I Controlled The Powers Of Evolution And This Happened in Miscreation: Evolve Your Creature

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well it's time once again where I am given the god powers to create life and this game is about creating miss creations yeah mutants mutants with DNA powers I love it already and I haven't played it yet oh hey whole new life I had to find the proper like creation voice here spring forth into existence that sounds like TV announcer voice a little bit and seek me a tough younger still your journey begins here hey hey a little glue puddle is that me oh oh I'm a little I'm a little not glue puddle anymore yeah I can run around look at those little bags oh I got a joke yeah hey bite that thing this is really really loud my ears hold up just go ahead and bring it down alike there oh that's so much better thank you for know hello ah now I'm gonna eat both of you hey watch this trick ready and gets it ha ha ha get it nailed up can I eat that thing oh it gave me health nice what does this thing do oh is this OH hello glad oh nice of you to properly clothed yourself it is I and I'm pleased to see you take the first steps into what Oh seek my ultra scatter across geography oh and I will aid you in your travels revive you should you perish in your battles ok so that's a checkpoint thank you and a travel point even better oh look it's got a tail can I have your tail since this is game about evolution if I eat you can I just like take your tail oh it has teeth - oh I destroyed it now there's DNA points is this where I get its tail oh hello Lord of forms I must take this oh I did get a tail hard wait can I put a tail on myself exactly oh ok whoa I'm just gonna go ahead and bite you you know that work real hard good job little spy again oh ok turn around spike bro ok then yeah I did it so now I can change oh I do have the tail I can put the I put the squirrel tail on me this is amazing I like it already I now I have a tail that makes me jump higher oh that's a long jump that is a really long job oh there's a statue over there I want a I want to find the statute ah nope whoa hey okay hello thing can I eat you buddy oh it wants me to talk to it this path behind me goes deeper into the earth that's what it caves for you're a genius thank you for this conversation I love you this might be a bad idea this might be a really bad idea Oh what is that it's a spider I don't like spiders yeah nice Oh is he gonna give me more DNA points I would I don't have it nice when DNA points yet but that'd be cool oh it's a golden egg what's a golden egg having it yeah I'm gonna kill this thing real quick lunch bone ha ha dirty lunch bone I feel like that does like double damage and lunch oh okay wait the egg just has DNA in it oh okay we got this forget this nice I don't mind this I'll take free stuff all day can I get wings really just want wings can I get wings oh come on there we go okay okay I had to use my jumping skills oh I made it yes I don't know what oh I don't know what happens if I go down I don't think I want to try it Wow and lunge again I'm gonna look down maybe it's okay to go down that's okay to go down whoa nope I don't like this maybe this thing will give me spider legs oh wow more spitting oh well you're like clamps is that really just a spinning clam Wow really are you serious right now it's there's clamps like oh whoa that was close ah bite it these are these are definitely on the clams the grossest looking clams I've ever seen in my life laughs oh you can't jump very good in water or move fast ow down nice I'm stuck down here forever oh oh oh oh whoa look what I found another thing hey just kill the dumb ugly nasty clam thing give me all that money money give me that gold money yes oh that was like 20 okay can I climb this thing good I have no idea where I am no thanks game I appreciate that oh hey look more DNA thing over there oh well there's looking a guy with a tail can I borrow your tail permanently and put it in my own life I got this I got this are you ready ha ha oh I bet it oh it fell down Oh right I turn him into chicken leg jump mode whoa okay I just I just wanna ha no ah Bennett but I want your tail really bad is that what this thing is I hope ow it fell down just oh baby hands baby heads is that is that normal to have like a baby head is this a boss fight no not a very good one now I just want why do you have a new mouth I have a squirrel mouth give me that squirrel and let's get a new a new head here maybe if I can figure out oh I already have it what no head I don't think no has a good idea did it didn't it literally did nothing because you can't remove your head look at my creature now I have bite and chump with a little bit of jumping attack cool hello thing I'd like to eat you again power nope I really want your hair cuz it's