Birthdays the Beginning - Part 1 - The Seed of Life! - Let's Play Birthday's The Beginnings Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome to a game called birthdays at the beginning now this is a game that I got a few days ago in a bit testing it out and playing it and this I cannot put it down I constantly want to play more of it because it is a absolute ton of fun the whole objective of the game is kind of a cross between like spore in Viva Pinata where we have a little garden world and as we change the landscape of that garden world more and more creatures spawn into the game but if you get too far some of them might go extinct so kind of a whole creating an ecosystem and growing your world through that we start with plankton and we work our way up to like dinosaurs and humans and all sorts of cool stuff up in the tire tech tree so this game does come out on May 9th for North American users and May 12th for people in Europe and I believe the rest of the world and it is both a steam game and a ps4 game so I'll have all the links down below in the video description that you can check out and it is developed by Arc System Works and toybox and published by NIS America who are kind enough to sponsor this first video of the series if you guys want to see more of it definitely let me know down below and I will get gladly make more of this game because it is a ton of fun for me alright guys so we are going to jump into free mode and we're going to start with let's start with a small map size we're not going to transfer anything over wrists are brand new and fresh and there is our little map check that out so the objective now is to basically go into micro mode we go down here into our world looks like a moonscape doesn't it just a general moonscape just looks like the mode not much there now we're going to go to like the edge of the map here you see we have an HP bar down there and the HP is basically the acting points and we're allowed to use action points I have 50 to start with as the whole one as we level up we get more actions so what I want to do to start with just kind of create a nice little ocean eat area over here and we'll try to get some plankton to spawn cool so used up my 50 HP to make a little bit of a water puddle down here you can see our temperature we have temperature 1% of our map is water 99% is land and we have different things here so this is low land here obviously it's low and down here is the shallows and we have the temperature so now human the area is 2 so let's go back to the macro mode you switch back to here and we can we can start time and as time goes we have cube gears that go forward about the first million years is all like developing mold than flankton like that we got phytoplankton today and it really likes our area so cool we can't go see the plankton but we did get a bunch more HP so I'm going to use that to develop a little bit more water here hey we just got a little bit warmer temperature so our base temperature has now gone up because we have more water mass if we made a big melter somewhere then our temperature will go down because there's more water so cool we got another 50 units gone I go back to here and our plankton should continue growing now we're gonna run time a little bit more as we run time our HP go up and our plankton levels go up we're getting a higher population of it all right so I got the first layer there and little plankton has just spawned up in our little in a little area so we can keep getting the phytoplankton kind of a cool looking zone here let's go actually those best forward a little bit more it's like the zooplankton is not growing so it works on like food chain and stuff too the more the more food we have or each individual thing more stuff will spawn so we're getting more photo plankton now like a ton of it and it seems to have stabilized right there so you probably need a little bit more water so I just here to hit one about kicks 38 degrees I made a little bit deeper it's still shallow water there you can see we're two tiles down on it but it should be a little bit colder but we're still making it so we're gonna go back and this straw start spawning the next step we're gonna we'll see we'll see if it will sometimes it doesn't there we go so I got this Stroud but you're like oh it just went extinct so when you start making things it's a little bit difficult to sometimes let's see if we can spot another one in sometimes they go extinct is if they come back and they go too big there goes back down okay let's go look at it strong metal light it reminds me of Stromboli so it's gonna be called Stromboli eight and we can we can claim it now this is capturing it capturing it like kind of like Viva Pinata where you tamed something there we go our first our first creature and LG made up to hot cellos utilizes photosynthesis to convert to carbon dioxide into oxygen that's going to start turning our water green now to so cool we got 1400 and we leveled up finally which means I can make a 3x3 area instead of a 1x1 which is really nice also if you go back into the library here we can start looking at the tree and we did get this strong model light up here if I can click on it there it is start out a light Strom at a lecture that works and now our next thing would be this one is the sealy that lives in hot shallows and I think the jellyfish comes in here too but we have to have some sort of something else so we're gonna try