was really pumped to move everything I had to take a different route because there was a mafia bees outside my house after breaking into my own home I was successfully able to transport all my items next day I got more prickly things to surround my castle little did I realize these cactuses are actually one of the reasons I'm still alive a hundred days later and we finally were able to mark this as home I spent the whole day of day 13 looking through new and cool items that I could craft I came to a conclusion that I couldn't stream anymore I knew that my twitch chat would just try to get me killed finishing off day 13 I washed my gay open and closed a couple times and learned that you can ride ostriches at remarkable speeds when I came home to sleep I sadly learned that mobs can spawn inside the base or bein lookin boy ah I protected Karen the ostrich and went to bed I woke up to the weirdest looking cat I've ever seen that is immune to sword damage how is that even fair I decided to make turrets inside my base to protect myself from these intruders I made a level one turret that shoots wooden blocks I'm so proud of myself are you gonna die today boy boom it took six minutes to kill that weird cat wanting to sleep for the night my craft was like psych you thought and it was a Blood Moon my cactus has turned out to be extremely effective you must be asking yourself why does that matter there are mobs in this modpack that break through blocks including the creepers Oh God they broke many holes into my base now I able to sleep during a Blood Moon I started to mine after surviving probably the hardest day of Minecraft history I decided I really needed to upgrade my defenses that's right it's time to make a moat they won't be able to reach my base if they fall into a pit I spent all day on this and even continued in the morning but finally it was finished should we test out the moat good job socks for one I spent the rest of the day getting wood because what's wrong with having too much wood day 17 was all about improving my home base the turrets were weak but what if I had multiple haha we got a security system now look at that and then I crafted way too many torches just so I could place that one torch the next day I wanted to put my torches to use so let's make a mineshaft I had to make a lot of extra chests because my inventory kept on being filled with random ores so yeah just mining day 19 was extremely unproductive I spent most of the day looking at the thousands and thousands of recipes there were just four different types of wood and out of all those recipes I decided just to make the classic wooden stairs for my mine shaft I have no idea why the Scorpion sound like frogs the big day 20 was here and it was time to do some more mining emeralds were extremely useful because I could actually make armor out of it I found like this end spooky stuff that stills really scares me and I usually stay away from it I ended up feeling six more double chests of random course that I didn't even know if we're that we're good or not most of them were useless because I didn't understand how to use them I literally spent the next two days looking at the millions of items that I could make the only thing I could make was a slightly better chest that it turns out to be actually worse I ended up watching popular mmo's just to learn some of these mods I mean practically I was already a master it was day 23 and I was tired of sitting around so let's go on an adventure I had my super golden apples that I needed to use right away because these bees on drugs kept on attacking me I had to fight mob after mob after mob eventually I was able to break through to a sand village where I could probably get some good loot I found some really cool portraits of like creepers and Pigman and he was the coolest thing ever and then I took everything else that seemed valuable I don't know what this was but I think it was some weapon for the villagers to end all of humanity but that's just my best guess luckily I came home before I got too dark and this brick right here is the Mewtwo all ranged weapons so my church didn't do anything to him day 24 went by in a flash I made a lot of home improvements including making all my turrets match I ended up raiding up a lot more castles because they were really fun poor AI being bullied by socks for one the best part is all this loop but I only understood about 20% of it yeah that was pretty much it for my last raid I got somewhere where I could summon a pet wolf little did I realize that my turret saw everything as an enemy Oh before I could change the settings it was too late no it was all good though I had another one we had the best time together we killed cows together attack some angry squids I mean completely avoid them and then we went back home safe and sound day 26 ah there's a base away yeah day 26 was really sad so here's some really cool spider pigs that I found it was a new day but I was still upset from the day before I tried new crafting recipes but it didn't really work out the way I planned my spirits lifted when I found more castles to raid because yeah who doesn't like raiding castles I went out quite far this time but luckily I made it home before it got too dark I loved her it's day 28 I realized that I'm missing most of the basic material I started building cages so I could force the counts to breed and then kill them later and of course I needed to make a wave farm in order to get wheat this was very calming especially after all the crazy things that happen recently