leaf in greeny what happens if I go this way another nasty looking clam thing I really don't like those guys cuz they're just disgusting looking wow he bit me no he shot me with white stuff white clam juice and then I get berries as oh woah it's what do these bros again hey Wow would you see that I did like it a 360 noscope I feel like my little creation is what happens when a mommy loves its baby and things get inbred look at those little legs going and then the face Oh more DNA and we can make it even look weirder now I know I got baby limbs this time let's give our weird thing limbs of a baby oh wait we got arms and legs oh just grill arms okay oh now I don't even have okay what about legs why do I keep getting squirrel stuff oh hey look I actually look relatively normal look at me go I'm a real squirrel now what is that whoa it's like God breath through something weird oh there's flying a flying thing it has wings probably ready if jump Apple I hate it though why are these guys so angry that they're yelling why did their yells make notes out so that was okay try to fight that one ha wait again wait it gets pretty hard oh I need its legs whoa what did I find over here that dude's nuts man he's got a Corden houses no what's your name head Wow are you nuts no you you are can I just want to can I bite your nuts just know doesn't want we've been through this rad rad oh okay I'm just gonna move on you don't like me Boulder's DNA point I didn't see that before but I get cross I'll get a two-for-one here all right okay I totally want to eat that one over there oh never mind I do but I want to get that DNA first so let's jump across oh hello and baby wigs I like it Winx hey I need those in my life oh I also have ears that's nice to have Fox ears I mean why didn't I have used before hey he's cute and I hear little oh wow now go get wings to baby wigs Wow how do I fly do we know how to fly yet oh it's a double jump I think okay well hello how you do this ready yeah jump oh no wait no oh hi yeah I'm not going back for that so that mean I can jump across this thing that we had a hard time jumping across before oh I made it I made it what's this another scantily clad Forest nymph thing lord of seeds tiles new life I am verdant blah blah blah blah blah blah blah things happen hopefully I didn't need that activate randomize my color Oh purple no no thanks red sure now I look slightly less like what oh it's squirrel broken now we have a boss fight hello I'm just gonna just oh okay now I see how you want to attack me oh he's gonna jump now what wow that hurt how did you nuts get so big hello oh whoa whoa bro I didn't know that you were an attack ground that's stupid hey look what I can do I can jump but you can't hit me haha whoa oh he went up what you got that was your big attack that was your shining moment when you threw your nuts on the ground here comes again whoo come down here before I oh I missed how did I really really I just told you to just really just not know why can't I hit the doors man just oh there one more one more bite and he drop his nuts okay do I get anything cool oh what's that thing I need it my life I'm gonna bite it I mean that pick it up rata parts DNA acquired please give it to me do I get a new tail rat a tail bigger jump whoa look at that I get new horns I'm going through my points so fast I'm gonna get the higher jump whoa whoa whoa look awesome now wow so much for creating the worst character ever I just made the best little thought and oh yeah no thank you look at these dudes in here whoa okay whoa okay bro die I am just getting absolutely destroyed here for no reason Oh another DNA point what do I get this time curious bobbles I could get a longneck be a dinosaur blind MA oh I get higher attack oh wow you did more go blind that's weird oh I need that I need that thing up there I don't think I want to jump in this water whoa what is that what is that thing it's like a pic outfit spamming oh no not like you power time no oh oh hey it's got two unique Wow whoa whoa whoa dude whoa whoa - OH - Oh jump dive duck leap oh it's gonna kill me now see wait no no we're gonna pick it up curious limbs ha no no no no no no no whoa whoa barely later and I lived through that okay I need curious limbs that's Fox higher attack would be nice the felix tail i wanted me see what it looks like but knew never to get these fox arms Wow I just wanted higher attack that's really the only reason so I want a one shot these fools whoa what is that up there Hey look at that thing I need to kill it okay I totally wanted to destroy this thing just because it looks awesome yeah oh I needs to talk to it I need to talk to it last time I was here this pillow was Ellen a pillar it was hell okay so I needed to do something what is this now oh this is a teleportation the glowing oh cool