to get this it requires 43 degrees so I'm going to continue making more water for us to get a little bit warmer check it out we got cycle of Medusa this has just popped in and I think that's the first of the jellyfish so we go back down to the macro mode here and I think you're way over in this quarter there you go I think the flashing pink thing is the cycle of Medusa where are you there you is look at you Oh No get back in the water a or make like it's not very buddy oh cool make sound ha whoa look at you capture looks a little bit faster then Psychlo Medusa so this is the first at the jellyfish I didn't realize that we were cold or warm enough for that yet huh well it goes to the stabilization temperature of 39 degrees so it adapts in between 28 and 63 to cool that's awesome we also got one of those things which is at the end and these are little skills that we can use little things what is it seed of mutation so if I open up the item menu and we have a seed of mutation right there and that we have to put it on a different item what is some of these other things creative knowledge value source creates a 9 by 9 negative 5 valley wow that's kind of cool small rain cloud mysterious cloud they realize I had all this stuff in here it's cool I don't really like using the seed of mutation but we can just to show you what I do get over here let's try that see the mutation on you and I think it's Jamie's it whatever so that's going to mutate eventually into something else and we'll let it you can also notice that we're getting starting to get some green junk in here which is really cool that is starting to grow some sort of kind of just the algae on the bottom and turning into a liveable habitable place ok so we got some of that we got like everything here now we're just going to let time roll and see what happens now I want to start time so you get our HP back and we're going to fast forward time a little bit you can see fast forwarding so we got a calorie yeah let's go check out ab let's just let it run for a little bit it seems that there's some enough of them Oh psycho Medusa are they going to go pink well they might oh that's it that's the first the seaweed plan huh it looks like they're starting to stabilize oh we got plenty now oh we just got oh rakia and our robot alarms on we're going to get awful but oh man so much stuff it's gone again what is all this it's amazing we're starting to get growth oh okay I got it I got the stop stop stop making it so many plants in junk we got to go in and explore you man we got oh man ok what's this let's start with this this is captured what do we capture this time what are you going to be uh Astros I'll on okay and that is a land plant yes we level up again whoo what are you gonna be I think these are like normal recovery leaves yeah okay well we got a bunch of other stuff look at all those flashing pink stuff in here and this is like a whoopsie it's like a shell of some sort oh it's a trilobite it's moving yes l raffia a trilobite native the high-temperature shallows cut us along the ocean floor cool and then this is the new plant that we got as well who was that fruit of knowledge that sounds good and I'll take this which is just a seaweed and every time we capture something we get more experience for it so we want to capture everything so we can level up yet another capture which is a shell a brachiopod cool it looks like there's one more thing over here oh it's a starfish and what is this dark fish a carnivorous creature so size on dinner omnes nice we leveled up again oh wow I can do a 5x5 ever you know awesome and we still have some more pink stuff up here on shore looks like another plant type yep it is will claim you and there is no way that I can pronounce that bar agua seen eeeh sure uh yeah neat just a new plant land plant awesome and we got something of yellow up top look at all these plants we're doing well so what I want to do now is kind of make some rivers in now there is a river that you can run up of a mountain and as you run that off of mountain it it brings water down and it creates a new biome but right now we're just going to make a little base so I've driven a little bit of a river through here looks pretty cool I like that and I started making a mountain over here trying to even out the temperature we don't want it to get too hot I kind of like to keep it around 36 degrees 36 to 40 somewhere in there it really depends on how the tree looks and what we're trying to get next we've unlocked what 700 unlocked nine different guys and our goal now is to kind of go down some into the trees so we have the first of the trilobite the next one down here requite requires shallows but 28 34 degrees so we're still a little bit warm 30 degrees for the next jellyfish and 37 so oh that one actually could spawn we could do all right but it requires the sea height which is too deep for us right now now we also have another one of these so you can see that these require a lot colder but we might not want to go down that tree I might want to go down one of these other trees like this because that one takes it pretty warm to 41 degrees we'll have to warm up a little bit and then they start to cool off after that but we want to go down what are these Nautilus not alistun that goes down another tree to get squids and junk oh there's a shark awesome what's this one a little little guy like that so birth depth 41 degrees we might want to get that one it