at this moment I wasn't able to plant the seeds but my future self haha knows that hopping sticks the next day I learned that you need cropping sticks in order to plant your stuff I don't know what my ostrich is doing but I thought it was really funny and boom look at that beauty baby and that giant wasps made me realize that I'm actually completely vulnerable out here I decided to make more turrets and put them outside because that's so cool this would have been a good idea if I didn't have level one turrets and I was that again because that giant wasp was like what up I'm gonna follow you how am I still alive it was day 30 and it was time to make my turrets ready for war they fired wood planks so I got as many wood planks as I possibly could and this is when I realized my mistake turrets will fire any enemy target including the ones that I can't harm you see that weird dog with the double swords above it yeah that means I'm not high level enough to attack it does this dinosaur thing really think it could get past my moment it went through the blocks closed gate what is it in the base I had to lead him like a hundred blocks away from my base so he wouldn't follow me anymore that was a stressful day day 31 I decided to take my mind off my base and go on exploring not only did I encounter another castle I encountered the king of all castles I mean seriously this place was huge there were so many archers that I even popped a super Golden Apple before I went in while dealing with the rest of the ground forces I nearly died because I didn't realize my house was so low if I didn't have super golden apples and I would have already been dead there was plenty of blue and even cows and this castle had a working drawbridge I basically fell in love and I slept like a king day 32 I had to check the surroundings honestly I think it was just still really funny that I could ride an ostrich I got a lot of cool Lu including an ender sword that seemed really cool I found an army of girl friends so I made sure to mark that for later I found the gangbang of different castles but that was basically hit haha I have a castle and they don't it was a new day and I spent most of the day traveling all the way back to my base these mini iron golems made me realize how useless these turrets were because they were anti ranged just look how cool my base looks Oh someone has died I decided to remove all my turrets and now I have too much wood I guess you could say I was gonna wake up with morning wood day 34 and 35 we're all about making my base bigger and better I basically had infinite wood so I just kept on putting more and more layers just placing blocks took up the entire day and the day after that a little bit of stone brick so I was like eh let's do a little bit of mix-and-match and voila welcome to my whole new floor to my amazing castle it looks kind of weird from the outside but then again it was pretty epic and practical the next day was a very scary day at first I was just doing normal minecraft things and that's when I saw lit that thing and for some reason there was an unusual amount of mobs outside including the mafia bees right outside my base that thing was in front of my base so I'd look at him and he needed me backwards and I stared at it all day because I was scared it would teleport into my base or something so ya know day 37 I had to travel a little bit just to get GERD just dirt could you believe that socks were maybe it's cuz you're surrounded by an entire desert but I put the dirt to good use as I made a we farm on the new layer on my base we farms actually take a long time to make especially when they're pretty big and I did a little patch work as well but yeah the Sun was shining again it was time to make everything look pretty and then I realized what was the point of having a wheat farm if I didn't have any cows this was by far the hardest thing I've ever done in Minecraft history though sometimes the count doesn't even respond that you have wheat and then he just stands there and then I had to forget about the cow because then I had another thing that got inside my base that I couldn't attack because I wasn't high-level enough I had to do some like insane matrix maneuvers try to get him out but yeah it's a pretty emotional day day 39 was a little bit of a roller coaster but I did get that one cow into my little pen and I set up all my turrets around my base so I had a really good security system and I made sure to make some non attack neutral targets so they wouldn't kill any more dogs I had to travel a little bit to get some more cows but the Sun was falling so it was becoming a little bit dangerous I found a nice group of cows but it became dark so I retreated back to another castle there was no bed in this castle so I kind of just like looked around it was day 40 and it was also the day I nearly died it was so hard to get the cows to reach my base because I constantly had to fight in mobs and sometimes they would just lose interest so I decided to go back to my base in order to like refresh the cows on my way back the craziest thing happened you see that thing I don't know he was on like supersonic speeds I nearly died it was moving faster than I was I did some like Bill block defenses I don't even know I nearly died it was my heart I was screaming I was basically dead I was so shocked by what just happened I literally rewatched what just happened because if that were to happen again and I didn't have my super golden apples I would have been dead I had an idea where I would attack the cow