How To Become A Pigeon And Poop On Everything in Pigeon Simulator

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so do you remember that one time a few years ago when there was a game called ghost simulator 2 came out yeah well this one's not goat simulator it's called pigeon simulator and it's like a full beta test by basta studios you guys might remember those as the ones who made I am bread which is probably why the pigeon here has a chunk of bread stuck on its face because they're not really the smartest but we get to be a pigeon so that's cool oh wow that lady has a flamethrower was that a guy I don't really know anyway we're gonna do it okay so we're pigeon I can fly in circles hey I'm feeling lost sure oh hey look I've got a different camera oh we can see all the people can I poop on them can I pop on a person Oh dirty they're incoming dive bump ow that was horrible I love it I need to do it again I need to do it again let's let's drop another deuce on their heads and bingo oh oh you're starving I'm pooping on a human okay I need to eat is that garbage can I just eat the garbage coming down for a landing oh yes yes I'm gonna totally eat that I'm gonna totally eat whatever that is a fry box okay and then a little bit of Starbucks order to get some Starbucks and her liver but you know it looks really good check out that dude he's got a a sweet riding on this table here here you guys have that you do that real quick and I'm gonna come in here and I'm gonna steal your lunch maybe Oh land it plant it wait yes yes I'm gonna totally eat all this food I don't eat that one's probably full oh I got purple stuff in my liver and it were to eat a hot dog nice we're to eat one of these oh it's the best day ever best day of my life and then we're gonna totally eat whatever hot hot pocket that is there we go photo that was bad hey oh I just pooped right I pooped out on the table that's disgusting fly away fly you fools ow that hurt there's there's a wall there okay ready get set and let's see if we can take a dump on a car come here a car yo Shelby he just disappeared okay oh that was a good dive bomb alright let's see what have we got I don't like that car see if I can find a cop car cuz I know they're in the game you don't scratch that we're gonna go straight 1984 and take a dump right on this thing oh it's a paint ball I just paint balled it oh wow okay that didn't really do anything oh I could put sticks to make a nest let's do that I've found a stick right here yeah grab it oh I got a stick oh it's so big it's so heavy okay this is how pigeons make nest if you didn't know they grabbed giant logs from the forest and then put them on top of photon's in the middle of the park feel like there's a Monty Python joke in this game that needs to be in here oh hey whoa I can lay eggs which is the B key this one Hey yeah Oh No can I totally poop on my eggs oh I can't cuz I'm sitting down I love all there's an aspect of this game that's literally sit on nest for like three minutes waiting for these nasty little pink googly eyed monsters to hatch okay do they get bigger or better do I poop on them how do I feed my babies maybe if I stealing stuff from the unsuspecting humans Oh dive-bomb okay we got to go take their hot dogs there we go here we go hot dog time oh I missed it I got it no I dropped my hot dog it's always fun and games until someone loses their wiener come on oh no no no pull up pull up ready and drop bomb yes good work oh you know wall here we go I've got a bagel my babies need a bagel here we go smell things eat this ow ow crashing - all right so I was trying to get out I fell down oh I'm so bad all right hot dog time don't missed it and drink oh I got it I got the Starbucks they're gonna love Starbucks all right little dorks eat this did they like it I don't know are they eating it oh that was a fiery turd a bagel maybe the little bagel here if I hold X what happens and activate no that didn't do anything why are my baby pigeons not eating things they don't even know about me they don't even know that I'm stealing their bagels and healing up Hey I ate sticky foods I don't know what that is but here oh I got my cup perfect okay babies you need this in your life you're gonna die if you don't have it there you go I gave you I gave it to you there we go there we go oh no he's gonna disappear poof that's gonna poop on the cop car you're a different one I got a sticky turret all made up ready to go and you better believe me it actually is it's supposed to be sticky and drop it oh oh that was a good one haha okay ready I'm gonna drop another one on his face oh nice no I thought my head a different car I hit a different car you try to hit one of these guys oh it was really drop double drop oh that was cool okay that was like bubble gum I just dropped my hit no I knocked him out okay can I pick him up no wait wait wait oh that might be a good one oh that guy's hiding under umbrella I think I think I got a curveball in there I did yes I've taken him all out oh except for this guy in the back oh he's down too no he's not he's not we got to read we got our light up again and turn around and ready get set ready aim fire I missed I missed I'm gonna hit the wall here we go I'm gonna eat a spicy burrito beautiful oh it's spicy noodles this is good stuff Wow a fart head what'd you do that for can I pick up the guys hey hey buddy hey come with me come with me oh this neck is broken okay I want to pick him up okay come here just bite him bite him right in the crotch come here come here yeah poop on him ouch you turd face why'd you do that I got a nice spicy burrito turn all lined up ready for you sir Bob Oh dominated put my entire digestive tract into you with spicy things