what is in here is this gonna be a boss fight joy glowing giant green stuff is always a good indication of boss fights oh maybe not hey can I eat you I really want to eat you why is everything like not edible why won't the shooter plant work do I need a special matching body part or something activate only works creatures with heart plants part plant parts ooh hahaha yes No Oh can't touch me I'm the gingerbread blitz no just write it on space oh it's not a good good sign when the game just kind of freezes can't do anything with it well thankfully the resave file oh hey what did he get this time I want to pick that up what I get bird tail part kind of like my giant squirrel pants but oh I need a higher jump for 50 points good thing I can't afford it right now what's his little deer oh look at the little deer can I eat it oh wow that's not a deer that's a grasshopper thing praying mantis guy destroyed all war parts thin neck what was this deer ears oh I'm so good Oh dirty praying mantis junk mandibles I need mandibles we totally need mandibles right now mandibles attack three nah like it give me this thing what is it plant parts DNA yes that's what I needed mine oh wow there's a lot here there's others the plant stem 450 the pitcher plant we get bite and spit ears would be leaf ears a mughal puff just needed you'd need that mughal puff route arms attack + - oh dear arms would be nice route legs would be nice man there's so many things old leaf you Winx we need weak fly +4 HP mmm okay I think the leaf wings are gonna be the best upgrade we can get I don't know what it does but I like it now I should be able to jump whoa whoa okay nice I went up there and attack oh I got beef oh I want to gag it a stinger like a bee stinger part now I have to go back and eat this meat that I left you conveniently because I was gonna get hit by something else got it I totally want to eat that B it's gonna be one of those NPCs that I have to talk to is that it'd be like buzz off right yeah what are you gonna say the queen is angry turned back yes I get to fight a queen Oh oh shoot this is like legit boss fight Oh something is not working okay I do it you're gonna point it Wow this is a queen actually have a stinger I don't know what I was gonna this is not a good idea you know what I need you know what I need whoa whoa whoa wait I was immune to being attacked well paused can't touch me a dark nugget I need this pitcher plant one that has the spit except the mandibles have +3 attack ah I got an idea and attack okay I found a way to cheese the game Oh an attack I spit it nice just wow stop it this is not fair oh you just not do that anymore maybe I just need to like take it okay just be I'm the gingerbread blip yes dad Queen dang that was easy my house my nickname in high school hey oh I got B parts in my life and that's awesome I don't even know what I got tell you one thing I don't like how this pitcher plant ruins my animation oh never mind the game crashed oh I do I do have upgrades good I don't have to go back there eight I don't need eight HP I want fun stuff like B antenna yeah oh yeah I got B antennas okay leaf wings and the new decent fly I'll take the HP kind of wish I can get a better mouthpiece though maybe we'll wait on that the save up our bacon points for a little while oh wow Oh get it so can I fight the Queen again and not have a crash this time no the Queen is angry but I also murdered it now can I be the Queen oh oh oh no never mind there's no Queen anymore what do I go next now there was some sort of gate thing in here all I should have just used the fast travel that would've been genius idea ah the gate is oh there it goes aha oh the bee boss okay and then oh you're kidding me do I have to have the BA parts to get up there oh I made it sorry another boss over here there is there shining light I love shining lights Oh what are these things they're like I don't even know I like him already hey don't spit on me what did I ever do to you I'll just fly over here and turn around and stab you with my face holes ow these guys have a lot of HP I don't know if I like that the guy doesn't want to crawl over here and attack nice what does this thing do oh nothing whoa and the jacket oh I talked to it yeah the cool ones I have to talk to you up or down which way to go up down down because I don't want to jump anymore nor do I want clam Bros in my life again all these clams have spikes on them by oh now I did the dumb oh now I did the real dump ah Oh dope no there's too much too much spinning happening here nope no oh you're kidding me die yes I killed something oh how do I even do this I feel very under evolved right now these things have so much more hitpoints in me there we go yeah spit on real hard Oh what he doesn't he's immune to spit come back here whoa more DNA oh don't what you