so they would be angry at me and chased me but they still move super slow getting a ramp ready to bring him across and then what wait his attack is moving so fast now he's moving faster than me what I didn't want to kill him because then I would lose him but I had to bluff another super Golden Apple why are they moving super fast now like what is going on with this game man what kind of mod is this sadly I had to kill him because then I would have died I had enough minecraft for today day 41 was a lot better the cows were actually happy to see me and they followed me this was the happiest day of my life I actually had two cows oh well three including the baby I didn't have much time for the rest of the day so I just started mining I mined for a little too long because it looks like a lot of things spawns in my base and they were really creepy and yeah I didn't want to take any risk so I popped another super Golden Apple and fought these like weird beasts looking boys it was day 42 and I wanted to take things a little slower especially with the wasp right outside my door I expanded my foam to have sugarcane as well for paper of course and I organized my chest as best as I could but then again I didn't really understand half of it the next day I noticed that my armor and my pickaxes were starting to break so I had to get more of that material and why not get some obsidian while we're already down here I mean I haven't gone to the nether yet and with all the new material is able to crap myself a full set of new armor and some new pickaxes it was a new day and a big day it was the day we would go to the nether I took it really slow because I had no idea what was waiting for me I saw everything as a high threat because I had no idea how strong they were my only objective though it was to get close to him because that's how I was able to go to another dimension I looked around a little bit but everything looked really scary and I did not like scary things yeah nope I was out of there before the day ended I decided to build another portal that leads to basically minecraft heaven but with 450 mods it's still extremely dangerous so I was like nah day 45 went by in a flash I basically did all the household chores you know like cleaning up and organizing wheat farming kanan it was a nice day Dave 46 is a day I was like you know what I'm growing a pair I'm going to this other dimension I mean it's gonna be totally fine like what could possibly harm me wow this place is beautiful look the cows have wings this place is what the what are those they got laser beams laser rifles ready or don't ended up spending the rest of the day just looking at recipes that I couldn't make for some reason but ha future self knows it's because I needed research points did I fail to mention that I actually did this for two whole days honestly it's pretty interesting seeing how many different crafting tables there actually are and guess what I counted there was a hundred and thirty seven different crafting tables I could make it was day 48 and it was time to do some wizardy stuff since I had obsidian now I could actually make an enchantment table but of course mod and Minecraft makes everything super interesting these days doesn't it of course I chose that I was a female and in fact that I also like females this part in fact it scared me and I didn't choose any option instead it gave me a magical orb and hood you know me let's just use it and I'm now in a different dimension great from the mini-map it looks like I was still home but I wasn't able to break out of anything I went through the same options again but it told me something was going to happen so I got out of there and I knew that I have to put the enchantment table somewhere far away from my base so it doesn't like blow it up or something I placed the enchantment table outside I went to the exact same process but this time I just chose that I live alone oh god we're traveling again wait what it built a house for one person this is amazing it built an entire house next to my castle yeah that is what I call epic day 49 was all about repairs I got some more cactuses cuz now I had two bases to protect and I also filled out my old wheat farm because now I'm expanding my bases and for some reason that enchantment table blew up an entire section out of my base and I couldn't even place blocks either I kind of just like right clicked in and it appeared so I knew I just had to relog after relogin everything was back to normal and it was also nine times we were halfway finished with our challenge and it was time to get serious I wanted something cool to connect my two new bases together so they were united I ended up just using stone walls because they actually look really good but then I just had to wait for my furnaces to turn all my cobblestone into stone everything feels so slow when you're waiting for something wanting to switch to my shovel I accidentally hit my pickaxe that destroyed my gate my beautiful gate I was so traumatized by this that I really log quickly because I thought it was some visual bug but no it was God forever this is so sad can we hit 17 slabs and I spent the rest of the day clearing up a path to unite our two new bases it was a nice new day where bees weren't even attacking me and all I did was place labs you got a mint that looks really good I was quite motivated at this point that I was halfway there and almost halfway done with my path last but not least I had to place the walls around and oh god that's a babe we are running away we are going