really depends on which trees we want to go down do we want to get fish if we do then we probably need to make it a little bit warmer the water is currently 41 degrees so you might want to make it a little bit warmer right now but I think I'm going to just gonna let it run and see what we can get to spawn there we go starting down starting to populate some of their water plants around they're starting to get some more drier plants in along the sides I love that man this is cool preventive simearth in a way getting a whole bunch of cool stuff nothing is going extinct so that's good we have a lot of travel bytes women around I think it might be time to do a little bit more terraforming try to get a little bit warmer I think so we're to do try to get up to 40 41 degrees or so I'm gonna try to get a sea level here and that shallows okay that's down to see you now let's try to try to flush this out a little bit better try to get down so we can get a little bit more depth for our new fishy to spawn so we got it deeper and still 37 degrees might need some more water um I don't know what to do maybe make a little Delta here look it look at all that life in here isn't that so cool okay let's let's make a little tributary come off over here somewhere so I made another River in here couple rivers and I dropped down that mountain hopefully we can get other temperature up a little bit more nothing was really spawning so wanted to see if we could just adjust it that's what this game is all about adjusting back and forth trying to get new things to spot in we could probably use the seed of mutation to get some more things but I just want to do it naturally I guess hey we got something we got those wok-fried I don't know what that is nothing else pun that's good news I got I had deeper water down there I was hoping that we'd get some of the the new jellyfish down there looks like that's the new starfish of sorts and it's doing quite well there's a lot of them there cyclamen deuce is going down so the guy we got is way down here a little a little starfish so way down here in the deep sea or the regular streets not quite deep sea yet see what he is oh yeah that's cool the bottom of the sea instead of the shallows that's our first I guess deep animal down there and it looks like a lot of this area is turned into just grasslands now a little bit of dry stuff over there that's not too big of a concern I want to look at my items here we have a valley source what is this water of life mysterious water that boasts the fraternity of organisms when plankton reproduce it may appear in a cube huh should we use it I'll use it why not that sounds funky whatever that did we did now we can go over there's a valley source a normal recovery leave small through the knowledge where these see the evolution let's try to see the evolution on I don't know what we're going to use it right you and you yay and what's this next one fruit of knowledge oh wait oh you have to use that on a very specific thing there's recovery leaves me you got something else field source obtained cool there's a seed of evolution to will use this on cyclin Medusa and now hopefully is this will do some more stuff I need to warm it up a little bit more I think I want to get it to like 41 degrees so we're gonna do some more work here hey we're gonna try it we're gonna see what happens yeah there we go oh my you just spawned in uh five things all at the same time home it's a giant fish oh man we gotta go look at it come here fish where are you hey where are you all again oh it's so cool-looking come here come here you all look at him what is it I like it whatever it is okay look look man old man a large sea predator those tombs in very hot waters means a lot of prey to survive I'm guessing well it's rarity I have no idea how that works I think this is probably from one of those evolution seas that we did but we do have 41 degrees Celsius now as our average temperature awesome okay we gotta go see what else we have let's go back out of this menu and we have another plant over here where are you this is another mollusk oh and another level howlite we have 500 hit points now we started the game with what was it like 50 you can see how how crazy this game gets after a little bit of time so it's kept for you know I have any idea where you are oh look it's a little cool too coral awesome and then this guy it looks like some sort of would it be oh there's a jellyfish too like some sort of yeah yeah recept look or date I hope I pronounced that right you get some sort of weird Wiggly thing awesome we got some more plants up here so let's take a look at her tree again I wonder where that big guy is oh it's right here isn't it oh nice so that looks like a really rare animal and what is this oh that's the that's the next pod first time okay that's a little bit too warm we got the corals man maybe I am maybe I got it too warm now that's alright looks like everything shouldn't spawn it's a little role for a little bit we're going to do some fast-forwarding now just to see if something else happened some of these things I don't see and throw because we don't see them if we go down to the map so I don't know somebody's just going extinct no yeah there's nothing pink down here flashing so I don't know what's down here the pie Kyah and that anthro karuta Medusa so she should probably come back yet oh yeah they're spawning in and dying so maybe it'll work oh man we're getting a