guys are cheating up there hi see your problem is you don't have wings uh-huh yes more DNA what do I get this time do I get what do I get slimy heads I like that I'm gonna get a slimy head no no that upright man I mean that's higher HP iguana mouth bite and chop I lose my spit but I get more at Tech let's do it oh there's the geoduck the clam thing water spit that goes up in the air now I don't look so weird I do want these wings though oh look I'm a butterfly bee I get triple jump now feel like I need to upgrade my legs ah get it dear arms that's better idea and root legs now I look like a vegetable oh oh I got it I got it what is that thing frog broke oh no I got a fight um oh I need spinning really okay I need to get up there and the tech Wow there that's good hit yeah that's good one okay get up oh I don't know how it hit me but it did AI can go way over here what are you gonna do now it's a stand up uh-huh will he hits hard what how did I die I don't even know what to do I'm just gonna float above him I know oh yeah that works you gotta get him from behind high now float away OOP OOP OOP I'm a bee I'm a bee dinosaur frog okay now we come back the other way I really just don't want to Oh where'd he go where did he do why no no no how do okay that's not actually that bad hello okay now float away nope nope he's he's doing his thing oh yeah up to rock tail there you go this was actually a lot easier okay he's gonna do the thing where he comes out of the magical thing and he shoots is like water stuff all over the world where I'm gonna stand right here and nothing happens then I'm a bite up and then I'm gonna jump over him uh-huh he's gonna look like a croc TIFF he's now he's like a chameleon lizard thing oh don't touch don't okay yeah that's Wow that was a tricky one I'm gonna face take him now that was so easy bless your wetness bless no I got what did I get what did I get chickens parts DNA did I get his tail it's like tridentate okay I totally got his new horns whoo plus attack on my horn so that's less no thank you and we got deer ears we got his ears oh 10 HP hot dang and the tail to give me that tail what we got a trident to hb2 attack to jump in three that's light better than everything else I've had in my life look at my tail okay if I use it now I don't actually know how to use it oh no don't fall off the edge of the map dude look at these jumping skills boom pow and then I got to fly on top of it I can go so high now hey I'm totally gonna travel back I don't even know where I was gonna go travel maybe they'll wash branches totally not the lush branches the glowing inside yeah that's what we needed feel like yeah it's this one here oh yeah totally I gotta kill that dude oh I could change my color again yes I'm totally wasting all my points to become I don't even know that one sure no oh your friend again why are all the cool looking ones like weird don't talk to me normal what is that it's like a like a person on it's bet is it no can I get it no do these numbers right and dragonflies oh I got something I got ma Oh a new mouth part Hey no doped-up don't throw a rock at me and turn okay I'm gonna kill you just because I want to take your yeah did it I just want to numb to right on my back I think my attacks like decently high about now wow I just want to get my mandibles back because it's even more attacking yay oh I got like black fangs that's awesome yeah now I should be able to spit at you uh the Trident attack you weren't expecting the Spanish Inquisition there it is oh whoops Luo room I'm just gonna do this the entire game now oh yes use my clam attack how you worry now this is the dork I need to talk to you hello I do one day these gnomes just started riding on our backs they actually help us survive we don't mind I totally need to know is this where I get my free Nomad alighting parts yak ears nope yak horns ooh +3 attack that's an upgrade that is an upgrade it's expensive though what does that one mean oh we can forego through it oh ok it's a cave to go through ok I got it you go through the the tree branch thing I like the succulents they're very nice-looking time to kill another boss or we'll just go outside to the desert the horse with no name I will say that using my new spit tail is very difficult to aim like no joke I do want a dragon wings no because that'd be awesome oh now I get some sort of new DNA what is this one gonna be barren limbs no oh oh that was super close okay we got this hello oh no no this is this means it's gonna crash again oh no oh we got this we can make it oh maybe Oh a flying leaf no I can't detect with it or just gonna have to use our jumping skills to go all the way across Europe or the new arms do oh oh hello there in Iraq did legs for speed taking it Oh what is this thing oh it's the legs from the beginning this thing's