we can't close the gate Oh God out of anger I looked up how to make the most powerful sword in the game but turns out I'm Way too poor day 52 I did some home improvements including cleaning out my inventory I still had the enchantment table so I was wondering if I could actually make another structure out of it but it was just a regular enchantment table now what am I supposed to do with an enchantment table that's actually supposed to do what it was supposed to do but then I remember I still had these orbs Oh Oh God we're going back to another dimension this time I chose that I was married because I wanted a different building Oh No what have I just done I had a wife and her name was Laurie and we had a much bigger house right next to my castle I was basically making a whole village at this point poor Karen the ostrich was getting in my way so I had to put her out of her misery yeah I don't know why the ostriches sound like cats but this mafia became back and now he was in his territory so I couldn't do anything anymore I just had to watch him from inside my base day 53 was Harun ha ha I still had one of those mystical orbs this time I chose the final option of living in a village and oh boy did I not expect this I mean what else should I have expected I literally got an entire village like a really good-looking what with actual guards I didn't expect it to be so big actually took out a portion of my base head no my cows were free luckily with all this new space I was able to trap them in someone's backyard just when things were getting good the weird dog found me and he started chasing me and I was over the godswood to me but even they couldn't do anything about him I had the rod for my life I made a path to go from the village to my castle so I could get in and out really quickly it worked out pretty well sadly my Minecraft wife's bass also got destroyed in the crossfire I was hoping she was gonna leave but she forced me to repair her house I was too lazy to repair Foley so I kind of just improvised why would there be is so scary man since I destroyed a quarter of my base in the last day I had to do some infrastructure that included taking out an entire wheat farm and also demolishing most of my expansion and even a little bit more luckily from all my past mining sessions I had plenty of materials to keep on making pickaxes and honestly the castle was really turning into a home now day 55 I started putting up some finishing touches on my base and even finished out my path and look who's back the spider pig boy but this time I'm gonna fight him and oh my god he has some come through moves man and this is why you got to build a wall so these hammerhead looking - why looking boys can't reach me look at him try when I went to the village I tried flirting with one of the minecraft guards but she didn't like me very much so I started to think what grape I should put her in I forgot about the past and I started expanding the villages path whose my castles path I continued this the next day and oh my gosh and my gran or what I am so good at this I was so happy with my design I made this path all around the village and of course getting wood was never a problem I wanted to go on an adventure soon so I spent the next three days gearing up mining up no seriously I mined for like three whole days I even found a little bit of titanium which is actually really good but turns out I needed a whole lot more of that in order to make anything good even though I was mining so much I never got the ores that I wanted to to make the cool and epic armor or even weapons there was just so many mods that the ores were basically infinite oh my game crashed again it was day 60 and we weren't gonna mess around with cows or sugarcane or we anymore it was time to go on an adventure I hopped onto my ostrich and went as far as I possibly could in one day and of course I brought my bed with me so I didn't have to survive the horse night on the next day I found like this weird kind of grave thing but I didn't find anything too special or actually any loot at all but I did come across this huge mansion that was massive I tried to get in but all those weird dogs were tracking me down like little hunters man they wouldn't stop oh my god it was also the rhinoceros I snuck through the side door maybe I could see if there was any treasure loot and oh he was waiting for me now this was more like it was some sort of cave slash dungeon and I could actually kill the stuff it was spawning there's like this cool upgraded zombie that like deflected my attacks play he was pretty easy Baloo was there but then again I didn't really understand any of it I ventured off with my ostrich when we came across this giant pyramid before I would go in I wanted to sleep for the night but it turned out to be a Blood Moon I stayed in this wooden tower that I made really quickly and waited the night a Blood Moon passed and it was time to raid the temple other than the cave spiders nearly giving me a heart attack it had the worst loo I've ever seen seriously leather armor what is this I wanted to raid this castle but for some reason there was like a huge amount of mobs all around it probably still from the Blood Moon I ran out of there as soon as I could luckily we found another mega castle and these people really wanted me dead because they jumped out of their castle just the deal with me there were so many of them that I couldn't even get close to them I used high-level four die skills of blocking them off and then taking them off one by one it was pretty