lot of things coming in there we go but hiya guys come back in likely out when you first get them to spawn in it's kind of goofy oh I don't see him there's no key things on here shoot there we go you got two new things Castrol Silas it looks like a fish in something else oh there's there's two down here okay let's go check out what do these things are did my I did my big guy I think you would extinct Oh what is this looks like a fish or something I can't tell oh yeah look at that a jawless fish cool now what is down deep down here oh come back here hey where are you why are you fish there you are oh where did that little school fish hey I want to I want to look at you yes we captured him well cool so it's just a small fish they just we really have to often forget that underwater we're starting to get there we're getting there hey we just got something else Kyle Oh something or another looks like a new coral variant Oh Zach about the sausages sausages I cannot pronounce any of these words this is so many weird things here I'd have to go look in the menu pretty soon Wow those fish are over a million now 1.6 million fish in here and it does look like our giant sea predator has died oh oh yeah here he is another jobless fish yeah look at that nice something else right here is that the new coral type uh yeah a Helio a phylum wherever that means cool I kind of want to use that the seed of mutation on some stuff let's go use that on these these fish down here see if I can oh we're like right here I want to use it on you where it's Richie oh there you go go over your data by on me and let's do it on a land plant too maybe we can find a good land plant Miller is it look like we have maybe we should work on the land plant some pop it on this guy cool that'll appear in the cube and why don't we hit something else like starfish sure so you got enough of them yeah we don't have much for plants at all so what do these guys take land only the temperatures are low I wonder because there's a there's a unit that I've never played with these will or tried here for a second this is still low land in is 41 degrees I think right go over to these there's like a global cooling II may appear I don't know if I want that I don't have any of this other stuff do we oh it finds things down in a valley source okay yeah I don't really see anything too interesting here to use oh yeah is it a river River source oh nice let's make it let's make a river or to bring this up some so made some sort of river up here and arrived made something so I can make a river I guess that's the best way to describe it and it says I can do it in a 3x3 area I kind of want to do it like up here go pop in a river source and that just makes like a puddle and now our goal is to drop this down and it'll flow water all the way down this little mountain which would be awesome can't wait to do this alright so I've managed to actually get the river in here and wow that cool water just runs down it actually looks different on the mini-map because it is a fully different biome source so get out of here and we're gonna see if you do on here now if I go hit C renew we're gonna get our stuff back up oh we got anything in sight got a couple new things uh sakai don't fight fight time no idea what that is let's go look maybe maybe you can see maybe it's a fish toy it's in the water okay I see something like right here what are you oh it's a mold or something nice wood we get and there is something in the river cool just a plant and is this a river fish and it's a freshwater cool oh just a freshwater clam awesome let's go back we're just going to fast order and see if anything else will spawn here at that time going and this fast forward I've been feeling some stuff's going to go extinct dude we got to do things proto's oh it died or any on the patio now that thing didn't die set a tree Oh with like a a mushroom tree look at it going forgetting so many of them [Music] Hey our starfish thing came back nice so it looks like it's pretty much stabilized now let's go looking look at these fungus trees wherever they are wow they look cool don't they let's see what they do and hit the B button we're going to capture these guys up I don't know what else we have to capture here ie bacteria can get big unite as one oh so it's a bacterial no this is a fungal mess that towers over fresh water and wetlands decomposes plants such as Margaret pnina cool well guys I hope you've enjoyed this first video of birthdays beginning if you did and you want to see more definitely let me know down below in the comment section go ahead and check out the game it is available on ps4 and scheme and all the links down below in the video description if you want to check them out look at us we've got we've got some freshwater plants in here we've got our fungal trees and got a lot of these different things you can get small recovery leaves and all sorts of other cool stuff so guys thank you for watching and keep your stick on the ice look at you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,369,809
Rating: 4.9112287 out of 5
Keywords: Birthdays the beginning, birthdays the beginning game, birthdays, beginning, birthdays the beginning gameplay, birthdays game, dinosaur game, Birthdays the beginning PC, birthdays the beginning ps4, birthdays the beginning part 1, BtBS01
Id: SHZTkpgCYc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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