hey that guy spawned in there we go here we go this speaker on a hot day there's things that I can do eat flammable foods I just did that I thought blow up a hotdog stand yes Oh destroy a car my favorite ready aim fire oh yeah blow it up I don't think so we got to go in for another landing oh that was a good one nice that was - it's on fire and boom oh oh turn turn pigeon bro Bob nice one oh I think I think I'm doing it is it gonna burn is he gonna blow up there we go there that was a massive Duke why won't this car blow up I lit it on fire it is Oh what was that I don't even know what I was eating there so what happens if I throw up oh they like getting thrown up on cuz it can imagine birds do that yeah okay I'm feeding them my vomit and pink and blue things oh great I'm gonna be empty oh you guys hang out there for a while I'll be right back with a reload cuz I gotta unload so I can reload Hey yes I could find food from these humans too thank you very much game I knew that wow I'm gonna Peck his eyes out you know barf right on his face laughs all right baby dinguses come here Otto I'm even an incompetent as a bird there we go and barf on him yes give him the purple juice in their mouths yes oh look a they're just spraying out oh I think I've done it yes wait where'd they go did they fly away I invested the plaza though that's a good thing I'm gonna do it again oh wait one of my babies are my babies pooping on everything there they are yes they're doing it it's working oh nice I'm taking over the plaza and we're gonna drop right on this guy's head oh yeah oh oh I took him out yes it was perfect oh no exterminators deployed what I'm just trying to build another nest where are they oh nice maybe my dudes that you are you an exterminator drop out there it is there it is oh there he comes no no you're not allowed oh I got it wait he's actually burning it what oh that's good hit that's good hit nice took him out beautiful job I want that gun No can I have that gun Oh perfect shot hello yes sir I would like to pick your eyes up hahaha who just here let's just turn this way oh no it's possessed it moved ready go here comes another one here comes another one and incoming boom oh I didn't hit him you're trying to burn my stuff down oh I'm so bad at this let's let's freeze him we're gonna freeze him out oh that was a good shot nice man town get out of here get out here yes you must you must leave for the choir I've also yes get him get him eat it eat it eat it eat barf autumn yes I just marked all over him I think he's done now I want that gun no though can I have your gun you have your flamethrower oh so what happens if I fly into a building this might be really bad but it's gonna be fun oh so there's razor wire on top of that fence that look dangerous going in boys going in we got a recon mission is there any food or anything I could poop on can I build a nest in here oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this I want it in my life hello can I pick it up I should have been able to pick that up there is a message on it oh wait wait wait what can I eat it I'm gonna eat the entire barrel of hold on I just ate an entire barrel and I'm gonna jump over Wow look at them pro skillz I just okay no I can jump over an invisible gap but I oh come on I can't even good get stupid bird do you dumb dingus get your ugly bird likes this is the worst bird ever what about the outhouse can I tip it over it'd be funny Wow also why is there an outhouse on literally the top I don't really know what that would be a really bad place can I Drive a forklift get off me now get off me this is this is how how life of a pigeon ends oh you don't know no what are you guys doing no let me go let me go I'm do young today I just need to eat more giant metal barrels please please okay that's not what now these guys won't let me go I'm stuck in I'm stash no I'm just gonna beat to a pulp in the corner what about my babies what about my babies though so what was it there's a parka Plaza a factory in Old Town oh here's Old Town I haven't been over here yet it looks very similar to the rest of the world okay where's the where's the nest area over here right there on top of the powerlines no one wow that's a gigantic nest before I go off making babies I'm just gonna fill my entire digestive tract with garbage look at me I'm a human ouch ouch that wasn't nice now I'm stuck in a fence now I can see why there's always dead pigeons in cities I just need I just need to land so I can make babies yes yes I could do it make the babies until we're just gonna straight-up vomit all on the little pink things there we go oh they're making it yuck that is so disgusting you're just gonna cover them in our own our own external body fluids I don't even know what that means but it's just gross I'm gonna cover my entire nest Oh No okay I'm out I'm out of poop oh no we're gonna die we're gonna die oh yes yes each quick before I die and drop them oh I missed oh I didn't miss that was a perfect shot perfect shot we're gonna die bomb yes Oh nosiness okay get down in there we got it we got to get our babies fed that doesn't work all right maybe it does oh oh I mean I made it somehow barf on him quick really hard oh no I needed more food in my life and then died again [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 461,500
Rating: 4.9401908 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, pigeon, pigeon simulator, bird simulator, pigeon simulator game, pigeon simulator 2019, pigeon simulator gameplay, pigeon simulator trailer, pigeon simulator funny, simulator, simulation game, oct2019
Id: gO23wi3OlBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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