intense I also got to sleep like a king day 63 I got to loot the entire castle the amount of loot was unreal also it took there redstone lamps cuz I felt like that could be important for my base would you look at that there was a neighboring castle aka more loot from me the next day I started to go home because I actually had too much loot in my inventory but sadly my ostrich dodged from one of these weird scorpion things I have to go all the way back on foot I came across some scary-looking cult they were probably worshiping some anime God honestly they didn't seem that tough so I came up and start hitting one but then they started shooting fireballs and I was like no I'm not about that luckily I was able to escape through a forest I made sure to kill all the cows because I needed the leather to make a lot of bookshelves I slept a night in the forest day 65 was inside the forest and I found a lot of weird things I saw something extra green on my mini-map and it looked like he was an island a floating island in fact there was a boss called King slime all the way up here and oh there he goes at first I didn't think that was the boss it was just some sort of minion that he summoned so I kept on building to the island there was no boss slime up here but there was some pretty cool grass that I took I slept all the way up here cuz I knew I had a big boss fight tomorrow and there he was the big mighty king slime and he's already dead I killed all the children haha I was finally closing home buy made sure to destroy all the grass because I needed more wheat seeds but of course since there was a hundred thousand monster installed I got everything except weed seeds and would you look at that I have every single seed in existence but I don't have my minecraft bed I had to hide myself in a hole just like it was day one do you hear that mobs break blocks see that crafting bench I placed it was broken that means some mob broke it but I survived the night so that's all that matters did I tell you guys that I found a portal gun and it is freaking epic looting up has never been easier and there was still a castle on my way so you know I could have held myself who doesn't like slaughtering thousands of different ai's and the final boat ride to go all the way home we were so close we made it boys safe and sound here's just a little tour of my little base I think it's honestly really impressive how far we came in just 66 minecraft days or whatever days we are but we really achieved a lot and it looks really good especially since half this stuff was just made by random mobs but you know it's pretty cool I spent the next three days researching important stuff that I needed I had so many items these days I don't even know what to do with all of it it took me forever just to empty out all my backpacks and putted items in the correct chests I watched a tutorial after a tutorial on YouTube on how to make a cool item storage system but having so many mods made things so complicated I couldn't understand why I couldn't craft the things it was telling me to crap thanks to some tutorials I learned that I actually needed a research station and I had to research these new and amazing crafting techniques a lot of these researches required a lot of materials for me to gather it was day 71 and I learned that I needed a lot of paper and a lot of leather on top of that I also needed a lot of string which I did in half because spiders don't really spawn in this modpack I summoned these pets she but I even know that their wool could be turned into string but since they were pet sheep they actually kept on teleporting to me and they looked pretty funny but don't worry I learned that I can make him stay still I spent the rest of the day getting the necessary supplies in order to feed my research station it was a new day and I had no idea I could actually just put the wall in the inven and it could be turned into string I spent so much time looking on how to make a crush or a smelter in order to turn the wool into string I feel like such a fool right now the funny part is that I ended up crafting a thing called the pulverizer but I didn't even have the energy to power it pour saucer one spent two whole Minecraft days learning how to how to power his pulverizer but little did he realize he was nowhere near having the proper resources in order to do that I did end up making this cool water staff but I didn't even know how to use that so rip it was day 75 and I still needed a lot more leather so I kept on making my cow supply larger and larger on top of that I needed some certain research points in order to operate my stuff but I didn't even know what kind of minerals because there was seven different types of the same mineral but from different mod packs so you could understand my frustration you see that orange yeah that's three different types of copper oh no four different types of copper but different mod packs and selling me I spend the rest of the day looking on how to make string but all I needed to do was put the one in the crafting table why do I do this to myself the next day I was like you know what forget the string let's go find some string I loot it as many castles as I could find on so I found string I found this really rear structure and it looked like a trap and yeah I was right but look at that is that nucular TNT for me Oh day 77 was about the same situation I looted up a lot more castles but still no string I went to that weird mansion again and I took all their cobwebs because I thought the cobwebs could be