Spent Hours Finding The Best Parts For My Creature in Miscreation: Evolve Your Creature

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I didn't really read that but I get the feeling this might be the final boss oh look dragon things oh there are some interesting contraptions coming down I feel like you will be doing a great disservice to the universe itself to not continue this majestic creatures epic journey as much fun as I enjoy playing this game we should all work with you I want to add more legs more melts more everything to whatever this creature even knows I'm mostly this really concerned I missed an important power from the last boss oh we got some new wings already great fly but no ideas felt instantly better about everything going on now I can fly myself with his stupid places and get hopelessly lost what do you think the chances are I can just fly right over these pretty good actually except for that one but you know what these wings are gonna be a great addition and I went some of his Firefox parts what if we can get those might have to spend some time grinding animal parts in this area I think I'm gonna lick some of these things okay it gave me something ox legs hopefully they make me faster to you because I'm not moving very quick at all actually yes already we're getting a speed boost from 3 up to 4.5 and because that means my front legs just kind of hover now which is fine whatever we'll make that work and we get battle-worn bobbles there's one over there can I fly right over this there'll be so much easier I'm gonna try that's probably gonna be a no but you know we'll find a way around one way or another that's what I do ow ow more animal parts Felix mouth it always was his best part and some ears I can get a slightly more HP that I don't really care about right now how does pretend like I don't die continuously look at that thing oh when it's part I don't want to help it and almost make it over from here if I get up to that next panel we got this and I might need to take some of the flying lion parts to you because I bet those who can be pretty helpful battle-worn tails pretty sure the eagle wings are what I just found good HP good speed good jump decent fly though I need great fly that's the only thing I'm after okay this is gonna be one of the stupidest fights ever with is squirting water at each other we can't quite hit each other oh wait I think I got it once probably only need to do that for and if more times to kill this thing I really should remember to equip my other thing okay and jumping and attacking is don't even get me started on how that feels in this game managed to kill it it didn't give me its parts but it did give me some evolution points so whatever I'll take that as confirmation guys I don't want to talk about it but that was there any stupid part I just noticed for the first time there's a dragon down there I would love me some dragon parts and hopefully their fire resistant because I do that a lot more than I should walks now gives me a jump +5 I'll take that because my stupid water tail thing isn't really that amusing now I like just better than ever I actually thought this was gonna be a friend turns out it's not okay what do you do can I touch you without being hurt I didn't drop many parts of this time but I might actually describe this area again and again until I get its parts and no I'm not even sure that's how it works if you haven't noticed I base pretty much everything I do on wild ridiculous assumptions the new parts hidden in the corner battle-worn limbs sounds very helpful and this is probably gonna kill me right now because it's a pretty stupid corner to be in lion legs give me speed +5 I just put on my Fox legs that's money well spent I'm pretty sure that and we're definitely gonna be putting on Eagle arms it had +5 speed bonus jump bonus and parents whatever that is I'm sure that's gonna be remarkably amazing yeah look at it go what a special attack I mean the door is that's gonna open now we're gonna be unstoppable nobody looking pretty good though it's like my bird legs my stupid fangs big antennas that don't do anything I'm just gonna kill a dragon thing like ten times in a row hopefully getting some of its parts not like that though look at our creature stats no though all that attack jump and speed are catching up HP never really an issue for me because I just died so much anyway I could have literally 1 million HP and I would still die every 30 seconds alright dragon let's do this I feel like it's probably pretty useless I mean I spend so much time trying to get its parts and then it's gonna be completely dumb here we go inner side a pounce attack and it just doesn't work you just jump right past the stupid dragon okay it's all about timing there we go I hit at once oh I got dragon parts dragon arms the worst part of a dragon but I'll take it of course they come with pounce their attack +6 what I have now is attack 5 plus speed plus jump plus pounds I'm gonna stick with Eagle arms for now but we're gonna get the rest of the dragon parts also new color scheme as soon as we can more dragon parts what did we get this time dragon ma pretty sure that's the mouth and it's much much better oh and from attack 3 to 6 just like that by these have a weird mouth on top of my head it give which can we just remove the head altogether you can remove other parts no head interesting yeah let's try that that's much better this poor creature by the end of its journey it's gonna be such a disaster wait why did it give me a plant stem didn't I click no head I want no head long neck does it just give you a random one then that's interesting I want no head I want just a mouth okay let's just go back to the fox head for the most HP and I'm pretty sure the game crash and it's fine I've got nothing but time I can grind dragons all night especially the game crash is that we third try more dragon parts that only took about five more kills dragon wings although it would be such a shame to remove these delicate beautiful little wings but for great fly + attack bus - were absolutely going - you know what I think we're pretty much is gonna turn into a dragon pretty shortly shortly for you guys like eight hours for me probably more dragon parts dragon horns those are definitely an upgrade and the other benefit of grinding all this is I'm still stockpiling points even with the expensive dragon stuff this time we get dragon tail no that could be mistaken for a dragon tail pretty sure they're normally quite worried less jumping but more attacking I'll take damage any day since I have wings to fly with we're already practically identical finally another part these are getting pretty rare dragon eggs which actually offer me