awesome looking now it gives me nightmares just thinking about it Oh flying leaf take me to the place your people just desire I don't even know where I'm going Oh what this could eat it yeah oh no I gotta talk to everything Oh scorpion oh there's a scorpion oh it made me back oh no oh I get it I got it I got it oh it's got so many hit points oh did I get did I get any oh I wanted its tail or something oh I'm going up excuse me we're gonna go up now goodbye my that was cool my dude just disappeared up screen please come back hey I'm oh this isn't good nope nope I mean I can't find where I am by clicking the start button alright let's just follow ourselves I gotta know what a jump I think I can jump now okay this is this is this is why the game has mixed reviews on Steam by the way yeah so at this point da I'm a little bit lost yeah now if you go to the right now that'd be cool cuz that's where the arrow goes just go yeah that's the deal yeah Oh a weird thing I got to totally change my color it's worth $10 everybody Wow woah yes this is my new favorite okay ready and attack all there's too many of them oh we got it Oh what is that it guys ouch ouch no I'm gonna time this is how I died this is how it died oh right give me sandwiches okay weird thing oh no no no you don't does that thing spit I feel like it's gonna have a spinning attack anyway oh no nope okay it's got something attack there it is Oh oh you should have stopped out stuff look there it is oh just die already now oh I totally need a frontal attack not this weird like arcing thing that doesn't work all the time ah no I don't everything's good Rachel Oh a baby again feel like this is harder than half the bosses I've fought there it is I killed it I didn't get anything cool out of it I don't think nope now wants me to go down it's gonna bring me an elevator I hope so well Yolo ready Oh Oh what is this oh no oh no no no no a plant well I mean oh hey whoa okay that was easy enough how did I push myself okay oh okay oh those eggs always spit they spit on me no ow just not do this anymore oh my word hello the unyielding thing how do where not how to even get back to that oh that's the same point I didn't realize that well I think it's time to upgrade a little bit up right yeah up right Oh perfect yeah we're gonna get the Yak horns too because that gives me a little bit more HP Oh dirty oh okay I really want that scorpion tail but I don't think that's gonna happen nope oh come on man oh wow maybe just the underhand attack here's the way to go what in the world would you just just kill me already so I can restart wow I haven't done any damage to it do I have to eat these things I do ah okay I can't really jump so anything flying doesn't work oh that took damage nice oh uh huh huh I'm just gonna spit on you from a long ways away Wow no yeah yeah waiting all of that stuff well if you're gonna play this game I'll play it to all avoid damage yeah never mind so it seems like the best place to be is underneath cuz you don't get hit from the side by stinging things oh no oh those legs still attack I did not know that oh that's coming down okay just get it really quick two bites three bites oh I get it okay there's only Otto okay now we're going down whoa okay I got to go up and over and then I spit on it and then I'll spit up no no no there we go here we go and all that's good John that's a good shot I can flutter like a butterfly what boo that's a good one too that's oh you missed it oh you dumb flat plant gah wait stop it okay don't move don't move don't know you're so annoying thank you thank you ready one two and three no no yes I defeated the dumb plant rule and said did I win the game now did I win the game is that is that it Oh flower parts and raining down of gold miss oh I love it already oh this is so many points I'm gonna totally get this before addy spawns or something oh my word it's like Christmas in here I love it so much 300 points okay I need I need horns I need new horns actually I just bought new horns what do I get for a tail now was that Rosa I think that was Rosa's to just jump it wouldn't make sense cuz what okay that was worthless oh there's the bloom oh hey I need this in my life roses bloom mmm Oh spike I'm gonna get it that was a bad idea can I use that oh nice that goes faster very good and it looks like a good game out again so bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,306,852
Rating: 4.8852596 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, Miscreation: Evolve Your Creature, Miscreation: Evolve Your Creature Game, Miscreation: Evolve Your Creature Gameplay, miscreation game, miscreation gameplay, miscreation, evolution, evolution game, nov2019, MiscreationS01
Id: oFaqRllSrfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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