turned into string it wasn't enough though I also took these mini head chests because I thought they were really cool as soon as I woke up I placed my heads around my base cuz they look really nice but I had a mission and that mission was to find string as much as I possibly could I went back to that mega castle and oh my goodness did I forgot about a lot of loot and guess what they had a lot of string as well I was so happy man and I was even thinking of making this my main base again because they had a gate and finally since I had strained I was able to research some stuff and eventually get my super big warehouse store system day 79 I decided to make this big new castle my new base so all I had to do was link the two bases using my portal gun sadly I nearly died again because that weird cat thing was moving literally the speed of light so I had to use my portal gun to get out that was also my last super Golden Apple so I didn't move from my bedroom till the next day luckily the next day I was able to link my two bases together using the portal system but I spent the entire day giving the research tab all the materials that needed so I can make my giant storage system in my new base I'm putting in the next 11 days and a giant time-lapse the reason being is that I just stayed at home gathering materials for my research station I needed to grind this out because I wanted this giant storage system so I can have all my items in one big chest you know how useful that is especially when you have millions of items and you don't even know what half the stuff is there was this part where I had to lie to bedrock with flint and steel so I could get some sort of mineral I really don't know but I also found a secret room in my new base Wood had a ton of loot and these super sexy sunglasses I also fished in my sugar cane farm because it was too dangerous to fish anywhere else it was day 93 and I was on the final stage of research it was quite expensive but I had so many ores these days it was not a problem and there we have it I was able to craft the super bench I could finally make my giant storage system the portal gun made it extremely easy for me to travel between the two bases I placed down my warehouse control box which is basically a giant warehouse but I didn't understand it so I left it for the next day the next day was a productive day as I started clearing out the broom for my storage system since this was in the new big castle I had plenty of room to work with as you can see I'm placing giant chests that connect to the control block and I'm able to search up any item in this giant center not only did I had thousands of open slots now I could literally look up any item that I needed turns out as a Blood Moon so I was able to finish my storage room I wanted to see if my old base was doing okay during the Blood Moon since there was no gate and oh I'm out of there I'm not dealing with that boy day 95 to 97 we're all about making my new base home I first replaced the levers to button so I could easily open them up my gate and drawbridge I also made a secret room so if any dangers were to come my way I was able to quickly get out of there the hardest part was taking all my old items and putting it in my new storage system even though it could basically hold infinite items I wanted to separate the blocks from let's say the food this took like a really really long time and after three whole Minecraft days I nearly everything from my old base into my new storage system and everything was so organized I could literally look up anything of that I needed turns out I still needed one more entire day because there was like 20 double chests I had to go through it was the big day 99 and I didn't want to do any more store system and I wanted to go outside just to be clear I didn't want to take any risk though because I was on day 99 just imagine dying right now I just cleared out some castles cuz those were really fun to kill and loot honestly I thought I was gonna be fighting the ender dragon or something but that's way too much of a risk it was the baked a 100 and I'll be honest I achieved so much and so little at the same time there was no way I was gonna die in this day so I just spend this time looking at this really cool village that I found I really did do much I kind of looked at these guys and see what they could trade and anything but they were kind of ripping me off I should have done like a house tour or something but you know it felt good I survived 100 days in this modded survival experience and honestly it was really tough and really fun at the same time if you made it all the way to the end congratulations because you deserve a gold star we had many near-death experience and died several times so it was so good to actually complete 100 days if you guys want I'll do another 100 days or even stream this live on my twitch or even both but thank you for watching and have a nice day [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Socksfor1
Views: 14,022,381
Rating: 4.9130201 out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor1, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft modded survival, minecraft hardcore surival, I Survived Hardcore Minecraft For 100 Days And This Is What Happened, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft, minecraft with every mod, minecraft with every single mod, socksfor1 modded minecraft, socksfor1 mods, socksfor1 modpack
Id: yY1lIV4AyBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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