one less speed but +1 attack from what I have now I want to speed over that damage it's definitely been a while since I've seen any new dragon parts but we have collected over a thousand points our stats look something like that our attack is almost maxed out at this point or at least what I think is almost maxed out so let's see if we can go find the boss of this area throw something so much damage now that I'm killing the foxes in two hits probably closer to 1 and of course I get to a part where I once again need plant parts I suppose most people probably do have plant parts at this point but I traded all mine in for Dragon parts because I'm stupid and I don't think we're gonna make that jump these levels literally getting way harder than they used to be they were really easy at first now they're actually pretty damn challenging when did we get the dragon head I didn't know we actually had that that's gonna be lots of HP and now I look just like a dragon nothing at all wrong Hey look another dragon I didn't notice there was any more at ease and he was guiding some kind of parts battle-worn mouse we keep finding knows is there anything new ever if I'd known there's gonna be more dragons way up here I probably wouldn't spend so much time grinding that one they took forever to get to I'm actually going to die here because I don't think I can avoid those attacks maybe I made myself too big and it's respawning me all the way back here I can't even tell you how heartbreaking it is to be all the way back here I did this find out I have like a super jump if I use my lunch and jump at the same time it does this I can't really control it and I can't fly after that but it is one very large single jump I don't know what you are but I want to dunk your head in a lava just cuz I'm so annoyed right now but it is time for a new paint job ten points I think I can sacrifice that now I met I was gold now I'm a purple dragon this is the color scheme me one not that one not that one maybe that one yes this is much better we're just gonna be a shadow now and I think it's time for a boss fight so this won't be aggravating at all if it's anything like the last one now I might need some range attacks back hello can I hit you oh I see you gotta hit that thing what I say do enough damage I can guess kind of and I just sit here the whole time and do this that would be so much easier I think I can all right I like this boss fight best so far oh no no I need to get back there well clearly I wasn't supposed to be back there but I did get back there once wait did I just die nothing hits really hard I think I can get away with that though I just gotta find my way back there again now there's a certain time when you can just walk right back through it it's like when his head is tilted back and then it comes back sort of the other way so I'm gonna do my best uses hide back here as much as possible because I've had enough of the platforming and dodging fire they can't really be dodged very well least this one won't take me like six hours and 80 tries to beat and the best part is I'll probably actually get some parts off this boss as long as the game doesn't crash or anything weird would be about to die in two more bites one - good fight boss and I think we got us a new head we got all of the parts and lots of points so these obviously have to be good for something wow they're really going all out on those well we got a new skull at least HP for attack 6 plus byte what are we using now attack 6 bite its base of eight is better because of the extra HP same amount of damage which means we look like this alright shadow dragon we had our fun no look like a ridiculous banana now I'm just gonna embrace the ketchup and mustard color scheme seriously it's gonna make me put a plan fire back on just to get back in the other direction I think creatures just work better when their legs are really uneven and I think we got a new area that one took the longest if any of them by a long shot probably because I was grinding the dragon and yes that's exactly what it sounds like what is this adorable creature can I eat it I don't know if all parts of that thing though with a lollipop antenna have any use and everything's giving me so many points now it's great shrine enlightened tales easily would add a point five jump and remove my attack I'm probably mostly gonna ignore all the enemies here until I find one it's interesting to me that I want its parts from I got me some upgrades now not your eyes though because as you may have noticed I turned into a goddamn dragon bring it on squirrel already sure there's more of this area to explore but you know what I'll just deal with the squirrel owl let's call it two tries enlightened legs which apparently actually means nothing because I'm not seeing any new leg I'm gonna stick to my dragon ones all right stupid beaver let's do this it may have bugged out cuz it's just running into the wall right now I don't think easy victory I always will this is embarrassing you've got no idea that's cool I didn't want to new your parts anyway I'll take dragon over squirrel any day uh okay I didn't really read that but I get the feeling this might be the final boss oh look Reagan things oh there are some interesting contraptions coming down so apparently the way to beat this is you just to beat these things as they slowly run out me and I'm okay with that cause it's gonna make a very easy boss fight' that's it keep throwing the weak stuff at me I'll keep eating it I didn't necessarily find all of these parts because they didn't really bother to cry and I neither stupid animals but some of these like you look pretty fun I kinda regret not playing with more of these and it's almost dead so we'll go ahead and finish off I don't care what you had to say a brave creature you know what at least I ended up looking not half bad by the end of the game and I guess that's that so I get to start a new game plus I guess I just get all my evolution points but none of my evolutions and I by no means ran out of evolution points last time so great I don't know it was simply gonna restart my game I might have reload up my last checkpoint to play with a few more combination but here I am back a useless blob
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 851,783
Rating: 4.9392738 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerouslyfunny, dangerously, funny, miscreation, miscreation evolve your creature, miscreation gameplay, dangerously funny, pc, gameplay, dangeoruslyfunny, miscreation end, miscreation ending, dragon, Spent Hours Finding The Best Parts For My Creature
Id: eqT8TU3rCkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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